HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation-SUBgr:,..:_a 5u)236A.tie_t_iero 00/ s-e s SUBMjED INTO THE catty of Miami 3500 Pan American City Hall PUBECORD Miami, FL 33133 FOR Legislationwww.miamigov.com ITE-M-k-:—? ON 7-/°--Q2_ Resolution File Number: 08-00730 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, APPR7VING THE PROCUREMENT OF SERV'CEQ FROM THE CORDIAN ASSOCIATES, INC., ?' F/K/A THE GORDIAN GROUP, INC. FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE JOB ; Xl ORDER CONTRACTING (", .')C'; SYSTEM, UT LIZING EXISTING BROWA D = rn COUNTY LAD AND AGREEMEN SOLICITED 3URSUANT TO REQUEST FOJR t 0 LETTERS OF INTEREST ("RFLI") 20030617-0-FC-01, TO BF UTILIZED CIT V1DE ON AN AS -NEEDED BASIS, UNTIL SEPTEMB'=R 30, 2009, WITH THE OPr3[INS < TO RENEW TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ItiTANAGER FOR TWO (2) i rn ADDITIONAL ONE YEAR PERIODS, PROVIDED ALL OTHER TERMS AND:, 15 CONDI T iDNS REMAIN THE SAME; IN A CON RACT AMOUNT NOT TO ETCCED , $400,000 PER YEAR; ALLOCATING PROJEC FUNDS FROM VARIOUS CAPITAL PROJECT ACCOUNTS. WHEREAS, the Administration had previously ident 'ed a need to implement a Job Order :::;ntracting ("JOC") system to achieve the timely and cost effective r ocurement of maintenance and construction services for capital projects and the City of Miami (the "( ity") previously in 2004 had entered into a piggyback agreement from the City of Miami Beach for the JOC system with The jurdia:i Group, Inc. which piggyback agreement expired April 11, 2038; and WHEREAS. on Decer aer 6th 2005, Broward County executed an agreement (the "Agreement")with The Gordian Associates, Inc. formerly known as The Gordian Group, Inc. (" flordian") for the establishment of a JOC system pursuant to Request for Letters of Interest ("RFLI") No. 20030617-0-rC-01 fora .::arm until September 30, 2009; and WHEREAS, Brnward County may renew the Agreement with Gor Tian for the continuation of the JOC system at the sole option of the County's Director of Purchasing, for two (2) additional one (1) year terms, provided all other terms anc ,onditions remain the same; and WHEREAS, pursuan to Section 18-111 oi the Code of the City of Miami, as amended (the "Code"), the City is seeking to piggyback, with the sam terms, conditions and prices, upon the Agreement for the procurement of service : from Gordian for the continuation of the JOC system; and WHEREAS, the City and its residents have r :;; ived positive benefits such as increased responsiveness and high quality construction from the approved contractors generated as a result of Gordian implementation of a JOC system; a..1 WHEREAS, the Mayor, City Commission, and Administration also desire to continue similar benefits during the execution of the numerous capital projects outlined within the City of Miami Capital Program Multi -Year Capital Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NIIAMI, LORIDA: City of Miwni Page 1 of 2 08- 00750 - Lejs Iati -4/ Printed On: 7/7/2008 File Number: 08-00730 Section 1. The recits and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Thy' procurement of s:; vi ;es from The C Drdian Associates, Inc. f/k/a The Gordian Group, Inc., for the continuation of the JC system, utilizing existing Broward County bid and Agreement pursuant to RFLI 20030617-0-FC-01, to be utilized citywide on an as -needs, basis, until September 30, 2009, with options to renew to be approved by the City Manager, for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, provided all other terms and conditions remain the same; in a contract amount not to exceed $400,000 per year; is authorized, allocating project fun•' =, from various capital project accounts. Section 3, This Resolution shall become effective ir. -ediately up it adoption and signature of the Mayor.{1} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ,JULIE O. BRU CITY ATTORNEY j1( Footnotes: {1} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon c 'erride of the veto by the City Commission. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT City of Miarni Page 2 of 2 Printed On: 7/7/2008 ;••, (1p A mg SUBSTITUTED City of Miami Legislation Resolu'zy City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Numl ,r. 08-00730 Final Action Date: A RES ' T ION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, APPROVING THE PROCU' _ire:ENT OF SERVICES FROM THE GORDIAN GROUP, INC., FOR THE CONTINUA ON OF THE JOB ORDER CONTRACTING ("JOC") SYSTEM, UTILIZ NG EX: TING BROWARD COUNTY BID CONTRACT SOLICITED PURStii.NT TOIskEQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST ("RFLI") 20030617-0-FC-01. TO BE UTILIZED CITYWIDE ON AN AS -NEEDED BASIS, UNTIL SEPTEMBER 40, 2009, WITH THE OPTIONS TO RENEW FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE YE1'-R PERIODS; IN A CONTRACT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $400,000 PE < "EAR; ALLOCATING PROJECT FUNDS FROM VARIOUS CAPITAL PROJECT ACCO11:; S. WHEREAS, the Adrr.Histration had previc .43Iy identified a need to implement a Job Order Contracting ("JOC") systei to achieve the tin, �:y and co' . effective procurement of maintenance and construction services for capital projects; and WHEREAS, on December 6th 2005, Broward Coul 4', executed a contract with The Gordian Group, 0., for the establishment of a JOC system pursuali to Request for Letters of Interest ("RFLI") No. 200306',7-0-F , 01 for a term until September 30, 206' and WHEREAS, Broward County may renew the Agreement tth Gordian Group, Inc. for the continuation of the JOC s; -`_em at the sole option of the County's Director of Purchasing, for two (2) additional one (1) year term, ;provided all other terms and conditions remain th,:s. same; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami is seeking to piggyback, with the saNke term, conditions and prices, this contract for the procurement of services from Gordian Group, Inc. fcr th ; continuation of the JOC s�,=J%-t .m; e nd WHEREAS, the City and its residents have derived positive benefits such increased responsiveness and high quality construction from the approved contractors generated as a result of The Gordian Group's imp:- entation of a JOC system; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, City Commission, and administration also desire to contin.le similar benefits during the execution of the numerous capital projects outlined within the City of Miai Capital Program Multi -Year Capital Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CC's.':'<<'SSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FF'QRIDA: Section 1 The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this section. City ojW = r Page I of 2 Printed On: 6/30/2008 SUBSTITUTED File Number: 08-00730 Section 2. The p-ocurement of services from The Gordian Group, Inc., for the continuation of the JOC s stem, utilizing existing Broward County contract pursuant to RFLI 20030617-0-FC-01, to be utilized side on an as -needed basis, until September 30, 2009, with options to renew by the City Manager, (2) addlitional one (1) year periods; in a contract amount not to exceed $400,000 per year; is d, allocating project funds from various capital project accounts. Section 3. Mayor.(1) is Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the APPROVED AS • FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JLILIE O. RRU CITY ATTORNEY Footnotes: (1) If the Mayor does not sign this Reso _ tition, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. f the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Printed On: 6/30/2008 City of Miami Page 2 of 2