HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit AE.X.I TRI "A" I..1?GAL., DES C'RIFT ON O1' I' HI PIROPER'1'1.tt S LEGAL, DESCRIPTION OF GLASS i34:ILDiNG PROPt R t �� ADDRESS: 1603-27 N,W, 7 ,,,DING n �e of raet "Fr of HD ide Glass and Mirror Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded m Plat Book 79, at page 25, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and Thai portion of Tract "A" of said Florida Glass and Mirror Subdivision, more particularly described as follows: Commence at thhl Northwest corner of said Tract "1z„ also heirig the Southwest corner ()Tsai(' Tract "A"; thence_ rain due North along the west line of said Tract "A" for a distance of 78,84 feet; thence run North 88 degrees 31 minutes 51 seconds East for a distance of 99.53 feet to a point on the East line of said Trac "A"; thence run southerly along the East lint, of said Tract "A" for a distance of 78,95 feat to a point being the Southeast corner of said Tract "A"; thence run Westerly along the South line of said Tract "A" for a distance of 99.63 feet to the Point of Beginning, LEGAL (DESCRIPTION OF SOUTH FOOT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 662 N.W. 20`i' Street Lots 13 through 19, Block 3; Lots 12 through 18, Block 4; the 15 foot wide alleys lying, ties- of and adjacent to said blocks 3 and 4, and portions of N.W. 16th Street and N.W. Place, all according to the plat of the ROBERTS AND GRENTNER ADDITION as recorded in plat book 10, page 56 of the public records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as folloyvs: Commence at the N.W. corner of Section 36, Township 53 South, Range 41 East; thence N87°45'00"E along North line of the Northwest one -quarter (NW 1/4) of said Section 36 a distance of 35.01. feet; thence S01 °03'55" along the Westerly lines of Blocks 5, 6, 7, and 8 of said plat and the Northerly and Southerly prolongations thereof, a distance of 1366.68 feet to a point; thence N87°38'46"E a distance- of 100:00 feet to the Northeast corner of lot 11, said block 4 and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land hereinafter described. Thence continue N87°38`46"E along the Northerly lines of lots 12 and 13, Block 4 and the Easterly and Westerly prolongations thereof a distance of 115.00 feet to the point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of said lot 13; thence S78°29'20"E a distance of 46.11 feet to the point of the intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Westerly line of lot 32, Block 10 said Roberts and Grentner Addition; thence S01 °03'55"E along the Westerly line of said Block 10 and the Northerly Prolongation thereof a distance of 481.54 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 22, said block 10; thence S16°38'20"W a distance of 148.00 feet to the point of intersection of the Southerly prolongation of the East line of said block 3 with the Easterly prolongation ot'South line of said block 3; thence S87°36'00"W along the South line of said block 3 and its Easterly and Westerly prolongations a distance of 115.00 feet; thence NO 1 °03'55"W along the Westerly line of said 15 foot wide alley and across N.W. 16`' Street a distance of 632.66 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said lands being in the Cityf MiaL MirniDak Cow-3ty, Fio.rida, and corittfining 97,798 qwlre fec CL2 ac.:rcs). morif or ies.s. 13,ft-1rings shown l-leren are based on an aslitiricid bearinQ.. of NS7'450013 along th North in ofth N'Yithwsi one -quarter (NW 1Jij of said Section 36 as shown on said plat.