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Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities it.1 it co Quantit 0 ti Y °= Allowable Planning Costs y Unit Cost Total Cost Public Education/Outreach 290 Broad -based community education, information a awareness program to compliment other established Area -wide programs 1 $95,748 $95,748 Establish, enhance, or evaluate Citizen Cores -related volunteer •roe rams ,■ 353 CERT - continuation of Miami Program for two years 1 $175,00r $175,00r ,■ 445 Medical Reserve Corps 1 $124,826 $124,826 Hirin • of full or •art -time staff or contractors/consultants to assist with • tannin • activities 360 Emergency Management Coordinator- to coordinate UASI Core City integration and EOC Ops, 2 years @ 70K/year + 37% benefit cost: at $8000/month; prorate for 18 months 1 $144,'r' S144,001 300 Includes continued RDSTF Support to work groups, planning to support urban area strategy implementation, comprehensive emergency management planning, assessments, and support to regional jurisdictions with workshops and templates for various plans. 1 $1,271,' ' ' $1,271, •_KEEI zr. m T zt .. Q d E 1J a.._. = COOP Project residual Allowable Organizational Activities (limited to 25% of the total UASI award) 1 Quantit y $16,224 Unit Cost S16,224 Total Cost Hiring of contractors/consultants for participation in informationrntelligence s rou • s or intelli, ence fusion center activities analysis and sharing 291 Contractor support for Terrorism Early Warning Program 'ET E Cj n ]_. °: Allowable Training Costs 1 Quantit y $100,' s • Unit Cost $ 100,000 Total Cost Overtime and backfill funding for emergency preparedness and response s • onsored and a • • roved trainin, classes. personnel attending ODP- • I - b.1 ® Training / backlit! Overtime to train 1,600 in NIMS' 1,600 $ 169 $270,000 b.6 350 Backfill Overtime to train Law Enforcement Officers on School response 1 $ 250,000 $250,��� new 424 Overtime and Backfill and Training 1 $ 395,040 $395,040 365 Training: Instructor overtime and personnel backfill salaries to meet the requirements of NIMS training 1 $ 1,034,000 $1,034,000 - 346 Overtime for training and back -fill personnel 1 $ 101,250 $101,250 Trainin • Worksho • s and Conferences • b.6 342 Training costs for HLS CAM 1 $ 54,750 md.4 gum Apple/MAC Forensic Training (2) 2 $ 4,000 $8,00r md.4 477 Encase Intermediate Training (Includes Travel) (4) 4 $ 3,000 $12,000 b.6 339 Books, materials for training 1 $ 50,000 $50,000 md.4 480 Intrusion Detection Training (4) 4 $ 3,500 $14,00 md.4 484 Specialized Forensic Network Sniffer Training (Includes Travel) (5) 5 $ 3,000 $15,000 md.4 486 Cyber Incident Response Training (5) 5 $ 3,500 $17,500 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities 14 md.6 508 Mosq. Control: Security perimeter fence: 2,100 ft. iron material spear tipped pale fence; maximum corrosion resistant; pointed rail security spikes between pales to prevent climbing 1 • - $ 27,300 $27,300 14 md.7 432 Winson Water Plant: Installation of sensors/detectors throughout the facility 1 $ 3,000 $3,000 14 md.7 435 Winson Water Plant: Installation of six (6) security cameras 6 $ 2,000 $12,000 14 md.7 438 Norwood Water Plant: Purchasing of laboratory analytical equipment for water toxicity testing 1 $ 30,000 $30,000 14 md.7 442 Winson Water Plant: Weil area protection: Fencing at 6 remote locations for well protection w/ remote sensing equipment 6 $ 14,167 7 $85,000 14 md.7 447 Norwood Water Plant: Installation of remote water quality equipment for instantaneous monitoring of pH, chlorine residual, and conductivity within the water distribution system 1 $ 200,000 $200,000 14 md.7 448 Winson Water Plant: Protective coverings for the accelator/filters/Aerator 1 $ 200,000 $200,000 14 new to '05 369 Surveillance, protection, and monitoring systems for critical facilities (fire stations and WMD equipment storage facility) -, 1 $ 112,000 $112,000 14 b.6 341 _ Video Equipment for project _ $50,000 CBRNE logistical support equipment 16 b.4.2 334 Thermal Image & Color Camera with Flat Screen Color Monitor - BTl 1 $ 28,500 $28,500 16 m.4 380 Black Latex Over boots: 200 © $3 200 $ 3 5600 16 m.8 423 Skywatch Observation Platform 1 $ 98,000 $98,000 16 md.1 437 Telephone Equipment 1 $ 19,600 $19,600 16 md.1 439 Satellite Equipment 1 $ 50,000 $50,000 16 md.1 440 Audio-visual Equipment 1 $ 72,000 $72,000 16 md.1 441 Radios 1 $ 75,000 $75,000 16 md.1 443 Date Equipment 1 $ 89,000 $89,000 16 md.1 444 Furniture, cabinetry 1 $ 119,300 $119,300 16 md.1 446 Misc. (generators, UPS, antennas, wiring, parts and supplies 1 $ 196,400 $196,400 16 41 • v md.1 a Y u Cl. 449 u Vehicle and trailer Eligible Management and Administration Costs 1 Quantit y $ 949,1300 Unit Cost $949,800 Total Cost Hiring of full-time or part-time staff or contractors/consultants 293 Provide overall management of the Miami UASI grant, project planning and monitoring, Area -wide management & administrative items, and City of Miami Indirect Cost percent applied to identified full-time employee salaries 1 $ 192,300 $192,300 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities AV equipment for unit training (laptops and PowerPoint 344 projectors) (25 units) 25 $ 3,200 $80,000I Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities Full or Part -Time Staff or Contractors/Consultants - Full or part-time staff may be hired to support training related activities. Cost for specialized training to enhance current operational response capabilities (travel, materials,...) to maintain Level A b.4.1 337 operations 1 $ 40,000 $40,000 b.6 340 Contractor to assist in project effort 1 S 50,000 $50,000 Continuation of the University of Miami Emergency Response , Training program classes for hands-on CBRNE response skill 295 development ($350K) 1 $ 350,000 $350,00r u u m a Quantit U ` Y t• a Allowable Exercise Costs y Unit Cost Total Cost Full or Part -Time Staff or Contractors/Consultants - Full or part-time exercise -related activities. staff may be hired to support Contractor support for Regional exercise program, includes a.2 $50K for support to State Exercise Program.el 1 $ 674,620 r U 4 0 a E Quantit U ` Y °' a Allowable Maintain & Sustain Equipment y Unit Cost Total Cost ,■Maintenance 364 and sustainment of ODP approved equipment and inleroperability items 1 $ 60,000 $60,00. ,■Annual 330 equipment maintenance and calibration expenses for WMD monitors 1 $ 10,000 $10,000 Includes sustainment of ODP-funded equipment for first responders in the Miami Urban Area to maintain equipment, calibration, replacement of consumables and to assure operational readiness for all teams; State Lab equipment to enhance the capabilities of the Miami -Dade Public Health Laboratory for CBRNE incidents; and contractor support for 296 equipment selection. 1 $ 430,000 S430,00' ,■ 495 Hardware/Software Maintenance/Upgrades (Recurring Cost) (1) 1 $ 25,000 $25,00r U # Quantit co cj ti V CY a Eligible Equipment Acquisition Costs y Unit Cost Total Cost Personal • rotective e • ui • ment i IBI 345 ISI Viking Stealth SCBA (Breathing Units) (15' units) 15 $ 5,478 $ 82,163 1 b.5 310 PPE Tyvek BR Level C Protective Suites (18) 18 $ 80 $ 1,440 1 b.5 311 Portable Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) System (3) 3 $ 500 $ 1,500 1 b.5 312 35mm Camera Protective Housing (6) 6 $ 275 $ 1,650 1 b.5 315 Label Maker and Supplies (3) 3 $ 840 $ 2,520 1 b,5 320 10 x 20 Ft Pop Up Enclosed Tents (command posts) (3) 3 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 1 b.5 321 Digital 35mm camera • 8 Megapixel (3 units) 3 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 1 b.5 323 Mini -DV Camcorder (3) 3 $ 1,200 $ 3,600 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities 1 b.5 328 SCBA Encapsulated Level B Tyvek BR Suits (18 units) X TWO 2 $ 3,240 $ 6,480 1 b.5 332 Flexible Fiberscope with Video Recorder (3) 3 $ 6,100 $ 18,300 1 b.5 338 SCBA Air Pack Units (12 units) 12 $ 4,000 $ 48,000 1 m.4 372 Air bag escape device; Response asset, Est. with trailer 75K 1 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 1 m.4 377 High Visibility Reflective Vests:160 0 $25 160 $ 25 $ 4,000 1 m.4 379 Standard Shoulder Split Leather Palm Gloves: 200 @ $3 200 $ 3 $ 600 1 new to '05 352 Escape mask for self -rescue for GA n/a n/a $ 40,000 Explosive device mitigation and remediation equipment 2 md.3 479 LVB (Large Vehicle Bomb) System (2i$6K) 2 $ 6,000 $ 12,000 2 md.3 482 Fiber Optic Scopes for MDPD Bomb Squad (2 0 $7,500) 2 $ 7,500 $ 15,000 2 md.3 483 Gander System (2 tQ $7500) 2 $ 7,500 $ 15,000 2 md.3 487 Large Vehicle Hook and Line Kits for MDPD Bomb Squad (2 l $10K) 2 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 2 md.3 491 EPIC LOGOS X-Ray System (1) 1 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 2 md,3 492 Hazardous Material Meters 2 @ $6K) 2 $ 12,000 $ 24,000 2 md.3 493 Radiological Detection Equipment (2 @ $6K) 2 $ 12,000 $ 24,000 2 md.3 499 Bomb Suits (2 (f! $20K) 2 $ 20,000 $ 40,000 2 md.3 501 Explosives Detection Meters (2 c? $12,000) 2 $ 30,000 $ 60,000 2 md.3 505 Forkbot- a large remote -controlled forklift that is capable of towing and lifting large vehicles, vessels, and containers (1) 1 $ 437,000 $ 437,000 CBRNE operational search and rescue equipment 3 m.4 375 Light Tower- pull behind/self contained power 1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 3 m.4 376 ' Trailer for Front End Loader 1 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 3 md.4 450 Transportation Cart/Golly (2) 2 $ 200 $ 400 3 md.4 451 Serial-ATA DriveLock Kit (2) 2 $ 350 $ 700 3 md.4 452 SMART for Linux (1) 1 $ 700 $ 700 3 md.4 453 USBIFirewire Write Blockers (4) 4 $ 200 $ 800 3 md.4 456 Equipment Flight Cases (5) 5 $ 300 $ 1,500 3 md.4 457 Firefly 800 Write biockers (10) 10 $ 150 $ 1,500 3 md.4 458 High Res Digital Camera (1) 1 5 1,500 $ 1,500 3 md.4 460 Cell Seizure Kit (2) 2 $ 1,000 .- $ 2,000 3 md.4 461 Stego Suite (1) 1,1 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities 3 md.4 462 Printers - (2) miniature (4) Photo (6) 6 $ '350 $ 2,100 3 md.4 463 External Data Storage (4) 4 $ 600 $ 2,400 3 md.4 464 VoomTech Shadow Drive (Slave Config) (2) 2 $ 1,300 $ 2,600 3 md.4 465 Access Data Ultimate Took Kits (2) 2 $ 1,500 $ 3,000 3 md.4 466 Mobile Laboratory Vehicle Maintenance (Reoccurring Costs) (1) 1 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 3 md.4 467 Wetstone Network Forensic Sensor (1) 1 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 3 r md.4 468 Gargoyle Forensic Pro (5) 5 $ 800 $ 4,000 3 md.4 469 1 Apple MAC G5 (Apple/MAC Forensic Applications) 1 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 3 md.4 470 Image MASSIer Solo 2 Portable Forensic Ktt (2) 2 $ 3,000 $ 6,000 3 md.4 471 FIM Module Training (2) 2 $ 3,500 $ 7,000 3 md.4 472 Laptop computers - On -scene administrative databases (20 20 $ 350 $ 7,000 3 md.4 474 Internal Server Storage Space (for data analysis) 4 Terabytes (4) 4 $ 2,000 $ 8,000 3 md.4 476 Aircards with Service - Onsite Internet capability (4) 4 $ 2,020 $ 8,080 3 md.4 478 Laptop Computer (For Data Sniffers) (2) 2 $ 6,000 $ 12,000 3 md.4 481 Encase Field Intelligence Module (FIM) w/additional Enterprise Certificates)(1) 1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 3 md.4 488 Logicube Portable Forensic Kits (5) 5 $ 4,000 $ 20,000 3 md.4 489 RoadMASSter 11 Portable Forensic Lab (2) 2 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 3 md.4 490 Wireless Intrusion Detection System (1) 1 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 3 md.4 496 Response and Identification Equipment 1 $ 27,980 $ 27,980 .3 md.4 497 Digital Intelligence Mobile Forensic Workstation (4) 4 $ 8,000 $ 32,000 3 md.4 500 Intrusion Detection Devices (2) 3 $ 16,667 $ 50,000 3 md.4 503 Network Data Sniffers/Monitors (2) 3 $ 33,333 $ 100,000 3 md.4 504 Customize Van /Bus Mobile Laboratory (Capable of housing (4) mobile examination stations) (1) 2 $ 75,000 $ 150,000 Information technology 4 a.3 294 KazMat Tier II Data Response & Management System to integrate & provide access to Tier 11 data on infrastructure in the Region; compliments other data source information for CBRNE intelligence and response 1 $ 310,400,_ $310,400 Cyber security enhancement equipment 5 new to '05 367 Improve Network security/encryption and detection on intrusion for city network infrastructure. 1 $ 248,230 $ 248,230 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities lnteroperable communications equipment 6 b.3 348 EOC & Interoperable Communications Enhancements between EOC and Airport and Port Everglades. 1 • $ 169,000 $ 169,000 6 m.1 357 AM Radio enhancement, additional transmitter -phase in and add final transmitter for saturation & for maintain and sustain existing: $30K 1 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 6 m.4 363 High volume credentialing system with portability and photo capability; 3 or 4 setups and also pre print some credentials for impromptu scenes. 1 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 6 m.5 354 ELMO: EV-2000AF Visual Presenter w/ Swivel Head Camera 12x Optical Zoom, Buiit-In Lighting & Wireless Remote Control; Mfr #9430 B7H #ELEV2000AF; www.bhphotovidea.com 1 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 6 m.5 355 Blackberry Miami EM and City continued and expanded to 20 more units @ $200 20 $ 200 $ 4,000 6 m.5 356 EOC weather system, (investigate Capricorn/Pegasus Weather System- www.columbiaweather.com, vehicle mount, station mount and portable systems or any better solution. 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 6 m.5 359 Maintain & Sustain Blackberries @$600/yr for 100 units for 2 years; sustain current ($80K); new above ($12K) 2 $ 48,000 $ 92,000 6 m.5 361 EOC security, video surveiilan'ce, access card system, cyber security, Infrastructure protection 1 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 6 m.5 362 EOC audio, video and interop-com, video conf, equip .enhancements 1 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 6 md.1 433 Emergency Satellite Communications Telephones (4 units) 4 $ 975 $ 3,900 6 k md.1 434 - Emergency Management Support and Efficiency Program (20 two-way wireless communications devices such as blackberries) 20 $ 350 $ 7,000 6 mo.1 509 Accessories & Paris 1 $ 6,360 $ 6,360 r 6 mo.1 510 Shelter Site Generator 1 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 6 mo.1 511 . Tea Table three channel I.R. Site Equipment 1 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 6 new 425 Transportable Radio Interconnect System (10 Channel back-up radio system) 1 $ 774,576 $ 774,576 6 new to '05 366 Automatic Vehicle Locator mapping equipment. 1 $ 392,526 $ 392,526 Detection Equipment 7 b.4.1 308 Multi Rae Calibration Kit required for equipment sustainment (4 units) 4 $ 248 $ 992 7 b.4.1 322 Ludlum Survey Meters, Model 48.1811 for dirty bomb/rad scene monitoring (4 units) 4 $ 750 $ 3,000 7 b.4.1 331 Multi Rae Gas Monitoring (02,CO2,H2S,LEL) PID Lamp, Pump, Data Log (4 units) 4 $ 2,839 $ 11,356 7 b.4.1 335 APD 2000 Monitor (FID Monitor for WMD Events) (4 units) 4 $ 9,750 $ 39,000 7 b.4.1 343 AP2C Monitor (PID Monitor for WMD Events) (4 units) 4 $ 17,000 $ 68,000 7 m.4 378 • Rain Gear PVC Polyester 3 pieces: 80 © $15 80 $ 15 $ 1,200 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities CBRNE incident response vehicles 12 a.1 289 JIC Trailer ($88K) to provide a public information command post to compliment incident command and provide public information, 1 $ 88,000 $88,000 12 b.4.2 302 Fold -Up Steel Work Table - BFSWT 1 $ 248 $248 12 b.4.2 303 Chassis Parts & Service Manual - BFLMAN 1 $ 446 $446 12 b.4.2 304 Installation / prep of customer supplied Tight bar - BILB 1 $ 496 $496 12 b.4.2 305 installation / prep of customersupplied radio and antenna - BIRA 1 $ 496 $496 12 b.4.2 306 Set of (2) Aluminum Rescue Ramps - BRR2 2 $ 298 $595 12 b.4.2 307 Roof Mounted Remote Control Spotlight - BRCS 1 $ 987 $987 12 b.4.2. 309 Seat Belts for Rear Bench Seats (11) - BRBSB 11 $ 122 $1,339 12 b.4.2. 313 Whelen Edge Light Bar (installed) - BWELB 1 $ 2,247_ $2,247 12 b.4.2. 314 Back Up Camera and Monitor - BBU 1 $ 2,250 $2,250 12 b.4.2. 316 Set of (2) Ballistic Skip Round Shields - BBSRS2 2 $ 1,390 $2,779 12 b.4.2. 317 Intercom System ; outside to inside • BINT 1 $ 2,800 $2,800 12 b.4.2. 318 Ludlum Scintillators, Model 44-98 for stand off radiation monitoring (4 units) 4 $ 700 $2,800 12 b.4.2. 319 Custom Paint Job (2 tone) - BPJ 1 $ 2,990 $2,990 12 b.4.2. 324 Explosive Gas Detection System - BDRG 1 $ 4,962 $4,962 12 b.4.2. 325 Radiation Detection Package - BRAD 1 $ 4,962 $4,962 12 b.4.2. 326 Rotating Roof Hatch w/Gun port - BTUR 1 $ 4,975 $4,975 12 b.4.2. 327 Run Fiat Tires (set of 6) - BRF6 6 $ 993 $5,955 12 b.4.2. 336 4 WD, four wheel drive option - B4WD70 1 $ 39,600 $39,600 12 b.4.2. 349 Vehicle - Lenco B.E.A.R. to include Kodiak Pkg 1 $ 207,075 $207,075 12 m.4 368 HazMat WMD Decon Trailer Packages 1 $ 210,000 $210,000 12 m.4 370 Front End Loader Model John Deer JRB 624H: 1 CO$95,000 1 $ 95,000 $95,000 Terrorism incident prevention equipment 13 a.6 299 Contribution towards Data Fusion ( Intelligence and data mining program to provide high level data collection Area -wide); housed at the Region 7 FDLE offices 1 $ 1,200,000 $1,200,000 13 301 Continue the support and operation of the Terrorism Early Warning Program (Counter Terrorism Unit) 1 $614,429 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities Physical security enhancement equi . ment 14 b.2 329 • Garmin GPS (40 units) 40 $ 200 $8,000 14 b.2 333 Sony Digital Cameras (40 units) 40 $ 500 $20,000 14 b.2 347 Notebook Computers including docking stations, DVD burners and Cases (40 units) 40 $ 2,900 $116,000 14 m.2 371 Secure perimeter of Training Center (hard fence with electric gate/ card controlled) 1 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 14 m.2 373 Video surveillance system exterior/interior 1 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 14 m.2 374 Install Key/Card entry security system at Training Center 1 $ 21,950 $ 21,950 14 m.2 426 "Do Not Enter" signs 30'k30'; 20 @ $88 20 $ 88 $ 1,760 14 m.2 427 Traffic cones: 200 @ $18 200 $ 18 $ 3,600 14 m.2 428 "Stop" signs 30"x30": 50 @ $88 50 $ 88 $ 4,400 14 m.2 429 Concrete sign bases: 70 @ $125 70 $ 125 $ 8,750 14 m.2 430 Install new Emergency Generators 1 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 14 md.5 436 Seaport: wireless hand held devices to provide for checking of security Ids anywhere on the Port 24 / 7 (1) 1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 14 md.5 454 Seaport: undercarriage mirrors for inspecting cars and trucks (12) 12 $ 95 $ 1,140 14 md.5 455 Seaport: Metal detector hand wands (12) 12 $ 115 $ 1,380 14 md.5 459 Seaport: Protective gloves rated to protect against hazardous materials (100) 100 $ 15 $ 1,500 14 md.5 475 Seaport: Traffic cones (50) 50 $ 160 $ 8,000 14 md.5 485 Seaport: Barricades (38) 38 $ 450 $ 17,100 14 md.5 494_ Seaport: GEM carts, sufficiently small and maneuverable to move security officers quickly along the stringpiece wharf -area (3) 3 $ 8,000 $ 24,000 14 md.5 498 Seaport: wireless hand held devices to provide for checking of security Ids anywhere on the Port 24 / 7 (15) 15 $ 2,500 $37,500 14 md.5 502 Seaport: Mobile devices with imbedded wireless mechanism for use in vehicles or in buildings to allow for national background checks (20) 20 $ 4,500 $90,000 14 md.6 Mosq. Control: Barrier security gate: tamper resistance fasteners, maximum corrosion resistant; 1/2 hydraulic powered automatic motor. Card reader in metal housing with intercom for gate operation 1 $ 45,500 $45,500 14 md.6 506 Mosq. Control: Surveillance color camera with transmitter on board to be installed outside the building and property entrance; water resistant, surrounding lens for darkness, range of 1,000 meters; include receiver 1 $ 7,500 $7,500 14 md.6 507 Mosq. Control: Wireless security system for hangar and main building: built in control panel, keypad, graphic LCD display; siren alarm; back-up battery for a minimum of hours; message to private phones 1 $ 13,000 $13,000 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005 Budget Detail Worksheet #048 - Eligible Activities Total Miami Area UASI Grant 2005 $15,828,322 Miami Urban Area Initiative 2005