FILE ID: ao a 8 i
Date: 2/7/2008 Requesting Department: Fire -Rescue
Commission Meeting Date: 3/27/2008 District Impacted:
Type: Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Resolution Authorizing Generator Replacement at Four (4) Fire Facilities
Purpose of Item:
Resolution authorizing Generator Replacement at Four (4) Fire Facilities from Albert Electrical of
South Florida, Corp., a Hispanic vendor located at 7635 West 28th Avenue, Hialeah, F133016, for the
Department of Fire -Rescue, in an amount not to exceed, $235,241.91. Funding is available from the
Fire Act Grant with matching funds from Account No. P-18-180007-T-03-A-1355-E-Equipment-O-
181000 ($96,467.25); P-18-180007-T-03-A-1356-E-Equipment-O-181000 ($121,132.75); and P-40
B-30364-T05-A-1105-E-Equipment-O-181000 ($41,166.10) with a not to exceed 10% contigency
allowance based on the total contract amount.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: P-18-180007-T-03-A-1355-E-Equipment-0-181000
Special Revenue Account No: 821 11� 8007-T-03-A-1356_E-Equipment-
CIPProjectNo: P-40-B-30364-T-O5-A-1105-E-Equipment-0-181000
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact: $ 7 48 , 7 66.10
C.I.P APPROVAL: Final Approvals
CIP1� E' Budge
If using or r eivi �� [J�to
Grants isk Managemen 0ti1��
Purchasing g2 l Dept. Director
Chief � C' Manager
Page 1 of 1
Background Information:
Fire -Rescue is in need of new Generators that can power the entire Station Operations during a power
failure. The current generators are at least 20 years old and cannot power all the needed components
at the Stations, thus reducing our capability to adequately operate during power failures. Having these
generators replaced, will ensure that all major emergency circuits (lights, computers, bells, dispatch
speakers, etc.) will continue working during prolonged power outages.
On December 10, 2007, the Purchasing Department issued Invitation for Bid No. 64070. As required
by the Procurement Code, the IFB was advertised and issued on-line. Bids were due and five (5) were
received on January 28, 2008. Albert Electrical of South Florida, Corp., submitted the lowest
responsive and responsible bid and is therefore recommended for the award.