HomeMy WebLinkAboutI.I. Grove Estates Design Guidelines• • ev construdjor, Eljscayr; bay and the f`it-st ROVE ESTATES LCfl ti,Acry 2007 ht of way recluires a Cla,,is nern-Ht. TABLF OF C._:ONTENTS ftrtt..-±,. Water .2 1..„Hiies iLurtniacyh,Dr. 1,2 Fencing ard VHs 1.2 WoUs (,tatets Drve-ways and VILflk,,,,,ays 1.3 Ground <2overape ,3 Lot Coverage I .4. Set Backs 1,4 itteght 1.4 Generators 1,4 I .4 GOS -Tanks RecreationalVhdes 1,5 Boat Trgilers 2,0 Building Design 2.1 Facc,de 2. Garage Doors Roofs 2.1 Hurncone, Protection Landscape Architedure 3,1 Landscaping 3.1 Irrigation 4.0 General 4,1 P-Aaintend..nce 5.0 ndex Estates Design Guidehries iNTRODUCTION AND BACKGRQUND be r'-:••-•:.]y 2.2 PA.i] E-,1eVa r15 2.3 2.2 2 aPPrOVI,L pElrrnil 3.0 DHIGN pR) 3.1 cornpc-sed inerni)ers (I) (3; ciesignE:-;:rs ,A8BREALMONS AND DEFP'-WH(..-)NS Cor-Irc.:1 Appr.:7;vci FRC Flor;dt. TSFC Tror)icc,1 GiOve ES.:0-TeS DeSlan .0 Site C.:. SITE • LJk IVOC prC):71i,id CF,Ci T-oraifurc: ;,..derner-1-1:3 approveii pubH,:s.. view Qi FrP-,17: paiet7:e.-,: As per PBC. MDC Grove Estate Desgn GL)iciehnes '(--ENCHGt Prtv prop i]rie. keytone. No rtacrA5.:i ;to.irnuicted cro No ,.-_jncin-IHk; F-BC:. conftoi. perHrieTer.; ONe.1;,-ne.t...:tone, keystone._ No. iprecasi. .t:tirne[ateci sore ollowec). r:W(.7,,,,eci; As r.)er FTC- prc)duct Color taxturkrt 5wbi,:tctic.; L)R.C. Grove Estates Desgri Guideline K (.:,-kOUND COVL.F.A,C.A. 3!)- cmd NCD- 3 Grove tstoles Desgri Q. GAS TANKS Not iTor-r; Estates Guidelines , Griovo Estates Design Guideliiiiies 0 B U LD NG DESIGN (.;:q• CCCe.1CCA'e, As_ per PBC ce-icii Product getinedby I-is...K.:J.4 sil-i-tizturie ppd. rticxf-enoi. ?,n0H: orld cicincrete. uppr-oved Deis,:yr f vault isir - ID LEDCADE PROTECTic>il Locc,,..q09 Grove Estgte5 Design (T.:;uiiskdiries • • Grce E's.!--cifes Design Guidehnes 3.0 Landscape Architecture A. LANDSCAPING Definition The use and implementation of living plant materials, including trees, palms, shrubs, vines, and ground cover, in a thoughtful, sensitive, functional, and aesthetic manner in keeping with the intended character of the proposed development. Emphasis in design and implementation of the landscape shall recognize as the framing force, the structure, character and native plant materials of the Tropical Hardwood Hammock, The thoughtful and judicious use of exotic, non-native plant materials may be proposed: however, such non-native plant material may not comprise more than twenty-five (25) percent of all required plantings. Location Landscaping shall be required within each residential lot, and shall be placed within front, side and rear yard areas. Materials • Materials for each residential lot shall include trees, palms, shrubs, ground cover, vines, and turf (lawn) in the following quantities: 1. A minimum of six (6) Major Trees / Canopy Trees, defined as those that will reach a minimum height at maturity of fifty (50) feet. A minimum of six (6) Minor / Flowering Trees, defined as those that will reach a Minimum height at maturity of twenty (20) feet. 3. a. Nursery -grown Palms having a minimum overall height ("OA") from base of trunk to tip of spike/bud of sixteen (16) feet, may be substituted, three (3) Palms for each required Minor/Flowering Tree. b. Palms may not be substituted for the required Major/Canopy Trees. c. Palms shall be planted in clusters, with the exception of specimens such as Canary Island Date Palm. 4. Shrubs shall be plant materials either container -grown or field grown, and shall be those plant species that attain a minimum height of twenty-four (24) inches at maturity. 5. Ground Cover shall be plant materials either container grown or flats -grown, and shall be those plant species that attain a maximum height of twenty-four (24) inches at maturity. Vanes shall be plant materials container grown, and shall be those plant species that are characterized by a growth pattern using tendrils or other means, to connect to trellises, arbors, wails or other structures. Turf (lawn) shall be a living, growing material traditionally installed on the ground plane to establish a robust, green area within a landscape. Examples include St. Augustine Grass and its varieties; Zoysia and its varieties; and Bermuda and its varieties. Turf (lawn) areas may not be composed of synthetic materials nor shall they be considered for the purposes of this Section, to be native plant species. Color The use of color in the selection and implementation of plant materials is encouraged through thoughtful and judicious selection. This color may be reflected in foliage and changes in foliage, and in flower and fruit coior(s). Design The proposed landscaping for each residential lot shall be reflected and clearly illustrated in a Planting Plan (or Plans) prepared by an individual or corporate entity holding a valid Florida license to practice landscape architecture issued by the Florida State Board of Landscape Architects. The submission of Planting Plan(s) shall include: 1. A Site Planting Plan, drawn at a scale of 1/8" = 1'0". This scale shall be illustrated both in numbers and in graphic scale. 2. A north arrow. 3. A Plant Legend, indicating the quantity, of each species; the botanical and common names of each species; if the plant species is a containerized (indicating container size) or field grown (B&B) plant; the height and spread required; and any appropriate specialized remarks or requirements. 4. A planting detail for each type/size of plant material to be installed. This detail shall illustrate the relationships among the various elements of the installation, including but not limited to, width and depth of planting pit; backfill material; water - retaining earthen saucer; mulch; and, in the case of trees, palms and vines, the method(s) of support, bracing, or guying. • Implementation IRRIGATION Definition Ali sheets or the Planting Plan submiss` shall be signed and sealed by the Landscape Architect of record. 6. Specifications. 7 The implementation of a plant palette that attract birds and butterflies is encouraged. Planting Plan(s) proposals shall recognize as the framing force, the structure, character and native plant materials of the Tropical Hardwood Hammock The Landscaped Area of each residential lot shall be comprised of a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the total area of the residential lot. The turf (lawn) area shall not exceed ten percent (1 0%) of the required total Landscaped Area. The use and implementation of an electromechanical system of controllers, control wires, valves, pipes, and sprinkler heads intended to provide an automatic system of irrigation for plant materials and turf (lawn). Location The irrigation system shall be installed in all locations In which plant materials and turf (lawn) are installed. Materials All irrigation system components installed on an individual residential lot, shall be the highest -rated components in terms of energy efficiency and water use. Alt components within a single residential lot irrigation system shall be of a single manufacturer. Color N/A Design • The proposed irrigation for each residential lot shalt be reflected and clearly illustrated in an irrigation Plan (or Plans) prepared by an individual or corporate entity holding a valid Florida license to practice landscape architecture issued by the Florida State Board of Landscape Architects. The submission of Irrigation Plan(s) shalt include: A Site Irrigation Plan, drawn at a scale of 1/8" = 1'0'. This scale shall be illustrated both it numbers and in graphic scale. - A north arrow. An Irrigation Legend,indicating the quantity, and description of each sprinkler head, GPM, and precipitation rates; PSI of system operation, each valve by size, numbered with total GPM per valve; and pipe type and size. Indication if irrigation s.ytems is to be functional from domestic water; and irrigation meter; Or from a well, if well is to be installed, proper permits must be obtained. Anirrigation detail for each type/size of sprinkler head and valve. Provide also detail for Swing Joint installation of each sprinkler head. 6. Written Specifications. 7. All sheets or the Irrigation Plan submission shall be signed and sealed by the Landscape Architect of record. • • 4.0 Genera 1,-;,dged kE-pt cirp:j on-Jfar. Grove Estoles Des]gn Gi.naehne-'3