HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII. Tab 6. Drawings SubmittedThe Project will bring significant economic benefits to the city of Miami (the City). This section summarizes the impact of the project on employment, public sector revenues and other economic benefits as a result of the development. Employment Employment considerations include the direct employment resulting from the Project. Average developmental construction phase employment will be for approximately 65 employees and the Project management is expected to employ 3 people for on- going security of the property. Wages To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project, and we incorporated data from our research on retail sales. Total direct and indirect impacts expected from wages associated with the new development approximate the following: One Time $15,879,240 Annual $ 169,128 Tax Revenue The estimate of the public sector revenues associated with the development includes taxes and other revenues generated directly by the Project. Although public sector costs are important elements in measuring fiscal impact, these benefits have not been quantified in this document. This analysis only measures the benefits derived from the development. Annual tax revenue expected to be created totals $1,045,973. Output The estimate of total economic impact is measured by total output. This analysis measures the economic impact of developmental costs and ongoing, operational exbenditures. To determine the elect of respending within the City, we utilized a multiplier to compute total direct and indirect benefits, Total output expected to be generated, as a result of the developmental and operational phases of the Project will approximate the following: One Time $ 64,349,015 Annual $ 112,752 Significant Community Benefits: • Jobs • Wages Taxes • Economic Activity ResidentsSpending impacting Local Businesses: • Food • Recreation/Entertainment Transportation Retaii The following table and charts summarize the economic impact of the Grove Estates development. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ANNUAL IMPACT RECURRING Economic Activity Stimulated Output $ 64,349,015 $ 112,752 Wages 15,879,240 169,128 Taxes 1,045,973 Jobs Created $ 80,228,255 65 $ 1,327,853 3 4 Objectives The objective of this analysis is to provide information on the various benefits created by the Project and to prepare an estimate of such benefits to the City. Our analysis is based on an economic rnodel, which estimates economic and tax impacts of various projects on a designated area. The model is specifically tailored to the City of Miami (the City). Definition of Economic and Tax Impact The construction and subsequent operation of the Project will create important benefits within the City. These benefits include new income, new jobs, new tax revenue and new economic activity impacting upon every sector of the local economy. Moreover, through the multiplier effect of respending and reinvesting, indirect economic benefits are added to the direct benefits brought about by initial construction expenditures, the expenditures from ongoing operations and new spending at the retail enterprises, Direct and Indirect Effects The total economic impact of public and private projects and policies on a region does not end with the impact from the initial construction expenditures; the continued benefits to the local economy must also be considered. Income to firms furnishing construction materials and services is subsequently converted into employee salaries, material purchases, investment in plant and equipment, savings, profits, purchases of services, and a variety of other economic activities. Income to laborers is subsequently respent for purchasing of food, housing, transportation, education, entertainment, medical and dental services, clothing, personal services, and a wide variety of other goods and services. Furthermore, income to the governmental unit is respent as salaries, purchases, and support of a variety of programs, including education, transportation, and social setvices. In turn, individuals, firms, and governments furnishing these goods and services again spend their income for more purchases, salaries, investments, and savings. In this manner, indirect benefits result each time the initial sum is respent, and the additional sum available in the local economy induces further job creation, business development and savings. Quantification of these indirect benefits has been the object of considerable economic study. Because economic relationships are so complex in our modern society, no single area or political unit is a completely self-contained economic unit. Therefore, purchases from other areas and political units are necessary, and goods services are exported in return. As purchases are made from other units, some of the benefits of economic respending are lost to the local economy. Ultimately, a smaller and smaller portion of the initial sum would remain, until, after several rounds of respending, an insignificant sum is left 5 The indirect effects can be viewed as a set of "ripples" in the economy. Indirect, like direct, resources require labor, materials, equipment and services for their production to induce further job creation and spending of wages. The "ripple' of the indirect effect multiplies the original impact of the purchase. The common measure of the magnitude of the "ripple" effect is called a multiplier. A multiplier measures the total magnitude of the impact on each particular economic indicator as a multiple of the initial, direct effect, For instance, a multiplier of "1" would signify no "ripple" effects as the total impact is 1 times the initial impact, while a multiplier of "2" would imply that the total impact is 2 times the direct effect. The actual magnitude of a multiplier depends on the likelihood the goods and services purchased in a region would be produced in, or provided from the region. The model we used to estimate the total economic impact incorporates a multiplier developed by utilizing past consumption and production patterns in the City. There will be significant economic benefit derived from the expenditures of the residents of the Project on eating, drinking, grocery, recreation, retail etc, This report does not include the economic impact of such expenditures. Measures of Economic impact Various measures can be used to indicate the impact of a policy or project on a region. Specifically, for this study, they are the increases in local employment, wages, tax revenue and output that result. Definitions of these measures are as follows: Employment is measured full-time equivalent jobs. Wages include wages, salaries, and proprietor's income only. They may include non -wage compensation, such as pensions, insurance, and other fringe benefits. Wages are assumed to be expended by households in the area at which the wage-earner works. Local taxes include additional revenues from both ad valorem and non ad valorem assessments. Direct expenditures include those sums expended for land acquisition, site preparation and all hard and soft costs associated with a project. Indirect expenditures are those sums expended within the local economy as a result of the "ripple" effect described earlier. Output describes total economic activity, and is essentially equivalent to the sum of direct and indirect expenditures (exclusive of wages and taxes), 6 Description of Results For the purpose of describing the total economic benefits of the Project, the related expenditures and economic activity stimulated have been broken into two categories: Developmental Annual Recurring Developmental expenditures include those expenditures related to the design and construction phase of the Project and related amenities. Annual recurring activities stimulated are those expenditures incurred in connection with the ongoing operation of the Project. 7 p ct Indicators We measured the Project's impact on four commonly used indicators of economic activity. Those indicators are: Jobs Wages Total output Local taxes Results of indicators Exhibit I details the Project's direct and indirect impact on the above economic indicators for Miami. A summary of such impact follows: DEVELOPMENT One Time) OUTPUT Direct Indirect ANNUAL Operational: Direct Indirect $ 34,242,771 30,106,244 $ 64.349,01,5 $ 60,000 �..... _....52,752 8 112,752 The economic indicator most commonly measured, and publicly reported on to gauge the economic impact of a public project is output. The impact of a project on the indicator output is often referred to as the project's economic impact. impact of Construction The site preparation and construction expenditures, including soft costs and impact fees are estimated at $42 million. Such activity will create approximately 65 new full time equivalent jobs and employ a maximum of 80 workers during peak periods. The workers will earn approximately $8.5 million in direct wages. WAGES TAXES EMPLOYMENT $ 8,450,000 7,429,240 $ 15.879.240 65 $ 90,000 $1,045,973 3 79,1 f3 $ 169,128 $1,045,973 3 8 Impact of Ongoing Operations As a result of the on -going operation and maintenance of the Project, Miami will gain approximately 3 new, permanent full- time equivalent jobs. The wages of the workers who obtain these positions will provide an impact of approximately $169 thousand annually, The total expenditures for the Project's operations, will provide a new, permanent impact of $113 thousand annually to the City's economy. This impact consists of the effects of the direct expenditures from the, security and day-to-day operation of the Project, and the multiplied effects of such spending thus creating indirect benefits. Impact on Local Tax Revenues As a result of the construction and operation of the Project, various state, city and city governments and agencies would gain an estimated annual tax benefit of $1 million. Analysis by Economic Indicators Our analysis of the economic and tax benefits of the Project was done by each major phase of the Project. We identified the major phases to be developmental and operational. This analysis determines the economic benefits to the City by identifying such benefits for each of the phases. The effects on economic indicators used to measure benefits (employment, wages, output and taxes) were computed for each phase. Employment Employment is one of the most important economic benefits of the Project. It is one of the most accessible and direct benefits for the City's residents and it's residents and is a primary means by which developmental, operational and maintenance expenditures generate indirect economic benefits. A portion of this employment occurs on -site as a result of new spending at the retail enterprises, and a portion is derived from on -going operations of the Project. Further employment is generated off -site by the expenditures of employees of the Project and businesses located in the Project, at area businesses. As can be seen in Exhibit 1, total short-term (developmental) employment will average 65 employees over an thirty-six month period and a total on -going employment will average 3. The on -going positions will involve security. 9 es The analysis deemed wages are a direct by-product of employment. As discussed in the above section, both on -site and off - site jobs are created. There were both temporary and permanent in nature. To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project. Employment, such as construction related employment, was obtained directly from construction estimates, These numbers were tested for reasonableness. Output The output generated, as a result of the development and operations of the Project, is caused by the following type of expenditures: Development costs expended in the City (100%) Annual operational expenditures of management company New spending in the locality by employees of businesses located in the Project To incorporate the impact of dollars being respent and/or reinvested in the City, a multiplier was applied to total direct output. A multiplier of 1.8792 was used to determine total direct and indirect output created by the Project. This multiplier indicates that for every $100 spent in Miami, another $187.92 will be respent or reinvested in Miami. This multiplier was obtained from the Dade City Planning Department. Direct output from the developmental phase of the Project is primarily a result of developer costs. These costs include land acquisition, site preparation and soft and hard costs relating to the Project's construction, To determine the total output we determined what development costs were expected to be or had been spent in Miami. Total direct output during the development phase is $34 million. Total indirect output created by the direct respending in Miami is $30 million. Thus total Miami Output from the development of the Project is $64 million, The final component of output results from the direct operating expenditures of the Project, and the indirect benefits created as a result of the multiplier effect on direct output, The Developer provided us with an annual operating budget for the Project. An overall assumption was made that all expenditures would be spent initially in the City. ,„„,,e,wkfdtMfiNt,itntAW,Toiod,0,W*ViiaafA'staYk,p tii Output (Contel) The total operating expenditures incorporate all estimated expenses of the ongoing operation of the Project. The impact of the retail enterprises was measured separately as an economic indicator. To incorporate the potential responding and reinvesting in Miami, the multiplier effect was measured. By applying a multiplier of 1.8792 to the total direct output from operating expenditures and the retail enterprises, we determined total output (direct and indirect) from on- oing operating expenditures and retail sales. Local Taxes A key and significant benefit generated from the development and operation of the Project is taxes. Several types of tax revenue will be generated from this project including ad valorem taxes. Specific ad valorem taxes include real and personal property taxes. Other taxes include occupational taxes and community development taxes. New real property taxes will be assessed on the Project. The assessment is based on a predetermined mileage rate being pplied to the taxable value of the real property. We computed real property taxes for the developmental phase based on the cost of the development of the Project. This assessment base is very conservative since tax on real property typically is assessed on appraised values and not actual cost. The basis for ongoing taxes is also overall cost. The mileage rate was obtained from the City Tax Collectors office relative to the Projects location, The projected annual real property taxes are approximately $1 million. Total ad valorem taxes assessed by Miami -Dade County are allocated based on mileage rates to certain governmental entities. Listed below is the allocation of projected tax revenue. City Operating School Operating County Operating Debt Service - City Debt Service -County South Florida Water Library Operating School Debt Service Florida Inland Navigation Environmental Projects Children's Trust TOTAL $ 355,439 326,427 238,316 26,357 12,096 25,338 20,627 17,571 1,634 4,244 17,924 $ 1,045,973 11 Local Taxes (Contd.) Although not quantified, the City, through its receipt of allocated state sales taxes will receive an additional benefit as a result of the development and operation of the Project, and from the retail enterprises, Public Sector Costs impact fees Very significant factors in measuring the economic impact on a specific region of a project are impact and other required development fees. A summary of these fees are listed below: • City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee • City of Miami Developmental Admin Fee • Miami -Dade County Roadway Impact Fee • Miami -Dade County School Impact Fee • Building Permit Fee • Installation Energy Fee > Other Fees For the purpose of this economic impact analysis, fees are included as a part of the direct development cost (output). Impact fees total approximately $73 thousand and other fees total approximately $120 thousand. These fees are shown in detail in Exhibit 1. ""-' ' "" • -,,,, 12 Exhibit I Exhibit II Summary of Economic Impact impact and Other Fees DIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL OPERATIONAL TOTAL DIRECT OUTPUT WAGES EMPLOYMENT TAXES 34,242,771 $ 8,450,000 65 60,000 90,000 3 $ 1,045,973 34,302.771 8,540,00E 68 1,045,9 INDIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL 30,106,244 7,429,240 OPERATIONAL 52,752 79,128 TOTAL INDIRECT 30, 158,996 7,508,368 TOTAL BENEFITS $ 64,461,767 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL $ 64,349,015 TOTAL OPERATIONAL TOTAL BENEFITS $ 16,048,368 68 $ 1,045,973 15,879,240 65 112,752 169,128 3 $ 1,045,973 64,461,767 $ 16,048,368 68 $ 1,045,973 13 MPACT AND OTHER FEES: A. Development Square Footages: Square Footage 1) Gross Allowable Square Footage 2) Residential Square Footage 192,824 140,724 B. Impact Fees: Amount 1) City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee 56,424 2) Developmental Impact Administration Fee 1,693 3) Miami -Dade County Roadway Impact Fee 14,904 Total of all Impact Fees 73,021 C. Non -Impact Fees: 1) Miami Dade VV.A.S.A. "connection fees" 29,364 2) Building Permit Fee 28,145 3) Installation Energy Fee 14,072 4) Major Use Special Permit Application Fee 30,000 5) Miami -Dade County Code Compliance 12,500 6) Radon Gas Fee 704 7) Fire Plan Review Fee 1,337 8) Ground Cover Fee 938 9) Land Use/Zoning 2,345 10) Zoning Review for Building Permit Fee 60 11) Certificate of Occupancy Fee 250 12) Application Fee 35 Total of all Non -Impact Fees $ 119,750 Total of all Fees for Project $ 192,771 Source: City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. Miami Dade County Impact Fees 14 T T Grove Estates Wednesday, 4 April 2007 (201-300) Saturday, 7 April 2007 (300-480) Trees in red to be mitigated rees areen to be r.,c--ocated Trees in black to remain 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Bursera simaruba Delonix regia Mangifera indica Deloniz regia Chorisia speciosa Bauhinia biakeana Bauhinia blakeana Bauhinia blakeana Bauhinia blakeana Bauhinia blakeana 211 Spathodea campanulata 212 Bursera simaruba 213 Delonix iegia 214 Mangifera indica 215 Spathodea campanulata 216 Eriobotrya japonica 217 Adondia 218 nasmiroa. eduks 219 Delonix regia 220 palmetto 221 Sabal palmetto 222 Cocos nucifera 223 Callistemon viminalis 224 Sabal palmetto 225 Sabal palmetto 226 Sabal palmetto 227 Bauhinia blakeana 223 Ptychc,.sperma elegan's 229 Ficus aurea 230 Broussonetia papyrifera 231 Broussonetia papyrifera 232 Ficus aurea 233 Averrhoa carambola Gumbo Limbo -Royal Poinciana M an go Royal Poinciana Floss Silk Tree Hong Kong Orchid Hong Kong Orchid Hong Kong Orchid Hong Kong Orchid Hong Kong Orchid African Tulip Tree Gumbo Limbo Royal Poinciana Mango African TulipTree Loquat Christmas PaLm V-ifhite Spote Royal Poinciana Cabbage Palm Cabbage Palm Coconut Palm Weeping Bottlebrush Cabbage Palm Cabbage Palm Cabbage Palm Hong Kong Orchid Solitaire Fbri Strangler Fig Paper Mulberry 26" caliper 45' x 45' 18" caliper 45 x 30' 16" caliper 35' x 30' 10" caliper 50' x 25' 26" caliper 40' x 35' double trunk 25' x 20' cluster 40' x 30' 4" caliper 25' x 20' 4" caliper 25' x 20' 10" caliper 35' x 30' 14" caliper 45' x 20' 22" caliper 40' x 20' 5" caliper 18' x 10' 3" caliper 16' x 8' triple trunk 40' x 22' 4" caliper 18' x 9' 4" oae 12 x 6' 15" onlinr-ir 40 20" caper SO' x 50' 10" baHper 20 x 8' 10" caliper 16' x 8' 10" caliper 30' x 15' 36" caliper 28' x 35' 12" caliper 20' x 8' 10" caliper 20' x 8' 10" caliper 14' x 8' 6" caliper 18' x 14' 3" csnliper 22' x 8' 60" caliper 60' 0' 10" caliper x 8' Paper Mulberry 3" caliper 0' x 10' Stranger Fig 18" caliper ' x 60' Starfruit 12" caliper 14' x 3' 0-0-07 234 Pouteria campec, , .235 Aciof!kjia 236 Lagerstroemia speciosa 237 Veitchia sp. 238 Veitchia sp. 239 Livistona chinensis 240 Livistona chinensis 241 agarstroerni? speciosa 242 Livistona chinensis 243 Ficus benjamina 244 Saba l palmetto (?) 245 Veithcia sp. 246 Ficus aurea 247 Mangifera indica 248 Quercus virginiana 249 RcoistonF4a eiata 250 Mangifera indica 251 Roystonea elata 252 Murraya paniculata 253 Mangifera indica 254 Pouterla campechiana 255 Delonjx regia 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 Mangifera indica COCOS nucifera Cor,›Ds Mangifera indica Mangifera indica Delonix regia Roystonea elata Delonix regia Mangifera indica Delonix regia Mangifera indica Delonix regia Mangifera indica Mangifera indica Persea americana Mangifera indica Mangifera Roystonea regia Mangifera indica Frujt Cnristmas Palm Queen Crape Myrtle Veitchia Palm Veitchia Palm Chinese Fan Palm Chinese Fan Palm Queen Crape Nlyril Chinese Fan Palm Weeping Fig Cabbage Palm Veitchia Palm Strangler Fig Mango Live Oak Rola P.vm Mango Royal Palm Orange Jasmine Mango Eggfrk.lit Royal Poinciana Mango Coconut Paftn Coconut Palm Mango coconut Palm 1,,Aango Royal Poinciana Royal Palm Royal Poinciana IVIango Royal Poinciana Mango Royal Poinciana Mango Mango Avocado Mango Mango Royal Palm Mango multi -trunk. 5- ea 4:Der 6" caliper double trunk double trunk 10'caliper 10" caliper 10" caliper multi -trunk 10" caliper 8" caliper 6' caliper 24" caliper 34" caliper b". caiip-er three trunks 10" caliper 3" caliper 30" caliper 30" caliper double trunk 24" caliper 14' rPflDer 14' c4 6" caliper 0" o'f,aliper 24" caliper 8" caiiper 14" caliper 16" caliper 12" caliper 14" caliper 12" caliper 18" caliper 30" caliper 8" caliper 24" caliper double trunk 24'' caiiper 12" caliper 30" caliper 26' x 30' 20' x 18' 20' x 10' 20' x 10' 28' x 8' 28' x 8' 24' 20' 28' x 8' 14' x 12' 28' x 8' 20' x 10' 60' x 60' 28' x 24' 70° x 80' 45' x 15' 30' x 30' 60' x 15' 12' x 8' 50' x 30' 30' x 20' 60' x 40' 50' x 20' 2' x12' r:?fY 12. 20' x 12' 14' x 15' 30' x 30' 30' x 20' DEAD 50' x 30' 30' x 30' 50' x 30' 45' X 20' 40' x 30' 40' x 30' 24' x 24' 40'•0' x 18' 'x 20 34' X 15' 50' x 35' °*637 2 276 to if r i>ndiica 277 278 Quercus virginiana 279 Dicytosperma album 280 Syagrus romanzoffiana Mango double trunk4; Fishtail 'a ... ...._ __ . Live Oak 4' caliper 60' x 70' Hurricane Palm 5" caliper 28' x 12' Queen Paim 6" caliper 22' x 12' 281 Persea americana Avocado multi -trunk 26' x 20' 282 Saba! palmetto Cabbage Palm 8" caliper 14' ht x 10' 283 Quercus virginiana Live Oak 28" caliper 60' x 80' 284 Mangifera indica Mango 20" caliper 14' x 14' 285 Ficus aurea Strangler Fig 20' caliper 90' x 90' 286 Terrninalia catapp Tropical Almond 14" caliper 40' x 20' 287 Deionix regia Royal Poinciana 14' caliper 40' x 20' p n Tulip p Tree 12" caliper 36'' x 14' 288 Spathodea Gam=anulana African �li� ; ? ee 289 Spathodea campanu ata African Tulip Tree 14" caliper 32' x 12' 290 Eriobotrya japonica Loquat 4" caliper 24' x 20' 291 Ficus aurea 292 _i eririnalia catappa 293 Quercus virginiana 294 Bursera simaruba 295 Deionix regia 296 297 298 299 300 Strangler Fig 4' caliper 40' x 30' Tropical Alm,nd 20" caliper 24' x 20' Live Oak 20" caliper 28' x 24' Gumbo Limbo 18°' caliper 40' x 30' Royal Poinciana 18" caliper 50' x 30' Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palm 12" caliper 18' x 12' '? e°P: palm f' ';^,:ice._. 0 , Quercus virginiana Live Oak 30" caliper 70' x 70' Delon;x regia Royal Poinciana 10" caliper 28' x 2Q' u'4' , _ ro a,, .....;anu m Queen P9,,.. P x 10' 301 Quercus virginiana 303 Deionix regia 304 Mangifera indica. 305 Saba! palmetto 306 Cocos nucifera 307 Quercus virginiana 308 TAG NOT USED 309 Quercus virginiana 310 312 Roystonea elata 313 Quercus virginiana 314 Ptychosperma elegans 315 Deionix regia Live Oak 28" caliper 80' x 60' Royal Poinciana 6°' caliper 18' x 8' Mango 6" caliper 18' x 12' Cabbage Palm 9" caliper 20' x 10' Coconut Palm 10" caliper 34' x 12' Live Oak 20" caliper 24' x 10' Live Oak 24" caliper 32' x 20' Gumbo _per =1 Royal Palm 12" caliper 30' Live Oak 34" caliper 24' Solitaire Palm 4" caliper ' x 10° Royal Poinciana 18" caliper 40' x 40' f' 7 3 316 Sabel palmetto 317 Broussonetia papyrifera 318 Persea americana 319 Mangifera indica 320 Ericbotrya japonica 321 Quercus virgintana 322 Ptvohosperma elegarls 323 Ptychosperma elegans 32 Ptychosperma elegans 325 Quercus virgniana 327 Ptychospeima degaris Pitheceilobium dulce 329 Ptychosperma elegans 330 Ptychosperma elegans 331 Phoenix robelinii 332 Podocarpus macrophyllus 333 Phoenix robelinii 334 Tabebuia heterophylla 335 Phoenix robelinii 336 Ptychosperma elegans 337 Ptychosperma eiegans 338 Terminalia catappa 339 Ptycltiospenta 340 Ptychosnerrna elecilans 341 Ficus aurea 342 Bursera simaruba 343 rTy n '73 A ,A 345 Ptynhosperma eiegans 346 tycliospemla elegans 347 TAG NOT USED 348 TAG NOT USED 349 Mangifera indica 350 ievichosQerrna elegaris 351 Ptychosperma eiegans 352 .Pltych os p e rrn e iz:tg 3F3 Ptvelloseerrna ele4aris 354 Spathodea carhpanulata Cabbage Palm Paper Mulberry Avocado Cluster w/ Veitchia Mango (dying) Loquat Live Oak SoUtaSe Pam Sotare i73-2-3.rn ;llciAtaire 4o1m Live Oak Sdita;,-e Manila Tamarind S(Atare Solitaire Palm Solitaire Paim (cluster 12" caliper 12' caliper 5" caliper 9" caliper 6" caliper 11" caliper 14" caliper 3' calipes 36" caliper c:'4iiper 3" caliper 13 trunks) Pygmy Date Palm Podocarpus Pygmy Date Palm (triple) Pink Trurnpet (multi -trunk) Pygmy Date Palm (double) Solitaire Palm Solitaire Palm Tropical Almond Solitaire So.litaire Palm 3" caliper 18" caliper 3" caliper 10" caliper 3" caliper 3" caliper 4" caliper e'' caliper , 4" caliper Strangler Fig 10caliper Gumbo Limbo 3" caliper Solitaire Rita. 3' caliper' ,c;uy,atii Ts, caliper SoRal('et Pa. m 3" caliper SNitaire Pm Mango 6" 6 caliper SoMaire crarilper Solitaire Palm (double trunk) 3" caliper Solitaire Palm sailper Shditairp H.t7diT, (cluster — 11 trunks) ca iper African Tulip Tree 4" caliper 20' x 10' 24' x 20' 24' x 24' x 16' 30' x 20' 20' X 10' 26' 10' 34' x10' 2.CY 'yt 10' 34' x 20' 26' x 10' 28' x 18' 8' x 6' 22' x 12' 8' x 12' 20' x 24' 8' x 12' 20' x 10' 40' x 10 20' x 14' 36' x 1U' 34. x 40' x 50' 28' x 10' 2R' x 8' 28' X 10 00 X 10' 00' ry 20' x 14' 24' x 10- 4 Washingtonia robusta Washin ton Palm 356 Washington robusta 357 Spathodea carnpanulata 359 r aniikara zapota 360 Washingtonia robusta 361 Ficus aurea 362 Ptychosperma elegans 363 Ptychosperma elegans .364 365 Sabel palmetto 366 Ptychosperma elegans 368 369 370 Quercus virginiana 371 Quercus virginiana 372 Quercus virginiana 373 F1y_.s 374 Livistona chinensis 375 Livistona chinensis 376 Livistona chinensis 377 k»o s 378 Pongamia pinnata 379 Ptychosperma elegans 380 Terminalia catappa 381 383 384 385 Delonix regia .r'» _ n�''.,s r Quercus virginiana 386 Cocos nucifera 387 Ptychosperma elegans 388 Quercus virginiana 389 Ficus aurea 390 Terminalia catappa 391 Terminalia catappa 392 Calophyllum brasiliense 393 Calophyllum brasiliense 394 Calophyllum brasiliense 395 Calophyllum brasiliense Washington Palm African Tulip Tree Soilta Sapodilla Washington Palm Strangler Fig Solitaire Palm Solitaire Palm a m Cabbage Palm Solitaire Palm (cluster ® 6 trunks) -..✓tom`1.«air e Live Oak Live Oak Live Oak ,, :, ( _._ Chinese Fan Palm (double) 18" caliper Chinese Fan Palm 18" caliper , caliper 14" caliper 4" caliper 44" capper 12'° caliper 12' caliper 4" caliper 4" caliper ' 6" capper 3" caliper 34" caliper Chinese Fan Palm S- E na,. a Palm Pongam Solitaire Palm Tropical Almond Royal Poinciana Coconut""'a.-.. Coconut Pa.rn Live Oak (tree well) Coconut Palm Solitaire Palm Live Oak (in wall) Strangler Fig Tropical Almond Tropical Almond Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf 34" caliper 34" caliper 14" caliper 7" caliper 3" caliper 34" caliper 8" caliper r. i.G1 2: 8" 20" caliper 16" caliper 3" caliper 36" caliper 24" caliper 26" caliper 22" caliper 4" caliper 1 1" caliper 9" caliper 8" caliper 14' x 14' 16' x 16' 18' x 12' 44' x 40 8' x 8' 30' x 40' 26'x10' 26' x 10' 30' x 16' x .2 50° x 50' 70' x 100' 70' x 80' 12° x 12' 10' x 10' 2P' x 12' 22° x 20' 26'x12' 40'x30' 44' x 28' 26` 4 12' .^W x 20' x 14 40' x 30' 36' x 24' 24' x 18' 60' x 40' 50'x34' 50' x 30' 40' 0' 2' x 20' x 12' x 12' 396 Phoenix reclinata 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 Calophyllum Calophyllum Calophyllum, Calophyllum Calophyllum Calophyllum Calophyllum Calophyllum Calophyllum brasiliense brasiliense brasiliense brasiliense brasiliense brasiliense brasiliense brasiliense brasiliense 406 Calophyllum brasiliense 407 Calophyllum brasiliense 408 Phoenix sp. 409 Calophyllum brasiliense 410 Calophyllum brasiliense 411 4110 412 413 414 415 416 Calophyllum brasiliense Calophyllum brasiliense Calophyllum brasiliense Washingtonia robusta Calophyllum brasiliense Phoenix reclinata 417 Phoenix reclinata 418 Thespisia populnea 419 Thespisia populnea 420 Phoenix reclinata 421 Roystonea elata 422 Thespisia populnea 423 Thespisia populnea 424 Thespisia populnea 425 Pritchardia pacifica 426 Phoenix reclinata 427 428 429 430 Pritchardia pacifica Pritchardia pacifica Phoenix reclinata Phoenix reclinata Senegal Date Palm (cluster — 10 trunks) Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Brazilian Brazilian Brazilian Brazilian Beautyleaf Beautyleaf Beautyleaf Beautyleaf Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Date Palm (15 trunks) Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf (cluster — 20 trunks) Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Brazilian Beautyleaf Washington Palm Brazilian Beautyleaf Senegal Date Palm (duster — 30 trunks) Senegal Date Palm Cluster — 30 trunks) Seaside Mahoe Seaside Mahoe Senegal Date Palm (duster — 30 trunks) Royal Palm Seaside Mahoe Seaside Mahoe Seaside Mahoe Fiji Fan Palm Senegal Date Palm (duster — 4 trunks) Fiji Fan Palm Fiji Fan Palm Senegal Date Palm (cluster) Senegal Date Palm (cluster) 16" caliper 8" caliper 9" caliper 6" caliper 16' caliper 18" caliper 10" caliper 18" caliper 10' caliper 22" caliper 6" caliper 4" caliper 18" caliper 12" caliper 14" caliper 12" caliper 14" caliper 48" caliper 30" caliper 18" caliper multi-trunked multi-trunked multi-trunked 12" caliper 24' x 20' 30' x 20' 8' x 12' 2O'x12' 20' x 12' 30' x 20' 30' x 20' 20' x 20' 30' x 20' 20' x 20' 22' x 20' 18'x16' 26' x 22' 14' x 12' 20' x 18' 20' x 14' 2O'x14' 20' x 18' 2O'x16' 30' x 30' 30' x 30' 30' x 30' 30' x 20' 30' x 30' 44' x 20' 40' x 60' 40' x 60' 40' x 60' 40' x 16' 8" caliper (each) 12" caliper 40' 12" caliper 4116' x 20' x 20' 04.07 6 431 Saba! palmetto 432 Phoenix robelinii 433 Phoenix robelinii 434 Sweitinia mahogany 435 Cassia fistula 436 Quercus virginiana 437 Ptychosperma elegans 438 Quercus virginiana 439 Buddleia davidii 440 Ptychosperma elegans 441 Murraya paniculata 442 Murraya paniculata 443 Cassia fistula 444 Quercus virginiana 445 Delonix regia 446 Thrinax radiata 447 Cocos nucifera 448 Ptychosperma elegans 449 Brassia actinophylla 450 Ptychosperma elegans 451 Saba l palmetto 452 Ficus aurea 453 Persea americana 454 Macadamia integrifolia 455 Macadamia integrifolia 456 Ravenala madagascariensis 457 Quercus virginiana 458 Ficus altissima 459 Mangifera indica 460 Veitchia sp. 461 462 463 464 465 Veitchia sp. Saba l palmetto Veithcia sp. Livistona chinensis Livistona chinensis 466 Livistona chinensis 467 Livistona chinensis 468 Tabebuia heterophylla 469 Livistona chinensis 470 Livistona chinensis Cabbage Palm Pygmy Date Palm Pygmy Date Palm Mahogany Golden Shower Live Oak (double trunk) Solitaire Palm Live Oak Butterfly Bush Solitaire Palm Orange Jasmine Orange Jasmine Golden Shower Live Oak Royal Poinciana Florida Thatch Palm Coconut Palm Solitaire Palm Umbrella Tree Solitaire Palm Cabbage Palm Strangler Fig Avocado Macadamia Nut Macadamia Nut Travelers Tree (cluster) Live Oak Lofty Fig Mango Veitchia Palm (double) Veitchia Palm (double) Cabbage Palm Veitchia Palm (double) Chinese Fan Palm Chinese Fan Palm Chinese Fan Palm Chinese Fan Palm Pink Trumpet Chinese Fan Palm Chinese Fan Palm 14" caliper 20' x 12' 4" caliper 12' x 6' 3' caliper 12' x 6' 18" caliper 26' x 24' 14" caliper 36' x 24' 24" caliper 44' x 34' 3" caliper 28' x 12' 16" caliper 36' x 20' 12" caliper 18' x 18' 3" caliper 28' x 12' 6" caliper 24' x 12' 3" caliper 12' x 10' 10" caliper 22' x 20' 22" caliper 46' x 26' 20" caliper 50' x 20' 3" caliper 20' x 10' 8" caliper 26' x 14' 3" caliper 26' x 10' 20" caliper 26' x 20' 3" caliper 24' x 10' 8" caliper 18' x 10' 14" caliper 70' x 60' 14" caliper x 18' (cluster — 8) 20' x 10' 6" caliper 20x 10' 20' x 10' 4' caliper 48' x 48' 30" caliper 40' x 34' 6" caliper 24" x 24" 6" caliper 24' x 24' 14" caliper 24' x 18' 6" caliper 24' x 24' 8" caliper 30' x 12' 8" caliper 30' x 12' 6" caliper 20' x 10' 6" caliper 20' x 9" caliper 30' 8" caliper 2 8" caliper 6' 471 Cocos nucifera 472 Saba' palmetto 473 Cocos nucifera 474 Cocos nucifera 475 Cocos nucifera 476 Cocos nucifera 477 Quercus virginiana 478 Quercus virginiana 479 Cocos nucifera 480 Cocos nucifera Coconut Palm Cabbage Palm Coconut Palm Coconut Palm Coconut Palm Coconut Palm Live Oak Live Oak Coconut Palm Coconut Palm END 12J9 caliper 12" caliper 12" capper 12" caliper 12" capper 12" caliper 20" caliper 18" caliper 14" caliper 14" caliper NOTE: An botanical names and common names subject to verification. 30' x 20' 24' x 18' 24'x18' 24" x 18" 24" x 18' 28' x 20' 40' x 40' 40' x 30' 38' x 20' 38' x 20' 8 • COVER SICEST &RCHEICIO.AA: 48th St.Miam .=i 33155 P-305.661.20 r2 F-3 TAT 4055 DOUG S ROA COCONUT GROVE, EL 33 3 • MASTER SITE PLAN ESTATES ; , DOM AS RD 1. DLL, L LLLL . APPPAi LA A ABU • NOTES AND SYMBOLS. ". SYMBOLS iN GREEN REPRESENT EXISTING PLANT tAATERIAL TUNE RELOCATED 2. SYMBOLS IN RED REPRESENT EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL TO BE Mli-•••.GATED. REFER TO TREE 8Rt0ATION CHART SHEET ME-26 S. SY257i. S IN Bt ACK REPRESENT PLANT MATERIAL TO REMAIN A.. . REPRESENT ROAD BRIDGING '.EAS TO PROTECT ADJACENT RCM SYSTEM; REPRESENT LIVE(ABEND MANGLER 170 TRUNKS —7" NORTH NANAL2NoL NOTES AND SYMBOLS: 1. SYMBOLS IN GREEN REPRESENT 000202r202222002001010080 RELOCATED 2. SYNEOLS IN RED REPRESENT EX!00N0PLANT KATERAL TO BE MMGATED REFER TO TREE PATIGAT4ON CHART SHEET LA-06 3 SYMBO,S 'N BLACK REPRESENT .74N7.12TERIAL gLLAL, RE,RESENT ROAD B.R(DaNG C411- AREAS TO PPC.,TEC- ..-, 7 "", ADJ,CF.MT RO7 -447 024'" REPRESENT _1VE ()MAK," STRANGLER ,JC- TRUNKS LF.HOLea ES -ALES 4055 011060. • • P3P.3.0"3; 0 j ID Gip G.Ft3VT= ESTATES =1055 fT0H.G,...AS TO. 33, ;P,P.33,33; \ ' PALME333 3.' ;33,3,3P.P "33„ IPP.,73333 Pp, (25Q PPEGPEGE, 3373) " DAISY THATCH PAW NOTE: SYMBOLS IN READ REPRESENT 1 i tH. pxiSTING TREES LA-03 • NORTH ESYMBOLS IN GREEN REPRESENT XISTING PLANT M TERiAL TG REk 2. SYMBOLS IN REC. REPRESENT RINSING PLANT MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED GE RELOCATED. REFER TO ATTACHED TREE LIST 3. SYMBOLS iv PINK REPRESENT RELOCATED PLANT MATERIAL ". SYMBOLS IN BLACK REPRESENT NEW PLANT MATERIAL. RUM TO PROPOSED PLANT LIST ON SHEET LAOS GROWN ESTATES ,PPRESENT T _ R,TRE:' ,E3Ss'EAA,;: ;88AiTC9E' LP-11:4lE pD::;,TRAE7NE:LE4:Tli C,TR,RLI AA:E1 STRPTPTARDRE,LL REPRESENT CK REPRESENPinNr QyrviBoL3 ERER TV P,_() PLVNT NIATERE' LA--06 RANT LIST G, L A- 05 REPLACEMENT TREES Edi REPLACEMENT TREES h _ 4 '$£ mp at o One Standardsthe PIPans bob rt', as prepared b y the F ServicEn 30'x2 En-x4 x 2d n 24 .,alipe. ESTATES 25 pn. 4005 d o e-000OLA.^ RD. A aii[e -0 2"deloe, aiipar caliner 2 'x20 1 d 342 de Number add Endddddin Or nonoEny AgricuEure and Ronnume, ch6u Odd Oa, i1C'.l a'hl i..p8t S nt - Pigee, '+lurr. 1 t2 14 rt: 2 1, h 'C Yei1o0 Geiger 112,4 nt12 4 se,h C - Geiger' .14 - 0Uper t 8e- =oG n vpha,c rabw'6Ianaica,t x Yi/4'calip er 8 aeho G;= r.tnenotes rabru .a Specie, o'P'h.. ,..r ° Cen Dies Naiiee 840 TOTAL SUM 4e CREEPERS 9#£.b" • 274 REPLACEMENT TREES PR0Y1088D S9A SPEEOES PROVIDED l roes id the m iti9atlor, a art will ine re .srtifiEd ley i4sa 4°1£flkl E1100111cufs0rk2!}. P_ PLANT LIST, PROPOSED PLANTING MATERIAL QTY BOTANICAL NAME v021 ON NAME SPECIFICATION TREES TO BE REMOVED TREE N0i-1GAT4GNi CHART TREE NOR BOTAECAL a C-3taPt4*A NAME EE3.G -i. &SPREAD TREES Deonr.:5e,g a IRoy Po,,,,,,a ., .. _a„_, 32 _ Cobst boba dtuexs folio Pigeon Plum g e oYa 'i Cobbs tcaarrrt WEE. Geiger 9liR Ed 2g'sg Delo,x ,g.; Reye i.. CoT ..utes Yellow Geiger t.l -3rPan., Edo ade Lacer"., C 21 2 8 t.Gang Geiger 12.4h€. s NM21s cal_ Mangi.fererMa^-c Gugiocum babbrum 'grghbass e OE. £ B ht.x 2.•-S' y. Redo, cam peon:nand Roof, 33 S nr Plastic Oak 4 .Sa4L312 'la 4"ca 2v5 y R S.t�arc.}tor: °o ilxTs«saFa� PBasVc to ztz ..L ti $' tL n Id e n a �-e a 158 Caepsds bysobaboplare Jamaican Caper 6'-&' ha. x 435' am 4` ca[. 2S? - ,?iff . J_.,, a t+3'x nenthes Puebla Crap/mod SAW 111 x 4°4• s4., 4" car. 14 n d ife a a ,Mango EtRogindra OdinniMad PALMS 3, IdedEnin deojan 4cyax1 253 Spatdodea can, panel ? r - Saitat palmetto Characted Sabel Pa_m z2-ag2se.E ht. �usve3 trur•k 289 boatEdded a • k - 21 Sore reoens Cinema Sliver' Saw Palmetto i'x ala cat_ppa' Tropic..r:c..,. 7hr2ar ram Green Thatch Palm h-$:-. ap3s-bra;. 253 Quendun OrgiOaddllue Cart F iorzix gar"ioy, -. ACCENTS 303 Delonin negde f Rana inch 304. e Ni an g if, indica %M Edon Encephatartost ray Same ER x.Y 321 D.rercu_ g ,_ z f Live ORE Pains banded Sauce 4°x$ 326 Qrer u a _2 v;: vak_ `2 re Jodsfes Sam. 8 gal. 222 P Y b d - F Ea S. F• dabbbfairk Faitah_aieieaa Grass 3 gat. 35 9 n e t € D fi ir,- 2.2 _.. Ni - sapodillaTropical TOTAL SEM 02 CAMPERS = 492.• 3't0 REPLACEMENT TREES €2EQ WORD t'zROUNDCOVER a FOUR. SPECIES RE2l'RED 15084 Arachis glabrata Ecotuei 4' Pots 1 S" 0.0 295 Erbsnfts tiberatis Cciden Creeper 1 ga . r� 24" D.C. 250 Necreg2Jia 'Royal Eurgardp' Sawa 1 gal, CB 12" a.C. 303 Tradescanba vr.'girbaoa Spidarwort 1 gel, hiM, SA" D.C. ASS Porrichia f tteens Sliver Edeo Oxeye Daisy 1 9ai. 918" 0.C. 282 Zaenia poo*oo Cocntie `= gal.. SHRUBS 184 Ca0rearps americans Ame€icaa diEtnendy 3 gal. §9 bearrtefta pa1e0s F:r8u5fi 3 ga . 431 Psychofina !rnustri0afia Dwell axtid 1102104' 3 ga:. VINES 9 aolandra Variegated Chalice Vine MISCELLANEOUS 0n!1te Monolith Bould.rs LA- • • Di, 0,1p, . ; ;;i10;i11,11,;i111;;;;M /1'1; Wii.,4111'11111 CMSHOL.F. C.SOVE PAL_ACE ESTA7ES 40E6 DOUGLAS RD 1; LA-07