HomeMy WebLinkAboutResumesRESUMES QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE PROOF OF TRAINING CERTIFICATIONS I N . T LAI HAM 14562 S.W. 125 Place 305-254-0045 Miami, FL 33186 CAREER OBJECTIVE Social Work, Rehabilitation, Supervising Direct Service Staff EXPERIENCE : 1994 To Present EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF DADE COUNTY, INC. Miami, FL Contracts Manager - Supervise Vocational Services programs and staff. Act as liaison to funding sources. Develop and maintain positive relationships with community agencies. Interpret programs and services to staff, clients, families and the community. Ensure that Vocational Services meets accreditation, licensing, funding source and other regulatory requirements. 1983 -1994FELLOWSHIP HOUSE 1991 - 1994 1988 -1991 Miami, FL Residential Program Supervisor - Provide support, structure and supervision consistent with agency philosophy. Knowledge of licensing and zoning -regulations relative to..Level.ILCroup;Ei,c• - P romate•z pvsi tiitfrs:upl vex rrilt dtt a wean.' e any. sue£:;: Dev p-.arrdi: p resi teaentplan lam° ea>- t= Participa. .l.:iin tiie:fonnti .cfR irtialPrtigram po: c .and.),: pr ,es :r i tmg;t . ,CARP. ecli talio .an., +iI €CA- li rise:::, Case Manager°AProvide liai n wi :pixyrh atrie`cor runty. Procure all appropriate entitlements for clients. Provide money management services as needed. Procure medical treatment and transportation services. Participate in On -Call System. impl menting`work art iiei'es,- Supported'Er rployment'a'nd Supported Housing. EDUCATION: 1978 -1981 • F1'alp. State Unive. sity.. BatelorofSciertce ii2Sccial•Work: 1976 -1978 Miami -Dade Community college Associate in Arts in Pre Social Work Talla.ha3see` FIB Miami, FL oriiva iiltE. littivot rilovit of Mat ilinfit coottro ltitirritt Vilt 31:iatilain Alitrilettit Of ':'tirtirr uiItj major iLt odal (mirk tileritt,‘ip.mors attb pricoikges tilerettittii zypertaiditto. 11, Alilitness 55riil of tile HO file Oilittnittres3 of its bulv mitliorizeb nff cr 1crcuutt tifixeb... omilor at Ealtaliaszee, 1iLfLflt8, '110 imu Alarcii; die year uuc ilicrazatar :nine ittilarteii mar rigt?iu-trire. igoorritor of ttir Stiitc 0( AloriZtu CltairninO ot tile 116Otti of trikrot (7.6r../4--4" C.;!;itt(ellor, titu $1)1.,tvol 0 ,) Agency -For Perrsons With; Personal Outcomes Measures Training Jainuary 239 2007 Presenter: Marcie J. Brittain, MSW, Certified POMS Trainer 9:00-9:45 Welcome. /Introduction &. Training O.bectives. 9:45-10:00 Background/Hi story 10:00-10:30 The Person -Centered Organization "The Person Directs Services Choices & Decision Making/Rights & Responsibilities 10:30 10:45 Break Time 10:45-12:00 Introduction to Personal Outcome Characteristics/Benefits of Person Directed Meetings Personal Outcomes' Individual Supports. 12:04-1:0O Lunch 1:PM-2::30 How .Can. We Apply Personal Outcomes-` 2:30-2:45 Break Time 2:45-3:15 Practical Changes that Support Personal Outcomes 3:1`53:30 Potting if Together er..,. Q&A/ Evaluations Participant Name: Trainer Signature:: Marcie J...B ittain, MSW, Area X7 tertifed:.PQMS Trainex ., Agency For Persons With Disabilities Credit Earned: 6 hrs. at.a.LIJ • Date of Birth..: 09/0 High School Admission Basis: Data The Following Credits Student Id V06002115 Name Vincent Brian/Latham 6/54 Sex.: M Fee Residency: Non -Fla Resident Graduation Date: Not Available Are Non College Level Credits Fa1/2006-07(20071)TCC001533Beginning08/14/06Eding03/31/07 Crse Id Equiv Crse Course Title Cmp Typ Grd Att Ern GPA Prog: 800a Nc Non -Credit NOn-Degr • DDC0100 DDC0100 Into Develop Disabil S 00.0 00.0 O. This Online Course is Offered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Available to Anyone. Who Provides Direct Care Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilitles.. Cett, Awar,deth. Q.. 0, HAS01,00-: HASDIGOV'• safty, s: This?: • Corse • Offeredvby,• the, • Agency::: air::: Persons with .Be,_•••COlitpletecr?.:•••• . By Direcr'..Serve.Providers;'-to,.; PersOns Developmental Disabilities.. Ceu. Awardedi:0.0 Contact I Couestions/ProbIetrisicomments I 1,e_ga1/Privae Tallahassee Community College, 444 Appleyard Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895 I (850) 201-6200 Server Date: 09/20/2006 Time: 9:43 AM Name.: tomcat2..User.Name: Vincent.Brian,Latham SunTrust ank's 1.R.I.T Presented by Raul Arguello ,une12 2:00 wk. Lisa Friedman -Chavez Developmental Disability Program • START: tog \arr. d Lednor na1 :06 -3Otp0m. /q La...... tea.. ,-.-....-... roue c fir,. .: Step 1 - Select a Module Below Modukes= I�i�C� R�,�ievu�•GotirS�.. } ::: Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning Module - Preventive Health Screening Module - Protecting Consumer Rights Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse Step 2 - Choose an Option Below: Take Pre -Test View Module Take Post -Test Go» Module I Score I Date O Passed? 1 Review Module - Protecting Consumer Rights 100.00 11/16/2005 4:01:18 PM Yes - Module - Protecting Consumer Rights 81.81 11/16/2005 3:58:51 PM No - Ma -P t kxlsumer,Rfglttsv. `.. 4545... • 11✓I6/2005'3)44'2ZtPMi .Na:. . � 6doeitile9rFituetdtVe4i:FA�lF1.iq�irtgl' , . tF1Q^f�d;;,:" tllMtl2D8£0,3 #. j '•; Yet i.'" :: - Misdtde -O IFJRePne is 111004 -'' 140,16120052'SP.48 PO , .: Y'. - MmduYd :l trwerr ,•'' 91.Mh• 'EY,-'r6%2Eif15% S"1:OQtk"YG :. No' -. Module.'-<F sGiaNr xquse > . 91.,..N3i. ,'tr11't6d1'9f18' PQf .. ' Nll•:; - Module.--DeskReviewicourse ,• . 9 t.66:. k11 2130S2 5A.'06 Pktl; , :'; Na Module- DesiiRee4~-C unsex• ;• ,: ? 84,66&: ` 1:111;612oosaL55::O9rPM .. No , _ Module -Desk ReviewCourse .. 9t:6& 1:1636/200& 25`6:12:PM:: ° . No , - Module - Desk Review -Course • 83.33 11/1612005.248:40 PM.. No. - Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse 100.00 . 11/16/2005 4:03:39 PM Yes - Module -Introduction to Implementation Planning 100.00 11/16/2005 3:31:52 PM Yes - •Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 80.00 11/16/2005 3:30:25 PM No • - Module - Results Focused Reviews 100.00 11/16/2005 4:11 :12 PM Yes - http://training.dfmc.org/Training_Center/test/choose module.aspx t 1 /1 /)nnS Jeb Governor •• .•': Shelly Bratitley, Direttot •• District 11 Office •• 401 N.W: 2nd AyenLie, Suite South 821 FloridaMiani 33128 (305) 349-1478 Fax: (305) 349-1479 agency for rjetibtis with disabilities Siiite of Frjda Atea Xi 0 .0 Certt- cate Awarded to Vineent Lathan For successful completion of the "Core /18'8):0411e0 Training" July 27, 2005 2.,0 hours Marde J nottain, MSW Medicaid Walvir Ordijraiti Senior Specialist Agency For Pei -Sons With Disabilities Trainef 1 Jeb Bush, Governor Shelly Brantley, Director District 11 Office 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite South 821 Miami, Florida 33128 (3051 249.1478 Fax: (3051 349.1479 agency for perso 1s with disabilities State of Florida ; iea XI Certificate nu�araerz to V iI cen Latham For successful co pletion of tat "Billing .sees Training" moy 1.2, 2005 1.5 hours .Il [. J y'ictesept` Senior Human Services Program -Budget Marcie rittain, MSW Medicaid WaiveP Senior Program Specialist Agency For Perkin With Disabilities Trainer Yfii Sege' 014 000 I f1 npi9t�� is ht.,?41 144 �►�iR• sr i1/s/701%— -- _ •miff OOav�ivi1i�i :....Ii�•iq.•..tritr1....� f1� ....��.►�=i �.1=1� � 7•i.��_ oae y..®.��`1�/1///I •WOr •I 1/ t.r 111/ •.i• 1�1/ •i \� ••••• ••••�! .,, ,._...----... 12l��a'li. _.�1.2-1.i:._..�111.i.. •s • • / . 1�IJ n 1 �11 .• t. 121a til Easter Sear Certificate Awarded to For Successfully Completing A Four Hour Coin°§e In Cultural:Piversity Angela Aracena Adult Day Care O r 1t2GO5 ndte andra Delvalle Eman Resources FI,ORIDA DEPARTMENT or HEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT R11141CATE Avvarded to For Successfully Completing A Course , tiViU4A SE KIRA A. ARAUZ LAHIZAR, .S., DEPT. ORAEALTH/ SENIOR HEALTH EDUCATOR DEPT. OF HEALTH 1111401 SERVICES PROGRAM MANAGER Miami -Dade Cone Presented by Kat March 23, 200 11:00 a.m, :oo Dan0 • -- '900 - • Ark .• • ' Lisa friedman-Chavez Developmental Di8ability Program f American Heart' Associarionk Leant ands lien • Hearts aver AED V in eat Latham This card certifies thatthe above individual.has successfully.con-- plated the national cognitive and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA for the Heartsaver AED P`ogr�9 0 Adult CPR & AED / ChMhPRIbAED / Infant CPR Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date agency for persons with disabilities Stag of Florida his certificate is presented to: FOR C {I MPLE'TING- THE ZERO TOLERANCE TRI ! ING- ON /o?/ bAmlr Sarah H. Blum RN, MHA Janet Poisk R , BS EASIER .SEALS . MIAMLDADE• RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Vincent Latham Name Title Contracts Manager Training Attended Orientation to Supported Employment & Natural Supports Date(s) 7/21/99 - 7/23/99 Number of Sessions 3 Number of Hours Per Session 8 Training Site Ft. Lauderdale Westin Hotel Purpose of Traininfc CGrttft a ion; t.a nin "-, for Enrorkoyment,.Sp-a -eas s 7/24/99 Participant Signature Date 7/24./9.a, Supervisor SignatureDate EASTER SEALS MIAIVIU-DADF. RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Vincent Latham Title Con Mgr Training Attended Supported Living Date(s) 2/28/02 Number of Sessions Number of flours Per Session 2 Training Site Children it Family Services Purpose of Training Review guidelines pertaining to documentation. - • 1\•,t Participant Signature 2/28/02 Date 2/28/02 Date EASTER•SEALS 1 i4NThAD RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Vincent Latham Title Contracts Manager Training Attended Supported Employment Meeting Date(s) 1/31/02 Number of Sessions 1 Number of Hours Per Session 2 Training Site 401 NW 2' Ave. Miami, FL 33128 Purpose of Training Discuss issues related to supported employment. 1/31/02 Participant Signature Date 1/31/02 Supervisor Signature Date EAS.I'ER SEALS MIAMI-DADW RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Vincent Latham Title Contracts Manager Training Attended Short Term Goals (Dr. Michael Wosolowski) Date(s) 1/30/01 Number of Sessions. 1 Number of Hours Per Session • 2 Training Site Easter:Seals Miami -Dade Purpose- ofirriaining7., The ,goad` of ibi,SJtairiing:Nim540familliarizeli*Cidadies ,. with Developmeritai Se ices expectatio ..regarding :the formuIatiort .of client; short term goals. 1/30/01 Participant Signature Date • 1/30/01 Supervisor Signature Date EASTER SEAL .SOCIETY OF DADE COUNTY, INC- RECORD., OF... STAE F TRAINING/COMINITY _INVOLVEMENT • INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Please fill out the form and sign it. 2. Give the completed form to your- Dept. Head. 3. He/She will keep -,-the originals, make a copy for your -personnel,: file- and, return:- one_ to, you... for. _your_ personal,: records- 4 . If P-assibie-,;- attach -copy of-. the -course/seminar -outline, or- hrochare-7-to,:, form. Name: Position title: Event attended: Date(s): Numher of sessions: Number of hours per day/session: Place: Purpose:, Participating Signature Training Office Rosentle Shaw 6745 Arbor Drive EDUCATION (954) 962-6855 Miramar, Florida 33023 1996 FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Paralegal 1994 FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Legal Secretary EXPERIENCE 2002 - Present 199 2002. 1997 - 2002 19494 - 1997 Miami, Florida Miami, Florida EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE Miami, Florida Employment Specialist Provide job assessment, job development, job place- ment, job training, and follow up services to developmentally disabled Miami -Dade County Public Schools Exceptional Student Edu.cation pupils. ABE UTJES :OF"FL+QRIUA . Mia►mi Fiori, Enripkwyment:S.pecititst Provide orientation to new clients and complete intake packets. Provide employment skills training to clients. Provide job development; placement, training and follow up services to clients. Complete required documentation. JAMES E. SCOTT COMMUNTIY ASSOC. Miami, Florida Employment Specialist Provide development and training services for individuals seeking employment. Assess client strengths and weaknesses. Schedule appointments for interviews, training and orientation. Provide ongoing support to employed clients. EASTER SEALS MtAM1-DADSMiami.,. Florida Employment Specialist Provide job assessment, job development, job place- ment, job training, and follow up services to developmentally disabled Miami -Dade County Public Schools Exce.ption,al Student Education pupils 1989 - 1994 1993 - 1995 REFERENCES HIALEAH MIDDLE SCHOOL Hialeah, Florida Teacher Assistant. Assist a Miami -Dade County Public School. Exceptional Education teacher with developmentally disabled students. Maintain contact with students' parents. Grade and file students' class work. Type memos and supervise students. BRANDSMART Miami, Florida Customer Service Representative Responsibilities, °included 'resolving. rustornercomplaints- .m with credit or merchandise, setting up appointments for delivery and service. Correspond with service associates regarding changes. Transmit delivery schedules to drivers. Available upon Request Agency For Persons With Disabilities Personal •utcomes Measures. Training January 239 2007 Presenter: Marcie J. Brittain, MSW, Certified POMS Trainer 9:00-9:45 Welcome /Introduction & Training Objectives 9:45-10:00 Background/History 10:00-10:30 The. Person,Cent ered Organization,. . "The Person Directs Services Choices & Decision Making/Rights & Responsibilities 10:30 10:45 Break Time 10:45-12:00 Introduction to Personal Outcome Characteristics/Benefits of Person Directed Meetings Personal Outcomes/ Individual Supports 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:PM-2:30 •How Can We Apply Personal Outcomes? 2:30-2:45 Break Time 2:45-3:15 Practical Changes that Support Personal Outcomes 3: 1541:30' •Ptittifiitit,-76g Rey- .- Q&A/ Evaluations Participant Name: • Trainer:Signature:: Marcie J. Brittain, MSW, Area XI Certified POMS Tea.iner Agency For Persons With Disabilities Credit Earned: 6 hrs. unomcia.auege. transcript. Page . of :1. Student -Id R06008546 Name Rosentle Shaw Date of Birth..: 08/06/64 Sex.: F High School Graduation Date: Admission Basis: Data Not Available The Following Credits Are Non College Level Credits Fall 2006-07 (20071 ) TCC 001533 ;:•' eginning 08/14/06 Ending 03/31/07 Crse Id Equiv Crse Course Title Cmp Typ Grd Att Ern GPA Prog: (800'3 ) Nc Non -Credit Non-Degr DDC0100 DDC0100 Into Develop Disabil S 00.0 00.0 0. This Online Course is Offered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Available to Anyone Who Provides Direct Care Services to Persons with Developmental Ds.ab.li.ti,es Ceu Awa deed : 0;. 0'.. HASOIGOi HASGIGO,. Health. r,. & Safety S Cla _ G 0&+.,.0 This is An: Online, Course Offered by the Agency for: Persons t Ili.sabi.lr t±es.' That. Must.: Be- Completed By Direct Service Providers to Persons with Developmental Disabilities.. Ceu Awarded: 0.0 Fee Residency: Non -Fla Resident Contact Questions/Problems/Comments I L gal/Privacy. Tallahassee Community College, 444 Appleyard Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895 1(850) 201-6200 Server. Date: 11/13/2006 Ticne...10.:1.4.AM, .Name.: tomcatl,User Name:. Rosentl,e. Shaw.. Jeb Bush, Governor Shelly Brantley, Direttor District Office 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite South 821 Miatni, Florida 33128 )305) 349•1478 Fax: 4305) 349.1479 0. . .. agency for perSOns with disabilities Setif-0 tJ Florida Are ji XI Certi cate 04,,,ide For successful conipietion of the two Hours "Understanding the Handbook and Core Assurances" August 41 2006 martie .1, Wiittin, MSW Senior Human SerViteg Program Specialist Trainer, Medicaid Waiver YY Step 1 - Select a Module Below: Module - Desk Review Course Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning Module - Preventive Health Screening Module - Protecting Consumer Rights Module - Recognizing and Reporting,Abuse_.. •. ; Step 2 - Choose an Option Below: C` Take Pre -Test {° View Module ( Take Post -Test Module I Score I Date I Passed? I Review Module - Protecting Consumer Rights 100.00 11/10/2005 3:22:35 PM Yes - Module - Protecting Consumer Rights 100.00 11/10/2005 3:22:01 PM Yes - duie.'r Prol .':6Consymer:Rights 90:90. ^' 1.1/1'CM2005 320 a5:?P#. ..:, No - �:- i :der gets : - d, 9Ci.9Oi , t:1� 1 e � F44 :. No- Modulek-,PkitectirittConsumerRigitte?,..., `: 9I71 tlo ;' 11 18 i"F iiF tit i' - Module- Protecting, Consumer Rights,._ 913.90:::. 171f11N2005 3y.2:.t21Plut No;: - Niodtzfe - Protecting ConsumerRights . 7277 fi1/1'0l2005`3:16:46`PIVI" No - Module - Preventive Health Screening 100.00 11/102005.3:02:32 PM. Yes _ - Module - Preventive Health Screening 100.00 11/10/2005 3:24:27 PM Yes - Module - Preventive Health Screening 100.00 11/10/2005 3:03:02 PM Yes - Module - Preventive Health Screening _ 66.66 11/10/2005 3:01:57 PM No - Module - Desk Review Course 100.00 11/2/2005 3:44:49 PM Yes - Module - Desk Review Course 91.66 11/2/2005 3:43:58 PM No - Module - Desk Review Course 91.66 11/2/2005 3:43:16 PM No - Module Desk Review Course �� 91.66 11/212005.3i44:24 PM Na; • .....r...uw r.+......ra...,ww......ae�,,.ec IGibri'UW:..Desit"R"evi6irCiiitMir 75 .....r 75.1X ...n..rwana.w:..+..w.rww..M........r ♦1.172/2'005'110 '1` PNP." , No- , ;.nww..�.. Module - Desk Review Course 50.00 11/2/2005 3:20:26 PM No - Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse _ 100.00 11/14/2005 1:32:29 PM Yes Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse 90.90 11/14/2005 1:31:53 PM No - Module Recognizing and Reporting e-- 63.63 11./1.412405:..1 29:53-PM:. No. - Modufe- introdectiontoimslementation Planning:":. 100:00' 11110t200S1'2:49:53'PM' Yes - Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 100.00 11/10/2005 2:25:12 PM Yes Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 100.00 11/10/2005 2:59:31 PM Yes - Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 90.00 11/10/2005 2:24:12 PM No - http: //training. dfm c. org/training_center/testichoose_modul e. aspx 11/17/05 .t 1 au,u,lg L..r,.ulct. Page 2..at:-2.. Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 90.00 11l10/2005 2:24:45 PM No ` Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 90 11/10/2005 2:49:29 PM No Module -.Introduction to Implementation Planning 80.00 11/10/2004 2:22:02 PM No - Module - Introduction to implementation Planning 80.00 11/10/2005:240:1.1. PM Na . Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 80.00 11/10/2005 2:48:43 PM No ' Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 70.00 11/10/2005 2:47:11 PM No Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 70.00 11/10/2005 2:39:01 PM No ' Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 70.00 11/10/2005 2:14:37 PM No Module.- tntroductiooia implementation.... Planning 70:OU " 1ill O)2005 2'2Q`43 'PM NO" Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 70.00 11/10/2005 2:18:56 PM No Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 50.00 11/10/2005 2:12:37 PM No Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 50.00 11l10/2005 2:36:32 PM No ' Module - introduction to implementation Planning . 11/10/20052:33.98 PM Na Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 40.00 11110/2005 2:43:37 PM No Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 20.00 11/10/2005 2:06:42 PM No Module. - Introduction: to Implementation Planning 10._00, - 1,1I:1QI2005r2 44:1;hl,PAik fadio& 1-,Reingtig d' . 1t7 1:1 t1/14/2006-1:-38?58PM , Yea? r - a' ti , ...; �, 33.33 /1 "1_ 'Ct8''F'` ,1r. .. _ Module.- Results. Focused. Reviews:., 33.33. . 1111412005, 13&38.PM Na. -.. Module - Results Focused Reviews 0 11/14/20051:3717PM No http://training.dfmc.org/training_center/testichoose module.aspx 11/17/05 /�����s►.. lam= AP/ IIaI �► �� .ice~i►�.i i ��"� f_ a,..�_ _a .� �_ �',.�- "r ��!�_�__� •��T� oa/�/•.ram iii � i.i• 1��.► 1' r•:1�♦�t` ��"1 i ��Z�is ru, ��♦•rYi\ �1 �� .�,\�,ii►�y`rr+3M7,4�i.v.���Ve�4 •�✓/��.��.i'�`���l1), :•i�,`1�I�1d '!1'',/�/'�I' 1t`1%?�: \ i ..; } i ,tr , r ra, :...1?Ii.�t�1ll/::.�12��„4.a:.r..�►1!2!l�1!I!1�:.'.� 1 Easter Seals Miami -Dace Certificate Awarded to r'1 For Successfully Completing A Four Hour Comte In Cultural Divers It y Angela Aracena Date Adult ay C1 re c05 d •.i •oari♦►w.1 \it andra Delvalle . man Resources 41 • ,`•`� �1�4't t' `.` �.E��r�1�`� �111IOL� : • raj ftf���y� a Y0 y n r + ati.�r . 's► r+ io,��s v .a r •✓vdv Sy.j) ���'ir� � Ae`�i.�►0..�L.._ � .N.Y��.�T�.O�hA s.••• •� ��_ as 3. .KG �.'�8f1 .a�wv^ .- . _3'ir Jr c'r Jim��{� O I ' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMtNT TIFICATE • For Successfully Completing A Course Presented This 1 8th Day of March, , M. 6. .111 11111• • .1144maors. 1114410 avolk4 • • jobaiii,1 NETWORK University of Florida - Department of Special Education This is to Certify that has completed 'training in Orientation to Suppo Fort Lauderdale, Florida November 14 - 17, 1995 FtXaNetwork Dirr This training is funded in part by the natida Department of Educatioity,,. roject Coor inator agency for persons with disabilities State of Florida This certificate is presented to: FOR COMPLETING THE ZERO TOLERANCE TRAIMNG ON tg 16>i ery DATE 7Sarah H. Blurri RN, MHA Janet Polsky k BSN FLORA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE Awarded to ROSEY SHAW For Successfully Completing A Cout§e In "FOUR HOUR HIWAIng TRAINING (AIDS 104 )9" Prese ted This I5TH Day of. JULY 9 20 02 ATILIA Z. BLUM, M.P.H— DEPT. OF HEALTH/ SENIOR HEALTH EDUCATOR 0000coo 00 000000*.e 000000000000 oVe, WW".512f PI' 1,k A .. 74.14.0:71A ?rt t1g98 GO.ES 3463S o o 000000000004MV WA'S F, ZgAZ ',,�� - �: �i.,� ./ ,, �� , �� I u ui ri,: i' �U r ''► 'a dni •i ii ':, �' ► • r-il _�..'�� j / 11 •/ I OJlllr r ♦ � � f O: Attlf Florida Departm�iit o • Sc FAMILIES Certificate af Completion Presentc to cifLAD FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION O THE DEPARTMENT OF C -i1LDIIEN AND FAMILIES "MEbICATION AdMINISTiA`fiI'ON POLICY 'AINING" CON®UCTEt ON PREseNtED BY DIS 'RICT 11 PROGRAM OFFICE - DEVELOPMENTAL DISABtL±tXEs - MEDICAL CASE MAN ER - PROGRAM INTEGRITY Sarah H. tiluryi RN, MHA Flotid��Ipattmertt of �LDREN &FAMILIES Certificate afCompletbri pr6h{ea to Rotentle Shaw FOR YOUR SIJCOESSPUL COMPLETION Ot`: THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES "INCIDENT R POkTI NG TRAINING" CONDUCTED ON APRIL 30, 2003 PRESENTED BY QUALITY ASSESSMENT AND I MOVEMENT - RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT ALFRED PAPA, RISK M A}jAGtMENT PROGRAM SPECIALIST • • . -.:.,.,., . -`. :!.,,,e0....„.,.. ..,..4!.!?..1.:' 0Y411 ItVi ' Yliii0titiit. :1.(1.!.1.:',0, , )1'..'.' %V- /lei 1));',..'',Vii"(.11);,01;.' 31,474707:37P117.,";!...7.4,77:.*';:3,!::;:•.7.-;:72,77;:-.7:V.:11;747.0-71.:".w...7.Tigo:3:, A....;:z!,!..71.,0:•;7_,:i!,.7.7:;.?!;;5:.., '.17.10:;.1.7:;,,,:0-1,-kys..77.7,Pz:„0.,,li:'...y'L'.7,i,:;7,-.:•.7:,..:•‘::.177ii:•.r'''...;'.7.,:, DEPARTYLENT or HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES • CERTIFICATE Awarded t ROSENTLt THAW For Successfully Completing A Codtse In "HIV/AIDS TRAINING COURSE UPDAT 99 ROMER • MD., M.P.H. DP & C CATIONAL ERVICES SUPERVISOR , • rf .. _____.__---• __'---\ ... ,,, . ,....„......„....- ,„„„,,,...,,,... '.- EASTER SEAL. SOCIETY OF DADE COUNTY, INC. RECORD_OF STAFF. TRAINING/COMMUNITY. INVOLVEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: f 1. Please fill out the form and sign it. 2. Give the completed form to your Dept. Mead. 3. He/She will keep the original, make a copy for your personnel file and return one to you for your personal records. 4. If possible, attach a copy of the course/seminar outline or brochure to the form. Name::: i—) � ; 1,„ Position title: Event attended: 4 , 6.4„_„.z. Date(s) : /q.c-- Number of sessions: c-±,D o-vy 6,M-zo 0-6 Number of luau! per da 7ss3 aa: Purpose: articipating Signature Training Office RESUME AZAM FARZANEH Education Professional: principal, administrator, teacher with diversified experience and capabilities. Possess a comprehensive educational background which includes training in management and administrative procedures, and supervising the operation of a Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) . Have received specialized training and have worked extensively with exceptional children. Students have included handicapped; behavioral problems; abused, gifted children. Experienced in teaching the deaf (signing). Experienced in teaching students and supervising the teaching of students from grade 1 through junior high school as well as pre - +school; regular, exceptional and gifted students and a full range of subject matter. Administrative responsibilities as School Principal have included supervising teachers and support personnel (assistant principal, teachers, school secretary, bus drivers, custodial personnel); assuring compliance with teaching and curriculum guidelines. Supervised the training of new teachers; developed specialized programs, conducted staff meetings and handled teacher problems and student problems. Ordered books, supplies and materials; maintained inventory control; budget control; wrote correspondence; prepared various administrative and academic reports and statistics. Liaison with parents and the Ministry of Educations; supervised and conducted PTA meetings. EDUCATION College of Education, Tehran, Iran 1967-1971 Degree in Teaching (equivalent to B.S. Degree) specializing in Exceptional Children. Special courses, training programs and seminars including education and training in Supported Employment as employee of the Easter Seal Society of Dade County, Inc.: Job Coach Training, Tampa, Florida Projects for Expansion of Supported Employment, October 2-5, 1990 Two-day Job Coach Training Seminar - July 1991, Melbourne, Florida Job Development Training Disability Sensitivity training Job Analysis training Behavioral Management training Social Security and Work Incentives Pass and IWRP Consumer Advocacy training Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Telecourse on Supported Employment Page 2 Azam Farzaneh Resume Certificate: State of Florida HRS - 20 hrs Certificate: Management and Administration 1 New Methods and Procedures Certificate: New Methods of Teaching Math Certificate: Techniques for Supervising the Operation of the PTA Seminar: Discussed new approaches and techniques for working with exceptional students. EXPERIENCE: Job Coach, Easter Seal Society of Dade County, Inc. 10/2/89 - Present Provide intensive on the job training of students utilizing the individual supported employment model which includes job development, job task analysis, matching of job/client characteristics, fostering of worker/co-worker relationship, transportation assistance, parental counseling, and monitoring the student/worker progress and employer satisfaction; the on -going support that follows successful job training and job placement. Work closely with the Dade County public schools system staff to acquire student data and to report progress of students. Kiddies, Miami, Florida 1/88 -9/88 Teacher Taught four year holds in a pre-school environment reading, writing, arithmetic, science, play activities, life skills (how to shop, housekeeping, giving a party). Passdran School, Tehran, Iran 1983-1987 Principal Supervised the day-to-day operations of this school with an enrollment of 500-600 and a staff of 50 teachers. Provided pre- school, elementary and junior high education to handicapped, abused children and children with behavior problems. Tavanbakhsky Center, Tehran, Iran 1980 -1980 Principal Supervised a staff of 30 teachers in a school providing pre- school, elementary and junior high education to physically handicapped and gifted students. Enrollment was 300 students. Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 1977-1980 Student Majored in Engineering Omid Neshat School, Tehran, Iran 1976-1977 Director (Principal) Retarded student enrollment of 150-200 with a teaching staff of 20. Pre-school and elementary students. Komak School, Tehran, Iran 1973-1976 Teacher Page 3 Azam Farzaneh Resume Taught all grades from first to junior high and the full complement of subjects. ► Hadaf School, Tehran, Iran 1971-1973 Teacher Taught first and second grade regular students. During the same period, taught deaf students at the Nezam Mafi School. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT For Successfully Completing A Course In Presented This 18th Day of March, 2005 KATIANA PIERRE DIAZ, B.S. HSE DEPT. OF HEALTH/ SENIOR HEALTH EDUCATOR Ig'y, s ! LANIIZAR, 10., M.P.H. /HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAM MANAGER Projects for Expansion of Supported employment Bay County, FDL9WGateway, Pinellas County, Seminole County CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT . rtificate is granted to In testimony whereof who completed Training conducted October 2:•"i'L., em a, Florida. Karen Boone JAclef.) Sheila Gritz \-1k,A4Acal/tAfiteuft--) • Barbara Martin 0a7U)21- Carolyn N cholas EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF DADE COUNTY, INC. RECORD OE STAFF TRAINING/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Please fill out the form and sign it. 2. Give the completed form to your Dept. Head. 3. He/She will keep the original, make a copy for your personnel file and return one to you for your personal records. 4. If possible, attach a copy of the course/seminar outline or brochure to the form. Name: ; Aza.m Farzan2eh Position title: Employment Specialist Event attended: "The- Impact of Employment on Social Security Benefits" Date(s): 4/30/98 Number of sessions: 1 Number of hours per day/session: Place: E.S.S. 1 Purpose: .To learn about the•impact.of employment on_Social Security__ benefits Partici ting Signature 42 3D 9R. 4 / 30, 98 EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Azam Farzaneh Title Employment Specialist Training Attended SSA Ticket to Work Date(s) 6/29/01 Number of Sessions 1 Number of Hours Per Session 1 Training Site Easter Seals Purpose of Training Learn new guidelines regarding SSI/ SSDI and employment. 6/29/01 ant nature Date Supervisor Signature Date 6/29/01 EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF DADE COUNTY, INC. RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Please fill out the form and sign it. 2. Give the completed form to your Dept. Head. 3. He/She will keep the original, lake a copy for your personnel file and return one to you for your personal records. 4. If possible, attach a copy of the course/seminar outline or brochure to the form. Name: Azam Farzaneh Position title: Event attended: Job Coach Fire Safety Date(s): 9/6/96 Number of sessions: I Number of hours per day/session: Place: E.S.S. 1 Purpose: Make staff aware of the issues/procedures related to fire safety. Participating Signal refi 1 f. l l _ I 1 % `h7, fin. r ;L r I ✓l r; Tiiinin:: Office 9 /6 / 96 9 / 6 / 96 4,4.V4A} • Yr"' • p r7.4eip ' opo. HAS PARTICIPATED IN THE SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT TELECOUR "DEVELOPING QUALITY IN SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT" “. .. Lioinsiiiutioa. 1 '''''''-'4,.."..f#C...2.4,.-:;;;;.'cr:-....,:i.;.-•;,..77.74;t:".--7,;;,E•47:;;Z:;•••175, ..4.704":.;4- „:4,•7`f•;:r--'''''. • '.' - -.• •• • 7--.- .--, ---.4',• ,—• • ---.•-,-,4+ '' .,..,,,,...4elad....,,,,,i,,, Alui::,W,7i-T" N d 1 Yp-Nr• 7F .', -', '17,(.i8N ,IIM, ''Y' m • 'iktfinvitim -0-1,Y,xtwilm )i.?',fif,k‘,r,/,:v.‘,Ichm ,,Trctkvo' am. ifiTroD .... .-- ,,,..„. f, i .& .'': • 1.11110 IN .1 MVO FRS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES CERTIFICATE Awarded to , AZAM FARZANEH liVki i iMl '''".1.1 ortl,li , For Successfully Completing et. Course In "HIV/AIDS TRAINING COURSE UPDATE" Presented This • 13TH Day of MAY 19 96 M.P.H. DP do CS/ DUCATIONAL S RVICES SUPERVISOR i"L�4�..t{;,'i�.�:�w:!rd..• 'd:��••.'.r:••" vs,�+�4�Said ��. .��.. j� v .�...� T j w� \ L. i Awrootoft 4 }• v111 i t. , �s acI, • ":404.4:54frireitiltii''Itiek*. I ' T , . •N`r•SV` • .. 4i11-..k•;.'0,1 tit/ Atr#L .,:':::*.kattOiltith Irv./ - .. .... .• _• . . • . .. ... . • . . -,,,,,, FRS 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REI-IAbILITATIVE SERVICES CERTIFICATE Awarded to , AZAM FARZANEH For Successfully Completing Course In "HIV/AIDS TRAINING COURSE UPDATE" st,11. • hialt)mito 1:4iew Aievp0,(ros0 kt41 , V' • 71';"' "S.. 7 ' • t•'?.;Ai . v.; •11 • C11 VIM .110 Presented This 13TH Day of MAY IQ 96 M.D.. M.P.H. DP & CS/ DUCATIONAL S RVICES SUPERVISOR !..-1UV! :VgiAZ:k4e.X.:4.6.W:ali.:1a1;e1.12‘fae.:4••%'. r - • f , ••• );;.1 1 1Thi : la :11:;.r:: 411 , At • , . ali a. 1, ,�',.♦ , •• .4 , u� ~i • . �... � .4 P•'. � .•• _— + � �'� `.• � ! I ��� / � 4 /row Nor �I • i•r.• \II• •,moo ..�.�:,,, , .;A\�♦ J �� i;..I. `.�J•�•/�, ��e •1'�.-"� JOB, l gi \ �.♦`,a.�►�nu'iu�� ..lb"o��ii. , : �� • - .4?• �• .�� �� ♦• : J.•,",. A` ��� r•: �♦J•'. y�o••Q� f ' ♦:•.:. .'�, � ,/ . •, �;: �iuuur� �: e��, � �/i',• i ',r p.,;,e �. �"> � i' • • b•r gr./War, y,� , "', • � • b",., ,��, �:,4� ��;'�:o,,, ' ♦ ";•�i., , a1 � • ..,• �_ ,•� •` e, . .•I, :uw �•o i:, t::�';b..: i,r ",.' •• •'• 1e ,..., ..7,�:n „i,�., ,:%./ of ,�, Ob♦as/Lu.,'� '.� "•' J�•Ool�i�,.-7, ...Abu �. = 1 �� 'r. � e � '►� � i� .•.�`�'u� ,ems,,,• \ • O '. ♦ wu�• : ��,�,: �. ,� •♦• �.n. '��;.. ��;:':'♦ i i ••,b�;,•!innr a u�u��;r'•• ��r,�:•� �_�: �r � ,` `��/'�/''� ` •`,\ ♦ \1 i'�ui� .,Ili °\ ngilbb pe?..n uiii.k .,Hi 0% • \I` I %.ram l'':��"1,/Ii+..:.�� ��'1�/ T.�.�:.���1,'''�11�, i�..�� 1'l'l',� I/I%.—=.�,,'f��111'�/ITw��'�//l , Two/ r Florida Department of ��'11 JII�I4f0l� ,. � � i,,,..,;;,,�,,, 1 L D R E N' �i�ou,... ,„ & FAMILIES -, L Certificate of Compietion Presented to ft 2 /9-'r-1 A-rvE'hL- FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES "MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION POLICY TRAINING" PRESENTEb BY DISTRICT 11 PROGRAM OFFICE - DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES - MEDICAL CASE MANAGER - PROGRAM INTEGRITY Sarah H. Blum RN, MHA i/ ment of Florida CHILDREN J &FAMILIES Cer-ificate of Completion Presented to Azam Farzaneh FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES "INCIDENT REPORTING TRAINING" CONDUCTED ON APRIL 30, 2003 PRESENTED BY QUALITY ASSESSMENT AND IROVEMENT TEAM - RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT ALFRED PAPA, RISK MEMENT PROGRAM SPECIALIST Hermy Sanchez 2035 Washington Ave. #19 (305) 386-3105 E UCATION 1977 - 1980 EXPERIENCE 2002 - Present 2000. - 2002 Miami Beach, Florida 33186 Y NORMAL SUPERIOR Boyaca, Columbia Bachelor's in Education EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DA P)E Miami, Florida Employment Specialist Provide job assessment, job development, job place- ment, job training, and follow up services to developmentally disabled Miami -Dade County Public Schools Exceptional Student Education pupils. ABILITIES OF FLORIDA Miami, Florida Placement Techniicia .: . Complete' intakes on new ctietrts Assess clients`skiffs. Maintalrr` contact with employers arid other agencies. Develop employment opportunities: far clients. Follow- up. with clients and employers. Write case notes on all clients. Prepare daily reports. 1998 - 2000 FLORIDA SUN PASS Customer Service Representative Miami, Florida Fees tensible i a weringThwne ,.. eti costo rs providing customers with product information, preparing daily reports. 1996 - 1998 VELASQUEZ & ASSOCIATES Receptionist. Miami, Florida Responsible, for answering, phonesmaking distributing mail, handling import/export orders, assist with immigration applications, prepare legal papers. 1994 - 1996 1988 - 1994 LANGUAGES REFER CH +SE FE Cust E EBANK . er Service resentative. Miami, Florida Responsible for providing clerical support to the Records Department. Enter and update customer information. Balance redeemed bonds. Make entries in the general ledger. Operate microfiche equipment and file signature cards. FEDCO MANAGEMENT Miami, Florida Accounts Payable- Clerk Responsible for balancing check accounts and processing check disbursements. Provide clerical assistance in all accounts payable and related duties. English, Spanish Available upon Request For Successfully Completing A Four Hour Course DiversityCultural: {�- - 1(kaly-1912C05 r5 ngela Aracena Date Adult Dry Care 9° re:2'P. i aa 'ter p. p�.��7'z�. �•`�" Aff. �nla917p9 s..•tiedf� Q { oii�o 0� 0j{lt1Se v9. mi�� 3p{ 1�4:v neA. ay...ca�o0n 0 • N e 6, % foo y•oa61bj{�@aeai�'ila ,eussA..{.}`\.asp o d �d�:.....41y!' 9p 1 ,„ Quo iy Qy�y��mo•.e:.•e�+�a:�v: i��iena� 0-ay���n i��o°�a spa �'a��si ea�0�lit lii ��{ ovo9asei1� {�Deao ® rcolitiO4.1''4414+{t\ t-;41r t ii.C.v. l�pjt ��®�• =+ v...... ..o ae.. o oiv.sa ar.�a►tpia ` La�ouTo• ff a �I:Y Oita 1�{�Ba.se�It �, A..n�'av"' w.=s �� .. � �� ��. .o _._ _ w__ _ � ` a` ..... �' •.._. �!'•a�".'i_�♦ �_ pYa � drs•�n!� 0��.0 i.'}a� s��o ain n�� r�. �.�! � s,......,el_1 .ovuiix-amosona tea-a.:000lo-t.oa EA STER - SEAF S MIAMI-DADE.. RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Hermy Sanchez Title Employment Specialist Training Attended Introduction To Supporteed Employment Date(s) 2/13/02 — 2/15/02 Number of Sessions 3 Number of Hours Per Session 8 Training Site Embassy Suites Hotel Purpose of Training Orient new staff to supported employment. _ 4 2/19/02 Participant Signature Date 2/19/02 Supervisor Signature Date •r4t 441 7 •",-1 Vei7: W ),o‘‘ ,',/ • '",. , - hittri;,... V AT THE UgivigitSItY OF FLORIDA has completed' training in rientation to Supported Employn-Ient This training is funded by the Dtint-htal Disabilities Progr4iV Florida Department of Education, Bureau of Itiglilittivital Support and Comilliiki and Vocational Relidbllitation Services // — ( .../iteryceato Project Director 4„. "•••• OZ; • WI 'Or • •• 00 1 t tilliittiVi ilD ;raj) 24..4"-:•....-.74r • : 1.: e - -1'•V 1,1 ilt• :Stiltil e4Z .'11.1 I I I 112:41 ; .:14:1 -61 '1'0 . ..,..%. •-• / " - - - .. . . -. . . 4' , 7 . . : I p.,1:. , •• Mk: • .,211,14/. 1.... ft:. • ''sst• ro,A ,t114. AlAmNii1Nlip. ...wsil V.\ Florida Depfihnent of dIILDREN St VAILIES. ificate ofCornpletbn Presented to He rrriy Sanchez YOUR 5UCCESShUL COMPLETION ARTMENTOF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES NT REPOkTI NG TRAINING" CONDUCTED ON APRIL 30, 2003 PRESENTED BY ND IMPROVEMENT TEAM - RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT , RISK AGEMENT PROGRAM SPECIALIST DEPARTFILE°Nr oPA NIILEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR SANCHF,Z • ; . v I '• I I .• • ; • 00.000000000.000.00000000000000,0000000000000000000000000000.0.00:C00.0,0000000060000000,.. LT 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0:0.00000:0'0.0'0.0:0'0.0:0'00'60.6 •^.a Op mY.-xil;N. ATILIA Z. BLUM, M.P.H..: DEPT. OF HEALTH/ SENIOR HEALTH EDUCATOR Florida Department CHILIPP4E14 St FAMILIES Certificate Of Compietion Preselittd to FOR YOUR succEs6PUL. COMPLETION or THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILMEN AND FAMILIES "MEOICATION AbMINISTRATION POLICY -1-AINING" (WO i --,•::::-,4,,,t, • ?tillc 'ilt1:-.1: r1'- CONOUCTEb ON 7/ / : / / e -- - PRE 5ENTe0 BY mi ill WT.,41 DISTRICT 11 PROGRAM OFFICE - DEVELOPMENTAL DISABiLiTIES - MEDICAL CASE MANAGER - PROGRAM INTEGRITY -..A orrighii;i3,‘Y(' '001,1k 1,,,: I Ism. Aliki li! A . ......4.'0;0,-, 4--- 1 ;(- 4\ /.1.4-41.11/1 i ilk , -:,;,---3_,-17.- A . •••••,%,.. ,....,...,,, 4 /4•Z--.:', IP'. i , •000""%N.,),...4, A *-.... = ...! i ,01,..oraft),), J.. . " a „ ojprommi,., 0.o. , 44, ',1%., dern=f-a"‘. , 0'. °I' 1"14... 44., AC i"--:; a'..b. . ...;.. two -•"..*,,. 4 de, .T.: ,..`'N.. .....;', .:0"--...'".b.. . , ..,...ece-ii .,-",* ..1... If ‘"kt. :. , - - .. A ."4"-• it' 0"' '"'‘..> •4-.A4.1, ' ....;:', 4''':1.:,t.8'"4911 .'. 1a"m:r.'....4p; 1:,...%.......-,.e... .i ',.lb-•,•/4•• :...?"•"1rt4 .', W . I ,im. . • . •„ ,,,,w,tI4•••.1.•4 • for.,....viiimarot......0o.. . ,s,. ...k,=;., „%eariti..... ...tioe........).000,0•0* ':\:\‘,441.,,lk iti. 0. -..,:uai•.o........ 7...i.....„_,.. ;;.- ..., :Li otos./.. .,,t...,.....4.........'klits ii.... ,......*:i::-•N 1:. j ;•••t::: ,*.,,.....„,.....•,,,,... E.......:01101. ::.:;,... i hi, (.4.• ...-'',.......L.,,,,............ 7,.' ..........' s';:zi00,10;s• \ N...„"4\ Sarah H. Blumftt4, MHA 11111!„ 7 "4"' 111•00. Alibech Baumberger 11029 NW 1 Terrace Miami, FL 33172 305.223.9280 EDUCATION 2000 FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Master of Science in Counseling Education 1995 FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science in Psychology EXPERIENCE Miami, Florida Miami, Florida 1996 - Present EASTER SEALS SOUTH FLORIDA Miami, Florida Employment Specialist 1995 - 1996 1992 - 1995 SKILLS REFERENCES Provide job assessment, job development, job placement, job training, and follow up services to developmentally disabled clients. FELLOWSHIP HOUSE Hialeah, Florida Case Manager Comprehensive individual assessments, comprehensive care and service plan development, linking and coordinating services, monitoring and following up services, evaluations, home visits, crisis intervention. RAYMOND DUBE, D.D.S. Miami, Florida Office Manager File insurance forms, translate English/Spanish, update patients' accounts, correspondence. Fluent in English and Spanish Word Perfect Lotus 1-2-3 Excel Internet Available upon Request • • ®n retommenbation of tfje anb bp birtur of Me autljoritp begteb in it bp ttje jfloriba joarb of Rectento herebp tonferg upon Alliteril A.rte N nunnburger tlye begree of tittioter of'ttente in Cltnunneltar libutattnn (nultege of 3Ebucattnn 31n 1egtimonp Mfjereof, ttje gignatureg of Me c• niberuitp'g offirrnS are Ijereto affixeb in Miami, if'foriba 5gfugugt 15, 2000 Qantt 1K, Starr bnibrrlitp Bpltrm b6tnt et the 3(uibeteit' bran ®n retommenbation of ttje jfatuLtp anb bp birtue of the auttjoritp begteb in it bp ttje jftoriba 7Soarb of 3aegentg tjertbp tonferg upon ttbujj uebo• the Degree of TSathelor of arty in jptijotogp College of 21rW anb 'tientes; �fn Zegtimonp Whereof, ttje gignatureg of ttje alnibergitp'g offiterg are tjereto affixeb ,,ftoriba 3Detember 18, 1995 (144#4141' jairman,oarb ofteg CZernnc �.�ti elli44 d ge4/ Chancellor, State Olniberaitp Errant relibe niheraiie (btt e�tt Agency For Persons With Disabilities Personal Outcomes Measures Training January 23, 2007 Presenter: Marcie J. Brittain, MSW, Certified POMS Trainer 9:00-9:45 Welcome /Introduction & Training Objectives 9:45-10:00 Background/History 10:00-10:30 The Person -Centered Organization "The Person Directs Services Choices & Decision Making/Rights & Responsibilities 10:30 10:45 Break Time 10:45-12:00 Introduction to Personal Outcome Characteristics/Benefits of Person Directed Meetings Personal Outcomes,/ Individual Supports 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:PM-2:30 How Can We Apply Personal Outcomes? 2:30-2:45 Break Time 2:45-3:15 Practical Changes that Support Personal Outcomes 3:15-3:30 Putting it Together Q&A/ Evaluations Participant Name: t u Trainer Signature:: Marcie J. Brittain, MSW, Area XI Ce'Y'ified POMS trainer Agency For Persons With Disabilities Credit Earned: 6 hrs. 1 C:L - Unorricial College Transcript rage 1 or Student Id A06014020 Name Alibech Baumberger Date of Birth..: 02/27/73 Sex.: F High School Graduation Date: Admission Basis: Data Not Available The Following Credits Are Non College Level Credits Fall 2006-07 (20071 ) TCC 001533 Beginning 08/14/06 Ending 03/31/07 Crse Id Equiv Crse Course Title Cmp Typ Grd Att Ern GPA Om - Fee Residency: Non -Fla Resident Prog: (8003 ) Nc Non -Credit Non-Degr DDC0100 DDC0100 Into Develop Disabil S 00.0 00.0 0. This Online Course is Offered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Available to Anyone Who Provides Direct Care Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Ceu Awarded: 0.0 HAS0100 HAS0100 Health & Safety S 00.0 00.0 0. This is An Online Course Offered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities That Must Be Completed By Direct Service Providers to Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Ceu Awarded: 0.0 Contact I Questions/Problems/Comments Lgal/Pri}lacy Tallahassee Community College, 444 Appleyard Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895 I (850) 201-6200 Server Date: 11/13/2006 Time: 10:01 AM Name: tomcatl User Name: Alibech Baumberger 1 1 /1/O6 +.., fl ,1,,/trancrrintc/untrans iSn Jeb Bush,. Governor Shelly Brantley, Director tH District 11 0{Hce 401 N.W. 2nd avenue, Suite South 821 Mtami, Florida 33118 13051349.14fa Fax: 1305F)49.1479 agency for persons with disabilities State of Florida Area XI FROM FAX NO. Jun. le 2002 01:07AM P1 Training Center 1111111111101111111111111111111111111111111.1111 Step 1 - Select a Module Below: Additional modules will he made available es post -testy one passed. �Mtidule - Desk Review Course Module - introduction to Implementation Planning Module - Preventive Health Screening Module - Protecting Consumer Rights Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse Step 2 - Choose an Option Below: t Take Pre -Test RI View Module'' Take Post -Test Go»I Testing History for BAUMBERGERA Module - Score Date P Passed? Review Modal. - Protectina Consumer = iohts 100.00 11 16l2005 2:06:08 - M . Yes - Module - Preventive Health Screening 00 0 11/16/2005 1:33:00 PM Yes Module - Desk Review Course 100.00 11/14/2005 9:22:15 PM Yea - Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse 100.00 11/16/2005 2:24:57 PM Yes - Module - Introduction to implementation Planning 100.00 11/14/200510:07:20 PM Yes - Aodi4e - Results Focused Reviews 100.00 11/16/2006 235:50 PM Yes - 162f 77') Vzs?/ http://training.dfmc.org/trai ning_center/test/choose_moduie.aspx 11 /16/2005 �/ ii... i + v ► ....... •. ♦ .ai. �• ♦ nau • ♦ oa. • •.• •.. �,.i.1. .. �, • • ♦ • �� �� Hai: ����//j.•...��'.. .��i......r ���.iii ��i�.....� ��ii.�:ii � ice.... •�••.�... •► •:.:.�- � •... � •....� .•.. .� I •..... .•....� � •.....� � • . I• \• / / ♦/.IIII� 1 �.....a •• s.Ie* I �••,.1UU. � • p. �. • pi.. � 1 1 �,��� • �,3 I I,I • �,. • N • • •' /`���,/'.' �`���/� • `���' ' �1.?.lr.:...�.�1lli...���� /'��.. i• a N.� a;;; .;;,� :�1�'%fi:. ����211� �1�211i.�1!Ii::� �1T 1.�:.. _........._,. 11001. 10: Easter Seals Miami -Dade ;3;4; ii, Certificate..t. iPtleg:4 i:ri;.„•.1 ,s,,:;$ 1�'� Awarded to11 '''l11,;:►�l 'r 1► 40 !p.: �,H111jill;liiiii mow (lift•:% .,4s I 'ipb:#.4 '�,0'"'" For Successfully Completing A Four Hour Course In rf�yli ll ��!;:.littoiDiversity, 0 soz.:-_, 1 iwp* . ;,,1►���� Cultural r, �.1:N i iiiee,.vi 1 oper4.4 a i ; i I (ii 11111►'` �! —R o I % 1cO5 ,iii' ,� ►i' ��1'1'VDate Lizandra Delvalle:,,!,►1►`I lAti Angela Aracena = ;.4:$,Vii ;1 Human Resources •ho.;r; o; Adult Day Care ;;;1iit ,� t.1_i C u.o.r..c.........c �- vmw.ar.mv,r as,....•a..s...e r....•.�-.. .``. ✓..f ` i-:./� / tA. •./,/,�, F48 .i.0�.. :►" I kr�s•.ris:a.».�o..rasrz'= ..-. ..,:'.• --��� - / \ ��:/ I l � � / / f \ ie / ` •• �• r�uilis � ♦ �. r.op;%� P ..: - - - ; c>::; ; -- •�: • , ,� ,d � .�/ i A:11/ ��� g,:;:;..rlg �L� 441;f ii'.;; �lOt�t�: ii1'I� ..:.. ...i;? 1 ,, s r :c=,,•;, �•;. ►.. ••.r1�1+L• "• • �,„t,.. �1_ _.,: , !1'•ta,.13,111.1.,. _,.1•._.. s"e r��.�i rw:.tilt 0���0�•4 �,���� iF%`L%` i��w>s�....�► i . -r e.�,%.-e��=�.►=.�►�.r�-� '� .r= 1'..-'_ ..p,,".► .rw Z..... �' -r `010.- ..��..--ter.....,ep^t.. ..,..•...-►�.�=.�-w- i.— ��r •.►r< �� a— -.,v"��rm .-w-�..e.�..c„css_ �y� -ue' _ ..:m.<•-..:r:•.- �a'►+aaA..1.: _____.��.'►-,ate®�w.�- �°�______ ..'�"' '.amp..►- t American Heart Association. Learn and Live.. Heartsaver AED Alibech Baumberger This card certifies that the above individual has successfully com- pleted the national cognitive and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA for the Heartsaver AED Program. Adult CPR & AED / Child CPR & AED / Infant CPR 01//14/2005 01/14/2007 Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date • rt pd agency for persons with disabilities State of Florida This certificate is presented to: dkil_taQECV‘IZ)IC--- FOR COMPLETING THE ZERO TOLERANCE TRAINING ON /R loll ay DATE Sarah H. Blum RN, MHA Janet Polsky R , BS —e• This training was approved by the Developmental Disabilities Program Central Office for Florida supported employment providers in the Developmental Services Program. Certificate of Completion Orientation to Supported Employment This is to document that Ali B aumberger has completed 18 hours of training on June 21-23, 2004 in Miami, Florida Presented by: Qt Dale DiLeo, Leas rainer ■ TRAINING RESOURCE NETWORK • PO BOX 439 • ST. AUGUSTINE, FL 32085-0439 904-824-7121 • FAX: 904-823-3554 • info@trninc.com • http://www .trninc.com EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Ali Ali Guedes Title Employment Specialist Training Attended Orientation to Supported Employment & Natural Supports Date(s) 7/21/99 - 7/23/99 3 Number of Sessions Number of Hours Per Session 8 Training Site Ft. Lauderdale Westin Hotel Purpose ofTraining Certification training for Employment Specialists I i\PI t‘ r Participant Signature 7/24/99 Date 7/24/99 Supervisor Signature Date IVO ,� yA ICI "‘1 ‘ Ci FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF pi, Ye 111 '4°61‘14,X\ 4417P‘ en! CHILDREN & FAMILIES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION PRESENTED TO: FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF TWQ HOURS TRAINING "ABCD'S OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES" CONDUCTED ON FEBRUARY 2, 2004 KIRK RYON, OMC II SUPERVISOR .uu,,,�w�.",:ww.4':S,uG.&.a„�ixti�tciw`i.:uu.,,wuMv;;tu.u,m,o;; ii::wSu[,itYG.'.✓dli.u.uu.uu+::�;:LLo uw.w,.w.w; twwu uu::,:uai, uu.u.w,i..u�.�w.uuw.;,'�L�'i:.lu,u.....,::w..;.tlxwwiru.w.uau.-..+wu�:wRuu..ua; k[u:w F.1 ail:iuuaw uiiiu.,.,.0 w.w,i.;:[if,.0 ,w.wuw, w.�uu uu.u+ e • +` .• i �.�V 1!!lW , `: Yet F..:. g.mM M .i1R` fj4 CHILDREN L� &FAMILIES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION PRESENTED TO: FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF TWO HOURS TRAINING "CARE OF THE CLIENT WITH A MENTAL CHALLENGE" CONDUCTED ON FEBRUARY 2, 2004 KIRK RYON, OMC II SUPERVISOR i:uuuu v.- iv iu....u.:.wau:;;u..dv.:.u•il..:«,ww.u•�i.w.uiwaueKw.u.»awll,.wi4w.uiu.u,n.�a,cwair3.(uw�.wy4a.4.lii'.wwua.wiutioa uwuwauiAlu'u.ucu.u�L+wW�,�uuu,uY;..wYu:AiTf.�:auiiiXSu:Y.u..,wu ll;u': ..wx au.i.+..vwuu.�w i:.0 un1.+.w(:: u,;:c u.;:•uoidc:<w1;uu gar •, . ...rt.%� Y o,�.w, ^^:^ rt...,as2•r hr<�.,:.x^,!»,w,.. CHILDREN Q &FAMILIES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION PRESENTED TO: FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF TWO HOURS TRAINING "ABUSE, NEGLECT , EXPLOITATION AND MANDATORY REPORTING PROCEDURES" CONDUCTED ON FEBRUARY 17, 2004 KIRK RYON, OMC II SUPERVISOR ari..uu�..ua�.:irtiu.w..,,,L.wuia.�.,,,.�suwauu .,.wwiaiiuuuu,L�-is'rdu,uL:uu:w:S[uuw,n.�w.iw;uuw,urw�;ctiu,,,a.,,uti;.u;uawua,u�i0,.wui�ab'i'ws'utiLuw wa:bium.wusia<,a�u.ua.u�aanhL, FloridaHILDREN Department of C & FAMILIES Certificate of Completion; P rese r,te4 to Alibech Baumberger FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES "INCIDENT REPORTING TRAINING" CONDUCTED ON APRIL 30, 2003 PRESENTED BY QUALITY ASSESSMENT ?f PROVEMENT TEAM - RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT ALFRED PAP , RISK M GEMENT PROGRAM SPECIALIST Florida Department of CH 1 LDREN & FA11411LIES Certificate of Completion Presented to j i bec,h Y rn br r FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES "MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION POLICY TRAINING" CONDUCTED ON • Hi(lli))' PRESENTED BY �� I(1'I))JJJJ •t%;�:; DISTRICT 11 PROGRAM OFFICE - DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES - MEDICAL CASE MANAGER - PROGRAM INTEGRITY laWA e,i 1;IuiiiJHUi 611:_ �, V.yi�'' • Sarah H. Blum RN, MHA ppll`j°I!' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT For Successfully Completing A Course In ATILIA Z. BLUM, M.P.H.. DEPT. OF HEALTH/ SENIOR HEALTH EDUCATOR American Heart Apdho AHA Association. Region Fighting Heart Disease and Stroke Heartsaver CPR Alibech Baumberger This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the national cognitive and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the American Heart Association Ti jt►g,tjepfttiaver CPR Program. ny Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date Florida Affiliate Community Training Center MDCPS Training Site MDCPS Instructor Terry Kolinski RN Holders Signature 02000 American Haan Association Tampering wilt, this card mil alter its appearance. 70.2912 70-2912 R-121 1 fie LICENSE µNGER `i6407 73-567-0 AL.1 r.H GUEDE1ti EAUMBERRGER 1141 , INDEPENDENCE TRAIL HOMESTEAD, FL 390344000 SIRIM DATE SEX HGT REST. ENDORSE 02-27 73 F 6-04 ' ED EXPIRES 02.14-66 02-21-02 • 10-13-0` SAFE DRIVER ppentipn d rr a wtor vehicle conaiRlAes consent to any sobriety teat required by law FLORIDA AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARD PROGRESSIVE EXPRESS INSURANCE COMPANY Effective Date 10/10/01 Policy 65405139-3 02962 Veh.1996 SATUR Sit 4D 1G8ZH528XTZ292556 Veh. 1995 FORD MUSTANG 18 CP 1 FALP42TOSF 184918 Veh. Veh. COVERAGES APPLICABLE ARE MARKED WITH AN "X" itPERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION BENEFITS PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY BODILY INJURY LIABILITY ALIBECH G BAUMBERGER 1591 NORTHWEST 20TH ST HOMESTEAD FL 33030 Not valid more than one year from effective date. PRITJGREI IVE" 1 --- ''rrr: Sunshine State UCEIGE NAME* B516-007-73-567-0 AUBECH OUEDES MAUMQ at 1140G INOEPENOENCE TRAIL HOMESTEAD. FL 33034-0000 BIRTH DATE SEX HOT. REST. 02-27-73 F 5.04 �01� A . ISSUED emotes 02-1446 02-27-02 ORGAN DONOR TOOSTi01600e5 SAFE DRNER • OPerseon of a Motor vehicle oonsmutes consent to any sobriety test DuAucATE 10-1047 FLORIDA AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARO PROGRESSIVE EXPRESS 04/10/99 Policy 65405139-0 02962 Veh. 1996 SATUR SL1 4D 1G8ZH528XTZ292556 Veh.1995 FORD MUSTANG 8 CP 1FALP 42TOSF184918 Veh. Veh. COVERAGES APPLICABLE ARE MARKED WITH AN "X" PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION BENEFITS PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY BODILY INJURY LIABILITY ALIBESH G BAUMBERGER 1149 INDEPENDANCE TAIL HOMESTEAD FL 33034 Not valid more than one year horn effective date. PROOREII/VE EASTER SEALS M1AIviI-DADE RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Ali Baumber2er Title Employment Specialist Training Attended Supported Employment Meeting Date(s) 1/31/02 Number of Sessions 1 Number of Hours Per Session 2 Training Site 401 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33128 Purpose of Training Discuss issues related to supported employment, 1/31/02 Participant Signature Date 1/31/02 Supervisor Signature Date EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADS RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Ali Guedes Title Employment Specialist Training Attended SSA Ticket to Work Date(s) 6/ 291 01 Number of Sessions 1 Number of Hours Per Session 1 Training Site Easter Seals Purpose of Training Learn new guidelines regarding SSI/ SSDI and employment. ¢ r yf Participant"Signa r ! \ Aire �Jgt,A , ..�y. Supervisor Signature 6/29/01 Date 6/29/01 Date EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING • Name Ali Guedes Title Job Coach Training Attended Short Term Goals (Dr. Michael Wosolowski) Date(s) 1/30/01 Number of Sessions 1 Number of Hours Per Session 2 Training Site Easter Seals Miami -Dade Purpose of Training The goal of this training was to familiarize lob Coaches with Developmental Services expectations re arding the formulation of client short term goals. 1. L_L__c „ /rr 1/30/01 Particip nt Signature Date 1 r i • S P visor Signature 1/30/01 Date Name Title Employment Specialist Training Attended Supported Employment & The Medicaid Waiver Date(s) 5/11 /99 Number of Sessions 1 Number of Hours Per Session 8 Training Site Miami -Dade Community College North Campus EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Ali Guedes Purpose of Training Familiarize Employment Specialists with the new rules regarding supported employment and the Med Waiver. 5/11/99 Participant Signature f', Date , ` ` t li!'; hires. Supervisor Signature. Date 5/11/99 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT For Successfully Completing A Course In "FOUR-HOUR HIV/AIDS TRAINING (AIDS 104)" 7.�t /1•1�� _ IT t r• r, 1'0 tI)} _ .1..\.. ,: ./,•l, `` r/y ti` T • EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF DADE COUNTY, ITC_ RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING/COMMUNITY INVOL'I E1 ENT INSTRUCTIONS: I. Please fill out the form and sign it. 2. Give the completed form to your Dept. Head. 3. He/She will keep the original, make a copy for your personnel file and return one to you for your personal records. 4. If possible, attach a copy of the course/seminar outline or brochure to the form. Name: ,Ali Guedes Position title: Employment Specialist Event attended: "The -Impact of Employment on Social Security benefits" Date(s): 4/30/98 Number of sessions: 1 Number of hours per day/session: 1 Place: E.S.S. Purpose: To learn about t:he impact of. employment on social security benefits Participating Signature 4 / 30/98 4 ; 30, 98 Malekessa Po r 1masha 10150 SW 143 Place E4UCATIi ! 1977 - 1980 1972 - 1975 EXPERIENCE 2002 - Present 1996 -2002 1992 - 1996 1993-2002 1990 - 1993 (305) 386-3105 Miami, Florida 33186 CLEVELAND ST. flee/CUYAHtGA C.C. Engineering_, COLLEGE OF EDUCATIO Business Management Cleveland:, Ohio Tehran, Iran EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE Miami, Florida Employment Specialist Provide job assessment, job development, job place- ment, job training, and follow up services to developmentally disabled Miami -Dade County Public Schools Exceptional Student Education pupils. MIAMI DAD C'OuNT'r SCHOOLS, Miami; Flori: Projimal4c1mmhabCoadt;, Assist a Miami -Dade. County; Public =Schools :Exceptioonal, Student Education teacher to supervise .developmentally disabled pupils at a community based work site. EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE Project Victory Job Coach Miami, Florida Student Education teacher to supervise developmentally disabled pupils at a community based work site. AMERICAN AIRLINES Ticket Agent Miami, Florida Responsible for customer service, counter control :. . dispatch', and baggage claims. MIAMI INVL AIRPORT HOTEL Miami, Florida Room Service Supervisor Responsible ...for _the . supervision, of....Room. Service, staff., 1988 - 1990 R0 T 0 PORT HOTEL Miami, Florida Responsible for the supeivisi •:n of Rom Service staff. 1980 - 1987.FARTASF.J JUNIOR HOG Teacher 1975-1975 LANGUAGES REFERENCES' Pi SCHOOL r Tehran,. Iran Responsible. for..teachingand. supervising disabled and gifted students-: KOODAK EMROOZ SCHOOL Tehran, Iran Teacher Responsible for teaching elementary schol students the full complement of bask subjects. English, Spanish, I`arsi, Arabic Available pin Request / - A ----IT' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Presented This 18th Day of Marche KATIANA PI iVAIHSE KIRA A. ARAUZ VIELZWZAR, B.S., M.P.H. DEPT. OF.HEALTIU SENIOR HEALTH EDUCATOR DEPT. OF HEALTH /HtipkN SERVICES PROGRAM MANAGER At; For Successfully Completing A Four Hour Cottle In Angela Aracena Adu.l Day Care Cultural. versi� (2oo5 ++ Sandra Delvalle T Nman Resources .04 WO OilVII Atti site 4�1�I�f ,01:�.4. . • i , :ti: iii4 1 ���.®•..w_�.:� v• �•a..e-'aer wia�: a.a. � �`'s ** .4*•A �ii►`•�"'eii ""114. "+. �+m�q A� ��_a��..e� ��i �� �.�'.v���t+� !�'°ks i.sa�-.►a =� �r�►®�� �i �a ��af►m-►�'�a .w. =o :d p0eM.'90@�•tAii� ���t hVgt �Q �'a. sg .asp°' 'E'!.m► r► .. �Y A 2 f.take eo r er .:arm- r► •c�"'s.�a®..�-a�� - ra®���-+" .►ea �Ta .r.w�r..a.+....i.,....� ��"'�- �w..c>s,,,:. a►� s.�s'os .w_�aw -a�:`.,1, CNUR AT THE UltithILSTri OF FLORIDA .completed yarning in rientation to Supported Employtilent This training is funded by the Drvel2spmeutal Disabilities Prograyt3:• :. Florida Department of Education, Bureau if Ittstrttctwnal Support and Comrnrinity Services; and Vocational Rehabilitation Services f/?�i r. t.9kalieeted Project re toi' paboem of ILDREI4 ILIES Ce 6iCoMple.flbn P s kited to Mail ke0a Pourmasiiia FO YOUk StJCCE$SFUL COMPLETION F • THE DE''ARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES "INCIDENT REPORTING TRAINING" ONDUCTED ON APRIL 30, 2003 PRESENTED BY QUALITY ASSESSMENT ND IMPROVEMENT TEAM - RISK MANAGEMENT UNIT ALFRED PAP , RISK AGEMENT PROGRAM SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ZA POU F A s J For Successfully Completing A Coin se In "FOUR HOUR HIV/AIDS T 'k INING ( S 104 y9 Presen This 1 5Thi Day of jULY 20 02 ATILIA Z;ILUM, M.P.II.. DEFT. OF HtALTIL SENIOR HEALTH EDUCATOR o ol4:00.0 0.0 o o o oo-c-.o o-c:o 50o c o 000i 0000�o.o.cor <000o oc cccc: .__--o n. - •n•-.- - - c o oly American Heart Art AMA Association. Region Flmida,Affiliate Fighting, FlearaDianaeoarid,,Stroka,, Community . Trainlawcantier . Mrirps.,,., • . ittartsaver7 CPR:..: s.,.• Training.- . '..' IrawnifPitsitririsssibp..., ..- - . . Sim, :'. BiLDCM- ' ..... Tharcatit cartittratthat thetaboveiletatindUithmrsuccesattalar-: , comptittatittiamtlitinatodgratiatranctilditteervalostkinp4h.,„ . . ... accordanotratittillar'cvnioultinr,otearlatiarier044eartAseociatiom -, .. - . • for in. Hoartaaver CPITEProgram:- ,Adult]:' Signature 9.1014402 oF1111.29,110d Renewal Data 02000 American Wort Associollon Tempaing Win this arre all aitar les a:pawn= 70-2912 • :• . . . • . • . • • . . • 70-29.12 R-12/01 • • Honda Dtpairtilidtit of CH 11 LORE FAAILIES Certifidaft of Cornpietidh Prtiinted to jAl L Pc, u s 14,4 FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETthN OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMLtES EbICATION AbMINISTRATI • N POaCY TRAINING" CONDUCTEb ON // //?' PI:t8SENTEb BY 4 b I S C T 11 PROGRAM OFFICE - bEVELOPMENTAL bISABILITIES - MEDICAL CASE MANAGER - PROGRAM INTEGRITY Sarah H. Blum RN, MHA EASTER SEALS MIAMI-DADE RECORD OF STAFF TRAINING Name Malekessa Pourmasiha Title Employment Specialist Training Attended Introduction To Supporteed Employment Date(s) 2/13/02 — 2/15/02 Number of Sessions 3 Number of Hours Per Session 8 Training Site Embassy Suites Hotel Purpose of Training Orient new staff to supported employment. Participant Signature „.„ 2/19/02 Date 2/19/02 Supervisor Signature Date Cecilia Paola Contreras 305.382.7271 cpcontreras@adelphia.net EDUCATION 1999 ART INSTITUTE OF FT. LAUDERDALE Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Associate of Science in Graphic Design 1990 MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Miami, Florida Associate of Science in General Studies EXPERIENCE 2004 - Present EASTER SEALS SOUTH FLORIDA Miami, Florida Employment Specialist Provide job assessment, job development, job placement, job training, and follow up services to developmentally disabled clients. 2001 - 2+004 URYS CORPORATION Hialeah, Florida Customer Service Representative Process orders, purchase materials, customer service. SKILLS Fluent in English and Spanish Excel QuickBooks Word Internet Design Related Software Photoshop Corel Draw 3D Max Premiere REFERENCES Available upon Request Agency For Persons With Disabilities Personal Outcomes Measures Training January 23, 2007 Presenter: Marcie J. Brittain, MSW, Certified POMS Trainer 9:00-9:45 Welcome /Introduction & Training Objectives 9:45-10:00 Background/History 10:00-10:30 The Person -Centered Organization "The Person Directs Services Choices & Decision Making/Rights & Responsibilities 10:30 10:45 Break Time 10:45-12:00 Introduction to Personal Outcome Characteristics/Benefits of Person Directed Meetings Personal Outcomes/ Individual Supports 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:PM-2:30 How Can We Apply Personal Outcomes? 2:30-2:45 Break Time 2:45-3:15 Practical Changes that Support Personal Outcomes 3:15-3:30 Putting it Together Q&A/ Evaluations Participant Name: Trainer Signature::' Marcie J. Brittain, MSW, Area Xf Certified POMS Trainer Agency For Parsons With Disabilities Credit Earned: 6 hrs. Student Id C06012964 Name Cecilia Paola Contreras Date of Birth..: 08/08/68 Sex.: F High School Graduation Date: Admission Basis: Data Not Available The Following Credits Are Non College Level Credits Fall 2006-07 (20071 ) TCC 001533 Beginning 08/14/06 Ending 03/31/07 Crse Id Equiv Crse Course Title Cmp Typ Grd Att Ern GPA Prog:'(8003 ) Nc Non -Credit Non-Degr DDC0100 DDC0100 Into Develop Disabil S 00.0 00.0 0. This Online Course is Offered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Available to Anyone Who Provides Direct Care Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Ceu Awarded: 0.0 HAS0100 HAS0100 Health & Safety S 00.0 00.0 0. This is An Online Course Offered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities That Must Be Completed By Direct Service Providers to Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Ceu Awarded: 0.0 Fee Residency: Non -Fla Resident Contact I Questions/Problems/Comments 1 Legal/Privacy Tallahassee Community College, 444 Appleyard Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895 I (850) 201-6200 Server Date: 11/13/2006 Time: 10:06 AM Name: tomcatl User Name: Cecilia Paola Contreras 4 https://eaglenetl.tcc.fl.edu/transcripts/untrans.jsp 11/13/06 Step 1 - Select a Module Below: Additional modules will be made available as post-tests are passed. Module - Desk Review Course Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning Module - Preventive Health Screening Module - Protecting Consumer Rights Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse Step 2 - Choose an Option Below: Take Pre -Test View Module Take Post -Test os tn1 Go» !story for CO l K RERASP Module t Score Date Passed? Review Module - Protecting Consumer Rights 100.00 11/2/2005 12:31:36 AM Yes - Module - Preventive Health Screening_ 100.00 11/1/2005 11:13:39 PM Yes - Module - Desk Review Course 100.00 11/1/2005 11:00:34 PM Yes - Module - Desk Review Course 91.66 11/1/2005 10:57:22 PM No - Module - Recognizing and Reporting Abuse 100.00 11/2/2005 10:38:31 AM Yes - 'Module -Recognizing and Reporting Abuse 90.90 11/2/2005 10:36:53 AM No - Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 100.00 11/1/2005 10:30:39 PM Yes - Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 60.00 11/1/2005 10:24:21 PM No - Module - Introduction to Implementation Planning 60.00 1/1/2005 10:27:27 PM No - Module - Results Focused Reviews 100.00 11/2/2005 2:41:58 PM Yes - Module - Results Focused Reviews 33.33 11/2/2005 2:39:28 PM No - 4 http://training.dfmc.org/Training_Center/test/choose_module.aspx 11/2/2005 , , , tirrt Z;::.."�iPZEn1r. ;:.i .i1A •.n Xia �"T�.ii.--ri �ziiMtzVii4:7�i := ;Vi-.fiz:zi--:.a�iA.ri��v_e. �� �'1 ;:�:.;,�I1I; •Ni1J7);INN t1» .Aur/,:.01:W%ti•:. 7MII �iV.r '_1iVi g-••.••.i•••121.••�l ••.•'l�-'.•4.:1. ..,.....:.4..;:...: .,. ,I,.• :•:: ,..N"% 140110,44 eae:i Easter Seals Miami -Dade 11!!! i111+:'4% Certificate jjii )►►r10g`:::;4.0 A warded to x Pt0,5 ::40 1 4444. 11.•.% 1 :-.0.,# eftPe��; For Successfully Completing A Four Hour Course In y:.;1;1I 1 0 il i iii. h.eitIAI: ,�,#,� . Cultural I�lverslty ; til 400 ,. 4fti 4:4 , , t1,14/9// 1 i i Ole: 1141401 / 1 610 jP ,...., _.R of7(kary ictlp_co5 w., _..- Li t Angela Aracena Date Lizandra Delvalle �� :# �''fe'' Adult Day Care :i1.1.4•,,)tf::;,1111.;?!.: rz Human Resources ` 170..::::-.1'..:1 1.1 rIt.•a#14W 'igi# l o` . (.0 1J11�� •.,. r111,t�'.iiii #$ Vit ..'.i�, lil �Ve%; ii,11 �iVii' , f 1,��..'.'i�; i i � eia; �,1r1,1� :. i � �... , t 1 V.....i , - i*;? , ,'o ; . i l" ; � , : , �r \ .,..: :... 1 .,:_::,. ,:_:., I ,•.. �� ... lIt ._.. 1.� ._.. lIL ... fIL ... lIZ ..• lit ... 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Contreras This card certifies that the above individual has successfully com- pieted the national cognitive and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHAfor the Heartsaver AED Pro r lg/am. Adult CPR & AED 1 Child l / CPR & AED / Infant CPR Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date pd agency for persons with disabilities State of Florida This certificate is presented to: Paw efiL- fl FOR COMPLETING THE ZERO TOLERANCE TRAINING ON Sarah H. Blum RN, MHA Janet Polsky R BS This training was approved by the Developmental Disabilities Program Central Office for Florida supported employment providers in the Developmental Services Program. Certificate of Completion Orientation to Supported Employment This is to document that Paola Contreras has completed 18 hours of training on ,tune 21-23.2004 in Miami, Florida Presented by: Dale DiLeo, Lead Trainer ■ TRAINING RESOURCE NETWORK • PO BOX 439 • ST. AUGUSTINE, FL 32085-0439 904-824-7121 • FAX: 904-823-3554 • info@trninc.com • http://www.trninc.com Jeb Bush, Governor Shelly Brantley, Director District Si Office 40t N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite South 821 .Kl a mi, Florida 33128 130Si 349•t478 Fax: 13055 344.1424 agency for persons with disabilities State of .Florida m.m Certifica te Azvq 4 d CE-C.ICiA 7)CoTR S For successful completion .cif :the fore Assurance Training 13, 2005 1:30 - 3j