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Scope of Services
The CONSULTANT shall fully develop and implement a Job Order Contracting Solution for the
COUNTY using (-ONSULT.ANT's pi oven 6 Phase Development and Implcnientation ProgramTm, which
is comprised of the follow ing phases:
• Phase I - Program Development
• Phase it - Document Development
• Phase III - Procurement Support
• Phase IV - PR.OGEN"Implementation
• Phase V - JOC Implementation and Training
• Phase VI - Follow-on Technical Support
Included in the Scope of Services shall be the development of all contract docurents, including a
COUNTY unique 1OC Construction Task Catalog" containing up 10 240,000 construction and/or
demolition tasks Each task shall be specifically priced for the COUNTY and supported b_: detailed
written Technical Specifications Other services shall include development of Execution Procedures and a
JOC training course The CONSULTANT shall also provide comprehensive procurement and marketing
support during the Procurement Support Phase of the project.
1 he Construction Task Cataloe shall be delivered in both hard copy and automated form compatible
with all versions of the Windows operating system The Construction Task Catalog' shall be supported
by CONSULTANT's proprietary software program PROGEN' , which shall allow for the automated
generation of JOC process documents. Proposals, and information management as well as other search,
retrieval, and reporting functions The CONSULTANT shall develop and conduct training sessions in the
use ofPROGEN'
The CONSULTANT shall provide experienced staff that shall be fully responsible for the complete .IOC
development and implementation program This staff shall report directly to the designated COUNTY
representative and shall be available to assist with any .1OC related issues
A complete detailed explanation of the requirements for each phase of the Six Phase Development and
Implementation Programim is as follows
Phase I —Program Development
the Program Development Phase incorporates all the activities necessary to establish the structure of the
COUNTY IOC program While IOC is a method -of procurement, it is very different from the traditional
methods and many things must be considered when organizing a IOC progaam The Consultant shall
provide the following Program Development services:
COUNTY JOC Program Structure/Bidding Strategy
The CONSULTANT shall organize a series of internal conferences and meetings to develop the overall
structure of the COUNTY IOC' program A number of interlocking decisions must be considered in order
for the overall JOC program to move forward and be successful The CONSULTANT team shall have
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unequaled experience in assisting the COUNTY in structuring the IOC program to maximize the cost
savings and efficiency of the program A sampling of these interrelated issues and decisions include:
• Number of Option Period?
• Local Emerging Business Compliance Procedures?
• Size of the Performance Bond?
• lnsutance Requirements?
• Minimum Value`'
• Number of .1OC Contractor s?
• Procurement Strategy'?
• Length of Contract?
• Qualifications of -Contractors?
• Size of Bid Bond?
• Local Emerging Business Goals?
• Local Ordinances?
• Maximum Value?
• L.evel of A'E. Services?
The types and sizes of future projects are essential items of information for Program Development The
C;ONSU1.:1 ANT . in conjunction with COUNTY Y staff, shall carefully review COUN 1 Y construction,
repair and maintenance needs anticipated for the next several years This information shall guide the
CONSULTANT and the COUNTY in determining the number, type and size of the lob Order Contracts
Once the program size has been established, the CONSULTANT. along with key COUNTY stall, shall
structure the COUNTY IOC program and the con-esponding IOC documents and PROGEN'''. Alter the
metal) IOC program has been sized and structured. the CONSUL TAN T shall develop the contract
documents far each of the contracts
Execution Procedures
Since IOC is a new and different procurement process for obtaining construction and construction related
services, it is critical that the propel procedures and policies be developed. The CONSUL TANT shall
incorporate all phases of the .IOC process in the development of the procedures and policies Specific
phases of the JOC process for which these policies and procedures shall be developed include:
• Project Initiation - How is a IOC project identified? Who approves projects for IOC? When is a
.1OC Project Number assigned? How is the .IOC Project Number to be structured?
• Project Development - Flow will a preliminary scope of work be documented and refined? Will
projects be centralized? Who needs to attend the Joint Scope Meeting? What documentation will
a contractor submit with the Proposal? Will liquidated damages apply?
• L.ocal Emerging Business Compliance Procedures - What compliance forms will the contractor
submit with each Proposal? Who will verify compliance? What documentation will need to be
• Permit Procedures - Arc permits required for a specific project? Are permit requirements
different for different buildings or uses? Flow and when will permits be submitted? Who will
verify permits? What documentation will need to be developed?
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• Project Review and Approval - Who will prepare the independent COUNTY estimate? What
pricing source will be used to develop the independent estimate? Who will verily the estimate?
What documentation will need to be developed? Who will attend the Proposal Review Meeting?
Who will review the contractor's Proposal and how? Who will approve lob Orders?
• Construction Inspection and Acceptance - Who will inspect the ongoing .IOC ;work? Who ;ill
accept the final JOC project? Who will provide quality assurance? How will submittal's and shop
drawings be handled? What documentation will need to be developed?
• Project Close Out Procedures- Who will certify final completion? How will the technical
documentation provided by the contractor be handled? I -low will warranty information be filed
and tracked?
• Payment Policy and Process - Who will certify final payment? What documentation will need to
be submitted with a JOC payment request? What is the step by step payment process?
The CONSULTANT shall organize and manage a series of conferences and meetings with key COUNTY
staff in order to identify. develop, and draft internal Execution Procedures and policies specifically
designed for .IOC These procedures shall be developed incorporating COUNTY standard procedures and
policy Each procedural step shall be fully documented and coordinated The CONSULTANT shall assist
the COt1NTY in incorporating appropriate saleguards into the Execution Piocedures for the prevention of
fi aud, waste and abuse
Phase II — Document Development
The CONSULTANT shall develop all of the fob Order Contract documents for the COUNTY including
the Construction "Cask Catalog'', Technical Specifications. Contract and General Conditions. and Bid
Documents The CONSULTANT shall pi ovidc the following Document Development services:
Construction Task Catalog@
The pricing of the Construction Task Catalog shall be specific for the COUNTY and shall incorporate
current I3row and County area prevailing wage rates. as well as actual local equipment and material prices
These local prices shall be obtained in the local Broward County area by the CONSULTANT's staff
The content of the Construction Task Catalog"' shall be customized to fit the needs of the COUNTY The
CONSULTANT shall conduct a series of review conferences with COUNTY staff to ensure the
appropriate construction and construction related tasks are included in each of the Construction Task
Catalogsl'. 11 any items arc not already included in the CONSULTANT's 240,000 task database, the
CONSULTANT shall develop them for the COUNTY These new tasks shall be for the exact
construction product or material that the COUNTY requires for its projects
The .IOC Construction Task Catalog must be specific because, together with the specifications, it
describes the work the contractor is obligated to perform The 1OC Construction Task Catalog''' shall not
contain loose, general or incomplcic task descriptions, inaccurate pricing, and missing tasks
Each task in the Conn uction Task Catalog shall have an accurate. customized description, an easily
recognized unit of measure, a price to install the item, and ifappropriate. a price to demolish the item A
Exhibit ".A" to Gordian Associates Page 3 of 13
task may also have several modifiers which adjust the price flit variations in materials (e g 12 gauge
instead of 14 gauge) or for quantity discounts (from 1,000 to 5,000 square ket) When dealing with tasks
such as painting, drywall, ceiling tiles and conctetc sidewalks, increased quantifies significantly reduce a
contractor's cost and this cost should be passed onto the owner -fhe Construction Task Catalog` shall
take into account quantity discounts. which shall be passed onto the COUNTY
The Construction Task Catalog shall be continually improved and updated The CONSUL.] ANT shall
work with the COUN fY when they are applying the Construction 1 ask Catalog' and if areas for
improvement arc noticed, will incorporate the improvement in the very next published hook.
Technical Specifications
The CONSULTANT shall organize a series of meetings with the appropriate staff to evaluate existing
COUNTY technical standards and specifications These technical standards and specifications shall then
he incorporated into a comprehensive set of performance based technical construction specifications to be
used for each of the lob Order Contracts
The coordination of the performance based Technical Specifications and the Construction Task Catalog`
is essential to give potential bidders confidence in the pricing structure of the iOC program The
CONSULTANT's comprehensive and integrated development process shall allow for the incorporation of
the COl.1NTY's technical specifications to be taken into consideration while the pricing for t e
Construction Task Catalog is being developed
The Technical Specifications for a .Ioh Order Contract dictate the quality of the workmanship and the
quality of the materials for the tasks set forth in the Construction Task Catalog` The two documents shall
compliment each other and be consistent Since the Construction ]ask Catalog'" is customized for cach
the COUNTY, the Technical Specifications shall also be customized
Customization of the .IOC Technical Specifications shall allow the COUNTY the flexibility of
standardizing equipment and materials Preferred vendors and suppliers can he incorporated into the
specifications with the COUNTY having the final approval of 'or equal.' substitutions
Contract and General Conditions
The Contract and General Conditions are extremely critical documents in the JOC program since they set
forth all of the contract requiiements and compliance procedures A poorly developed document can lead
to bid protests and claims as well as a breakdown of the non -adversarial relationship that is essential to
the JOC program The CONSULTANT shall draft a full set atoms and conditions and coordinate those
draft terms and conditions with the various staff elements within the COUNTY
Since JOC is a different procurement process, a great deal of the contract language that has been adopted
for traditional construction contracting does not apply The CONSUI.TANT shall integrate COUN fY
standard contract language and forms with JOC specific language and clauses The CONSULTANT shall
develop the Contract and General Conditions very caielully, and in full coordination with COUNTY legal
and contracting staff
The development of the Contract and General Conditions shall also envision the use of Federal and State
funding on certain projects If 1OC is to be used to execute projects funded through these sources. then the
appropriate federal and State clauses. certifications and representations shall also be included in the
Contract and General Conditions
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.A critical component of any Job Order Contract is to achieve and improve upon the participation soak for
local emerging business enterprises The CONSULTANT shall work directly Faith the COUNTY
compliance office to ensure that appropriate goals, compliance procedures and contract language is
included in the contract package Since work under .JC)C is Identified and accomplished on a project by
project basis rather than up font. as in traditional conbaeting. minority subcontracting compliance
ploccdures, policies and forms shall be dcveloped and included in the contractual package
Bid Documents
An essential part of any contract package are the bid documents The CONSUiLTANT shall carefully
develop these documents specifically for the COUNTY .IOC program in order to enhance competition and
minimize the possibility of a bid protest
The CONSULTANT shall prepare and present the bid documents to the bidders in a manner that
minimizes uncertainties The "tighter" the bid documents the better the bid prices shall be for the
The CONSULTANT shall assume the responsibility to fully coordinate all 1OC documents with
COUNTY departments such as legal, Purchasing, Minority Business; Finance, and Risk Management, as
well as other agencies as required
Document Preparation
The CONSULTANT shall prepare a draft set of all documents for re\ icw by the COUNTY After
incorporation of all comments, the CONSULTANT shall prepare a final contract document set in both
electronic and hard copy form lox printing by the COUNTY
Phase III - Procurement Support
The Procurement Support Phase incorporates all the activities necessary to establish the structure of the
-COUNTY .JOC program, to infirm internal COUNTY staff as well as the contracting community about
10C, and to procure the actual JOC contractors The CONSULTANT shall provide the following
Procuternenl Support services:
External Marketing and Outreach Program
'I he CONSUL. TANI shall coordinate and conduct the external marketing of the 1OC concept to the local
community The purpose is to "sell" the JOC program to the local contracting community The
CONSULTANT shall accomplish this portion of the program by meeting with various contractor groups,
trade organizations and bonding companies. as necessary. in order to solicit support for the concept.
'Intending bidders will have many questions and concerns that must be fully addressed before they will
feel comfortable in submitting a bid
Internal Marketing Program
1he CONSULTANT shall conduct internal matkcting of the IOC program by holding orientations and
seminars m, ith the various members and elements of COUNTY staff These orientations and seminars alc
essential in obtaining stall support and cooperation
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Pre-I3id Seminars
A central feature of the procurement plan for lob Order Contracts are the two mandatory pre -hid seminars
for intending bidders Since most public or!uanizations desire to structure their .IOC programs in order to
attract the local contracting community, and since most local contractors are unfamiliar with the JOC
process, it is essential that a proactile educational program occur prior to kidding An increased
information exchange between the owner and the intending bidders will lead to a better understanding of
the JOC program, will lower the bid risks. and will result in lower bids The CONSULTANT shall fully
organize, coordinate. and conduct both of these pre -bid seminars
fhe first pre -bid seminar shall focus on an explanation of the JOC concept, an in depth discussion of thc
(.;OUNT r' s expectations from the JOC contractor, critical bid information and dissemination of the
contract documents
The second pre -bid seminar shall he conducted a week to ten days after the first pre -bid seminar and shall
be entitled ".IOC - Contractor's Viewpoint" The purpose of the seminar is to share "lessons learned" with
the intending bidders 'What Are the Real Risks?", "\Vhat Are thc Rewards'', ''How to Bid", -
' Calculation of the Adjustment Factor", ' Evaluation of the CTC", and "I-Iow to Staff a JOC" The second
pre -bid seminar shall conclude with an extensive question and answer session
Phase IV - PROCEN"' Implementation
The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for providing the following services for the COUNTY:
PROGE `'"'
The CONSULTANT shall implement their proven proposal generation and management information
system. PROCiFN", «high was specifically designed to support the users of IOC PROGFN* is a
comprehensive IOC software package comprised of two versions The owner's (COUNTY's) version
shall include a complete management module as well as a verification module for validating contractor's
proposals This shall allow the owner to control user access to the components, fields and even forms and
reports. It shall logically step through each phase of the process creating a fully auditable management
system PR.OGENr' shall have security at every level by both user and group PRO^,EN` shall have an
automated validation process which shall eliminate the requirement to double check each unit price and
perform endless calculations The contractor's version shall ha\c the complete capability of building .IOC
proposals PROGENW" shall be capable or generating all of the Job Order Contract documents including
the contractor's Proposal. an independent cost estimate and all management reports and forms
PROGI_N" shall have the ability to track Job Order Contract Local Emerging Business subcontracting
and compliance information.
Internet Based
PR.OGEN`' shall operate over the Internet, using the CONSULTANT's servers This solution shall
eliminate the need for the COUN J V to purchase any special hardware or software and shall allow the end
user to operate float a Windows computer or Macintosh anywhere an Internet connection is present.. The
COUNTY shall have no resn-ictions on the number of PROGEN`' users
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1 he CONSUL TAN I shall customize PROGL•N`" to meet the specific nerds of the COUNT Y with regards
to COUNTY information such as locations and users as well as specific roans and repo; is
PTrOGENS°' Testing,
The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for ensuring that MOGEN'" operates for both the COUNTY
and the COUNT Y's 10C contractors Testing and debugging the COUNT Y version of PROGL•N shall
occur under actual field conditions prior to the implementation of IOC
PROG1:N'$ Support
The CONSULTANT shall provide continuous support to the COUNTY during the term of the cow') act
including upgrades, debugging, telephonic assistance and other related support
Phase V - Program Implementation and Training
The Program Implementation and Training Phase shall incorporate all the activities necessary to
implement the COUNTY 10C program The CONSULTANT shall provide the following Program
Implementation and Training services:
Development of the JOC Training Program
1 he CONSUL'1AN 1 shall be responsible for developing a comprehensive IOC training program which
shall include different course modules so that all elements of COUNTY staff shall receive specialized
The hands-on training program shall be based on approved COUNTY policies and procedures Training
shall include a compiehcnsivc training/reference manual with sample Job Orders, flowcharts, and forms
The CONSULTANT shall conduct as many training courses as required to ensure that COUNTY staff is
filly prepared to execute the .IOC program The training courses shall include practical exercises that
shall be based on actual COUNTY projects
The .IOC. training program shall be comprised of multiple training modules so that training sessions can
be structured to the specific audience The training courses shall stress a hands-on practical application of
the JOG program The CONSULTANT shall develop and publish all training aids and material necessary
to support the 10C training courses and shall conduct as many IOC. training courses as needed to ensure
that COUNTY staff is fir lly prepared to properly execute the .10C program
The CONSULTANT shall also develop and conduct a series of .IOC training courses for the selected 1OC
contractors prior to initiation of the contract
The CONSULTANT's IOC Master Training Program shall be structured in such a manner as to provide
the maximum effectiveness and flexibility for COLIN 1-Y staff The .10C Master Training Pimp -am shall
be organi7cd as a series of independent course modules Thus "cafeteria structure' shall enable the
COUNTY to train selected groups in only those modules of value to them This modular approach
eliminates wasteful duplication and lust time on the pal t ofCOt1N TY staff
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Mobilization and Training of the Contractor
fhc CONSEIL-TANI shall provide complete training oldie 1OC contractors and shall also arrange and
organize the appropriate Reconstruction conferences between COUNTY staff and the .1CX contractors
This includes both PROGLN" training and detailed procedural training Items covered in procedural
training include Imputation of Proposals, COUNTY Execution Procedures. COUNTY expectations,
payment requests and necessary forms
In addition, the CONSULTANT shall assist the contractors with any problems that may occur during the
mobilization phase.
On -Site Execution Assistance
1 he on -site execution assistance is the most critical aspect of implementing a JOC program Our
experience has shown that the adoption of a new and different contracting process requires extensive day -
in and day -out on -site support COUNTY staff will initially be uncomfortable with this process and will
need to have experienced staff available for assistance and reassurance
During the 90 day period after award of the first .10C contract, The CONSUL TANT shall provide on -site
service as needed to ensure that this critical phase of the implementation process is completed
successiuily This assistance shall be provided by experienced JOC users and former .IOC contractors
During this 90 day period. the CONSULTANT shall assist COUNTY staff and the contractors with all
phases of the .10C process including joint scoping, preparation of independent estimates, inspection and
acceptance, payment, proposal development, proposal review and validation, and project close-out
The CONSULTANT shall assist in the actual execution of the contracts by helping COUNTY staff
develop the initial .lob Ordeis The CONSULTANT shall attend and monitor point Scope Meetings and
Proposal review meetings -the CONSUL! AN C shall also monitor the overall 1OC- program and prepare
status relents required by the COUNTY
Project Schedule
The CONSULTANT shall develop and implement the iOC program for the COUNTY within 90 days of
the receipt of a notice -to -proceed TO assist CONSUL.1 f in meeting this schedule, the COUN11 shall
promptly review and provide comments on all draft documents.
.IOC Master Training Program
The CONSULTANT shall structure the IOC Master Training Program in such a manner as to provide the
maximum effectiveness and flexibility for COUNTY staff the 1OC Master Training Program shall be
organized as a series of independent course modules This "cafeteria structure" shall enable the
CONSULTANT to wain selected groups in only those modules which are of value to them This modular
approach eliminates wasteful duplication and lost time on the part of COUN l Y staff
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The C.:C)NSULfAN1 "s IOC Mastcr]raining Program Shall be comprised of the following live modules:
• JOC Overview
• IOC Terms and Conditions
• 1OC Refresher
• 1OC Execution Piocedures
Each module shall be scheduled for one to foul' banns and shall be given as often as requested by the
COUN1 Y fhe total number of classroom hours and extent of field training is dependent on the
experience and abilities of the staff being trained
JOC Overview
The 10C: Overview- Module shall he designed to familiarize COUNTY staff with the overall IOC: concept
Topics shall include an overall JOC orientation as well as a discussion on how IOC shall be implemented
In addition, IOC: shall be presented from a contractor's perspective in order for COUNTY staff to better
understand the contractors risk and potential reward Included in this module shall he a discussion on
how a contractor develops a IOC bid
The components of the IOC Oveivieva Module shall be:
• 1OC Concept
• IOC Program
• Contractor's Perspective
• Questions & Answers
The JOC Overview N1odule shall be presented in lecture format usine computer generated overhead
projection materials and shall be scheduled to be given in a two hour block Copies of all the materials
used in the presentation shall be contained in the training manual.
JOC Ten' ins and Conditions
1 he JOC leans and Conditions Module shall be a detailed discussion of the contractual terms of the
contracts This module is designed for project managers and procurement staff The terms and conditions
are the "rules" under which the IOC program shall be implemented It is critical that key operational and
procurement staff fully understand the contract documents
The components (tithe IOC Terms and Conditions Module shall be:
• Gcnei al Conditions
• 10C Specific Conditions
• Lessons Learned
• Questions & Answers
the JOC 1cims and Conditions Module shall be presented in a lecture format and shall be scheduled to
be given in a two hour Klock Copies of all materials and the contract terms and conditions shall be
contained in the uainine manual
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JOC Execution Procedures
The 10C Execution Procedures Module shall be a comprehensive review of approved COUNTY
Execution Procedures for .IOC, as well as hands-on development of actual Job Orders This module shall
be designed for project managers After the C'OUNI Y procedures flowchart is studied in great detail, the
class shall be given the opportunity to complete a series of practical exercises designed to develop a
complete lob Order based on an actual COUNTY project in addition to the classroom work, experienced
staff attic CONSULTANT shall accompany each project manager during the development of actual Job
Orders with the contractor. The CONSUL:TANI` staff shall be with the COUNTY project manager to
answer questions and to give advice as needed
The components of the iOC Execution Procedures Module shall he.
• Execution Procedures
• Contract Forms
• In -Class Practical Exercises
• On -Site Support
The 1OC Execution Procedures Module shall be presented in a mixed lecture and practical exercise
format using computer generated overhead projection materials and handouts. and shall be scheduled to
be given in three hour blocks Copies of COUNTY Execution Procedures and sample forms shall be
contained in the training manual The CO.NSULTANT shall also prepare a one sheet reference guide
highlighting the procedures and forms that need to be completed for each step in the process
The PROCjEN Module shall provide a thorough overview of the proprietary 10C management
information solution This module shall be designed for project managers, with a limited module utilized
for contractor's Training shall be provided to staff through each step of the IOC process, fiom project
initiation, to reviewing and validating a contractor's proposal, to project closeout The primary interface
of PROGENY' shall be Windows Explorer based
The components of the PROGEN€ Module shall be:
• Administering PROGENY'
• PROGENY' Starting Out
• General JOC Management
• Proposal Development
• PROG1_N Reports
• PR.OGLN® Utilities
The PROGENt Module shall be presented in a mixed lecture and practical exercise format using
computer generated overhead projection materials, handouts and hands-on computer exercises, and shall
he scheduled to be given in three to four hour blocks Copies of the PROGEN` documentation shall he
contained in the training manual
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JOC Refresher
The IOC R.efreshcr Course shall he a workshop discussion of all aspects of the IOC process that shall he
offered to those who have had an opportunity to get some actual experience with the process This module
shall be designed for project managers and procurement stall The focus of this session shall be on the
lessons learned and the sharing of those lessons with other members of the staff This session shall also
help identify if there are any problems with the execution process it is recommended that every project
manager attend at least two 10C. rehesher courses, one after about a month's experience and the second
one after three month's experience.
1 he components of the JOC Refresher Module shall be:
• Procedures Review
• Lessons Learned
• )pen Discussion
The JOC Refresher Course shall be presented in a mixed lecture and workshop format using computer
generated overhead projection materials and handouts, and shall be scheduled to be given in a three hour
block Copies of the JOC Reference Guides shall be provided to each project manager.
Training Frequency
The CONSUL 1 ANT shall conduct as many .JOC training courses for COON I Y and contractor staff as
required to ensure that the staff is fully prepared to properly execute the .IOC program
Phase VI: Follow -On Technical Support
Following the initial 90 days of on -site execution assistance and providing that the IOC program
is progressing smoothly, the CONSULTANT shall continue to maintain a periodic on -site and full time
off -sue presence for the COUNTY During the on -site visits, the CONSULTANT shall review on -going
project development and execution and recommend improvements, if necessary The CONSULTANT
shall remain on -call at all times for any unforeseen problem that may require immediate attention The
CONSUL !ANT shall provide the following Follow -On Technical Support set vices:
.IOC Contract Preparation
The CONSULTANT shall provide the COUNTY with JOC: contract documents for new iOC contracts
and IOC re -bids as follows:
• Update Construction Task Catalogs' and Technical 'Specifications the CONSULTANT shall
work closely with the project managers on existing contracts, to identify non-prepriced tasks,
price those tasks, and insert them in the Construction Task Catalog* to minimize the number of
nun-prcpriced items
• Monitor recent changes and recommend improvements to the Contract and General Conditions to
clearly specify the requirements of the COUNTY'
• I'm -the) develop and rmptement pre -award criteria
Exhibit "A" to Gordian :Associates Page 1 1 of 13.
• Identify new ptoccsses to further define contract requirements and contractor capabilities to
ensure that the COUNTY retains qualified IOC contractors
• Customize the JOC process and Contract and General Conditions documents to meet the needs of
Marketing Support
The C:ONSIJI.-TANT shall provide procurement and marketing support during the solicitation of new IOC
contractors This support shall include preparing all necessary documents and notices, prcparing and
participating in all pre -bid conferences, external marketing to the local contracting community, evaluating
the contractors proposed management plan, stalling plan and personnel, and assisting new contractors
during mobilization
Contract Implementation and Technical Support
The CONSULTANT shall provide the following contract implementation and technical support services
during the term of the contract:
• Organize and participate in pre -construction conferences and provide assistance to the COUNTY
and the contractors in project start-up Train and assist COUNTY staff in management of the JOC
• Conduct complete training sessions for new employees and contractors in the execution of JOC
and the use of the PROGEN' on an as needed basis
• Conduct periodic refresher training sessions for COUNTY staff and JOC contractors in the
execution of .JOC and the use of the PROGEN°'
• Continue to develop and customize Execution Procedures, training materials, fors and reports to
facilitate the management and execution of JOC
• Work closely with the COUNTY and the contractors to ensure that both parties arc executing
.JOC in accordance with the established procedures Assist the COUNTY in dealing with the
contractors to ensure that they have adequate and experienced staff and arc meeting the terms of
the contract Advise the COUNTY to discontinue the issuance of Job Orders to non -responsive
JOC contractors
Through an on -site presence, trouble shoot specific high profile projects by arranging and
participating in field meetings; reviewing Proposals with COUNTY project managers; assisting
project managers in cost estimating; and, meeting with the project managers and contractors to
expedite development and construction of the Job Orders
• Assist the COUNTY in conducting periodic rep icws of the IOC program, performance and
effectiveness Develop documentation, reports and statistics regarding essential elements of the
program. Document this information for senior management review and evaluation.
• Conduct independent audits and reports of the JOC program to verify compliance with COUNTY
JOC procedures and policies, and use the results of those audits and reviews to formulate and
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perform additional training, develop revised Execution Procedures, and make recommendations
for future staffing strategies
• Provide on -site implementation assistance to the COUNTY in interpretation of IOC procedures,
Construction Task Catalog` tasks, and .IOC contract documents The CONSUL TANT shall serve
as a mediator and/or facilitator on behalf of the COUNTY to resolve problems associated with the
JOC program
• Provide pro -active implementation assistance to the COUNTY in the execution of the .IOC
program with experienced, on -site project managers to periodically work with COUNTY staff in
the development and execution of lob Orders
The CONSULTANT shall provide follow-on technical suppoi t services fir the PROGENk using multiple
communication methods in a convenient and efficient manner These methods include Internet access,
and a toll free telephone support line
• Internet: PROGEN� - The CONSULTANT website shall have access to a full range of support
tools The users can conduct their own searches of The CONSULTANT'S knowledge based
database for solutions to any problems they may be experiencing. The user shall be able to ask
questions or submit comments on line and obtain a case number that shall allow them to track the
CONSULrANT's response The user can also read about our progress concerning upgrades or
technical support tips in our online newsletter "13uld Solutions "
• loll Free Support line - The CONSULIANT's toll face PROGRe user support line shall
connect the user with a Gordian Group technical support specialist who shall promptly assist the
user concerning their immediate questions
1 he CONSULTAN1 shall also provide PROGE.N''' technical support services as follows:
• Provide updated versions of PROGLN*
• Provide continuous PROGEN" support to the COUNTY and to the JOC contractors using
multiple communication methods discussed above
• Provide a prompt response and resolution of any PROC;EN'" question or problem
• Provide disaster recovery assistance services in the event of a catastrophic loss of client data
Gordian Associates (JOC) - Exh A doc
1 /6/05
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