HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication & Supporting DocsHEARING BOARDS 444 SW 2" a Avenue, 7th Floor * Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone 305-416-2030 + Fax 305-416-2035 www.miamigov.com miamigov.cam PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Welcome to Hearing Boards! This application is intended to serve as a guide in acquainting you with our public hearing process. By any means, please feel free to contact us at the number above, should you have any questions. CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Copies of lobbyist documentation with proof of payment must be submitted with the complete application. The deadline to file the complete application with supporting documents is the first five working days (1-5) of each month from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm. The responses to this application must be typed and signed in black ink. Please note that pursuant to Section 1304.2.2 of the Miami Zoning Ordinance, no application shall be deemed to have been filed unless and until the applications shall have been completed. All pertinent and accurate information/documentation; i.e., the plans, reports, exhibits, shall be presented at the time of filing, in addition to the paid receipt. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the application and all supporting materials. If you like, you could bring the materials to our office for staff review before the deadline to ensure the application is complete. Upon submittal, this application must be accompanied with a signed Zoning Referral. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. An additional fee to record Zoning Board resolutions will be charged and it is determined contingent upon fees charged at the time of recordation. Go to the Miami -Dade County Recorder's Office at 22 NW First Street, First Floor, and ask for a certified copy. Please have the original recorded document mailed to the address above and bring the certified copy to our office. Copies of City Commission resolutions can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. Applications given to customers do not constitute action from the City of Miami without plans review and written comments from Zoning. Rev. 01-06-06 A Variance is a relaxation of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance where such action will not be contrary to the public interest and where owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of actions of the applicant, a literal enforcement would result in unnecessary and undue hardship on the property. As used in the Zoning Ordinance, a Variance is authorized only for height, area, size of structure, dimensions of yards, other open spaces, off-street parking and/or loading requirements (see Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinance). Santiago Echemendia and/or Bob de la Fuente on behalf of Aiphatur, N.V. hereby apply to the Miami Zoning Board for approval of a Variance for the property located at 888 Brickell Avenue , folio number 01-0209-090- 1570 The property/location listed does not have any open code enforcement/lien violations. None: See included search. 2. One (1) original survey prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor within six (6) months from the date of application. Included. 3. One (1) original 24x36" plan, signed and sealed by a State of Florida registered architect or engineer showing property boundaries and proposed structure(s), parking, landscaping, etc.; building elevations and dimensions and computations of lot area and building spacing. included. 4. Plan needs to be stamped by Hearing Boards first and then si ned by a) Public Works on the 8!h Floor, b) Zoning on the 4!h Floor and c) Planning on the 3` Floor, prior to submittal. Note: Plans are to be submitted to Zoning for review by appointment only starting from the 8th through the 30'" of each month. Zoning will not be accepting plans on the first seven days of the month. 5. After obtaining signatures from the above departments, two (2) l l x 17" and one (1) 8 F2 x 11" copies of the original plan, including the survey. Included. 6. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). Included. 7. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year that shows the present owner(s) and legal description of the property. Included. 8. A clear and legible copy of the subject property address and legal description on a separate sheet of paper, labeled as "Exhibit A". Included. 9, Affidavit and disclosure of ownership of the subject property (see pages 5 and 6). Included. 10. Certified list of owners of real estate within 500 feet of the subject property (see pages 7 and 8). Included. 11. What is the acreage of the project/property site? Approximately 0.5 Acres Rev. 01-06-06 2 12. What is the purpose of this application/ atu# e of proposed use? Variance related to garage of mixed -use to 13. Is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? Please contact the Planning Department on the 3'd Floor for information. Archaeological Zone. HEP Board approval for attached plan obtained on February 4, 2008. 14, Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? Please contact the Planning Department on the Vi Floor for information. Nog 15. For corporations and partnerships, the following documents are to be submitted: a) Articles of Incorporation, Included. b) Certificate from Tallahassee less than one (1) year old showing good standing Included. c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so. Included, d) For non-profit organizations only: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old N/A 16. In support of the application, please supply the following evidence, on the point enumerated in Sec 1903 of the Miami Zoning Ordinance. Note: This application will not be accepted for Zoning Board action unless all items are complete. Please list evidence to be produced and use additional sheets, if necessary. Attached to Letter of Intent. (a) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district in that: (b) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from actions of the petitioner in that: (c) Literal interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Zoning Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardships on the petitioner in that: (d) Granting the Variance requested will not confer on the petitioner that special privilege that is denied by the Zoning Ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district in that: (e) The Variance, if granted, is the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure in that: (f) The grant of the Variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare in that: 17. Ali documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8 1/2 x11 ") or other materials to be submitted at the hearing shall be submitted with this application and will be kept as part of the record. Rev. 01-06-06 888 13R1 ' ELL 888 Brickell Avenue Section 1903 Mia i Zoning Ordinance Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district in that: The unusually small lot size, the corner location and the liner use requirement, among other things, would not allow the construction of a parking garage to accommodate the required parking for any project without the requested variances. Moreover, this lot size is smaller than other lots in the SD-5 district, The special conditions and circumstances do not result from actions of the petitioner in that: The petitioner did not plat the property, nor did the petitioner subdivide a larger piece of property resulting in the current lot. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Zoning Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardhips on the petitioner in that: Without the requested variances the petitioner would be unable to redevelop the property. The variances are required in order to construct a functional parking garage, which is necessary to accommodate the required parking. Other properties in the SD-5 district are substantially larger than the subject property (approximately 22,568 sf), and do not require variances in order to develop their sites (i.e. 848 Brickell, 54,105 sf; 1060 Brickell, 35,200 sf; 945 Brickell: 91,299 sf; 999 Brickell: 70,954 sf). The Variance, if granted, is the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure in that: The requests reflect the minimum relaxation of the setback requirements and number of loading docks that will allow the construction of a functional parking garage. The grant of the Variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare in that: The zoning of the property is SD-5, which encourages multifamily residential occupancy in combination with office and retail uses. The proposed project satisfies this, among the other objectives of SD-5, which cannot be accomplished without providing the required parking. Meeting the parking requirements directly results in the need for the requested variances. 18. Cost of processing according to Section 62-156 of the Miami City Code: CS, PR, R_.1, R-2, (single-family and duplex residential uses) $ 250,00 Piers, docks, wharves and the like, for each Variance frorn the ordinance, per lineal foot $ 45.00 Minimum $ 700.00 All applications for Variances relating to the same structure shall be assessed a single fee to be calculated per square foot of gross floor area of the proposed structure or addition, based upon the definition of gross floor area found in Section 2502 of Zoning Ordinance. as amended $ .10 Minimurn $ 650.00 Application for Variance as a result of a change in approved plans or as a result of a violation notice shall be charged an additional fee, per Variance: CS, PR, R-1, R-2 $ 250.00 Ail other residential districts $ 450.00 All nonresidential districts $ 550.00 Extension of time for Variance $ 500.00 Public hearing and public meeting mail notice fees, including cost of handling and mailing per notice $ 3.50 Surcharge equal to applicable fee from items above, not to exceed eight hundred dollars (800.00), except from agencies of the City; such surcharge to be refunded to the applicant if there is no appeal by the applicant or from a property owner within five hundred (500) feed the ject property. Signature Address 1441 Brickell Avenue, 15th Floor Name Santiago Echemen is . r Bob de la Fuente Miami, Florida 33131-3407 Telephone 305.536.8460 E-mail Address bdf(atewlaw.com Date April 7, 2006 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE he foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by Bob de la Fuente who is an authorized agent of Alphatur NV., a(n) individualipartnershipicOrporatioh. He is perso ai y.ka or who has produced as identification and who did (did not)ake an o (Stamp) odoy son #005 i 7622 FEB,13, 2010 AIR r<Nor y:gum Sit ture 11 Rev. 01-06-06 4 CORP) ! > TE SO TION WHEREAS, ALP}-{ATUR„ N. V., a Netherlands Antilles Company, desires to file certain applications in the City of Miami including, but not limited to, a Major Use Special Permit (" ? :USP") (collectively, "Applications"); and WHEREAS, ALPHATUR N, V, desires to authorize certain individuals to sign any documents on behalf of ALP!-IATUR NV, regarding said Applications; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors and/or Stockholders andIor General Partners at a duly noticed and held meeting has considered the matter in accordance with the by- laws of the corporation; and WHEREAS, it was upon motion duly made and seconded that Santiago D, Echemendia, Bob de la Fuente, and/or the law firm of Tew Cardenas LLP be authorized to sign any documents on behalf of ALPHATUR. N. V., regarding said Applications, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ALPHATUR, N. V, that Santiago D. Echemendia, Bob de la Fuente, and/or the law firm of Tew Cardenas LLP are hereby authorized to sign any documents on behalf of ALPHATUR, N. V., in furtherance of said Applications. Dated this 31 st day of .January, 2008. ALPHATU R N. V, a Netherlands Antilles Company By: (CORPORATE SEAL) Title: Attorney -in -Fact AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned, this day personally appeared Bob de is Fuente who being duly sworn by me first deposes and says: That he/she is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the foregoing pages of this affidavit and made a part thereof, 2. That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, LJ including or 0 not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing pages are made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Bob de la Fuente Applicant Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE pp leant Signa The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 7th day of 20 b‘ , by Bob de la Fuente who is a(n) individual/partnerfa cnt/corporation of Alphatur, N.V. a(n) individual/partnership/to-rporat on. He is personall produced as identification and who did (did not) tom', - ha (Stamp) Rev. 01-06-06 s6a OOy ommissiw #30517622 gyres; FEB. 13, 2010 5 Signature or who has -1 5-u,d S 1 A`:= RU N S RE A +305 DISCLOS RE OF OWNERSHIP T 127 P 1n$ F-52e List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations; beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if applicable, Owner's Name(es) Subject Property Address(es) 1-1 OA Telephone Number E-rnail Address 371 3 ,L 2. Street address and legal description of any property owned by any and ail parties listed in answer to question #1 located within 500 feet of the subject property, Please supply additional lists, if applicable, Street Address Owner(s) or Attorney Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoin 20 O , by who is a(n) . lagen of -1"-' '. (corporation. Helms- is personally known and who (did ot) take Legal Description Owners) or Atturn tgnature k was acknowledged before me this L-- h day o (Stamp) Rev, 09-04-07 Signatr to me eF-1/2stki an oath. TGM _ 1 7-.OPr7P isal i h [?, cz2a, , TM! Pn - DISC. OSURE- O N R S Nelson . Mezerhane 100% shareholder Alphatur, N V. 888 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 L ni5 ti (Y.Iid r-3-,. Ffi`Oc.I.: 10P:' '.:'1 1...?RJ(1‘.ai.. fiVili iV,W AMENPIP, Ai:I; /,..1,./ MAR I ,:51-elf.,7.-kfr !`..(,. :.; A EV .-`i 14,V,I A -"ic/i,i A.,,,,kN)07 MAP iN. 17/NIXELL -5 AdDrikifV ;tit I. ?6:. V.Ar Or Piiital c ;r•,-(:.o-:- 4i i oc f 0 .17.07.? plc 1 fivYr......,11 i.,15' f • £::!.:?..?1&:1 ,% if. t .1..=:?'...;,1, R (.°1 1.',.;06'. U 3 ,.q th.:'; Pubii:c -•,.'e,...-;,..:.-N-0'.5 1; f 4...1,-,,,,,;,....."7,7,:j.-: .,:. :0.E.,,,T, ,.." ...,. i t,-....vi4117. e I certify from the records of this office that ALPHATUR N.V. CORPORATION is an out of the country corporation, authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, qualified on. November .14. 1984. The document number of this corporation is P04059. I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office through .December 31, 2007, that its most recent annual report was filed on March 27, 2007, and its status is active. I further certify that said corporation has not filed a Certificate of Withdrawal. Given under any hand and the Great Seal of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Fifth day of February, 2008 Secretary of State Authentication ID: 600116997296-020508-P04059 To authenticate this certititate,visit the following site, enter this • ID, and then follow the instructions displayed. www.sunbiz.orglauth.html 2967 G g.b6'.3'ii rraax' CONTINENTAL BANK INTERNATIONAL, a United States corporation ten$ lawfully amaherrized so treensoei bnsirna in ehr Stour ad Florida, party of ohs •Pat Porte and sr:c5 f7rrCfCEtiA Pt ATUR, N.V. a Ne &land Antilles corporations, F'/®t e twpt+rnrion +riatanlq under the faun ant rho SCR,. of its ripel place of hiesine m the enneely fret sand Sitar of tau fully neothoris.d in arannsset heneinesm the Steer of Florida. party of Oar aernnd par, W l7.'1'ESSt,"i'ff: Thu, the said party of die fine pre. for and in ronssderaaion of Mr am lea it in hand paid by she said peeve of the second pee:, the receipt uhee f is hereby arlsnoea$edged, hp grenteti, hargaineet acre] sestet a.s she• ea id peuay nj ehr'worst-a{ gaol, de surrrasnrs and assures feaertx•e. she follow-inlr deserib.d lord wooer. fring and being in thr Canary of Dade - Lots 12 and 13, Block 191 South, Amended Map of BrickeiNs Addition to Miami, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book "B", Page 113, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to those title exceptions es set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. THIS WARRANTY DEED SUPPLEMENTS AND IS IN SUBSTITUTION FOR THE SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES DATED AUGUST 27, 1984, AND RECORDED UNDER CLERK'S FILE NO. 84R-267168 n E_.Asv u. ;... 4.. 1Laaaer came 0 - 5.ih'aA °c .r9aA And rho said party trf Ake farat part dodo hereby fully onseratio she hale ae, said land. send %siU adrfduf she aserr m,paiae.ma rho lawful claims of all pe AMU reh01111 teM.°r. )ut *Wilt ars esanvr• lYr ;rs p Blair of 1.tid*; ILLlUOIS 0.4•,yl !F -s•' prrrv^roa .0 !r+' .anrai Lt. nrrarsua• arwf t€. to., ag>arxf, age rm st¢+f i+r ad..rrrraeBra3 :h.• tliw east TAI, BANK t;'irER AJiONAL, J}pf eatrxiv of COOK rrrbg oerrtifq, what on thss 28th l.•lt. IV 84 . mr p•rwxnafh a pp v.rf 1'H 1 1 P wax CONTINENTAL HANK INTERNATIONAL. l`r°ttsfrseg. ddSR of Auguste IIECHIARA Vice°rrudr-rtw orikorinterirormoirxi, rsj . rr.rpora. sra e.awfrr rh.• laws a.I the .brat.• ref the United States of America e 9. en.• l.na.: n wrr 1es• thr perwu..[whnej �nevi eh.. for.•, �rsusrf as.trarn.•nl as wrh •ff.cerafowl e.�.r fowl arf.nu{erdprf .thr r>r s!O.tu+n the r..j t., h.• VOW frrr• art and rf.rrf w such opt..t•rOpfor rhr us.. cold parp.rs.v thrruan rnrnt...n.'d an,! Olaf a9.:.rl •lever,, the .(Jr r sad s,.d ail arui rnrp.rat son. and that thr Pawl MO rt:1714,1V t. th=• a.t and .1n.1..j earef rr.rpoe.new,. *rioting me hand and og.rral ',al a: Chicago cra She•Cwel ey of C',OOit :hi, d m and r.w last of arrtaed. This 1 t Orr rt•".7rcd bj'i r. a a A.h1 aRL " aW H. PA i ... i 1.. .��. F,7.7.31 33131 3; i-141 anrt Nratr of Illinois_ NOTARY, Nt L r'ge.`ij UBLUC, Siete of i p11 ` Sk3f,o,;4; 24. 191K, Ei L a. fi y 1*w � C r Exhibit to Karranty Deed dated August 22, 1954 between Continental Bank international anC Title excepttons ia1 2oning restrictions, pronibitions and other requirements Imposed by governmental authority: Oa? Taxes for the year 1954 a;,:d f,utseuent years; 1c1 Mortgage from Flttrida at Coast Properties, Inc., a Florida Corporation to Faker Mortgage Comany, dated May 19, 1972, filed May 23, 1972 in O.R, Rook 7723, Paye 401. Assigned an undivided E9.30% to Monumental Lkfc Insurance Company and an undivided 30.693% to Volunteer State Life Insurance Company by Assignment of.Mortgage dated May 10, 1974 filed May 16, 1974 in O.R. Book 8676,'Page 1375_ Modified by %rrtoaoe Modification Agrvement1s2 filed December 2, 1975 In 0.13-. Book 5187,-Page 996; March 18, 1975 in 0,9. Bonk 6926, Page 1505 and. December 10, .1973 in O.R. Book 9174, Page 994: (d) Assignment of Leases and Pents frmm Florida East Coast Properties, Inc., to ;or Mortoaue 17m.i.:any filed May 23, 1972 in O.R. Book 7723, Page 413. Arsigned an undivided .69.301 to Monumehtal Life ;a;co Co:tpany and an undivided ',30.6531 to Volunteer State Life Itsrance Company by Assignment filed May 15, 1974 in O.R. Book 6678, Pane 1377; le) Conditional Assigr.ment of Leases and Revenue and Profits from Florida East Coast Properties, inc.,,to Mcr.nnentalLife Insurance Con.pany and Voltinteer State Life Inarahce Co: filed December 10, 1574 in O.R. Book 9174, Page 599; and Sf2 Easement in favor of Florida Power Light Company dated May 15, 1973, filed August 6, 1974 in O.R. Book 5746, Page 1338. • - RiG.490.0 pi4.1 Pla:61.1 Mg164 “Ot ALpSem. NI.C601, otelFiN RIMAX9P-BROrKER, CIRCUill LOURS c+L1B 3fitU LU'?, 4ladr shot 28th day erg August A, it. ie 84 11F'i'lt'a<:F,'N CONTINENTAL BANK INTERNATIONAL, a United States corporaatlon hastiness in for Coons". pf Cook ok end &ate of Illinois and lane) aelly author':.r1 to iransare ?swipes! u she Starr of FLnrsda. party of the Pat pan, and s geicrce 11A4 PI ATURe :Ca N.V. a Netherland Antilles corporation, /r1 a rorprwatioo existing rwdrr for taws ref tlmr Star of . Asysaag i6a 8ru /ally aatsferxixrd to araetrars I.usia,na an the Starr of Florida, pasty of the tvrand part, R'IT.NE.C.SW.Ttl: That the so./ parry of the first par,, for and in eons:diration of the WPM es to it in !rand pair! Ar the said part*, of die second part, the rrrrips td'heroirf it hereby ark*owledhed, has granter, bargained and s+.id tie shr said parry o4 the srwond part, its swrraarmrs turd amigos f.Trrcrr. ghr following dr•w-ribrel taro! situate, Mng and bring in rhr Counts of Dade Lots 12 and 13, Block 101 South, Amended Map of I rlckelPs Addition to Miami, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Rook "B^, Page 113, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to those title exceptions as set forth In Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. THIS WARRANTY DEED SUPPLEMENTS AND IS IN SUBSTITUTION FOR THE SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES DATED AUGUST 27, 1984, AND RECORDED UNDER CLERK'S FILE NO. 84R-267168 1 r w a ro., „ n, 60, , Cam.te COVrte And shr raid patsy of rhr firs pars doco hereby folly ..reran* rhr tirlr tea II land, and will defend Our ..roar again,* shr• lawful claim .4 al persons whomsoever. �ln iliktnrail 111 '4tttr ofCC ILI.INOIS r hae :04sr12 3hr .' far rcaz 8m b.' sc,�e.rv3 .reed. K-a! to to. Aga ssd, alr:•are4 h 38a ,S+rr Inca, Qh.= daa anal ?"OPi-i'I4ENTAt, RANK INTERNATIONAL !1 y mtniir of COOK Ii►rrbg Lrrtifg, rh as rya ci,aa ?Atli t!a< ..j August, A, ti, tV 84 . I.•for. mr i-<rwusartle apt..+are•d ore x CONTINENTAL, HANK INTERNATIONAI. lr=a-a=ale-eat. PHf1 LIP J. D£CHIARA dace !°rra.de•r,t.;`_ r esf a n+tpc•rapum utasrr thr Lama of rhr- drat, nj the United Steles of America t., ,n h.- rh.= p.<ra..np(,.'hn n.r! rhr• pang draarrlenn•rzr as aurh neur.-rx mu! a.hr•rr,lla 31,4na.ni,rlF.r! rh.• ,•t,r-rrturn The..r,j to he free sir! and t! (foras such o®rr.•ryajnr the' us.•a veal purp.. ;hera=rn mr-nr,an.r1 and liner aI al,urd lh.rrio 1114. rat r,j 'awl corporation. an+d a has ahr• caref en+a>serar-nr is oh,- a. r near/ dr,rf of said r..rpornhs.n. �ttt1!!ID mr hand ant! nffrrra! ,e-al as C'hiet3&Q $A TheCrfraarty Oaf Cook sh.• !ay anal yaw law ajorrwed. ThiS i.q n54vr7rrr. f?'=`^fit^� CC^^ Pf V iltw`, P 4'1 t1,iV lilt RA, f�7 anf! 4,1 iiSinnia �S r" NOTATIY,fUSLIC, State of timela-'—. Est Large., kWmmi<sson Ex; ire> Ser°an^.4 24, 17:t- 'x! 4.3 t ept O tzo 930:139(1 Fixhibit A to Warranty Deed d..tted August 21, 1984 falitween Continental nank iren.cn1 ond Alphatur, N,12, Title exce'etions i4) Zoning restrictions, prohibitions and other reguirements imposed by governmental authority; (b) Taxes for the year 1984 an'dunt 3e6r5; (m) Mortojoge from Florida Fast Coast Properties, Inc., a Florida 'Corporation to Baker Mortgage Company, dated May 19, 1972, filed May 23, 1972 in O.R. Book 7723, Page 401. Assigned an undivided 69.30% to Monamentol Life Insurance Ccmoany and an undivided 30.693% to Volunteer State Life Insurance Company by Assignment of.Morteage dated May 10, 1974 filed May 16, 1974 in O.R. Book 8678,'Pade 1175, 91odi:nd by Mortgage Modif.iedtion ?grtrrent s 1 td necember 2, 1975 in O.R. Book 9167,-Page 996; March 18, 1975 in 0.P, Book 5936, Page 1505 and December 10, 197.3 in O.R. Book 9174, Poe 994 (d1 Assignment of Leases and ?ens frno Florida East Coast Properties, Inc., to E.,er Xorte ii.mi:any filed May 23, 1972 in 0.P. Book 7723, Page 413. ;red an undividcd .69.301 to Monumental Life Innurance Ce7pany and an undivided ',30.593% to Volunteer Btatc Life Insurance Company by Assignment filed May 15, 1974 in 0,8. Bock 6675, Pane 1377; (c) Conditional Assiurnient of Leases and Fevenue and FTofitS from Florida Fast Coast Properties, Inc.,.te M.,...numentalLtfe Insurance Company and Vc.lugleer Btaie Life Insi:rahce Company. filed December 10, 19/4 in G.R. Book 9174, rage 999; and (fl Easement in favor of Florida Pv.wer 6 Light Company dated May 15, 1973, filed August 6, 1974 in O.R. Book 6746, Page 1338. mp-tialha +CIAL IC -COW Sift AN ip • .7 14.44.94. 14G.0.1. RICHARD P. REV 7`: KElt CURN CIRCUIT L.GLigq CITY CIF MIA_MJ URE OF CONSIDERATIQ PROVIDED O . COMMITTE i) FOR AGR SUPPORT OR WIThfHOLt) OBJECTION The C i `tf' y3€ami requires any person or cin requesting tipproval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or ura.3tt of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future, individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2-653, and appearing before the City Conisnission or any of its hoards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form, NAME: Bob HOME ADDRESS: (First Name) de la Fuente Middle) (Last Name) 1441 Brickell Avenue, 15th Floor (Address Line 1) Miami, HOME PHONE: EMAIL: (305)536-8460 BDF@tewlaw.com (Address Line 2) CELL Pt-tOi STATE: Florida ZIP; 3313 1 FAN: (305) 535-1116 BUSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME 131_'SIN ESS ADDRESS: Altahatur, N V 888 Brickell Avenue, Penthouse (Address Line 1) Miami , Florida 33131 (Address Line 2) I. Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. Zoning Board approval for variances 2. Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? El YES NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. JUi. o,:55543 3. Please provide the name, address anti phone number of the person(s) or entities to ssiwvm contidera for committed, Narne Additlodl:a; r cries Can be ]Ji lied on a separate x age'- attached Ee this :brill. 4, Please describe the nature oldie consideration. PhO has been provided 5. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 1 hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: 1. the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUB ib'il T ING DISCLOSUJR.E: Sworn 0 (ma' subscribed before tyre this instrument was acknowledged f c fore me by as idertifcation t i d .or is personally kiu u- { STATE OF FLORIDA CITY- OF MI AM1 MY COMMISSION EXPiRES: 11.0, Pr ik C larrie clay of.. Y unet Goduy issi n #00517622 t'W 4ARCNNCTARY.cwr Tint Name The taregovtg in has pa-oaucec7 n did Gild spat take im oath. 200 Doc. No.:56543 Page 2