FILE ID: d V~ 00 4 3,(0
Date: 4/4/2008
Commission Meeting Date: 5/8/2008
Type: X Resolution Ordinance
Requesting Department: Bayfront Park Mngmt. Trust
District Impacted:
Emergency Ordinance ( 1 Discussion Item
Subject: Authorization to negotiate an agreement as a result of RFLI 75049 for the Use of the SE
Comer of Bicentennial Park.
Purpose of Item:
A resolution of the Miami City Commission authorizing the Bayfront Park Management Trust to enter
into negotiations with Eventstar, for the use of the Southeast corner of Bicentennial Park, pursuant to
RFLI 75049.
Background Information:
The Bayfront Park Management Trust (Trust) manages Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks with the goal
of ensuring maximum community participation. At the Trust's request, the City of Miami Purchasing
Department issued Request for Letters of Interest (RFLI) to solicit proposals to plan for the use of the
Southeast comer of Bicentennial Park. On February 13, 2008, the City of Miami Purchasing
Department issued RFLI 75049. Two (2) responses were received on March 5, 2008, and one
proposal was deemed non -responsive by the Purchasing Department. The Evaluation Committee,
appointed by the Chairperson of the Trust and approved by the City Manager, met on March 24, 2008
and voted to recommend that the Trust authorize the executive director to enter into negotiations with
Eventstar. The City Manager and the Trust approved the Committee's selection and have authorized
the executive director to negotiate an agreement.
Budget Impact Analysis
YES Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
Final Approvals
CIP Budget
If using or receiving capital funds
Grants f fit` Risk Management
Purchasing "� Dept. Director
Chief ���/��� City -Manager
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