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infer Global Support
Version 2.3
be enterprising
Table of contents
We cerier:o .-for Global Supper: 4
infnr (Lim. Support trgenirceion
Supocr: model . 6
1-1(...vv to SO''';aCt LS
inceien: mandRernent
Inicr Glbi Support re.poncibIliue, 11
ConThuoc sLp3rtcI]cj 15
S.oport clans 13
Standardsuppoq .........................................................................11
Co:'on 24x? Crde:al I nbicere Supncrt 14
Go.celloes for optimal support .1.5
aceess 15
c,htem adm:mstratten
''htduc: expe-dse
1aintain cxrent backup of so‘tware 15
Test erwifoi)rneri: 16
Snataz, ,nana,getnent and pettconance 16
Feec.:thig saftwa-e errors 16
'fc,ir in out :slmocrtant.Rease tell us what yco th ik 17
Important notices
rra...erpil cc:pita:riled in this publiCiiiitY: [n:,I,iding any supplementary information] const lutes and
contains oorf dertial anO oroprotary I'formation of 'nfor, ate may cc amenacc oti) irreir at any fre..
By gairalig oecess to Be attached, bat. acknowledge and ogree that the Mine ial any
:ropy or parila copy, modification; translation or adaptor on of the material) and at; copyright, trace
seeigats arc all °trier right, title and interest thereln, are the soie property of inor and that god wall
Di", goon fight. tale or inteiest in the matenalifinclud ng any modification, translation cr adaotat on
sif the orriterial) bd virtue. of you; review thereof other than the oontexclisive riEht to use the
materialin so-nefitien with any :he furtherance of pour license ano use of software made
agaila :tide to your C3T.pany from Info, aursuant tt; a separate agreement r'itirocsdill,
In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, bou azknowledge and agree that your are required
to Inc main so( h iraterial e str pc: cerfiorthce and that rjodr use cif sue-, matennl is limited to the
r". Purpose described. above.
Adnitugh li dor has taken due core to ensure that the iinaterial inciuced r this, pdbliepd o- is;
aacurate and complete, Inbar cannot warrant mot the information contained in this publication is
complete, dices not costar typograpnica, or other errors: cr NI II meet your specific reauire7cnts
As such; Infor does not aSSUrle anc he; eoy specificallo disc aims all iiabi ricnsequent aor
otherViSe, tbrisp loss or damage to any person or e Id which is cat1Sed by or relates to errors cr
omissions th s r, cation (incluc itg agy supplementary inf orroonan h whether Such errcrs cr
omissions result hem negligence, occident or any other cause.
Publication information
1).-e.eose: Versior; ? 3
pstiribatitt- nate: Septerriber 1, 2007i
Copetight ffii 2-30? infer Global So...I:ions :echnoogic GmL51 arid/crr its eP, iates arid subs diaries
Welcome to nfor Global Support
:oriatfs recropetinve environment your bris:pess success depends largely cn abilrty
respond -4urrely to changing a:sterner nerranc. Therefore, you: enter orise software er rist be
more pewetful arid t'exibre tnan over oefore. To orb ensure rr, rig:lure dev,:nte-ne add indogrodni
be: farirrouce, you need ',rusted primer verso works hord to ineee your suippord, regal en ents.
Infer de vors practca, rea'-werld sad:lions and support services to help 1,011 theve n th's
derranadeven econarr.y. Cur strong cornrogment tc customers has earned us au inclusti rti-!eadrng
r.astamor rebored:pr. ato. We beireve this is Teli,,aeci urrectly to cur customer -first :organ anti
:roue pi -algal approach ro Trundling cur goals:
:1. Our steadfast cor-nrnitrnent to Invest in the ongoing trairengaed develooment of our support
personnel, so we can assist in providing tirrely resougron to t..par Iti5“:eS.
2.0, r paSS:01 TO work hare every day to hap address your -.cede,. surpass your --expectations, and
impress you woh every inter actron. We w::: continually challenge ourselves ter rerov-de inocvaerve
orTeurgs to aearp ement u cur changrng cusiness needs.
3.0ur ab tur to rescrond tc pour neccs CLIICKI,j and effectiverj. aderstanebrug that our sauwore
scut ens :un ctitgar app00(5(100 0our cornpany.
'We kr-row that -Amen -ou contact us, you have issues requiring in-depth product expertise and
qUICK tlifflaJ,JUIld.Thire(0;e,WO Strive to provide unparalleled savree, wheeler you have a sing;re
site as matucle s tes, arc legal, riatrcnal, or global in nature, and whatha yew are a first -talc user or
long,. :roe user of info:00litroris. 'Our-se:1)par: atefessien3iSliget te make 100 percent 04 our
Pau:roc:trans rom (P.Jr CUSIT:FleTS effigert, and pie 'eSS-07;11 1 ood aren't
thr, :flUaSEJ et OS knuvv.
MarIrt, J for bout contin Jed bus -ass with otfot. 'We are praised :a be sewing oeu.
Res: regads,
Marylon McGinnis
Vice Fres:dem
Iola Gleba' Support
:his Scope el Operations has been Oevelopec tc help you tinders -tam: how we will a•lgage with you
to help ensure yoi.ii• Pus ness rteedo we me:, with the teal of enabling you to itneat the demands oF
i„outc. stowe s. tips drialment, you w,11 hod heipful informat,un 33C.,.J; the elements of. :rifer's
ciloba' Support oFer.ngs, taiga wcident resporse TiMeS, severity levels, anu rutire
Yo.i f;nd answers to primary questions ancat Info! supportsucn as 'What serv;C:?.3 are induced
in my suppo-t pip.:?" and 'What can i expect for tanget response timesion mi., incidents?' Please
notify os by seading an erne p to InforG'abalSupport@ nioncoin ir you have questions:hat mis
60CLime'l:, does not rins‘rver.
Ivor may amenc this dorcdrnent ct orq, me and shaii update it periodicaily to reflect changes in
business practices and policies in support of continually improving our service to you.
Our mission
Support excellence with continuous improvement resulting
in the highest levels of custOmer satisfaction'
Timely Respeneiverieee
ovalitij Resoluticin,
Our trawed support analysts are senoce•oneated biolessiona,s who wake up every warning with a
pDSSiOrl Col veldt ',het, rt.), I neyi want ti»olve, 00 nany problems as poss,bie every tiay :D help
,Uosioess run smootnly.
- S.:opt:EY 7.1c...,7•.-,1
Infor Global Support organization
Support model
Our sq,port moctol int-duces :hree main areas:
Cuts:ornet Care
Pmciact Sur:Trt
. Procuot Matntenance
Key Metrics
Ta:ge: 1-1sporse Time
mFr-ageynent ,
a;geta.-K,okr.icK Trc
acnt Irfincthrg Defcct
Rr,pttcat:lor Fc, fiaKttimp,
Customer Care: Yhti P7',-!er.tle to trotate 0r 11Z:r]Unt V.2 the web sustem, or bi cajttrig the suppart
cornett When a nE,A,;:',CidC211: is entered via the web, tt io au:erratically routee to the aapropttate
queue and will the sucked up by the 'text avathable swam,: analyst. Anothet spurn is tt-t cb: the
support het ',ter at xi speue to a raarnaer of the C:ustarter t earn. Ihe Custore:2are team
nornhor ...ta!1 ask you 'llor spectftr: informatton molding a short proNern descoptien. Tee incteent w it
then be routed to the appropriate cell queue to he addressed by the next availarale sapport anatt..;st.
Product Support Cuoe an incldent res usten touted to the support queue, anclyst will contact
ttt.otti for addittonal tufo:I-rat:on. atoll tcattert of :he in;bdert 'nay heneetasserj bcrferc e--oer,th
abalosis can be :re:four:I:to and before tho anatyst can begin to resolve the bicdent. Once an
incident has been tesoared, tt, will re closed. Most ineldents are resolveo by the support anajst.
However, tl thts is not the 1..05e, the tr tatlyst, vtall dooutheto the steps requited to reoreote the
prubletn end this: tnrchnottetr. wit' he entered nte the .ncbdem record, oefect wbe ceoted,
rio detect f.DrwiJrciec to Pogittot t‘laiotenance.
Product Maintenance: he Pi cot.tot Mailtenahce team, usinp the analysts results from the arccio et
suppott ana pertt;',' further reserecta programming, orru testing 'to !telt: res;;;ve Inc
team .sc) reDci),.; ittr ttevelcomg sof twa"tt fixes en req2C.. le s0,-E1:-
tr stahces, hasec on the chttoe rature of the trIc de at, a s. hg4e fix will be rttrov ded t 3 the CIS:(,11,er
Ecrifirtrect defects vstl Le scheduled attd addressed wants hIgter seventy ley&
given ortortte !be ere: t Inc:cent t.ttt tt05 uz.:(;.:1;.:: ocri he rev.; 1111:0'10 5130.
How to contact us
Infor365 Cnlire support Wr provide 2 x7, oro,ne accoss to a v,vo.t s,27V,ces.
L.10.tj err:: dents on: ne—o veiu vidt ,StiiStS .1' eitoolirit,
1 ucky degin iap tr sst,e an o ;tie eadoition
Agging r,ew inide pnOr1'!")::.,Sdppol, rt'iso can aocess otriur sorvices tart
apattilibei; inidudirig
IItJJ view ontt 333Zt3 JCJ suopoit incident s;t:oit.i and Stus
P 3CC Know' edge l3ose
requentlt. Askeo Questions ;and f?esponses1
. Accoss to latosc)rod.ic; information ebout r evy t eleases
A2i1r4.1. download product dpwapas andpaci.imentat;on
AbiKg 3 Subnn feedback o; nfor prodLots and services
Accessing support: You rrAtjcontact tne si.pport center btj submitting yO Jr incioon; via the vieo
4x? or by olasirig a call during ojrschedred t.USI;•eSS hOuS.
For a comolete s1hg tif our support center:, wit; web arldresses phone numbers, access our
sLoport site at httoillwww ir for.com and select '.Supoc;iii.." kis page contains a search ootSon to iind
the support centei by prodad or location click on "Ca, Or Ernai:Lis].
Be g [,,ifir
incident management
Incident: 'the igerefai nadir:tem of a smoport incident so smg,e, trinitoducilass 1oI1iin,
sphom. Arinn:dent ',stance of 3 equest 0l arieistJeme1ii.lijevtion acid
ktgged wenn the. Info'. ;:,:unial 5-n1nce; System that is related to :tint- :ViD10 operaugh,10safiware
:Clni ormalien re:nude:id ;input sucaort offo rings. Other cioinntanly uettri namds kir an
atfent are case, inquiry; :tali, ICE, SSLIC, and ticket.
Before contacting Infor Global Support: In oraei for Info' anal Suppcimt to hiogitt resit tang you,
incedent D 110011. 01111111. please eview the list of pertinent otorination below and have this
information available Whet, tjal log your incident via tine iateb innwhen utiu place a coil Doing
SO :AChcp CflsJre timelo.j odspoose.
Yaw Infod customer ,,umber fats serial ilUt0be.r1 and contact ileliihi (name, email an:loess,
ann contact numbel.
Product name and version nu mint of the apolicanle nstaked software.
ni Details of the incident (e.g., error messages and now to eptaduce the erroi j. If you are logging
t:d the Internet, please air:Mae screen shots and outrtut examples.
11 Description 0' the problenils freauency ano pre.dictahility (e g.. interroittently, each tirne
fenction is used, etc.
Description of the prob,em's impact (e.g., Does it imaant all users? Does ,t oacor on all
PCs/ Aforkstations/Roct/St.pe rvi e or? j,
Iraq bra asked to, confirm Lima hardware configuration, operating eystom, datatmert
systems (e.g., SO L Server-, Infcrmie, Btrieve. Anaisie Services, Oracle', etc.), miodloworo,
oi other otogiation seftwaie.
Severitylevels: Th'ctala..•.o^,...solid e ..._,: ,:'o-'s fthr=ser.. ;h,ethat oh'vic :1„y
oocus. -er. ,,ra . l : `cr.G, nr..ut_.tr::car..ncicss..
Severity Level Description Examples
Production %cwnh 4 customer's r)rocit:cticn system, dataaase. or .cu sod
software is inoperable. 4 major app: COT en r:h lure has
occurred or data integrity ssues exist, and bus ness
processes are ha;teo. There is no workarounJ ova :able.
Customers shoed report ail Seventy ] sues (tu tc!ephone
toted local support center to ass•st in ac hieving trre
response target set forth below.
High A critical business process fsimpaired, causing a serious
disnrption of a Major business ft•ncton. It ,s causing serio,:s
impact on daily functions or processing, and there is nc
acceptable workaround.
Non-cr tic& problems recur w•thtbe licensed software.
Customer is ab'e to run the system and/or application, and
there is an acceptable workaround for the problem.
Low An inquiry and;ar low system impact issue which does not
require immediate attention. This includes cosmetic issues .
on screens. errors in documentation, or a request ragardfrg •
. the t.seaftheicersedscftware.
Suggest:on for A suggestion is made for enhancing the system by adding
Ennaneemeat new features orirrpreying existing features
Critical Incident Support (CIS)
CrBealmercer.Sup,^,erns:hep•svisienofsapsortviatelepoo•teforhusiresstandstifsit., :•o=s
;sever:,• _; :hat? cust:xnar may encounter.
tanrrurd S.:uucr;
ots : e Cr ticai Ir
e's crit.cal inside t s:appe for. x5 for rr'ast;;rcd
Apart is se'r 4ah rh only ;r rrrg mgt.; arc'irur hoi
the Cr,:ntal Incrcec; Srhpucrtfor 24x5 is covered.' the'scllcw the
fr .. h s ee is that srv',eri one regions S;,,,:po''r Cec er :ruses tui
reo c' w r p:c5 r.^ tKom:mksa in:ir:en; or c5tr tnt e to wtr on your;
'follow the sun' process is de'vered'a Cnglis•r sn a td covers the ; ore pre dtr.; "h s
,_:s tdcesnot cove: 'Dearza:ronsorlarg,.agespecific issues. A sistancc'wtr nts
rego; )in:, is r hrca', at on ortranslaticn of d e softu r e cah add•cssec Cur• og regular brsrness
;o,:rsb ::r.. rc:ccihdgi:;na Support Center.
Stpaart rcquresThe a.sttrn er,: or.v de access <_..ts uc'sc-rn
d. c ,'lc m'd. w5r r ng
1-fJ- eoa •.err
Escalation management
Escalatien bcoe_rrii ±rdpro:de-es :s received fo'r isuor.,s tow. rent a Iiighe, c,cg-10,
a1rurrotieu plc' is. lot int reed rur SSUES that al e weil:sueed fdr dur Sta-Lford codrori-g ,roS
,f ;jou eNC:r. the PhprOpririte ieve l sJp;crt rc ytiu; sue atc w1k kp
esediute t.p ucit.;;:at support learn.
The Oesei bori the c...urent .oeiderd oscAlAtion process to vPrioLis love'sWitt
Severity Incident Incident Incident Incident Incident
Notification Collaboration Notification Notification Notification
to Senior with Senior to First- to Support ' to VP of
Analyst Analyst Level Director Support
1Imrr.ediately immediately Immediately 4 hours 8 hours
2 12 hours 16 !rriours 16 hours hdAirs. 301iqurs
„ .
3 5 days 10 days As required As required As reelid-ed
4 S dos As required: r As'required As required As required'
Infor Global Support responsibilities
ryovine support for software s.ilia lo.j Infer or its spec:If:aid agents, eirl-Tch ince, irclude
lia•sorsavrth caner seftwai e suppliers fiwhere plicab:e ano required), help ensern iesolution
er incidents raised aiy the oustoriei or its env:lazed agents. Our support s available for lufor
licensed software COMp01,ers:S, fcr rrertain spncineo, embedded clorrchoarty product:a
Infor Gleba: Supports primary responsibiuties are:
Orovlarug guitIonce arta uifif raring tips and techniques un e.xistirg oppliczd'ors.
iroubliabhouting iSSUP'S With !nfer software applications when you experience
unexpected results.
Reproducing product defects aro assisting in providing alternative so:utions to
help maintart stopility anti the derect is corrected.
cr, Providing snrtware maintroonce Locates ;rat cover solution fixes and rn nor
ano major rco,cases
For issues related to rustomvoticins such as custom apolizat xi code or reports al lu/or customer
specific: cetflriirerrionts, Infer Clotral Supyyrt will artempt to proVlee suggest ors one: (tree:ion but
will rice docrig u 1sveiopcli ermer-spec ric modif cations. ri orcer to serve a cur ctistcrreirs ir the
best way, we wili iefer ou to OLProfessional Services Ciiganizatien [PS] If your issue requIres
advanced USF;IS1,311::e ^1,101 ,is uetalleu gurciance 31, her,/ tn LISP ri 'd apoj the produrn, achilhorir.!
staff Tor time, riticai implementatirms, 3 .7.:Szi$tF11C:E• in eras gring;:71c enveloping customized cone
to meet youibasiness needs. IT you prefer; we virrIi arrange e ha -id -over to the PSO organ•zatinn to
help ensure ieu 1.1&3r.sIarid :he findings of our 311,1 ysis
Continued support policy
Infors general suppen po c 3 dpoc r t find maintain a Mier prociiict as Ve w porenuallc,
evaluate product limas to CIISI/C 'chore is en appropriate niirr,bei of custcmers willing to invest in
ClH anneal scippert arid inairitenanee root -acts and ccrinnenicate any crianges poactively.
corrnoorr.ent is tro ountin, le lc iraintain all products fur as long as it is octro
practical and tecnniciall.) rearablo. Erhance moms ano regulatory changes are genera
epolied on y ty tta rao eaus, vv7,!e, wairsioro fixes 3'e on i rentiu apsliec tie the 'a:est
two releases af tire mit:Ju01.
The sooner: of third -cal ty products any catabases cise.d bit Infea products canionly be guaranteed
as long, as tii202 thircieraai ty oiyclunts are supporter.' by standard seaport plans horn their
respective vencor, ano as lie ig S infrir maintains theu re:z.,Amship vvr.-, these vendors.
Corrmitment to customers: infer Liotsoi S: ) cheleing /Lir tarit l'ei thdir
voiles to thd host of D.;" ad; ty. fricre ado t cc:es wren iss•pes eie forstatinteodd :trades thd so.
oi oro/ o tl• to lite": itS e d nrdOncri000 dti7tSe t.0, Oth-- ler stistem
issae, or seine:I:mg e:se. Jur supper/ ,r4tlysts poivide tne ossistdoce they Lan to help /work
tnrough tec isspe, :Lit there rrey iroowvon we ocki t:th.lft /t'g - Service Agree/rem fins td
Worlt Cidui i hese acct./me rs stare that wirt vwee< ext ens/vat L; tne particula, issue, bit•is
detoratmed to hovo boon Cd,it.:•el siornothing ithtt:Sid2 i'h? soap., of Supool t, fru wrl :o charged
tnis We vAl leg/Jest you/ s,gietur6 prof tra picviding 3ht, SerViCco emirs the
,.)r Infer Cloba Support.
Outside of scope: '<Ye stive to plc:vele you with toe oeot cornineicial effort tc ‘hih3C.1: i„Ot,
With cricidents. btd p co Jct stippoo 3113',IStS wU spend oralti IS 11:11.1106 on 3';i.j Zhat
is Cuh,:ue the SChhe of Infdr Glrbol Support's responsibdities. 6 uo appl es to the following are;s:
. System setup —any inc.:nem logged rddat reateds to a new implementer on system setup or
bus'ness flow process, or :he cortfigu:atipri o: nsrallat an of r etvplococts.
Application performance tuning—assist:tat ice anolyz.ng, tnnthg, 6.7 impro \nn.i; the
poi-fp:Tr/once erthe Infor solution.
Modified objects [custom saftware]—Sdepon ph:Aid:as anal.risid of Infot's stannatd cooe set.
However, it odes :opt include onalyzIng I' le :code of module ctiston•laraons.Sdmo r'tie Infer
sokft ons offer "DIS:einzation 'ivairitertar/cet en-o:igli our Profess/pro/ Services Organizt:uon
(l"). Any mire:litre legged that relates to ren-sto Aare V:iF5 ons of the software:A/di he
transfer -Pc to BO d it is covorocl lag o separate agi /terror t for modified objects. Inc dents that orc
1171 c:avered cy a seoarate agreernent mat; be indertak-en toy ES) on a tiffle-Ghdiilhatef aiS DaSIS
With ellit: ap?rcvi)i fro 0the customer zip :a/tear:on oldie appmpr ate corn/root duct.mentatidn.
. Hardware/operating ass/stance will the hardwaro
configu cderat/ng-sysfern tun -p, 3010531:56.0616.160166 tasks
Datc correction —incidents related to data colre.dtions or co/Jur:oohs that are 901 di/ ectly relate°
to the 604Ifer coon of Infarlire:Ised products,
Tranung--trdining on/i eGJCi)tlittfl are pr3W:d60i thrOilgh '-'-0-'S Professional Servide Orgenization.
r ,,,risti•e whether [your issue. .s a suppoe-t :no:dent or whether it recJires consult'og or
ro arc hg se, V'OC/S, please follow :he ir cideots.Jbmisskrt process wIth :nfor Giobol Sppoorti A
sucoort artalist will wor <witl it you m cleten- he the: eest p'on of action.
Infer Glom` SL.ppnrt currrei4 j p"o'viites a Standnr
On top of this S:andat'c Plan, there is t' e a iciticr
a.,;;la;;le far most p
``te ;Iola eJ ,iescnp:;in or
opn ens or e set forth billow.
Standard Support
Standard Support
`e'ephcne Access to
Customer Support Services
24x5 Critical Incident Support'
Standard Incident
Response Targets
Severity 1 - Production Down
Seventy 2 — High
Severity 3 - Medium
Severrt.i 4 — Low
Nr,mber of Inr'idonts
lntor365 nine Support
p)oriMin 'or ali'nlo';of:wsre,irCt':, t5.
anon of the 24x? Cri:ical oc,Jcs Support
rtpo :en:s that orrt rrrloted t roe StancorJ Scpport!'la t and :s
Infor's support centers' business hoes are generally Monday through
Friday, 8.3D a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays observed by 4vor
09tica incident Support for severty 1 incidents Dosed on o "foilowtne
surf' principle from Monday through Friday. This service will also be
available during rohdays observed by 'rife:.
Responding pr urrpt ly :c customers' requests is an important goal
of the Iefor Gioha' SAp or t team. 'hr..; response tar guts below ar e
calculated as tope difference between the tlrne an indr'.ent is accurately
logged into the Isrot system and the time of the first value.adrted
communication tc the customer. Note that no response Beals
rave been set forincrciens designates as severity cote "E"
enhancement ; cquest*.
We w S make commercially reesonaoie efforts to meet the tercel
set fort't'avow
Within : pusines
Li, telephone tot
response target,
ocr. Customers should repot all Severity 1 issss
r local support center to assist in achieving:his
Within 4 business nears
Wr.nrn 8 business hours
W;t;m 2 business hots
There is nc limit to the nr.mber of incidents that can be. submitted.
Access to tee secured support webs:te for 24x7 and 36S days o wsek.
The Iefor 30CS Online Support wee sits is monitored during business
hours, unless the product has "fellow the sun" support.
__.ono .0._,, Ia0.24 r:.,sr; .,,,_, . ..,... 'air
tine , `.it tarty 11 .:sp
Standard Support
P.CCSS a*j`0. Support website ro-t'a know edge base and othe.
:resources mat can help you quickly find an,wers to 6our o,,tsta-zr.g
cR,est:ons or even links to available solutions.
Remote Access Capabil'ties When necessary and with yet2r permission, au, Infor Global Support
analysts will remotely access you- systems associated who ln for
solutions to help araluze and ieso:ve any complex system issues
you may be experiencing. The ir=or Global Support ergaorzatron is
using applications like Webb: aro GoroAssist'" to establ,sh a remote
,ink to your system. The Support websile contains further details and
necessary instructions for the remote tools that are available.
Access to Ma,or and Minor You are given accaas to
Updates, Patches, and'
The next new,raease of the pmduCt you have licensed including .
Service Pares possible migration tools to supp6,1 you in the upgrade process,
provided such release is issued during a pa,d support term
Fixed so:ut:ons to reported ,ncidents.
Certain Products have periodic scheduler! sa, Vice packs including
modifications of the base product, localizations, and translated '
Versions. ThiS often includes legal changes that revire code
changes,of the ofor software functions for HR, l'inante'and
logis'lica, areas, including cuuntryspecifielocaliza::ionS or
industry solutions. „
Access to Feature Packs if ssued, addinonal functionality oi the introduct.on of new capabilities
a-d Enliancerner its ir nfor appl.cat,or Is as a result of crIlancernent equzsts from
custorncrs.Any customer who is active on support is entitled to
nanicipate in the enhancement voting pmcess.
Err ca Sol Jtlir3 Npt;fication Infer Suppoi t,Online nsablen you to develop a o:ofile, which identfies
the solutions that aro of portico:art merest to you. When a solution ,
:Turd is developed for a critical incident, you'li receive notification ,
aeout its availability and how to access 1, which should reduce the
time it token to receive important updates talernain current bn the
lnfor solutions. -
Surrport I3,iefings
rpport Brefings are designed to help ensure your keyi..sers
a,e current with the latest functions and 'eatu es. he Support
organization periodically inspects the need fin s.pecific topics that are
addressed during these support briefirigs. These recorded sessr,ms
ure broadcasteOas webinars, with an average duration of 5-15 minutes.
Option 24x? Critical Incident Support
xs ortuo, s availa,:le on ton or the S:dard Support cornpani.i,r,
24x? CIS' Description
24x7 Critical Incident Support C? rico! Incident Support for Severity I in:leen:5 based or a "follow:he
sun" principle for :365 days a year and 24 hors per oay. This service
will also be availableduring holidays observed b nfor
nv.755 fc P ==r- -erte • or qa-loge,
Guidelines for optimal support
We Tr:craft-end intplernenittag the `ithowihg hest practices within Ljutgartirititt'no for
proctrackteet, and fallback s,SITS.Thso oiectices to/ill help ensure that rpm iisers
onfoi,4 a sale working entaionnient.
Remote access
You can greatly fac ;tato ;-icirjecitrc Jr b, providing our support analist remote access to
Lour into.mai so.stems. -.his is why rerrote access is part of the standard contractual requirements
Cur titupport imaitr;st requires the simile clearance leve. OS yalr 0Wo internal sta,i, twit wiii osk fur
ptar,fliSSittn Otor to matting th'e connection to ticuir si_stem,
System administration
Fi solid-Lair:hi toning stein requires strohg internsystem administration and mai lageihei :o
arotect the integrity of the unrnpani.,S cata. his ,nc des, but is nui :initited to, the fol owing
Routine System cacituos.
Periodic checiting, of the quaittt of the oaottups.
Ccournemed 5.,staarr management :traced:fres to ne.itt p:utect Wforthation in the event
of an etror or ona.if unction of the sofzware
:hanger:tont-al process to heip traci, changes to :ne base stistermihis nusstrait curing tits
tis ententation and rust es active firm ever,j subsequent chatitge trtitt is made change
controi process must covet the opera:C-1g sustern, database. and appticatian erwhionnients.
Lack of procedures, as thaSe set forth above, and thesuccessful execti:kon ma i4 adverselut
affcct our obikty TO respond to issues efficientlut
Product expertise
liou have appropriate:ff trained users with procg:1 ulowledgo,000 business export.se, woo
so avai oriole to wai k whin InfoSupport Staff to have rarciduative and effectiva interactions Intel
Frolessionai Services niganizatiait (PSC: oon provide assistanoe in, this srea through their pit:Site
consulting prid tiiiining offerings.
Maintain current backup of software
Custainois sAICUIC ratotain a current backup of a't programs anti data to assist exosc 6:11
reCOVerL.,.! in the eveitt ci system faikire.
Test environment
A ..;:usioullonec scpc.sUe liceuscd r erw.ronment one lrtc lrio;:o
to o 5'DCLICtS.e coetnop,W.th the test scivironmordl, cemc.nors co.) rent iesciutiohf.„
L.rIe.rise';, spetdic ifuh.e:rs ehKluclort euv.rofuvent., any
tac,,op sto,,2gles,
Space management and performance tuning
Pal 'f.t ra 5r3d disF. soace 3,13113:71—: t10:113' dep.rode suy systern predi.ct.cs
erwirenment. It is he responsibilitti of customers to cotilinuootq rocnitcr:Aese ;ssues es
sidoeo ucyforipon.00 spoce isscies lirnot quickly escolate S:JS:eIr OowaOn'es.
Reporting software errors
Reese doc.unient ond report r detected Rums 011d 11,1iilirtetI0'lS of the soctware to help InfOr
GleboiSupport diagnose :he prphie.T1 tj01ore eXperlelCing. We recormend s.ipplying critical
in'trmation on product vers.00s, cperatiog syslorr s, and error codes to help ir.colcrato the
puo:ess of occulately dozen-entice-1e software proulern.
Your input is important.
Please tell us what you think.
At Inffir, we ore, :left. cated.to prug.timgiir,e support t•Jou recope or your husmest:. Our si,ope,i
efie.t rigs 'are. osseriterzclir op trio feedoock we ;us:ewe from ljuu —our Infor uustomels. Your Mout
ac suggc,-;r,e;is arr., ex; -enek1 valur,ttle to tic We n,toot take a raw Imr,:itas to tell us mat
ink Ftbaut loStr Cif:ha:Stoup-oft try e sO lrtg your SJstorrer SupptirtFurtal, w'here we iseve
epiion fur us,ing eniine customer 'eficorrort iforrn :hark ecu oi advance fur your feedbott.
"I 7
Tina declimeht reCacts atrectida Infra' ;i-ny taus ,a ta regard to the sdefdna amdsetts.:Jes.t.coact
dacui-en:, ail or wftcl, s sub,ect to cilange bUalini -a srae doss:macs, v.oth CI WAil0-1; 710ts: tO
his deCI,MHIlt is not a h.:a-mist:tient to so any way :ma ycu shaaic ti:); rs y lslus do:Avner,:
ang af cs ocritem m malting any cools on. Pita/. s 'An coTialmitg to dovelap ar deliver any spec l!eol
annaccement. uograce. d-oduct orfanctionalita, evea such is aescrlbec H this
alfor Corporate Headquarters
:37.60 Morri,31.icod
SU,tA 100
A!pNrOila.(;:.,0C2i,3 3CODA
Phone.: -1800] 260 2640
be enterprising