HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Chabbad of South Dade Composite Exhibit3570 MAIN HIGHWAY SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION CHABAD OF SOUTH DADE COMPOSITE EXHIBIT Similar application for a place of worship at 3713 Main Highway. 3713 Main Highway is accessed by a platted private road, Anchorage Way, platted in Plat Book 122 at Page 64 and reserved an ingress and egress easement in Warranty Deed dated May 1, 1957 and recorded in Deed Book 229 at Page 507. Zoning Board approved place of worship on March 24, 2008 and previously on June 12, 2006. - - Planning recommendation of approval - - Analysis for Special Exception -- Criteria Matrix -- Anchorage Plat at Plat Book 122 Page 64 - - Warranty Deed recorded in Deed Book 229 Page 507 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM vz-ia ON ) 1 u i , ZONING FACT SHEET Legistar File ID: 06-00842x1 Z.5 Location: Approximately 3713 Main Highway [Commissioner Marc David Sarnoff — District 2] Legal: (Complete legal description on file with the Department of Hearing Boards) Applicant: Carie Ann Penabad-Cure, Architect, on behalf of Chabad of South Dade, Inc. 1209 San Miguel Avenue Coral Gables, FL 33134 (786) 942-1612 Zoning: R-1 Single Family Residential SD-18 Minimum Lot Size District NCD-3 Coconut Grove Neighborhood Conservation District Request: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI ZONING BOARD WITH ATTACHMENT(S) FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AS LISTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 4, SECTION 401, TO ALLOW A USE AS A PLACE OF WORSHIP AND ARTICLE 9, SECTION 917.9, TO ALLOW JOINT ACCESS TO OFFSTREET PARKING FACILITY, WHICH INCLUDES BACKUP OF ONE SPACE INTO THE JOINT ACCESSWAY. Purpose: This will allow a place of worship with joint parking access. Findings: Planning Department: Recommended approval. Analysis: See supporting documentation. Notes: This Special Exception was previously granted on June 12, 2006, Resolution No. ZB 06- 1191, vote of 5-3; the time limitation to obtain a building permit has expired. Zoning Board: March 24, 2008 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM rZr ON . ANALYSIS FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION 3713 Main Highway CASE NO. 06-00842x APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE 11000 AND CITY CODE, AS AMENDED, AND ALL APPLICABLE CRITERIA, CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR OTHER REGULATIONS. The proposed project "Chabad of South Dade" will be comprised of an existing Sanctu- ary building of approximately 8,274 SF and one story residence of 1,056 SF, and three (3) new building structures of one story each of approximately 10,659 square feet in total area including mikhva, office, lobby- reception, meeting room, six (6) class rooms, one (1) kitchens, loggia, restrooms and storage. The project will provide a total of thirty (30) parking spaces required. Pursuant to Section 401 and Section 803.3.6 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal has been reviewed to allow the expansion of an existing a place of worship as follows: The following findings have been made: • It is found that this project was approved on January 25, 1968 by City Commission under Resolution No. 39349 per plans on file. • It is found that the proposed addition and remodeling of the historically designated structure was approved by the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB) at its April 4th 2006 meeting. • It is found that Special Exception to allow a use as place of worship was previously granted at the Zoning Board at its June 12, 2006 meeting by Resolution No. ZB 06-1191. • It is found that time limitation to obtain a building permit has expired. • It is found that a new modified application has been submitted for a Special Exception adding square footage and also adding a second Special Exception, which includes backup of one parking space into the joint accessway. • It is found that the Historic and Preservation Officer administratively approved a Certificate of Appropriateness on March 5, 2008 allowing the amendment to the original approval. • It is found that the use is compatible with and beneficial to the area by providing a much needed service to the community. • It is found that the proposed layout provides adequate vehicular circulation. • If found that with respect to all additional criteria as specified in Section 1305 of the Zoning Ordinance 11000, the proposal has been reviewed and found to be in compliance. Based on these findings, the Planning Department is recommending approval as presented. Submitted into the public recocoll in connection with item VZ li 3 on i _ l7 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk SECTION 1305.2 Criteria Matrix *Compliance is subject to conditions Application Type: Special Exception (File No. 06-00842x) Project Name: Chabad of South Dade Project Address: 3713 MAIN HIGHWAY Submitted Into the public recor in connection with item 1Z 13 on 3_a27_O Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk c. Pursuant to Section 1305.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific site plan aspects of the PROJECT that have been found by the City Commission (based upon facts and reports prepared or submitted by staff or others) to adhere to the following Design Review Criteria subject to the any applicable conditions in the Development Order herein: I) Site and Urban Planning: Design Review Criteria Applicability Compliance (1) Respond to the physical Y Y contextual environment taking into consideration urban form and natural features; (2) Siting should minimize the Y Y impact of automobile parking and driveways on the pedestrian environment and adjacent properties; (3) Buildings on corner lots Y Y should be oriented to the corner and public street fronts. Design Review Criteria II) Architecture and Landscape Architecture: Applicability Compliance (1) A project shall be designed Y Y to comply with all applicable landscape ordinances; (2) Respond to the neighborhood Y Y context; (3) Create a transition in bulk Y Y and scale; (4) Use architectural styles Y Y and details (such as roof lines and fenestration), colors and materials derivative from surrounding area; (5) Articulate the building facade Y_ Y vertically and horizontally in intervals that conform to the existing structures in the vicinity. •Datn.server/ 5.(,+SE/LS,Riverside,PL.4NN/.NG ZON:N/NC Shared:CURRENTPLANN/NGCURRENTPLANNING`Z/J'1008'.Z8(/i.24.(k4:fi6-00842c/ 37/3 MAIN ///(;/ wAY°Secuor. /305.2 Criteria Matric.dac Page 1 of 4 SECTION 1305.2 Criteria Matrix *Compliance is subject to conditions Submitted Into the public record in connection with item (Z I� on 3-z 70(3 - Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk III) Pedestrian Oriented .Development: Design Review Criteria Applicability Compliance (l) Promote pedestrian interaction; (2) Design facades that respond primarily to the human scale; (3) Provide active, not hlank facades. Where blank walls are unavoidable, they should receive design treatment. Design Review Criteria IV) Streetscape and Open Space: Applicability Compliance (1) Provide usable open space Y Y that allows for convenient and visible pedestrian access from the public sidewalk; (2) Landscaping, including plant Y Y material, trellises, special pavements, screen walls, planters and similar features should be appropriately incorporated to enhance the project. V) Vehicular Access and Parking: Design Review Criteria Applicability Compliance (1) Design for pedestrian and Y Y vehicular safety to minimize conflict points; (2) Minimize the number and Y Y width of driveways and curb cuts; (3) Parking adjacent to a street Y Y____ front should be minimized and where possible should be located behind the building; (4) Use surface parking areas Y Y as district buffer. Uaras•erverl 5 (/ShRSVtiversideiPLANNING fl ZONNLNG': ShareetCURRENT PLLNNING'•CUI/RF,N'T PLAN.NINCitZB;2008'•ZB 03.24.08'..06-00842x1 3713 1.41N IIIGIIWAY Secnan 1305.2 Criteria Matris•doc Page 2 of 4 SECTION 1305.2 Criteria Matrix *Compliance is subject to conditions VI) Screening: Submitted Into the public record in connection with kern VZ 1 on 3 Z7- O Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Design Review Criteria Applicability Compliance (I) Provide landscaping that screen undesirable elements, such as surface parking lots, and that enhances space and architecture; (2) Building sites should locate Y Y service elements like trash dumpster, loading docks, and mechanical equipment away from street front where possible. When elements such as dumpsters, utility meters, mechanical units and service areas cannot be located away from the street front they should be situated and screened from view to street and adjacent properties; (3) Screen parking garage N/AY structures with program uses. Where program uses are not feasible soften the garage structure with trellises, landscaping, and/or other suitable design element. VII) Signage and Lighting: Design Review Criteria Applicability (1) Design signage appropriate N/A for the scale and character of the project and immediate neighborhood; (2) Provide lighting as a design N/A_ feature to the building facade, on and around landscape areas, special building or site features, and/or signage; (3) Orient outside lighting to N/A minimize glare to adjacent properties; (4) Provide visible signage N/A_ identifying building addresses at the entrance(s) as a functional and aesthetic consideration. Compliance Uamserver! 5:U1131MRiversidrPL4NN/NG & ZONNIN(,.. Shand,CURRENTP!_4.NN/NG'CUR,RENTPLAIVNINGI/_A12008tZB 03.240a 06-00s42x1 3713 MAIN HIG1I1V.4YSedioa 1305.2 Criteria:Mairu.doc Page3of4 SECTION 1305.2 Criteria Matrix *Compliance is subject to conditions VIII) Preservation of Natural Features: Design Review Criteria Applicability (I) Preserve existing vegetation _ Y and/or geological features whenever possible. IX) Modification of Nonconformities: Design Review Criteria Applicability (1) For modifications of N/A nonconforming structures, no increase in the degree of nonconformity shall be allowed; (2) Modifications that conform N/A to current regulations shall be designed to conform to the scale and context of the nonconforming structure. Corn pliance Compliance Submitted into blic recur i 1b �on� Qwith$ item Thompson Priscilla A. City Cleric Uatarerverl 5'diSE/L kjversidetPLANNI NG R• ZONNI.NCi .Shared.CURRENT PLANNhNC',CURRENT PLANNINGi7.11;2008'Z13 03.2 .0806-008a2x1 3713 A4AIN 1-11G 4WAY;Secuon 1303.2 Criteria Matrix doc Page 4 of 4 omits, FLAT ReSTR1CT[ONSi stir y •�������r TILE AREAS QESICNATEI] AS TRACTS "A" .Al D "S" ARe 11EKRRY RESERVe[1 FOR A PRI- VA'1E ROAD AND THE [NSTALLATIQN AND HAINTlNANCK of UTILITIES. ! IE PRIVATE ROAD AND THE SANITARY S wEI( SYSTi4 WILL Se NAINTAINEI) RY THe OWN lts of LOTS IN THE SUBDIVISION IN PERPgTUITY AND NO MOOT SHALL RE !LADE .TO DEED TH PRIVATE aIGW NOP-WAY TO THE PUBLIC: Ce• •-•-y,,.,r ram, ..w. ,.. I A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT "C. OF EWANTON HEIGHTS (P..B. B-52) LYING IN SECTIONS 21. AND 28, TWP 54 S RGE.41 E. CITY OF MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA PREMRFD BY: r1A ^ I, e•A, umet H.J. ROSS ASSDCIATES .o . 2660 BRICKELL AERIE m.a ",e a o,+" eu., rr"a MIAMI, FLORIDA ream.. aoma, JUKE, 1963 ue err a Amoco • Angara ore IA Awn er err sera • Me Mere air el 'A is • rand WY LOOM. Pia ear ner at As rare Aaarr eare MO 4/WOO 4grod ci' iate ,4. 1�lP1JY/,. IOW .a,,.m4.0,0vra d:, Wall .,..,,,,. nolal ‘14.1113 ..11. WOO "mow„��. w .. .ara�,...... .K :�,. OM AIL r• SKTIO• y, ; rPIO • ANCHORAGE l / LOCATION A/AP SAS. 2'of 5 „•) b CPO G-PLAT sAS K•41•E RAN A SUBDIVISION OF A. PORTION OF LOT "C" 'OF EWANTON HEIGHTS (P.B. B-52) LYING IN SECTIONS 21 AND 28, TWP. 54 S,RGE4I E. CITY OF MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA PREPARED BY, $). ROSS ASSOCIATES 2660 BRCRELL NENUE MAMI, FIDMDA JUNE, BIB3 m e o o Av AO m m 4 (A/OT 4 PART OF TN/5 PLAT) EAANTON. HAVOAA 5 YGSY) LOT 'C- 4 1r,o'11•N 10.AS' L/A/T a NAr--/ SCALE PAW' Amor ,r RAT VICY GMVIW tt9ATS A•Vrl PLAT BOOK POSE 12Z (04t LEBtN¢ • AA4 Ii1CaO AssMAr<T Alr3AG55 1g11'AlfsT • AtAs 0/PLAIN 15N400/1A4'Aa4eMos AIPOI-e r xIMO /NNtAfO A11044i.K Ow - MAO Rat !!.wire RYVr 4r•oawsMcwFNr o00. PEACRINS ore. er IAPEATCS p^ Y4M ACWWEwr FOUND C 50405 ARO ie- • 04 M' SIC MWnw OlIPTA 4As/NA 01•as) N a•.)VN•N fM 4C•S W AY MEW BLOCK I f v:a^. 2 j __ /i Asb•s•c. AN' sM• .. .t E[.p' lY M MT t 4rAs tOR•srE!/YID) I I '0AI/4'1V'6! 04 sVs NNW !MAC' A1M J �AAM' \/+1 R'� J �T" x %�,.•�1.�A� /Mont ON �.. (SHEET 2-CIF 2 WARRANTY DEED , THIS INDENTURE, Made this / 1 day of 1957, between GEORGE BAEKELAND and GRACE BELL BAEKELAND, his wife. of the County of New York in the State of New York, parties of the first part, and DONALD H. ROSS and GRACE ROSS, his wife, 3715 Main Highway, of the County of Dade and State of Florida, parties of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said parties of the first part, for and in ecnsideratiun of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid by the parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted. bargained and mold to the said parties of the s.' onti part, their hors and assigns, forever, the following damcribt:d lat,d, situate,lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida: A strip of land 150 feet wide being the Southwest part Of that part of Lot "C" of EWANTON HEIGHTS, Dade =County. Florida, which ties between life center line of the County Road and Biscayne Bay. more particularly 'described as beginning at the Point in the center line `of maid County road intersected by the Soutlw est bound- ',ery Una of Lot "C", which point is 410 feet from the 'Southwest corner of Lot "C" which ■.id corn.'r is 601. B feel South of Northeast corner of Southwest Quarter of -Southwest quarter of Section Al, Township 54 South, Range 41 East. from said point of beginning South 41 -degrees and 52 mtqute■ East along the St:.thwert bound- er,of Lot t►C" 1500 feet to the low water mark of Dis- cayne Bay; thence Northerly along bi■cayne Bay a dis- •- -tance equivalent to -150 feet measured perpendicularly • to the last line; thence North 44 degrees and 51 minute's West 1500 feet to the center line of County road; thence Southwesterly along sold center tine 150. 1 feet to a point of beginning, containing 5.4 acres more or less, together with all submersed lands and riparian rights lying and being situated itt front of meld property, or in anywt*e Appertaining thereto. Saving and reserving therefrom. however, n tract of land in the form of a parallelogram 145,41 feet by 3!0 feet and being the Northerly teener of the tract afore. sold and being further described as fronting on the said County road approximately 125 feet and running back Southeasterly 300 feet along the Noleat line of thei Itted Into the public d In connection with Z I on3 .1-04 ricill A. Thompso City Cler above described property. being the Northeast 125 feet of the Northwest 300 feet thereof (e elusive of said road) being property heretofore conveyed to Bryan Memorial Methodist Church of: Coaoaut Grove, Florida. a Florida corporation. (formerlyGrove Temple Union Methodist Episcopal Church of Coconut Grove). Reserving also unto the said Bryan Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church of Coconut Grove, Florida. a perpetual right-of-way for insreis and egress over that portion of the first above described'property, described as a strip of land 25 feet wide t►nd 30d feet deep. • being the South 25 • -feet of the West 300. feet.of the p' perry first abwve des- . cribed. - With the right in •said Church Corporation to use said 25 foot strip for•the entire length of said West 300 feet of the property first above described, The use of said strip by said Church Corporation not to interfere with the use 'of said strip by'the pantie■ of the tieeond part.' their heirs or assigns, nor by any.other persons going to or from the land of arcond parties hereby conveyed. It being the pur. • pose of this rese.rvatlon to r,serve to said Church Corpora ;lion the joint use with second parties, their heirs and . assigns. of the said 254ogt strip above described, the title,. to said strip remaining fa .the parties of the second part, -,their hairs and assigns, forever. .SUBJECT, however. to conditions, restriction* and ling-. tatien■. if any, of record: and taxes for the year 1957 and . .subsequent years. . And the said parties or the first part do hereby fully w;,rrafit title' :to Said 1a-', and will defend the .attic against the lawful claims of Jill :lio,r dons whomsoever. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF.. the said partie■ of the first part have .; .'hereunto set their hands and aerie the. ay and year first abovr writtgn.. •'•Signed. scaled and delivered - ---- ;-in'the pre,.ence of: • - - _ _.... • COUNTY OF NEW YOI K STATE OF NEW YORK corg6 Baeketand Grace bell Aaekeland I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before: .me,. an officer duly authortaed to administer oaths and take scknow[etig-; ttlrttl�, OEOI1GE BAZKl0LAND and.QiRACE BELL BAE1CLI.AND. htr'wlte, to mwell known to be the persons described tbt •aud who executed the • foregoing egoing deed, and acknarirledged before me that they executed the barns ;.. s ••�. N I-..,.M*�..Iss�r��. a. ,�,st4..i .w�.. Mir Or nee.aer.wr!: :+K1 .:. • • • • • • • ' 7 • • : ; •• freely and .,;.-01,irit,r.oflpi:•.tha puxpose therein expre..ed • • • . . . • -?:•:.:•" .• ' • . : • •.: ;•.• :.• :.• . •••••••7 • •.••WXTNESS my haitd and a4. New *.c!rtii,Courdy. of ..Neyr • •• • •• • Y.ork and SiatO,rif NewYork, thii j4 day . • • :1..14°. • - • •.11NA ,11 . " ••• . . • 012atuake /di NOtrifPriblic, ' • • •::,• ••• • , . .• • • . .• • . • - 1.:• .• • ' , .• • • • • • • ' '• . . . f •• 7: ;• . ....• . • _ . . •• • , • ' • : . . '•• •i riati tooniy ol 031t, . • . . . )• „.... • ". :•I-.• • • •• •• .•• • 1• • .-. init•.1-h•Cee • .• • -liglmdwa:Atia 612;0=111411 1 1957 t dily.tetordl ip:FFICIA4,4C onPe_7.iiima:iqf-41 E.. • • : • Tarcur nt- cwt. • • ••• • ..• • • . - • • • • • • : : • • Subtitted Into the public reozird in connection with Z 13 on 3 -27- fisciila A. Thompson City Clerk