FILE Ill: 0T-00y)-
Date: 4/2/08 Requesting Department: CIP Department
Commission Meeting Date: 6 __ 4 District(s) Impacted: [-I ®2 ❑3 r14 1-15
Type: FiResolution ❑ Ordinance ['Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item ❑ Other
Subject: Resolution to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Miscellaneous Professional Services Agreement with
Astorino, Inc. for Architectural design services.
Purpose of Item:
To authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No.1 to the Miscellaneous Professional Services
Agreement with Astorino, Inc., increasing the agreement by $500,000 from an original $500,000 to a not -to -
exceed amount of $1,000,000.
Background Information:
The City issued a Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") No. 06-07-010 to secure a qualified outside
consultant to provide Architectural Services ("Services") for miscellaneous projects as needed
citywide. The RFQ selected several firms to provide services for projects citywide. Pursuant to
approvals granted by R-07-0379, enacted July 10, 2007, the City of Miami entered into an
agreement with Astorino, Inc. ("Astorino"), effective December 11, 2007, for Miscellaneous
Architectural Services for Miscellaneous projects. The City Hall Restoration Project B-30121
("Project") is one of several projects utilizing this contract. Based on structural analysis performed
at the facility, it has been determined that the project costs will be more than originally
contemplated. In consideration of Astorino's familiarity with the Project and a desire to maintain
continuity of work, it is the Capital Improvement Department's recommendation that it is in the
City's best interest for Astorino to continue providing Services for the Project. It is therefore
necessary to enter into Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Astorino increasing the Agreement
by a not to exceed amount of $500,000, from an original $500,000 to a final not to exceed amount
of $1,000,000, with funds available as needed from various capital project accounts.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No: Various Projects
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
If using or receiving capital funds
Final Approvals
N/A isk Management `\N/A
Purchasing N/A ept. Director
Chief ;`::_- w City Manager
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.. f Project Manager: Jim Briitain
Summary of Work Orders:
Work Order No. 1, Project B-30172A, Roberto Clemente Rec. Bldg. $214,093
Work Order No. 2, Project B-30121, Miami City Hall- Structural Analysis $144,049
Work Order No. 2.1, Project B-30121, Miami City Hall- Glass Block $15,061
Work Order No. 3, Project B-30121, Miami City Hall- Green Roof Analysis $13,318
Work Order No. 4, Marine Stadium - Condition Evaluation $49,997
Total of Work Order issued or processing to date $436,518
The original PSA amount of $500,000 less Work Orders issued or processing to date in amount of
$436,518 equals the current remaining balance of $63,482, which is not sufficient to cover the cost.
of the additional design work now needed for the City Hall Project and design contemplated for
other projects utilizing the contract.
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Project Manager: Jim Brittain