HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII.3. Site Utility StudyAPRIL 2007 PREPARED FOR: BISCA YNE HOUSING GROUP, INC. 150 SE Second Ave, Suite 1202, Miami, Fi, 33131 CAL THE CARLISLE GROUP 2950 SW 27th AVENUE, SUITE 200, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 PREPARED BY: SUN -TECH ENGINEERING, INC, 1600 WEST OAKLAND PARK BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33311 954-777-3123 954-777-3114(fax) 11 2007 IN';l R()D Cfl The project site is l Ica e'd at 4t Street, has a net area ,f 6 frordaiolc eiderly & family resid natal Ct.7',"ismunii y is `=prr posed ! nsisti2 ' of three separate phases. Phase 1 Elf a 9 story elderly aparimeal huildin`e; having 112 units and an attached parking garage, Phase 11 consists of an 8 story-98i unit elderly apartment buridingwith an attached parking garage and Phase 111 consists of an 1 i story-98 unit funnily apartment building with an attached parking garage, Driveway connections are proposed onto NW 71' Street and NW i1"errace, Il. D.RAINAGE SYSTEM General Runoff Characteristics The proposed site does not include a lake or an offsite drainage connection so all stormwater runoff shall be collected and stored within on -site exfiltration trench. The drainage system must be designed to accommodate the traditional runoff (generated from the horizontal surfaces, and in addition Miami -Dade BERM requires that for high rise buildings, the proposed drainage system also take into account runoff from one-third of the largest vertical building face. Preliminary drainage calculations are shown in Exhibit A. Site Coverage Data Horizontal Areas I RENct PERCENT Building 0.94 14% Paved (On grade Parkiwz & Roads) 2.48 36% Sidewalk 0.86 13% Garage 1.03 15° Green (Landscaping) l .50 32% TOTAL 2.44 I00% Vet -heal Areas 11 3 he buitaina'ace. Phase I Tower (113 x 205' x 95') 0.15 Phase 1I Tower ( I /3 x 205' x 95') 0.15 Phase 111 Tower (113 x 205' x 95') 0..15 TOTAL 0.45 TOTAL FVMPERVFOUS AREA (including vertical areas) 5..65 79% PERVIOUS AREA 1.50 21% 'i OTAL RUNOFF AREAS 7.15 100% Page 2 of 5 Site tit Permit Sou Flat id Aanagennun District (S1 '` 1L. J. Per the above site co'er'atse data, h s project requires an Fnv"ironil en, Resource Standard General Permit, in accordance with the SFVM1.) Permit Information Manua!, Volume 1 V, Chapter 40E-4 ). Miami -Dade "'ou€sty Dept. of Erivirollineitta Resole •es 1.�nage e t (DERM) In accordance with Section D-4 of the Miami -Dade Public Works Manual, fire drainage system must be designed to store the required water quaky° treatment volume or the runoff generated from the 5 year -I hour storm event, which ever is greater, The minimum parking :grade unust be above the 5 year-1 hour storm elevation. These calculations are shown on Exhibit A. Note: DERM requests that the drainage systems for the parking levels below roof, not subject to direct rainfall, be kept separate from the site drainage. Minimum Grade Criteria Parking Lot/Road Grade- fan. of: 5 year-1 hour storm elevation foot below back of sidewalk grade Minimum Perimeter Grade- 25 rear-3 day storm elevation Finished Floor Elevation - Min. of: 100 year-72 hour storm elevation 8"" above crown of -City Rd. FEMA Base Hood Elevation(See Exhibit B) Project Discharge This project does not have an offsite drainage connection unless a drainage well is permitted. if drainage wells are permitted at this location, the drainage system can be designed to store the required water quality treatment volume and then discharge any additional runoff directly into the drainage well. Drainage Welk Drainage Wells are regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection and the main limiting criteria permitting their use is such that the well casing shall penetrate a zone containing a minimum of 10.000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). A test hole has been drilled and tested to a depth of 200 feet and the minimum TDS was not obtained° Due to the excessive costs to drill a well casing below 200 feet, the test v ell was abandoned without reasonable assurance of the minimum TDS. Page. 3 of 5 rc€" Site a t(lity Study April water mains in this area. The exist are as follows: NW Y` 54,,Avenue- NW 71" Street - NW ?2'}j Terrace- 1 WATE i) STR1 SY ST iami .�1gde Water and Sewer i) }3st Hen i wns a.nd public 'dater mains adjc cent to the pTject enty (20) inch 8) inch Six (6) inch Pursuant to a request for Service Agreement from MD-t\ ASD, the preliminary ``Points of Connection (P.O.C.)" were determined by MI3- WASI) dated January 29, 20(17 and state the following; Connect tCo an existing twenty (20) inch water ma in V. 5rh Avenue and < W, 71" Street and extend a sixteen (16) inch W.M. .a 51 easterlyin N. (i . I Street to the southeast corner of the property, interconnecting to an existing eight (8) Inch ve.ni. at that location. Any public water main extension within the property shall be twelve (1 2) inch minimum diameter. If two (2) or more flr'e hydrants are to he connected 10 a public W.M. within the property then the water system shall he looped with :two (2) P.O.C. Separate conneelion:'fire fire lines and fire hydrants are regzdred ". Phase I water and fire service is proposed directly from the proposed 16" water main within N.W. 7151 Street includin=, a 4" water service for the apartment building, a 6" tire service, and one fire hydrant. A twelve (12) water main extension is proposed on -site, from which one fire hydrant is proposed, maintaining a maximum distance of 300 feet between hydrants. Phase 11 & 111 shall extend and loop the twelve (12) water main to the existing twenty (20) inch water main within NW 5'" Avenue. Water services, fire services and fire hydrants shall be provided to Phases 11 & III by the looped on -site twelve (12) inch water main. The estimated average daily water consumption from this project is 6I,600 gallons per day (gpd). as calculated in Exhibit C. Page 4ofi YMCA. x sii£`es- "�_: L;, ve Site 1V. SANITARY SEWER ER S1/S li E' MD„ r SE.) owns and Operates an eight ( t inch 4grav iry sewer nnna3n to N.W. 7 E` Street and N. ' , = ,Terrace, rr want to the above referenced preliminary 13.0.0 ., MD-t\ \'i) determined thy;. following. the E. gravity .SLivers in Phases 1 & 11 which are adjacent to NAN . 7E' Street shall connect to the existing 8" gravity sewer main \vithin N.W. 7I" Street. Phase 111, located in the northeast corner of the site, shall connect to the existing 8„ gravity sewer main within N.W. 72i erraee. iThe estimated average daily seag�e flow from this protect is 61,600 c,pd, as calculated in Exhibit C. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT On -Site receptacles for refuse and recyciahies are proposed within each of the buildings. Regular pick-up service shall be provided by either the City of Miami Solid Waste Department and/or an approved private hauling company. Pate 5 of 5 SUN -TECH ENG1NEERiNG,NC. 600 VI OAKLAND PARK BLVD. FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311 DATF-: =VI inn7 REV: BY: KKS EXHIBIT A SURFACE WATER ANAGE ENT CALCULATIONS FOR Y CA VILLAGE CARVER - ULTI ATE BUILD -OUT HORIZONTAL SURFACE LAND USE BREAKDOWN LAND USE AREA PERCENT BUILDING 0.94 14% PAVED AREAS 2_48 ' 36% SIDEWALK 0,86 13 To GREEN 1.50 22% GARAGE 1,03 15% TOTAL L6.31 1 100% VERTICAL BUILDING FACES BUILDING WIDTH HEIGHT 1/3 x AREA (AC.) Phase I Tower Phase 11 Tower Phase 11 Tower 205 205 60 95 95 95 0.15 0.15 0.04 TOTAL ADJUSTED LAND USE BREAKDOWN* 0.34 GRADING PARAMETERS LAND USE AREA PERCENT FROM TO BUILDING 1 28 PAVED AREAS 2 48 SIDEWALK 0 86 GREEN 1.50 GARAGE 1.03 18% 35% 12% 21% 14% 11.5 9 10 a 17.00 100 11 11.45 11 100 TOTAL* 7.15 I 100% j_ TOTAL RUNOFF AREAS* LAND TYPE AREA PERCENT IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS 5.65 1.50 79% 21% TOTAL 7,15 100% *DERM requires additional runoff generated from the vertical building faces be incorporated into the surface water management system. Exfiltration Trench Total Exfiltratton Volume V(ac-in= L x [K x (H2W + 0.39 x 104)WDJ 89.2 = 7.44 ac-ft TrenchTrenchStageStorage Calcs. age 3 3.5 4 4..5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 Storage (ac- 0,00 0.93 1.86 2.79 3.72 4.65 5.58 6.51 7.44 Trench Characteristics L.= 1000 4 KA,„= 6.3111E-04 1-12''' 6-00 4.00 -9_00 STAGE -STORAGE CALCULATION Asbume LinearPro r n for aH Ar Stage Area (acres) Storage (ft-NGV PAVED AREAS SIDE A K GREEN To (ac-ft) 3,0 3.5 4 0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.51 11.0' 11.5 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.24 1.86 2.48 2,48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.60 0.86 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.37 2.24 3.41 4.57 4.84 0.00 0.93 1.86 2.79 3.72 4,65 5.58 6.51 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.50 7.69 8.15 9.06 10.47 12.46 14.81 Project Location Hydraulic Details Design Water Level= 3.00 Allowable Discharge" = N/A csm Total Area x NIA / 648 = N/A cfs D/SCH RGE/POSIT/VE OUTFALL NOT AVA/LA.6LE Design Storm Rainfall Amounts (in.) Storm Frequency 5 year 10 year 25 year 100 year 24 hr DERM 72 hr 14.6 Soil Storage Calculation A. Total Pervious Area = 1.50 acres B. Depth to Water Table = 6.5 feet C. From SFWMD Permit Inferation Manual. Vol. IV, Figure E-1, For 'Developed/Comp-acted Norma T crc.at Sandy(Coastai , the Cumulative Available Soil Storage is: Sp = 8 18 inches D. Site Soil Storage = Sp x (Pervious Area/Total Area) 1.72 inches Water Quantity Calculations A. Calculate the Runoff in Inches. Q= (Rainfall - 0.2 x Soil Storage)2 / (Rainfall + 0.8 x Soil Storage) Q5yr-1 day_ 0iCyr-idy= Q25yr-3dy= Q 3 00yr-3day= 5.39 Inches 6.93 inches 12.72 inches 17.88 inches B. Calculate the Runoff Volume V= Q x Project Area (1 ft ; 12 in) V5yr-`day= V oyr-1 day= V25yr-3dy= V 100yr-3day= C. Using the stage -storage chart and the runoff volumes calculated above, the corresponding stages can be interpolated. 3.21 ac-ft Stage5yr-iday= 4.73 ft 4.13 ac-ft Stageloyr-lday` 5.22 ft 7.58 ac-ft Stage25yr-3dy= 8.73 ft 10.66 ac-ft Stage1ooyr-3day= 10.55 ft ater Qua Calc .ations (Note: ianore Vertic Bui din Faces in —de e k' A. Compute the first inch of runoff from the entire site. 1 inch x Total Area x(1ft 112 in) 0.57 ac-ft B. Compute 2.5 inches times the percentage of imperviousness. a. Site Area (SA), for water quality pervious/impervious caculations only SA= Total Area - (roof + lake) 5.87 Acres Impervious Area (iA), for water quality erviousitmpervious calculations only LA= Site Area(SA) - Pervious Area 4.37 Acres Percentage of imperviousness for water quality %imp= (A SA) x 100% 74.44 % d. For 2.5 inches times percentage of imperviousness 2.5 inches x %imp 1.86 inches e. Compute volume required for quality detention = inches to be treated x (total - lake) x (1 ft / 12 in) 1.06 ac-ft (CONTROLS) C. Since 2.5 inches times the percentage of impervious is greater than the firstinch of runoff over the entire site, the volume to be treated is: Volume to be treated = 1.06 ac-ft Interpolating from the Stage -Storage Table. the Volume to be treated is met at a stage of: Stage (Water Quality) = 3.57 ft EXHIBIT B Nw 7ti-S7 NW 7 .Ifqt r a - NW S'2140 NW 32.,f,4CI RISS Ei X rOjedt tOtAtid Nw, 75 K 51 24TIn 7314r7 SW 17.35C3 51 ',ITY OF MIAMI 2inn ft-g"51 rt- NW 5bTIi^-11 Nw SI NW toSI •GC) -Nit S: 55111 S55 i-twa ..----- 58-ton e7Tiii Nw 51 1l NW 5bItf, Ti snw55111 ST NW 70T4-1 55 VQ 51 NW 1167-11 SI lW )4'N S 1 111117) SI NW 5351) ST NW 011.1 ST N 5,4TH TE fifW 591ti 51 1115 567I4 S S711-1 TT -re51115 s NW 551t1 S MOO APPROX1)1-AT6. SC 0 1000 9 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ARV FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP • DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 180 OF E?±) MAP NUMBER 12075C:0180 MAP REVISED: MARCH 2, 1991. • A w^ y This is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced flood map It was extracted Using F-MITOn-Uns This map does not iefteet changes or amendments weich may have been made siiesequer•rt to the date on tho title bIock. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the EEMA Road Map Store at www rasp fema gov • SUN -TECH _ _ DATE: 412f,, -7 €�3i�.aSbS�E��t� n <i�C. 1600 `2U. OAKLA D PARK BLVD REV.: FORT LAL DE R ALE. FL 33311 BY 8'a`C` EXH T C EST ATE OF ATER & ASTE ATER FLO S FOR AVERAGE DAILY FLOW TYPE OF USE Residential Apartments ESTIMATED PEAK FLOW Y CA VILLAGE CARVER FLOW(gpd) TOTAL NO. OF UNITS PER UNIT FLOW(grad) 308 200 61.600 AVERAGE DAILY FLOW = 61,600 gpd = 0,062 mgd POPULATION (P) = NO. UNITS x 2 PEOPLE/UNIT x 1/1000 = C.462 (THOUSANDS) PEAKING FACTOR= (18 + P112) / (4 + P112) 4,0 PEAK FLOW = ADF X PEAKING FACTOR = 245,885 gpd = 0.246 mgd Notes: 1. gpd = gallons per day 2. mgd = miiion gallons per day 3, No industrial wastewater is anticipated to be generated. 51€-11 AVE NIW. ATH COURT 7[ STREET !N.V.,. 4TH AVE . . . NC: . ,YE;' AVE: