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Firml :action Date:
WHEREAS. the Miami Planning Advisory Board (PAB) considered this item at its March 5,
2008 meeting, Item No. 2 adopted Resolution No. PAB 08-01 1 and by a vote of seven to one (7-1) has
recommended the adoption of this item to the City of Miami City Commission; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter deems it advisable
and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its citizens to amend its Zoning
Ordinance as hereinafter set forth:
Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are hereby
adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section.
Section 2. Ordinance No, 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami,
Florida, is hereby amended by amending the text of said Ordinance as follows:
Sec. 10.6. Special Districts. SD-6, 6.1 Central Commercial -Residential Districts.
Sign Regulations:
* Vertical Shopping Center Sign Regulations,
City of i4 /anal
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le 08-0O136zr
A Vertical Shopping Center is a retail building
each of which occupies fifteen thousand (15,0(
vertical configuration.
nino four (4) or more major retail establishments:
ore square feet and which are located in a
1 Primar , Building ldentit Si n. Each Vertical Sho in Center ma install one riman buildin
identity marquee for the entire site located at the primary street facade of the building, This marquee
may contain the name of the center only, however. if the center is named utilizing the name of the
primary retail tenant; then that tenant's name and the name of the center may be incorporated into the
marquee. The marquee may consist of vertical and/or horizontal architectural elements, which
incorporate the graphic logo and/or name of the center. The "sign" portion of the marquee may utilize
no more than sixti 60 ercent of the overall area ins care foota e of the mar uee, not to exceed a
total sign area of three hundred (300) square feet, The marquee may be single -faced or double-faced
depending on the architectural design of the marquee. The marquee must be designed to be part of
the overall architectural development of the facade.
2. Primary Retail Tenant Sign.
Primary Retail Tenant is defined as a retail tenant who occupies more than fifteen thousand (15,000)
square feet of retail space within a Vertical Shopping Center,
(a) Primary Retail Tenant Building identity Sign Areas,
Each Vertical Shopping Center shall be entitled to create an architectural sign area on two of the
facades of the building provided that the sign area are on two different facades and at least one fronts
on a street. The architectural sign area may hold up to eight (8) Primary Retail Tenant identity signs.
The Primary Retail Tenant identity signs may be illuminated either internally or externally. The total
sign area for the two (2) identity sign areas shall not exceed four (4) percent of the cumulative facade
area of the adjacent facades of the building. Up to eight (8) Primary Retail Tenant identities may be
exhibited. However, no individual retail tenant identity sign may exceed one hundred twenty (120)
square feet in total sign face area. Light box type of sign with luminous plastic or acrylic panels are
prohibited. Exposed neon or light sources are prohibited.
(b) Projecting Blade Signs. Vertical Shopping Centers may include projecting blade signs located in
predetermined architectural locations along the facade of the building and with a predetermined and
approved design. Each Primary Retail Tenant may apply their logo text and graphics to be
incorporated into these features. Each one of these projecting blade signs may not be more than fifty
(50) square feet in sign area on the blade sign panel. Light box type of sign with luminous plastic or
acrylic panels are prohibited.
(c) Primary Retail Tenant Facade Signs.
Primary Retail Tenants in Vertical Shopping Centers may install one facade or wall type of sign located
on the architectural facade directly above the entrance of the tenant's storefront. This sign is to be
made up of individual channel letters attached directly to the wall or facade. No raceway or surface
jumping of electrical wires are permitted. AU Primary Retail Tenant facade or wall signs shall be set on
a timer to go on and off with all other tenant signs.
The Primary Retail Tenant facade signs may use either reverse channel "halo" type of illumination or
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they may be of a face illuminated channel letters using the tenant's logo graphics and colors; (or both)
The Primary Retail Tenant facade signs may occupy no more than sixty (60)percent of the width of
the tenant's linear front footage centered in the space. Overall sign area height for any logo or portion
of tenant's text may not exceed twenty-four (24 inches in overall height. No sign regardless of length
of length of tenant's facade may exceed one hundred (100) square feet in overall sign area, Light box
t e of si n with luminous st or acr faces ar rohlbited. Ex osed neon or en nt
sources are prohibited.
(d) Primary Retail Tenant Art Image Panels.
Each Frmary Retail Tenant n a Vertical Shoppin Center shall be ermjttedtonstaHa maxmum
two Art Image Panels, as defined below, along the perimeter of the Vertical Shopping Center.
Art Image Panels shall consists of an area to be primarily a creatively, cropped. professional
photographic image. Panels will be a iarge format_perforated 3M digitally printed vinyl, adhered to the
building or adhered to a rigid prefabricated aluminum perforated mesh panel applied to the building.
Banners are not a permitted form of art image panel under this provision.
The total aggregate area of all art image panels in the Vertical Shopping Center shall not exceed
twenty (20) percent of the total facade area of the Vertical Shopping Center. No individual art image
pan& shall exceed three hundred fifty (350) square feet in area and any signage incorporated into
such panels shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the total area of such panel, aggregation of sign
areas shall not be permitted from one panel to another. All tenant art image panels require a Class
Special Permit approval.
.(e) Ground Floor Level Facade Signage.
Facade signs for retail establishments occupying the ground floor level of Vertical Shopping Centers
must be confined to the architecturally designated sign band area on the building. Signs within this
sign band may not exceed twenty-four (24) inches in overall height of sign area, text or individual
letters may not exceed eighteen (18) inches in overall capital letter/logo height and may not exceed
sixty (60) percent of the width of the area between any tenant's demising partition lines with the sign
centered between/within the tenant space. Signs may consist of no more than two lines of text or
letters. For any such establishment under fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in area, no such sign
shall exceed twenty four (24) square feet in area.
Where a tenant's space is located so that it has two (2) storefronts. (facing a front street arid a side),
then each storefront shall be entitled to a sign equal to the size of the primary tenant facade sign. No
more than one sign per street frontage shall be permitted.
Tenant canopy or awning signs are permitted where the canopy or awning is a part of the approved
architectural design of a given storefront. A sign consisting of the name and/or logo of the
establishment along the valance edge of the canopy may be permitted. Such sign may be no larger
than six (6) inches in overall height for all logo and/or text and no longer than fifty (50) percent of the
width of the awning.
One hanging under canopy sign, perpendicular to the storefront. located adjacent to the front entrance
of the premises shall be permitted per retail tenant. The hanging under canopy sign shall hang from a
hanging bracket consistent with the overall signage package for the Vertical Shopping Center. The
City af Miami
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Fife Ah)rnher.. 08-00136zt
display panel part of the sign will be no larger than six (6) square feet in overall s gni areatoreacrjg
face. The sign is double faced_ The over - -itai letter height of an letters or lo not exceed
eight '8) inches The siti.'s to be flumnated with external o ts on! . Nontema_Humnations "
permitted. Sign may re made of wood, metal or painted pvc board or acrylic. Unpainted acrylic or
plastic is not permitted. Jewelite im o letters on an s a e not e itted.
l'f) Window Signs.
Each ground floor retail tenant may d splay their name and/or logo on the display window glass of the
sho . One of the foUowIpg o tion a available for this si n type. Tenant name on window grnay
be applied direct y to the nside of the glass on one window adjacent to the entry door in a professional
way using silk screening, painting and/or computer generated vinyl die -cut lettering. The maximum
capital letter height of the lettering and/or logo may be no more than six (6) inches. The overall sign
area for this sign may not exceed four (4) square feet.
As a alternative window sign, each tenant may place its name and/or logo along the bottom of the
window in a continuous band applied to the inside of the glass in a professional way using silk
screening, painting and/or vinyl the -cut lettering. The maximum height of the logo and/or letters may
not exceed three (3) inches. The sign may run the entire width of the storefront in evenly spaced
intervals provided the maximum height to the top of the logo or letters is no more than twelve (12)
inches above the bottom of the window frame.
Tenants with multiple storefronts may have one window sign per storefront.
Tenants may display only one "open" sign in theft window at the primary entry to the shop. This sign
may be of a skeleton neon configuration consisting of no more than two (2) colors and the sign may be
no larger than two (2) square feet in overall sign area.
Tenants may use an area no larger than one square foot for the display of credit card or other bank
association decals or stickers. These must be located in the window immediately adjacent to the front
door and be located in the bottom corner of the window no more than three (3) inches from the side
and bottom mullion of the window frame. These decals may not be placed on doors.
Each tenant space shall have a postal ID number located by the owner above the entry door to the
space. This will consist of three-inch white vinyl die cut letters located on the inside of the window
(g) Temporary Advertising Signs.
Any temporary signs located within any tenant space on the site and situated so as to be visible from
the pedestrian walkway and/or street or roadway shall sublect to these criteria. No more than two
paper or cardboard signs or posters may be displayed so as to be visible in any storefront window at
any given time. These signs or posters may not exceed two (2) square feet in total sign area.
(h) Exterior Restaurant Menu Boards.
In addition to other signage permitted by this section, restaurants in Vertical Shopping Centers may
display a menu board. The menu board may not exceed twenty-four (24) inches wide x thirty (30)
inches high and four (4) inches deep. The display must be made out of wood, brass or painted
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externally illuminated provided no light is visib
aluminum and be fabricated so as to display a copy of the restaurants menu, which may changed
. basis. T av is to have a c se look revent tampering with the menu_ The dispiay
t be wall mounted within five feet af the entr le restaurant, The dis e internal!' r
orn or glares into a public n ht-of-way,
(i) Additional notice required,
in addition to the Class II notice requirements as set forth in Article 15, the following additionaladditonai notice
shall be required solely for the vertical shopping center signs included in this section:
1. The applicant shall mail by certified and regular mail, to the abutting roperty owners and
nei hborhood associations currently registered with the N.E.T. office, copies of the intended decision
to issue a Class II Special permit and submit the certified mail receipts to the Planning Department:
2. The Planning Department, upon receipt of said proof from the applicant that the letters were
mailed by certified mail, may issue the Class II Special permit.
Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is
declared inval d, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after approval at second reading,
unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor
vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City
{1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be
added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted
and unchanged material.
01 uf Miami
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