HomeMy WebLinkAboutCover MemoCITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM RE.2 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Julie O. Bru, City Attorney DATE: April 3, 2008" RE: City Commission Meeting April 24, 2008 Proposed Resolution of the Miami City Commission authorizing the expenditure of attorney's fees and costs, in an amount approved by the City Attorney, for the engagement of Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Pastoriza, Cole & Boniske, P.L., in connection with trial level proceedings on remand in the consolidated class action cases of Sidney S. Wellman, et al. vs. City of Miami, Case No. 99-19523 CA 15, and Nadine Theodore vs. City of Miami, Case No. 99-28417 CA 15. (File No. 08-00398) The attached legislation has been prepared for placement on the April 24, 2008, City Commission Agenda. The resolution authorizes the expenditure of attorney's fees and costs, in an amount approved by the City Attorney, for the engagement of Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Pastoriza, Cole & Boniske, P.L., in connection with trial level proceedings on remand in consolidated class action cases of Sidney S. Wellman, et al. vs. City of Miami, Case No. 99-19523 CA 15, and Nadine Theodore vs. City of Miami, Case No. 99-28417 CA 15. As you may recall, this matter involves a class action challenge to the City's Vehicle Impoundment (VIP) Ordinance. Currently, the City is on appeal before the Third District Court of Appeal, on remand from the Florida Supreme Court, litigating the issue of whether the VIP Ordinance is constitutional in various respects. Unless the Florida Supreme Court again grants review, upon the conclusion of the pending appellate proceedings, this case will be remanded to the trial court for the determination of any refund. Attachments(s) c: Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager Elvi Gallastegui, Agenda Coordinator 116024