FILE ID: orya • -6 C>5 i 3
Date: APR A008 Requesting Department: POLICE
Commission Meeting Date: MAY/2 2 2008 District Impacted: ALL
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Miami Aggressive Driving Enforcement Project
Purpose of Item:
It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution establishing a
new special revenue fund entitled "Miami Aggressive Driving Enforcement Project", authorizing the
City Manager to accept said subgrant from the Florida Department of Transportation in the amount of
$127,334. The grant funding period is from March 31, 2008, through October 1, 2008.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No: TBD
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: O MATC}+ R��ul1Zc L�
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact: $127,334.00
Final Approvals
CIP Budget may? "tx,C6•gur 14--1. 4 (22I oe
If using o r eivui capital funds fk i/
Grants Risk Management
Purchasing Dept. Director
Chief J per(
pity Manager
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The Miami Aggressive Driving Enforcement Project seeks to reduce the number of aggressive
driving incidents by enforcing Florida's Traffic Statutes and by educating the public in the
dangers and consequences of aggressive driving. The unmarked, non-traditional enforcement
vehicles will serve as a tool in accomplishing this task by enforcing violations that have little
chance of being enforced when an officer is in a marked vehicle. The multiple objectives of this
project include targeting aggressive drivers with enforcement and education, decreasing the
number of crashes in areas where aggressive driving is prevalent and reducing altercations that
are the result of aggressive driving. The specific goal of this project is to reduce crashes and
traffic related altercations by 2.5% during the grant period.
The Police Department will utilize the awarded FDOT Highway Safety Funds to purchase the
following equipment for the implementation of the Miami Aggressive Driving Enforcement
1) Two (2) Unmarked Vehicles
2) Variable Message Sign/Trailer
3) Emergency Equipment
4) Radar Speed measurement Devices
5) In -Car Police Radios
6) Electronic Citation Writer Bundle
7) Laser Speed Measurement Devices
8) In -Car Computer Stands
9) In -Car Drivers License Scanners