HomeMy WebLinkAboutTally SheetTALLY SHEET Solicitation Number Summary Deacriplion Solicitation Opening Date Prepared by Verified by 7543.5/14 Hydraulic Parts and Repays for Mobile Equipment 26-Dec-07 Km! Ra Martha Perez-Garviso IPYDRAULM, 831I j1W ASSOCIATES 7Ostreet ". ', ALTEKCO,.7NC -9340 NW70-3i;eer GEHUINIPARTS COINAPA .923U NW58 swat °T NYDRAUF.IC SVPPtYCO ape mtemamrsafrrarA.1ay=.: (OVD CTECHNIGUUIS3 INC. 6Y7330487408802 '. VendoName Is the bid responsive (if no, slate reason below) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Indicate DBD certification None None None None None Registered vendor (yes/ no) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Incumbent vendor (yes/no) Yes Yes No Yes Yes local Vendor (yes/no, If yes. indicate county) Yes Miami -Gordo Not Claimed Miami -Dade Yes Hem- Dade Yes &owerd Yas Miami -Dade RIIRPOSE The purcnase ot hydraulic Pat based on diecminte afered and the prequalification of vendors M the purchase of hydraulic repairs based on price quotes ^�y y•Z-'XN `"Isl�'`� F SDI ii}y' 'sue." k yi' l7ROUP1 - Awarded as: Primary and Secondary Vendor 1 Name of Contact Person Keith Allan Scat/ Robert Hardy Michael Gunn L. Kuachenmmtar Asriel Sebastian 2 Telephone Number(s) 305-994.7924 305-099.9797 305-599-2629 954-453.8147 305-213-0952 3 Faa Numb.' 305.994-7925 305'499.9953 305-599-4876 954-845-9524 305-936-1975 r 4 E-Mail Address K .1en5m..n corn reecr®beawm. .N . y_ wtel.0<oni .....,._. ........... ... rvww0s3s0...ecwe 5 CATALOGS LIST/INFORMATION BRAND OR MANUFACTURER R CATALOG NUN CATALOG DATE V. DISCOUNT o FEREO CATALOG DATE %DISCOUNT orsEAEo CATALOG OATS DISCOUNTY. OFFERED CATALOG DATE %DISCOUNT OFFERED CATALOG DATE DISCOUNT oFF6A60 Pressure Connections i 12-26-2007 15Y.' - N0 BID Hercules Bulldog - Various Braids 2 2108 Hercules Bulldog - Various Brands 2008 - '1660 Crane Equipment- Grizzly 4 zoos 1plsrr Parker • Commercial s 2008 15%" Wealherhead - Hose and Fittings N631..7 March 2005 ':55W Hesce . Cylinders Ot H. 2006 38% Chariynn- MolorsNaves c oOa w 2006 Hercules Seals/0 Rings 139.2ag5 2005 : 2514 Pernlco- Motors, Pumps ACT as 2004 May-01-07 49i7% Hyco - Cylinders /0•Acr r 2004 20%..... Heil- Cylinders 41I.4.5 2005 ' 1g%' Sundstrand - Pumps/Motors ALTOS 2004 29Ye Perfection - Pumps PER r10 2002 -20:ri Resrblh - Pumps/Motors GUI. CA 2005 Cessna - Pumps 031050. 2000 Eaton anon - W.aherl.ead E SPN4 MC Sept 2006 55-s91. Eaton Corporation - Aeraquip Hoses A.r10ov.MC Dec-01.07 44 3% Eaton Corporation-Aroquip Adapters A.NOG3-M0 Dec-01-07 835% Eaton Corporation - Vickers A 0Gov.0C Dec-01-07 473Y. Eaton Corporation - Hydrostatics A-HOOV. c 0.0-01-07 3TYs Eaton Corporation - Chailynn A.4OOV Mc Dec-01 .7 26•L Evrpac - Pumps/Cylinders 6325 ENFM-Gauges Nobles Jan-01-05 Monarch • Cylinders 231321 May-01-06 ` 22.7•4 Abmite- Lobe Accessories Jan-01-07 SSP- Instrumentation of Jac.01-07 9Y.. Ingersoll Rand - ARO Pumps resew. Jan-01-06 29%... '..... 6 Warranty for new parts in calendar days: 365 Mfq Prod Wrrnly 365 Mfg Prod Wrrnly 7 Warranty for rebuilt parts In calendar days: 180 90 Not Slated 90 8 Per Section 2, Paragraph (a), hu the Bidder submitted evidence that the Bidder is the manufKlurer s approved or designated distributor or stocking dealer o/ part Yes Yes Yes NO Not Applicable 4ROOP2 .. Rpdnu9d AePalrs ,"., .: „_ .,. (' ..-` ", -.. •- _ - �, '. •'. ( Awarded as: Prequal6icalion 9 Name of Contact Person Keith Allen ^&elf Robert Handy NO BID Richard Outerino Asriel Sebastian 10 Address of Facility 83/ 1 NW 70 SI Miami, FL 8340 NW 70 St Miami, FL 4301 NW 36 St Miami Springs, FL 3735 NW 78 St Miami. FL 11 Telephone Numbers) 305-994-7924 305.499-9797 305-888-2415 305-213-0952 12 Fax Number 305-994-7925 305-499-9953 305-880.4066 305-936-1975 13 E-Mail Address K al.n(Brnenearn sewco0b3Noaisee y+wenya.w....n..+. M4mNea3&Bnee<w0 14 REFERENCES ORGANIZATION CONTACT INFORMATION ORGANZATON CONTACT INFORMATION droANIZATION CONTACT INFORMATION ORGANIZATION CONTACT INFORMATION ORGANIZATIONINFORMATION CONTACT 050M c0. Nw,. 5 30 251.0350 Contra FI Equip Harry 305-988-3344 Vac-COH. Inc. Tan Armstrong 904-284-4200 MOGGSA Lula Quintero 305. 375-1969 Cmimu0y A.du. Nornmn Una 305 e29.2w3 Dora Building Caesar 305471-9797 Ori0Tech Kathie Cdligan 386462.4100 MOC-WASO D. Panberl 305.547.7011 - sr3.rt.1D gem sink, 335.513a410 Rinker Material Joel 305-229-2902 E-Ona Emergency Mewls Scelia 352-861-3733 MOC-WASD Enrique Camas 305-520-4730 15 Has the References confirmed that the Bidder has been In the hydraulics repair bustnese for at but two (2) years? yw Yes Not Applicable Yes Yes 16 Warranty for new Parts In calendar days: 385 Mfg Prod Wrrnly Mfg Prod Wrrnly 90 17 Warranty for rebuilt parts in calendar days: te0 90 90 30 18 Warranty for workmanship/labor in calendar days: Nolen. 90 90 30 19 Per Section 2, Paragraph (a), has the Bidder submitted evidence that the Bidder is the manufacturer's approved or designated distributor or stocking dealer for service (1f applicable)? Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 20 Has the Bidder met the Prequaldicalbn Requlremenb for Group 2? Yes ,. Yes a ,.. Not Applicable Gee �a 3' Yes S'' Yes :lIOT0S ;1 Prequslification based on criteria established in Section 2 Paragraph 2.6 and elsewhere to the solicitation SBE preference not applied; no vendors are SBE certified. ' Local Prefere0Ae not applicable; lowest vendors ere local vendors. This Tally Sheet is an Indication of Prequalificelion requirements only rid is not a determination of the final pr.gua6eed/awarded bidder U. UPDATED: 9-Jan-08