HomeMy WebLinkAboutInvitation to BidM IAM I-DADE I BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR I OPENING: 2:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10, 2007 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA INVITATION TO BID TITLE: PAPER, FINE REGISTERED MILL BRANDS, PRIVATE BRANDS, RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER (PRINTING /XEROGRAPHIC) AND RELATED PRODUCTS THE FOLLOWING ARE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS BID, AS NOTED BELOW: BID DEPOSIT AND PERFORMANCE BOND: N/A CATALOGUE AND LISTS: N/A CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY: N/A EQUIPMENT LIST• N/A EXPEDITED PURCHASING PROGRAM (EPP) N/A INDEMNIFICATION/INSURANCE• See Section 2, Paragraph 2.11 LIVING WAGE: N/A PRE -BID CONFERENCE/WALK-THRU: N/A SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE MEASURE. See Section 2, Paragraph 2.2 SAMPLES/INFORMATION SHEETS: See Section 2, Paragraphs 2.28 SECTION 3 — MDHA• N/A SITE VISIT/AFFIDAVIT: N/A USER ACCESS PROGRAM: See Section 2, Paragraph 2.21 WRITTEN WARRANTY: N/A FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Theresa (Tessie) Wilson at 305-375-5073, or at twilson@miamidade.gov IMPORTANT NOTICE TO BIDDERS: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PURCHASING DIVISION FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOCAL PREFERENCE ON PAGE 34 OF SECTION 4, BID SUBMITTAL FORM SHALL RENDER THE VENDOR INELIGIBLE FOR LOCAL PREFERENCE FAILURE TO SIGN PAGE 34 OF SECTION 4, BID SUBMITTAL FORM WILL RENDER YOUR BID NON -RESPONSIVE M IAMI•DADE TP#I'Y MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA INVITATION TO BID Bid Number: 6824-4/12-OTR Title: Paper, Fine Registered Mill Brands Sr. Procurement Contracting Agent: Theresa (Tessie) Wilson, CPPB Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 10, 2007 Bids will be publicly opened. The County provides equal access and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its programs or services. It is our policy to make all communication available to the public, including those who may be visually or hearing impaired. If you require information in a non-traditional format please call 305-375-5278. Instructions: Each Bid submitted to the Department of Procurement Management shall have the following information clearly marked on the face of the envelope: the Bidders name, return address, Bid number, opening date of the Bid and the title of the Bid. Included in the envelope shall be an original and three copies of the Bid Submittal, plus attachments if applicable. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in your Bid not being considered for award. All Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope or container and will be opened promptly at the time indicated in this solicitation document. Any Bid received after the first Bid has been opened will be returned to the Bidder unopened. The County does not accept responsibility for delays, natural or otherwise. NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: • FAILURE TO SIGN THE E BID SUBMITTAL FORM WILL RENDER YOUR BID NON -RESPONSIVE. • THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM CONTAINS IMPORTANT CERTIFICATIONS THAT REQUIRE REVIEW AND COMPLETION BY ANY VENDOR RESPONDING TO THIS SOLICITATION MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS I.I. DEFINITIONS Bid - shall refer to any offer(s) submitted in response to this solicitation. Bidder - shall refer to anyone submitting a Bid in response to this solicitation. Bid Solidtadoa - shall mean this solicitation documentation, including any and all addenda_ . Bid Submittal Form - defines the requirement of items to be purchased, and must be completed and submitted with Bid. The Bidder should indicate its name in the appropriate space on each page. County - shall refer to Miami -Dade Canty, Florida DPM - shall refer to Miami -Dade Comity's Department of Procurement Management, Purchasing Division. Enrolled Vendor - EFFECTIVE JULY 8, 2002, shall refer to a firm that has completed the necessary documentation in order to receive Bid notifications from the County, but bas not yet registered. Registered Vendor - shall refer to a firm that has cmpietedlhe Miami - Dade County Business Entity Registration Application and has satisfied all requirements to enter in to business agreements with the Canty. For additional information about oat -line vendor enrollment or vendor registradon contact the Vendor Assistance Unit at 111 N.W. 1' Street, 13" Floor, Mewl, FL 33128, Phone 305-375-5773. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2002, vendors will be able to enroll and register online by visiting our web site at bttvJ/niamidade.eov and click on "Business". 12. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. Bidder Qualifiatioa It is the policy of the County to encourage full and open competition among all available qualified vendors. All vendors regu lady engaged in the type of work specified in the Bid Solicitation are encouraged to submit Bids. Vendors may enroll with the County to be included on a mailing list for selected categories of goods and services. To be eligible for award of a contract (including small purchase orders), Bidders must complete a "Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application". Only Registered Vendors can be awarded County contracts. Vendors are encouraged to register with the County anytime by contacting the Vendor lnformatioo Center at 305-375-5287. The County endeavors to obtain the partkipaion of all qualified minority and disadvantaged business enterprises. For information and to apply for certification, contact the Department of Business Development, at 11 N.W. I Street, 19° Floor, Miami, FL 33128.1844, or tekpbome at 305- 375-3111.County employees wishing to do bus -mess with the County arc referred to Section 2-11.1(d) of the Miami -Dade Canty Code. B. Vendor Registration To . be recommended for award the County requires that vendors complete a Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application with all required disclosure affidavits. The Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application must be returned to the Department of Procurement Management (DPM), Purcbasing Division within Fourteen (14) days of notification of the intent to recommend for award. In the evert the Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application is not properly completed and returned within the specified time, the County may award to next lowest responsive Bidder. The Bidder is responsible for obtaining the Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application and all affidavits by downloading from DPM's website at htro://miampdade.aov and click on "Business" or from the Vendor Assistance Unit at 111 N.W. 1' Street, . Miami, FL. in becoming a Registered Vendor with Miami Dade County, the vendor confirms its knowledge of and commitment to comply with the following: 1. Disclosure of Employment - pursuant to Section 2-8.1(d) of the County Code. 2. Disclosure of Ownership Affidavit - pursuant to Section 2-8.1(d) of the County Code. 3. Drug -Free Affidavit - pursuant to Section 2-8.12(b) of the County Code. -I- 4. W-9 and 8109 Forms - The vendor must furnish these forms as required by the internal Revenue Service. 5. Social Security Number - The vendor must provide a copy of the primary owner's social security card if the social security number is being used in lieu of the Federal Identification Number (F.E.I.N.). 6. Americans with Disabilities Act (A.DA) Affidavit - It is the policy of the County to comply with all requirements of County Resolution R182-00 and the A.DA 7. Collection of Fees, Taxes and Parking Tickets Affidavit - pursuant to Section 24.1 (c) of the County Code. 8. Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics - pursuant to Sections 2- 8.1(i) and 2-1 l.1(b) (I) through (6) and (9) of the County Code and County Ordinance No. 00-1 amending Section 2-11.1(c) of the County Code. 9. Code of Business Ethics - pursuant to Section 24.1(i) of the County Code. 10. DebatmentDiscloaure Affidavit- pursuant to County Code 10-38. 11. Office of the Inspector General Pursuant to Section 2-1076 of the County Code. 12. Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The County endeavors to obtain the participation of all minority and disadvantaged business enterprises pursuant to Sections 2-82, 2- 82.3 and 242.4 of the County Code and Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 13. Individuals and Entities Doing Business with the County not current fit their obligations to the County - pursuant to Sections 2- 8.1 (h) and 2-1 i.1(bx8) of the County Coda 14. Noadwriminaaion pursuant to Section 2-8.1.5 of the County Code. 15. Family Leave - Pursuant to Section 11A-30 of the County Code. 16. Living Wage -Pursuant to Section 2-8.9 of the County Code. • 17. Domestic Leave -Pursuant to Section I IA-60 of the County Code. 18. Antitrust Laws - By acceptance of any contract, the vendor agrees to comply with all antitrust laws of the United States and the State of Florida. C. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES • To be eligible for award of s contract, firms wishing to do business with the County must comply with the following. Pursuant to Section 287.133(2Xa) of the Florida Statutes, a person or affiliate who has bccn plaid on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a Bid an a contract to provide any goods or sorvrces to a public entity, may not submit a Bid on a coobract with a public entity for the construction or repair of e public building or public wok, may not subunit Bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplies, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in access of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO fora period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list D. Request for Additional Information 1. Pursuant to Section 2-11.1(t) of the County Code, aft Bid Solicitations. once advertised and until an award recommendation has been forwarded to the appropriate authority are under the "Cos of Siknee". Any eonmuctwatioa or inquiries, except for clarification of process or procedure already contained in the solicitation, are to be made in . writing to the attention of the Procurement Agent identified on the front page of the solicitation. Such inquiries or request for information shall be submitted to the procurement agent in writing and shall contain tip requester's name, address, and telephone number. If transmitted by facsimile, the request should also include a cover shed with Bidder's facsimile number. The requestor must also file a copy of this written request with the Clerk of the Board, l 11 NW 1` Street, 17' Floor, suite 202, Miami, Florida 33128-1983 or email cicrkbccralmiamidade,eov. 2. The Department of Procncncot Management may issue ao addendum in response to any inquiry received, prior to Bid opening. which changes, adds to or clarifies the terms, provisions Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS or requirements of the solicitation. The Bidder should not rely on any representation, statement or explanation whether written or verbal, other than those made in this Bid Solicitation document or in any addenda issued. Where there appears to be a conflict between this Bid Solicitation and any addenda, the last addendum issued shall prevail. 3. It is the Bidder's. responsibility to ensure receipt of aft addenda, and any accompanying documentation, The Bidder is required to submit with its Bid a signed "Aclmowledgrnent of Addenda" form when any addenda have been issued. E. Contents of Bid Solicitation and Bidders' Responsibilities I. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to become thoroughly familiar with the Bid requirements, terms and conditions of this solicitation. Pleas of ignorance by the Bidder of conditions that exist or that may exist will not be accepted as a basis for varying the requirements of the County, or the compensation to be paid to the Bidder. 2. This solicitation is subject to all legal requirements contained in . the applicable County Ordinances, Administrative Orders, and Resolutions, as well as all applicable State and Federal Statutes. Where conflict exists between this Bid Solicitation and these legal requirements, the authority shall prevail in the following order: Federal, State and local. 3. It is the responsibility of the Bidder/Proposer, prior to conducting any lobbying regarding this solicitation to file the appropriate form with the Clerk of the Board 'lariat that a particular lobbyist is authorized to represent the Bidder/Proposer. The Bidder/Proposer shall also file a form with the Clerk of the Board at the point in time at which a lobbyist is no longer authorized to represent said Bidder/ Proposer_ Failure of a Bidder/Proposer to file the appropriate form required, in relation to each solicitation,_. may be considered as evidence that the Bidder/Proposer is not a responsible contractor. F. Change or Withdrawal of Bids 1. Changes to Bid - Prior to the scheduled Bid opening a Bidder may change its Bid by submitting a new Bid, (as indicated an the cover page) with a letter in writing on the fins letterhead; signed by an authorized agent stating that the new submittal replaces the original submittal. The new submittal shall contain the letter and all information as required for submitting the original Bid. No changes to a Bid will be accepted after the Bid has been opened. 2. Withdrawal of Bid — A Bid shall be irrevocable unless the Bid is withdrawn as provided herein. Only written a letter received by the DPM Purchasing Division prior to the Bid opening date may withdraw a bid. A bid may also be withdrawn ninety (90) days after the Bid has been opened and prior to award, by submitting a letter to the contact person identified on the front cover of this Bid Solicitation. The withdrawal letter must be on company letterhead and signed by an authorized agent oftbe Bidder. G. Conflicts Within The Bid Solicitation Where there appears to be a conflict between the General Terms and Conditions, Special Conditions, the Technical Specifications, the Bid Submittal Section, or any addendum issued, the order of precedence shall be: the last addendum issued, the Bid Submittal Section, the Technical Specifications, the Special Conditions, and then the General Terns and Conditions. H. Prompt Payment Terms 1. It is the policy of Miami -Dade County that payment for all purchases by County agencies and the Public Health Trust shall be made in a timely manner and that interest payments be made on late payments. In accordance with Florida Statutes, Section 218.74 and Section 2-8.1.4 of the Miami -Dade County Code, the time at which payment shall be due from the County or the Public Health Trust shall be forty-five (45) days from receipt of a proper invoice. The timc at which payment shall be due to small businesses shall be thirty (30) days from receipt of a proper invoice. All payments due from the County or the Public Health Trust, and not made within the time specified by this section, shall bear interest from thirty (30) days after the due date at the rate of one percent (1%) per month on the unpaid balance. Further, proceedings to resolve disputes for payment of obligations shall be concluded by final written decision of the County Manager, or his or her designee(s), not later than sixty (60) days after the date on which the proper invoice was received by the County or tbe Public Health Trust. 2. The Bidder may offer cash discounts for prompt payments; however, such discounts will not be considered in determining the lowest price during bid evaluation. Bidders are requested to provide prompt payment terms in the space provided on the Bid submittal signature page of the solicitation 13. PREPARATION OF BIDS A. The Bid submittal form defines requirements of items to be purchased, and must be completed and submitted with the Bid. Use of any other form will result in the rejection of the Bidder's offer. B. The Bid submittal form must be legible. Bidders shall use typewriter, computer or ink. All changes must be crossed out and initialed in ink Failure to comply with these requirements may cause the Bid to be rejected. C. An authorized agent of the Bidder's limn must sign the Bid submittal form. FAILURE TO SIGN THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM SHALL RENDER TICE BID NON -RESPONSIVE. D. The Bidder may be considered non -responsive if bids are conditioned to modifications, changes, or revisions to the terms and conditions of this solicitation. E. The Bidder may subntit alternate Bid(s) for the same solicitation provided that such offer is allowable under the terms and conditions. The alternate Bid must most or exceed the minimum requirements and be submitted on a separate Bid submittal marked "Alternate Bid". F. When there is a discrepancy between the unit prices and any extended prices, the unit prices will prevail. • G. Please be advised that the County, in exercise of its discretion, may not accept bids and/or proposals received after the scheduled time and date. Sealed bids/proposals will be opened promptly at the time and • place specified. The responsibility for submitting a sealed bid/proposal on or before the stated time and date is solely and strictly the responsibility of the Bidder/Proposer. Miami -Dade County is not responsible for delays caused by any mail, package or couriers service, including the U.S. Mail, or caused by any other occurrence. 1A. CANCELLATION OF BID SOLICITATION Miami -Dade County reserves the right to canal, in whole or in part, any Invitation to Bid when it is in the best interest of the County. IS.. AWARD OF BID SOLICITATION A. This Bid may be awarded to the responsible Bidder meeting all requirements as set forth in the solicitation. The County reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities or technicalities and to re -advertise for all or any part of this Bid Solicitation as deemed in its best interest The County shall be the sole judge of its best interest B. When there are multiple line items in a solicitation, the County reserves the right to award on an individual itcm basis, any combination of items, total low Bid or in whichever manner deemed in the best interest of the County. C. The County reserves the right to reject any and all Bids if it is determined that prices are excessive, best offers are determined to be unreasonable, or it is otherwise determined to be in the County's best interest to do so. D. The County reserves the right to negotiate prices with the low bidder, provided that the scope of work of this solicitation remains the same. E. Award of this Bid Solicitation will only be made to firms that have completed the Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application and that satisfy all necessary legal requirements to do -II - . Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SECTION 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS business with Miami -Dade County. Firms domiciled in Miami - Dade County must present a copy of their Miami -Dade County issued Occupational License. F. Pursuant to County Code Section 2-8.1(g), thc Bidder's performance as a prime contractor or subcontractor on previous County contracts shall be taken into account in evaluating the Bid received for this Bid Solicitation. G. To obtain a copy of the Bid tabulation, Bidder(s) shall enclose an appropriately sized self-addressed stamped envelope. Bid results will not be given by telephone or facsimile. Please allow ten (10) calendar days after Bid opening for mailing. H. The Bid Solicitation, any addenda and/or properly executed modifications, the purchase order, and any change order(s) shall constitute the contract. I. in accordance with Resolution R-1574-88 the Director of Purchasing Division will decide all tie Bids. J. Award of this Bid may be predicated on compliance with and submittal of all required documents as stipulated in the Bid Solicitation. 1.6. CONTRACT EXTENSION A. The County reserves the right to exercise its option to extend a contract for up to one hundred -eighty (180) caleodar days beyond the current contract period and will notify the contractor in writing of the extension. B. This contract may be extended beyond the initial one hundred - eighty (180) day extension period upon mutual agreement between the County and the successful Bidder(s) upon approval by thc Board of County Commissioners. 1.7. WARRANTY Al! warranties, express and implied, shall be made available to the County for goods and services covered by this Bid Solicitation. All goods furnished shall be fully guaranteed by the successful Bidder against factory defects and workmanship. At no expense to the County, the successful Bidder shall correct any and all apparent and latent defects that may occur within the manufacturer's standard warranty. The Special Conditions of the Bid Solicitation may supersede the manufacturer's standard warranty. 11. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES Estimated quantities or dollars are for Bidder's guidance only. (a) estimates are based on the County's anticipated needs and/or usage during a previous contract period and; (b) the County may use these estimetcs to determine the low Bidder. Estimated quantities do not contemplate or include possible additional quantities that may be ordered by other government, quasi -government or non-profit entities utilizing this contract under the Joint Purchase portion of the County User Access Program (GAP) described in Section 2.2! of this contract solicitation and the resulting contract, if that section is present in this solicitatioe document. No guarantee is expressed or implies as to quantities or dollars that will be used during the contract period. The County is not obligated to place any order for the given amount subsequent to the award of this Bid Solicitation. 1.9. NON-EXCLUSIVf1Y it is the intent of the County to enter into an agreement with the successful Bidder that will satisfy its needs as describe herein However, the County reserves the right as deemed in its best interest to perform, or cause to be performed, the work and services, or any portion thereof herein described in any manner it sees fit, including but not limited to: award of other contracts, use of any contractor, or perform the work with its own employees. 1.10. LOCAL PREFERENCE The evaluation of competitive bids is subject to Section 2-8.5 of the Miami -Dade County Code, which, except where contrary to federal and state law, or any othcr funding source requirements, provides that preference be given to local businesses. A local business shall be defined as: BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR 1. a business that has a valid occupational license, issued by Miami -Dade County at least one year prior to bid or proposal submission, that is appropriate for the goods, services or construction to be purchased; 2. a business that has physical business address located within the limits of Miami -Dade County from which the vendor operates or performs business. Post Office Boxes arc not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishing said physical address; and • 3 a business that contributes to the economic development and well-being of Miami -Dade County in a verifiable and measurable way. This may include but not be limited to the retention and expansion of employment opportunities and the support and increase in the County's tax base. To satisfy this requirement, the vendor shall affirm in writing its compliance with either of the following objective criteria as of the bid or proposal submission date stated in the solicitation: (a) C. vendor has at least ten (10) permanent full time employees, or part time employees equivalent to 10 FTE (full -tune equivalent" employees working 40 hours per week) that live m Miarni-Dade County, or at least 25% of its employees that live in Miami - Dade County, or (b) vendor contributes to the County's tax base by paying either real property taxes or tangible personal property taxes to Miami -Dade County, or (c) some other verifiable and measurable contribution to the economic development and well-being of Miami- Dadc County. When there is a responsive bid from a Miami -Dade local business within ' 10% of the lowest price submitted by a responsive non -local business, the local business and the non —local low bidder shall have the opportunity to submit a best and final bid equal to or lower than the amount of the low bid previously submitted by the non -local business. At this time, there is an imterlocal agreement in effect between Miami - Dade and Broward Counties until September 2007. Therefore, a vendor which meets the requirements of (1), (2) and (3) above for Broward County shall be considered a local business pursuant to this Section. 1.11. CONTINUATION OF WORK Any work that commences prior to and will extend beyond the expiration date of the current contract period shall, unless terminated by mutual written agreement between the County and the successful Bidder, continue until completion et the sane prices, terms and conditions. . 1.12. BID PROTEST A. A recommendation for contract award or rejection of award may be protested by a Bidder in accordance with the procedures contained in Sections 2-8.3 and 2-8.4 of the County Code, as amended, and as established in Administrative Order No3-21. B. A written intent to protest shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board and nailed to all participants in the competitive process and to the County Attorney within three (3) County work days of the filing of the County Manager's recommendation. This three day period begins on the County wort day after the filing of the County Manager's recorntnendation Such written intent to protest shall state the particular grounds on which it is based and shall be accompanied by a filing fee as detailed in Para C below. The written incept to protest shall be accompanied by a non- refundable filing fee, payable to the Clerk of the Board, in accordance with the schedule provided below: Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR Award Amount 525,000-$100,000 $I00,001-S500,000 S500,001 •S5 million Over S5 million SECTION 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS F51ine Fee $500 $1,000 $3,000 S5,000 The protester shall then file all pertinent documents and supporting evidence with the Clerk of the Board and mail copies to all participants in the competitive process and to the County Attorney within three (3) County work days after the filing of a written intent to protest. D. For award recommendations greater than S250,000 the following shall apply: The County's recommendation to award or reject will be immediately communicated (via mail, fax or email) to all participants io the competitive process and filed with the Clerk of the Board. E. For award recommendations from S25,000 to S250,000 the following shall apply: Each County work day, as appropriate, recommendations to award or reject will be posted in the lobby of the Stephen P. Clark Center, located at 111 N.W. l' Street. Participants may also call the Awards Line at 305.375-4724, or 800-510-4724, or the contact person as identified on the cover page of the Bid Solicitation. 1.13. RULES, REGULATIONS AND LICENSES The successful Bidder shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to provide the goods and/or services specified in this Bid Solicitation. The Bidder shall be familiar with all federal, state and local laws that may in affect the goods and/or services offered 1.14. PACKAGING Unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions or Technical Specifications, all containers shall be suitable for shipment and/or storage and comply with Resolution No. 738-92. 1.15. SUBCONTRACTING Unless otherwise specified in this Bid Solicitation, the successful Bidder shall not subcontract any portion of the work without the prior written consent of the County. The ability to subcontract may be further limited by the Special Conditions. Subcontracting without the prior consent of the County may result in termination of the contract for default. When Subcontracting is allowed the Bidder shall comply with County Resolution No. 1634-93, Section 10-34 of the County Code and County Ordinance No. 97-35. 1.16. ASSIGNMENT The successful Bidder shall not assign, transfer, hypothecate, or otherwise dispose of this contract, including any rights, title or interest therein, or its power to execute such contract to any person, company or corporation without the prior written consent of the County. 1.17. DELIVERY Unless otherwise specified in the Bid Solicitation, prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Destination. Freight shall be included in the proposed price. 1.18. RESPONSIBILITY AS EMPLOYER The employee(s) of the successful Bidder shall be considered to be at all times its employee(s), and not an employee(s) or agent(s) of the County or any of its departments. The successful Bidder shall provide competent and physically employee(s) capable of performing the work as required.. The County may requite the successful Bidder to remove. any employee it deems unacceptable. All employees of the successful Bidder shall wear proper identification. 1.19. INDEMNIFICATION The successful Biddcr shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorney's fees and costs of defense. which the County or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of relating to or resulting from the performance of the agreement by the successful Bidder or its employees, agents, servants, partners, principals or • subcontractors. The successful Bidder shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith, and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the County, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments. and attorney's fees which may be incurred thereon. The successful Bidder expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by the successful Bidder shall in no way limit the responsibility to indermify, keep and save harmless and defend the County or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. 1.20. COLLUSION Where two (2) or more related patties, as defined herein, each submit a Bid for any contract, such Bids shall be presumed to be collusive. The foregoing presumption may be rebutted by the presentation of evidence as to the extent of ownership, control and management of such related parties in preparation and submittal of such Bids. Related parties shall mean Bidder or the principals thereof which have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another Bidder for the same contract or in which a parent company or the principals thereof of one (1) Bidder have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another Bidder for the same contract. Furthermore, any prior understanding, agreement, or connection between two or more corporations, firms, orpersons submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies, services, or equipment shall also be presumed to be collusive. Bids found to be collusive shall be rejected Bidders who have been found to have engaged in collusion may be considered non -responsible, and may be suspended or debarred, and any contract resulting from collusive Bidding may be terminated for default. 1.21. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT The contract may be modified by mutual consent, in writing through the issuance of a modification to the contract, purchase order, change order or award sleet, as appropriate. 122. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE The County, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate this contract without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice. Upon receipt of such notice, the successful Bidder shall not incur any additional costs under this contract The County shall be liable only for reasonable costs incurred by the successful Bidder prior to notice of termination. The Cotmty shall be the sole judge of"reasonable costs." 1.23. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT The County reserves the right to terminate this contract, in part or in whole, or place the vendor on probation in the event the successful Bidder fails to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein. The County further reserves the right to suspend or debar the successful Bidder in accordance with the appropriate County ordinances, resolutions and/or administrative orders. The vendor will be notified by letter of the County's intent to laminate. In the event of termination for default, the County may procure the required goods and/or services from any source and use any method deemed in its best interest. All re -procurement cost shall be borate by the successful Bidder. 1.24. FRAUD AND MISREPRESENTATION Pursuant to Section 2-8.1.4 of the Miami -lade County Code, any individual, corporation or other entity that attempts to meet its contractual obligations with the County through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement, may be debarred for up to five (5) years. The County as a further sanction may terminate or cancel any other contracts with such individual, corporation or entity. Such individual or entity shall be responsible for all direct or indirect costs associated with termination or cancellation, including attorney's fees. -IV- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-0TR SECTION 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.25. ACCESS TO RECORDS The County reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit to an audit by Audit and Management Services or other auditor of the County's choosing at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall provide access to all of its records, which relate directly or indirectly to this Agreement at its place of business during regular business hours. The Contractor shall retain all records pertaining to this Agreement and upon request make them available to the County for three years following expiration of the Agreement. The Contractor agrees to provide such assistance as may be necessary to facilitate the review or audit by the County to ensure compliance with applicable accounting and financial standards. 1.26 OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL • Miami -Dade County has established the Office of the Inspector General, • which is authorized and empowered to review past, present, and proposed County and Public Health Trust programs, contracts, transactions, accounts, records and programs. The Inspector General (IG) has the power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, require the production of records and monitor existing projects and programs. The inspector General may, on a random basis, perform audits on all County contracts. The cost of random audits shall be incorporated into the contract price of all contracts and shall be one quarter (1/4) of one (I) percent of the contract price, except as otherwise provided in Section 2- 1076(cx8) of the County Code. 1.27 PRE -AWARD INSPECTION The County may conduct a pre -award inspection of the bidder's site or hold a pre -award qualification bearing to determine if the bidder is capable of performing the requirements of this bid solicitation. 128 PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Bidders are hereby notified that all information submitted as pan of, or in support of bid submittals will be available for public inspection after opening of bids in compliance with Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes; popularly know as the "Public Record Law." The bidder shall not submit any information in response to this invitation, which the bidder considers to be a trade secret, proprietary or confidential. The submission of any information to the County in connection with this invitation shall be deemed conclusively to be a waiver of any trade secret or other protection, which would otherwise be available to the bidder. In the event that the bidder submits information to the County in violation of this restriction, tither inadvertently or intentionally, and clearly identifies that information in the bid as protected or confidential, the County shall endeavor to redact and return that information to the bidder as quickly as possible, and if appropriate, evaluate the balance of the bid. The redaction or return of information pursuant to this clause may render a bid non -responsive. 1.29. HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABIL' 7TY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (HIPAA) Any person or entity that performs or assists Miami -Dade County with a function or activity involving the use or disclosure of "individually identifiable health information (1Iffi) and/or Protected Health Information (PHI) shall comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HiPAA) of 1996 and the Miami -Dade County Privacy Standards Administrative Order. HIPAA mandates for privacy, security and electronic transfer standards, that include but are not limited to: 1. Use of information only for performing services required by the contract or as required by law; 2. Use of appropriate safeguards to prevent non -permitted disclosures; 3. Reporting to Miami -Dade County of any non -permitted use or disclosure; 4. Assurances that any agents and subcontractors agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to the Bidder/Proposer and reasonable assurances that I1Hi/PHI will be held confidential; 5. Making Protected Health Information (PHI) available to the customer; 6. Making PHI available to the customer for review and amendment; and incorporating any amendments requested by the customer; 7. Making PI -II available to Miami -Dade County for an accounting of disclosures; and 8. Making internal practices, books and records related to PHI available to Miami -Dade County for compliance audits. PHI shall maintain its protected status regardless of the form and method of transmission (paper records, and/or electronic transfer of data). The Bidder/ Proposer must give its customers written notice of its privacy information practices including specifically, a description of the types of uses and disclosures that would be made with protected health information. 130. CHARTER COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM SALES SURTAX Wben proceeds from the Charter County Transit System Sales Surtax levied pursuant to Section 29.121 of the Code of Miami -Dade County arc used to pay for all or some part of the cost of this contract, no award of a Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) for Transit/Public Works as part of a multi -department contract, nor an award of a contract solely for the use of Transit/Public Works shall be effective and thereby give rise to a contractual relationship with the County for Transit/Public Works purchases unless and until both the following have occurred: 1) the County Commission awards the contract, and such award becomes final (either by expiration of 10 days after such award without veto by the Mayor, or by Commission override of a veto); and, 2) either, i) the Citizens' Independent Transportation Trust (CITE) has approved inclusion of Transit/Public Works in this contract, or, ii) in response to the CIITs disapproval, the County Commission reaffirms Transit/Public Work's inclusion in the contract by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Commission's membership and such reaffirmation becomes final. 131 LOBBYIST CONTINGENCY FEES A. In accordance with Section 2-11.11s) of the Code of Miami -Dada County, after May, 16, 2003, no person may, in whole or in part, pay, give or agree to pay or give a contingency fee to another person. No person may, in whole or in part, receive or agree to receive a contingency fee. B. A .contingency fee is a fee, bonus, commission or non -monetary benefit as compensation which is dependant on or in any way contingent upon the passage, defeat, or modification of. 1) any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of the County Commission; 2) any action, decision or recommendation of the County Manager or any County board or committee; or 3) any action, decision or recommendation of any County personnel during the time period of the entire decision - malting process regarding such action, decision or recommendation which forseeably will be heard or reviewed by the County Commission or a County board or committee. 132 COMMISSION AUDITOR — ACCESS TO RECORDS Pursuant to Ordinance No. 03-2, all vendors receiving an award of the contract resulting from this solicitation will grant access to the Commission Auditor to all financial and performance related records, property, and equipment purchased in whole or in part with government funds. -V- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PAPER, FINE REGISTERED MILL BRANDS 2.1 PURPOSE: TO PRE -QUALIFY VENDORS The purpose of this solicitation is to pre -qualify vendors for future pricing competition. This initial solicitation provides for the submission of documents and forms intended to verify that the vendor meets or exceeds the minimum criteria set forth in Section 2, Paragraph 2.6 of this solicitation. All vendors which meet or exceed the criteria established in this solicitation shall be placed on a Pre -Qualification List that may be accessed by County departments in order to obtain price quotations for the purchase of paper, fine registered mill brands, private brands, recovered fiber content paper (printing/xerographic) and related products in conjunction with the County's needs on a periodic basis.. 2.2 SMALL BUSINESS CONTRACT MEASURES FOR SOLICITATIONS GREATER THAN $50,000 (Bid Preference) A Small Business Enterprise (SBE) bid preference applies to this solicitation. A 10% percent bid preference shall apply to contracts $1 million or less and 5% percent on contracts greater than $1 million. A SBE/Micro Business Enterprise must be certified by the Department of Business Development (DBD) for the type of goods and/or services the Enterprise provides in accordance with the applicable Commodity Code(s) for this solicitation. For certification information, contact the Department of Business Development at 305-375-3111 or access www.miamidade.gov/dbd. The SBE/Micro Business Enterprise must be certified by bid submission deadline, at contract award and for the duration of the contract to remain eligible for the preference. 2.3 PRE-BID/PRE-OFFER CONFERENCE (RECOMMENDED): Intentionally Omitted 2.4 TERM OF CONTRACT: TWELVE (12) MONTHS This contract shall commence on the first calendar day of the month succeeding approval of the contract by the Board of County Commissioners, or designee, unless otherwise stipulated in the Notice of Award Letter which is distributed by the County's Department of Procurement Management, Purchasing Division; and contingent upon the completion .and submittal of all required bid documents. The contract shall expire on the last day of the twelve month period. 2.5 OPTION TO RENEW FOR (4) ADDITIONAL YEAR(S) Prior to, or upon completion, of that initial term, the County shall have the option to renew this contract for an additional four (4) years, on a year to year basis. The vendor shall Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS maintain, for the entirety of the stated additional period, the same terms, and conditions included within the originally awarded contract. Continuation of the contract beyond the initial period, and any option subsequently exercised, is a County prerogative, and not a right of the vendor. This prerogative may be exercised only when such continuation is clearly in the best interest of the County. Should the vendor decline the County's right to exercise the option period, the County may consider the vendor in default .which decision shall affect that vendor's eligibility for future contracts. If multiple vendors are involved under a given contract, any options to renew will be restricted to the specific items of work initially awarded to any specific vendor. 2.6 METHOD OF AWARD: PRE -QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS AND SUBSEQUENT SPOT MARKET PROCEDURES Award of this contract shall be made to all responsive, responsible vendors who meet the minimum qualifications set forth in this solicitation. Those qualifications are as follows: 1. Two (2) current references, consisting of existing customers, (large commercial business and/or Government Agencies) shall be listed in the bidder's submittal. The references listed must be customers that are currently receiving or have recently received from the bidder the products and services described in this solicitation. The references must include the customer's company name, and the name, title, address, and telephone number of the contact person who can verify that the bidder has successfully providedthe products and services that the bidder is offering under this solicitation. These references shall ascertain to the County's satisfaction that the bidder has sufficient experience and expertise in the sale of paper and related products. 2. The bidder is required to submit with their bid proof of their firm's designation asa manufacturer, agent, dealer, representative, distributor or reseller of the paper and related products listed in their bid. The proof may be in the form of: A. Current letters from the manufacturers, on the manufacturer's letterhead, designating the bidder as a manufacturer, agent, dealer, representative or distributor of the paper and related products listed in the bidder's submittal. The letters shall be dated within six (6) months of the bid submittal and it shall be signed by an authorized manufacturer's representative. B. Current letters from the distributors, on the distributor's letterhead, designating the bidder as an, agent, dealer, representative or reseller of the paper and related products listed in the bidder's submittal. The letters shall be dated within six (6) months of the bid submittal and it shall be signed by an authorized distributor's representative. Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS C. Reference to the manufacturer's intemet website, where the manufacturer clearly lists the bidder as an agent, dealer, representative or distributor of the paper products listed in the bidder's submittal. 3. Maintain an office staffed by competent company representatives authorized to discuss matters pertaining to the contracted products, and who are cognizant of the industry and industry standards.. A. The office shall be equipped with modern office equipment, especially a facsimile (FAX) machine and an e-mail address. B. The vendor shall be regularly engaged in the business of providing paper and related products. These vendors shall then be deemed to be pre -qualified to participate in subsequent spot market purchases as required by the County on a periodic basis. When such spot. market purchases are initiated, the pre -qualified vendors shall be invited to offer a fixed price for a specific individual purchase, or a specific purchasing period. Two responsive and responsible vendors then offering the lowest fixed price shall be awarded for the specific period or specific purchase, as primary and secondary vendors by group or item as specified in the spot market quotes. The award to one vendor for a specific period or individual action does not preclude the remaining pre -qualified vendors from submitting spot market offers for other specific purchases. In accordance with the County's spot market, low bidder may change for a specific item or group for the specific spot market period. It shall be the sole prerogative of the County as to the number of vendors who will be initially included under this contract. During the term of this contract, the County reserves the right to add or delete vendors as it deems necessary in its best interests. If the County elects to -add vendors, they must meet the same -minimum qualifications established for the original competition. Spot market pricing procedures may be initiated by either the using County department or by DPM. In general, written spot market quotes shall be solicited from all pre -qualified vendors whenever possible. 2.7 PRICES SHALL BE FIXED AND FIRM FOR ANY SPOT MARKET PERIOD If the vendor is awarded a contract under this solicitation during the spot -market quote. procedure, the prices proposed by the vendor shall remain fixed and firm during the period specified in the spot market quote. Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2.8 EXAMINATION OF COUNTY FACILITIES AND INSPECTION OF COUNTY EQUIPMENT Intentionally Omitted 2.9 "EQUAL" PRODUCT CANNOT BE CONSIDERED: QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST The specificitems listed in this solicitation are the only products that will be accepted under this solicitation because these items are formally .approved/authorized by the County as documented on a Qualified Products List as specified in Section 3, Paragraph 3.11. Vendors desiring to submit comparative products for these items for inclusion on an approved Qualified Products List for future solicitations should submit samples to GSA, Materials Management Division, 2225 NW 72"d Avenue, Miami, Florida 33122. After testing, if the product is deemed acceptable, it will be included in the specifications and/or qualified products list on the next available solicitation. All samples for test purposes must be labeled with the vendor's name, previous or current solicitation number, and item number. Samples not so labeled will be considered unidentifiable and will not be eligible for testing purposes. This solicitation contains the current Qualified Products List that identifies the specific products that are qualified for purchase under this specific solicitation. "Equal" products shall not be considered. 2.10 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Intentionally Omitted 2.11 INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE (1) - GENERAL SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorneys' fees and costs of defense, which the County or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the Provider or its employees, agents, servants, partners principals or subcontractors. Provider shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the County, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Provider expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Provider shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the County or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. Revised 11 /9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The vendor shall furnish to the Vendor Assistance Section, Department of Procurement Management, Administration Division, 111 NW 1st Street, Suite 1300, Miami, Florida 33128, Certificate(s) of Insurance which indicate that insurance coverage has been obtained which meets the requirements as outlined below: A. Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the vendor as required by Florida Statute 440. B. Public Liability Insurance on a comprehensive basis in an amount not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Miami -Dade County must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non -owned and hired vehicles used in connection with the work, in an amount not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. All insurance policies required above shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications: The company must be rated no less than `B" as to management, and no less than "Class V" as to financial strength, by the latest edition of Best's Insurance Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to the approval of the County Risk Management Division. or The company must hold a valid Florida Certificate of Authority as shown in the latest "List of All Insurance Companies Authorized or Approved to Do Business in Florida" issued by the State of Florida Department of Insurance and are members of the Florida Guaranty Fund. Certificates will indicate no modification or change in insurance shall be made without thirty (30) days in advance notice to the certificate holder. NOTE: DADE COUNTY SOLICITATION NUMBER AND TITLE OF SOLICITATION MUST APPEAR ON EACH CERTIFICATE. CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ:MIAMI=DADE COUNTY 111 NW 1st STREET SUITE 1300 MIAMI, FL 33128 -- 10-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the vendor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this agreement. Issuance of a purchase order is contingent upon the receipt of the insurance documents within fifteen (15) calendar days after Board of County Commission approval. If the insurance certificate is received within the specified time frame but not in the manner prescribed in this solicitation, the vendor shall be verbally .notified of such deficiency and shall have an additional five (5) calendar days to submit a corrected certificate to the County. If the vendor fails to submit the required insurance documents in the manner prescribed in this solicitation within twenty (20) calendar days after Board of Commission approval, the vendor shall be in default of the contractual terms and conditions and shall not be awarded the contract. Under such circumstances, the vendor may be prohibited from submitting future Proposal to the County in accordance with Section 1, Paragraph 1.24 of the General Terms and Conditions. The vendor shall be responsible for assuring that the insurance certificate required in conjunction with this Section remain in force for the duration of the contractual period; including any and all option years that may be granted to the vendor in accordance with Section 2.5 of this solicitation. If insurance certificates are scheduled to expire during the contractual period, the vendor shall be responsible for submitting new or renewed insurance certificates to the County at a minimum of thirty (30) .calendar days in advance of such expiration. In the event that expired certificates are not replaced with new or renewed certificates which cover the contractual period, the County shall suspend the contract until such time as the new or renewed certificates are received by the County in the manner prescribed in the solicitation; provided, however, that this suspended period does not exceed thirty (30) calendar days. If such suspension exceeds thirty (30) calendars days, the County may, at its sole discretion, terminate this contract for cause and seek re -procurement damages from the vendor in accordance with Section 1, Paragraph 1.23 of this solicitation. 2.12 BID GUARANTY Intentionally Omitted 2.13 PERFORMANCE BOND Intentionally Omitted 2.14 CERTIFICATIONS Intentionally Omitted Revised 11/9/06 '_MMIAMI-DADS COUNTY RID NO.:6824-4/12-0TR SECTION 2 SPECIAL. CONDITIONS 2.15 METHOD OF PAYMENT: PERIODIC INVOICES FOR COMPLETED PURCHASES Placing Orders, Delivery Receipt and Invoice Requirements (Delivery Point Drop Shipments) Items ordered by GSA, Materials Management Division for drop shipment to more than 250 addresses within Miami -Dade County will be invoiced in duplicate to GSA, Materials Management Division along with one (1) copy of a signed delivery receipt by the receiving agency. Delivery receipts are not to show invoice prices. GSA, Materials Management Div., Supply Section will prepare a consolidated order (Monday - Friday). This order will be processed to vendors via fax transmission at approximately 2:30 PM daily. The vendor(s) shall submit an invoice(s) to the County user department(s) after purchase has been completed, whether the specific item(s) were picked up by authorized County personnel or delivered to the site by the vendor. In addition to the general invoice requirements set forth below, the invoices shall reference the corresponding delivery ticket number or packing slip number that was signed by an authorized representative of the County user department at the time the items were delivered and accepted. Submittal of these periodic invoices shall not exceed thirty (30) calendar days from the delivery of the items. Under no circumstances shall the invoices be submitted to the County in advance of the delivery and acceptance of the items. All invoices shall contain the following basic information: I. Vendor Information: • The name of the business organization as specified on the contract between Miami -Dade County and vendor • Date of invoice • Invoice number • Vendor's Federal Identification Number on file with Miami -Dade County II. County Information: • Miami -Dade County Release Purchase Order or Small Purchase Order Number III. Pricing Information: Unit price of the goods, services or property provided Extended total price of the goods, services or property Applicable discounts - - 12 - - Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 ,SPECIAL CONDITIONS IV. Goods or Services Provided per Contract: Description Quantity V. Delivery Information: Delivery terms set forth within the Miami -Dade County Release Purchase Order • Location and date of delivery of goods, services or property VI. Failure to Comply: Failure to submit invoices in the prescribed manner will delay payment. 2.16 SHIPPING TERMS: F.O.B. DESTINATION All bidders shall quote prices based on F.O.B. Destination and shall hold title to the goods until such time as they are delivered to, and accepted by, an authorized County representative at various locations within Miami -Dade County. 2.17 DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS Delivery Hours All deliveries are to be made between the hours of 9 am and 3:00 p.m., within elevator restriction hours enforced in some buildings. No deliveries accepted on published County holidays. Inside Deliveries Required Price(s) shall be quoted F.O.B. Destination, delivered basis (inside delivery points) as required during the contract period to approximately 250 addresses within Miami -Dade County and up to 1,000 specific inside delivery points will be serviced: A. Materials Management Division, 2225 NW 72 Avenue Miami, Florida B. Materials Management Division, Government Center 111 NW 1 Street - 18th Floor Miami, Florida (Loading Dock located at 110 NW 3 Street) C. And any other Miami -Dade County Departments or locations as requested by Materials Management, GSA. Vendor shall provide insured delivery vehicles (see 2.11C) and all material handling equipment required for off-loading. Use of County equipment will not be allowed. --13-- • Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The vendor will be responsible to conform to all delivery rules, restriction and physical limitations specific to each location. These rules, restriction and physical limitations will include, but are not limited to, hours of operation of freight elevators, rules for use of passenger elevators, elevator weight restrictions, limitation on truck size, restrictions on loading area parking and rules restricting the use of pallet jacks as well as other delivery equipment. Cartons or skids ordered by Materials Management Division for shipment to contract printer must be stenciled with the identifying order numbers. Delivery Required Third Business Day - GSA Orders placed under this contract for cut size paper will be delivered no later than the third business day. Folio size sheets (17%2" x 22'/2" or larger) will be delivered the next business day. Extended delivery times will be allowed, by agreement with GSA Materials Management Div., when the quantity, size, color, finish or brand of the paper ordered require that it be mill shipped. Additionally, the County may allow brief extensions as a result of extraordinary demand. If the awarded vendors fail to provide a product within the time required the County reserves the right to locate and purchase the needed product from a non - awarded vendor. Biddersare encouraged to maintain a broad inventory of special fine papers not included in Bid Items #1 through #69. This inventory should include: coated and non -coated text and cover stock, in sizes up to and including 28" x 40", in a variety of mill produced colors and finishes; envelopes and announcement cards, bond and writing papers, pressure sensitive and gummed stock, carbonless, tag, bristol, all in wide variety of colors, weights and. sizes. Failure of Low Bidder to Deliver within Specified Time The lowest bidder on each item or group for a spot market period shall be the prime supplier of those items for that period. Failure of the prime supplier to deliver required items for the contractual price or within the contractually specified time may result in the vendor forfeiting the award and being charged for all additional re -procurement costs incurred. The vendor shall make deliveries in the time and manner specified above All deliveries shall be made in accordance with good commercial practice and all required delivery timeframes shall be adhered to by the vendor(s); except in such cases where the delivery will be delayed due to acts of nature, strikes, or other causes beyond the control of the vendor. In these cases, the vendor shall notify the County of the delays in advance of the original delivery date so that the County can appropriately consider a revised delivery schedule. Should the vendor(s) to whom the contract(s) is awarded fail to deliver in the number of days stated above, the County reserves the right to cancel the contract on a default basis after any back order period that has been specified in this contract has lapsed. If the contract is so terminated, it is hereby understood and agreed that the County has the authority to purchase the goods elsewhere and to charge the incumbent vendor with any re -procurement costs. If --14-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL, CONDITIONS the vendor fails to honor these re -procurement costs, the County may terminate the contract for default. Certain County employees may be authorized in writing to pick-up materials under this contract. Vendors shall require presentation of this written authorization. The vendor shall maintain a copy of the authorization. If the vendor is in doubt about any aspect of material pick-up, vendor shall contact General Services Administration (GSA) Materials Management at (305) 592-3016 to confirm the authorization. 2.18 BACK ORDER DELAYS IN DELIVERY SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED The County shall not allow any late deliveries attributed. to product back order situations under this contract. Accordingly, the vendor is required to deliver all items to the County within the time specified in this solicitation and resultant contract; and no grace period on account of back order situations shall be honored, unless written authorization is issued by the user department, and a new delivery date is mutually established. In the event that the . vendor fails to deliver the products within the time specified, the County reserves the right to cancel the order, seek the items from another vendor, and charge the incumbent vendor for any re -procurement costs. If the vendor fails to honor these re -procurement costs, the County may terminate the contract for default. 2.19 WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS Intentionally Omitted 2.20 CONTACT PERSONS: For any additional information regarding the terms and conditions of this solicitation and resultant contract, Contact: Theresa (Tessie) Wilson, at (305) 375-5073, email — twilson.^m iam idade.gov. 2.21 COUNTY USER ACCESS PROGRAM (UAP) User Access Fee Pursuant to Miami -Dade County Budget Ordinance No. 03-192, this contract is subject to a user access fee under the County User Access Program (UAP) in the amount of two percent (2%). All sales resulting from this contract, or any contract resulting from this solicitation and the utilization of the County contract price and the terms and conditions identified herein, are subject to the two percent (2%) UAP: This fee applies to all contract usage whether by County Departments or by any other governmental, quasi -governmental or not - for -profit entity. The vendor providing goods or services under thiscontract shall invoice the contract price and shall accept as payment thereof the contract price less the 2% UAP as full and complete - - 15 - - Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS payment for the goods and/or services specified on the invoice. The County shall retain the 2% UAP for use by the County to help defray the cost of the procurement program. Vendor participation in this invoice reduction portion of the UAP is mandatory. Joint Purchase Only those entities that have been approved by the County for participation in the Courity's Joint Purchase and Entity Revenue Sharing Agreement are eligible to utilize or receive Miami -Dade County contract pricing and terms and conditions. The County will provide to approved entities a UAP Participant Validation Number. The vendor must obtain the participation number from the entity prior to filling any order placed pursuant to this section. Vendor participation in this joint purchase portion of the UAP, however, is voluntary. The vendor shall notify the ordering entity, in writing, within 3 work days of receipt of an order, of a decision to decline the order. For all ordering entities located outside the geographical boundaries of Miami -Dade County, the successful vendor shall be entitled to ship goods on an "FOB Destination, Prepaid and Charged Back" basis. This allowance shall only be made when expressly authorized by a representative of the ordering entity prior to shipping the goods. Miami -Dade County shall have no liability to the vendor for the cost of any purchase made by an ordering entity under the UAP and shall not be deemed to be a party thereto. All orders shall be placed directly by the ordering entity with the vendor and shall be paid by the ordering entity less the 2% UAP. Vendor Compliance If a vendor fails to comply with this section, that vendor may be considered in default by Miami -Dade County in accordance with Section 1, Paragraph 1.23 of this contract solicitation and the resulting contract. 2.22 CATALOGS AND PRICE LISTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH OFFER Intentionally Omitted 2.23 COMPETENCY OF BIDDERS The County may elect to conduct a pre -award inspection of the vendor's facility during the offer evaluation process. Offers will be considered only from firms that are regularly engaged in the business of providing or distributing the goods and/or performingthe services as described in the solicitation, and who can produce evidence that they have a satisfactory record of performance for a reasonable period of time. Vendors must demonstrate that they have sufficient financial support and organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily execute the contract if awarded under the terms and conditions herein stated. In the event that the vendor intends to obtain the goods specifically offered under this contract from - - 16 - - Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-0TR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS another source of supply; the vendor may be required to verify the competency of its supplier. Miami -Dade County reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to require a vendor to submit such evidence of its qualifications and the qualifications of its supplier as it may deem necessary. The County may consider any evidence available to it of the financial, technical and other qualifications and abilities of any vendor responding hereunder, including past performance with the County, in determining vendor responsibility for the purposes of selecting a vendor for contract award. Bidders. determined the Materials Management Division of GSA as not meeting the requirements of this bid shall be considered not responsible and their bids will not be considered. 2.24 ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE PACKAGING All contracts in excess of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars shall be affected by Resolution Number R738-92 amending Miami -Dade County Administrative Order 3-2 (relating to the procurement of goods and services). As a waste management alternative, and as an additional means of reducing the volume and toxicity of waste and by-products entering Florida's solid waste stream, Miami -Dade County has instituted the following policy with regard to source reduction. In order to discourage excessive packaging of a product solely for marketing purposes and to encourage packaging for purposes of ensuring durability, re -usability and recyclability. No goods shall be purchased if the goods constitute less than 90 percent (by volume) of the item being purchased or if the goods contain more than 10 percent package and packing material (by volume). No packaging shall be purchased which is not environmentally acceptable packaging. For purposes of meeting the requirements of this resolution, "Environmentally Acceptable" shall be defined as; any item that is returnable for reuse or recycling, or which is recyclable. In order to insure compliance with this resolution, vendors shall indicate in the space provided on the Bid/Proposal Submission Form or elsewhere as required by this solicitation, the method to be used for returning packaging materials to the distributor in conjunction with this solicitation and/or by completing the General Services Certification of Recycled Product Content Form indicating the ability of the materials to be recycled through existing recycling collection programs. Appeals for waiver of these requirements may be made in writing to the County Manager through the Director of Procurement. Management. No waiver shall be effective unless approved by a majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners. Offers failing to provide this information may result in being declared non -responsive; however the vendor shall be given the opportunity to provide the information during the offer evaluation period. At such time, the vendor shall be given fifteen (15) calendar days to submit this information. -- 17-- Revised 1119/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Vendors wishing to obtain a copy of the complete resolution should contact The Clerk of the Board at 305-375-5126. 2.25 MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND WARRANTED AGAINST DEFECTS The vendor hereby acknowledges and agrees that all materials, except where recycled content is specifically requested, supplied by the vendor in conjunction with this solicitation and resultant contract shall be new, warranted for their merchantability, and fit for a particular purpose. In the event any of the materials supplied to the County by the vendor are found to be defective or do not conform to specifications: (1) the materials may be returned to the vendor at the vendor's expense and the contract cancelled or (2) the County may require the vendor to replace the materials at the vendor's expense. Mill guarantees will apply to County claims. 2.26 PACKING SLIP/DELIVERY TICKET TO ACCOMPANY ITEMS DURING DELIVERY: The successful bidder shall enclose a complete packing slip or delivery ticket with any items to be delivered in conjunction with this bid solicitation. The packing slip shall be attached to the shipping carton(s), which contain the items and shall be made available to the County's authorized representative during delivery. The packing slip or delivery ticket shall include, at a minimum, the following information: purchase order number; date of order; a complete listing of items being delivered. Packing Slips/Delivery receipts are not to show invoice prices. 2.27 PURCHASE OF OTHER ITEMS NOT LISTED WITHIN THIS SOLICITATION BASED ON PRICE QUOTES: While the County has listed all major items within this solicitation that are utilized by County departments in conjunction with their operations, there may be similar items that must be purchased by the County during the term of this contract. Under these circumstances, a County representative will contact the primary vendor to obtain a price quote for the similar items. If there are multiple vendors on the contract, the County -representative may also obtain price quotes from these vendors. The County reserves the right to award these similar items to the primary contract vendor, another contract vendor based on the lowest price quoted, or to acquire the items through a separate solicitation. 2.28 RECYCLED MATERIALS REQUIRED This solicitation calls for the purchase of some items that specify and require a stated degree of recycled material content. Vendors are required to submit, with their initial offer, a written certification attesting that the products or items offered by the vendor contain the minimum percentage of post -consumer recovered material as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or, for commodities not so covered, the minimum percentage of post -consumer recovered materials established by other cognizant regulatory agencies. --18-. Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 ,SPECIAL CONDITIONS Recycling definitions: For purposes of this solicitation, the following definitions shall apply: a. "Recovered Materials" shall be defined as any waste material or by-products that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste. b. "Recycled Product" shall be defined as any product which is in whole or in part composed of recovered materials. c. "Recyclable Product" .shall be defined as the ability of a product and its packaging to be reused, reconditioned for use, or recycled through existing recycling collection programs. d. "Waste Reducing Products" shall be defined as any product which will result in less waste generated due to its use rather than another product designed to serve the same function with a greater waste generation rate. This shall include, but not be limited to those products that can be reused, refilled or have a longer life expectancy and contain a lesser amount of toxic constituents. 2.29 SAMPLES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING EVALUATION After the County opens the spot market quotes, the bidders may be required to submit a sample for the goods to be supplied for evaluation, and at no cost to the County. If samples are required, the County will notify the bidder of such in writing and will specify the deadline for submission of the samples. Each individual sample shall be clearly labeled with the bidder's name, bid number, bid title, manufacturer's name and brand name, and style number if applicable. If the bidder fails to submit the samples, properly labeled, within the specified date stipulated in the notice, the County shall not consider the bidder's proposal for that item(s); provided however, that in the event of a group or aggregate award, the bidder's proposal will not be eligible for that group or in the aggregate as applicable. All samples shall become the property of Miami -Dade County. The County reserves the right to perform its own testing procedures or to send any and all samples to the State of Florida's Department of General Services, Division of Purchasing, Bureau of Standards Laboratory or any other certifiable laboratory for analysis. Any costs for testing shall be borne by bidder. On the basis of this testing and analysis, the County shall be sole judge of the acceptability of the sample in conformance with the bid specifications and its decision shall be final. Any sample submitted shall create an express warranty that the whole of the goods and/or services to be provided by the bidder during the contract period shall conform to the sample submitted. The bidder shall be required to provide adequate restitution to the County, in the manner prescribed by the County, if this warranty is violated during the term of the contract. --19- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2.30 SHELF LIFE OF STOCK The successful bidder(s) shall supply the County with fresh stock only and shall insure that items with a limited shelf life are inspected and certified fresh by the bidder prior to shipment to the County. 2.31 STOCK LEVELS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY BIDDER The successful bidder(s) shall ensure that adequate stock levels are maintained at its place of business in order to assure the County of prompt delivery. If the delivery terms specified in the Solicitation are not fulfilled by the Bidder, the County reserves the right to cancel the order, purchase the goods elsewhere, and charge the Bidder for any re -procurement costs incurred by the County. 2.32 SUPPLIERS OF MATERIALS/PRODUCTS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED If the Bidder shall be utilizing a third party distributor or manufacturer as the source of supply for obtaining and delivering products and/or materials required in conjunction with this Bid Solicitation, the Bidder shall be required to furnish a letter from the supplier in its Bid Proposal form. The information contained in this letter shall include, but not be limited to: shipping and delivery terms, packaging requirements, and product specification sheets that attest to the quality of the product. If the bidder fails to submit this information with the Bid Proposal Form, the bidder may be allowed to submit this documentation to the County during the bid evaluation period if such action is in the best interest of the County. 2.33 TESTING OF RANDOM SAMPLES OF DELIVERED PRODUCTS During the term of the contract, samples of delivered items may be randomly selected and tested for compliance with these specifications. If it is found that the delivered commodities do not conform to the specifications, the county shall require replacement within a reasonable length of time and may cancel the contract for cause. --20-- • Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAPER, FINE REGISTERED MILL BRANDS, PRIVATE BRANDS, RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER (PRINTING/XEROGRAPHIC) AND RELATED PRODUCTS 3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PAPERS TO BE PURCHASED GSA, Materials Management Div, will use this contract, to purchase flat sheet printing and xerographic papers as well as other related products such as envelopes, carbonless, continuous pin fed, roll fed, lithographic plates, chemistry and adhesives. 3.2 REGISTERED MILL BRANDS OR PRIVATE BRANDS WITH MILL CERTIFICATION ACCEPTED All xerographic and printing paper must be guaranteed registered Mill Brand or a Private Brand paper that is mill certified. Registered mill brands must be specified in the current edition of "Competitive Grade Finder for the Paper and Graphic Arts Industry", or as otherwise accepted by Grade Finders, Inc., for publication in subsequent editions. For products not listed in the current edition of the Competitive Grade Finder, a copy of Grade Finders letter of acceptability will be required. Private Brand xerographic and printing paper must meet quality performance requirements as specified in the Bid Proposal. Prior to award, the County will require a letter from the producing mill certifying the grade of paper to be used for this bid as well as the name of that paper as it appears in the current edition of "Competitive Grade Finder for the Paper and Graphic Arts Industry". Items 63 - 66 (chipboard) and 67 - 69 (fan folded computer paper) are not printing papers, and as such, will be exempt from the brand requirement. 3.3 MOISTURE PROOF WRAPPERS REQUIRED All Paper must be cut, wrapped in moisture proof wrappers and labeled. Unless otherwise specified, as in the case of items 18 & 19. All 8-1/2" X 11", 8-1/2" X 14" and 11" .X 17" xerographic and laser papers must be wrapped in ream packages and sealed in moisture proof cartons containing 1,000, 2,000, 2,500 or 5,000 sheets. Moisture content must be adequate to ensure good press, printer and copier performance in a sub -tropical climate. To maintain the correct moisture content high quality double layer or triple layer wrappers must be used. Wrappers must contain at minimum: a double layer consisting of 45# paper layer and a 7# poly layer or a triple layer consisting of 25# paper outer layer, a 10# poly middle layer and a 25# paper inside layer. Polyethylene or polypropylene must be used as the moisture proof barrier. Packaging must provide vital information for troubleshooting. At minimum, the carton label must identify the basis weight, grade, tracking number, run date and lot number. All cut size paper must lie flat before and after processing through a high speed copier or laser printer with either no tendency to curl or with a curl which can be overcome under --21-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION reasonable working conditions. All paper must be grain long unless otherwise specified by Dade County. 3.4 EXCELLENT QUALITY PRODUCT Paper shall be cut square four sides, consistently smooth and exact without exhibiting cutting marks. Paper shall be free from lint, dust, or other loose particles and shall be suitable for writing/printing on with ink or toner. Dimensions of successive sheets within any package shall differ from each other by not more than 1/64" and individual sheets shall not vary more than 0.001 " in thickness from one edge to the other. 3.5 XEROGRAPHIC AND LASER PAPERS Shipments of xerographic and laser papers shall perform satisfactorily on laser printers and high-speed xerographic copiers. There shall. be no more than one paper -caused jam or one document with unacceptable image quality due to paper per 5,000 sheets. Xerographic and Laser papers must be grain long, 100% chemical wood pulp, surface sized, moisture content of 4.5% (plus 0.6% or minus 1.0%). Basis weight 20# paper, must be, .0038" (plus or minus .0004" thick). Paper shall have stiffness, curl, finish and tensile strength characteristics sufficient to insure efficient feeding and transport, through high-speed photocopiers and must be free of paper dust. Paper will be furnished flat, trimmed square on four .sides with clean smooth edges and evenly jogged. Paper size must not vary more than plus or minus 1/64" from the specified dimension in either direction. The County requires that all xerographic and laser paper is slit, cut to final sheet size and ream wrapped packaged in one continuous inline process. Equipment used for this purpose must be rigorously maintained with scrupulous attention paid to sharp cutting and slitting edges, accurate sheet counts and proper settings for packaging equipment. Reams must be sealed with sufficient glue to provide a moisture proof package that is tight, forming a solid package that protects the edges of each sheet until unwrapped for use. Excessive amounts of glue that could damage individual sheets of paper will not be accepted. Equipment suitable for this purpose is made by E.C.H. Will/PEMCO,.Bielomatik or Lennox and will be required by this contract. Whenever the paper is not sheeted and packaged by the producing mill the vendor will be required to give GSA Materials Management Division 48 hour notice prior to converting paper for this bid. A management level representative, assigned by GSA Materials Management Division, may be at the vendor's site to observe the conversion and packaging operation. The County's representative will confirm that the packaging, the wrapping and the converting meets all requirements as set forth in this bid. 3.6 3-HOLE PUNCH SPECIFICATIONS Xerographic paper required with 3-Hole Punch for insertion into standard 3-Ring Binders is to have holes 1/4"-5/16" Diameter and be punched 4 'A" center to center. Punching must be clean to insure efficient feeding and transport through photocopy machines without jamming. Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.7 FAN APART ADHESIVES All black print carbonless paper must be suitable for use with "Fan Apart" adhesive. 3.8 QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST 1. Carbonless Paper, Bid Items 34-49: GLADFELTER EXCEL or APPLETON NCR SUPERIOR — black print only. 2. Carbonless Paper (for High Speed Production Printer), Items 50-53: GLADFELTER TRANS/COPY or APPLETON XEROFORM 3. 25% Cotton Fiber Writing, Recycled, Items 6-8: DOMTAR NEKOOSA 25% COTTON BOND, 30% POST CONSUMER WASTE 4. #1 Bond, Recycled, Bid Items 31-33: DOMTAR NEKOOSA BOND, 30% POST CONSUMER WASTE 5. For all other items paragraph 3.2 and 3.3 will apply. 3.9 VENDORS MAY BE REQUIRED TO BREAK CARTONS On occasion, orders placed under this contract for folio size sheets (17%z" x 22172" or larger), may require vendors to break cartons as ordering quantities will be for actual unit requirements and will not be adjusted to coincide with mill packaging. 3.10 SPECIFIED QUANTITIES Estimated quantities specified in this contract must be provided to the County by the awarded vendors if required. The awarded vendor may provide other governmental entities; except that quantities needed shall not be deducted from the Miami -Dade County estimated quantities. The following is a representative list of the items and estimated quantities that the County may purchase during each spot market quote. RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER 50% minimum "Waste Paper" content per EPA Definitions #1 OPAQUE OFFSET RECYCLED - GRAIN LONG SMOOTH FINISH (Minimum - 430 Pages per Inch) 1. 200,000 Sheets of 8-1/2" x 11", Smooth 24/60 lb. white. 2. 100,000 Sheets of 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", Smooth 24/60 Ib. white. 3. 15,000,000 Sheets of #1 Xerographic, Recycled, 20 Ib., 8-1/2" x 11", White (For high speed copiers) 4. 500,000 Sheets of Bond Recycled, 20 lb., 8 1/2" x 11", Color. 5. 300,000 Sheets of Bond Recycled, 20 lb., 11" x 17", White. - - 23 - - Revised I1/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER 25% COTTON FIBER WRITING WATERMARKED (Only. First Line 25% Rag) Grain Long DOMTAR NEKOOSA 25% COTTON BOND, 30% POST CONSUMER WASTE No Substitutions Will Be Accepted 6. 400,000 Sheets of 20 lb. - 25% cotton bond, 8-1/2" x 11", White. 7. 80,000 Sheets of 20 Ib. — 25% cotton bond, 11" x 17", White. 8. 20,000 Sheets of 20 lb. — 25% cotton bond, 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", White... RECOVERED FIBER CONTENT PAPER 50% minimum "Waste Paper" content per EPA Definitions 9. 300,000 Sheets of Commodity Offset, Recycled, 50 lb., 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", White. 10.300,000 Sheets of Commodity Offset, Recycled, 60 lb., 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", White. 11. 100,000 Sheets of Commodity Offset, Recycled, 70 Ib., 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", White. 12. 150,000 Sheets of Commodity Offset, Recycled, 60 Ib., 17-1/2" x 22-1/2", Colors. 13. 2,500,000 Sheets of #4 Xerographic Bond, Recycled, 20 lb., 8-1/2" X 11", White punched 3 holes for standard binder. See Technical Specification 3.6. for high-speed copiers. 14. 500,000 Sheets of No. 1 Opaque Offset Recycled, 50 lb., 23" x 35", White. 15. 300,000 Sheets of No. 1 Opaque Offset Recycled, 50 Ib., 25" x 38", White. 16. 200,000 Sheets of No. 1 Opaque Offset Recycled, 60 lb., 23" x 35", White. 17. 100,000 Sheets ofNo. 1 Opaque Offset Recycled, 60 Ib., 25" x 38", White. Premium No. 4 Xerographic, Recycled Bond For High Speed -Copiers Mill Packed: 2500 Sheets, Moisture Barrier Reusable Carton, No Paper Wrap 18. 5,000,000 Sheets of 8-1/2" x 11", 20 lb. White. 19. 3,000,000 Sheets of 8-1/2" x 11", 20 ib. White punched 3 holes for standard binder - See Technical Specification 3.6, - - 24 - - Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 20. 3,500,000 Sheets of Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 ib. 8-1/2" x 11", White. 21. 250,000 Sheets of Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 lb. 8-1/2" x 14", White. 22. 200,000 Sheets of Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 lb. 11" X 17",'White. 23. 100,000 Sheets of Premium #1 Laser Print, 24 lb. 17-1/2" X 22-1/2", White. 24. 55,000,000 Sheets of #4 XEROGRAPHIC BOND, 20 lb., 8-1/2" x 11", White. 25. 5,000,000 Sheets of #4 XEROGRAPHIC BOND, 20 lb., 8-1/2" x 11", Colors. 26. 3,000,000 Sheets of#4 XEROGRAPHIC BOND, 20 lb., 8-1/2" x 14", White. 27. 250,000 Sheets of#4 XEROGRAPHIC BOND. 20 lb., 8-1/2" x 14", Colors. 28. 5,500,000 Sheets of#4 XEROGRAPHIC BOND, 20 Ib., 8-1/2" x 11". white, punched 3 holes for standard binder - See Technical Specification 3.6. 29. 600,000 Sheets of #4 (Commodity) Offset DP, 20/50 Ib., 11" x 17", White. 30. 600,000 Sheets of #4 (Commodity) Offset, 24/ 60 ib., 11" x 17", White. #1 BOND, RECYCLED - SMOOTH FINISH -GRAIN LONG.. ACCEPTABLE BRANDS: DOMTAR NEKOOSA BOND, 30% POST CONSUMER WASTE No Substitutions Will Be Accepted 31. 100,000 Sheets of 8-1/2" x 11", 20 lb. white 32. 50,000 Sheets of 11" x 17", 20 lb. white 33. 50,000 Sheets of 17 1/2" x 22 1/2", 20 Ib. White ALL REGISTERED MILL BRANDS CARBONLESS PAPER, PRE -COATED, BLACK PRINT, REVERSE OR STRAIGHT SEQUENCE. GLADFELTER EXCEL OR APPLETON NCR SUPERIOR No Substitutions Will Be Accepted. 34. 1,000,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 2-Part White -Pink or Canary, 8 1/2" x 11". 35. 50,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, Canary -White, 8 1/2" x 14". 36. 900,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, Canary -White, 11" x 17". --25-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 37. 80,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, Canary -White, 17 1/2" x 22 1/2". 38. 500,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 3-Part; Pink -Canary -White, 8 1/2" x 11". 39. 150,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink -Canary -White, 8 1/2" x 14". 40. 550,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink -Canary -White, 11" x 17". 41. 80,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink -Canary -White, 17 1/2" x 22 1/2". 42. 250,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 4-Part Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -White, 8-1/2'' x 11". 43. 100,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 4-Part, Goldenrod-Pink-Canary-White,8-1/2" x 14". 44. 300,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 4-part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -White, 11" x 17". 45. 80,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 4-part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -White, 17 1/2" x 22-1/2". 46. 90,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 8-1/2" x 11". 47. 50,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 8-1/2" x 14". 48. 150,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 11" x 17". 49. 150,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 5-Part, Goldenrod -Pink -Canary -Green -White 17 1/2" x 22 1/2". ALL REGISTERED MILL BRANDS CARBONLESS PAPER, PRE -COATED, BLACK PRINT OR BLUE/PURPLE PRINT, REVERSE OR STRAIGHT SEQUENCE. For Use on High Speed Production Publishing System ACCEPTABLE BRANDS: GLADFELTER TRANS/COPY OR APPLETON XEROFORM No Substitutions Will Be Accepted 50. 150,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, Canary -White, 8 1/2" x 11". 51. 100,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 2-Part, Canary -White, 8 1/2" x 14". 52. 150,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink -Canary -White, 8 1/2" x 11". 53. 100,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, 3-Part, Pink -Canary -White, 8 1/2" x 14". --26-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 54. 30,000 Sheets of Carbonless Paper, Self -Contained, 17# White, Black Print 22-1/2" x 34-1/2". Index and Vellum Bristol paper: Bid items 55 — 61 all must be registered mill. brand No. 2 Recycled Index and No. 2 Vellum Bristol.. recycled 55. 150,000 Sheets of #2 Index, 110 lb., 8-1/2" x 11", White. 56. 200,000 Sheets of #2 Index, 90 Ib., 8-1/2" x 11", White. 57. 400,000 Sheets of #2 Index, 90 lb., 11" x 17", White. 58. 100,000 Sheets of #2 Index, 90 lb., 8-1/2" x 11", Colors. 59. 150,000 Sheets of #2 Vellum Bristol, 671b., 11" x 17", Colors. 60. 50,000 Sheets of #2 Index, 110 ib., 22-1/2" x 35", White. 61. 25,000 Sheets of #2 Index, 110 lb., 22-1/2" x 35", Colors. 62. 10,000 Sheets of 17" x 22", 60 lb., White Satin or Semi -Gloss Litho Crack "N" Peel or Mactac Pressure Sensitive (split back) Paper. Chipboard 63. 100 Bundles of 8-1/2" x 11" Minimum Caliber 22 pt. 64. 50 Bundles of 8-1/2" x 14" Minimum Caliber 22 pt. 65. 200 Bundles of 11" x 17". 66. 400 Bundles of 17-1/2" x 22-1/2". --27-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Computer Paper - Continuous Feed - Fan Folded Lint and Dust Free 20% Post -Consumer or 50% minimum "Waste Paper" content per EPA Definitions Delivery Exception: Continuous Feed Computer Paper Deliver Skid Quantities Only 67. 2000 Cases of #20 White, 83 Brightness, 9-1/2 X 11", Clean Edge Perfs: Side and Horizontal Perfs. required. 68. 1500 Cases of #18 White, 1/2" Green Bar, 14-7/8 X 11", Horizontal Perfs. required 69. 2000 Cases of # 18 White, EW-20, High Bulk, 8-1/2 X 11", 3 Hole Punch, Horizontal Perfs. required 3.11 RECYCLED PAPERS Miami -Dade County is actively seeking to increase its consumption of printing and writing papers that meet EPA recovered fiber content standards for percentage of '.'waste paper" contained in the finished product. Bid items #1-19, 31-33, 55-61 and 67-69 have been set aside for "recovered fiber" stock.. Vendors are encouraged to identify any other papers meeting the EPA definition that may be of potential use to the County for printing, writing, and graphic usage and to submit bids for those products. In addition, Miami -Dade County is active in promoting the use of papers manufactured by processes that reduce environmental impact and mills that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Particular interest has been placed on identifying available paper stocks manufactured using the alkaline process in conjunction with peroxide whiteners. Vendors are encouraged to identify items bid that are chlorine free (TCF). The EPA definition of "waste paper" and "recoveredmaterials" is contained in Sections 6002(h) and 6002(h) 2 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended. 3.12. PARTICIPATION IN INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Awarded vendor will not exclude Miami -Dade County from participating in any incentive programs from manufacturer, distributors or vendor. The County will be eligible for rebates, credits, etc. for purchases made during the term of this contract. Awarded . vendor must promptly notify Materials Management Division of incentive programs upon inception of such a program or upon award of qualifying product. 3.13 BIDDER OPERATED CONVERTING FACILITITES MUST BE LOCATED IN MIAMI-DADEBROWARD COUNTY To facilitate the County's right to observe bidder sheeting and packaging of paper for this contract, vendor -converting facilities must be located in Miami -Dade or Broward County. --28-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FORM Submit Bid To: CLERK OF THE BOARD Stephen P. Clark Center 111 NW lst Street 17th Floor, Suite 202 Miami, Florida 33128-1983 MIAMl•I DE EiLM OPENING: 2:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2007 PLEASE QUOTE PRICES F.O.B. DESTINATION, LESS TAXES, DELIVERED IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTE: Miami -Dade County is exempt from all taxes (Federal, State, Local). Bid price should be Tess all taxes. Tax Exemption Certificate furnished upon request. Issued DPM Date Issued: 9/18/07 This Bid Submittal Consists of Pages 29 by:TW Purchasing Division through 34 + Affidavits Sealed bids subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Invitation to Bid and the accompanying Bid Submittal. Such other contract provisions, specifications, drawings or other data as are attached or incorporated by reference in the Bid Submittal, will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board at the address shown above until the above stated time and date, and at that time, publicly opened for furnishing the supplies or services described in the accompanying Bid Submittal Requirement. Paper (Fine Registered Mill Brand) A Bid Deposit in the amount of N/A of the total amount of the bid shall accompany all bids A Perforntance Bond in the amount of N/A of the total amount of the bid will be required upon execution of the contract by the successful bidder and Miami -Dade County DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE ACCEPTED HIGHER THAN LOW NON -RESPONSIVE NON -RESPONSIBLE DATE B.C.C. NO BID ITEM NOS. ACCEPTED COMMODITY CODE: 645 Senior Procurement Contracting Agent Theresa Wilson, CPPB FIRM NAME: RETURN ONE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OF BID SUBMITTAL PAGES ONLY FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOCAL PREFERENCE ON PAGE 34 OF SECTION 4, BID SUBMITTAL FORM SHALL RENDER THE VENDOR INELIGIBLE FOR LOCAL PREFERENCE FAILURE TO SIGN PAGE 34 OF SECTION 4, BID SUBMITTAL FORM, WILL RENDER YOUR BID NON -RESPONSIVE --29-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FIRM NAME: BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR BID SUBMITTAL FOR: PAPER (FINE REGISTERED MILL BRAND) PRE -QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: CHECKLISTS FOR REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: Purchase of Paper and Related Products Reference: Summarized Requirement: Initial A Complete. Paragraph 2.6.1 Below, list two references consisting of existing customers (large commercial and/or government agencies). The references listed must be customers that are currently receiving or have recently received from your firm the products described in this solicitation. The references must include the company's name, and the name, title, address, and telephone number of the contact person who can verify that your firm has successfully provided the products and services that your firm is offering under this solicitation. Company's Name 1 Contact Person's Name 1 • Contact Person's Title 1 Customer's Address Customer's Telephone Number Customer's E-mail Address 1 1 2 -30-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FIRM NAME: BID SUBMITTAL FOR: PAPER (FINE REGISTERED MILL BRAND) BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR Purchase of Paper and Related Paper Products Reference: Paragraph 2.6.2 List the manufacturer brand names/makes of paper and related products that shall be available from your firm. Attach proof of your firm's designation as a manufacturer, agent, dealer, representative, distributor or reseller of the paper and related paper products (manufacturer brand names/makes) listed. BRAND NAMES/MAKES BRAND NAMES/MAKES J- --31-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FIRM NAME: BID SUBMITTAL FOR: PAPER (FINE REGISTERED MILL BRAND) BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR Purchase of Paper and Related Paper Products Reference: Summarized Requirement: Initial As Completed: Paragraph 2.6.3 • Provide complete office address: - Paragraph 2.6.3 Provide company representative authorized to discuss matters pertaining to the contracted products: Name: Phone: Paragraph 2.6.3 Enter your firm's facsimile (FAX) machine number, including area code: Fax No. Enter your firm's e-mail address: E-mail --32-- Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR: PAPER (FINE REGISTERED MILL BRAND) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLETE PART I OR PART II, WHICHEVER APPLIES PART I: LIST BELOW ARE THE DATES OF ISSUE FOR EACH ADDENDUM RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID Addendum #1, Dated Addendum #2, Dated Addendum #3, Dated Addendum #4, Dated Addendum #5, Dated Addendum #6, Dated Addendum #7, Dated Addendum #8, Dated PART II: ❑ NO ADDENDUM WAS. RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID FIRM NAME: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: TITLE OF OFFICER: 33 - Revised 11/9/06 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.:6824-4/12-OTR MIAMI•DADE BID SUBMITTAL FORM .Bid Title: Paper (Fine Registered Mill Brand) By signing this Bid Submittal Form the Bidder certifies that it satisfies all legal requirements (as an entity) to do business with the County, including all Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics provisions in Section 2-11 of the Miami -Dade County Code. Any County employee or member of his or her immediate family seeking to contract with the County shall seek a conflict of interest opinion from the Miami -Dade County Ethics Commission prior to submittal of a Bid response or application of any type to contract with the County by the employee or his or her immediate family and file a copy of that request for opinion and any opinion or waiver from the Board of County Commissioners with the Clerk of the Board. The affected employee shall file with the Clerk of the Board a statement in a form satisfactory to the Clerk disclosing the employee's interest or the interest of his or her immediate family in the proposed contract and the nature of the intended contract at the same time as or before submitting a Bid, response, or application of any type to contract with the County. Also a copy of the request for a conflict of interest opinion from the Ethics Commission and any corresponding opinion, or any waiver issued by the Board of County Commissioners, must be submitted with the response to the solicitation. In accordance with Sec. 2-11.1(s) of the County Code as amended, prior to conducting any lobbying regarding this solicitation, the Bidder must file the appropriate form with the Clerk of the Board stating that a particular lobbyist is authorized to represent the Bidder. Failure to file the appropriate form in relation to each solicitation may be considered as evidence that the Bidder is not a responsible contractor. The Bidder confirms that this Bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a Bid for the same goods and/or services and in all respects is without collusion, and that the Bidder will accept any resultant award. Further, the undersigned acknowledges that award of a contract is contingent upon vendor registration. Failure to register as a vendor within the specified time may result in your firm not being considered for award. Pursuant to Miami -Dade County Ordinance 94-34, any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture or other legal entity having an officer, director, or executive who has been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years shall disclose this information prior to entering into a contract with or receiving funding from the County. 0 Place a check mark here only if bidder has such conviction to disclose to comply with this requirement. COUNTY USER ACCESS PROGRAM (UAP): Joint purchase and entity revenue sharing program For the County's information, the bidder is requested to indicate, at 'A' and 'B' below, its general interest in participating in the Joint Purchase Program of the County User Access Program (UAP) described in Section 2.21 of this contract solicitation, if that section is present in this solicitation document. Vendor participation in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP is voluntary, and the bidder's expression of general interest at 'A' and 'B' below is for the County's information only and shall not be binding on the bidder.. A. If awarded this County contract, would you be interest in participating in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP with respect to other governmental, quasi -governmental or not -for -profit entities located within the geographical boundaries of Miami -Dade County? Yes No at�d B. If awarded this County contract, would you be interested in participating in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP with respect to other governmental, quasi -governmental or not -for -profit entities.located outside the geographical boundaries of Miami -Dade County? Yes No LOCAL PREFERENCE CERTIFICATION: The responding vendor hereby attests, by checking one of the following blocks, that it is 0, or is not 0, a local business. For the purpose of this certification, a "local business" is a business located within the limits of Miami -Dade County (or Broward County in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement between the two counties) that conforms with the provisions of Section I . I0 of the General Terms and Conditions of this solicitation and contributes to the economic development of the community in a verifiable and measurable way. This may include, but not be limited to, the retention and expansion of employment opportunities and the support and increase to the County's tax base. Failure to complete this certification at this time (by checking the appropriate box above) shall render the vendor ineligible for Local Preference. Firm Name: Street Address: Mailing Address (if different): Telephone No. Email Address: Fax No. FEIN No. / - / 7 / / / / Prompt Payment Terms: % days net days *"By signing this document the bidder agrees to all Terns (Please see paragraph 1.2 H of General Terms and Conditions) and Conditions of this Solicitation and the resulting Contract" Signature: (Signature of authorized agent) Print Name: Title: Failure to sign this page shall render your Bid non -responsive. - 34 - Revised 11/9/06