HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII. Tab 3. Site Utility Study12th A SITE UTILITY STUDY JULY 2008 PREPARED FOR: BRICKELL HOTEL GROUP LLLP P.O. BOX 330218, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33233 PREPARED BY: SUN -TECH ENGINEERING, INC. 1600 WEST OAKLAiD PARK BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33311 954-777-31.23 954-777-3114(fax) W% SUflte.l Wiltiam C. Lips, P.E. FL Reg. No. 61741 Awes l:e l t l: a£l ulv 2008 1NTR()M l'lae pro eat sits i cated at 30 S.W, 12'11 Street, Nifiami, ijloaid{a and has a net area of 0,86 acres. A Hampton tan & Suites is proposed, consisting of 221. hotel rooms, conference rooms with a seating capacity of 250, a full service restaurant having approximately 250 seats and 1,800 S.F. of retail space, Driveway connections are proposed onto S.W. .2t Street which will provide access for drop-off/pie:l-up at the buiidimg's main entrance as well as access into the proposed parking garage and loading zones. DRAINAGE SYSTEM General Runoff Characteristics The proposed site does not include an offsite drainage connection so all storrnwater runoff shall be collected and stored within on -site exfiltration trench and possibly discharge into an on -site drainage well. The drainage system. must be designed to accommodate the traditional runoff generated from the horizontal surfaces. In addition Miami -Dade DERM requires that for high rise buildings, the proposed drainage system also take into account runoff from o.n.e- third of the largest vertical building face. Preliminary drainage calculations are shown in Exhibit A. Site Coverage Data Horizontal Areas Building Paved (On grade Road) Sidewalk Green TOTAL AREA(ac.) PERCENT 0.64 75% 0.06 6% 0.09 10% 0.07 8% 0.8E 100% Vertical Areas 1/3 o the buildin aces Hotel Tower (1/3 x 225' x 137') 0.24 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA (including vertical areas) 1.03 93% PERVIOUS AREA 0.07 7% TOTAL RUNOFF AREAS 1.10 100% Page 2 of 4 Sit t )tIt't%` ` 1tuav Permit Criteria South Florida. Water .fVf.ir agem nt Dist.ri .t (SFWM.D Per the above site coverage data, this project requires a.n. n ironmental Resource Standard General Permit, in accordance with . the SFWMD Permit Information Manual, -Volume IV, Chapter 40E-40. l.l:iarni-Dade Count Do of Envirorrrrrerital R.csortrces 1.ana0ezneui D RM to accordance with Section D-4 of the Miami -Dade Public Works lanual., the drainage system must be designed to store the required water quality treatment volume or the runoff generated from the 5 year-1 hour storm event, which ever is greater. The minimum parking grade must be above the 5 year-1 hour storrn. elevation. Minimum Grade Criteria Parking Lot/Road Grade- Min. of: 5 year-1 hour storm elevation /z foot below back of sidewalk grade Minimum Perimeter Grade- 5 year-1 day storm elevation Finished Floor Elevation- Min. of: Project Discharge 100 year-72 hour storm elevation 6" above crown of City Rd. FEM.A Base Flood Elevation(See Exhibit B) This project does not have an offsite drainage connection unless a drainage well is permitted. If drainage wells are permitted at this location, the drainage system can be designed to store the required water quality treatment volume and then discharge any additional runoff directly into the drainage well. Drainage Wells Drainage Wells are regulated by the Department of Environmental .Protection and the main limiting criteria perinitting their use is such that the well casing shall penetrate a zone containing a minimum of 10,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). A Reasonable Assurance Report must be performed which consists of a test hole drilled and water samples collected to confirm the minimum required TDS is available within a confined aquifer beneath the site. If reasonable assurance is obtained, a drainage well can be incorporated into the surface water rmanagerrtent system. Page 3 of 4 p 2008 1S"l'121i31 tliami Dade 'at .r and Sewer Department owns and operates the pubwater mains m this area. Pursuant to the 'Letter of Availability' obtained from MiD- WA..SD, an existing sixteen (16) inch water main is located adjacent to the project site within S,W. 12 Street, from whichwater and fire services maybe connected. The estimated average daily water consumption from this project is 35,440 gallons per day (gpd), as calculated in Exhibit C. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM MD-WASD owns and operates an eight (8) inch gravity sewer main in S.W. 12th Street, abutting the northern boundary of the subject site. Pursuant to the `Letter of Availability', the sewer services maybe connected to the existing eight (8) inch gravity sewer to serve the subject project site. The estimated average daily sewage flow from this project is 35,440 gpd, as calculated in Exhibit C. V. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT On -Site receptacles for refuse and recyclables are proposed on -site. .Regular pick-up service shall be provided by either the City of Miami Solid Waste Department and/or an approved private hauling company. Page 4 of 4 SUN -TECH ENGiNEERING, INC_ 1600 W, OAKLAND PARK. BLVD_ FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311 11 TA HA PTO I SUITES SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT CALCU HORIZONTAL SURFACE LAND USE BREAKDOWN LAND USE BUILDING PAVEMENT LOADING ZONE SIDEWALK GREEN DRY POND AREA r-PERCENT 0.64 75% 0.06 6% 0.00 0% 0.09 10% 0.07 8% 0.00 0% TOTAL 0.86 100% VERTICAL BUILDING FACES BUILDING WIDTH HEIGHT in x AREA (AC.) 10 Story Tower 225 137 0.24 TOTAL ADJUSTED LAND USE BREAKDOWN* 0.24 GRADING PARAMETERS LAND USE AREA PERCENT FROM TO BUILDING PAVEMENT LOADING ZONE SIDEWALK GREEN 0.88 0.06 0.00 0.09 0.07 80% 5% 0% 8% 7% 7.2 7 7 6.8 6,5 N/A 7.75 7.2 7.7 7 TOTAL* TI.10-1 100% I TOTAL RUNOFF AREAS* LAND TYPE IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS AREA 1.024 0.072 PERCENT 93% 7% TOTAL 1.097 I 100% Pr 'ect .No: 07-3144 DATE: 7/9/2008 REV: BY: \Nu T ONS *DERM requires additional runoff generated from the vertical building faces be incorporated into the surface water management system. Exfi n Trench Total Exfiltrat on 1/C hi V(ac-in)= L x [K x tl- 2.9 2H2D„- .' + 2H2D5) + (1 T enc S ge drag urrdng Stage ft) gr+ Mon Storage (ac-ft) 2 0.00 3 0.07 4 0.14 5 0.21 5.5 0,24 Stage (ft-NGVD) 2 3 4 5, 5.5 6° 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 0.24 x 10-4)WO,1 Trench Ci ar titer ac-ft L= 200 STAGE -STORAGE CALCULATIONS Assume Linear Progression for all Areas except Lake BUILDING PAVEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 Area (acres) LOADING ZONE SIDEWALK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 GREEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 !c V`+1= 8,40E-05 H2= 4.00 ,: 3.50 10.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.18 0.22 0,22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 Volume of Storage (ac-ft) 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.33 0.43 0.54 0.65 0.76 0.87 0.97 2 Project Location Hydraulic Details Design Water Level= 2.00 Allowable Discharge* = N/A csm = Total Area x N/A f 640 = NIA cfs * DISCHARGE/POSITIVE OUTFALL NOT AVAILABLE Design Sto Storm Frequency 5 year 10 year 25 year 100 year Rainfall 1 hr 3 2 5 1 ounts-24 hour Rainfall (in.) 24 hr 7.00 8.00 9.00 12.00 Soil Storage Calculation A. Total Pervious Area = B. Depth to Water Table = 4.8 feet C. From SFWMD Permit Information Manual, Voi. IV, Figure E-1, For 'Developed/Compacted Normal Typical Sandy(Coastal), the Cumulative Available Soil Storage is: 72 hr 13.0 16 31 Sp = 0.07 acres 8.18 inches D. Site Soil Storage = Sp x (Pervious Arearrotal Area) 0.69 inches Water Quantity Calculations A. Calculate the Runoff in inches. Q= (Rainfall - 0.2 x Soil Storage)2 / (Rainfall + 0.8 x Soil Storage) Q5yr-1day= QlOyr-1 dy= Q25yr-3dy Q11:10yr-1hr= Q100yr-3day= 6.24 inches 7.23 inches 12.21 inches 4.36 inches 15,51 inches B. Calculate the RunoffVolume V= Q x Project Area (1 ft12 in) V5yr-1c1 day' VI 0yr-1d ay= V25yr-3dy= V100yr-1 V100yr-3day= C. Using the stage -storage chart and the runoff volumes calculated above, the cooresponding stages can be interpolated. (Neglecting drainage well discharge) 0.57 ac-ft Stage5yr-lday= 8.63 ft 0.66 ac-ft Stage, oyr_ I day= 9.05 ft 1.12 ac-ft Stage25yr_3dy= 0.00 ft 0.40 ac-ft Stage100yr-lhr= 7.83 ft 1.42 ac-ft StageloGyr,day= 0.00 ft 3 Wahl) fN cal Buildi F A. C repute the first inch of runoff from the entire site. 1 inch x Total Area x (1 ft 112 in) 0.07 ac-ft Compute 2.5 inches times the percentage of impery ousness. a. Site Area (SA), for water quality pervious/impervious calculations only SA= Total Area - (roof 4- lake) 0.22 Acres b. lripervious Area (IA), for water quality perviousfimpervious calculations only IA= Site Area(SA) .e Pervious Area 0.14 Acres Percentage of imperviousness for water quality %imp= (IA / SA) x 100% = 66.51 % d. For 2.5 inches times percentage of imperviousness = 2.5 inches x %imp 1.66 inches e. Compute volume required for quality detention = inches to be treated x (total - lake) x (1 ft / 12 in) 0.12 ac-ft (CONTROLS) C. Since 2.5 inches times the percentage of impervious is greater than the first inch of runoff over the entire site, the volume to be treated is: Volume to be treated = 0.12 ac-ft interpolating from the Stage -Storage Table, the Volume to be treated is met at a stage of: Stage (Water Quality) = 3.71 ft 4 DRAINAGE WELL DISCHARGE WELL CAPACITY A test well has not yet been tested at this site, therefore a prelimary well rate of 50- minute will be assumed for conceptual design purposes. gtibza = 500 gpm per foot of head Number of We Proposed = 2 Total Well Capacity= Number of Wells x Assumed Weil Capac 2 x 500 1000 gpm per foot of head 2.23 cfs per foot of head ons per WELL CASING DESIGN Well Casing shall be designed at or above the elevation of static equilibrium. Maximum static equilibrium elevation is determined by adding the mean high water elevation and the head Toss due to difference in specific gravity from fresh water to salt water. Mean High Water Elevation = 2.5 feet (NGVD) Head Loss per Specific Gravity Equalization = 2 feet Equivalent Well Water Elevation= 4.5 feet (NGVD) Proposed Top of Well Casing Elevation = 4.5 feet (NGVD) WELL DISCHARGE Discharge into the well is a function of the head on the well times the total well capacity. The head on the well is difference between the Stage and the Equivalent Well Water Elevation (after overtoping the well casing). STAGE (feet) 4.5 5.0 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 HEAD* (feet) DISCHARGE, (cfs) 0.0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 0.00 1.11 2.23 3,34 4.46 5.57 6.69 7.80 8.92 10.03 11.15 12,26 DESIGN OF WELL STRUCTURE DESIGN PARAMETERS Chin. Time (t, s Travel time from inflow to baffle 90 seconds per DER Regulations Discharge (Q, cfs) = Maximum Discharge through ONE Well during a 5-yr-1dy storm event = 1.85 cfs In case the well has greater capacity, design the well given a flow rate of the following: 2.31 ofs = 1 038 cupm DRAINAGE WELL STRUCTURE Min, Volume of Structure= Q x t 206 125 ft" Design Volume= Area x Depth = 288.0 ft3 Design Dimensions depth (ft)"` 6 width (ft) = 6 length (ft)= 8 *depth= Stage;yr_1day - Bottom Actual Time= Design VolumeiQ of Structure 124.5 seconds > 90 s ? YES 6 PROJECT NAME REVIEWER . . n PRO-ECT AREA . GROUND STORAGE TERMINATION DISCHARGE DISTRIBUTION TYPE , RETURN FREQUENCY RAINFALL DURATION . 24-HOUR RAINFALL . REPORTING, SEQUENCE . 5 C.5 PROGRAM Hampton Inn & Suites WC L 1.10 ACRES .69 INCHES 50.00 CFS S FWMD 5.00 YEARS 1-DAY 7.00 INCHES STANDARDIZED STAGE STORAGE DISCHARGE (ET) (AF) (CFS) 2.00 .00 .00 3.00 .07 .00 4.00 .14 .00 5.00 .21 1.11 5.50 ,24 2.23 6.00 .24 3.34 6.50 .24 4.46 7.00 .27 5.57 7.50 .33 6.69 8.00 .43 7.80 8.50 .54 8.92 RAIN ACCUM. BASIN TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) .00 .00 .00 4.00 .31 .04 8.00 .96 .45 10.00 1.49 .90 11.00 1.88 1.25 11.50 2.23 1.58 11.75 3.28 2.58 12.00 4.59 3.86 12.50 5.10 4.36 13.00 5.37 4.62 14.00 5.73 4.97 16.00 6.16 5.40 20.00 6.66 5.90 24.00 7.00 6.24 .0 .O .2 .3 .5 .7 4.5 5.7 1.1 .6 .4 .2 .1 .1 SUMMARY ACCUM. INFLOW (AF) .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 .2 .4 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .6 INFORMATION -RESERVOIR-- ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) .0 .0 .0 .0 2.00 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.04 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.56 .1 .0 .0 .0 3.13 .1 .0 .0 .0 3.57 .1 .0 .0 .0 3.96 .2 .0 .7 .3 4.62 .3 .1 3.7 2.2 6.16 .2 .2 1.4 2.9 5.13 .2 .2 1.0 1.1 4.86 .2 .3 .5 .7 4.49 ,2 .3 .3 .4 4.23 .2 .3 .1 .2 4.13 .1 .5 .1 .1 4.08 MAXIMUM STAGE WAS 5.16 FEET AT 12.00 HOURS MAXIMUM DISCHARGE WAS 3,7 CFS AT 12.00 HOURS SCS PROGRAM PROJECT NAME . . _ Ha33pton Inn & Suites REVIEWER WCL PROJECT AREA . GROUND STORAGE TERMINATION DISCHARGE DISTRIBUTION TYPE , RETURN FREQUENCY RAINFALL DURATION . 24-HOUR RAINFALL REPORTING SEQUENCE . 1 1.10 ACRES 69 INCHES 50,00 cF5 5 FWMO 100,00 YEARS 3-DAY 12.00 INCHES STANDARDIZED STAGE STORAGE DISCHARGE (FT) (AF) CCFS) 2.00 .00 ,00 3.00 .07 .00 4.00 .14 .00 5.00 .21 1,11 5,50 .24 2.23 6.00 .24 3.34 6,50 .24 4.46 7,00 .27 5.57 7,50 .33 6,69 8.00 .43 7.80 8.50 .54 8.92 -RESERVOIR-- - - RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) .00 .00 .00 .0 .0 ,0 .0 .0 .0 2.00 4.00 .29 .03 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.03 8.00 .58 .18 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.22 12.00 .88 .38 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 ,0 2.49 16.00 1.17 .62 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 2.80 20.00 1.46 .87 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 3.13 24.00 1.75 1.13 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 3.47 28.00 2.18 1.52 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 3.98 32.00 2.60 1.93 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 4.10 36.00 3.03 2,33 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 4.10 40.00 3.46 2,75 .1 .3 .1 .2 .1 .1 4.10 44.00 3.88 3.16 .1 .3 .1 .2 .1 ,1 4.10 48.00 4.31 3.58 .1 .3 .1 .2 .1 .1 4.10 52.00 4.85 4.11 .2 .4 ,2 .2 .2 .1 4.15 56.00 5.95 5.20 .4 .5 .2 .3 .4 .3 4.33 58.00 6,86 6.10 .6 .6 .2 .4 .5 .4 4.47 59.00 7,54 6.77 .8 .6 .2 .4 .7 ,6 4.61 RESERVOIR-- RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM, ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) 59.50 8.14 7.36 1.3 .7 .2 .5 .9 .8 4.85 59.75 9.94 9.15 7.9 .8 .3 .5 4.1 2.5 6.33 60.00 12.18 11.39 9.9 1.0 .4 .6 6.5 5.3 7.41 60.50 13.06 12.26 1.9 1,1 .3 .8 4,0 5.8 6.28 61.00 13.51 12,72 1.0 1,2 .2 1.0 1.2 2.0 5,03 62.00 14.12 13.33 .6 1.2 .2 1,0 .8 1.0 4.73 64,00 14.87 14.07 .4 1.3 .2 1.1 .4 .6 4,39 68.00 15.73 14.93 .2 1.4 .2 1.2 .2 .3 4.22 72,00 16.31 15,51 .2 1.4 .2 1.2 .2 ,2 4.14 SUMMARY INFORMATION MAXIMUM STAGE WAS 7.41 FEET AT 60.00 HOURS MAXIMUM DISCHARGE WAS 6,5 CFS AT 60,00 HOURS LEG _ND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED BY 100-YEAR FLOOD ZONE A No hose flood eie votiaas detr^aned, ZONE AE 9esc hood efevclions determiner. ZONE AH Frood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually mess of pcna,nr,I; base flood eievallons detetne;nee. ZONE AO Flood deplh,d of 1 to 3 feet lt:suoliy sheet - flow on ,1c3Lng ierrotr,;; overcge depths de- tedroined. For wrens - or a!i;tviat #cn hooding, velocities also deterroihed, ZONE A99 To be or °tooted from 1OZ-year flood by Focerc`food pro!ecticro system finder coe- str�c:;o no base 110UC efevctlans Cote:.. ,r,r<d. ZONE V Coastal Good w:tn ve1Ocity hon.' 0 (wove dc- Lun);.ao base ood elevations determined. 7.ONE VE Cocstur flood wit n- ve1oc=ty hazard !wove ac- (ion,); bode flood elevo,ions determined. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AR OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 500-yecr !Hood;•areas of 100-year tlOod with overage ceiins of less roan 1toot or o::a ureiacce orecs Less than '. spaore mile; and oreas crolec1eta by Seve.es Irons 100.year flood- 0THER 4RE AS ZONE X A'ecs determined to be ouEs,t3e 0-year ZONE 0 Leos fir. wh,Ch flood hazards are undeter- mined. UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS, ` \ 1 Identified 1983 C.ocste', bprr',er oreas tyre nprmoil tifezard Arees. r0ent:`�033 1390 Othe•w'1se Protected AreeS ncateo witr, or cdjnceni to Spedci Hood fio06pts4n 800ccry Olos.decy ticursc4ry Zo"e C bousacry AtPPRGXIMiATE SCALE 500 0 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PR At Fi L000 1NSUR*CE RATE MAP DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 191 Or &25 (FEG NS.P INUi rO? 31011.5 NOT Pm03f.A COkt3.i3fl tcm:tt( ; k if, 11 MAP NUMBER 12025,,21 r1 !.-'..1✓H 1994 EREST AVAILABLE DOPY AT THIS TIME is is an official cagy of e portion of the aixrxa referenced fluoe: map. tt was eettacteP using F-M(T On -Line, iris map does not :efiert it hangee or amendments which may have boson mote subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product information 000733 hiattonal Flood lesura1rce Program flood maps chock the FEMA Flood PAop Store a'twwwo rose.hema.gov ZONE X 500 AP°PR0X1&,\ E SCALE NAE OVAL ELOOS ESURANCE PROGRAM RM FLOOD INSURANCE FATE MAP DADS COUNTY, F1.,ORIDA AND /NCORPORATED AREAS ANEL AH OF b25 €$l P: PRrfi'='EL`j CO,MUY td:w.H MAP NLJIABf,R e_025C019i Pet'=: REVISED: • !BEST AVA11AKE COP�f AT THIS DIME This is an otficiai copy of a portion of the atrove re enced Flood map, was extracted using F-MITOn-Line- This map dtre.4 not reflect ciaargeea or amendments which may }itava been medal cchseeiusnt 'ko Mc date on the title block. For the latest product information abut National Flood insurance: Program flood maps check the FENMA Flood RAap Store at www.mse rem a.goir SUN -TECH ENGINEERING, INC, 1600 W. OAKLAND PARK BLVD. FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311 H1BITC HA PT I SUITES DATE: 7/8/2 08 REV: BY: 1.A/CL ESTIMATED WATER & SEWER FLOWS AND CONNECTION CHARGES TYPE OF USE Hotel Resturant Retail Store (dry) Conference Room (Office) UNIT TYPE Rooms Seats SF Seats NO, OF FLOW PER UNITS UNIT (qpd/unit) 221 100 250 50 1 800 0 05 250 3 AVERAGE DAILY FLOW TOTAL FLOW (qpd) 22,100 12,500 90 750 35, • qpd