HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit B2If "EXHIBIT B" Recommended Redistribution of funds to Participants Activity Name Amount Allen Musgrove d/b/a/ Acres Lawn Service (IDIS # 2051) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Angela R. Lee d/b/a Angie B. Promotions (IDIS # 2130) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Browdis Thomas dlba Browdis Place (IDIS # 2050) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Elijah Young dlbla Eli's Ribs & Take Out (IDIS # 2063) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Gesco Investments & Management, Inc. d/b/a Penny Clearance Warehouse (IDIS # 2138) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Henery Farmer d/b/a T. Express Janitorial Service (IDIS # 2068) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 International Rainbow Produce Market, Inc. (IDIS # 2140) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 James Lincoln Pasley d/b/a Paisley Home Improvement (IDIS # 2055) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Kan of Miami Corp. dba Cafe Chung King (IDIS # 2141) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Kevin Lamont Watkins dlbla Nivek's Feet & Heavy Lace Ent. (IDIS # 2053) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 L Z Pippens, Jr. dlbla Pippens Landscaping (IDIS # 2056) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Leslie Moore dlbla Moore's Grocery (IDIS # 2146) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Mardess Bell dlbla Destine 2 Travel (IDIS # 2285) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Marie Carole Marius d/b/a Family Beauty Salon (IDIS # 2147) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Michel Desire d/bla Super M Electronic (IDIS # 2148) Micro Enterprise $1,236.00 One Touch Changes Everything, LLC (IDIS # 2054) Micro Enterprise $1,226,00 Proctor's Car Care, Inc. (IDIS # 2060) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Regina A. Miller d/b/a Miller's Complex (IDIS # 2149) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Renita Holmes dlbla Holmes Business & Property Services (IDIS # 2064) Micro Enterprise $5,018.00 Royalty Insurance Services, Inc. (IDIS # 2150) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Sweet Jesus Graphics, Inc. (IDIS # 2152) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Vanessa's Cafe, Inc. (IDIS # 2156) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 World Class & Associates, Inc. (IDIS # 2158) Micro Enterprise $1,226.00 Total: $32,000.00 - commended Redistribution of funds to Participants Activity Name Amount ' 'Allen sgrove d/b/a! Acres Lawn Service (IDIS # 2051) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Angela R. L dlbla Angle B. Promotions (IDIS # 2130) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Browdis Thomas ba Browdis Place (IDIS # 2050) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Elijah Young d/b/a Eli -'bs & Take Out (IDIS # 2063) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Gesco Investments & Man. cement, Inc. dlbla Penny Clearance Warehouse (IDIS # 2138) • Micro Enterprise 61',806.00 Henery Farmer d/bia T. Express -nitorial Service (IDIS# 2068) Micro Enterprise $1,806,00 International Rainbow Produce Marke Inc. (IDIS # 2140) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 James Lincoln Pasley d/b/a Paisley Home provernent (IDIS # 2055) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Kan of Miami Corp. dba Cafe Chung King (IDIS ' 141) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Kevin Lamont Watkins (tibia Nivek's Feet & Heavy L. e Ent. (IDIS # 2053) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 L Z Pippens, Jr. d/b/a Pippens Landscaping (IDIS # 2056) Micro Enterprise $1,806,00 Leslie Moore d/b/a Moore's Grocery (IDIS # 2146) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Mardess 8eU d/b/a Destine 2 Travel (IDIS # 2285) , Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Marie Carole Marius d/b/a Family Beauty Salon (IDIS # 2147) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Michel Desire dlbla Super M Etectronic (101S # 2148) icro Enterprise $1,806.00 , One Touch Changes Everything, LLC (IDIS # 2054) Micr. nterprise $1,806.00 Proctor Car Care Inc. (IDIS # 2060) Micro Ent- i.rise $1,806.00 Regina A. Miller dlbla Miller's Complex (IDIS # 2149) Micro Enterpris $1,806.00 Renita Holmes d/b/a Holmes Business & Property Services (IDIS # 2064) Micro Enterprise $5,018.00 Royalty Insurance Services, Inc. (IDIS 0 2150) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 Sweet Jesus Graphics, inc. (IDIS # 2152) Micro £nterpnse $f,806.00 Vanessa'$ Cafe, Inc. (IDIS # 2156) Micro Enterprise $1,806.00 World Class & Associates, Inc. (IDIS # 2158) Micro Enterprise $ 806.00 Total: $44,7 `.00 SUBSTITUTED