HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 4Coconut Grow Waterfront Master Plan Preferred Direction Cost Estimate —DRAFT July 11, 2005 PHASE LOCATION Unit Quantity Unit Cost Construction Cost SUBTOTAL 1 A Expo Center Demolition Building -Expo Center B Parking Garage with Retail Structure 3 levels of Parking (500 spaces) Top Level Shade Structure Ground level retail wrapper Landscape Garden C Pan American Drive Streetscape Hardscape Sidewalks Travel lane pervious Pavement Landscape Garden Furnishings Lighting D South Bayshore Streetscape (East of Aviation) Hardscape Sidewalks Street Improvements Curbing Landscape Street Trees Furnishings Lighting LS SF LS SF SF SF SF SF SF 20% ALLOWANCE SF SF LF SF 20% ALLOWANCE 187000 $50.00 27500 $200.00 11800 $25.00 14500 $18.50 29000 $45.00 4600 $20.00 14940 $25.00 3650 $18.50 2750 $35.00 350 $25.00 30 $825.00 $750,000.00 $9,350,000.00 $600,000.00 $5,500,000.00 $295,000.00 5218,250.00 $1,305,000.00 $92,000.00 5373.500.00 $407,760.00 $67,525.00 $96,250.00 $8,750.00 $24,750.00 $39,455.00 $750,000.00 $15,745,000.00 $2,416,500.00 $236,730.00 DETERMINED BY MARKET: 2012 E Structure Fumishings F Structure Landscape Furnishings Grove Key Restaurant Building Facility Site Improvements Bulkhead Improvements Lighting Grove Key Pier Commercial Pier with Charter Slips Charter Kiosk Shade Structure Baywalk Paving Railings/Security Lighting SUBTOTAL PHASE 1 InfrastructunSewe►. Drainage, Utilities TOTAL PHASE 1 Contingencit Design Escalation General Conditions ADJUSTED TOTAL PHASE 1 SF SF LF 20% ALLOWANCE SF LS SF SF LF 20% ALLOWANCE 25% ALLOWANCE 10600 $250.00 $2,650,000.00 20000 $50.00 51,000,000.00 6500 $100.00 050,000.00 $860,000.00 9700 $235.00 $2,279,500.00 $25,000.00 2745 $80.00 $219,600.00 12000 $30.00 $300,000.00 1060 $125.00 $132,500.00 $603,320.00 SUBTOTAL $27,958,150.00 $6,989,537.50 TOTAL $34,947,687.50 15% $5,242,153.13 10% $3,494,768.75 5% $1,747,384.38 ADJ. TOTAL $45,431,993.76 $5,160,000.00 $3,619,920.00 sA/443a4.00 Coconut Grow Waterfront Master Plan Preferred Direction Cost Estimate -DRAFT July 11, 2003 PHASE 2 A Regatta Park Structure Mary Street Pier SF 3720 $125.00 $465,000.00 27th Avenue Pier SF 4670 $135.00 $630,450.00 Piers (overlook) SF 2400 $110.00 $264,000.00 Demolition Demolition- Site SF 190000 $3.00 $570,000.00 Renovation Boat Ramp SF 1700 $28.00 $47,600.00 Hardscape Mary Street Plaza SF 5350 $55.00 S294,250.00 27th Avenue Plaza SF 9500 $55.00 $522,500.00 Regatta Plaza SF 21800 $40.00 $872,000.00 Regatta Promenade SF 20850 $35.00 $729,750.00 Secondary Path SF 4820 $12.00 $57,840.00 Sidewalk SF 51760 $15.00 $776,400.00 Landscape Garden SF 114500 $25.00 $2,8112,500.00 Garden Low SF 280000 $15.00 $4,200,000.00 Lawn SF 140070 $8.00 51,120,560.00 27th Avenue Fountain LS $1,250,000.00 Railings/Security LF 850 $125.00 $105,250.00 Furnishings Lighting 20% ALLOWANCE $2,953,820.00 a Dinner Key Marina Parking (350 spaces) Demolition Building -Dockmaster Facility SF 4600 $3.00 $13,800.00 Demolition - Site SF 365700 - $3.00 $1,097,100.00 Hardscape Pervious Pavement SF 76130 $20.00 $1,522,600.00 Sidewalks SF 3140 $10.00 $31,400.00 Parking Travel Aisle SF 56958 $10.00 $589.580.00 Curb Stops EA 350 $400.00 $140,000.00 Landscape Garden SF 3840 $25.00 $96,000.00 Garden Low SF 5760 $15.00 $86,400.00 Lawn SF 0 $8.00 $0.00 Furnishings Lighting 10% ALLOWANCE $355,888.00 C Coconut Grove Sailing Center Structure Building Facility (2 floors) SF 6000 $250.00 $1,500,000.00 Davit - w/Rein forcement EA 2 $110,000.00 $220,000.00 Hardscape Plaza Space (1/2 share) SF 3300 $35.00 $115,500.00 Sidewalks SF 0 $18.50 $0.00 Storage/Lay Down Space SF 31000 $10.00 $310,000.00 Landscape Lawn (1/2 share) SF 2900 58.00 S23,200.00 Floating Docks SF 2350 $45.00 $105,750.00 Fencing LF 800 $35.00 $28,000.00 Furnishings Lighting 10% ALLOWANCE $230,245.00 D US Olympic Sailing Center Structure Building Facility (2 floors) SF 6000 $250.00 $1,500,000.00 Davit - w/Reinforcement EA 2 $110,000.00 $220,000.00 Hardscape Plaza Space (1/2 share) SF 3300 $35.00 $115,500.00 Sidewalks SF 0 $18.50 $0.00 Storage/Lay Down Space SF 48800 _ $10.00 $488,000.00 Landscape Lawn (1/2 share) SF 2900 $8.00 $23,200.00 Floating Docks SF 2270 $45.00 $102,150.00 Fencing LF 1400 $35.00 S49,000.00 Furnishings Lighting 10% ALLOWANCE 5249,785.00 E City Hall Site Improvements Demolition Site SF 4000 $10.00 $40,000.00 Hardscape Reconfigure Parking Lot SF 5620 $10.00 $56,200.00 Pan American Plaza SF 25300 $55.00 $1,391,500.00 Sidewalks SF 5800 $18.50 $107,300.00 Pervious Pavement (60 spaces) SF 12175 $20.00 $243,500.00 Landscape Garden SF 12634 $25.00 $315,850.00 Garden Low SF 31585 $15.00 $473,775.00 Lawn SF 18951 $8.00 $151,608.00 Furnishings Lighting 20% ALLOWANCE $555,946.50 F Dinner Key/City Hall Baywalk. Hardscape Baywaik replacement/Renovation SF 22360 $60.00 $1,341,600.00 Sidewalk SF 5000 $18.50 $92,500.00 Parking Travel Aisle SF 11245 $12.00 $134,940.00 Landscape Raiings/Security LF 1830 $125.00 $228,750.00 Dinghy Dods SF 3600 $45.00 $152,000.00 Swimming Pool Facility LS n/a n/a $1,500,000.00 Furnishings Lighting 10% ALLOWANCE $345,979.00 $17,722,920.00 $3,912,568.00 $2,532,595.00 $2,747,635.00 $3,335,679.60 $3,805,789.00 8M44394.00 2 Coconut Grow waterfront Master Plan Preferred Direction Cost Estimate-0RAFT July 11, 2008 G Dinner Key Dockmaster Structure Building Facility Hardscape Sidewalks Landscape Garden Garden Low Lawn Furnishings Lighting/Furnishings SF 15000 $250.00 $3,750,000.00 SF 19500 $18.50 $360,750.00 SF 2775 525.00 $69,375.00 SF 8325 515.00 $124,875.00 SF 0 58.00 50.00 10% ALLOWANCE $430,500.00 PHASE SUBTOTAL Infrastructun Sewer. Drainage, Utilities 25% ALLOWANCE TOTAL PHASE 2 Contingenck Design Escalation General Conditions ADJUSTED TOTAL PHASE 2 SUBTOTAL $38,792,766.60 S9,698,191.65 TOTAL S48,490,958.25 15% $7,273,643.74 10% $4,849,095.83 5% $2,424,547.91 ADJ. TOTAL $63,038,245.73 54,735,500.00 SA144394.00 3 Coconut Grove Waterfront Master Plan Preferred Direction Cost Estimate —DRAFT July 11, 2o0! PHASE 3 A McFarlane/South Bayshore Streatscape (West of Aviation) Structure McFarlane Pier/Boardwalk (wood) SF 2822 $95.00 $268,090.00 Demolition Building (CGCS) SF 6000 $3.00 $18,000.00 Site - McFarlane Plaza SF 20000 $3.00 $60,000.00 Renovation Softball Improvements LS $20,000.00 Hardscape McFarlane Plaza SF 18100 $55.00 $995,500.00 Sidewalks SF 7300 $18.50 $135,050.00 Street Improvements SF 5450 335.00 $190,750.00 Curbing LF 650 $25.00 516,250.00 Landscape Street Trees SF 30 $825.00 $24,750.00 Floating Docks SF 820 $45.00 $36,900.00 Furnishings Lighting 20% ALLOWANCE $353,058.00 B Meye?s Eco-garden Hardscape Sidewalks SF 1600 $18.50 $29,600.00 Landscape Secondary Path SF 880 $12.00 $10,560.00 Eco-landscape SF 96500 $15.00 $1,447,500.00 Railings/Security LF 1000 3125.00 $125,000.00 Furnishings Lighting 20% ALLOWANCE 5322,53200 PHASE SUBTOTAL Infrastructun Sewer, Drainage, Utilities TOTAL PHASE 3 Contingencir Design Escalation General Conditions ADJUSTED TOTAL PHASE 3 SUBTOTAL $4,053,540.00 25% ALLOWANCE $1,013,355.00 TOTAL $5,066,925.00 15% $760,038.78 10% $506,892.50 5% $253,346.25 ADJ. TOTAL $6,587,002.50 $2,118,348.00 $1,935,192.00 PHASE 4 A Peacock Park Demolition Site - Tennis Court/Skate Renovation Tennis Courts - Resurface Skate Park Hardscape Sidewalks Secondary Path Landscape Garden Garden Low Lawn Tot Lot Furnishings Lighting LS 550,000.00 EA 2 $35,000.00 $70,000.00 LS ;1,800,000.00 SF 10000 $25.00 3250,000.00 SF 6600 $12.00 579,200.00 SF 4000 $25.00 $100,000.00 SF 30000 $15.00 $450,000.00 SF 50000 $8.00 $400,000.00 LS $75,000.00 20% ALLOWANCE $654,840.00 B Kennedy Park Structure Baywalk/Boardwalk SF 19020 $95.00 $1,806,900.00 Hardscape Sidewalks SF 0 $18.50 $0.00 Secondary Paths SF 450 $12.00 $5,400.00 Landscape Lawn SF 5000 38.00 $40,000.00 Comfort Station Renovation LS $100,000.00 Relocate Dog Park LS $10,000.00 Railings/Security LF 3100 $125.00 $387,500.00 Furnishings Lighting 20% ALLOWANCE $469,960.00 PHASE SUBTOTAL InfrestructunSewer, Drainage, Utilities 25% ALLOWANCE SUBTOTAL $6,748,800.00 $1,687,200.00 TOTAL. PHASE 4 TOTAL $6,436,000.00 Contingencit Design 15% $1,265,400.00 Escalation 10% $843,600.00 General Conditions 5% 5421,800.00 ADJUSTED TOTAL PHASE 4 ADJ. TOTAL $10,966,800.00 $3,929,040.00 52,819,760.00 SArr44394.00 4 Coconut Grow Waterfront Master Plan Preferred Direction Cost Estimate —DRAFT July 11, 200e DETERMINED BY MARKET: No Lease Restrictions A CultuaUCivic Center Structure Building Facility Hardscape Plaza Space - Parking Plaza Space Pervious Pavement Sidewalk Landscape Garden Civic Center Fountains Furnishings Lighting PHASE SUBTOTAL Infrastructun Sewer. Drainaae. Utilities TOTAL CIVIC CENTER PHASE Contingench Design Escalation General Conditions ADJUSTED TOTAL CIVIC CENTER PHASE SF 47000 5275.00 512,925,000.00 SF 20400 $35.00 $714,000.00 SF 22800 $65.00 $1,482,000.00 SF 5480 $20.00 5109,800.00 SF 1690 $18.50 531,285.00 SF 31470 $35.00 $1,101,450.00 LS $500,000.00 20% ALLOWANCE $3,372,663.00 25% ALLOWANCE SUBTOTAL $20.235.978.00 55.058.994.50 TOTAL $25.294.972.50 15% $3,794,245.88 15% $3,794,245.88 10% $2,529,497.25 ADJ. TOTAL $35,412,981.50 $20,235,978.00 ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS Spoil Islands . Water Taxi Lookout Tower Floating Breakwater (2000') LS LS LF TOTAL SPOIL ISLANDSBISCAYNE BAY PHASE Contingench Design 15% —Escalation 10% General Conditions 5% ADJUSTED TOTAL SPOIL ISLANDS/BISCAYNE BAY PHASE $500,000.00 $400,000.00 2000 $1,000.00 .$2,000,000.00 TOTAL ADJ. TOTAL $2,900,000.00 $435,000.00 _5290,000.00 $145,000.00 $3,770,000.00 SUMMARY PHASE 1 545,431,993.75 PHASE 2 583,038,245.73 PHASE 3 56,587,002.50 PHASE 4 510,958,800.00 CIVIC CENTER PHASE 535,412,981.50 SPOIL ISLANDSBISCAYNE BAY PHASE $3,770,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $165,207,003.48, 5M44394.00 5