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Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07101/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month [tern Usage Description ITEMS 1 - 16 RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER 10% Minimum Post Consumer Waste Unit Price Per M Sheets #1 OPAQUE OFFSET RECYCLED - GRAIN LONG SMOOTH FINISH (Minimum - 430 Pages Per Inch) GROUP AWARD: Items 1 - 2 Total 1- 200,000 Sheets 8-1/2" x 11", Smooth 24/60 Ib. White 100,000 Sheets 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", Smooth 24/60 Ib. White ' MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Opaque MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau $10.Q2 $2,004.00 $42.46 $4,246.00 Global TOTAL ITEMS 1 AND 2... $6,250.00 3- 12,000,000 Sheets #4 Xerographic Bond, Recycled, 20 Ib., 8-1/2"x 11", White.... $7.22 $86,640.00 P-1590, P-1591 (For high-speed copiers) MILL BRAND NAME: Husky MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar 4- 5,000,000 Sheets #4 Bond, Recycled, 20 Ib., 8-1/2" x 11", Colors.... P-1593 To P-1595 MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Multipurpose MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau 5- 300,000 Sheets #4 Bond, Recycled, 20 Ib., 11" x 17 White.... P-1592 MILL BRAND NAME: Husky MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar Global $7.80 $39,000.00 Global $15.37 $4,611.00 Global Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage Description ITEMS 1 - 16 RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER 10% Minimum Post Consumer Waste Unit Price Per M Sheets Total 1,000,000 Sheets #4 Xerographic Bond, Recycled, 20Ib. P-1589 8-1/2"x 11", White.... punched 3-holes for standard binder see Technical Specification 3.6 FOR HIGH-SPEED COPIERS MILL BRAND NAME: Husky MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar $7.69 $7,690.00 Global 7- 300,000 Sheets No. 1 Opaque Offset Recycled, 50 Ib. 25" x 38", White.... $85.21 $25,563.00 MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Opaque MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau 300,000 Sheets No. 1 Opaque Offset Recycled, 60 Ib. 23" x 35", White.... MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Opaque MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau 9- 500,000 Sheets No. 1 Opaque Offset Recycled, 60 lb. 25" x 38", White.... MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Opaque Global $85.10 $25,530.00 Global $100.13 $50,065.00 MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau Global 2 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01(08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage Description ITEMS 1 - 16 RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER 10% Minimum Post Consumer Waste Unit Price Per M Sheets Total INDEX AND VELLUM BRISTOL PAPER: BID ITEMS 10 - 16 ALL MUST BE REGISTERED MILL BRAND NO. 4 INDEX AND No. 4 VELLUM BRISTOL #4 Index, 110 lb. 10- 150,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 11", White $19.32 $2,898.00 P-1570 MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Index MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau Global #4 Index, 90 Ib. 11- 200,000 sheets 8-1./2" x 11", White P-1551 $16.37 $3,274.00 MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Index MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau #4 Index, 90 Ib. 12- 400,000 sheets 11" x 17", White P-1559 MILL BRAND NAME: Springhill Index Global $33.95 $13,580.00 MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper Xpedx #4 Index, 90 Ib. 13- 100,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 11", Colors P-1552 To P-1557 $17.39 $1 ,739.00 MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Index MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau #4 Vellum Bristol, 67 Ib. 14- 150,000 sheets 11" x 17", Colors MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Index Global $30.39 $4,558.50 MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau Global 3 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage Description ITEMS 1 - 16 RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER 10% Minimum Post Consumer Waste Unit Price Per M Sheets Total INDEX AND VELLUM BRISTOL PAPER: BID ITEMS 10 - 16 ALL MUST BE REGISTERED MILL BRAND NO. 4 INDEX AND No. 4 VELLUM BRISTOL #4 Index, 110lb. 15- 50,000 sheets 22-1/2" x 35, White $162.99 $8,149.50 MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Index Global MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau #4 Index, 110 Ib. 16- 25,000 sheets 22-1/2" x 35, Colors $173.38 $4,334.50 P-1551 MILL BRAND NAME: Exact Index Global MANUFACTURED BY: Wausau ITEMS 17 - 22 CERTIFIED AS MADE FROM SUSTAINABLE FIBER - REQUIRED FSC, SFI or PEFC Certification Accepted 17- 350,000 Sheets Commodity Offset, Recycled, 50 Ib. 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", White.... Skid Packed MILL BRAND NAME: Husky $26.97 $9,439.50 MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar 18- 350,000 Sheets Commodity Offset, Recycled, 60 Ib. 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", White.... Skid Packed MILL BRAND NAME: Husky MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar Global $31.99 $11,196.50 Global 4 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage Unit Price Per M Description Sheets ITEMS 17 - 22 CERTIFIED AS MADE FROM SUSTAINABLE FIBER - REQUIRED FSC, SFI or PEFC Certification Accepted Total 19- 30,000,000 Sheets #4 Xerographic Bond, 20 Ib. 8-1/2" x 11", White.... substitute P-1510 (P-1521) MILL BRAND NAME: Vector/Tidal $6.59 $197,700.00 MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper 20- 500,000 Sheets #4 Xerographic Bond, 20 Ib. 8-1/2" x 14", White.... substitute P-1511 (P-1552) MILL BRAND NAME: Husky Quick Copy MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar 21- 2,500,000 Sheets #4 Commodity Offset D.P., 20/50 Ib. 11" x 17", White.... P-1512 MILL BRAND NAME: Husky Quick Copy MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar 22- 2,000,000 Sheets #4 Commodity Offset, 24/60 Ib. 11"x 17", White.... MILL BRAND NAME: Fore MP Xpedx $9.04 $4,520.00 Global $14.21 $35,525.00 Global $17.60 $35,200.00 MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper Xpedx 5 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage 23- 100,000 Sheets P-1513 24- MILL BRAND NAME: Description Unit Price Per NI Sheets Color Copy, 28/70 Ib. 8.5" x 1 1 ", Photo White, 98 Brt.... $15.89 Hammermill Laser Print MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper 75,000 Sheets P-1514 MILL BRAND NAME: Total $1,589.00 Xpedx Color Copy, 28/70 Ib. 11" x 17", Photo White, 98 Brt.... $31.80 Hammermill Laser Print MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper 25- 75,000 Sheets Premium #1 Ink Jet, 28 or 32 Ib. P-1515 8-1/2" x 11", White.... BASIS WEIGHT: SHEETS PER CARTON: MILL BRAND NAME: MANUFACTURED BY: $2,385.00 Xpedx N/A 26- 2,500,000 Sheets Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 Ib. 8-1/2" x 11", White.... P-1531 MILL BRAND NAME: Hammermill Laser Print MANUFACTURED BY: 27- 125,000 Sheets P-1532 MILL BRAND NAME: $11.00 International Paper Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 Ib. 8-1/2" x 14", White.... Hammermill Laser Print No Award $27,500.00 Xpedx $15.40 MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper $1,925.00 Xpedx 6 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered.: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage Description 28- 200,000 Sheets Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 Ib. 11" x 17", White.... MILL BRAND NAME: Hammermill Laser Print Unit Price PerM Sheets $24.15 MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper 29- 350,000 Sheets Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 Ib. 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", White.... MILL BRAND NAME: MANUFACTURED BY: 30- 55,000,000 Sheets #4 Xerographic Bond, 20 Ib. 8-1/2" x 11", White.... P-1510 (P-1521) MILL BRAND NAME: Vector/Tidal Total $4,830.00 Xpedx N/A No Award $6.59 $362,450.00 MANUFACTURED BY: International Paper 31- 2,000,000 Sheets #4 Xerographic Bond, 20 Ib. 8-1/2" x 14", White.... P-1511 (P-1552) MILL BRAND NAME: Earthchoice MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar 32- 2,500,000 Sheets P-1509 #4 Xerographic Bond, 20 Ib. 8-1/2" x 11", White.... punched 3-holes for standard binder see Technical Specification 3.6 (For high-speed copiers) MILL BRAND NAME: Quick Copy MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar Xpedx $9.20 $18, 400.00 Global $7.10 $17, 750.00 Global 7 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated Unit Price 6-Month Per M Item Usage Description Sheets ALL REGISTERED MILL BRANDS CARBONLESS PAPER, PRE -COATED, BLACK PRINT. REVERSE OR STRAIGHT SEQUENCE ACCEPTABLE BRANDS: GLADFELTER EXCEL OR APPLETON NCR SUPERIOR No Substitutions Will Be Accepted GROUP AWARD: Items 33 - 48 Total 33- 1,000,000 sheets Carbonless Paper, 2-Part White -Pink or White -Canary P-1651 to P-1652 8-1/2"x 11" $10.50 34- 50,000 sheets Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, White -Canary P-1653 8-1/2"x14" $13.44 Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, White -Canary 35- 900,000 sheets 11" x 17" P-1654 Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, 36- 80,000 sheets 17-1/2" x 22-1/2" Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink 37- 750,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 11" P-1655 Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink 38• 150,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 14" Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink 39- 600,000 sheets 11" x 17" P-1657 White -Canary -Canary-White -Canary-White -Canary-White Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink- 40- 100,000 sheets 17-1/2" x 22-1/2" Carbonless Paper, 4-Part, Goldenrod-Pink- 41- 250,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 11" P-1658 Canary -White Canary -White $21.01 $44.42 $11.86 $15.18 $22.89 $50.26 $12.69 $10,500.00 $672.00 $18,909.00 $3,553.60 $8,895.00 $2,277.00 $13,734.00 $5,026.00 $3,172.50 Carbonless Paper, 4-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -White 42- 100,000 sheets 8-1 /2" x 14" $16.23 $1,623.00 P-1659 8 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage Description Unit Price Per M Sheets Total Carbonless Paper, 4-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -White 43- 350,000 sheets 11" x 17" $25.36 $8,876.00 P-1660 Carbonless Paper, 4-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -White 44- 100,000 sheets 17-1/2" x 22-1/2" $53.41 $5,341.00 Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 45- 100,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 11" P-1661 $13.02 $1,302.00 Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 46- 50,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 14" P-1662 $16.66 $833.00 Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 47- 150,000 sheets 11" x 17" P-1663 $26.03 $3,904.50 Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 48- 150,000 sheets 17-1/2" x 22-1/2" MILL BRAND NAME: Excel $54.98 $8,247.00 Global MANUFACTURED BY: Gladfelter $96,865.60 TOTAL ITEMS 33 through 48... Carbonless Paper, Self Contained 49- 30,000 sheets 17# White, Black Print 22-1/2" x 34-1/2" $272.62 $8,178.60 MILL BRAND NAME: NCR MANUFACTURED BY: Appelton Papers Unisource 9 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated 6-Month Item Usage Description Unit Price Per M Sheets Total ALL REGISTERED MILL BRANDS CARBONLESS PAPER, PRE -COATED, BLACK OR BLUE/PURPLE PRINT. REVERSE OR STRAIGHT SEQUENCE For Use On Xerox Docutech High -Speed Production Publishing System ACCEPTABLE BRAND: GLADFELTER TRANSCOPY OR APPELTON XERO FORM II No Substitutions Will Be Accepted GROUP AWARD: Items 50 - 53 Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, White -Canary 50- 150,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 11" $23.28 $3,492.00 Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, White -Canary 51- 100,000 sheets 8-1/2"x 14" $29.66 $2,966.00 Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink -Canary -White 52- 150,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 11" • $24.18 $3,627.00 Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink -Canary -White 53- 100,000 sheets 8-1/2" x 14" $30.64 MILL BRAND NAME: Trans Copy MANUFACTURED BY: Gladfelter $3,064.00 Global TOTAL ITEMS 50 through 53... $13,149.00 Pressure Sensitive Laser and Offset 54- 15,000 sheets 17" x 22", 60 lb., White Satin or Semi -Gloss Pressure Sensitive Paper (split back) $306.36 $4,595.40 MILL BRAND NAME: Semi -Gloss Litho Label MANUFACTURED BY: Avery Global 10 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 Estimated Unit Price 6-Month Per M Item Usage Description Sheets CHIP BOARD GROUP AWARD: Items 52 - 55 Total Price Per Bundle 8-1/2"x11" 55- 100 Bundles 963 $20.24 $2,024.00 Sheets Per Bundle 8-1/2" x 14" 56- 50 Bundles 756 $20.29 $1,014.50 Sheets Per Bundle 11" x 17" 57- 200 Bundles 481 $21.12 $4,224.00 Sheets Per Bundle 17-1/2" x 22-1/2" 58- 400 Bundles 229 $19.96 $7,984.00 Sheets Per Bundle Unisource TOTAL ITEMS 55 through 58... $15,246.50 11 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 COMPUTER PAPER - CONTINUOUS FEED - FAN FOLDED Lint and Dust Free 20% Post -Consumer or 50% minimum "Waste Paper" content per EPA Definitions Delivery Exception: Continuous Feed Computer Paper (Items 56 - 58) Deliver Skid Quantities Only #20 White, 83 Brightness, 9-1/2 X 11 59- 2,000 Cartons Clean Edge Perfs: Side and Horizontal Perfs Required P-1518 2,300 $19.96 $39,920.00 Sheets Per Carton MILL BRAND NAME: 9510 AS MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar/Enterprise Group #18 White, 1/2" GREEN BAR, 14-7/8 X 11 60- 1,500 Cartons Horizontal Perfs Required P-1517 3,000 Neeld Paper $19.96 $29,940.00 Sheets Per Carton MILL BRAND NAME: 141108 Neeld Paper MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar/Enterprise Group #18 White, EW-20, High Bulk, 8-1/2 X 11 61- 2,000 Cartons 3 Hole Punch, Horizontal Perfs Required P-1519 4,000 $31.10 $62,200.00 Sheets Per Carton MILL BRAND NAME: 110038 - 18# Bond MANUFACTURED BY: Domtar/Enterprise Group Unisource 12 Paper Contract - 6824-4/12 Spot Market Dates Covered: 07/01/08 - 12/31/08 62- It is the intent of this Bid to enter into Contract(s) with the Manufacturer's Dealer's for "SPECIAL" FINE PAPER required for printing needs, other than the papers specified in items 1 through 61. Fill in quotation and required information below: The undersigned Bidder agrees to furnish "SPECIAL" FINE PAPERS, ETC. other than the papers specified in Items 1 through 58 at Bidder's Published list price(s) Tess % discount off of end bracket price of said Bidder's List price(s) for the period of the contract in accordance with the terms, bid provisions and specifications of this Bid. On large individual orders placed under this bid provision, all successful bidders will be allowed to quote additional price discounts to reflect savings resulting from direct mill shipment, mill quantity price breaks, and other factors impacting price. BIDDERS MUST SUBMIT WITH BID PROPOSAL, CURRENT CATALOG, WEB SITE OR PRICE LISTS FOR FINE PAPER. PROPOSALS NOT MEETING THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE REJECTED AND DECLARED NON -RESPONSIVE. 15% for All Bidders