Date: / /
Requesting Department: Parks and Recreation
Commission Meeting Date: 5/22/2008 District Impacted: District 2
Type: ® Resolution [ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: A Resolution Allocating $75,000 from Commission District Two (2) Homeland Defense
Quality of Life funds to Resurface the Barnyard Play Area and new Tennis Courts for Armbrister Park.
Purpose of Item:
A Resolution requesting approval for the allocation of $75,000 from Commission District Two (2)
Quality of Life category of the Homeland Defense Bond funds for the purpose of resurfacing the
playground area (for an estimated amount of $60,000) of the City owned Barnyard children's facility
located at 3870 Washington Avenue; leased and operated by Coconut Grove Cares, Inc., (CGC)
which intends to install a new children's playground, funded through separate grant sources, and in
addition, has requested that the City reconvert (for an estimated amount of $15,000) two existing
hockey courts to tennis courts at the Washington Avenue location of Armbrister Park.
Background Information:
The Department of Parks and Recreation recommends the approval of said resolution authorizing the
allocation of $75,000 from the Commission District Two (2) Quality of Life category of the
Homeland Defense Bond funds in order to proceed with the resurfacing of the existing playground
area of the Barnyard children's facility and in addition, proceed with the reconversion of the two
existing hockey courts into tennis courts at the Washington Avenue location of Armbrister Park. The
Barnyard is operated by CGC which will match City funding with grant funds from other sources for
this project.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No: 39910E (Awn+.k '31'0
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal I
If using or receiyii g,
Final Approvals
Budget %Aid%
Risk Management
Purchasing Dept. Director
Chief City Manage
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