HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII. Tab 2. Traffic Impact AnalysisFROM :UR5 CORPORATION Fi-TX 9547391789 JI k 2ooe 11:09AM P2 Jury 9, 2008 Ms, 1_01a Medina, AlCP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office af. the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 24'd Avenue (10m Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Snap!! Hampton inn & Suites Sufficiency Letter — Review # 193 Dear Ms. Medina: Via Fax and US Mafl Subsequent to our June 27, 2008 review comments for the subject project, we have received response letters from Richard avast and Associates inc. (RGA) dated July 2, 2008 and July 7, 2008, A copy of RGA's response letters are attached herewith. The revision include restricting the west most driveway to one-way out and right -turn exit only. At this time, we conclude that the traffic impact report meets ail the traffic requirements and the study is found to be sufficient. Please note the traffic study identifies following Transportation Control Measures (TOM) in recognition of utilizing the alternate modes of transportation and higher vehicle occupancy; 1. Incorporating a car poo1ing, ridesharing into the site; 2. Providing bicycle racks; 3. Provide information to patrons and guests on the transit system; and 4. Amenities to encourage all modes of transportation and minimizing traffic congestion levels. The development approval should be conditioned upon -this TCM plan being implemented to recognize the credits given towards the transportation conourrency management. Should you have any questions, please call Ms. Geysa Sosa or me at 954.739.1881. Sincer Y, UR hem Raj S.nmug Senio. Traffic Attachrnynt URS Corporation S343 W6a_t Coirim1446at Batiiavard Suits 100 Fr t Lm-O.Qrdpi. FL 33309 Tel: 954.739,18r81 Fax: 954.789,1789 Co: Mr. Antonio E. Peraz, PlannOrif, City ofMizariliPkvining (Fax; 30,5.4167443) Mr.Picharti Garcfa: achanal Garcia & Assoctotes (Fax: 505-675-6474) • • BrickeLl Hampton Inn a Suites Traffic Impact Study HARD GARCI.A & ASSOCIATES, INC. ', Richard Garcia, P.P. Engineers L 54886, certify that f currently no an active Professional ense in the State of Florida and am competent through education r d experience to provide engineering seriilces in the civil a5 id t ail engineering disciplines contained in this report, in addition, the trrn Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc, holds a Certificate of Auut Cizatk n # 9592 in thy:' State of Florida. 1 further certify that this report was prepared by me or under my responsible charge as defined in Chapter 6 i G 1 S-18,00I F.A.C, and that all statements, conclusions and recommendations made herein are Prue and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT LOCATION: Bricked Hampton inn & Suites - Traffic impact Study 30 SW 12th Street Miami, Florida Florida Registration No, 54886 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Dote rickil Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary.......................................................................„.,.,.<.,..<.,.a,,..,-..,,.....,..:..,....,.........._,_4 introduction.............................................„e.,,,......,,...,...,,,..,,......,.....,...,...,...,...,.,.....,. .6 Project Description ! Location ExistingCondition .....................................................................................................................................9 Data Collection 9 TrafficCaunts.....<......<......................<...,.,.,..,,...................,.....,,.,........,...<.......<..,.._......................<...........9 Geometry............................................................................................................... 11 LOS (Levei of Service) 13 Intersection Analysis 13 Arterial Analysis 13 ProjectTraffic14 Trip Generation Trip Distribution Traffic Assignment 15 Site Traffic 16 Proposed Conditions ...................... 18 BackgroundGrowth ........ ............ ....... .......... ............. ................ .................. ....... <,..,......,.,.,. 8 Planned Roadway Improvements 19 Capital Improvements and Transperiatian 19 Intersection Level of Service Analysis 19 Corridor Level of Service Analysis 23 Transportation Control Measures Plan (TCMit)24 Conclusion.......................................................a.....a...,.....,..,..,...........,,,..,.,..,.,,,..........,.,...,..,......,..,...,..,25 1d 2* Brickeif Hampton Tin & Suites s Figure c ,Ti n Map. Figure 2: Site Pion .................... ..._.....,..,..... . r Figure 3: Existing PM Peak Hour TMC s,.,....... l Figure 4: Existing Lcne Geometry Figure 5: PM Peak Site Traffic. (Sceno6c �6: Eosihcund)...._.._._.,........................................................... s-, E6 _ � e 6:PM Peak 4;e Traffic (SGPn��r�G �: : ✓;U �'`lOv)............... 7 Figurer : Growth Trenic'f Cho0 Figure 8: Proposed PM Peck Hour TMC's {Scenario A: Eastbound ........................................_.......... 0 Figure 9: Proposed PM Peak Hour TMC's (Scenario 8: Two-Woy)....................................................... 21 Figure 10: Driveway Volume (Scenario A: i ostbound) ....................................... 22 Figure 1 1: Driveway Volume {Scenario 8: Two -Way)..„.,,„ .............. . List of Tables Table 1: Intersection Level of Service Summary 4 Table 2: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary . Table 3: Existing Arterial PM Peak Hour Volume 10 Table 4: PM Existing Level of Service 73 Table S: PM Existing Level of Service (Arterial) 13 Table 6: PM Trip Generation Summary 14 Table 7: Cardinal Distribution 15 Table 8: PM Peak Hour Traffic Distribution 15 Table 9: Proposed PM Peak Hour TMC's Level of Service 21 Table 10: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary 23 ppendices Appendix A: Trip Generation Appendix 8: Trip Distribution Appendix C: Factors, Growth Trends & Programmed Improvements Appendix D: Traffic Counts (TMC's and ATR's) Appendix E: Committed Developments Appendix F: Corridor Analysis [Person Trip) Appendix G: Intersection & Driveway Analysis Appendix H: Turning Movement Poths 3 Bricker Hampton Inn & Suites Executive Summary s p.._ located it. 0 12th Si s i 1 tl t` r _ iami, 3 1 . The subject development Thel�l�ni��,. � rclje.e,t is c e � ;�� SW -re ;t 1 the ;i�ir� ,li �`�; i, 1. �� d� �?z... is comprisedf 225 Room Hotel, 1,5.00 square feet of Si)£',£;lidt5' l.tetail and 9,u80 square feet of Qua' Restaurant. The site is currently vacant. The Trip Generation calculations of this project revealed Ihere will be 58 net vehicles per E our (vp ) entering and 43 pti exiting Curing the PM peal~ hour. in comparison to the previously approved project on this site. in 2001, the current programming is generating approximately 1,/5 or 20% of previous approved development site traffic (Le. 503 Peak Hour Tripst vs. ioi). The subject project is located in T AZ 573 and has had the traffic assigned to the surrounding roadway- using the M ATS Cardinal Distribution. Intersection traffic counts were collected, averaged and adjusted for peak seasonal conditions and used in the existing intersection analysis, This analysis was performed using the Synchro/SimTraffic traffic model to determine the existing and proposed Level of Service conditions for two scenarios; Scenario A is the existing traffic now on SW i2:Street which is currently eastbound only, Scenario Cciariv B is a two-'r,'av conversion on SW 1.2th Street. The intersection analysis revealed the following results: Table 1: Intersection Level of Service Summary Intersection Existing Proposed (Scenario A) Proposed (Scenario B) Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS SW 12th Street & SW 1st Avenue 1.4 A 2,1 A 2.7 A SW 12th Street & SE 1st Avenue/Brickell Plaza! South Miami Avenue 7.2 A 10.2 B 15.0 C SW 12th Street/Driveway 1 0.5 A 1.5 A SW 12th Street/Driveway 2 SW 12th Street/Driveway 3 0.4 0.9 A A 0.4 0.5 A A Ref: Table g Bricked View Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Jackson M. Ahlstedt, P.E. on November 7, 2000. Bricked Hampton Inn & Suites The results of the analysis contained in this report find that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of F with the Person -Trip methodology. A corridor 2r12alysis was performed that follows the City of Miami's Person Trip Methodology, The results of the corridtar analysis reveal that all levels of service thresholds will be above C fa the PM peak hour, Therefore, sufficient roadway person -trip capacity exists to support this development 'fables 2 summarizes the results while Appendix F contains the spreadsheet utilized to compute, the seasonally adjusted existing condition., the future year (i.e. 2011) background condition., the background and committed condition and finally., the proposed condition containing the (itimulative effects, As such, sufficient rPranspoutation Corridor capacity exists to support this development. Table 2: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary ROADWAY FROM liXfartippaiDnaiMiakiftilliftgetoti SW 2nd Ave Bricked] Ave 5 215 St 550 Sth, 51 SW 121551 SW 901 SI SW 2nd Ave Bac ell Ave 550121051 ' 810 S W 2th St SW 9th Si oral Way outh Miami Avenue SW Avenue iskell Plaza Coral Way South iami Avenue W 1 Avenue Hoke!! Ptaea ricketi Ave 10 W 2nd Ave WS SW 9th S 550135051 SB MIAMI ADOPTED CORRIDOR LOS TYPE 10 2LD 2L0 LD ROADWAY VEHICULAR CAPACITY 1800 1806 1728 PRSON- TREP CAPACITY 1.6 PPV 880 2880 2702 7122050A7 MODE ROADW VEHICULAR VOLUME 9 8 1042 53 10 2LD 1720 2752 53 S' Eth St NB 10 1 Li 810 SW 12th St S ricks!' Ave SW 2nd Ave SW 9155 SW 13ih St SW 91h S SW 12th St - 111.11tACKOROUND- ti-oommotecilvcr.Fic SN 2nd Ave Bhck•O Ave Coral Way South Miemi Avenue SW 12th St SW 1 Avenue Bfickeli Ave SW 2nd Ave SW 9th St SW Sin SW 13th St Bric ell Ptaza 11 12th t SW Sth St SA 55051 SW 121 h St Coral Way *912 SW 2nd Ave 0ec501l Ave E rickeil Ave SW 2nd Ave WO S 111 tn St SW at h S t South Miarni Avenue 550 1 Avenue rickell Plaza S" 91: St NB 201010 2LD 10 D 18 2L10 ILL; E- 1LU 2LD 10 2 E 2 510 500 600 1720 2 PERSON - TRIP VOLUME 1.4 PP., 1397 1459 749 752 1210 17 1206 165 230 2880 1375 EXCESS PERSON ROADWAY' PERSON • TRIP TRIP CAPACITY 7110 14 3 1421 200 2 00 112 1066 4 8 .51 0.27 27 LOS 10 10 0 14 10 0 18 0 53 0 58 0.30 0.30 0.15 0 20 92'3 954 G 67 2680 1287 1802 2752 859 1203 10 10 10 10 10 078 0.83 10 1549 0_44 SW 13th S SW 1210 St SW 0111 S SW h St SW 12th St 5B E 2LD 1LU 1LLI 1720 2752 810 810 129 i298 Bricked Flat -Tipton Inn & Suites 85 1192 15 0, 0.43 242 328 957 0.25 220 308 983 0.24 5 Introduction The purpose of this stud; is to ; valuat the site located at 30 S\V 12t.r: Street in the a MUSP (..iajor Use Special Permit) traffic 5 was i�iSC:I',�ist {i, reviewed and approved on protect, associated traffic impacts with the proposed ci Ee opmeflt tit lt7 of _.1iami, Florida. This report follows the methodology for impact study utilized in the City of Miami. This meetho{iology May o9"', 2008 by City staff prior to ;'ornirwacement of this The traffic impacts to the adjacent roadways were evaluated as well as the intersections at SW is' Avenue/SW 126 Street, SE rti' Avenue {South Miami Avenue/Briekell Plaza)/SW 12th Street and Site Driveways. These intersections were the most affected by this project, This analysis was performed for the existing and proposed conditions during the PM Peak Hour. This report follows the methodologies adopted by the City of Miami's Person Trip Analysis and conforms to the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) Trip Generation, and Traffic Impact Studies Manual. Lasti ,this report has evaluated the following: • Trip Generation • Traffic Distribution • Traffic Assignment + Traffic Counts • Existing Level of Service t Proposed Level of Service • Recommendations Brickell Hampton Inn a Suites • Project Description Location l'he subject proyct is located ou S .12th Street ben SW 1 AVeirat and SE 1'4 AVeit Ile ( Brie kcil Plaza/South Miami Avenue) in the City of Miami, Florida. The following land ue, as ed by the institute of Transportition Engineers (ITE), most closely resembles the proposed development_ These lanA lises are as follows: Land Use 310: Hotel with 225 Rooms a Land Use 814: Specialty Retail with 1,400 Square Feet (SF) Land Use 931: Quality Restaurant with 9,080 SF Figure 1 depicts the site's loratim map, while Figure 2 is the proposed site plan. Figure 1: Location Map Brickeil Hampton Inn & Suites Figure 2e Site Plan • Brickeii Hampton Inn & Suites Existing Condition The i ^:isting conditions i=ria si I{lentifies 'ono a Lid 3 the current opera— II: d geometric etric characteristic e the roadways within the study area. The purpose of this section is to pro\ €ile a basis of comparison to future conditions, The proposed development site was visited and inventoried. At that time, information ation was collected rt.�g,ari ilig site conditions, adjacent land rises, existing traffic; operations, and transportation facilities in the stir Data CoUUection Manual Turning Movement Counts (TMC) were taken at the nearby intersections identified below. These counts were done during the PM peak hour of 4:0o PM to 6:oo PM on Tuesday, May 6, 2008. The Turning Moving Counts (TMC's) collected were adjusted for peak seasonal variations by utilizing the Florida Department of Transportation Peak Season Correctional Factor (PSCF). These calculations are included in Appendix D as Table: A4. Moreover, these intersections would be the most impacted due to their close proximity to the subject location and were discussed with staff. Traffic Counts and operational characteristics were gathered at the following two intersections: a SW 1st Avenue Et SW 12th Street ♦ SE 1st Avenue (8rickelf Plaza/South Miami Avenue) €t SW 12ts Street Traffic Counts For the purposes of the corridor analysis, 72-hour Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATR) were taken on Tuesday May 20th through Thursday May 22.d, 2008. These counts were averaged, adjusted for peak seasonal conditions by utilizing the Florida Department of Transportation Peak Seasonal Correction Factor (PSCF) and Axle Correction Factors (ACF) of tot and I.00, respectively. Tables 3 depict the result of the seasonally* adjusted existing PM Peak hour traffic volume. These calculations are included in the tab labeled TMC's/ ATR in Appendix D. 9 Brickell Hampton Inn &Suites Table 3 Etg«gArte PM Peak Hour Voume ROADWAY wm enu+: Ave LINK ,: Qum Miami Avenue ! N ,w m 12 s SW 1 Avenue North m « 9 BrickeliF+a North am sa 1031 : 2\ 937 as E 1 A A 525 _5 r> z, ; !a 190 ; ;e __ 569 501 e! 127 135 10 «m m, 2,040 ; s: m 535 532 537 532 m 124 ,s ,e , m 290 Mani al mi Movement Counts(T (TMC) were taken at the nearby intersections surmend 6 the subject site, Figure 3 is a graphirepresentation of the exisgPM TMC's thatSy beensgeo aye usted for peak aed condit6ns. Figure 2 Existing PM Peak Peak Hour TMCs !o • Brickell Ham/on ma &Suites 2025 531 531 .:,4i, (.' )rail Way/ SR-972 / SE 13 Sir e€=.t S 1 Te Coral Way/ SE 1 3 Street/ SR9 2 is a tel:#r lane uI divine,o sate road. 1 i e cQriI1s c in the east -west direction and has an auxiliary left turning lane at. Brlv.l% Avenue and mos major intersections, On-streel. parking is I?ermiti:ed at select areas, SE i,51.Avenue /14riekell Plaza/South Miami Avenue SE vi Avenue /13rickell Plaza is a two lane undivided non -stale. road. . "ty in the north -south direction. On -street parking is ?permitted. South Miami Avenue South Miami Avenue is a two lane undivided non -state road. It provides eunne direction. On -street parking is permitted in the nortt SW rst Avenue SW is' Avenue is a two lane undivided non -state road, It provides connectivity, in the south direction. On -street parking is not permitted. It operates as the south pair of South Miami Avenue. SW 12th Street SW 12th Street is a one lane non state road. It provides connectivity in the eastbound direction. On -street parking is permitted. However, this street is currently being considered to be a two-way two-lane undivided. Existing Lane Geometry The existing approach lanes are depicted in Figure 4 below. This figure also depicts the Synchro Model used to perform the intersection analyses. This model was created using an aerial photograph of the subject site and surrounding area. As such, it is a geometrically accurate depiction of the existing conditions. Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Figure 4: Existing Lane Geometry Brickeil Hampton inn & Suites /2 LOS (Lave( of Service) intersection Analysis Using the ab ve WIC. data an ,Ci rSe41T1 )i3 e ai o? dery :e ; _OS) a lyses were T. seasLaoai ex.isuiig 7mulition and proposed i, tnnditinn V'1'i t'2 site t.=zI ":.3 at the tv.,,,o C. Sync'hr ?/S1inTraffic software, The analyses were performed Lining the methodology for tile, PM. peaL coIdition, Tab e 4 I)rsiv'ides a summary of the e: &scri led a ii Capacity Mann exults while Appendix. E provides the nl`1}gt'tali? output. _, iliz 1.11 tile, above, E., data I ri f0i ,) w114> LOS (I..ev°f l cif Servile) and delay was determined, d for 'tt, peak Table 4: PM Existing Level of Service Intersection efay Existing SW 12th Street & SW 1st Avenue 04 SW 12tfi Street & SE 1st Avenue/Brickel Plaza/ South Miami Avenue 7.2 A Arterial Anatysis The existing condition arterial analysis was similarly performed for the PM peak hour. The results of the analysis are included in Appendix F and reveal the existing Person -Trip LOS of the adjacent roadway is at LOS C. Table 5: PM Existing Level of Service (Arterial) ROADWAY MODS ROADWAY al FROM TO Coral Way SW 2nd Ave Sricksll Ave SW 12th SII South Miami Avenue Bricked Ave SW 2nd Ave MIAMI ROADWAY ADOPTED CORRIDOR VEHICULAR DER LOS TYPE CAPACITY ES E 2i.[7 1800 WS 2LD 1800 PERSON - TRIP CAPACITY 1.6 PPV 286G 2880 PERSON- EXCESS ROADWAY TRIP PERSON VEHICULAR VOLUME TRIP VOLumE r 1.4 PPV CAPACITY ROADWAY PERSON TRIP V7C LOS • 998 1397 1942 1459 1483 1421 0.48 C 0.51 C SW 9th 5t NB 2LD 1720 2752 535 748 2003 G-27 C SW 1 Avenue SW SCn St SW 13th St SS E 2LD 1720 2752 537 752 2000 0.27 C Brisket! Plaza 5W 12th St SW.716St 5W9th51 NB SW 12th 51 55 E 1LU 617 1LU 810 1296 1296 1.26 173 1120 i65 230 1066 0.14 C 0-18 C 13 a Brickell Hampton inn & Suites Project Traffic The e subject protect is loci' e Street in E_1 e City of Miami, Florida, Trip Generation The trip generation ehara teristics for t , subject project were obtained from TTE's Trio 'rererat, Manual, 7th Ed. I'1'l 's Land Use (1. I;i ;3to: Hotel, is ? 83..4: Specialty Retail and 1..I' 931; Quality Restaurant were used to determine the trip generation rates for the proposed development - The Trip Generation calculations results of the proposed development are summarized below, The ITE rates and percentages for the PM Peak Hour Trips are included in corresponding tab. Table 6 below summarizes the greatest traffic impact associated with the subject development, which occurs during the PM peak hour, Lastly, the trip generation was converted to net vehicle trip by utilizing the City's Person Trip Methodology. This methodology uses 16% vehicle occupancy, a 14.1% transit reduction factor and a 1,5 % pedestrian/ bicycle reduction. These factors are consistent with the values used in the City's DRI — Increment II for the Brickell Area. In addition, a comparison with the previous approved project on this site in 2001 revealed that the current programming is generating approximately 1/5 or 20% of previous approved development site traffic (i.e. 503 Peak Hour Trips vs. 101). Table 6: PM Trip Generation Summary LAND USE (LU) UNITS ITE LU CODE ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE Proposed Hotel 225 Rooms 310 0.59 Specialty Retail 1,400 S.F 814 2.71 Quality Restaurant 9:080 S.F 931 7.49 Site Trip Generation Project internalization @ 10.0% Of Site Trips Gross Vehicle Trips Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.0% Of Gross Trips Transit Tri• Reduction Pedestrian/Bic cle Tri. Reduction TRIPS 14.1% Of Gross Tri.s 15 15.0% Of Gross Trips 18 Net Vehicle Trips 58 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites TRIPS TOTAL TRIPS 140 Trip Distribution The Traffic Analysis i i,s Ann Planning Or anization s T u 3e ct den opinent is TAZ 573 as Bassi dd l?= LA ": are included in the correspondin- lab, The conies -poi/ n ; traffic distribtut1(?n being: assi„',,3e',fi io The corresponding tab includes. -a ? AZ Map and the corn till zone utilizing the 2oo5 Cost Feasible Plat'_. e following directions are OUT n1n:ling Directional i)istributi Table 7: Cardinal Distribution ENE ESE SEVV Nsw_ 20.03 7.52 5.88 1,10 414 23.22 16.04 22.07 :PCs 4i0li Lan Table 7. for Traffic Assignment The peak hour trips from Tables 6 has been distributed and assigned to the existing adjacent roads. As evident from trip generation calculations, the peak hour represents the worse case. Table 8 was developed to depict the PM Peak Hour Assignments. Table 8: PM Peak Hour Traffic Distribution iNNE EN ESE SSE SW .Slt 12 9 4 3 4 2 1 0 2 2 13 10 9 7 13 10 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites 21 7 6 1 4 23 16 23 Site Traffic me peak hour trips from Table 8 have been assIghed to the adjacent intersections. Additionally, two (2) scenarios were analyzed, Scenario A shows SW 120 Street as one-way road (eaStb01111d onI') and Scenario B provide, SW 12th Street as a two-way road (eastheund/weistbounti). Figure 5 depicts the site traffic assigmnetits to the surrounding intersections with SW 12'h Street as a onia-1..Yay road while Figure 6 shows the traffic assignments of:SW 12:1, Street as a two-way road, Figure 5: PM Peak Site Traffic (Scenario A: Eastbound) 16 4 Brickeil Hampton inn & Suites Figure 6: PM Peak Site Traffic Scenario B: Two -Ways) Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Proposed Conditions The pertorn iC - �TC'J.t�Sd3d £;C3s1d=tlLil;; to"ei-E � r v =r ti� �� s,;tc trs, ,�i4, Add i=1(iT', aii�,,', tl�e proposed condition was analyzed with two (2) scenarios; Scenario A is the existing traffic Flovi, en i'A l tt' Street which is ruff rends eastbound only, Scenario B is a two -war' conversion of the S'A 2th Street. The existing traffic was grown with a background gro ii-th rate of 3,23 percent per year. This growth rate was obtained utilizing historical traffic counts data from the Florida Department of Transportation. Last?y, this growth Late was compounded over a three (g) year period having a build -out fear of 201`, Background Growth Using the historical traffic counts data from the Florida Department of Transportation's Count Station 0086 a regression analysis was performed for the last ten (so) years of available data. The results indicate a growth trend rate of 3.23 percent from 2008 to the design year of 2011. As such, this growth rate was applied to the existing traffic counts to address background growth in the area. Figure 7 depicts the data graphically with its corresponding trend line. The count station data and analyses are included in Appendix '. Figure 7: Growth Trend Chart 40000 35000 8 30000 0 v 25000 20000 a 15000 10000 5000 0 Annual Trend increase: Trend R•squared: Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: Trend Growth Rate (2006 to Design Year): Printed: 627 46.12% 4.38% 3.23% 7-May-08 Straight Line Growth Option 1397 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 Year 2032 Brickeil Hampton Inn & Suites sS • Planned Roadway improvements 'fl e 2008 Thrall or' tion .l rtot-ovenien Program (TIP) . aS th, ii=a .FOV�;n eut' near the subject project. 'The Capacity, Sateat➢d t tiwr iMprOVeillettillS addition to the Reconstruction, Rehabilitation abilitation and i- eslirfacing (R..) imoroi'eme ate `lap ,='ere evaluated. for All'li o i T,tems titian in three year horizon, Ul Lw would affect the i,i`oposed project Consequently, the j3?'oposed conditions were based on the existing rOe-idvYray geometry. here are: no planned nned roadway improvements that Capital improvements and Transportation Tile Capital lln.provei"nents and Transportation projects in th.e Clay of Miami \Tere reviewed to deter -mine possible roadway improvements in the vicinity of this project. As a result, the Bricked Area Street Improvement project (.B-3oo94) was identified under the Commission District 2 area. It consists of roadway improvements to SE/SW 9th Street, SE/SW 10e Street, South Miami Avenue, SE 1" Avenue and SW is` .Venue. Therefore, this project does not affect our study area and the proposed conditions were based on the existing roadway geometry. The supporting documentation is included on Appendix C. Intersection Levet of Service Analysis The two (2) intersections were augmented with the background growth, and site traffic, from figure 5 and 6 for Scenarios A and B. respectively. Again, Scenario A is the existing traffic flow on SW 1.2th Street which is currently eastbound only and Scenario B is a two-way conversion of the SW 12th Street. This forms the basis for the proposed future condition. The calculations for the specific movements for each intersection are contained in Appendix E as Table: A4. Figure 8 below contains the PM peak hour proposed condition with project traffic for Scenario A, while figure g contains PM peak hour for the proposed condition with project traffic for Scenario B. Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites 19 4 Figure 8: Proposed PM Peak Hour TMC's (Ssen rio A: Eastbou 20 Briekeii Hampton inn & Suites • Figore 9: Proposed PM Peak Hour TMC's c n Two -Way) Table 9: Proposed PM Peak Hour TIVIC's Level of Service intersection Proposed (Scenario A) Proposed (Scenario B) Delay LOS Delay LOS SW 12th Street & SW lst Avenue 2.1 A 2.7 A SW 12th Street & SE 1st Avenue/Brickell Plaza/ South Miami Avenue 10.2 15.0 SW 12th Street/ Driveway 1 0.5 A 1.5 A SW 12fh Street/ Driveway 2 0,4 A 0.4 A SW 12th Street/Driveway 3 0.0 A Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites 0.6 A 21 0 • Frain eli(! information included in Figure 8 and 9 above, we performed at driveway capacity analysis for the site driveway., The driveways volumes were determined tty the trip distribution analysis according to the ingress and egress calculations front the trip generation, Again, Sc,..ntario A is the existing traffic fly,' on SW 12th Street tvhich is currently eastbound only and Scenario8 is ii. two-wav conversion of the SW 32n' Street. Figure io depicts the driveway volumes for scenario A while figure 11 contains the driveway volumes for -scenario 13, Lastly, the LOS analysis revealed that all drivetivs will operate at LOS A for both scenarios, Figure 10 Driveway Volume (Scenario A Eastbound) SIN -rah st Figure 11: Driveway Volume (Scenario B: Two -Way) SW 12th St 185 36 163 26 172 Brick.eli Hampton In.3-1 & Suites 22 1. Corridor Level of Service Analysis A corridor ancdySiS was performed that follows the ;it of Miami's Person Methodology. This methodology has been utilized in the City' . Development. of 'Regional Imbaet Increment H. and has been accepted by both the POUF and the South Florida Regional Planning Connell, Lastly,i_.ie methodology is further detailed in the C;ity's document: Transportation Corridors: Meeting Ay.. Chnllencje ofGrowth Management in Miami, The results of the corridor analysis reveal that all levels of service thresholds will be above an LOS C for the PM peak. Therefore, since sufficient roadway capacity exists within this project, the person--t.rin transit node analysis was not determined. Table 10 summarizes the results while the Person Trip tab contains the spreadsheet utilized to compute the seasonally adjusted existing condition, the future year (i.e. 201i) background condition, the background and committed condition and finally, the proposed condition containing the cumulative effects. Lastly, the Arterial LOS is provided in the Person Trip tab of the Appendix. Table 10: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary RO RGA Coral Way a 515 2nd Ave Bricked Ave rickell Ave SW 12:h St South Miami Avenue SW 1I !Avenue SW 2nd Ave SW 9th 5 DI_R EB N ROADWAY MOO PEERSON- MIAMI ROADWAY TRIP ROADWAY ADOPTED CORRIDOR VEPiCULAR CAPACITY VEHICULAR LOS TYPE RAPACITY €. 1.5 PPV VOLUME 0 1800 2580 2LD 1800 2880 1042 2LD 1726 2752 535 E 21.0 1720 2752 537 1LU 8 296 126 LU 850 1296 16 1800 2880 1097 2LD 1800 2080 1146 2LD 720 2752 588 I PERSON- EXCB55 7RiP PERSON VOLUME ;RAP e 1 4 PPV CAPACITY 397 8 459 142 749 2003 0.27 752 2000 0.27 176 1120 014 30 1066 6,18 536 1344 0.53 '£r05 1275 0.56 824 1925 6.3 828 1924. 0.30 83 1103 0.15 254 1042 6.20 ROADWAY PERSON 7RIP VIC 48 Si- 5th5 Brickeil Plaza SW 12th 51' 13th SS SW 9th 5- 58 NB 5A`9thSt SW 12thSt S Coral SW 2nd Ave Bric1150 AVE dom ay 7 rickell Ave 3w 2nd Ave EB ws 01 172 "ILL) 2LD 2LD 810 2752 1296 510 129a 1600 860 2BB0 2880 3 6 13 127 1926 778 102 c.6 0.62 OS C C C C South Miami Avenue YY 12th Si S' 9th S NB 2752 84 177 1575 0.43 SW 1 Avenue SW 801 St SW 1351 Si S 2LD 1720 2752 93 110 6A2 0.40 rickell Plaza S�!t' 121h Si 5W 90h St NB SW 9th 5t SW 12th 51 S5 1LU E 1LU 610 1296 10 1296 242 3 220 308 957 988 0.23 0.24 c 5 SSW 2nct Ave 65cket Ave Coral Way 6;ickel! Ave 5V! 2nd AV 2LD 18.30 c 2C 800 2880 375 1928 2880 1287 1802 954 1078 D,67 6.63 C oi Avenue 515421oSt 5W9thStt NB 2 720 2752 859 1203 E 154 0.44 C W1 Ave 51581h5i 5 Brio ke:1 PI 56N 12tt= St SW 8th S 3th 5' S11 LC 1726 2752 E5 1182 € ',560 0.43 C Si NS E SW 1210 61 SE Li. 510 `.296 24 338 816 1296 220 0. ,68 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites 957 0.26 988 0.24 0 23 Transportation ControlMeasures Plan (TCMP) he developer recognizes h fieec to mitinn'f-C the sin ;= t'Cup ut Auto -Trip rip Based mode de of transportation, 1, .As such, every effort ,,villI e made to promote Lhe, use of various modes available o this site. .Suctt strategies as carpooling, riciesharin;, and bicycle k` will be onsidered in keeping with the Citys effort to atsleV,iate traffic congestion, Additionally, >, information will be provided to Hotel Guests and patrons of the transit syst- 1 ,,,a;sily, amenities witl be dt si-,and. that eucotlrare all modes of transportation and uaaniinizcs traffic congestion levels, Further the developer has provided the, following quote: "The fact that our hotel will be approximately half a block aivayfrom a Metro Mover and Metro Rail Stations, creates a perfect symbiotic union, Our guests (most of who we anticipate will be business people as oppose to vacationers), will be encouraged to use these rapid transit systems to avoid downtown traffic, unfamiliarity with traffic patterns, one -wag streets, and having to locale parking and its cost. The free Metro Mover will provide all of our guests an easy reach, to all of the .lrickell Financial District, the downtown central core, including the Federal and County Courts, the college campus, all office buildings, and the various destinations north of Downtown to the Omni and Performing Arts Center. Because of this transit system, a reduction in the usual automobile traffic in and out of our hotel can be anticipated. Also, we will be increasing the use of the Rapid Transit Systems which is a goal of local government. Besides our guests, we will encourage our employees to utilize the metro system as it is so easily accessible from our location." 24 Brickeii Hampton inn & Suites • Conclusion The results of the analysis containedin this report finds that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E for the Person -Trip inethod.ology for the roadway segment. Additionally, all the intersections anal zed have acceptable Level of Service. The results indicated the intersections analyzed will nave an LOS C.', or better condition. As such, sufficient roadway person -trip capacity exists to support tiais development, Brickeil Hampton Inn & Suites 25 Appendix A: Trip Generation Bnckeil Liar; c Inn & Suites • LAND USE (LU) Existing Vacant Land Proposed Hotel Specially Retail Quality Restaurant Site Trip Generation Project Internalization @a Gross Vehicle Trips TABLE: Ai Brickell Hampton Inn 8L Suites Project Trip Generation Analysis UNITS 225 Rooms 1,400 S.F 9,080 S.F fTE LU CODE 310 814 931 ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE 10_0% Of Slte Trips PM PEAK HOUR TRIP °/n TR PS % TRIPS OE59 53% 70 47% 63 2.71 44% 2 56% 2 7,49 67`Yo 46 33% 2.2 57% 43% 57% 12 4 57% 88 43% 1 79 Vehicle Occupanc . Adjustment . 16.0% Of Gross Trips 57% 17 43% Transit Trip Reduction 57% Pedestrian/laic cle 57% Red cD Pec1e rri n_ Bi z Trip Net Vehicle Trips ction ( Net Person Trips in Vehicles Net Person Tri s in Transit a) Net Person Trips (Vehicle and Transit Modes) 14.1 % Of Gross Trips 15.0% Of Gross Trips 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 57% 57% 57% 57% Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) G 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 57% NOTES: Thp GeneraUnn from ITE 7th ED. Adjustrnent raciors taken from Downtown Mi rni DRI ITICrernent II for Brickell Area. 15 43% 16 43% 58 TOTAL TRIPS 205 20 184 29 43% 61 14.1 43% 'i 6 36 76 47f 43% • LAND USE (LU) xiwting Vacant t_snd roposeci Hotel Specialty Retail Quality Restaurant UNITS TABLE: Ai-1 Bricked Hampton Inn & Suites Project Trip Generation Analysis ITE Lu CODE 225 Rooms 1,400 S. F 9,080 S.F 310 814 931 ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE Site Trip Generation 0.59 2.71 7.49 f'rofect Internalization @ Gross Vehicle Trips Vehicle Occupancy Adjustmen Transit Trip Reduction @ 10.0% Of Site Trips 16.0% Of Gross Trips IN as 53% 44 % 67% 57% 57% 57% 57% 14.1 % Of Gross Trips 57%_ Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.0% Of Gross Trips 57% 7% Net Vehicle Trips Net Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Person& Vehicle Net Person Trips in Transit @ 1.40 Persons! Vehicle Net Person Trips (Vehicle and Transit Modes AK HOUR TRIPS TRIPS 70 2 46 OUT TOTAL % TRIPS TRIPS 47% 5 6 % 33°A 117 43% 63 133 2 4 22 08 88 205 12 43% 9 2 105 15 5 6 57% 81 57% 21 57 Va Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 57% 'NOT Es: 'Frig Ge riermlion from ITE 701 rr}. Adjuotrnentfnctnrs taken tram Ilnw,ntown Mkimi DFif Incroment tl for Lirirkeli Area. 43% 43% 43% 22 9 Previous Study Pc. =°cent oaf change �79.31% • 08-26 F3.1aickela. liamptan .f.tn SvP.'..tes P ooceed Summary of Taip Genratio Calculation Pof 225 Rooms of Hotel May 1E, 2008 Standard Deviacion kie, Veekc.-1;ay 2--Key Voime 8.17 3,39 :i. _00 18,i8 7-9 -A.-1 Peak Hour Enter 5, 1.YJ 77 7-9 .17i...P! Peak Haour Fekit 1.00 z,0 7-9 AT), Peak. Hour Total 0,36 0.78 1,00 15 46 RH Paak Ho.ur Enter 0,31 0.00 7D 4-6 PH Peak HouY ExHt 0.2)] 0.00 115f; 6.3 4-6 PH Peak Hour Total >53 0,95 1.C° 733 P.,M Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0,29 0.00 1.0C 65 ,',.M Pk Hr, Generator, Exit. 01523 1500 1.00 52 AM n Hr, Generator, Total 0.52 0,75 1,15. 117 PM Pk Er, Generator, Enter 0,35 0.00 LOG 79 PM Pk kr, Ge.,eeratcr. Exit 0.25 0.26 1.00 59 PM Pk HI:, &afkerator, Total 0,61 0.81 1_00 137 Saturday 2-6ar Volume e.19 3153 2.15 1.843 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 1540 0.00 1.0D 90 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.32 0,00 1.04 72 Saturday Peak Flour Total. 0.72 0.87 1.00 162 Sunday 2-Way Volume .95 2.58 1.00 1329 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.26 0,00 1s00 59 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.30 0.00 1.00 68 Sunday Peak :;.-our Total 0.56 0.75 1.00 26 Note: A zero indicates no data available, Source: Tnstitute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS • OB-028 Brickell Suites_P:oposec. Summary of Trdie Gencratir= Celi.-ulatien For 1.400 of Specialty- Retail Center May 05, 2008 11.,,arae StaHa,:c Rare Avg. eekday 2-We Volume 14,3iz 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0,00 0,0C 7-9 AM Peak HotJr Exit U,CC 7-9 AY Peak Heur Total 0,00 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1,19 C,C0 4-6 PM Poak _Hour E-,Ht 1,52 C.00 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.71 1,83 AM Pk Ef, Generator, Enter 3.28 0.00 AM Pk Ha, Generator, Exit 3,56 0,00 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total E+94 PM Pk Hr, Generator Enter 2."Fil 0,00 PM Pk Mr, Gonerator, Exit 2,21 0.00 PM Pk Ha, Generator, Total 5.02 2.31 Saturday 2-9av Vomilme 42,04 13.97 Saturday Peak Hair Enter 0.00 0,00 Saturday Peak our Exit 0.00 0,00 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0,00 Sunday 2-4ay Volume 20.43 10.27 Sunday Peak 9ouo Enter 0,00 0.00 Sun.day Peak Hour Exit 0.00 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0..00 0.00 1,00 ] 0 0 •.) 2 , 0 0 1,00 1„100 10 1.0C 1.00 "4 1.0C 7 1.00 5.3 I.00 0 1.00 0 1_02 2.9 1.00 0 I,00 1.000 Note! A .?,er0 indicates no data available. Source: institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, /th Edition, 2003. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANs • 08-02S 'Bricke11 Hamptcn "Inn & Suites .Propc3ed Slanu:ary of Pas-Dy Trips Far 9A8C1 Th.Gr,Sq.Ft, o k-lay OS, 2C)08 Vc1um Addod TIps AdlaoGn Streee:e 'Average PeEk _Fiour Enter 7-9 A14 Peak O= Exit 7-9 AE Peak Hour Total 4-4 PY Peak Hour Enter 4-6 PV Pe2k hour Fx'A7. 4-6'4 Pe.T.Jk Hour Tota Saturday Saturday Peak Ficer Enter 58 0 58 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 40 0 4C Saturday Per 4.cur- Total 98 0 98 Note! A zero indicates no data available. Scui7ce Institute of Transportation Enczineers Trip Generation Handbock, Marc:ai 2002 TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRTiNS ATT-RX z_ l 1E -.IE.. . ti nTIFEAC.._hi INS' 1TUTi01441 OONvE TION INDUSTRIAL RES1 OE'TIAL RETAr; L. ',PARK 151 '-ALLE DOWNTO ,IN AMF DR? UPDATE - INCREMENT I. PM PEAK, HOUR TRIP GE NERAT(ON ANALYSIS 5 R 5KELL AREA _.051 35 , 5,0CM SEATS SEATS 544 75 915 EDITION TRIO GENERATION RATE OR FORMULA [ 543 53_ A'; 46 T--.121(X) ",9:295 17% SO = T , , 110 - 433 X) - 163.421 3,275 D.J.2a2 T=3.342;X)+1,5.466 375,030 SaFT. 82 c,4(, , 3.650 Ln(X) . 3 433 •003 ROOMS 310 Lni,T) = ,212 LOX) - 1.753 12% 62% 4a% 53% HO D1RS r2 OUT i-0 TRIPS T DI i"L.. j... T5155 371 0 63% 68;. 72536% 72i' 52°:: 2111 47% 445 1,17011i 151 `,5C23 3' 165 399#g� fi GRCJ.SS VEHICLE TRRS VEHICLE OCCL'PANCY ADJUST MEM" r e sl TRANSIT TRIP REDUCTION @ 16.4% OF GROSS EXTERNAL TRIPS ,t2) 4.1% OF GROSS EXTERNAL TRIPS 13) 48% [ 2,1.2 52% 2.297 1 343 52% 3E7 48%. 302 52% 324 4,435[ 7101 1i1 526'1 ESTR':AN,B1GYCLE TRIP REDUCTION 15.0% QF GROSS EXTERNAL TRIPS 14, 48% 37 1 52% 345 [, 3i 588, ET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 4E% 1,176 . 52% 11611 2.437 {{1 NET EXTERNAL PERSON TRIPS IN VE'41CLES NET EXTERNAL PERSON TRIPS U51155 TRANS[T C 1.43 PERSONS! VEHICLE 1.49 PERSONS,' VEHICLE ilNET EXTERNAL PERSON TRIPS (VEHICLES AND T R13kST MODES) 4E% 48% 1,635 42C 45% i 2,358 52% 52,C 1,774 45E 52% 2,23D 3,412 876' 4.2881E j1 NET EXTERN`RL PERSON TRIPS WALKING OR USING EICYCLES Ei 1.40 PERSONS VEHICLE 1 451 4 52% 485 [19 IN THE FORMULAS, 3,XF 1S THE AREA PER 1,Cn0•3 SQUARE FEET, SEATS, ROOMS OR 55 TS. [21 A 3 815 REDUCTION TO ACCOUNT E0R SAME PERSON TRIPS AS ``E BIT HIGHER VEH,`.C1.R- 005 JPANCY (Y91At I's 1.4 vs. ITE`S 1,2 PERS7VEH) [3[ 1RANS T TRIP REDUCTION' BASED ON PROJECTED MODAL SPLITS JWSG 1N THE ORIGINAL DOWNTOWN [ A!,;1''I 551 STUDY. ;`41 PEDESTRIAN ANC 3ICYCLE TRIP 53505 €!ONS ARE _S—cf3A_ SD BASES ON OD W'NTSS N CHARACTERISTICS. ERl Cc [5 "P " (3 ALLP Y. 555 .5 2 E CYEES a- 1PM PEAK. R TRIP 541. EMP OY`E. Tt�.;l, RATE E 'FOR THE Ai' ,r'i;.'lv"! i AR�.;E 5 y " •:�: ^v.5 Ir 't �R SEAT AND fih'E & Lam, HOUR 2l-74 r RCE I I H AND SOH? AR �.P. "., P. [rc „,18e r jecL9`,✓:DC -"1 57 - u tab es',G N - 932 TABLE 21,C1 DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI UPDATE - INCREMENT TRANSIT AND PEDESTRIAN MODE SPLITS AREA OMNI CBD BR1CKELL SE OVERTOWN „ - ./:-.-------- --`, 17-sen.-2001 TRANSIT MODAL/PDT {1] \ PEDESTRIAN i INCREMENT I 1 /11\ICREMENT !I '\ REDUCTION [2] i --:{ 11,7% 23,3% 14.3% 8.3% 14,9% I 22.6% ' i ' 14.1°A i 8.2/ °/0 1 0 ()(i'0 1 0 J:)% 15,0% N/A NOTES; [1] TRANSIT MODAL SPLITS BASED ON APPROVED RATES USED IN THE ORIGINAL DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI. [21 PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE TRIP REDUCTION BASED ON AREA CHARACTERISTICS AND DISCUSSIONS WITH CITY OFFICIALS. SOURCE: KEITH AND SCHNARS, P.A. 21-77 rc..,,jects\2'001\1671atatdes\cbc2pm,wk4 Appendix B: Trip Distribution Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites • I is -Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2030) Pre tr January 2005 ared by: XI Gannett Fleming n associat Jn with: PACO Group P bpi FiJnoncio.'1 management Media Reasons Group f: PERCENT .113 2.43 SSE Wt,g NNW 116 272 1.5 _, 235 .� < 414 ` 3 TSTP5 402 151 1J l 22 83 466 322 442007 PERCENT 7_52 5 _.1 2 �2. 16.042227 TRIPS 861 _ERC NT 20.48 PERCENT 613 114 ... 182 888 850 833 4204 1.09 3.50 21._2 15.'0 19.81 578. 487 43 186 552 v _ 3 2' 2 .83 15.02 4.t7 83 5.74 1..80 17.03 20.7 576 TRIPS 927 737 124 69 228 1166 766 905 4922 PERCENT 19.81 _14.79 2,19 1.38 4.58 23,40 15.38 28_1 577 TRI?S 1644 655 84 32 347 1639 10.59 1526 6930 ?E CE5'T 23.52 9,43 1.20 0.46 _.95 23,45 15.15 21.83 5 8 TRIPS 552 .84 27 44 51 527 362 447 22C4 PERCENT 25.C5 8.35 1.23 2.20 2.77 23.91 16. 2 20.28 ..;C193 860 268 23 21 132 874 700 844 3722 PERCENT 23.11 7.2 0.52 3.56 3.55 23.48 18.81 22.68 560 TRIPS 1513 364 29 43 3 26 3 205E 152 1005 PERCENT 15.08 3.62 0_29 _..43 3.05 25_25 20.12 32.30 581. TRIP8 625 2763 819 621 962 3221 PRR::NT 19.05 8.99 40 0.82 2.53 24.98 18.98 29.32 582 TRIPS 193 20 1, 3 6 150 90 1.4H6 559 PERCENT 25.58 3.58 C.18 C.54 26.8.E 16.2 26.12 583 297108 420 54 4 8 33 327 257 351 1454 PERCENT 28,89 3.71 3.28 0.35 2.27 22.49 _,.6. 24.14 584 TRIPS _3'.: ti68 405 276 227 G 1152 PERC7141 15.97 0.00 0 .0_ 5 21 35,15 22.96 5 U-. 2 .00 T'LL ; P9 = 31 W 41 15 . :'=_.0357 _ _ , 05 ,4 7 7,T, 4 86 26.25 114 _61 30 .C6 26.92 5.02 39 - ? k1O5 NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW TOTAL. Tn Briokell Hampton Inn & Suites Project Cardinal Distribution (TAZ 573) Peak Trips 20.03 12 9 7.52 4 3 5.88 4 2 1,10 1 0 4.14 2 2 23,22 13 10 16.04 9 7 22.07 13 10 100.00 58 Note_ Based on MUA T S & Year 2025 Plan .update, Technical Report: Direct=onal Trsp Qistrrbutien Year 1999 Model Validation and 2005-2025 Gost Affordable Plan, Date: December 31, 2001 obtained from Miami Dade MPO. 21 7 6 1 4 23 16 23 Traffic Assignment Percentace !North 42.10 east i 3.40 South 5.24 39.26 Total 100.00 • North East South West TABLE A3 Brickell Hampton inn & Suites Traffic Assignment 12+13--,•25 4+48 1+23 13-4-9=22 9+10=-#9 3+2=5 0+2=2 10+7=17 TOTAL 58 43 101 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Traffic Assignment 25 19 17 22 C.:* 88-028 Grickell Hampton inn & Suites PM Site Traffic (Scenario A) EB ONLY SW I2TH ST O8 28 Bricked Ha peon inn & Suites • PM Site Traffic E cenario 6) 12TH ST Appendix C: Factors, Growth Trends & Programmed improvements 2 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Scae= Fa,2tor Cateq7.2.7 ReF2.rt - jeae=L Ty?,7"! Cat'gv; F0'2. MIAH-1-DAN. 50=3: Wee',2 Date.:;, SY . _ . . . . . . . . . . .N07CF: PSC12 01/0:U213 2 01/C,/2000 3 C1/15/2006. 4 01/22/2006 ' 5 (21/2/2;00i 7 7;17/2.2/20,10 022/1S/25 7 9 C2/2E/2006 711 C3/05/207)6 ,a1 03/25/2006 712 01/19/2006 712 07/26/20M 414 04/C21100E '15 04/0E/200G '16 04/10/2006 *27 04/23/210E 16 04//2006 19JA/2006 ff 60/14/2006 21 05/2112[106 22 27/25. 23 0./04/2006 a:/11/2000 25 0E/1/200E 2E 06/25/2006 - 27 07/02/2005 - 26 07/09/2006 - 29 07/16/2006 - 32 07123/2006 - 311 07/50/200E 32 08/06/2006 - .55 0E/73/2006 - 34 0e/20/2006 - 35 08/27.12056 - 16 09/03/2005 37 09/10/2006 3E 09/17/2006 - 35 69/24/2006 40 10/01/7006 - 41 10/08/2006 - 42 10/15/2006 - 42 I2/22/20108 - 44 10/29/2006 45 11/05/2006 - 46 11/12/2006 - 47 11/19/2006 - 48 11/26/2006 - 49 12/03/20CE - 5.0 12/10/200E - 51 12/17/2006 - 52 12/24/2005 - 55 12/51/2006 - 7 Peak Seaso= Pag..e 2 of 6 - 02/C2/2000 - 01/14/220E - 01/21/200b - 02/28/2006. - 02/04/2006 - 02/1E/2006 - 02/2/2006 - C21/04/2000 - 05/1/2006 03/25/2000 - 04/0if2006 04/0,1,/2016 - 04/15/2006 - Ci/22/2006 04/23/2006 - 05/06/2006 - 05/a0/2006 - 06/20/2006 - 05/27/20CE - 06/55/2006 05/10/2006 - '06/17/20:6 - 06/24/200E 07/01/200E 07/C3/2006 07/15/2006 07/22/2006 01/29/2006 08/05/2006 0E/12/2006 06/15/2006 0E/2E/2006 09/02/2006 09/0S/2006 09/1E/2006 03/23/2006 39/30/2006 1C/C/2008 10/14/2006 10/21/200E 10/28/20DE 11/04/2006 11/11/2006 11/18/200E 12/25/200E 12/02/2006 12/09/200E 12/16/200E 12/23/2006 12/30/200E 12/31/200E 1..01 0,00 0 9'2 0.90 1.201 1.0C 2.02 I,C1 1 01 1„11: 1.'01 51 1,02 1..02 1,03 1.03 1,02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 LCD 0,99 0.93 0,99 0.99 0.99 0.9.9 3.99 0.39 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.0C 1,C0. 1_00 1.C1 1.11 12 00 „0(2 C.99 '5.0] 0,E9 1.5C 7 " 1.02 1,02 1,02 1.02 1,02 1.02 1,03 1.03 1,34 1.04 1,04 1,03 2-05 1.05 a_o3 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0C 1.01 1.01 8733 1,02 1.00 06 N , v ,2 5 4 !2 = 2s 6 _ `%,. 2.,._._ 6 2_ 90/12,2006 05/10/200/ 1.00 24 0C, :.51'20 6 - 00/1/2006 1.00 2 C6/ _6/2006 - 06/ 24/- 306 1.09 26 06/25/2006 - 07/01/200E 27 0 7/02/2006 - 0/08/2006 1.00 2 137 09/2'06 - 137/10/2 06 3-00 29 07/2 006 - 07/22. 2006 1.00 30 C7/23/2006 - '`28/2006 1.90 31 97/30/2006 - 08/05/2006 1.00 32 08/05/2006 - 8/12/2006 1.00 33 OE/13/2906 - 08/19/2006 1.00 34 09/29/29066 - 05/26/20 6 1.00 a5 08/27/2006 - 09/02/2006 2.00 36 99/03,-2096 - 09/99/2006 1.00 337 09/3132006 - 05/16/20066 1_00 38 99/17/2096 - 09/23/2006 1.00 39 09/24/2006 -- 09/30/20066 1.00 40 10/01/2006 --- 10/07/2006 1.09 41 00/08/2006 - 10/14/2006 1.00 42 10/15/2006 - 10/21/2006 1.00 43 10/22,2006 - 10/28/2005 1.00 44 10/29/2006 - 2 /04/2006 2. 45 _m /0 /20CE - - . 11/2006 1,00 46 11/12/2006 - 1/16/2006 1.00 47 11/19/200.6 - 11/25/2006 3.00 48 12,26/2096 - 12/02/29 6 1.00 99 12/03/2006 - 12/09/2006 1.00 50 12; 1!0/2006 - 12/16,2006 l .2C .,_ 12 1_l. 2i006 - 12/23/9006 1_00 12/24/2006 -- 12/30/2006 1.02 53 62/3E/21306 - 32/31/2005 1.0 -6-:eb-230; 16:21:45 0.95 0,93 N 0,90 0.95 1 9 3 95 0.95 0.95 0.95 W,9` 0.95 0.95 6, 95 0.95 0.95 0- 5 0.95 0-95 0.95 0.95 0,95 f .95 0.95 0.95 0_95 C.95 0 . ✓9 5 01_95 C.95 0.98 0.95 0.95 6.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 95 8725 9.2 99 0,99 5.9.99 99 C•99 0.99 0.99 0899. I, 99 0.99 0.39 5µ 0. . ,s6 0.99 0.99 9.99 0.99 C.99 0.99 0.99 C.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 C.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 C.99 0.99 `.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0,99 0.99 0.39 Pale 9 of 18 855RPT [1, 0, 0, 2; 5 87 I, '0`'.tx11 • Average Daily Traffic (VehciesiDay 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 Traffic Trends - V2.0 SR 5/ US-1 -- 200' W SR 5/US 1 cm:a Observed Count Fitted Curve Log, (Fitted Curve) 1997 2002 County: Station #1 Highway: . 1. j ..--.----1---,}, I ! 1----1----1-4-4-1 ` -1.-----1--h-1-1-1---1-4---f--+-4--- 2007 2012 20'17 2022 2027 2032 Year " Annual Trend Increase: Trend R-squared: Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: Trend Growth Rate (2006 to Design Year): Printed: 627 46.12% 4.38% 3.23% 5 May-08 Straight Line Growth Option Miami {F7) 0086 SR !.51 US-1 Traffic (ADT1AADT) Year doUnt''' 1 Trend" 907 1 ( 00 14200 1998 15100 14800 1999 15500 15400 2000 20200 16100 2001 17600 16700 2002 16100 / 7300 2003 15200 18000 2004 19700 18600 2005 20500 1 92.C.30 2005 18500 19800 2008 0 ening Year Trend 2009 MidYear Trend 21700 2011 Design Year Trend 1111152111111111111=11 TRANPLAN Forecasts/Trends 1111 *Axie-Adjusted Florida Demartrant. of Trans lortdtton Tr,atls3.>ort:s;7,an Stat..isticj Office 2006 f1i, torical. AADT Report v : rf 7 _. t4 7: AN 1 --- i3 D E SS. -le: 02)36 -- 53 972/35 13 ST, 200' W SR 5/68-21 Yca: AADT Direction 1 0:i.r: c6:io 2 K Factor D Far tar ' factor 2006 :..7100 L.' E. 9000 3. 951)0 7.39 58,66 2.03 2005 20500 C E 11000 14 9500 7.70 65,70 2.10 2004 :19700 0 6, 70500 W 9200 8.20 67.10 6.40 2003 15200 C 3. 7300 W 7900 8.10 72.30 1.30 2002 16100 C 3. 7300 W R800 9.2.0 68.00 5.30 2001 1.7600 c. 1; 9000 W 8600 8.20 53.50 3.90 .2000 20200 <1 W 11500 w 0700 0.20 53.10 5.70 1.499 :15500 C 0 7200 id 0300 9.1.0 52.70 6.1.0 1998 1.5100 63. 7200 W 7900 .10.20 52.70 1.90 - 7(997 11700 0 3. 5600 W 6100 9.10 64.50 5.20 1996 10300 C 3. 4700 W 560E 8 , 50 53.10 5-30 199S 8200 C .6 3600 W 4600 7.90 62.60 70.30 1994 10800 c 3 5100 W 5700 0.9.0 60.00 2.40 1993 10100 C E 4800 W 5300 0.00 0.00 0.00 13AD')' 21833 C Computed; E _ Manual Est.imote; E - Eirst Year Iilrrrimate 0 S800n0 Year ESt;amdt.Q; T = Third Year 058715at,e; X - Unknown. • 1 i w e".4���dill 1� �I1 i1.tw�Kw.?iy�A} tempaniii tw Ell II 1; .' /, 4.1 ra,"'•(, l���;r�w� crn fir mum a . ow" —,46 liop, PRIM loAdmiii mugs army N. mom T �waw w 111111111 w..,r. + 01.4, 1�'11r ♦ r.. vw.it+ Si ill is ■ 11 ■• Illral rtiarluillr"liriVirliwbr ' i�illEi� ' 2. *maw 1 V X 7 pit I `f .P,KE I ACKER CY SE 7.6 ru) IprcJven tit Proje NW �, ... Project Description Road vernents to SEJSW 9t11 St. SEISIN 10th St; S Miami Ave, SE lst Ave, SW 1st Ave. P e. Streets Current Status: Active Current Phase ©n.HoJd Picture to be Posted Shortly Co mission Distr'i t; 2-Corn loner Marc, Sarr off Picture to be Picture to be Posted Shortly Location: SE/SW 9th St, SEISW 10th St, S Miami Ave, SE ist Ave, SW lst Ave. Anticipated Schedule Construction Start: Late 2005 Construction End: Late 2006 Posted Shortly E A. :S,,,Nrfr iST_I— E7 Sr ��� A I ,S. SEerp IS/ 5,61 19 s; Se s? r` Ss Project Schedule artd Costs are subjasi to o rarnge. Iota Estimated Cost S600,000.00 Contact: AskCiTCci_rniami,fl.us Contact Phone; 305-415 1280 Ira J lma 2< a_, £ miamig ycorr., r- nrovernTs/pa /ty?m)cdi Srm on (S as 5/220t8 Appendix D:Traffic Counts (TMC's and A R's) 29 Fricke:: Hampton Inn & Suites • iZSE1 r10N NAME SW 12th Streak 5 MAY 184 Avenue SW 121h Slrn1 S h5i -is1 Avennellnckell Plazof South Miami Avenue APPI9OACH SQUTHR0UND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND EASTBOUND TOTAL SOUT1i90UND WESTLIOUNO NORTHBOUND £AS'iROUND TOTA L Notes: 1 intersection Name 2 Intersection Approach :1 Inlerserrtlon Apps6sdi Movement 4 TPA data provided by ROA. Inc 5 Dale or Count 6 Perak Hour F;ictor 7 Peak SL.iscnal factor oataino11 Prom FOOT 0) Seasonally Ac usled TMt; .- (;aunt " 60113E (These Ke. the vatumas s)lilizad in then existing condftivn 911 srs4K;licui I..()S. 11 A 3.22 pereanf, hack9€aund t5routls was ulib'zed with a project hoild--pul of three. gears. 10 ;file traffic asaipwrrent, 11 Net Tr.Sffrc = Pnak Seesor91ly Adjusted 1144) + Baokgourltl 17 Comrrhsd Traffic. 13 Told i-rafliu -= Net Tfaflie: 4 Site Traffic. (These are the v9urnes friifved in the proposed intersection LOS analysis) MOVEMENT S012 SBT SE3f_ TOTAL W[0R WBT WHL TOTAL NOR F1T IVS1 DIAL F.Ey4 F:BT TOTAL TABLE: A4 I3rickell Hampton Inn & Suites INTERSECTION APPROACH VOLUMES PM P9A1< fiR COUNT 0 535 103 61 638 BHR_._ SBR 4 6BT 244 TOTAL 247 INBR 0 TOTAL .p.- NBR NEi1'.... 433 NHL ..._. __ 24 _.-�.._.. TCITAL .... .._ 567 EB0 1 31 F0T 0 Ec 73 TOTAL 104 908 P1#r BACKGROUND HM PFAK 4R4W`H SEASONAL 3 23 PSCF ADJUE5T al=nr t1)1 a i.V1 540 1A1 544 7.01 1.01 1.07 0 1.61 0 1.01.._ 0 5.01 0 _..101_ 01.01 0 (®;'Richard Ga[ is anti As )dales, Inc . 20f)0 Sita t reffic Site Trek.Ne.i 1 a`fle. w11 rat a i r6aic, Wr °4 fr4R 3 {MPH)i'VF ti) f 4ecl Ye r9 cenaria A 5c £aria?io B {S0enario Win__ re� s --— _ 0 .594 tt sari 114 uii 23 e 2 f 0 709 95 26 767 735 ...�. 0 4 709 � 8xF 2 7fi7 735 1.01 29 32 101 4 4 A + B i 04 ....... 21S 236 '136 2 y.�.... 245 274 4 ._..... 4 274 2714 1 pi 0 G si I.I ._. ) C a _1.01 95 106 0 7 01 24 27 ...�. `; ....-...2./ _ 3'#I' 8_ 1.D1 443 ng $ U 23 1411 �_.... 141 34 24 7 1.01 t 01 74 i<1 JW 19 'f 9 f3i1 _.. I111) _- 1105 .�W.�'115 43 25 i511 i42 —. 9 a 1009 43 58 7052 1037_ arcs_ -filled apt ab>sistn u°gal T31153 )Vs H) .577 ='. 1611i ' nGr,-- r & A - 'ems 13717 N'fA 107 7 ,' - ., .Ste # 4 t Avenue bound 04,00 P 04:15 PM C4:30 PM _04:45 PM p_1 05:00PTA i` 0 1.22 25 05:15PMj C' 144 21 05:30 PM • 0 123 31 05:45 PM; C 141 25 Total ` 0 635 103 Fox: 30'5-675-6474 Grouts Prin d,- rs - Trucks SW 12th Street SW 1 St Averie Westbound N0rihbdsrnd u ' Left . Peaa 1 T lr+ ` 5 Ap, <. 0 56 20 2 108 . r, 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 23 0 114 = 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 38 22 0 11 0 I , 0 D. a 0 0 0 r 0 350 90 2 45€ 7 Q 0 0 142 0 0 0 1 D 0 0 0 171 1, 0 0 0 2 2; 0 0 0 3 0 154 1 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 167 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 639 0 0 0 3 File Name ' r I Ave S1 Site Code 0D0000 Start Date Page No 0 0 0 SW 12th Sreet Eastbound Left Peds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i 11v 0 0 • 0) 4 4 I 120 0 5 5 451' e 33,, L !M� 0 ` 0 D 0 0 r _ 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 1 C Grand Total I 0 894 193 3 1090 0 C 0 7 7 1 0 0 0 1 Apprch `r`c ' 0 82 17.7 0,3 0 0 0' 100 1 0 0 0 100 Total % ` 0 81.1 17.5 0.3 98.E 0 0 0 0.5 0.6 -:' 0 7 0 0.1 0 Cars ' 0 894 193 3 1090 ' 0 0 0 7 7 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 5 I -ma. % Cars v" 100 1 30 100 100 ; 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 10C 10 0 0 100 100 I 100 Trucks ;I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0` 0 0 0 0 '% Trucks I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 148 0 0 0 0 173 C. 0 0 0 154 O 0 0 0' 157 0 3 0 0 542 1st ye: : art In Tcta! 1090' 1090I 3, 0, 01 0 1090,• 110901 0 894'. 1931 3 0] 01 0'1 0 09 894F 1931 31 Right Ttsr:; Left Pea 5/8 2008 04:00 ?M bi612008 05:45 Cap .Tic '_f € Thru 1 t Few 00 v C', 0• ' 8941 01 N A •n 0 0 0 0 5 ° j 1103 0 0 0 €00 C 0 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0! 0 0 C 0 0 0I 0 ti`a Ca-1 : 0;N 894; Out Ric a- rcia T * �5 13i.7Nd4' 1t!Ave, .Ste ?;'4 eah _O_ t0f0 3: FL 33018 59 I505. Fax 3n5-675- F: ame 1 Ave & SV 2 St PM Site Code : 03000 Start Date . 5i .2008 Page No : 2 W 141 Avenue art La Tura ; Peak Hour Analyst$ F ro,,m 34:00 PM to 06 45 PM W 12th SSt,'eet W 1stAvent, Westbound Northbound rrF ' ed5 s �., T =i u . Left`Peds Peak Hors' far EnOre in ersecttor 8e". 3nd at €05.00 PM C5.00 PM 0 122 25 0 147 0 0 0 1 1' 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM 0 149 21 1 171 0 0 0 2 2 4 n 0 05:30PMi 0 123 31 0 154 0 0 0 0 0! 0 0 0 0 05:45 PM 1 0 141 26 0 167 vim= E 0 535 103 639 App. tAii 83.7 16 1 5.2 PHF .000 ,898 _831 .250 • G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1 0 0 0 0 4 .000 .000 .000 .375 75 .0; 00 .000 .000E .00 in "fora 639' i 53°' 0! 535! 133'. loht Trtrd Let Peds Peak Hour Data Forth Peak Hour Begins at Ga,00 PW Cars lTrk us Leff i7�€u rRight Peds a C 0. 535 5, 1535. Out it Total 665 'at w7nue �W 121, Easlbod 14 173 154 167 542 R1Cho r Ave, .5te # h Graden5, E~L. 33:3 : 8 Tel: 3 ''55` 5--7 505 x: 3n55-675_647 i e Name S M!AMl Ave & SW Site Code 00000000 Start Date _ 51612008 Piaoie No Groups T AVEJ8RiCKELL PLAZA SW12TH Si ett bcaa�r��a iest curd Star, Iire 04:00 PM 4:15 PM 04:30 PM ', 6 35 04:45 PM Total 6 7 39 t 0 rr 291 u 0 1 45 0 2 0 41 0 0 0 4 2 29 0 144 0 05:00 PM 1 11 48 0 1 60 05:15 PM ' 7 53 0 0 60 05:30 PM 8 63 0 6 77 05:45 PM 7 50 0 2 59 Total I 33 214 0 9 256 grand Totw 57 332 0 Apprch °7% 14.2 83 0 Total 74 , 3.6 20.7 0 Cars 75 Cars Trucks 74 Trucks 11 400 2.8 0.7 25 57 332 €} 11 440 100 100 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 >0. 0 0 0 0 01 q. N O. .J ma` I ) dm Gars - Trucks S MAW AVE(RICK£LL PLAZA Nort ibound --� +,._0e i ,v *.x< 83 4 113 0 . 14 85 6: 0 11 C 41 16 95 7 0 116' 2 7 0 110 , 5 f 75 349 20__ r 451 SW 12TH ST Eastbound 14 14 1, 2 18 2 w 168 E1 175 179 0 0 1 21 104 5 0 33 7 0 17 5 24 1 218 0 0 2 2 31 125 5 0 16"` 11 0 23 0 3-4 257 0 0 2 2 22 104 6 0 13217 0 18 0 25 236 0 0 1 ; 20 106 5 0 13 6 0 15 1 22, 213 0 4 6 5 I 94 439 24 0 557 31 0 73 1 105I 924 0 0 0 9 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h- c N: a 0: 0 r h 01e — sZ 101 CC 0 11 11 1159 0 100 16.6 0 0.7 0.7 10,5 0 11 11 169 0 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 3n 747 1& 9181 400! 788 50 1 1008 52 0 128 3 183 1602 78.2 5 0.1 28.4 0 69.9 1.6 49.2 3.1 0, 1 62.9 3.2 0 8 0.2 11.4 619 50 83952 0 128 3 183 1433 78.6 10,0 100 83.21 100 0 100 150 100 69.5 169 0 0 169' 0 0 0 0 0 169 21.4 0 0 16.81 3 0 0 0 0i 10.5 Total .147, 169! 57.. 332 0` 11! D! 0t 0I 0 57 332: 0 111 R1gh ?itr: Left Pees North 5/6/2008 04:03 PM 5/6/2008 05.45 PM Cam IiL'�KS Lan 70 3 P,:__^,ht Pecs 810: 160, c r 3jo 0 o I :or; tr•€� 0 ❑ .-i rr- -, O 384 639' `223' C 169'. 189'.. 37 1006 T 1392: gut ! i Total E. 1ST AVrI RlCKELL PLAZA Southbound S'a: Time Peak ; AnNys:s Fr©rn. 04.000 PM to 05:45 PM - Peas Peak Hour for Entire .rtersect on Begirt at 05:00 PM 05:00 PM ` 11 48 0 60 ^ 0 05°15' PM , 53 0 0 60 0 0 0530 PM 5 63 0 6 77 v 0 _ 05745 PM 7 00 0 2 59 Total vd.:re ` 33 214 0 �.....- `;5 App. Tota 12.9 83.6 0 5.5 ,___j_ 0 PNF m c°. _'107 Grades.3 0 9 7�`;� Tom; - ,,�- ,'�,��; Fox: ` -675 SWy��12TP aT i%eestb urd ru reds e Name. Site Cade Start Date Page No S dAMI AVE/BM Northbound Hcht Ors ',Eft Pecig_ SMrAN.1Ave &SW 12 St PM 00000000 5/6/20 8 :2 SW1234ST Eastbound 0 1 1 21 -'0.4 8 0 1331 7 0 -17 0 0 2 2' 31 125 5 0 161 I 11 23 0 0 2 2'. 22 104 6 6 1321 7 0 18 0 0 20 106 5 0 3, 1 0 15 1 256 I, 0 0 6 6 6 94 439 24 557 € 1 0 73 100 10.; 76.8 4.3 D 29.5 6 69.5 .750 :845 .CJOD ,375 .831 j !)00 .000 .7C3 .750 .750 ,758 .878 .750 .000 -565 i .7 D5 -000 .793 .25'0 se 1s7Avzii aeKELL P,LAzA L 512_ 1 2.56'': f 7681 3sal 211: D' O1 Right TN% Left Pecs Peak Hour Data 1'F Peak :t ginsal05:DC P:V LTRucks Leff Thru Rr t Pais 24'', 439. 94 0 2451 5571 1 802j Cut In— Tor r'K= P=A7 24, 218 34 257 25 236 22i 213 105 924 772 .89P Richard Garcia & 13117 N. W. 1071h Ave. #4 Hiaeali Gardens, Ft, 3018 305-595-7505 Siie Code: Stal-or, !SD 418 Cola Way west dr s_ Ava. LatitiAe: CY 0_000 UndefThed Sta.rt 2:-Ma,,,-0,? Mtal _ Tr-rie TJe WE 33 17!00 Am 25 29 54 if):',F, 3.1. 26 60 12.30 18 19 37 12:45 16 14 30 01:00 10 15 28 01:15 8 7 54 01:30 13 7 20 01_45 8 11 19 02:00 a 8 15 02:15 4 7 11 02:30 8 4 12 02:45 3 6 9 03;00 4 7 11 03:15 5 6 13 03:30 2 6 8 03A5 5 10 15 04;00 3 8 11 04:15 •2 6 10 04:30 8 13 04:45 6 11 05:00 8 14 22 05:15 7 1:1 18 05:30 7 17 24 05:45 14 31 45 06:00 14 31 45 06:15 31 •33 84 06:30 35 84 119 06:45 38 94 132 07:00 65 125 191 97:15 64 154 218 07:30 71 150 221 07;45 95 234 329 0800 . : 117 ' 302 419 08:15 ' 111 : 241 352 08:30 132 262 394 08:45 120 261 381 09:00 110 251 361 09:15 100 202 302 09:30 92 176 258 09:45 76 139 215 1000 95 132 227 10:15 104 125 229 10:30 84 110 194 10:45 98 111 209 11:00 119 116 235 11:15 104 127 231 11:30 116 136 252 11:45 128 149 277 Total 2341 4036 5377 Percent 36.7% 63.3% Peak 08:00 08:00 080G VoL 480 1066 1546 P.H.F. 0.909 0.882 0.922 F,0Fia d GGarc1.. As5ociWes, raC. 13117 N. W. 107th Ave. #4 H a' ah Gardens, '. 3 0 18 305-595-7505 �1311. Time The 88 :00 P38 174 140 12:15 168 1.40 12:30 141 135 12:45 154 167 01:50 141 172 01:15 146 245 01:30 142 242 0 1:45 121 245 02:00 140 216 02:15 121 224 02:30 135 250 02:45 118 236 03:00 184 251 03:15 138 166 03:30 140 115 03:45 152 122 04:00 182 112 04:15 174 114 04:30 161 131 04:45 216 148 05:00 287 186 05:15 262 151 05:30 262 168 05:45 " 237 168 06:00 222 158 06:15 206 120 06:30 190 131 06:45 154 122 07:00 160 113 07:15 140 115 07:30 125 98 07:45 11.0 100 08:00 109 90 08:15 102 94 08:30 90 98 08:45 96 108 09:00 108 83 09:15 90 97 09.30 64 72 • 09:45 78 85 10:00 62 85 10:15 58 76 10:30 58 87 1.0.45 60 60 11:05 58 54 11:15 27 49 11:30 31 48 11:45 27 34 Site Co5z: 410 mi Aye_ f:` o.;;oo Undetne:' 34. 3118 277 321 313 392 384 366 356 345 385 354 435 304 255 274 294 288 292 364 473 413 430 405 380 326 321 276 273 255 223 210 199 196 188 204 191 187 136 163 147 134 145 120 112 76 79 61 Total 6521 6423 12944 Percent 50.4% 49.6% Peak 17:00 14:15 17:00 Vef. 1048 961 1721 P.H,F. 0.913 0.957 0.910 Percent Star. 21-MITI 08 `Wed <:'`B" T- 00 AM 25 12:15 34 12:30 18 19 12:45 16 14 01:00 10 18 01:15 8 7 01:30 13 7 01:45 8 11 02:00 8 8 02:15 4 7 02:30 8 4 02 45 3 6 03:00 4 7 03.15 3 5 03.30 2 6 03:45 4 10 04:00 3 3 04:15 2 8 04:30 3 4 04:45 3 4 05:00 8 14 05:15 7 16. 05:30 7 17 05:45 14 . 31 06:00 14 32 06:15 . 25 56 06:30 35 84 06:45 48 94 07:00 65 126 07:15 54 154 07:30 103 181 07:45 106 248 08:00 . 116_ 309 08:15 i 320 08:30 110 286 08:45 114 .258 09:00 99 225 09:15 106 207 09:30 105 163 09:45 102 182 10:00 84 130 10:15 98 i 130 10:30 116 125 10:45 110 130 11:00 104 118 11:15 92 112 11:30 111 122 11:45 140 132 2392 4196 36_3% 63.7% hard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 13117 N. W. 107th Ave. 44 Hialeah Gardens, F1, 33016 305-595-7505 Cor `s ay west of 89e. I :416 ern Ave - Latitude: 17 0.E000 L .der", ied 54 80 :47 30 28 15 20 19 16 11 12 9 11 8 8 14 8 7 7 22 23 24 45 48 81 119 142 191 218 284 354 416 430 396 372 324 313 268 284 214 228 241 240 222 204 233 272 6588 Peak P.H.F. 08:00 08:00 08:00 450 1154 1614 0.970 0,909 0.938 RkJiard Garcia & As oc at 13117 N, . 107th Ave, S4 Hialeah Gardens, Fi, 33 305-595-7505 Start 21— TI:Ti e `E,'» iTbeR C,8 12:OO FM 138 138 12:15 146 130 12:30159 136 12:45 156 150 01:00 140 168 01:15 128 :220 01:30 155 251 01:45 145 270 02:00 132 • 252 02:15 140 164. 02.30 153 144 :02:45 136 155 03:00 146 130 03:15 137 138 03:30 154 126 03:45 148 124 04:00 168 114 04;15 146 • 132 04:3G 164 134 04:45 220 146 05:00 266 155 05:15 260 151 05:30 .' 234 164 05:45 • 237 210 06;00 252 165 06:15 174 163. 06:30 189 135 06:45 154 125 07:00 148 122 07:15 135 110 07:30 134 124 07:45 138 1.17 08:00 118 110 08:15 123 102 08:30 103 116 08:45 106 115 09:00 96 108 09:15 101 83 09:30 99 97 09;45 64 72 10:00 78 85 10:15 62 85 10:30 58 76 10:45 58 87 11:00 60 60 11:15 58 54 11;30 27 49 11:45 31 48 Pate 4 Site Cade: StOt c, iD.4 6 west of 2. Ave. LaAu e:0' .u; n Eirc; 2;r5 295 306 308 346 436 415 394 304 297 292 276 275 280 272 282 278 298 356 411 411 396 447 417 337 324 279 270 246 255 255 228 225 224 221 204 184 196 136 163 147 134 145 120 112 76 79 Total 6570 6351 12921 Percent 50.8 0 492% isJe3k 17:00 13:15 17:15 Vol 987 1033 1673 P.H.F. 0.949 0.919 0.936 Ttr=ir 12:00 AM 12.15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01,45 02:00 02:15 C2:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04 :00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 •05;45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07;45 08:00 08;15 08:30 08;45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 28 21 16 20 9 9 13 10 9 6 8 9 10 8 12 10 10 10 8 11 15 10 13 10 19 17 33 17 33 34 35 38 86 41 96 68 128 67 156 74 152 98 236 304 114 . 243 135 264 123 253 113 253 103 .204 95 178 79 141 98 134 107 . 127 87 112 101 113 122 118 107 129 119 138 131 151 28 37 21 19 13 11 16 11 11 11 6 7 8 5 8 6 8 8 Rid 1 rd GarcAa & -s55Ciciac 5, 13117 N. W. 107th Ave. 44 Hialeah Gardens, FI, 33018 305-595-7505 Page, 5 Site Code: StateDri10: 41 0Jra; Wav vies". 3, MOrni Ave, L.a:SCUSe: w 0.000 Undefined 65 42 35 20 25 24 21 16 17 14 16 18 13 20 16 15 18 16 27 23 29 50 50 69 124 137 196 223 226 334 424 357 399 385 366 307 273 220 232 234 199 214 240 236 257 282 Tate 2485 4132 6617 Percent 37,6% 62.4% Peak 08:00 08:00 08:00 Vol, 492 1074 1566 P.H,F 0_911 0.883 0.923 Richard Ciar•da 4 Asfociates, 13117f'LW 117th Ave, #4 Kaleati Gardens, Fi, 330113 305-595-75115 Page .13 Site Cade: Station 87. 418 Cor'al Way wes.i of S. M4m Ave, Latitude: 0: 0.0(Yj tjr:defind Sian 22-May-05 Toll Time Ti-,u wrj. EB 1 2:.00 PM 177 142 319 12:15 171 142 313 12:30 144 138 262 12:45 157 169 326 01 :DO 144 174 318 01:15 149 • 248 357 01:30 145 244 359 01:45 124 247 371 02:00 143 218 361 OZ 15 124 . 226 350 02:30 138 252 390 02:45 121 238 359 03:00 187 - .253 440 • 03:15 141 168 309 03:30 143 117 260 03:45 155 124 279 04:00 185 114 299 04:15. 177 116 293 04:30 164 133 297 04:45 • 21.9. 150 369 05:00 ".. • 290 1 az 478 05:15 ... 2155. 153 .418 05:30 --.2§5 170 435 05:45 .240 170 . 410 06;00 225 160 385 .06:15 209 122 331- 06:30 193 133 326 •. 06:45• 1..57 • 124 281 07:00 163 115 278 '.07:15 143 117 260 07:30 128 100 228 07:45 113 - 102 215 08:00 112 92 204 08:15 105 98 201 08:30 93 100 193 08 A5 99 110 209 09:00 111 85 196 . 09:15 93 99 192 09:30 67 74 141 .09:45 81 • 87 168 10:00 65 87 152 10:15 61 78 139 10:30 61 89 150 10:45 63 62 125 11:00 61 56 117 11:15 30 51 81 11;30 34 50 84 . - 11:45 30 35 66 Tot a 6655 6519 Percent 50.6% 49.4,4. 13184 Peak 17:00 14:15 1700 0 969 1741 P.H,F. 0.914 0.958 0.911 Gnand 2.8974 31557 58631 Total Percent 46.0% 54018 i, r 73 AADT 7 • Ricahafd Garcia & Assoc, t s. 13117 N, 1 7 Ave. U n 4 diaatteah Gardens, 8'1 33018 6:urt 20-May.O5 NB 12 00 .A 25 12:15 19 12'30 33 12,45 10 01.00 15 C1 : 15 12 01:30 9 01:45 7 02:00 9 02:15 6 02:30 i 1 02:45 5 03:00 4 03:15 3 03:30 3 03:45 5 04:00 3 04;15 3 04:30 7 • 04:45 0 05:00 6 05:15 6 05:30 8 05:45 15 06:00 16 06:15 27 06:30 48 0€:45 28 07:00 59 07:15 62 07:30 68 07:45 77 08:00 108 08:15 103 08:30 107 08:45 88 09: 00 72 09:15 74 09:30 86 09:45 102 10:00 80 10:15 78 10:30 91 10:45 65 11:00 68 11;15 67 11:30 84 11:45 95 t vle 000 -0E 00000 Stabon n RI 8682 5Ave. N. 12 S f N2 Lat.,. fd E.: 0.000 Undefined Total 1987 Peak 08:00 Vol. 416 0.963 R:ivahard oariea & Associates, anv, 1:1117 N. VV. 107 AvH, Ur,jt_ 4 Hialaeah Gardens, Fl 33018 12:O PT' 98 12:15 115 12:30 120 12:45 112 01:00 116 01:15 142 D1:30 96 01:45 98 02:0C 94 02;15 97 02'30 104 02:45 86 03;00 92 03:15 96 03:30 76 03:45 91 04:00 an 04:15 82 04:30 95 04.45 107 05:00 138 05:15 116 05:30 29 05:45 1 Qs 06:00 139 06:15 122 06:30 127 06:45 97 07:00 109 0715 103 07:30 112 07:45 104 08:00 109 08:15 81 08:30 84 08:45 70 09:00 80 09:15 100 09:30 91 09:45 76 10:00 71 10:15 59, 10:30 72 10:45 56 11:00 50 11.15 42 11:30 38 11:45 35 Page2 Site C e: 000000000000 S0 0cn ID: 8-582 8. :it a Ave. N. 12 St {NS o i22 Latitude: 17 0,0'52 L Total 4517 Peak 17:30 Vol, 498 0.877 Rai -sad Garcia & Associat, 1.-.,',117 NW. 10.7 Ave. Ufflt. 4 Hialaeah Gardens, Ei 33018 Start 214,1,5y,0.5 Tima 12:00 AM 32 12:15 23 12:30 30 1245 27 01:00 28 01:15 18 01:30 8 01:45 8 02:00 13 .102:15 8 02:30 8 02:45, 10 03:00 13 03:15 7 03:30 0 03:45 3 04:00 04:15 i2 04:30 5 04:45 11 05:00 6 05:15 7 05:30 5 05:45 12 06:00 17 96:15 go 06:30 32 06:45 47 07:00 57 -07:15 59 07:30 57 07:45 99 08:00 89 08:15 08:30 105 08:45 09:00 121. 09:15 66 09:30 79 op:45 91 10:00 89 10:15 84 10:30 62 10:45 68 11:00 72 11:15 87 11:30 97 11:45 109 , 3.=3 500a_ 000000300000 Stair 8652 S. Miami Ave. N. 170: 1j36 _.oniv"s Latitude: 0 0000 tinciefmod Z132 Peak 08:15 Vci. 463 0_897 Riezhard Sa4'ca& Associates,Inc. 13117 N. W. 107 A. Unit. 4 Hialaaah Gmdens, F 33015 Sart Time Wcd 12:00 F-1,1 106 12:15 115 123'0 119 1245 114 01:DO 92 0115 107 013.0 93 01:45 98 02:00 116 02:15 119 02:30 79 0245 93 03:00 88 03;15 96 03:30 85 03:45 .95 04:00 97 04:15 92 04:30 96 04:45 106 05:00 120 05:15 149 05:30 137 05:45 111 06:00 110 06:15 117 06:30 129 06:45 127 07:00 127 07:15 129 07:30 148 07:45 104 08:00 115 08:15 137 08:30 120 08:45 120 09:00 93 09:15 109 09:30 93 09:45 60 10:00 87 10:15 66 10:30 67 10:45 64 11:00 79 11:15 76 11:30 71 11:45 70 Tot ai 4944 Page Site Coe; 000000000000 Station liTti 8682 S. Minrsj 12 Si (1",1!-- Latkide. 80 0.000 0nd7firie0 Peak, 1845 Vol. 531 P_H.F. 0.891 12:80 AM 12:15 12:30 12;45 01:00 01;15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 8 03:45 10 04:00 19 04:15 10 04:30 8 04:45 10 05:00 11 05:15 7 05:30 7 05:45 18 06:00 11 06:15 i 06:30 22 06:45 40 07:00 38 07:15 59 07:30 58 07:45 72. 08:00 90 08:15 102 08:30 95 08:45 .103 (i9:00 96 09:15 .87 09:30 83 09:45 89 10:00 75 10:15 78 10:30 67 10:45 68 11:00 79 11:15 83 11:30 88 11:45 119 Tot =' 2284 66 r:7 32 24 37 47 42 28 23 20 18 15 12 Peak 08:15 396 P.H.F. 0.961 R ez har€;! arci & Assoc"sale$, Inc, 13117 N. 107 Ave, Unit. 4 HIntwa°i Gardens, F$ 33018 ur.3)f)000D3 Station 3D: 8682- S. Ntarr i - . 12 80 (NB;�rl1•,r'i 0 0.000 10 e`Me i Rchrd 0arc,10 & AsoOate5, ;roc, 13117 N, W:1U7 Ave, Unit: 4 ilialaeah Gardens, Fi 33018 Start 22-May-05 Thne Thu 12:00 PM :- 12:15 115 12:30 143 12:45 19•6 01:00 122 01:15 106 01:30 115 01:45 139 02:00 107 02:15 117 02:30 126 02:45 133 03:00 104 -03.:15 93 03:30 101 03:45 116 04:00 117 - 04:15 82 04:30 115 04:45 148 05:00 151 05:1.5 - 117 05:30 138 05:45 •102 06:00 127 :06:15 146 06:30 127 06:45 123 07:00 114 07:15. 120 07:30 125 07:45 128 08:00 101 08:15 1.13 08:30 118 08:45 145 09:00 -134 09:15 131 09:30 Ifi0 09:45 118 10:00 118 10;15 116 10:30 141 10:45 130 11:00 123 11:15 148 11:30 133 11:45 108 Tota 5897 Site Code: 000000000000 8582 S. Miam Ave: N. 12 St NI•B LatittAe-: 0 0.000 Lindiefined Peak 20:45 Vot 560 P.H F 0 927 GraTtd Total Percent ADT 21761 ACT 6,900 AADT 6,900 12:(j5F:y1 12:15 12:3€0 12:45 [0 1 :00 01:15 01; 30 01:45 02;00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 . 03:45 64:00 `(04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 .05:15. 05:30 :i5:45 06:00 .06:15 06:30 06`:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 .07:45 • 08:00 .08:15 08:30 .08`45 09:00 09:15 09:30 .09:45 10:00 10:1.5 10:30 10:45 11:00 1:15 11,3E 11.:45 3 alai rsicatiard Garcia & _Associate , 13117 FiE. W`, 1--07 Ave. U it 4 Hiataeah Gardens, H; 33018 10 8 3 2 .. 2 ._2 • 2 3 2 • 4 5 6 5 4 111 12 24 36 35 37 57. 62 66 74 66 so.` $8 83 75 50 55 70 42 75 65 62 44 59 79 1537 Site Code: 0 _00..r, of SW ' 2 5 ` : 50 ordyk Latitude: 0 0. ,),00 Li`tdetint— Peak 08:30 Voi, 326 H.H.F. 0.926 12_ 0 5M.M 12:15 1;-30 12:45 01.00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02;45 03:00 03:15 03:30 0345 0-�.wu .Fit 04:1.5 83 04:30 103 04:45 97 05:00 139 05 1.5 119 05:30 132 05:45 135 06:00 122 06 15 92 06:30 99 06`45 81 07:00 58 07:15 100.. 07:30 42 07:45 57 08:00 44 08:15 55 08:30 57 08:45 58 09:00 47 09:1.5 54 09:30 56 09:45 37 1 0:00 34 1.0:15 48 10:30 39 10:45 33 11:00 20 11:15 21 11:30 39 11:45 19 64 51 73 67 73 80 85 74 66 72 82 .72 79 .36 82 ,80i • Total 3398 Peak 17:00 Vol. 525 P,H.F. 0.944 and 0 rci & Associates, In . 1 117 N. W_ €T7 Ave. Unit, 4 HiaLaeah Gardens, 71 3301 Pa ' 2 .1:§x..? {Ci. 3237 12 S r `3T rdy) 12-00 A 12:15 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03 5 03:30 03:45 0 4:00 04:' :5 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15. 08:30 08:45 .. 68.' 09:00 61 09:15 69 09:30 62 99:45 62 10:00 71 10:15 53 10:30 44 1 0:45 31 11:00 74 11:15 66 11:30 56 11.45 76 SE 38 24 13 1_5 17 0 3 6 8 2 5 12 3 4 Total 1599 Peak 08:00 Vol. 306 P.H.F. 0.797 ,associates, Inc, 131 17 N. N. 10; Ave, Unit, 4 F? aiaeh Gardens, FJ 33018 Page 0 de: 000000000000 S es;"_.. «, 8255 k. of Sp, 12 "S . .,, 00PN 12:15 12'30 12-45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 0245 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 t rtn i9Y-LA 04:15 04:30 04745 05:00 051.5 05:30 05:45 06:00 125: 06:15 142::. 06:30 130 06:45 .91 07:00 87 07:15 81.., 07:30 75 07:45 61 08:00 59 08:15 67 : 08:30 61 08:45 53 :. 09:00 51 09:15 56 09:30 44 09:45 53 10:00 44 .. 10:15 42 10:30 43 1 0:45 45 11:00 50 11:15 . '•38 11:30 33 ,1:45 28 0 72 61 53 65 72 75 82 72 65 90 69 68 72 77 108 100 128 124 15.1 152 Total 3614 Ricahard Garcia & 13117 N, At. 107 Ave. tint_ 4 Hiala€:a5 Gardens, F`: 3301 "j0cD0 ;f °00 Station ID: 8258 u't'. I AVE N. of CV; A 2 ST 35... r .. Latj_u1`; 01'0-01 '» dCfinri Peak 17:30 Vol. 570 0.938 j?:0J0 A33 12;15 12;30 12.45 01;00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 11 03:45 13 04:00 10 04:15 12 04:30 6 04:45 , 9 05:00 7 €15:1.5 8 05:30 6 05 :4:5 8. 06:00 10 06: 15 21 06:30 37 06:445 59 07:00 39 07:15 56 07:30 47 07:45 65 08:00 73 08:1.5 79 08:30 08:45 .. 84 09:00 63 09:15 62 09:30 64 09:45 5.1 10:00 64 10:" i 5 .59 10:30 59 1 0:45 54 11:00 62 11:15 55 11:30 54 11:45 100 37 1(4 3i 36 16 19 15 28 16 16 18 12 8 Ricaha3 d Gdrei & Ass atds, s v. 13117 N. W.107 Ave. Un1€. 4 Hia aeah Gardc.,n , Fi 330 i 5 Page 5 5:0: Code: 00230s:?00000 `pitio E ID: 8258 N. of SS` 12 S Latitude: 0 C>.00_, riee.fE'"ed Total 1751 Peak voL P.H.F. 08:00 311 0.926 2.00 PM 12:15 5 77 17.30 70 12:45 90 01:00 84 ,15 73 01:30 112 01:45 90 02:00 82 02:1 5 . . 87 02:30 98 02:45 1.09 03:00 70 03:15 111 03;30 119 03:45 `'.94 Ppe q 00 106 04:1.5 95 04:30 119 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 39 05:45 94 06:00 118 06:15 71 06:30 74 06:45 77 07:00 66 0715 77 07:30 75 0745 65 08:00 48 08:15 63: 08:30 50 08:45 43 09:00 62 09:15 •'63 09:30 79 09:45 68 10:00 64 10:15 65. 10:30 68 10:45 70 11:00 46 11 :15 73' 11:30 70 11 e45 60 Total 4014 Peak 16:45 Vol. 501 P.H.F. 0.901 Grand 15913 Total Percent Ricahard Garcia 8 Associates, Inc. 13117 N, 4''. 107 Ave, Unit_ 4' Ha.4aeah Garden`, HI 33018 Pa;" b'; S; e c'L 000000000€€0;0C Lail..ld Ee 0 0.. ADT AG' € 4,923 ADT 4:923 Ricahard Gri 50Cjate5, 13117 N W107Ave. Unit, 4 Hialaeah Gardens, F 330i 8 Sta-i. 20-',- 03 -;U-p= 11;e NB SE 1200 A,'„I 2 3 12:1b, 2 5 7 12-3'; C 4 4 1245 1 5 6 01:00 2 2 -1- 01:15 1 2 3 01:30 1 3 A 01:4,5 •0 1 1 0200 12 2 14 02:15 0 1 , i 02:30 2 0 2 02:45 1 1 2 03:00 2 1 3 03:15 1 5 03:30 3 1 4 0345 2 2 4 04:00 2 1 3 0,4:15 1 2 3 04:30 2 3 5 0445 1 1 2 0500 0 2 2 0515 1 1 2 05:30 4 0 4 05:45 3 1 4 06:00 2 3 5 0615 7 4 11 06:30 6 3 9 0645 11 9 20 07:00 1D 8 18 0715 22 2 24 07:30 14 15 29 0745 23 14 37 08:00 29 24 53 0815 34 15 49 0830 38 29 67 0845 50 27 77 0900 34 26 59 0915 38 20 58 09:30 32 27 59 0945 32 20 52 10:00 29 20 49 10:15 25 21 46 10:30 26 21 47 1045 20 13 33 11:00 33 9 42 11:15 38 14 52. 11:30 27 34 61 11:45 37 19 56 Total 663 444 1107 Slte Code: 00a)000000D Station ID: 13919 500E_ AZ7N. of 12th Street Latitude:0 0.000 Undefiried Percent 59,9% 40,1% Peak 08:30 08:30 Vol. 160 101 P.H.F. 0.800 0,871 Total 08:30 261 0.847 12:'_0 12:15 12:30 12:45 01 :00 01:15 01,30 01:45 02:00 02;15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45' 05:00 05:15 05:30 0i5:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15' 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45. 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 1115 11:30 11.45 R=aahafd Gard & Assoc 13117 IN. 107 Ave. Ono. 4 Hialaeah Gardens, F; 3301E 37 40 26 37 23 39 17 38 39 24. 19 33 31 26 33 32 22 21 37 25 9 35.. 16 33 . 18. 35 21 53,`. 3 53. 21 15 15 7 19.. 20 25 26 22. 20 20 17 15 24 41 • 32 28 .30 7 18 .10 10 4 18 13`:. 8 23 13'. 12 7. 7 10 4 7 5 2 3 Q. 15 17 12 13 5 2 9 10 6 7 1 10 2 4 8 7 0. 4 { Ode 039i 0000000 ID: SFJCKC_... PLA is N. of 12th J:B Ea J.000 'L sue i:: . 51 70 63 62 72 52 40 59 56 52 55 52 42 38 52 49 44 49. 53 74' 66 .65 55' 56 39 47 50 25 29 28 17 31 22 27 24 19 28 17 12 17 11 13 13 11 10 11 4 Tata Percent 683 1204 36.2 % 63,8% 1887 Peak Vol. F.1' , F. 13:15 108 0.818 17:80 190 0.896 17:0°0 260 0,878 as Acar-a"'` Garcia Asoc±ates, inc.. 7 N. W. 107 Ave, Unit. 4 Gardens. H 33018 1 2:1 5 12:30 12:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03.00 03:15. 03:30 03:45 04, ;00 tt�J 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45; 07:00 07 15 07.30 0745 08:00 08:1.5 08:30 .08:45 09:00 1 1 0 0 0. 2 1 0 0 U 4 5 2 2 3 1 2 0 • •2 1 1 0 1 4 3 9. 10 8 22 2 14 15 23 .1.4.. 29 24 .31 • 37 22' 50 34 4 3 2 7 6 1' 09:15 41 19 ............ 09:30 21 26 09:45 38 22 10:00 25 . 27 10:15 16 .20. 10:30 21 25 10:45 22_ 22 11:00 27 20 11:15 20 17 11:30 24 27 .11:45 29 21 Total 607 488 Percent 55.4% 44.6% Peak 08:30 08:15 Vo. 180 118 P.H.G. 0.865 0..868 Site Cede: 00000d00 S'..i: 1391S 3T,u 2_",'- , 12t': 8tret-.0, Watitu:dx 0.03d UndeT.1ed 4 6 4 3 4 2 2 3 1 0 b 2 0 2 4 8 3 11. 9 20 18 24 29 37 53 9 84 83 80. 47 60 52 3. 46 44. 47 37 51 50 1095 08:15 293 0.872 Tine 12:00 PM 12:15 12.30 1 2:45 01:00 01115 01:30 0 1:45 02:00 •02:15 02:3D 02:45 03:00 `03:15 03:30 !03:45 Y A .04:1.5 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:30 :06::45' 07:00 1'`110745. 07:30 07:45 08:00 :08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09::45 10:00 1.0:15 10:30 10:45. 11:00 11:15 11:30 1.1:45 ica; and Garcia €. Associate5, 61c. 13117 . VV. 107 Ave, Unit, 4 Hiaia€ah Gardens, FI 33018 23 3. 21 48 3 27' 18 29 22 31 26 29 28 18 21 27 17 ...,.27. 22 19. 22 . . 20 27 21 18 13 18 16 6 21 15 12 7 30 26 30 5 26 30 27 33 33 26 28 22 16 34 30 32 33 43 43 38 32 41 34 29 33 12 23 29 13 117 17 19 17 6 . 18 13 14 9 . 12 5 17 4 13 6 19 6'. 5 6 18 0 10 6 3 2 6 5iic Deo Page t?OD° 13919 ;iC KFLL. ' , . N. c7 12; ; Str e 49 64 76 8E 55 53 48 56 55 64 52 57 50 34 55.7 49 60 65 62 60 52 68 55. 47 45 30 34 29 50 28 29 24 26 24 24 27 21 22 17 25 11 24 13 0 Total 880 1212 Percent 42.1% 57.9° Peak 13:00 12:45 Vol. 138 163 P.H.6, 0.719 0_741 2092 12:45 295 0.858 rd Gar, a & Associates, 13117 N. W- 107 Ave_ Unit, 4 Nlalaeah Gardens, Fl 33015 Time 1.2:00 AM 12:15 .2:30 12:45 01:00 01.15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:1,5 02:30 02A5 03:00 03:15 03:30 03.45 04:00 04:15. 04:38 .04:45 05:00 .05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 •D6:15 06:30 D6:45'. 07:00 :C715 07:30 p7:4:5 08:00 08:1:5 08:30 08:45 09:00 .09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 2 4 • -2 3 5 0 6 .3 1 5 0 5 • 0 4 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 3 3 2 1 5 2 .. 0 6 17 15 13 16 19 15, 23 28 333 23i 40 41. 27 19 5. 28 14 26 18 20 17. : 22 22 „1.9 22 24 27 20 24 23 15 24 31 2 0 5 12 6 Teti 568 526 Percent 51.9° 48.1°1% Peak 08:30 08:15 Vci. 180 130 F,H.F, 0.8851 0.613 Page 5 S;te Code: .i siii.. %?139 E ?r4 <F_._. AL". `r3_ , %':`. ,S'o-e '.t. fi 0 _ta 01 Ol W �.C� 3 4 3 1 0 2 2 3 8 3 7 9 22 29 21. 29 34. 51 66 67 75 74 34 42 44 37 44 41 51 44 38 55 1094 08:30 284 0.947 R cahard Garcia 4 Associates, inc_ 13117N,W,107Ave, 4 Hia1aeah Car` £tns, 81 33018 Lat Code. Cf..0 3)J200'0(1 ui<__ cr ID: 13919 P`:N.:5 _thSi' O3 FM 12 28 48. 12:15 27 28 55 19:32.t 22 0 63 12:45 66 01:00 26 26 52 01:15 32 43 75 01.30 3i: 24 54 01:45 .32 33 65 02:00 21 31 52 02:15 35 32 67 02:30 29 29 58 02:45 25 26 51 03:00 23 37 6 0 03:15 22 24. 46 03:30 26 16 42 03:45 18 26 44 04:n0 20 25 45 04_1.5 18 24 42 04:30 14 17 31 04:45 16 31: 47 05:00 16 27 43 05:15 21 14 36 05:30 16 23 05:45 28 19 47 06:00 22 11 33 06:15 19 7 26 06:30 20 12 32 06:45 24 10 34 07:O0 16 8 23 0715 12 10 22 07:30 11 6 17 07:45 12 3 15. 08:00 12 8 20 08:15 9 . 17 08:30 10 7 17 08:45 15 9 24 09:00 14 7 21 09:15 5 14 O9:30 9 7 16 09:45 12 : 6 18 10:00 11 6 17 10:15 7 2 9 10:30 9 5 14 10:45 4 3 7 11:00 7 6 13 11:15 10 ;9 19 =1:30 4 3 7� 11:45 3 .. 4 r Total 849 796 1645 Percent 51.6% 48.4% Peak 2:45 12:30 Vol: 127 136 P.H.F. 0.814 0.791 Grand 4250 4670 Total Percent 47.6% 52.4 iL 12:30 256 3.853 8920 APT AD 2,428 .AADT 2,428 • Appendix E: Committed Developments Encked Hamtoninn & Suites ROADWAY NAME Coral Way South Miami Avenue SW I Avenue eriekell Plaza Noie: 1 Ronriursy 00010 7 1_0(440E1(3f ("jot rt :3 Link Direckyn Corrunttrql Dev.elo77t5w11 1(170l (5.1ntrffith5r.1.1-mifi5 1(1 1,,irson Trip rettxlion. € Tra.r,sil.rdp reduction TABLE: A5 Br -lad! Hampton Inn & Suites Cornmited Development AT West of S Miami Ave North of SW 12 St The Pointe at Backe!! Village DIR EB '16 WEI 18 LINK 0 r'*,iPf144/01014*S2A°'" 'aiht South Miijnii Avenue Conciontinitiin N11 45 INK 45 North of SW 12 SI Noah or SW 12 St SB 71 LINK 71 NB Se 23 LINK 23 Tussan Placa 56 22 73 0 237 01107011 Fluf ri)rf Mary Saitkell Skyline et Mao,/ Stiokell 0 Traffic 91 115 2.78 Li, 7 t 24 0 156 402 0 179 252 28 0 0 1717 :31 0 Cl 1 Cl} 31 0 0 100 0 0 104 0 it 0 15 0 it 0 120 0 .252 P'r Trin01 71 1iat ltunittu- 1' riu 14 389 '174 503 85.1 202 • 253 202 283 -154 •145 143 2011 A _ ,a. , k, r)(, Search Results layers Lec Result Type: Project List TotalTotaL 5 F,lo Prnjex9 P,f<ernr;._..._..._.,..�............._........,.............�.........�. Pointe ;.It Brickell Village, .She 2 VU%_ at Brickell (Brickell View) South Mani Avenue Condominium (Infinity 2) Axis Condorninium (Bricked Station rowers) Tuscan Place (Phase I) Tuscan View (Phase }I) :9206:12,532 y:520129.697 L;(IY pf MiAM : home I ay cih'e;roiy a tw T ,�. 5F 11 This Web Site i5 best viewed using rnl rn5l Eepior el version 5,0 or higher iNit i tit -on of 1024 x Copyright J 7005, City of Miami, In1oinie #on technology Dcpartrnenl. 11:Etr{/,gk,tni,nl.ri.gov,corn/RedDBG S 5O/M.apEotms/wftrn.RedDBMap,aspx?Scftte g1it =56(&ScrWidth-8OD TABLE: A5-1 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Committed Developments N Pro eet Nai ne 1. ,Pointe at Brickell Village, The 2 lVUE at Brickell (Brickell View) ........ lSouth Mimi Avenue Condominium (Infinity 2) >� Axis Condomrntum Brickell Station Towers 5 Tuscan Place (Phase 1)/ Tuscan View (Phase 11) 6 1Summit Brickell (Brickell Grand) 7 1E3rickell Flatiron Building £3 Mary Brickell Village & Skyline at Mary Brickell V FApproved (Used). jCompleted .__.._._ ,Approved (U.se:d <Cornpleted i inderr (oristr jetion •{1Jsed Completed cAp rrosaed (Used) Under Construction Notes: • Completed Projects do not. have commited trips since some or all of the traffic is already existing or accounted for it • Specialty/Class Il-Do not have a T1S (Traffic Impact Study) but was accounted for in the background growth, ♦ Withdrawn - The project do not longer exist. + Approved/Under Construction/Application (Used) were included in this traffic study to evaluate the intersections, ♦ DRI-Exempt does not have a T1S (Traffic Impact Study) but was accounted for in the background growth. nkgrollnc growth. • 70Eio No 7-0200-00(I-10i7 M I-02011-00G- 7 000,01-020E1-000- 10011, 01-02011-01i0- 1040 01-02t1(1-0907-10 9 0 01,0209 050-1010 01-02(19-1Ei0- 1'I 3.30,0'I-0209-050- 11 71.03-0209 050- 1170,01-0200 050- 1090,01-0209-050- 1322) U 1-0209-050-10,10 ,il t-02{19-O50 1 160, 01-0200- 05(1- 115C),U1-02011-1)50- 31 Af},01-7209-1150- 1(16(1,0147209-050- 1050 of -02(i i-040-1020 111- 0277d190.-3111)) (11--0207-070- 1020,01-0207-070- 1010,01-0207-030- 1030,01-0267-731.) 111211 TAM LE.: A5 -2 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Committed Developments (Staftls: A -Completed; F3-Under Construction; C-Approved; D-Application; E-Preliminary; F-iPWitfldrawn) Name Pointe al Srickell Village, l'}to VUE at Brickell (11rickell View) South Miarni Avenue Cnndominawn (Infinity 2) Axis Condominium (Bric-kell Btatkm Trrwnrs) Tuscan Place. (F.'hase 1) I Tuxexn View (Phase 11) Summit Bricks!! (Flrickrail Grand) Backe Flatiron BrOding Miry 13ackell Vilfaye 8 Skyline al Mary i5rickell V pe of Permit MUSI-' MUSP M11-2005-004 Mt1SP MUSP MUSE' M11-20031-010 MUSP Address 1100 South Miami Avenue 1200 South Miami Avenue 3300-1340 South Miami Avenue 1111 SW i Avenue 0 SW 13 Street South Miomi Avenue 1001-1121 South Miern Avenue 000 South Mia Avenue nraxilor of kirorti i v Mixed 1.3sc R1'rsiderfiial 7, Retr3sl Mixed Use: Residential A Retail Mixed Lisa'. Idesirlential, Befall 13 (Jf2ce )lieo7, (Is or U5x1(1nn!?nl r1 Refa l (7. 1:ui41nr7s) Mixed 1.18e Reskien121[, l3nleil, Ofscr,, GZes Mixed -else develoamenl. 0rojcsc1 if 1150' E oxidenflai, Retail & {Jt_c:e 1,422 0) frcmgvo II l'�;'' t1 Mixed 11sa. re)a1, restaurant ( hotel F i r e Anc)I 1 0 Cle••••,— F1:: A Fir' 0 ASO &NMN 015' K 6, F. 1 O±h St 11th St 1 2 -th S th CO // i (1) Fi Arl,T i 6. A r`,1 12 1( • Land Use (LU) High -Rise Residential Specialty Retail General Office Gross 'Vehicle Trips The Point at Brickell Village Project Trip Generation Analysis (Revised) Units 330 D.U. 13,659 SF 41,553 SF ITE ITE TRIP LU GENERATION CODE RATE; PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN Trips 232 0.38 63°/0 79 814 211 44% 16 710 1.49 17% 10 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment c@ 16.0% Of Gross Trips iAransit Trip Reduction © 14.1% Of Gross Trams Pedestrian/Bic c;le Tr' Reduction 10.0% Of Gross Tri Net Vehlcie Trigs 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net Person T`i sin Transit 1,40 Persons/ Vehicle Net Person T'1°ips .Vehicle and Transit Modes Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @, 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle NOTES: A 16% OCCUPANCY ADJUSTMENT IS BASED ON MIAMI'S 1.4 VERSUS ITE'S 1.2 PERSNEH. TRANSIT TRIP REDUCTION BASED ON PROJECTED MODAL SPLITS USED IN THE ORIGINAL DOWNTOWN DRf. PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE REDUCTIOrIS WERE BASED ON THE DOWNTOWN CHARACTERISTICS. (ABOVE METHODOLOGIES ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI—INCREMENT II, TABLE 21.01) 47% 47`%0 47% 47% 47% OUT Trips 37`?/, 45 7 suq''1 E; 21 3°,/, 52 TOTAL. TRIPS 118 224 53% 17 32 53% 12 [ 2 2 53% 539 53% 23 123 •3`f� 1 7 1813 31 • LP- ROJECT: SOUTH MiAM w PM PEAK PROJECT TRAFHC VOLUMES Page 22 .f USES High -Rise Condominuirn General Office GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 Transit Trip Reduction Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS Exhibit 9 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR _leaf 53% 163 of Gross External Trips (1) 53% 26 of Gross External Trips (2) 53 /r, 23 of Gross External Trips (3) 53% 4 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ Net External Person Trips using Transit Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 1.40 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 53% 34 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. fTE's 1.2 por4ve11) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI lncrcman1 11 TOTAL °l Trips Trips `35%'n c 247 r4.3 11,,9 47 0 1 ti3[36 4791 t3 117 4' 2 C.00 4"7%7° �1 47% 1 0 47% 20 47% 13E3 4,7% 30 `F1)'1` ` ilrita ,P [GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment f ransiq !rip Reduction 0 Pedestrian / Bic cle Trip Reduction 0 Exhibit 8 PM 13;eak Hour Trip Generation Analysis !�K FIC7t:Jpl i�i31�yS UNITS ITE Land Use Code IN OUT TOTAL le . of Gross External Trips (1) 44 9.69/ of Gross External Trips (2) 1761' of Gross External Trips .(3 Trips "/0 Trips Trips :1 CI fp,:a. ('�, . !?" ��"- i 4. L 4 l 138 fei'% iS,R 3r 22. 61%: 1 E1% 1r 31 i is t rk t r,1a �T t \Oh>cle* Not External Person Trips using Transit 0 Net .External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle Pers„onsip ottgcI Persons/ Vehicle Persons/ Vehicle Notes (1) A "I6%, reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pws(vell) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DPI Increrne€it ;I F LAC:LER ST .."f# SY • T rEJd TUSCI-0,1 PLACE TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY A 1 1 . # . 1 : 1 : 1 . I'-':.•;' 1 • .•• # : 1 • i•-,••:, — --#, E T t ] •^ !'•,1 1-1# ONEWAY 1 r Land U s oc/ _t__. le 1 c; Bricked Flat frog Ply Peak Iiour TJnadjusted Traffic Volume 1i LU Code PM Pea, Ou t Total t -J Condominiums 554-unit Office — 253,95S sf Retail —47,666 sf 232 126 :!% 203 710 62 301 363 814 57 ,2 129 Totals 245 450 695 The proposed development falls within the Brickell area Downtown Miami DR1 designation and is subject to trip generation adjustments to account for transit and pedestrianfbicycle factors, which collectively reduce primary trip, making by 29.1%. .bie lA depicts the estimated primary trips for the proposed development, Table 1A Net Primary PM Peak Hour Traffic 7 77��PM Peak Hour Land use In Out Total Condominiums 89 55 144 Office 44 213 257 Retail 40 51 91 173 319 492 SITE ACCESS The proposed • site wo, ,,,rj-s°.av :rives w ioh are ic.-,cated A 7 and South MiPl-TH�_1. _^avenue, See site access (7, I > Cr) SITE SW 11 th Street 0 I Lij o f tf) SE 12th Street / -42 73 18 - Coral Way PM Peak Hour IN 173 OUT 319 TOTAL 492 M Pe< Hour Site Only Traffic Air TRANSP077 ANALYS.IE SW7 SWR & 9 m 1537 9 55 ,q9 25 4ƒ 2 4l7 339 42 \ / e 4/4 1503 }0 121 S& 9 32 804 106 \ {RRADINO GROUP CD 44 4B9 AS n 72 / 55 \— ,29a a \ �! ) 7m 2 { JJ 24 e / / \C222E PEAK Gi 2d?F1K.13 Fn U PE G22S2 FIGURE SW 7 76 485 1627 10(3 -t to '< 33g < 755 42 P 1593 ,18 [3f3 ' ----- 13813 b61E1. t!'"J CD CY-1 315 7(1 SW 9 225 1:79 X) 8111 SW 25 [ 32 -6 006 cx.) 106 2-12 46 34 30 T— 44 17 TH E CORRAD1NO GROUP ...-, 1 / i , . .., ,..,, ' 7 / .,-;;'?7'.5 ;' ---1 `:`::'.• ,--- I -A 433 26 ,36 12 )r42(`'.(1,,,t7'1362 25 101> i 34 _J Li] F17'. f i OS)44 224 Appendix F: Corridor Analysis (Person Trip) EP_Ckt ] Hampton Inn & Suites TABLE: AO Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES ROADWAY NAME AT m r' n o N tro [� co ¢ A 1 2 3 < 0 5120/08 I 5/20/08 5'20/08 5720/08 Ia 5 co U & EN in co v CO 0? w r0 r? i� in f 0'. 0? ,? C '-9 Coral Way West of S Miami Ave South Miami Avenue SW 1 Avenue North of SW 12 St 0 rY o CD C' North of SW 12 St 0 <0 (5 Brickell Plaza North of SW 12 St Notes: 1 Rciodway Name 2 [nu:int./in of C;rnn'I1 t1 Soigne of Dula: t-{GA-'R 4 ttt7yinning of data cov.rni ti Ending of data count 0 Doak Seasonal Correction ructinr obi n nent from 2006 Florida Traffic Information CD, Miami-i]ade Souk-, Category 8733 7 Aida Correction €'actor obtained fi-am 2006 4lnrida Traffin Information CD i3 Link i7lroctifrn 9, 10 Raw €13112 11 Average or Count 12 Peak Season Adjifs(r d 404 F32k Hcrir Calcvsialkvn-Average'f'SCfACI= lard Garcia & Associales, Inc. RAW DATA DIR Tuesda Wednesda Thurso EB 961 1033 WB df3 981 LINK 2009 2020 af3 T3 531 LINK NEt LINK 198 53 AVE 7,At.aEI 1050L....,, 1_032 2029 20'19 560) "Yttn 203 287 otriLl PM PEAK HOUR 0(0) LIME 998 1,042 2,048 535 537 537 125 165 295 2 0 ,5 ^reel, A. 2.h 61 8, c- S-P 12th Si SW 9th Si Coral Way So ath Miarni Avenue S Brickell Hampton €nn & Suites PERSON TRIP VOLUME AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS TABLE ADOPT E ORRDOR VEHOuLAR CAPACjTY VEHiCULAR .c-L-- 2nc Ave' S'•lr 97j7Sdj f�E SVr 13n 50 SVv' 9€0 Si 54112t3 St Coral Way 80 2nd Ave Brickeli Ave l cB Brivkell Ave SW 2nd Ave 1 0'B South Miami Avenue W 12th St .SV''4 9tn st N3 SW 8th St SW 1 Avenue Brickell Plaza SW 12th St SO" 9th St1 SW 9th S; SW 12th St1, 'mm .tliFlb%' Coral Way SW 13th St SB SW 2nd Ave Brickeli Ave' ES Brickell Ave SW 2nd Ave South Miami Avenue SW 12th St SW 9th St NE E 2LD 1LU 1LU •�N Nurc��,�� �. �� rem-J"-a F. 2" _. 632 28`,i 995 1#042 535 PERSON 0., 172,` 2752 537 752 2000 0.27 810, 1296 125 178 1120 ) 0.14 2LC 1800 220 1800 2Ln 1720 220 120 1720 810 810 296 165 230 1066 % 0,18 1 2880 2752 120E 1296 220 1809 2880 WE 1 0 I 220 ! 1800 2683 1097 1146 1536 1344 1605 1275 588 i 824 1928 591 135 181 1375 1270 CS C C 828 1924 I 0.30 C 193 1103 0.15 I C 254 1042 0.20 C 192E 1E 954 1778 1102 2Lv 172E 2752 840 I 1177 1575 0.43 C $W 1 Avenue SW Sth St Brickell Plaza SW 12th Si SW 9th St WITOPPI • _ ral !Way e._._._ SW 2nd Ave Brickell Ave SW 12th St South Miami Avenue Brickeli Ave < E3 i= 2LC SW 2nd Ave1 WB E 1 2L0 SW 9th Sti NE 6 E 2L( SW 13+ St1 SB 220 € I SW 9th St NB E 1 1Lli 1 720 813 2752 I 793 I 1110 1642 129E i 242 339 SW 12tn si SB E 102 810 [ 1295 220 308 180=0 1 2880 1800 1720 2880 2752 957 0.40 0.26 988 1 0.2 1375 1926 954 077 1287 1 1802 1078 0.63 859 1 1203 1549 0.44 c C C C C SW 1 Avenue 'SW 8th St SW 13th 511 SB E 2L.8 1720 2752 851 1192 1560 1 0.43 C SW 12th St Bricketi Plaza 'SW9thSt. SV.I12t.Sit SB 242 339 957 S€i NB I 2 I 1L'. 81= % 1.296 1296 22Q 303 988 0.24 C 0.28 ROADWAY FROM Coral Way SW 2nd Ave Brickeli Ave TABLE: A8 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Project Traffic TO D1R Brickell Ave EB SW 2nd Ave WB South Miami Avenue SW 12th St Percent In+ress 0,00 Percent: E.resss 0.00 Net Vehicle Trips -- IN 0.00 6.83 SW 9th St NB 0,00 8.8 Net Vehicle Trips - Ot1 SW 1 Avenue SW 8th St SW 13th St SB 57.43 0.00 Brick° Plaza SW 12th St SW 9th St -- SW 9th St. NB SW 12th St SB 0.00 0.00 Notes: Percentages based on actual assignments. 0.00 0.00 58 0 0 19 0 0 TOTAL, Net Vehicle Trips - TOTAL nit 19 .17 8 Appendix G: Intersection & Driveway Analysis Brickeil r Intersection SW 12th Street & SW 1st Avenue SW 12th Street & SE 1st Avenue/Brick&N Plaza/ South Miami Avenue SW 12th Street/ Driveway 1 SW 12th Street/ Driveway 2 SW 12th Street/ Driveway 3 Scenario A', EastUount Only Scenario B: Two --Way Delay 1.4 7.2 TABLE: A9 Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites L OS A Proposed (Scermr DelayI t1,S A 08-028 Brie & Hampton inn & Suites I ane Geometry O8 028 ckefl Hampton nn & Sri Existing PM TMC s s na zed Intersection Cs SW 121h t & SW 1st Ave Exi g PM -FMC's n Movem Lane igrl•Ca tt Grade, oiume (vehh h) Peak Hour Factor Flourly flow rate (v i"a/i ) Pedestrians L e VVidth (ft) Il�ina Speed (f1 Percent Blockage Right turn: flare (veh) Median type .' lane Median storage veh) vC conflicting volume 514 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC, stage 2 cant vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % olVi capacity (vehih ifeecia Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right; cSH Volume to Ca)6acil Queue Length (ft) Control' I e[ay .(s)..' Lane LOS Approacl1 Delay (s Approach LOS itersectr6r Surer 3.5 3.3 100 100: 456 1084 1•12 87 23' 0 Q.0 .Free 0 104 _540 0.93 0,93 0.93 112 2.2 Average Delay )nter'section ..Capacity `Utihzation 1.4 226% flor idivi T -AA5 1 Uns gnSall4ed inteissect on Capac, Rbl 21 rIG 3f azs' Lane Conf gnrate)ns Sign Grade 'lime (veh!03) Peak 9Hour Factor €o rly.1&1QW:rdte (` e Pedestrians t i 8:. WiOth (It) Walking Speed (f Percent Bbdkage Right turn flare (veh) e€inpe ". Median storage veh) vC, con�E cting volume vC1, stage 1 cons vol vC2, stage 2 conf. ua.i `. tC, single (s) C, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 0cueuefree'f;� cM capacity (veh/h) rr oti . Lai .....r Stn Free Doi;: 74 • 0 3E •24 443 95 0 0,90 0.90 0.90 0 90 0.90 D.90 0.95 82 0 34 27 492 106 0 None 334 546 7.5 6,5 ,5 4.0 3.3 2.2 85 . 00 97 98 557 437 1084 1622 SBT Free .9 0 on 0 Exi -FMC's nion inn E 3 Stop 0 215 4 0.90 0,90 0.90 0 -240 4 Raised 29 f rr .. 32 492 633 5.98 299 598 598 34 4.1 7.5 6.5 6.9 2.2 1.00: 1067 0 65 is 3.5 4.0 3.3 46 99 95 442 430 697 Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right 117 273 352 240 37 _ 82 27 0 240 0 34 0 106 0 32 cSH: 650 1622 1700 442 648 Volume to Capacity 0.18 0.02 0.21 0.54 0.06 ueueLength (ft).•.. 16 1 0 79 4 Control Delay (s) 11.7 0.8 0.0 22.4 10.9 Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) 11.7 Approach LOS 'Fi ers etron Average Delay intersection Capacity Utilization florid 7-AA61 0.4 20.9 7.2 47.7 % ICU Leve of Service A n 2 B cke Hamp o CNI cites Proposed PM T C s enario A) Gera! Way 0)0 cv HCM Unsi nalized intersection G pack)/ Analysis Proposed PM i MC s (Scen 08-028 8r ckeil Hampton Inn ,& SuIt.es SW 12th t SY 1st Ave sane Grade, (vehlt0... PeakHour Pastor -i my •flog Pedestrians Lc iie t dth,`() Talking Speed (fti Right turn flare 0/eh) liadiari type Median storage veh c,, Co.h.fl€ctin ,voiurhe vC1, stage 1 cor f voi C2, s#age 2ni vc tC, single (s) 2 stage (s :. D quei[e free dVi capacity (vehih) sec 6.8 6.9 3.5 3.3 100 100 254 1084 4.1 2.2 86 1622 foiume Total.; Voiume Left plume Right cS H Voiume to Capacity' Queue Length (ft) Cora1roi Delay' s} Lane LOS Appiciach Deiay (s) Approach LOS terset3pn rear 493 233 1622 1700 0.14 C 31. 13 0 Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization 2.1 1 7% hi C ; [Cif Leve id,vi7-AA51 HCM Unsig alined Intersects r a 2: SW 12th St & Brick{I Plaza Proposed PM TMC s (Scenario A. 08-028 Brick&, Hampton inn & Suites ontiguratto ,S Contr! . Stop Vdl€ fv t 1 145 090_.. 90 f`161 0 Hour actor Hourly cta Pedestrians Laeidt :(f€) Walking Speed (file) ,_ PercentPerdent Blotkade Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) C, cer fl�ca vole e 484 063 vC1, stage 1 cont' vol C2, sfge 2 onf v01 El tC; single (s) tC 2 stage '(s) t (s) .............. 0 queue free: %i%, cM capacity (veh/h) rNione 7.5 6.5 3.5 4 00 428 218 62 uu. 4.1 3 2.2 94 98: 084 1622 2 2 90 231 22 100 686 4 32 0 90 Raised • 36 897 ,832 ` 386 832 832 4 .0 4,1 7.5 0.5 6.9 6:5 3.5 4,0 3.3 23, 99 94 367 334 612 5.5 Volume Total Volume L Volume night cSH Volume to Capacity Queue:',Length (ft) Control Delay (s) l .arse :LOS Approach Delay Approct C e reettart..:. Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization floridlv17-AA.51 226 287 5 231 282 40 282 64 0 0 231 0 36 1622 1700 : 1700 367 560 1 0.44 0.02 0 30 0 4 0.77 0.07 0 0 167. 6 17.2 0.9 0.0 0.0 40.9 11.9 37.3 HC U 3 r a d intersection Cap a :it Analysis 3: SW 12 t DAN 1 O PM T MC -enario' Bri it HamptSites 1 Lane C/nfig urat;ons Sior h is i Grade `Jo9 rr (vehlh) Peak Hour r Factor o ri'i flo 'rat (ve Pedestrians °WaRinQ Speed 'erceft Eioi g Right- turn flare (veh) `vlediat type Median storage veh) vC, conflicting :voltage vC 1, stage I conf vol C2, stage 2 conf vol' tC, single (s) t� 2 stage (s' .:.... .....:................ tF (s) . queue free::° cM capacity (veh/h rixotottar ". 169 0.92 24 2.2 100 1319 0 0.92 0.92 3.92 15 :Norte �q. 215 215. 3.5 100. 773 3.3 98'. 825 Volume Total Volume Lei Volume Right 53 15 cSH 1700 825. Volume to Capacity 0.15 0.02 QueueLength {ft) 0 1 Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay {s) 0.0 9.4 Approach LOS Flersecf=on'' 247 0.0 15 9.4 Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization 0.5 23.5% ICU Level of Service fioridivl -AA51 • nralized intersect on Ca a ity 4: } 12t St & DAN 2 Lane L or,figurstions Sign.0 r t $ Grade Jtll7 e(L' ht P . 2 Peak Hour Facto; 3 Hour ly fio i raft' `edestr2 s L aie'v g . tf;; (4). Walking Speed (ft./s.) ere'it Blockage fight turn flare (Leh) ei€a type Median storage vehs C, co ntlhcti g vc i ime ................ vC1, stage 1 corif vol C2, stage 2 conf voi tC, single (s) C, 2 stage is)' tF (s) 0 queue free;% cM capacity (veh;h) lrept€ ii L r Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue,`,Lenc, th::(ft Control Delay (s) ..................... Lane L'OS Approach Delay Approach LOS ntersecfron Sur Average,Delay: Intersection Capacity LW ization 22.4% ICU Level of Service 236 4.1 2.2 l60 331 10 92 0 92 0 11 Norio 6 236 6.4 6.2 3.5 3.3 100. 99 752 303 Proposed PM T ` 's (;Scen e=o ) 06-026 5r cke}1 Hampton inn & Suites 236 1 0 11 1700 803 0.14 0.01 0.0 9.5 >0.4; floc divl7-fiA51 • i t 3 e lit secton apasi yr Analysis 12th St & ign a tr ai ree Grade h oz i'olU:rbe (Vehlh)w Peak Hour Factor 2 H ud fo Pedestrians Laoe VWi th;(ft) alK ; ng Speed (ftf's) Percent oci ge Right turn flare f'eh),_. Ieiai type .; .• ........:.. .. Median storage veh) Cp confHctin vo t r ie vC 1, stage 1 cenf voi C2 wage 2 :onf veil: to, single (s) tC 2 stage (s) tF (s) 0 queue free' % cM capacity (veh/h) tr t Free -Stop .0 0 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 0 4.1 2.2 00 1373 19 ..2,1 199 199 6.4 6.2 3.6 3.3 00 98 790 842 .sed PM TM (Scenario A.) 08-028 Bri kel` Hampton inn & Suites Volume Total oitrrre Left ;? Volume fight oSH 'Volume to Capacity Queue;,Length:..(ftj°;.. Control Delay (s) Lane LOS.,, Approach Delay Approach LOS' Intersection Average Delay: Intersection Capacity Utillz 199 21 0 21 700 842 0.12 0.02 2 9.4 fforldlv17-AA61 08-028 Hampton inn & Suites Proposed T 's cenani 31 -38 32 < 59 163--> 26—y Corat v ya I) Cr) 04 HCM'_.Unsigin i z d intersection Capa dty Ana[- ! PM IMO'` (Scenario B) tWBL 12th St & SW 1st Ave 08-028 Brn:.„mptan inn . Suites La: s Cnfiuu,Tations Sign Control. Grade Volume (vehr.h) Peak Hour Factor i ury".flowrate (eh/ Pedestrians Lane Wjdts (t) Walkino Speed (f fs) Percent Docage .."...."....................:.............:.... Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2 stage 2 conf vol tC. single (s) tC stage (s'). t' (s) ........................ . p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) ials rr :e TO.tal Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length (ft) Control„Delay:(_ .. Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) ................. Approach LOS teen e tronSa Stop '. 0° One 6.8 6.9 3.5 3.3 4. . ` 100 288 1084 Free. Div 288 1622 1700 31 14 ._..:.:10 0 t 1 2.2 88 1622 ee Average Delay intersection Capacity Utilizat 2.7 7.3% JC.0 Level of Service floridlvi7--AA51 nsignakzed i t er ection S' ;r 12th St & f ric ell Plaza nalv Proposed PM 'FMC's (Scenario '. 03-32E EThckeli H meton inn & Sites. Line Coro° ra i Grade Volume (ye # 145 Peak H0,17 Fa for 0. 0 Hourly flow rate (veh/h) Pedestrians Lane VVidth tft, fail„sg Speed Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median, type Median storage veh) vC; conflicting volume 546 112 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf tC, single (s) tC 2 stage (s) tF (s).... 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free:% 58 100 96 96 cM capacity (vehih) 380 196 1084 1622 reP Free 0:ac 55 . 695.... 203 0 90 772 ..231 2.2 100 686 Stop r cL, L/ 254 0.90 282 4. 36 32 0.90 raised 940 894 386 894 894 46 7.5 6.5 6.9 6`5 5 5 .5 4,0 ..: 3.3 7 99 94 305 306 61.2 Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right eSF� Volume to Capacity Queue;Length (ft) Control belay (s) lane L.7 a Approach belay (s) Approach LoS, Average Delay. '. Intersection Capaci ...... ...... .. ficridivl7-AA51 207 319 515 231 282 161 >61 0 0 282. 46 0 0 231 0 36 444 1622 1700 1700 305 551. 0.47 0.04 0.30 0.14 0.93 0.07 fi0 .. 3 0 0 ': 224 . ; :..6 20.0 1.7 ...0.0 00 72.0 12.0 C A F 20.0 0.5 64.6 ion 16.0 60.5% ICU Level of Service 4 ins an l zed i;nte seciion 12th St & D N N.1.6:1.6ftfpn Lane Conf3(ureAions i o Grade Vol ime.(vehih Peak Hour Factor Hourly flout rate (Venal) Pedestrians as e \=ctb:.( ) -iNalkir g ,peed (ftls) Percent tBlookage Right turn flare (vet)., d an typ Median storage veh) C, cnr fhotirig oiurrie vC1, stage 1 conf vol ............. . C2, stnge 2 conf Cal `` :` tC, single (s) G, 2 stage (s) t (s) 0 queue.free % olVM capacity (veh!h) 205 4.1 2.2 97 1366 Stop t/ fti 0 f 92 19 296 191 6.4 6.2 3.5 3.3 99 99 679 850 Proposed = TM"C' (Scenario ,) 08-028 i. ke€ sanoton Iran & S rates Vo€ume Total otume Left Volume Right 28 0 10 cSH. 1700 1366 766 Volume to Capacity 0.12 0.03 0.02 Quo(1e Length (ft) 0 2 Control Delay (s) 0.0 4.0 9.8 Approach Delay (s) Approac} L05 ', Ems,- tersocti€7r7 Si f vera e Pelay: : Intersection Capacity 205 68 4.0 17 9.8 ffoiid vl7mi5? HOMUr 4: S ve onfig urations ig it tl Grade i (vehih) Peak lour Factor burlyfl Pedestri2 a Zap. Talking Speed (fs.i erceri.t Blockage Right turn flare (veh) �edt Median storage veh) vC. confiiciiri volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol C2, :sagge 2 conf vol tC single (s) C 2 stage (s)' ti= (s) p0 queue free t� cM capacity (veh/h) terY t�e�EoE n. DVV2 I� 20 2.2 100 1371 Fee Stop 0% 0"ic 33 6 0,92 0.92 4` done. .242 204 .' 3.5 3.3 99 99 746 840 Proposed PM TtVC's (Scenario B, �8 ke€�' Ham. 3 Su.te �.?'``- "�-.° j. 'v-11r t^-� � su �i ' i� �E 4Jc i.� _ � rJ Volume Tote: Volume Left Volume Right` cSH Vo ume to Cepa QueueLength -(ft} Control Belay (s) 0.0 9.7 Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 9.7 Approach LOS ntersectiof Average Delay' Intersection Capac flcridivi7-.4A51 201 41 11 0 0 4 1700 ;1700 781 .12 0.02 0.01 0.4 20.6% ICU Leve nslgncahzed terse 12th St&D?`fir`3 apa Proposed PM TtB 8-028 Brlkk -ii Hampton Ilf 6. S•uites Moveme ane Ccnf Sign Free Grade `' Volume IVeb ai3 - .172 0 Peak Hour Factor .. 0.92 0.92 0.92 Burly-flo rates ttve , 0 .0 Pedestrians Lake Ali th ( ) Walking Speed (ft/s): Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh vC, conflicting °volume vC 1, stage 1 conf vol vC2 sage 2 con` vol tC, single (s) C, 2 stage (s)' tF (s) p0 queue free %o cM capacity (veh/h) reciirx 41 Free Stop 0 A 0 Q2. 192 64 . 4 None 251 187 ,. 6.4 6.2 3.3 99 98 737 858 NBR 13 14 Volume Total Volume Le. Volume Righ 5[-P Volume to Capacity Queue:, Length'(). Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach L©S: fhteFstion Smr Average Delay: Intersection Capacity Utiiizat 187 4 8 0 0 14 1700 1700 824 0.11 0.04 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 fic1idiv17-AA81 Appendix H: Turning Movement Paths Brickeli Hampton In Suite 1 • 90 1 eT E: r) R J 11 F. 4,1?,(rel',1,...1.• , , Vi S 1- ))))):1. 9." 1)•'''117).€1,71:1-)),7 • ) ) • ').•)))).•71.1) •))),)!::: ) 4 , , A L. 1 A M (SW rlli 7 VP TO[ , V V 9 N (3 1 A v • A vl S , : ; • • ,11) .17.1 ,egm) 111 1 0 17f Y. _ ',,,.;:::.; ; : ; ; ; : ::;. ; '; -, : : : ; • , , ; :, ; i'::,;..;..,„ ; , E , ,: : , E • E FRgl :URS CORPORPTInN i+N 95/77g17eg jui. fT:) 2008 11:1anm PI The Exonange 3343 VV. CornmercA Blvd, Sulte 100 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-6375 Phone: 954-739-1881 Fax: 954-739-1789 FAX V FAX Na: TO: Ms. LiHa Medina (F. 305.416,1019) Mr, Antonio E. Perez (F. 305,416,1443) FIRM; City of Miami FROM: Raj Shanmugam, P,E, RE: 8ricks11 Hampton inn & Suites (Review # /93) Sufficiency Letter DATE: July 9, 2008 COPY: Mr, Richard Garcia, RGA (Fax: 305,675,6474) PAGE I of: 5 COMMENTS: Copies of the response to comment iF YOU DO NOT RECEIVF_ ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL US iMMED1ATELY AT THE ABOVE NUMWR (-11RPCIRcif CP•] ':-)54 7391789 i July 9, 2009 M. UllaL Mdna, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Marri, Office of the City Managerfiransportatbn 444 SW 2' Avenue (10'' Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re' &(ckIl Hampton inn & Suites Sufficiency Letter — Review # 193 Dear W„ Medfna: Via Fax d UMai -Subsequent to our June 27, 2008 review comments for the subject project, we have received response letters from Richard Garda and Associates Inc. (RGA) dated Juiy 2, 2008 and July 7 , 2008. A copy of FIGA's response letters are attached herewith. The revisions include restricting the west most driveway to one-way out and right -turn exit only. At this time, we conclude that the traffic impact report meets ail the traffic requirements and The study is found to be sufficient, Please note the traffic study identifies following Transportation Control Measures (TCM) in recognition of utilizing the alternate modes of transportation and higher vehicle occupancy; 1. Incorporating a car pooling, ridesharing into the site; 2. Providing bicycle racks; Provide information to patrons and guests on the transit system; and 4. Amenities to encourage all modes of transportation and minimizing traffic congestion ievels. The development approval shoufd be conditioned upon this TCM plan being implemented to recognize the credits given towards the transportation conourrency management. Should you have any questions, please call Ms, Geysa Sosa or me at 954,739,1881, • Raj S anmu Senio Traffic Attachmont US Corporejor 3343 Was.T. Commrcia, Bouievarj Suite 100 • Ljd EL 33333 TG:: 954.,739,1281 Fax; 954,7:39.1789 Mr. Arrfor,io Fr a4 Pfafan-r Cif y of MiaHJ PiRginjqg (Fg.x.: 305,416,1443) Mr, Richard Or,'Rlotord G.•31n0 & A.s,s,?olates (Fax-: SO& Richard 7' B ;`u 74 RICHARD GA CIA. & Ass ATL C ao. Raj !-,-;hantrii ?KS FAX R.ichar 954-739-1789 954739-1881 l'0TRT NO [7 ° PACES 11,4cLLtr tip r; 22 SE33 3 'S FE ?ENCE NUMBER, r r.: Bricker! Hampton Inn & Suits_ Revisimi5 ;1t.GLN _ Q FOR REVIEW © ?LEASE COMMENT g AS F, TT STEE L.a P a cE RECYCLE Raj: We hcwe reviewed the comments offered by your office, dated June 27, 2008, tor the referenced project and hove revised our analysis accordingly. We hereby offer the following responses to address the comments made, We have enumerated them consistent with paragraphed items ( l through 51 as follows; We have discussed with the developer the turning restricfior' of the western driveway to right -cut only and have greed to implement However, although will like to re{trict the eastern driveway to right -out only, doing so would copse undesirable traffic circulation because of the following, reasons: 9 The driveway will operate as c drculor drop -Off driveway, D Mainly, it wil! be used by traffic that drops -off visitors. If the driveway is restricted to right -out only, The traffic that drop-off visitors may have to travel around the vole block to access the parking garage or even worse attempt an r,JndesircUe ' -turn" o SW 12?„ Street wtli only h s 24 feet of pave rt. s sua , eifh r scenario wilt negatively the neraby n me FROM URS (ORPORP7 I ON -la 305-075-0474 p 2 neiohbofnood, A w.,-„,iron4y orce you i•• reconsideralion and recommend the east driveway rerrvairt QS c right/M1 out We hek,e ocided the 5-outh eciu. of the rocicway 010 n g SW 121n Strei:zAr thp vehlci8 maneuverafy detok, Additionc4, we, have jrIciuoed the vehicle rrionetiverablUty d,-..3tok for the p,..-IrkinQ go.rov, Attoched find tho support!ng documenfaticn, 3, We agree with the re,4evver the tutre roodwey res,,,wfacing project. progrurnmed for Coral Way from west of SW 12ffi Avenue to LIS 1 will no affect the trffic study fl 4. We have re-calcOateol the Trip Generation using the confirmed land uses, However, if ',Nos net necessary to regenerate a new Trip Distribution and Trip A_ssigrirneht since the nel difference is only one (1) vehicle trip, Attached please find the Trip Generation table. This corresponds to c - 0.95 percent (5) or less than 1 % change. 5. We have revised the committed volumes for "The Pointe at Brickell Village" and found no discropandies. Please note that the figures of "The Pointe at Brickell Village" show the percent (%) 'ingress and egress. Therefore, this percentage has to be multiplied by ingress and egress trips (Trip Generation) to obtain the number of comrnited trips (i.e. 36 % x 63 = 23). Additional!y, we have revised the comflitfed vOlorrie,s for "Mon/ i3rickeil Village° and hove incorporated the changes into the enolysis. As a result, the Level of Service remained The same. Attached please find the supporting documentation. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to call me. Respectfully Submitted, RiClIARD GARCIA &ASSoCATEs, NC. chard C; No, 954 Gar- is f _6'T RT AF O GARCXA r ASSOC:.AT ES, INC FAX TRANSMITTAL TOR: ai COWAN URS FAX NUMBED.: 954-739-t789 PHONE N-U24 R. 954-739-1881 } ar Garcia, 7f71 r ia, - is 7 -ES INCLUDING cOVER LFERENCIF. '4-UMBE Its. Brick& F7asrpton Iran & Suite Revisions El URGENT i FOR REY!EW iD PU,ASE COMMENT AS 'TEASE RECYCLE We hove incorporoted the north edge of roadway along SW 12rh Sireet in the maneuverability details as requested. Attached please find the supporting documentation. Should you have any questions da not hesitate to cal! me. Respectfully Submitted, RICHARD GARC A F ichcro Garcia, F.E. �F.RCIA ASSOCIATES, NC- FAX TRANSMITTAL COME ANY RS Richard Ga.rc: ONE: NUMBEx_. 954-7 9-1881. Brickeli Hampton Lin & Suites Revisions RI URGENT E. FOR REVIEW tJ PLEASE COMMENT E AS REQUESTED ❑ PLEA.SF- RECYCLE Raj: We have incorporated the north edge of roadway along SW i2;; Street in the maneuverability details as requested. Attached Tease find the supporting documentation. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to cal; me. Respectfully Submitted, RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Richard Garcia, P.E. • R C AM T (SW 1 Z S W 1FTH TFT F r ; .11 1./SV stlEvia mmurt0i, -4 ON 0 Kr...70.14P A, 1% tr El I ra? [ P, D flp tDr) ..\ KK PRO,_ ELECTRIC R1IIH RHPL EN_RNAE Fa. COP III' Rd: 1ARING SCAT", 1 HAM (sw • LO\ 2 RE! ]L 'e 500 S£ RCGi SLAATFpi PARKING s,u,_ram sTRE Tess. 3401TEL L111t4Y k7cA5L 'R' 507 EE 5[001CC CO071170 0 0 0;7nFL 1 NRI9idduP d, 1^_071 P. d 57 i=1 Li f-laripton '!'°^r,. SL.L 711 3. 0. 10-17 71701177, 070778, E3CK 0 A D \ s w AM ---- 0 L. la- R. 011. 1113111. RiMIStiRATI111,4 3,61NNG tl 0 • -0 N N ?At STREET •' w w A .\/ _41 w 0 IITS•TAMa6IF 6. , 0 13 tAkI4 Hampton 1 nn 1 $u 1 3(1 STRZ{7.1", A NC ON S, W. la.TH STREET 0 0 us:.vns� i arsruAis*. 6.1 i7 f-iaNp-tor Iran 1 LA=t 5Tt T, u2nN1, . _OA 1) G -1Av (SW / P514;LCILT7-74 0 -0 16' ZUSN RAW N n N \Ai 0 0 0 0 0 [13 K7IL / Bi'd-'11ktiAnSrr 1.] CI '3--ntel I C Hcmpt Inn Sr...1 s, v. 92th S'T-REL—r, 0 A D K\ __I. I\ _EAV ON (SW 1 2 I I._,1 FQTFL scrk STRArrsx+ PARKING tJI 8 •NT. ' ..,. 954_7 9 1789 €z^ N • M EERY:. 954-739-1881 FAX SM A Richarc Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Revisions El URGENT E FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE, COMMENT E s x,EQL-ESTED 0 PLEASE RECYCLE Raj: We have reviewed the coma ents offered by your office, dated June 27, 2008, for the referenced project and hove revised our analysis accordingly. We hereby offer the foliowina responses to address the comments made. We have enumerated them consistent with paragraphed items (1 Through 5) as follows: We have discussed with the developer the turning restriction of the western driveway to right -out only and have agreed to irnpernent. However, although will like to restrict the eastern driveway to right -out aniy, doing so wou'ci cause undesirable troff€c circulation because of The following reasons: The driveway will operate as a circular drop-off driveway. Mainly, it will be used by traffic that drops -off visitors. if the driveway is restricted to right -out only, the traffic that drop-off visitors may have to travel around the whole block to access the porking garage or even worse attempt an . desirable 'I -tur€ s cn �;ta 12Th Street which only has 24 feet of naveme-':t. As such. ejtner r r<.^ w7 hen iv affect era y raters c%o �"?nd the ��.ena. E�;. 'yp„ f ��. ��.-C`.t; �i y Lri` iY'1� . � li € 1..� Eli: � l..;I;J i`iC t'l, ...t.(.'r -J Vv'e arid r. -o_t.`o .. _x 0 aect m a-` € u io ob?ii s'u pp0 r -t a i ion. i � £ v e`a4'; olonc- • -tt 'o Street rect.,' please ;.) Tog !o- .-', for Cordfrom west of wA 2=Vve'E not ,en.. pfi,- stuck/ analysis. 'e nave re -calculated ;he Trip Generaton usine the confirmed lona uses. However,. It s nor necessary to regenerate a new Trip Distribution and Trip Assignment since the net difference is only one (1) vehicle trip. Attached please find the Trip Generation table. This corresponds to c' 0.95 percent {5) or less that % change. 5. We have revised the committed volumes for "The Pointe at Brickell Village` and found no discropancles. Pease -note that the figures of "The Pointe at Brickell Village" show the percent (%©) ingress and egress. Therefore, this percentage hos to be rr€ultipited by ingress and egress trips {Trip Generation) to obtain the number of commited trips (Le. 36 % x 63 = 23). Additionally, we have revised the committed volumes for "Mary Brickell Village" and have incorporated the changes info the analysis. As a result, tie Level of Service remained the same. Attached please find the supporting documentation. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to call me. Respectfully Submitted; RICHARD GARCIA, & ASSOCIATES, INC, R chard Garcia, PI. ArrACHMLNT • LAND USE (LU) Existing Vacant Land Proposod Hotel Specialty Retail Quality Restaurant Site Trip Generation Project Internalization Gross Vehicle Trips Vehicle Occupancy Adjus TABU: Al Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites Project Trip Generation Analysis_ REV UNITS 221 Rooms 1,820 S.F 8,985 S.F ment ITE LU CODE 310 814 931 ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE 10.0% Of Site Trips 16.0% Of Gross Trips Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.1% Of Gross Trips Pedestrian/Bic Net Vehicle Trips Reduction Net Person _Trips in Vehicles @ Net Person Trips in Transit @ 15.0% Of Gross Tr' Net Person Trips (Vehicle and Transit Mod Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @ 0.59 2.71 7.49 IN TRIP 53% 44% 67% TOTAL °la mmmm TRIPS TRIPS 47% 62 130 56% 3 t Prpvicas 33%0 22 f7 Results 57% 116 43% 87 203 205 57% 12 43°0 9 20 57% 104 43% - 182 57% t7 57% 57% 57% 43% 43% 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 57% 80 43% 6D 140 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 57% 21 43% 15 36 57% 101 43% 176 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle NOTES: 'trip Generation from fl E 7th ED. Adilifitmerit /,actors taken from Downtown Miami DR! increment fl for Brickell Area. 57% Percent of change. PROJLCT DA PROPOSED USE,: HOTEL ONIN LOT AREA: 0[1\151-Y: EAR. OPEN 5000L: PAR.K.1 50 5D-7 C5N1R,AL DRICKELL RAPID TRANSIT COMMERCIAL 505055 DI'D 055 00055 L01- AREA (GLA) — 43;750 51= ( .00 ) NET LOT AREA (NLA) = 37,500 SE ( 0.8G AC ) REQUIRED / ALLOWED 500 UNITS / AC. — 500 x .8G 430 UNITS 430 UNIT5 x 2 HOTEL RO0M5 = 500 HOTEL 000W5 RESIDENTIAL_ (HOTEL) G .0 x 43 , -7 `,5 0 = 2G 2 , 5 00 55 NON-RESIDENTIAL (RETAIL) 2.25 x 43,750 = 95,437 5r: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EAR 8.0 x 3 750 = "350,000 'c--;-/E NORTH (5.W. 21.11 STREET): I 50x I 0% = I 5 SOUTH ("REAR): NONE_ REQUIRED EAST (51.17)E): NONE R,EQUIRED NONI3 U.:QUI RED : UNLIMITED P FO r `) 4 7 (1;" 110TEI: 22 I ROOMS x I 5PACE: / 4 ROOMS RES FAL/ RANT .(Tal:ei 5 5 RETAIL.: (-12,0 55 I ,000 TOTAL.. PASSING: 1._OADING: 00055 [LOOK AREA: I G9. ,538 55 STALLS REQUIRED: 3 ( x 35' ) = 5 5 SPAC55 ; 2 5 PAC ffS = G8 5 F AC iit5 ' 0: • ROADWAY Cora! Way South Miami Avenue S1N 1 Avenue Brickell Plaza Notes 1 Roadway Name 2 Loco -Lion or (oust 3 iiilf:Direrion 4 to n Cur iol iU nd C3evnlopoloni 9 Tot ri Camnaiand Traffic 'f(7 f''f:rse11 Top (r dtcilnr 11 1"r:ensft Trip rn<lU .ter? TABLE: AS Brickell Hampton Inn & Suites West of 5 Miami Ave North of SW 12 St North of SW 12 St North of SW 12 St Commited Development The Pointe South Miami at Brtda4 i Avenue Village Conclaminium DIR EB 16 58 WB 18 22 LINK 0 78 NO 45 28 LINK 45 28 SD 71_.�.__.. 31 LINK 71 31 NEi 0 ., SB 23 LINK 23 0 Tuscan Place el Iran lr n •alai 1 Mary 6rlekali Vtliaga & Skyline 211 Mary Rrickeil V 115 142 257.... 179 I..dais; Transln ir. :a Yntiiilla. VGaap?, 278 3 9 51 473 602 109 212. 353 gur e 7 h S 9 h S 1 0 t h 2 I I S 1 2 1-11 S 2 I 00 jF '2(1, 5 5 1 :3 t h S .,,.. 2.8 0 90 v 5 \ /r\C/i/ t" K. A if r (./' A c-) 1 20 (1 \ V/// Land Use (1U) figh-Rise Residential Genera.] Office Gross Vehicle Trips The Point at Brickell Viiiage Project Trip Generation Analysis (Revised) Units ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE 0.38 2.71 1.49 Vehicle Occupancy Actistment '16.0% Of Gross Trips Transit Tr_Reduction Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction Net Vehicle Trlris Nlet 1"erson Trips in Vehicles g. Net Person Trips In Tmnsit (0 Net Person Tri Vehicle and Trans' 14.1% Of Gross Trips 10.0% OfGrossTri PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net Person Trips (yValking/Bicycling) c 1.40 Persons/ Vehicl NoTrs A 16% OCCUPANCY ADJUSTMENT IS BASED ON MIAMI'S 1.4 VERSUS FIE'S 1.2 PERS/VEH. TRANSIT TRIP REDUCTION BASED ON PROJECTED MODAL SPLITS USED IN THE ORIGINAL DOVVNTOWN PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE. REDUCTIONS WERE BASED ON THE DOWNTOWN CHARACTERISTICS. (ABovri METHODOLOGIES ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE DOWNTOWN rviitkivii DM -INCREMENT II, TABLE- 21 03 r-Vo 44 "A 171/4 47% 47D/0 4 TN 4-7"/0 47% Trips 7 9 19 106 I 7 15 11 L1 . I TOTAL j Trips l 'Mips ]. 53% 1.8 125 37 62 224 373 .___. 1 32 53%, 12 a',. e. .11 r 3% 1 71 134 .,.,_ 18 34 53 % 1 17 31 • • SW 7 1.32 W '17 (127 ;33 SF] cfl 755 1. 110 Ir.) (1.3 1 06 "E 1 I 20 (,:',:•E} 1044 1/15 I e.1.2 ,r12 - to 1593 140 e 121 SW 31 225 10E3 (39 ' - 1303 -7-.L77:— Z/ 03 19/ 1011 _ 1.19 12. 7 2513 4133 2.03 2131 / 153 3-4 1 :i < ' — — '," ---'- -;''' 93 1 '.1191' 4----- - 11 21 91 0-1 01 ‘,,,. P., ,''' . 60 2 „-----":12 .... <-- - 212T (201‘n- 03 34 rin THE CORRAIDINO GROUP (11 1 3 4 1 (11 , .". 1.• / It SW 7 SW CI) 339 N rfl If) 1503 66 121 24 L 32 CIS Eq Ti 06 C...3 1 l 9 cr) ..,._ •-, 0E3 4.'---- 4? (.0 S W 1 0 4 89 315 7 1 15 ,r1 0 118 40 I 34 it 4 THE CORRADINO GROUP 23 it 66 —"— 1293 - 2 5,1 -•_ I "^"-.."---,^ ---- (C) f.1 /15 20 100 ' 235 70 ti 72 2 6E1 20 0 12 24. 106 1 5 93 4 A 98 • 21 4 !:•.) 537 C 61 1 04 LIJ 0 fti 4.5 2 I 2 4 •ffi [Ai< H Vv(11-40 () JL. 4. AO;L=.. _ Bricke Hampton inn & Suites PERSON TRIP VOLUME AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS TABLE LIOI T t3 CORRIDOR F'FOM, 70 0301 tTYPE SW 41'1 Ave Broken .Ave SW 12th St EVV8tt St SW 1 Avenue Brickei; Plaza E;r,ckel SW 2ndA'reI 04 SV 13th S1F SE E 2LE SW 12tn St SW 9th St SW 9th St SW 12 h St PiCKGRO SW 2nd Ave Brickei l Ave Mizrni Aver,. SW 12th St Brickell Ave SW 2nd Ave SW 9h St. N H 7 `Urv-1 N 1.' 2100_S.. ROADWAY tE - j ROA.DWAY UME SON VEHICULAR i CA.4 •LT -I Y VE P c U 7112 CAPACITY 6 Pv a_ �i.S 'F-. l CAPACITY tw 1500 2860 996 1453 268'' 1042 720 2752 535 749 2003 810 1296 126 1LU 810 1296 2LD 1800 2LD 1800 176 112E 0.14 230 1065 0.18 2880 1097 1536 ! 1344 2895 114E 1505 1275 0.55 SW 1 Avenue SW 8th St SVV 13th St SO E 2LD 1720 2752 591 828 1924 0.3u Bricked Plaza I Vt 12th St S'A, 9th St NB E 810 1296 138 '=.93 1103 0.15 W 9th St SW 12th Si SB E 1LU 810 1296 181 254 1042 0.20 C �.. . Coral Way SW 2nd Ave B5{cKel! Ave EB Brickell Ave SW 2nd Ave WB South Miami Avenue SW12thSt SW 9th St • SW 8th St SW 1 Avenue NB E E E 2LD 2LD 2LD SVV 13th St SB E 2LD 1800 1800 1720 1720 2880 2880 2752 2752 1375 1341 840 793 1926 1878 954 0.67 1002 , 0.65 1177 I 1575 1110 1642 0.43 0.40 Brickel! Plaza 1LU 810 1296 242 339 957 SVv' 12th St SW 9th S€ NB SVV 9th St SW 12th St SB E 1LU 810 1296 220 308 988 Coral Way C 0,24 C a 0,26 SW 2nd Ave Brickell Ave Brickell Ave SW 2nd Ave South Miami Avenue SW12thSt SW9th St EB VVB NB E 2LD j 1600 E j 2LD E 2LD 180C 1720 2860 I 1375 1926 , 954 0.67 C 2880 2752 1356 i 1902 859 1203 978 0.65 1549 0.44 C C SW 1 Avenue SW 8th St SW 12tn SW 9th St Brickell Plaza SW 13tn St SB SW 9th St NB SW 12th St SB E 2LC 1LU 1720 810 2752 851 129E 0 1298 242 1192 339" 1560 957 0,43 0.26 6 r 220 308 988 0.24 410 'ARK 41 f - s • _ ,•s s.ss, ,,,,, .......... [..1 • • • , ! t€ ..... € I mss:ss>mssmrswasosmw.::€71ssvemWmmisTos& 1 . . 1;1 \i-ign\)h tovel 2 Iss) p(larnge.clgn Jul. 01, 2008 .11:241s:13 wfs, ,ssfrs• 41 • Awsr 0,4 ' I 21 • ;;!„•;', ;:•;;;;;.'„M••;;"r„,;,:r!„„1 : I -•;;;.; ; A VI p 0 \ I . . ?:;.'",•1•74;'''"1 .••: . • . II2L'; ' --- - - Li ...\riqn\bh level 3 tp.., pgarage.cign Jul. 01, 2008 11:26:25 ':. : • I ' ' i:::: I i - : . 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' --1."1,1''.1-..:-.• .;•,••••-:.:::.?..ir:' '';''.' '..11:.::;:..,:'''..' '''' '''.'-"r-r, ;: ''::::::..-..':...' :'''• .• ' ''''':::•:•-.•• ..:•••• :: •)).1.•'::::''''.: ' '• • Y.'..:,:',1' ' '' :',.'.:1:...',•.•"'.- : .. : - ...,. , . ...__ • .1 11 ..) 11 ' : ',',-`:.".•/ e. [.!,.) ',.0' ..7."'3. . . . ; • 2 ( a LiRci C0RPflRI"E '. N 954 _ 1 7R° jun. 77 Lake8hore Complex 3343 IN, Ccrmmar iai 8ivd„ Sujte 100 Fart Lauderdae; Ficrida 33309 375 Phone; 954-739-1861 Fax° 954-739 1789 FAX NO.; TO; Ms. Ulla 1, Medina (F. 305,416,1019) Mr, Antonio E. Perez (F: 305.416.1443) FIRM; city of Miami FROM: Raj Shanmugam F.E. RE: Brick&! Hampton !nn & Suites (Review # 193) Preliminary Comments DATE June 27, 2008 COPY: Mr, Richard Garcia, RGA (Fax: 305,675.6474) PAGE 7 of: 3 COMMENTS: IF YOU DO NOT RECEfVE ALL R4.CES, PLEASE CALL US lMMEDtATELY AT THE ABOVE NUMBER uPs C.NR.PC1RC-fr I FIN R--71X NO, 9547,3917E39 , 20L.."-o D8te: To: June 27, 2008 lie tVledina, AlCP Raj Shanmugam, RE. Subject erickelt Hampton inn & Suites (Review # 193 Preliminary Comments The following issues need to be addressed and the additional information requested need te be presented to complete our review of the traffic study: 1. The traffic study presents two alternative scenarios, Scenario A shows the proposed development traffic for the existing "one-way" traffic pattern along SW 12"' Street. Scenario B shows the development traffic for a proposed 'two-way" traffic pattern along SW 121 Street. For the proposed Scenario B, left -turn out movement is allowed at afl three proposed driveways. These three driveways are closely spaced less than 75-feet apart Therefore; we recommend restricting the two ono -way driveways to right -out only; The edge of roadway along SW 12m Street need to be shown when presenting vehicle maneuverability details on Appendix H. Vehicle maneuverability details within the parking garage need to be presented. Please show if the vehicle maneuverability is different for any given floor or if it is consistent through out all the floors; Note that the Transportation Improvement 5-Year Program included a roadway resurfacing project programmed for Coral Way from west of SW 12 Ave to LJS1. This will not affect the traffic study analysis; 4. The site plan does not reflect the same intensities for the land uses described in the traffic study. Please revise the site plan/traffic study report to be compatible; 5. Review the Committed Development Summary Table and information provided for the committed developments as there seem to be discrepancies, Revise the committed traffic volumes for "The Pointe at Brickell Viilage" at Brickell Plaza roadway link (southbound). For "Mary Brickell Village" revise the committed volumes at Coral Way for the westbound direction, lf no discrepancies are found, mark the corresponding volumes for these developments on the figures to correspond with the summary tables. The traffic study is based on higher future vehicle occupancy (1.6 persons per vehicle) and the use of available public transportation in the City of Miami, As such, the traffic study states the developer will consider Transportation Control Measures (TCM) to encourage the high vehicle occupancy and the use of public transportation. The TCM consideration includes; 1. incorporating car pooling, ridesharing into the site; 2. Providing bicycle racks; 4�" ! 2t�.'1'r�-'s 11 Providing inform lion to patrons an Page 2 of 2 is of the transit system; and . Amenities to encourage all modes of transportation and min The proposed development tocaticn is expected is for business purposes. The upon this TChil recommendations being transportation cencurrency management. zed traffic congestion levels. accessibre from sass transit stations and the clientele development approval of this site should be conditioned implomented to recognize the credits given toLvards the Should you have any questions please call me at 954, 739, ; 88`i , Cc- Mr. Antonio , Perez, flamer City of Miami (Fax; 3O5,418.1443j Mr. Richard Garcia, Richard Garcia & As aciates (F4x, 3O5-675-6474) Corps ration Southern 3343 W. C nimurmai Avenue, Suit too Fors Laut r€iWe, Elands 333O9-6375 f ei: (954) 739 188# F'ax: (954) 739 1 789