HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Legislation (Version 5)of Miami Legislation Ordinance City Hail 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miarnigov.Com File Number: 08-01015zt Final Action Date; AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE 6, SECTION 616, SD 16, SD-16.1, 16.2 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN-PARK WEST, COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, ADDING REGULATIONS IN SUB -SECTION 616.12, FOR THE CREATION OF THE SD-16.3 "MIAMI WORLDCENTER", GENERALLY BOUNDED BY NORTHEAST 2ND AVENUE TO THE EAST, NORTH MIAMI AVENUE TO THE WEST, NORTHEAST 11TH STREET TO THE NORTH AND NORTHEAST 6TH STREET TO THE SOUTH, EXCLUDING THE AREAS GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS "THE CLUB DISTRICT" AND THE "NETWORK ACCESS POINT OF THE AMERICAS (NAP CENTER)"; SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS AS SET FORTH; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of October 15, 2008, Item No. P.1, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB-08-040 by a vote of five to zero (5-0), recommending APPROVAL, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS., .the City..Con.mission, after careful consid.eratiart.of this matter deems it advisable ... ........ and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its citizens to amend its Zoning Ordinance as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, is hereby amended by amending the text of said Ordinance as follows:{1 } "ARTICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec, 616, SD-16, 16.1, 16.2 Southeast Overtown-Park West Commercial -Residential Districts, and SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter. * Sec. 616.12. SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter. City of Miami Page 1 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File Nvnter z The Miami Worldcenter (hereinafter also referred to as the "SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area i generally bounded by NE 2nd Avenue on the east, North Miami Avenue on the west, NE 1'lth Street on the north. and NE 6th Street an the south, excluding the areas generally described as "The Club District" and the "Network Access Paint of the Americas NAP CenterN". The boundaries are more specifically identified in Map 1. 16.12.1 Miami Worldcenter Goals The conservation goals include conserving energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions through improved street connectedness to encourage walkability, and transit use. increasing tree canopy. and encouraging green buildings. 16,12.1.1 The development goals include: • Specific areas that are compact, pedestrian -oriented and mixed -use. Increased density and intensity of use is encouraged due to the proximity of current and proposed transit service and ppropriate building densities and land uses should occur within walking distance of transit stops. • Maintaining the future growth of downtown infill redevelopment ensuring Miami's focus for the region's economic, civic, and cultural activities. A diversity of uses distributed throughout the selected specific area of an existing District that enables a variety of economic activity, workplace, residences and civic space. Civic and commercial activity should be embedded in the mixed -use District as identified in the Intent for SD-16, 1.6.1, 16.2 Southeast Overtown-Park West Commercial -Residential Districts. .Oiuc _and..public gathering spaces. should be located to reinforce community identity.‘ • Buildings and landscaping contribute to the physical definition of Thoroughfares as civic places. • A specific area within an existing District that includes a framework of transit and pedestrian systems that accommodates automobiles while respecting the pedestrian and the special form of public spaces. • Ensuring that private development contributes to infrastructure and embellishes a pedestrian and transit friendly public and private realm of the highest quality. The Miami Worldcenter Design Standards ("Design Standards") and the Miami Worldcenter Regulating Plan ("Regulating Plan") provide more detailed clarification to the SD 16.3 Worldcenter area and are incorporated herein by reference. 16.12.2 Effect of SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area Designation. The SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter Master Plan Design Standards and the regulations herein shall supplant districts or portions of districts included within the SD-16 Special District boundaries to the —tee, n-i; idicated..-#herein. City of Miami Page 2 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File rNuriiber. 08-01815zf 6.12 3 Glass i1 Special Permit. When required. A Class 1! Special Permit shall be required prior to approval of anv permit affecting the height, bu1i4 location or exterior configuration of any existing building or the construction of a new building; or for the implementation of signage, awnings, fences or anv other improvement visible from a public right-of-way. 16.12.3,2 Considerations in making Class li Special Permit determinations. The purpose of the Class 11 Special Permit shall be to ensure conformity of the application with the expressed intent of Sec. 616. SD-16, 16.1, 16.2, Southeast Overtown-Park West Commercial -Residential Districts, with the general considerations listed in Section 1305, and with the special considerations contained in the Miami Worldcenter Master Plan Design Standards and Regulating Plan incorporated herein by reference. 16.12,3.3 Waiver of Design Standards. Pursuant to Sec. 1512, unless otherwise required by the SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area, as amended, Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Code of the City of Miami, as amended, or the Florida Building Code, as amended, and Miami Worldcenter Master Plan Design Standards, incorporated by reference (collectively, "Design Guidelines and Standards"), may be waived by the Planning Director pursuant to a Class 11 Special Permit. Waivers by the Planning Director for numerically measured Design Guidelines and Standards may not vary more than twenty percent (20%) from the numeric standard. 16.12.4 Flexible Allocation of Development Capacity When property within the SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area containing nine or more contiguous acres under the ownership or control of a single entity is submitted as a project ("Project"), the allowable floor area within the project may be allocated by the owner to individual building sites unconstrained by the FAR for any individual site so long as the FAR distribution does not result in development that is out of scale or character with development allowed under the land development regulations for the adjacent areas, allocates FAR sufficient to build structures to a minimum of two stories on all parcels within the project except open space and civic space sites, and provides all SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area requirements, including open space, civic space, and parking. Major Use Special Permit Notwithstanding any other provisions of the SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area or Ordinance 11000, when property within the SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area containing nine or more contiguous acres under the ownership or control of a single entity is submitted as a protect, a Major Use Special Permit within the project is required for: (1) non-residential or lodging uses in a single building that exceeds 975,000 square feet; (2) more than 800 residential units in a single building; or (3) any combined use which exceeds 2,800 parking spaces in a single building, except that a MUSP shall be required when a conference center, conference center hotel and related office building with a mix of retail and office uses, exceeds two million square feet. Cih° of Miami Page 3 413 Printed On: 10/31/2008 Flee Number: O8&O1W15ze 6.12.5 Definitions For the purpose of the SD-16,3 Miami Worldcenter area, the following definitions shall apply: Terms not defined herein shall have the meaning provided in Sec.2502 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami ("Zoning Ordinance°°). Abutting: to reach or touch; to touch at the end or be contiguous with; join at the border or boundary; terminate on. Abutting properties include properties across a street or alley. Arcade: A covered pedestrian outdoor space along the side of a Building at the ground level that is open on three sides and has a minimum 15 foot depth, which may provide access to shops along one (1) or more sides, per the Design Standards. Back of Curb Line: A straight building reference line established at the back of the street curb that does not offset for projections into the street such as bulb -outs or tree planting areas, as shown in Table 3 and in the Regulating Plan and Design Standards. Balcony: An unenclosed habitable structure cantilevered from or inset within a facade or elevation. Block: The aggregate of private lots, passages, rear lanes and Alleys, the perimeter of which abuts Thoroughfares. Building Configuration: The form of a Building, based on its massingtrelationship to Frontages and lot lines, and height. Building Disposition: The placement of a Building on its lot. Building Use: The uses accommodated by a Building and its lot. Building Height: The vertical extent of a building measured in Stories. Build -to -line: A line established within a given Lot indicating where the outer edge of a structure must be located. Civic Space: An outdoor area provided for public use in perpetuity by fee title or easement. Civic Space types are defined by the combination of certain physical constants including the relationship between their intended use, their size, their landscaping and their enfronting buildings. See Table 2 and Design Standards, Corridor: A lineal geographic system incorporating transportation, walkways, andfor greenways. Courtyard: Open space, partially defined by walls or buildings as regulated by the SD 16.3 Miami Worldcenter area. See Design Standards, Design Speed: The speed at which a Thoroughfare is designed to be driven. Elevation, Floor: Height of floor level. Enfront: To place an element along a Frontage, as in "porches enfront the street." City of Miami Page 4 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File Number: 08-01t 15zt Entrance, principal: The main point of access of pedestrians into a Building. Facade: The exterior wail of a building that is set along a Frontage Floorplate: The total indoor and outdoor Floor Area of any given Story of a Building, measured to the exterior of the wail or balcony. Frontage: Lot face abutting a public space, such as a Thoroughfare, whether at the front, rear, or side of a lot, Gallery. A covered pedestrian area abutting the side of a building on the ground floor which may provide access along one or more sides of a building, Green Space: an Open Space outdoors, at grade, unroofed, landscaped and free of impervious surfaces. Habitable Space: Building space which use involves human presence with direct view of the enfrontinq streets or public or private open space, excluding parking garages, self-service storage facilities, warehouses, and display windows separated from retail activity. Height: See Building Height. Infrastructure and Utilities: A facility related to the provision of roads, water and sewer lines, electrical telephone and cable transmission, and all other utilities and communication systems necessary to the functioning of a community. Layer, First: The area between the Back of Curb Line and the Build -to Line as shown in the Design Standards. Layer, Second: Twenty feet (20) siteward from the Build -to Line. Laver, Third: That portion of the lot that is not within the First and Second Layer. Layer: A range of depth of a lot within which certain elements are permitted as regulated in the SD 16.3 Miami Worldcenter area, as provided in the Design Standards. Liner A building or part of a building with Habitable Space specifically designed to enfront a public space, masking a use that has no capacity to monitor public space, such as a parking lot, parking garage or storage facility. Open space: Any parcel or area of land or water, located at the ground level floor, essentially unimproved by permanent buildings and set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment or for the use and enjoyment of owners and occupants of land adjoining or neighboring such open spaces, Open Space includes the ground floor level of Galleries, Arcades and covered and uncovered paseos. _ ark age or Parking_ Structure:. A..str..uctu.recontaining vehicular parking, including ...mechanical parking systems. City of Miami Page 5 of 13 Printed On: 19/31/2008 File Number- O& O1O15zt Paseo: A public open space restricted to pedestrian use and limited vehicular access that connects streets, plazas, alleys, garages and other public use spaces. Paseos must have a minimum width of 20'. Podium: That portion of a building up to the eighth Story. Porte Cochere: A vehicular entrance/drop-off area that includes a canopy element and a driveway that extends into the First Layer, Public Benefits Bonus: an advantage that allows a developer to increase FAR by an additional 70% of FAR capacity within the district in exchange for the developer's contribution to specified programs that provide benefit, advantages, and increased use and enjoyment of the district to the public. Retail Frontage: Lot faces designated where the ground level is available for retail use. Setback: The distance from a specified reference line to the point where a building may be constructed. Story: A level within a building by which Height is measured. Street Corridor: The space defined by the Streetwall (building facades) and the ground plane in between the Streetwalls. Streetscape: The urban element that establishes the major part of the public realm. The streetscape is composed of Thoroughfares (travel lanes for vehicles,parkinq lanes for cars, and sidewalks or paths for pedestrians) as well as the amenities of the Frontages (street trees and plantings, benches, streetlights, paving, street furniture, Building Facades and elevations, yards, fences, etc.). Streetscreen: A freestanding wall no greater than eight feet high built along the Frontage Build -to line, or coplanar with the Facade, often for the purpose of masking a parking lot from the Thoroughfare. Streetwall - Refers to the facades of buildings up to the first eight stories that face a Thoroughfare, as provided in the Design Standards. Streetwalls shape the level of visual interest on each block and create a sense of enclosure for pedestrians. A streetwall height is measured from the average grade of the sidewalk level to the first building Setback from the Build -to Line, as shown in the Design Standards. Thoroughfare: A vehicular way incorporating travel lanes for vehicles, parking lanes for cars, and sidewalks or paths for pedestrians as part of an interconnected network for vehicular and pedestrian mobility. Tower: That portion of a building that extends above the Podium. Underground Parking: Parking in which the ceiling or roof of the top level does not rise above any adioininq public sidewalk. View Corrid.or:_An,axial view..terminating ....or.._a.natural,..historical.,_.or-- special .feature_ ... City of Miami Page 6 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File Number: 1?.12.6 16.12,6.1 Frontage, as depicted in the Design Standards and Regulating Plan. 5p Lots and Frontages Buildable sites shall Entrant a vehicular Thoroughfare. or Civic Space with at least one For the purposes of the SD 16.3 Miami Worldcenter area, Tots are divided into Lavers which control development on the lot. Where the property to be developed abuts an existing building, the Planning Director may approve. pursuant to a Class II Special Permit, a transition so that the proposed building location matches or provides a transition to the adjacent building location, 16.12.7 Measurement of Height Unless otherwise specified herein, the Height of Buildings shall be measured in Stories. The height of fences, walls and hedges shall be measured in feet. The Height of Buildinafacades facing the street, fences, walls and hedges shall be measured from the Average Sidewalk Elevation. A Story is a habitable level within a Building. Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the maximum height of a Story from finished floor to finished floor is 14 feet. Below -grade levels are not considered Stories for the purposes of determining Building Height. A ground level retail Story may exceed the 14 foot limit up to 25 feet. A retail single floor level exceeding 20 feet, or 25 feet at ground level, shall be counted as 2 Stories. Where the first 2 stories are retail, their total maximum combined height shall be 39 feet and the first floor shall be a minimum of 14 feet. Where the first three stories are retail, their total maximum combined height shall be 59 feet and the ground floor and second floor shall be a maximum of 39 feet in combined floor to floor height. The three retail floors shall be counted as 3 Stories, and the total finished floor to finished floor heightof the ..Podiu .shall_n.oi...exceed....1.29...feet_ . . Single floors in a Podium above ground level used for public functions, such as ballrooms, meeting rooms, convention halls, classrooms, lecture rooms, theaters, and sports facilities may have a single Story floor to floor height up to a maximum of 60 feet. The total finished floor to finished floor height of the Podium shall not exceed 129 feet, Mezzanines are permitted. Mezzanines extending beyond thirty-three percent (33%) of the floor area of the floor plate below shall be counted as an additional floor. A Parking Structure concealed by a Liner or architectural element as provided in the Design Standards and Regulating Plan may be equal to the Height of the Podium, without regard for the number of Stories in the Parking Structure. Building Heights shall be measured in Stories and shall conform to Table 3 and to the Design Standards. First -floor elevation shall be at average Sidewalk grade, A first level Residential use or Lodging use shall be raised a minimum of two (2) feet and a maximum of three and a half (3.5) feet above average sidewalk grade, except that entrance lobbies and public spaces may be at sidewalk level. 16.12.7,3.1 Except as specifically provided herein, the Height limitations of the SD 16.3 Miami City of Miami Page 7of13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File Number.' O6 Q1O15zt We ridcenter area shall not a l to 1 an roof Structures for housin elevators stairwa s tanks ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the Building (provided that such Structures shall not cover more than twenty percent of roof area and shall not exceed the maximum Height by 14 feet; (2) water towers, flagpoles, vents, or similar Structures, which may be allowed to exceed the maximum Height by Class 11 Special Permit; (3) fire or parapet walls. Roof decks shall be permitted up to the maximum Height, Trellises may extend above the maximum Height up to fourteen (14) feet. Except as provided in Subsection, there shall be no height or coverage limits for (1) non-functional decorative architectural elements, and (2) solar or wind energy collectors. 16.12.7,4 No Building or other Structure shall be located in a mariner or built to a Height which constitutes a hazard to aviation or creates hazards to persons or property by reason of unusual exposure to aviation hazards. In addition to Height limitations established by the SD 16.3 Miami Worldcenter area, limitations established by the Miami -Dade County Height Zoning Ordinance as stated in Article 37 of the Code of Miami -Dade County (Miami International Airport) shall apply to Heights of Buildings and Structures. A letter authorizing clearance from the Miami -Dade Aviation Department or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) may be required by the Zoning Administrator prior to the issuance of any Building permit. 16.12.8 Building Disposition Improvements on newly platted lots shall be dimensioned according to Table 3 incorporated herein by reference. Lot coverage by any Building shall not exceed that shown in Table 3 incorporated herein by reference, Buildings shall be disposed in relation to the boundaries of their lots according to Table 3 incorporated herein by reference and the Regulating Plan. Buildings shall have their principal pedestrian entrances on a Frontage Build -to Line or from a courtyard at the Second Laver. For the first two stories, Facades shall be along the Frontage a minimum of seventy percent (70%) of its length on the Build -to Line as shown in Table 3 and in the Design Standards. At the first Story, Facades along a Frontage Build-toLine shall have frequent doors and windows as provided in the Design Standards. Vehicular entries should be minimized to the maximum extent possible consistent with the level of use and shall occur at a minimum spacing of sixty (60) feet unless a shorter dane is approved by Class II Special Permit. 16.12.8,7 Setbacks from the Back of the Curb Line for Buildings shall be as shown in Table 3 incorporated herein by reference and the Regulating Plan. Setbacks from the Back of Curb Line may be adjusted to conform to an existing adjacent building location by Class 11 Special Permit. Frontage _ems from the.Build-to tine.above -the-eighth floor -for --tots q tee...... hundred (100) feet or less may be a minimum of zero (0) feet by Class 11 Special permit. The Frontage Setback from the Build -to Line shall not be required for a Frontage facing a Civic Space or a Street Corridor 90 feet or greater in width, as provided in the Regulating Plan and Design Standards. City of Miami Page 8 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File Number: 08-01015zt 16.12,8.8 Above the eighth floor, minimum building spacing is sixty (60) feet. For lots having one dimension of one hundred (100) feet or less, side and rear Setbacks from non -Frontage lot lines above the eighth floor may be reduced to a minimum of twenty (20) feet by Class Il Special Permit. Above the eighth floor in the Second Layer, at a Setback from the Build -to Line of not less than ten (10) feet an additional two stories of habitable space may extend a maximum sixty percent (60°!0) of the non -tower length of the street Frontages. Above the eighth floor an additional six feet of non -habitable space may be allowed without additional Setback from the Build -to Line to accommodate depth of swimming pools, landscaping, transfer beams, and other structural and mechanical systems and will not count as FAR area. 16.12.9 Building Configuration 16.12.9,1 follows: Above the eighth floor, the maximum Building Floorplate dimensions shall be limited as • 18,000 square feet for Residential Uses. • 30,000 square feet for Commercial Uses and for parking. Vertical mixed -use buildings with at least 33% of the Tower floors in Commercial Uses may use the 30,000 square foot Floorplate average for the entire Tower. 180 feet maximum length of a side for Residential Uses. • 225 feet maximum length of a side for Commercial Uses. Projections into the First Layer shall be as follows: Above the first story, up to'/2 of the Streetwalt..facade ...may ..project .up _to. 6... feet ..into the.First...layer;...Entry. ca :o fes..ma ._. r . t u to one hundred percent (100%) of the depth of the First Layer, except as may be further allowed by Chapter 54 of the City Code; Canopies and cantilevered awnings may project into the First Layer up to 15 feet; Above the first Story, cantilevered balconies and bay windows may project a maximum 6 feet into the First Layer; Above the Streetwall, balconies and bay windows may protect up to 6 feet into the setback from the Streetwall; Roof cantilevers, trellises and crowns may project up to 15 feet into the First Layer and be elevated one story above the roof terrace; and, Facade components promoting energy efficiency such as shading and Screening devices that are non -accessible may project a maximum of 4 feet into the First Layer. Galleries and Arcades shall be a minimum of 15 feet deep and, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in Ordinance 11000, as amended, or the Code of the City of Miami, as amended may overlap the whole width of the Sidewalk to within two (2) feet of the curb. The height of an arcade, measured to its lowest point, shall be no less than its width. All outdoor storage, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and communications equipment and appurtenant enclosures shall be located within the Second or Third Layer and concealed from view from any Frontage or Sidewalk by Liner Buildings, walls, Streetscreens, or opaque gates. Loading Docks and service areas shall be internal to the building served. Vehicular entries to loading docks and service areas shall be as provided in the Design Standards. All ground floor utility infrastructure and mechanical equipment shall be concealed from public view. At the building Frontage, all equipment such as backflow preventers, Siamese City of .Miami Page 9 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 Fide Number 03-0101541 cannections, and the like shall be placed within the line of the Facade or behind the Streetscreen. Exhaust air fans and louvers may be allowed on the Facade only above the first floor as shown in the Design Standards. Rooftop equipment, except antennas, shall be screened from lateral view. Within the Second and Third Layers, fences, walls and hedges shall not exceed a height of eight (8) feet. 16.12.10 Building Use & Density Principal and accessory uses of Buildings shall conform to Zoning Ordinance 11000, Sections 616.4 and 616.5, respectively. Densities and Intensities shall conform to Table 3 incorporated herein by reference. The calculation of the FAR shall not apply to on -site parking, to that portion of the building that is entirely below the elevation of the sidewalk, to balconies or terraces, or to same store retail uses that have a ground floor with direct access to the sidewalk and street Frontages. 16.12.8 16.12.11,1 Parking Standards The required parking shall be as follows: Use Retail and commercial Office Residential Hotel Other Theater Minimum 1 space / 1000 sf 1 space / 1000 sf 1 space / unit 1 space / 4 guest rooms 1 space /1000 sf 1...space /..7 .seats Maximum 1 space / 300 sf 1 space / 600 sf. 2 spaces / dwelling unit 1.5 spaces / room 1 spaces / 600 sf ' space ../..3 .seats .. On -street parking in the SD-16.3 Worldcenter area shall count toward the minimum parking requirements. For residential uses located within 1,000 feet of an existing Metromover stop, no off-street parking is required. Vehicular parking design standards and loading shall be required as shown in Tablel incorporated herein by reference. Parking is encouraged to be accessed by an Alley when available and otherwise as provided in the Design Standards. 16.12,11.4 All parking, including open parking areas, covered parking, garages, Loading Docks and service areas shall either be located within the Third Layer or shall be masked from the Frontage by an architectural screening layer per Sec. below, a Liner Building or Streetscreen, as illustrated in the Design Standards. Underground parking may extend into the Second and First Layers only if it jfull waderground- nd does not require raising _the first -floor .zleuatior_ofthe._Pirst. a.d Second Layers above that of the sidewalk. Ramps to underground parking shall be within the Second or Third Layers. The vehicular entrance of a parking lot or garage on a Frontage shall be no wider than 45 City of Miami Page 10 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File Number: 08 O1O15zt feet and the minimum distance between vehicular entrances shall be sixty (60) feet. A ten percent (10%) deviation may beap roved by Class Il Special Permit. 16,12.12 Architectural Standards Only permanent structures shall be allowed. Temporary structures such as mobile homes, construction trailers, travel trailers, recreational vehicles and other temporary structures shall not be allowed except as otherwise provided by Article 9. 16,12.12.2 The Facades on Retail Frontages shall be detailed as storefronts and glazed with clear glass beginning no more than 30 " above the sidewalk and extending no less than seventy percent (70%) of the length of the sidewalk -level Story as provided in the Design Standards. Display Windows in Retail Frontages must be a minimum of three (3) feet in depth, must include three-dimensional displays, should include visibility into the retail space and must be accessible from the insides stated herein. Display Windows are areas of storefront glazing that are designed to display items for sale within the retail space behind the display. Security screens shall be seventy percent (70%) open. 16.12.12,3 Roof materials should be light-colored, high albedo or planted surface. 16.12,12.4 The Facade of a parking garage that is not concealed behind a Habitable Liner shall be screened behind a screening layer recessed at least two (2) feet from the outside face of the Facade to conceal all internal elements such as plumbing pipes, fans, ducts, ceilings, slab beds and lighting, as illustrated in the Design Standards. The architectural expression shall complement and enhance the building. Ramping should be internalized wherever possible. Exposed spandrels shall be prohibited. 16,12.13 Landscape Standards 16,12 1-3.1 The First, Layer shall be surfaced and, land scaped.as, shown-in,the. Design Siandards__ 16,12.13.2 Public open space shall be a minimum 10% of the total gross lot area. A minimum of 10% of the public open space shall be landscaped, as provided in the Design Standards and Regulating Plan. 16.12.14 Sign Standards. Notwithstanding any other provision of the City code and Zoning Ordinance 11000, signs shall be permitted in the SD-16.3, and must be approved by Class II permit, either for an individual sign or a Master Sign Package. 16.12.15 Ambient Lighting Standards Average lighting levels measured at the Building Frontage shall not exceed two (2) foot-candles except where a greater level is approved by a Class II Special Permit. Streetlights shall be of a type illustrated in The Design Standards Interior garage lighting fixtures shall not be visible from streets. 16.12.16 Civic Space At least twenty percent (20%) of the required public open space in the SD-16.3 Worldcenter area shall be assigned to Civic Space, as described in Table 2 incorporated herein by reference and the Design Standards. City of Miami Page 11 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File Number: 08-01015zt 16,12.17 Allowable Increases in FAR for Providing Public Benefits, 16,12.17,1 The intent of this section is to provide bonus building capacity in the SD-16,3 Worldcenter area in exchange for the developer's contribution to specified programs that provide benefit and enjoyment to the public. A bonus of an additional seventy percent (70%) of FAR capacity shall be permitted if the proposed development contributes to the specified programs below in the amount and manner set forth herein. The percentage increase shall be based on the approved square footage for the project, including all bonuses approved pursuant to other provisions of Ordinance 11000. as amended, Affordable/Workforce Housing. A developer may acquire bonus floor area up to a maximum of 25% of the total FAR capacity by contributing to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, or by providing onsite Affordable/Workforce housing, as that term is defined by the City.,1 Trust Fund Contributions. A developer may acquire one additional square foot of buildable space for each nonrefundable contribution of $12.40 (as of the time of approval and subject to applicable price adjustments at the time of building permit application) to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund administered by the City of Miami. Future adjustments to the amount of contribution per square foot of buildable space in the SD-16.3 Worldcenter area shall be consistent with the per square foot contributions for other properties within the Southeast Overtown / Park West CRA boundary. Affordable/workforce housing on the site of the development. For each square foot of affordable/workforce housing provided on site, the development shall be allowed two square feet of additional buildable space, Public Open space. For every square foot of public open space that a project provides onsite in excess of the required amount of public open space, the development shall be allowed 3.29 times the development capacity of the land provided. The open space may be a courtyard, plaza, or pedestrian passage through a site connecting two streets, -as -those -spaces .are described in .Table. 2, or part of the Streetscape, per the Design Standards. Sustainability. Fifteen (15) percent additional FAR capacity shall be allowed for buildings certified by the U.S. Green Building Council as LEED certified. If the City adopts a sustainability_ program, the 15% bonus for the minimum standard for the SD-16.3 Miami Worldcenter area shall match the City's minimum standard for certification. Additional increments of FAR capacity provided under the City program for LEED certifications at higher than the minimum standard shall be added to the base 15% established herein. (For example, if silver certification is adopted by the City as the minimum standard, with a 2% increase in floor area to go from silver to a gold, projects in the SD-16.3 Worldcenter area would receive a 1 5% increase for meeting the minimum silver standard and a 17% increase for meeting the gold standard). If at the time the first Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the building that received a public benefits bonus for a Green Building, the anticipated LEED certification has not been achieved, then the owner shall post a performance bond in a form acceptable to the City of Miami. The performance bond shall be determined based on the value of land per square foot of building in the area of the City in which the proposed project is located, which may be adjusted from time to time based on market conditions. The methodology for determining the value of land per square foot of building shall be maintained in the Planning Department. The City will draw down on the bond funds if LEED certification has not been achieved and accepted by the City -within-one-year of the City issuance of the C-ertificate €-Oecupancy for the -buildin .... Fuunds-that..... become available to the City from the forfeiture of the performance bond shall be placed in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. 16.12,17.5 Streetcar Infrastructure: A developer in the SD 16.3 Miami Worldcenter district may select City of Miami Page 12 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008 File NUMber 08-01015Zt to contribute and build he associated infrastructure for a proposed Miami streetcar system to be placed within the district in exchange for an equivalent bonus into one of the other Public Benefits, Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected_ Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after approval at second reading, unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission.{2} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JULIE O. BRU CITY ATTORNE Footnotes: {1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. {2}If the Mayor does not sign this Ordinance, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 13 of 13 Printed On: 10/31/2008