HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Plant List & Mitigation ChartMON CHART )ta| 0f271 trees and palms that have been surveyed, |nC8ted, and numbered tags on site. da|of53native trees and palms, all Ofwhich will bepreserved /n 'radead Royal Palm. The proposed access road alignment road's edge at a minimum of 60" from trunks of such native 8| trees and palms on Site, the following 23tne9a are proposed for ese only one dead Royal Palm is a native species-. zoincjano :Ioincianu 11oinoiana t i 3oinciana 3oinoana ,@|0 UAlnnond '8m(ione Tulip Tree Tulip Tree JA|nnond ,nindwna :Ioinciao8 d/UrnOnU Ila 1O^ca| 1O^ ca| 5^ce| 20^Co| 5^ nnu|h 3O^ma| JO'Ca| 18^douU|e 24^C8| U^ca| 14^ca| 24^co| 11^double 14^Ca| 14^ca| 12^C8| 14^ca| 2O^Ca| 1O^oa| O" C3/ 6"ca| 6"C8| 44^Ca| 45'htx30'spr 35'htx30'apr 18'htx10'Spr 60'htx50'spr 26'htx30'spr 50'htx30'spr 30'htx20'spr OO' htx40' apr 30'htx30'spr 30^hLx20'Gpr Dead 35'htx20'3pr 40'htx25'spr 40'htx20'Spr 40'htx20'Spr 36'htx14'8p[ 32" htx 12^opr 24'htx20'Spr 28' htx2O' opr 18'htx8^Spr 18'htx12'epr 20' htx 14' mpr 44' htx4O' spr aacJtrunk diameter toberemoved are equal to369. Per code, ant trees, 12' fe8t in height with 2" diameter, orQ2 tn*os. 18' in diameter, are required. VVeare proposing 1ninstall g4hardwood sight with 2^ in diameter, and 15 hardwood trees. 16' in height with . which is equivalent to 124tnaes of 12' height and 2'^ diameter. \| of B different npeoi*u. 7 of which one native to South Florida. 152 native trees which are smaller in eize, per species ; and availability, are also proposed to be installed. m54nw"�m °�^��,� �2� ~D5 66160NO ,,=,,..,,.~,..°°°,.~"^� GROVE ESTATES ESTATES 4055 � � aOMom R,vUMnmLM,mm ^n^vn°^+* `mncjonm 'Vin{18n8 L t `oinciana `0inciana `e|nn |Alrnond `Uinci@na Tulip Tree Tulip Tree |/Urnond /0|nCi3na `oinciana |A|rnond 1O^Ca| 5^co| 2O^C8| 5^multi 30^co| 3O^ca| 18^doub|e 24''Cal 8"cm| 14" Cal 24^ma| 11^double 14" Cal 14" Cal 12" Cal 14" Cal 2O^oo| 1O^oa| 6"oo| 6"re| 0^ca| 44^ma| 35' htx3O' Sp[ 18' htx 10' spr OO' htx5O' spr 2O'htx3O'spr 50' htx 30' spr 3O'htx20'spr SO' htx4O' spr 3O'htx50^spr 30' htx2O' spr Dead 36' htx20' spr 40' htX25' spr 40' htx2O' spr 4O'htx2O'spr 30' htx 14' spr 32^htx12''spr 24' htx2O' spr 28' htx 20' spr 18' htx O' spr 18' htx 12' spr 20' htx 14' spr 44' htx40' spr ?s of trunk diameter to be removed are equal to 369.Per code, snt trees, 12' feet in height with 2^ diameter, Vr02 trees, 16' in diameter, are required. We are proposing bzinstall S4hardwood �ightwith 2^|Odiameter, and 15 hardwood trees, 1O'inheight with . which is equivalent to 124tnaea of 12' height and 2^ diameter. )| Of S different species, T of which are native to South Florida. 152 native trees which are smaller in size, per species ; and availability, are also proposed to be installed. 405 DOUGLAS RD. DE CHIN11012 ARCHUECM IN,: Revisions wHPRT "' mu ^n""^,^^e mNSULTAN rS Sheet No. G'-D' ht. x 4'-G'ep..4^cal. Staggered ��curved trunk 3'x 3' 6''8` ht., multi-trh 4'x4' 4'x4' 3gaL 3 gal. 4^ pots @G^[\C. 1 gal. @24^[LC. 1 gal. @ 12^0.C. 1gal. @i8^[\C. 1 gal. @18['O,C. 1 gal. 3gai 3gai 3 gal. e 7gai ru 203 Mango 213 Royal Poinciana 218 Royal Poinciana 234 Eg0fruit 253 Mango 254 Eggfrui< 255 Royal Poinciana 261 Mango 262 Royal Poinciana 263 Royal Palm 273 Mango 275 Mango 286 Tropical Almond 287 Royal Poinciana 288 African Tulip Tree 389 African Tulip Tree 392 Tropical Almond 299 Royal Poinciana 303 Royal Poinciana 304 Mango 338 Tropical Almond 355 Sapodilla The total inches oftrunk diamel 123 replacement trees, 1Ifeet height with 4" diameter, are nsq trees. 12' in height with 2~ in di� 4" in diameter, which is equivab There is a total of different sp' Anadditional 153native trees le ym SPECIFICATION 12'-14' ht. x8''T'o;z.2 1Q^oai 18'18'ht. xG'-rop.4''cal. 1Z'-14'lit. wG'-7'ap..21D" cal. 12'44'lit. x8'-7'ap..21/2~cal. 12'-14' ht. u6''7'op.. 2 1/2^oaL 6;-8' lit. x 4'-6's;z. 2.cui 1O`1O'lit. x1%'sp.4^cal. 16'48' hL x8'-1O'op.. 4" cal. G'-8'lit. x4'-G'op.4^cal. 6'_B' ht. x 4''6'np.. 4^cai Staggered ht..curved trunk %'x3' 6'-8'hL.muK�rk. 4'x4' 4[x4' 3gai 3gai 4^ pots @6~O.C. 1 gal. @24^[1C 1 gal. @12^O.C. 1gal. @1DrOI. 1gal. @ 18^Ol:. 1 gal. Jgai 3gai 3gai 78ai TREE MITIGATION CHART There are 8total {f 271 trees at identified with numbered tags & There are atotal of53nadw*tr� Situ.except for gdead Royal P� maintains the road's edge at a species, Of the 271total trees and palm,, removal" of these only one dea( 202 203 213 210 234 255 254 255 261 262 263 273 278 286 287 288 289 292 299 303 304 338 359 Royal Poinciana Mango Royal Poinciana Royal Poinciana Eggfruit Mango EoQfruh Royal Poinciana Mango Royal Poinciana Royal Po|rn K8aOgV Mango Tropical Almond Royal Poinciana African Tulip Tree African Tulip Tree Tropical Almond Royal Poinciana Royal Poinciana Mango Tropical Almond Sapodilla The total inches Vftrunk dinnlel 123nsp|acennent tnees.12'feet height with 4^ Uiapneter, are rcq trees, 12' in height with 2^ in di� 4^lndiameter, which |s9qmva|/ There is a total of 9 different sp /\nadditional 162native trees » ) lb'Cal 35 Utx3O'spr 5^oa| 18'htx1O'spr 5^nnuW 20htx30'spr 30'C8| 5O'htX3O'spr 30^oa| 3O'htx20'spr 1O''double OO'htx4O'spr 24^ ca| 50' htx 30' spr 0^ C8| 30' htx 20' spr 14^Ca| Dead 24^ cm| 36' htx2O' spr 11^double 4O'htx25'spr 14^oe| 4O'htx2O'spr 14^ca| 4O'h<x20'spr 12" Cal 3O'htx14'spr 14^Ca| 325' htx12^spr 20^ ca/ 24' htx2O' spr 10^C8| 2O'htx20'spr 8^ ca| 18' htx8' spr 6"C3| 18' htx 12' spr G^ na| 20' htx 14' spr 44^ C8| 44' htx4O' spr toUoremoved are equal tn308. Per code, height with 2^ diameter, 0r02 tnaeo. 16in ed. VVeare proposing toinstall S4hardwood ater. and 16 hardwood trees, 10' in height with to 124tnees of 12' height and 2^ diameter. les. 7 of which are native to South Florida. Ch are smaller in size, per species � also proposed to be installed. 4055 NIeRINT My, funlfun-, n�u��mvmvn��m ^n000,^^u wNSUmINI I Prolfctmm, ___ J ,,palms thethave been surveyed, located, and �te. U �and palms, all o[which will bepreserved /n /, The proposed access road alignment \inlUnlOfOO''from trunks QYsuch native nsite, the following 23trees are proposed for �oyal Palm is a native species, ) � 18^co| 1O^ca| 5^ce| 20^ca| 5^ nnu|d 3O^ cal 3O^cn| 18" double 24^ms| 8"Cal 14^c8| 24^o@| 11^double 14^ca| 14^oa| 12" cal 14^ca| 2O^ cal 1O^ca| 6'ma| 6" cal 6"ca| 44^c8| 45' htx5O' spr 35'htx30spr 18'htx1O'spr OO'htx5O'spr 26' htx3O' spr 50^htx5O^spr 3O'htx2U'spr 8O'htx40'spr. 3O'htx3O'spr 3O'ktx2O'spr Dead 30' htX2O' spr 40'htx25/spr 4O'htx2O'spr 4O'htx20'spr 3S'htx14'spr 32^ htx 12" spr 24^ htx2O' spr 28'h1x2O'spr 18' ht x 8' spr 18'h\x12'spr 2O'htx14'spr 44'htx4O'spr to be removed are equal to 369. Per code, height with 2" diameter, orG2 trees, 16' in ed. We are proposing toinstall 94hardwood E!ter. and 15 hardwood trees, 16' in height with to 124trees of 12' height and 2''diameter. 'ao. 7 of which are native toSouth Florida. ohare smaller \nsize, per species also proposed to be installed. o�uwwm�,m�^a�`� 3OR Revisions NRCAITECT oGRE'R,I', cmyHMM, FATA ^nouo,^^u