HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII. Tab 3. Site Utility StudyGROVE ESTATES SITE UTILITY STUDY (Drainage Calculations provided by Jorge Avigio, PE & Associates I. DRAINAGE A. Drainage Area The site is located on SW 37`h Avenue (Douglas Road). It has approximately 250 feet of frontage on Douglas Road. It consists of a total of 7.34 acres. The development consists of the construction of eleven single family houses, with associated driveways and entrance ways. After development, approximately 45.35% of the property wifl be impervious areas and approximately 54.65% of the site will remain as pervious areas. The storm water discharge will consist primarily of building roofs, driveways and landscape areas run-off. The coefficient of run-off is arrived at as follows: 0.4535 (impervious) x 0.90 = 0.41 +0.5465 (pervious) x 0.30 = 0.16 Overall coefficient 0.57 B. Existing Drainage System The city of Miami presently maintains a roadway drainage system in all fronting streets, The existing roadway system appears to be of sufficient capacity to handle the present conditions. C. Proposed Drainage System The primary drainage system of this development will consist of a system of exfiltration trench and/or infiltration wells which will allow the stormwater runoff to be fully contained on site. No off -site runoff is anticipated from this development. The determination of the use of either or both systems and the exact extent of them will be determined after the geotechnical investigations are preformed. The stormwater will be collected through a system of catch basin inlets and transported by pipes to the runoff disposal system. Runoff from driving surfaces such as driveways and parking areas will be pre-treated in order to capture the oils and greases prior to flowing into the ground water. Page I Runoff Generations 2. Sarnpie Drainage Calculations Toto|Arem a- Impervious b.Pervioun Average Runoff Coefficient 7.2GAureo 45.35% or3.2QAcres 54.6596 or4Acres 3, Design Storm 5yearn 4� Time ofConcentration 10.00min 5. Rainfall Intensity 6.1O in/hr Assuming the use of drainage wells with an average flow of 800 gpm per foot of head, using 3 feet of head: 3x800gpm=2,400gp/nper well 2'400gpm=5.35CFS (Peak runoff) (Flow per well) 35.35CFS 5.35CFQ =4.73Wells Therefore, provide 5 - 24^ diameter wells Detention Tank: Providing for minimum nfg0 seconds detention time in storage bank. Volume oftank required tohandle 2'4OOgpnnfor 90seconds. 2.4O0qpmx1.5minutes =3.00Ogal/tank or482cubic feet each Then, provide 5tanks each with the following interior dimensions: 11. WATER DISTRIBUTION The Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department owns and operateswateran8 inch main located pnDouglas Road. The water connection toserve the development will be done from the 8inch main. The connections will consist of dornestic water and irrigation water, No on -site wells are planned for this project. Development shall beserved from an8''line. The calculations for anticipated water volumes required for this project are shown below, in Table 2. Table Water Volumes Single Family Homes Total flow demand 3,850 gpd UiSANITARY SEWERS The Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department does not have a gravity sewer main. Septic tanks will bosufficient toserve this project. IV. SOLID WASTE GENERATION Solid waste generated by this project will be collected on standardized on -site containers for refuse and neovdeb|es. Regular pick-up service will be provided by either private hauling or the City ofMiami Solid Waste Department. 9 • 1 MARMORE �DORDCO AV I5AVONA AV ALiCULA AV HARDEE RD BARBAROSSA AV �t_RY�zI AV { ___ j AV ,- , POINCIANA _.:R R CIN IANA` AV — — -ins } — ':I Q C. I Y` d T N , P A o N A. A V ;3 — Ws j E RA'DO a 1 ___,_',E liE — AN i c fEL PRADC `D e, [[fi ' iviALAGA AV i ,� �'LRONA AV l:"fir ? a 1 Li T Tti 4. eF�F AV i 1 KtAORA ST � YlDpD A`J ARLENDA AV • PARK AV J- 'PARK AV GNITA AV o RiDGDOD RD ANOR PL HARDIE AV STEWART MORNLNGSIDE OR v BATTE, w s,wRiSE AV EDGEWATER J LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE SEA RD N PROSPECT DR S PROSPECT DR E SUNRISE AV FIRM FLOOD INSURAN ,L PR . AV flf AY '44 • AP EXHIBM- A 4-"N:4'.0•12-E1.5•55' FIRM at,'•31) NSURANCE fiATE MAP DADE CVUNTY, LOREDA NO WCWORATD AREAS M OF OS r,iN1,16 i •DX•1 :to..;t PI* ,,,ITk 11411ACER-4 17Q5CC18 MAP MUD' MARCH 2,1994 Ygd-4,41Y44,n,pq N4t44g,os,g,1 PROJECT FLOOD CRITERIA MAP EXHIBIT 8 THIS PROJECT FLOOD CRITERIA EL. ± 6.5 NGVD E aPo0ar 5f4 CFMEi a.a?. {S.iPY LriT i. is"GA§9.a4 RP.(1.4.t RCM4'�E.�T II.3'f R'f#iF _iC'EM' b�S'#`(9�e. ac�ib5,a'£'ik'Sr Afi#6i eROWARD COUNTY •ci5s3 GT57A Lvet as DR s#pxrpi Cat, 4/5/72 DEPARTMENT E.NT 4/►4/77 APR WGr'r. [dI r g.ggRrxF 4.0 EXHIBIT C THIS PROJECT EL. +2.5 NGVD tko .sos#,88 s" LEGEND: iwra ww.w 2---- (ESTIMATED) NOTES: #. CONTOUR INTERVAL 1.0 FOOT. (Except as indicated) 2. DATUM tS MEAN SEA LEVEL. NOTE: PREPARED FROM USSS. SURVEY DATA DESK N TANOAR AVERAGE OCTOBER GROUND WATER LEVEL 1960 —75 Ti OF • 771a 1 s 7720 NASD WATER ATLAS SHEET J-? 8 75345 7 7535 i f ;17527 1 EXHIBIT D (8215 1 |on communications with Joe VVieseibe/gregarding Schwartzberg litigatior and required information; communications from Eric Heller fomvardingcomments hySpeoonrelated 10execution ofEasement cndSupp|arnent 40 r 2 r&/ prepare revised declaration nfreo�ic1ions� follow-up with Bill Riley; draft correspondence to Nancy Rubin; review |U 1 and |U-2 uoom| letter to Nancy Rubin otCounty 10 3 Inc 10993 Te|ephoneconference with City Attorney Raul /4gui|e regarding rent payment 25 4 ynb hzi|ovv up with architect regarding status of contacting Tony Abbate .1O 5 boydub Conference with Robert Pippin .20 O presidential estates conference with Maria Teresa FojoregardinQ site plans and remaining sign offs; follow-up with Armando Hernandez at Miami -Dade County Public Works Department; obtain copy of signoff; conference with Carlos Heredia at Miami -Dade County Fire Department and obtain copy of sign off; forward sign off to Maria Teresa Fmoand Ron Ao|e; travel to and from Miami -Dade County and meet with Ron Ao|e; review plans and remove single family residential unit; meet with Fred Endaro; meet with Al Torres; obtain confirmation email from AJ Torres ofapproval 2.75 7 civil marine fnUow-upregarding site plans; receive correspondence from Town ofMedley's consultant regarding road improvements .30 8 oako|uky follow-up regarding taxes onWilliams Island Parcel; conference with Roxana at tax collectors office; letter to Roxana; obtain 2003 and 2004 assessments for master parcel; communications with Gary Appel; conference with Cliff Schulman 1.20 Q avantureland trust conference with CarlSkUne;prepare revised easement; follow-up review with Rnm| Estate Department 75 10 Oohdagrand opera communications regarding letter <ncity .25 11 pauadana follow-up with Carl Harrison regarding meeting; follow-up with Nancy Rubin .25 12 nnkia receive communications from Joanne Pirello at Miami - Dade County requesting survey; followup with Ludivina Palmerin .30 13 nabiHi|ton follow-up with Mike Ge||inarregarding release ufletter uf credit .10 14 liberty station conference with Claudia Fnnhnoi||mregarding approval of county advertisement regarding request; letter LoCassandra Henderson .30 15 shnmaryder letter toNathan KVgonregarding substantial deviation; review order related to denial of motion for protective order .50 18 aUoe follow-up communications regarding right mfway deed and partial release; fo||owupregarding county comments .3O 17 «eone follow-up from Town Attorney regarding judge's order related to dismissal; follow-up with Rnnier Cruz .10 18 city furniture conference with Rick Haso|ingar A 0