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HEP Applications
CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk DATE SUBJECT: REFERENCES ENCLOSURES:Applications (17); Spreadsheet February 8, 2008 FIl F Applications for Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Appointments to the Historic and Environmental Preservation (HEP) Board are scheduled to be considered by the City Commission on February 14, 2008. Pursuant to City of Miami Code Sections 62-186 and 62-187, an ad was placed in a newspaper of general circulation seeking applicants to the HEP Board. The attached are copies of seventeen (17) applications received by the due date of February 7, 2008. Additionally included is a spreadsheet which reflects the "Categories" under which each applicant is seeking consideration. Should you have any questions, please contact nee at (305) 250-5367. PAT/PB c: Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney Applicants to the Historic and Environmental Preservation (HEP) Board - 2008 Architect 'Landscape Categories: Registered Architect Historian or Architectural Historian Qualified by Architect or Architectural Historian Having Experienced Real Estate Broker Person Experienced in Field of Business Citizen with Demonstrated Knowledge & interest Alternate Member who Qualified in Fla. Registered in Fla. Means of Education or Experience, & Having Demonstrated Knowledge & Interest in Miami -Dade Co. History Demonstrated Knowledge & Experience In Architectural Restoration & Historic Preservation Licensed In Fla. & Finance or Law in Historic & Architectural Heritage of the City &/or Conservation of the Natural Environment Under One of Above Categories & Architectural History APPLICANTS 1 Broton, James 2 creedman, David 3 Solera, Lourdes 4 Jonas, Todd 5 Riley, Sandra 61Graboski, Robert 7 Barber, Timothy 8 Grafton, R. Thorn q Seco, Miguel 10 Lobre- H. ^aird i 11 Scinto, Leonard J. 17 13 14 15 Jungles, Raymond Apel, Gary Lorenzo, Enid Marston, Gerald x x x 16 Hopper, William E. Jr. 17 Zamanillo, Jorge Incumbents & Categories 2/8/2008 7T41 FEB --5 F 1 L: 52 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION7IIMRD CLERK C1'1 ,1i 711AM1. FL FIR fir\ T NAME LAST NAME(S) I L) L/ 7 70 f/�Gayn f /L ! Id , 6- 70 %�"7 et�� f ` / - ? ? 7 edf4fcif /-ii5 c - 1'm� 6 -C S 4 ce—rpic, / r..•/ %� qU4 2,t,1,14►A-G-C"r,4//c,11— 60/),72el S2)746(xg1,jcicjie/ s.ry, E-MAIL ADDRESS ADDRESS, CITY, STAT IP CODE /}lyZ 1f`c,1-- j / /T f 0Iz1?-1 OCCUPATION BUSINESS / EMPLOYER TELEPHONE (1 IOME), (} TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN •? : CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL, PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." n ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA (i LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY _ MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING a DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING n DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. ‘140/ SIGNATURE EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND -1 FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE -] OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES J—,/frC DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY A I ITIES C VED OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS L► BFEB-5 PM 4153 LIST OF ANY PUB_,.,HED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. '3 (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) 11. FL NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 GARY A. APPEL Attorney at Law Bay Point OFf i ce Tomer 4770 Bi scayne Boulevard, Suite 670 Mani , Fl or i da 33137 Telephone: (305) 576- 0033 Facs i rri l e: (305) 576- 0023 Email: gappcl(a)taxadjusters.net Admitted in FL, CT, NY LL. M. -Taxation February 1, 2008 Honorable Michele Spence -Jones Commissioner City Of Miami 3500 Pan American Dr. Miami, Florida 33133-0708 RECEIVED 2008 FEB -5 PM t: 53 l: ,�. 4witiPSQN Licensed Florida Real' estate Broker Re: Re -appointment for membership to the City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Dear Commissioner Spence -Jones: Via Hand Delivery I have been District 5's appointee to the City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board since December 2002 within the real estate broker category (licensed for twenty (20) years` I am also the only attorney on the Board and have an expertise in historic preservation law. greatly appreciate your previous nomination of me and the courtesies extended every time we meet (last time at your Office Christmas party). Since my appointment, I recall having missed less than a handful of meetings and I always stay to their conclusions. In addition to my Professional Profile, attached please find three (3) testimonials from respected individus: s in the field of historic preservation. Also attached is the Agenda of the May 15, 2006 meeting of the Upper Eastside Miami Council, Inc. organized as an open house -discussion on the proposed MIMO/Biscayne Blvd Historic District which was subsequently adopted. Please note I was one of t ie guest speakers (only one from the Board) given m dedication in the area and expertise on economic advantages of historic designation. I have also volunteered my time to the Miami Des in Preservation League (Executive Committee, Board of Directors) and in completing app cations to the National Park Service to expand the number of historic properties eligible for Federal tax credits. am confident that Preservation Office Kathleen Slesnick Kauffman, Assistant Preservation Office Providencia Velazquez, Assistant City Attorney Maria J. Chiaro and the other Board Members would verify that I make a positive contribution to the Board and to the City. am available at anytime to discuss the matter. Sincerely, Gary A. Appel cc: Kathleen Slesnick Kauffman/Providencia Velazquez M:\Bai hislprop\CityoNianulns020I08.DOC Professional Profile: GARY A. APPEL, Esq. Address: Bay Point Office Tower, 4770 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 670, Miami, FL. 33137 Telephone: (305) 576-0033 Facsimile: (305) 576-0023 E-mail: gappel cr,taxadiu.sters.net Web Site: www.taxadjusters.net Professional Areas of Practice • Historic Preservation tax consulting and representation of taxpayers before the State Historic Preservation Office, the National Park Service and the Internal Revenue Service seeking Federal, State and Local tax credits and abatements for the rehabilitation of historic buildings • Ad Valorem tax consulting and representation of property owners before the Local Property Appraiser, Administrative Appeals Board and Circuit Court • Enterprise Zone Program consulting and representation of companies before the various agencies seeking Federal, State and Local tax credits and abatements for the creation of jobs and other economic activity in designated geographical areas • Commercial real estate brokerage and lease negotiations on behalf of landlords and tenants Professional Experience • Property Tax Adjusters, Inc., d/b/a/ Garth Realty Corporation, Miami, FL (principal - ad valorem tax consultant/historic preservation tax consultant/real estate broker: 1994-present) • Law Offices of Gary A. Appel, PA, Miami, FL (attorney: 1993-present) • Bates -Appel, Inc., Aventura, FL (principal - ad valorem tax and historic preservation tax consultant: (1996-2003) • Real Estate Tax Services, Inc., Miami, FL (ad valorem tax consultant: 1993-1994) • Deloitte & Touche, New York, NY (Federal tax consultant: 1992-1993) • Buchanan Ingersoll, P.C., Aventura, FL (attorney: 1992) • CB Richard Ellis, Inc., New York, NY (commercial real estate broker: 1984-1991) Professional Licenses • Florida Bar • Connecticut Bar • New York Bar • Florida Real Estate Broker Professional Affiliations • City of Miami l Iistoric Preservation and Environanental Board • Miami Design Preservation League- Executive Committee, Voting Board of Directors Member • National and Florida Trusts for Historic Preservation • International Council of Shopping Centers • Carnegie Mellon Admissions Council Education • University of Miami Law School - LL.M. - Taxation • Fordham University School of Law — J.D.(Evening Division) • Carnegie Mellon University - B.S. (History and Managerial Economics) • Continuing education related to law and real estate licenses • Volunteer lecturer at seminars on Historic Preservation 13 1WV(14 JO 4.110 f410Sv1-.:0: A 2006 Board of Directors Robert A. Flanders President tel : (305)758-5766 fax: (305)758-6337 palmbaybgmsn.com Allyson Warren Vice President teL (305)757-9780 alymiche12002@yahoo.com David Treece Secretary -Treasurer tel: (305)754-9956 fax- (305)751-0068 dvdheece@aol.com Upper Eastside Miami Council, Inc. 801 NE 74th Street Miami, FL 33138 Upper Eazafflelaolf C2S c , 3 Agenda David I rl HE Mc Meeting Protocol Bob Flanders, UCM(: Welcome (reference 0 & A Session) Nancy l telmiar - Panel Moderator Panel (Limited to ten minutes each) Nancy Liebman, UEL Chair, loaner Miiuni !limy!! Commissioner — The struggle Tony Goldman, preservationist UcNvlupl i - Entrepreneur in a historic district Michael Belush, Princip,i1 Planner Miami Beach - Incentives, Zoning, Parking Teri D'Amico, Interior Designer & H inUull Robinson, Exec- Director North Beach Development Corp - MiMo Co Siideshow Kathleen Kauffman, Miami's Historic Preservation Officer — The reality of historic preservation in Miami Gary Appel, attorney, Miami Historic Preservation Board Vice Chair - Historic preservation tax credits VIES Resident's T .: Questions & Answers Session Benda Sarre as above except Tony Goldman LIEMC & BCCC gratefully acknowledges the contributions and participation of all, including Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, Commissioner Johnny Winton & Frank Balzebre, Chief of Staff — Commissioner Winton's Office, Miami Planning Director Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Assistant Planning Director Carmen Sanchez, Miami's Upper Eastside N.E.T. Administrator Maria Mascarenas, and their staffs. 13'IHV11 JO A,LW t1135d1C ES oil Wd S-133.i8CDZ G3A13331 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Glenda E. Hood Secretary of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES December 9, 2003 Janet Snyder Matthews, Ph.P. Associate Director for Cultural Resources National Park Service Washington, D. C. Dear Jan, RECEIVED f{?BB FEB-5 P11 to 53 F i r;•HI'SJN CLERK CIT', iri MIAM1. FL This letter is to introduce you to Gary Appel, from Miami, who has been so instrumental in the development of our historical resources in Miami Beach. Gary has been working with us an.d the City of Miami Beach for the past few years and has helped to bring hundreds of new resources into new historic districts. He is, as well, on the City of Miami's Architectural Review B..:rd and a member of the board of the Miami Design Preservation League. He has also been a gu,-:.. friend for a number of years. He will no doubt be dealing with the Park Service in ever-increasing amounts in the Li: are and, I trust, with your good offices. I expect that you are settling in and enjoying the enefits of Washington's cultufal scene and people. Please keep in touch as your time permits. Walt Marder 500 S. Bronough Street • Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 • http://www.flheritage.com 0 Director's Office 0 Archaeological Research 0 Historic Preservation 0 Historical Museums (850) 245-6300 • FAX: 245-6435 (350) 245-6444 • FAX: 245-6436 (850) 245-6333 • FAX: 245-6437 (850) 245-6400 • FAX: 245-6433 0 Palm Beach Regional Office (561) 279-1475 • FAX: 279-1476 St. Augustine Regional Office 0 Tampa Regional Office (904) 825-5045 • FAX: 825-5044 (813) 272-3843 • FAX: 272-2340 IONS OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT ce of the Secretary ice of International Relations ision of Elections ision of Corporations ision of Cultural Affairs ision of Historical Resources ision of Library and Information Services ision of Licensing ision of Administrative Services January 11, 2001 OF STATE Mr. Gary A. Appel Bates -Appel, Inc. One Turnberry Place 19495 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 301 Aventura, Florida 33180 D 17 Gary: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Katherine Harris Secretary of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES MEMBER OF THE FLORIDA CABINET State Board of Education Tru .s of the internal improvement Trust Fund Administration Commission Florida [_and and Water Adjudicatory Commission Siting -Board Division of Bond Finance Department of Revenue Department of Law Enforcement Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department of Veterans' Affairs cc' -n rra co 0 cn w I am very pleased to advise you that on January 4, 2001, the Keeper of the National Register approved the additional documentation for the Miami Beach Architectural District. This inf ;rmation extends the period of significance to 1950 and clarifies the list of contributing resources hi. the district. Once again, I want to thank you for your perseverance in pursuing this matter. Sincerely, Barbara E. Mattick Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer for Survey & Registration R.A Gray Building • 5C0 ❑ Director's Office i) 188-1450 • FAX:488-3353 . I'ensacoIa Preservation Board .95.5985 • FAX: 595-5 39 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • http://www.flheritage.com 0 Archaeological Research Cl Historic Preservation 0 Historical lduseruns (S50) 87-2 99 • FAX: 41 l ?07 (850) 187-2333 •FAQ: 922 0496 (350) 483-148=1 • FAX 921 2_5G3 0 Palm Beach Regional Office Cl St. Augustine Regional Office 0 Tampa Regional Office (501) 279-1475 •FAX: 279-1476 (S: ) 32 -5015 •FAX: 625-52 (313) 272-3843 • F.-X: '272. nrl0 RECEIVED 2008 FEB --5 PM Li: 53 PRISCI r, i4; HP$ON CIT CLERK�1 Y CLERK C�7Y Or HI`HI. FL May 31, 2002 Mr. Gary Appel Bates -Appel, Inc. 19495 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 301 Aventura, FL 33180 Dear Mr. Appel: Oh behalf of the Board of Trustees of th Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, Inc., I would lac to thank you for your participation in the 2002 Annual Statewide Preservation Conference held May 16 - 19, 2002 in St. Petersburg. This was the second me .° successful conference in our 24 year history, and we appreciate your assistance in making this event a great success. This year's conference included participation from 418 attendees during the four days of activities. The sessions- have become a large part of our program, and this year was no different. The comments, emails, and faxes that we have received thus far show that the sessions were all very well - eceived by the participants. We heard nothing but great comments regarding the topics discussed, content for each session, and presentation/professionalism of all the speakers. We have sent surveys to all participants regarding the conference, and will send you the results in the upco: ring weeks. than' you for all the work that you j:.it into your session and for the tremendous amount of preparation you did or:. behalf of the Florida Trust. This conference was a true partnership, and we appreciate your hard work and dedication to make it a success! Sincerely, 4.ustatzi ittiizittqr Heather R. Mitchell Executive Director floc, e Ltric.`: ;•101.:lhl.3-;950 �:� I1-400-601 1:`!'< RECEIVED 2MMB JAN 28 AM II: 02 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BbARD CITY Oi I'. \MI. FL Timothy Barber FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 5400 NW 22 Avenue Bldg C Ste 101 Miami, FL 22142 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Archivist/Curator/Historian tbarber@theblackarchives.org OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS The Black Archives History and Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 786-368-7663 305-636-2306 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW' PLEASE LIST ANT OTHER FROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS Lyric Theater, 819 NW 2 Ave -Dorsey House, 250 NW 9 St. -Johnson X-Ray Clinic, CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION CaOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA n LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING n DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE n ABOVE CATEGORIES -SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. I (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE C'sT`f OF MIAMI 350, .'AN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 / TT: PAMELA BURNS Print Farm Planning/HP/HEPBoard Application 01/2008 Timothy A. Barber 5400 NW 22nd Avenue Bldg C, Ste 101 Miami, FL 33142 Tbarber@theblackarchives.org (954) 558-4311 * (305) 636-2306 Education: REu,_a . _D 2088 JAN 28 03 �..I L:L.ERf1 CITY OF HIAHI. FL The Georgia Archives Institute and the Atlanta Regional Consortium for Higher Education, Morrow, Georgia 2004. Master of Applied Social Science degree, concentrated areas of History and African American Studies, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida 2003. Bachelor of Arts degree in English, Minor in Education, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida 2002. Specialized Associate of Science degree in Electronic Engineering Technology, Bauder College, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 1993. Work Experience: Florida Memorial University Adjunct History Professor Miami Gardens, FL 9/05-Present • Facilitate class lectures on United States and African American history • Administer tests and exams • Evaluate and create measuring tools, to report student competency in class subject The Black Archives History & Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc. Miami, FL Intern 09/03-12/03 Assistant Archivist 01/04-01/06 Archivist/Curator/Historian 01/06-Present • Survey, catalog, and maintain historical artifacts and documents • Create finding aids, guides and other descriptive publications • Research people, places, and things to validate historical significance • Serve as reference service personnel and assist researchers • Lecture students of higher education • Present reports to different advisory committees throughout the city • Assist with the Teaching with Historic Places Program in Dade County • Assist in designating historical significant buildings in Miami -Dade County • Create and design exhibits • Provide historical support • Develop community out reach archival programs • Provide supervision for service learning, intern, and volunteer students • Conduct historical tours in Miami Southeastern Regional Black Archives Research Center and Museum Intern Tallahassee, FL 06/03-09/03 • Surveyed, cataloged, and maintained historical artifacts and documents • Created finding aids, guides and other descriptive publications • Designed museum exhibits • Served as reference service personnel Florida A&M University Office of International Services and Summer Sessions Advisor & Program Assistant Tallahassee, FL 05/02-09/03 International Services • Assisted with recruiting students to study internationally from host university and other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) • Maintained correspondence with HBCU consortium members • Registered university students who are studying overseas • Prepared financial waivers for students • Collaborated and report to coordinator of the program on issues dealing with students • Prepared flyers, newsletters and other program publications for public distribution • Organized annual study abroad conferences with other Historically Black Colleges and Universities • Maintained files and tracking information on students • Assisted students who are applying for internships with U.S. Department of State Summer Sessions • Assisted with governing university regulation over summer programs • Participated with the Orientation of counselors and summer camp participants on campus • Observed overall operation of camps to ensure safety of students • Screened prospective counselors and directors background checks through FDLE Certifications and Conferences • Member of the Society of American Archivist 2004 • Florida History Network Conference Presenter 2005 • Restore America Conference 2006 • Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Leadership Initiative 2007 • Association of African American Museums 2007 • Florida History Network Conference Presenter 2007 Boards & Committees • City of Miami Historical & Environmental Preservation Board 7/04-Present Chairman of the Board • D.A.S.H. One Community, One Goal Advisory Board 1/04-7/04 References: Availablk Upon Request APPLICATION FOR HISTOR C AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD )ales Broton FIRST NAME 351 NW 10th Court, Miami, FL 33136 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE LAST NAME(S) researcher/historian jbroton@miami.edu OCCUPATION University of Miami BUSINESS !EMP? NER 305324-8477 FPI r , a r" ' ! r-- E-MAIL ADDRESS 200E JAN t 5 PM 3i 37 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) r C'; CITY CF FI:.NI, FL BELOV PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CrTY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY -i'.:`,'ElN OTHER i HAN ( HY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." F.; 441Cr ESE- f REGISTERED114T STATE OF ELOI?IDA U .'YPER!' NEED t31-,t)h:= LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING �i DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARC:}1!1 ECTUr ;' ,'L RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSNESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC ANF) ARCHITECTURAL. HUM AGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF T1 iC ABOVE CATEGORIES REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED !N RESUME/CV) LI NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMf'TAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACH"'jENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 Curriculum Vitae BROTON, James G., Ph.D. Page 1 Curriculum Vitae Date: PERSONAL Name: Home Phone: Office Phone: Home Address: Current Academic Rank: Primary Department: Secondary or Joint Appointment: Citizenship: HIGHER EDUCATION Institutional: Purdue University Northwestern University Northwestern University EXPERIENCE Academic: 06/94-11/01 1 1 /90-05/94 01/88-10/90 1987 1984-1987 LIFE -CHANGING l VENTS 2000 2001 January 14, 2008 James G. Broton (305) 324-8477 (305) 324-8477 951 NW loth Court Miami, FL 33136 Senior Research Associate (Disabled) Deparintent of Neurological Surgery The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis USA West Lafayette, IN Evanston, IL Evanston, IL (Psychology) (Neuroscience) (Neuroscience) 2008 MI 6 Pi1 3: 37 CY1T CITCt r' , Ft. 4 , 1 1977 BA 1980 MS 1984 Ph. D Senior Research Associate, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, University of Miami, Miami, FL. Research supervised by Dr. Blair Calancie. Research Associate, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, University of Miami, Miami, FL. Research supervised by Dr. Blair Calancie. Research Associate, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. University of Miami, Miami, FL. Research supervised by Dr. Robert Yezierski Research Associate, Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. Research supervised by Dr. Karen J. Berkley Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Dentistry. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Research supervised by Dr. Barry J. Sessle. Marriage to Eileen Marcial. Right lung upper lobe adenocarcinoma resulting in long-term disability. RESEARCH INTERESTS Central nervous system representation of somatic and visceral sensation, with emphasis on racial pain. Correlation of neuronal response characteristics to neuronal morphology. Electrophysiological studies of sensory and motor responses of the injured human and small animal spinal cord. Behavioral studies of locomotor function. Studies of lifestyle changes and complications following spinal cord injury. Miami River subdivision history: Miami River history. General Miami, FL history. Curriculum Vitae BROTON, James G., Ph.D. Page 2 PUBLICATIONS - BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS Miami history: Groton, J+G (2007) Home On the River. The History of Miami River Residential Development. The Broton Group. 142pp. Broton, J(= (2001) Spring Garden, Chapter in Miami's Historic Neighborhoods, Becky Matkov (ed)., pp. 30-31. The representation of facial sensation in brainstem sensory trigeminal nuclei: Rosenfeld JP, Broton JG (1991) Behavioral -anatomical studies of central pathways subserving orofacial pain, Chp. I4. In: International Perspectives on Self -Regulation and Health: An International Perspective, JG Carlson, AR Siefert (eds). Plenum, New York. pp. 239-254. Dostrovsky ICI, Bretton JG, Warma NK (1987) Functional properties of subnucleus caudalis lamina 1 neurons projecting to nucleus subniedius, Chapter 34 In: Role of Fine Afferent Fibers in Somatovisceral Sensation, RF Schmidt, 1-1-G Schaible. C Vahle-Hinz (eds). Weinheim, FRG: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 359-366. Hu JW, Broton 1G, Lenz Y, Shohara E, Sessle BJ (1987) Brainstem effects of naturally occurring dental deafferentation in kittens, In: Effects of Injury on Spinal and Trggeminal Somatosensory Systems, LM Pubols, BJ Sessle (eds). Alan R. Liss. Inc. New York, NY, pp. 189-196. PUBLICATIONS - JURIED OR REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES: Miami history: Broton, JG. Selling the I lighland Park subdivision, Tequesta 2005 LXV, 37-47. Seventeen articles on motor rehabilitation after spinal cord injuryjnjiuding: Calancie 1f. Molano MR, Broton JG. Epidemiology and demography of acute spinal cord injury in a large urban setting. J Spinal Cord Med. 2005;28(2):92-6. Calancie 13, Alexeeva N, Broton JG, Molano MR. Interlimb reflex activity after spinal cord injury in man: strengthening response patterns are consistent with ongoing synaptic plasticity. Clin Neurophysiol. 2005 Jan;1 16(1):75-86. Calancie 13, Molano MR, Broton JG. Tendon reflexes for predicting movement recovery after acute spinal cord injury in humans. Clin Neurophysiol. 2004 Oct;115(10):2350-63. Calancie. 11, Molano MR, Broton JG. EMG for assessing the recovery of voluntary movement after acute spinal cord injury in man. Clin Neurophysiol. 2004 Aug;1 15(8):1748-59. Calancie 13, Molano MR, Broton JG. Abductor hallucis for monitoring lower -limb recovery after spinal curd injury in man. Spinal Cord. 2004 Oct;42(10):573-80. Calancie B, Molano MR, Broton JG. Interlimb reflexes and synaptic plasticity become evident months ater human spinal cord injury. Brain. 2002 May;125 (Pt 5): i 150-61. Molano M del R, Broton JG, Bean JA, Calancie B. (2002) Complications associated with the prophylactic use of methylprednisolone during surgical stabilization after spinal cord injury. J Neurosurg. 96(3 Suppl):267- 7 2. Calancie 13, Molano MR, Broton JG, Bean JA, Alexeeva N. Relationship between EMG and muscle force after spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2001 Spring;24 (1):19-25. Calancie 13. Molano MR, Broton JG. (2000) Neural plasticity as revealed by the natural progression of movement expression --both voluntary and involuntary --in humans after spinal cord injury. Prog Brain Res.128:71-88. Cameron T, Broton JG, Needham -Shropshire B, Klose KJ. (1998) An upper -body exercise system incorporating resistive exercise, and neuromuscular electric stimulation (NMS). J. Spinal Cord Medicine 21:1-6. Thomas CK, Zaidner EY, Calancie B, Broton JG, Bigland-Ritchie B (1997) Muscle weakness, paralysis and atrophy after human cervical spinal cord injury. Exper. Neuro!. 148:414-423. Klose KJ, Jacobs PL, Broton JG, Guest RS, Needham -Shropshire BM, Lebwohl N, Nash MS, Green BA (1997) Evaluation of a training program for persons with SCI paraplegia using the Parastep-1® ambulation system. Part 1. Ambulation performance and anthropometric measures. Arch Phys Med Rehab 78:789-793. Needham -Shropshire BM, Broton JG, Klose KJ, Lebwohl N, Guest RS, Jacobs PL, (1997) Evaluation of a training program for persons with SC1 paraplegia using the Parastep-1® ambulation system. Part 3. Lack of effect on bone mineral density. Arch Phys Med Rehab 78:799-803. Jacobs PI., Klose KJ, Guest R, Needham -Shropshire B, Broton JG, Green BA (1997) Relationships of oxygen uptake, heart rate, and ratings of perceived exertion in persons with paraplegia during FNS assisted ambulation. Spinal Cord 35:292-2R. Broton JG, Nikoli Z, Suys S, Calancie B (1996) Kinematic analysis of limb position during quadrupedal locomotion in rats. J Neurotraurrm 13:409-416. Calancic B, Limon S, Broton JG (1996) Central nervous system plasticity after spinal cord injury in man: interlirmb reflexes �rnd the influence of cutaneous stimulation. EEG and Clin Neurophysiol 101:304-315. klrrs.; K.1, Needham BM, Schmidt D, Broton JG, Green BA, (1993) An assessment of the contribution of electrornyo,graphic biofeedback as an adjunct therapy in the physical training of spinal cord injured persons. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 74:453- 456. Curriculum Vitae BR TTON, James G., Ph.D. Page 3 Fourteen articles on the central representation of sensation, including: Broton JG, Yezierski RP, Seiger A (1991). lntraocular grafts of fetal rat spinal cord: effects of glutamate and gamma amino - butyric acid on spontaneously -active neurons. J. Neural Transpl. 2:101-111. Broton JG, Yezierski RP, Seiger A (1990) lntraocular grafts of fetal rat spinal cord: A Golgi study of neuronal morphology and organization. Exp. Neurol. 108:122-129 Broton JG, Hu JW, Sessle BJ (1988) Effects of temporomandibular joint stimulation on nociceptive and non-nociceptive neurons of the cat's trigerninal subnucleus caudalis (medullary dorsal horn). J. Neurophysiol. 59:1575-1589. Broton .1G, Sessle BJ (1988) Reflex excitation of masticatory muscles induced by algesic chemicals applied to the ternporomandibular joint of the cat. Arch. Oral Biol. 33:741-747. Broton JG. Rosenfeld JP (1986) Cutting rostral trigeminal nuclear complex projections preferentially affects thermal nociception in the rat. Brain Res. 397:1-8. Broton JG, Rosenfeld JP (1985) Effects of trigeminal tractotomy on facial thermal nociception in the rat. Brain. Res. 333:63-72. Brotnn JG, Rosenfeld JP (1982) Rostral trigeminal projections signal perioral facial pain. Brain Res. 243.395-400. Also, over 30 presentations at scientific meetings PROFESSIONAL Funded Research Performed: Text for the tour brochure "A Self Guide to Spring Garden Miami's Riverfront Historic District" State of Florida 1999 Grant #S0043 to the Spring Garden Civic Association Professional and Honorary Organizations: Society for Neuroscience International Association for the Study of Pain Spring Garden Civic Association - Board of Directors, 1999-present; President, 2001-2003 I listorical Society of Southern Florida Miami Memorabilia Club Natives of Dade/Miami Pioneers - Honorary member. Habitat for Ilumanity Honors and Awards: Walter Dill Scott Summer Fellowship Nil I NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Postdoctoral Fellowships: 1984-1987 Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. Research supervised by Dr. Barry J. Sessle. TI::ACHING 1979-1980 Teaching Assistant/Lab Instructor, Northwestern University, Upper -level Neurobiology and Behavior 1981-1984 Instructor, Northwestern University: Human Learning and Memory; Introduction to Psychology 1983 Instructor, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL Introductory Psychology 1983 Instructor, Ray -Vogue College of Design, Chicago, II; Introductory Psychology i alks and walkabouts 2002 Walking tour for EDAW participants, Spring Garden and Highland Park. 2002 Walking tour, Dade Heritage Days event, Spring Garden. 2002 Guest tour, Mayor Manny Diaz and entourage and neighbors, Spring Garden. 2001 Lecture, Natives of Dade, Spring Garden. 2001 Walking tour, EDAW Summer Student program organizers, Spring Garden. 2001 Lecture and walking tour, Mickey Wolfson and group from Wolfsonian Museum, Spring Garden. 2001 Walking tour, Dade Heritage Days event, Spring Garden. 2000 1,ecture, University of Miami School of Architecture, Prof. Frank Martinez class, Spring Garden. 2000 Walking tour, Dade Heritage Days event, Spring Garden. 1999 lecture, South Florida Archaeological Society, Spring Garden. 1999 Walking tour, Dade Heritage Days event, Spring Garden. i999 Lecture, Miami Memorabilia Club, Spring Garden. 1998 Walking tour, Dade Heritage Days event. Spring Garden. 2008 Jib: 16 PM 3: 33 RISC!! APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) { ,'Z t t /1, eck ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE S I C✓ y 1 4 .L� l/ F s.,) 4� y, - -- OCCUPATION BUSINESS / EMPLOYER C E-MAILIL ADDRESS jC TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN TF.L. CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS L. 2331 , �[ c,4,rf CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC ANO ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." fl ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA n EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA 7 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING n DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. Ig,PRSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. RA,,CLTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE (L� ABOVE CATEGORIES SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL C )MPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 07/2008 DAVID A. FREE OMAN Born August 14, 1948, Coconut Grove, Florida r 21100 JAN 16 PM 3: 38 'PJSC/L' Lir r C r r Education Miami Senior High School, 1966, top 1% of class Florida State University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1970; Phi Beta Kappa University of Miami School of Law, 1973 — Graduated in top 1% of class University of Miami Law Review, Associate Editor and Student Writing Editor Harvey T. Reid Scholarship Recipient Published various articles, in areas of securities regulations and civil rights litigation S ON FL Professional/Civic Affiliations The Florida Bar — Number 1 score on 1973 Florida State Bar Examination Guest Lecturer for the University of Miami School of Law - Uniform Commercial Code and Remedies Work Experience David Freedman is currently a partner in the Coffey Burlington law fiini, after having practiced as head of litigation for the state-wide firm of Broad & Cassel in Miami. Mr. Freedman, a Miami native, has 34 years of extensive experience in state and federal trial and appellate courts, handling complex commercial litigation, including class and multi -district litigation, property rights, business torts, land use regulation, anti-trust, ADA, eminent domain, banking, Uniform Commercial Code, and securities regulation. Mr. Freedman represented the plaintiff in the landmark case of Gould v. City of Coral Gables, which spanned six years in state and federal trial and appellate courts, resulting in the largest reported plaintiff's judgment against a governmental entity for misuse of local zoning power. He has litigated a wide variety of other matters that cut cross the spectrum of complex commercial litigation, and additionally has experience in road closure and local zoning issues. Personal Father of two children Hobbies Golf, home remodeling L tv fj\ t i , III6111 l ▪ j.R RECEIVED 2008 JAN 28 AM i 1: DO APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVA'Tlithil BOARD CITY OF MIAMI. FL t�41.1111 11 1i p,OIcieA— Gve41,R70%,_..( FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) Alt ' gs ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Ate l T�� o OCCUPATION 1LLPs e4 tOta-c-A-LTEcts BUSINESS / EMPLOYER e.e--1 Q ' E-MAIL ADDRESS 1-LAG A -C k 1 `EcC5• 41 6 77 2- 5250 3cS ( 5336 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS C'T" `•DE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE Y1 . J AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIP? )THER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." -Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "altern : member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING Li DEMONSTRP TED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. U EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE HELD OF BUSINESS AND n FINANCE OR LAW C TIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND NTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CIT'' AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE Li ABOVE CATEGORIES SIGNATURE DATE Robert John Graboski RECEIVED 6011 North Bayshore Drive, #9 - Miami, FL 3; 'J3tAN 28 A11 l l: 00 Phone: 305.772.5250 Email: Robert cx.villagearchitects.com '{L MPSON FL OBJECTIVE: Position on HEP Board for the City of Miami EDUCATION: University of Miami School of Architecture Bachelor of Architecture Miami, FL 33146 Courses included Historical Preservation with Ellen Uguccioni EMPLOYMENT: Village Architects (2002-- present) 104 Crandon Boulevard Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Robert John, Artitecture Inc (1998- 2002) Miami, FL 33137 Studiolido Inc Miami Beach, FL 33139 (1994- 1998) EXPERIENCE: My professional experience includes submittals to the City of IVliami HEP Board with approvals for new construction infill and additions to homes in the Morningside Historic District. In the City of Miami Beach Historic Districts my experience includes approved submittals to the board of architects for an Apartment Building renovation, exterior modifications to commercial buildings and single family residence_ ORGANIZATIONS South Beach Aids Project & COMMUNITY Board of Directors ACTIVITIES: The Task Force Winter Party Festival & Recognition Dinner Event Coordinator (2002- 2007) (2002- 2004) R. Thorn ;ECEfVED APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESERV2TION BOARD ci CITY OF MIAMI. FL Grafton FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 2814 Chucunantah Road. Miami, FL 33133 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Architect OCCUPATION Zyscovich Architects 100 n. Biscayne Blvd. 27th FI. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-854-0704 TELEPHONE (HOME) tgrafton@zyscovich.com E-MAIL ADDRESS 305-372-5222 6. loS 7 t 4- 5t TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED ri ITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO :L HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." Xj ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA 7 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING " DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING rk DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE J EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA ix PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE itiZe 0 o REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS IxI RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) U NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form . Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 Professional Resume THORN GRAFTON A.I.A., LEED APTM Florida Reg. Architect # 8200 (1979) FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION: RECEIVED 2UaB JAN 29 AM 3: 59 Environmentally -sensitive, sustainable site planning, building design & construction technipt� I i 1 CLERK _1 i' OF HIAHI. FL Historic preservation, rehabilitation, adaptive re -use, new additions to historic resources. Urbe:r. design and community development planning for urban and inner city neighborhoods. Design of schools and other educational facilities such as environmental centers, daycare, etc. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: (1976) B. of Arch. (2004) M. of Arch. TULANE UNIVERSITY School of Architecture, New Orleans, La. Professional continuing education courses, at U of Miami, F.I.U., & Harvard Graduate School of Design PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL: (2005-present) Architect, Project Manager, ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS, Miami (1998-2005) President, 1 -iORN GRAFTON, ARCHITECT, AIA (1996-97) Vice President, ALLEGUEZ, GRAFTON, FLORES, ARCHITECTS, INC. (1986-1995) President, GRAFTON ARCHITECTS, INC. (1983-1986) 50% Partner, ZYSCOVICH & GRAFTON ARCHITECTS (1980-1983) GRAF 70N-FACEY ARCHITECTURE / GRAFTON ARCHITECTURE (1977-1979) Design & drafting small firms in Miami — Robert Altman / Bernard Zyscovich. (1976) Restoration 1 . arpenter (Apprentice), 1880's Victorian houses, New Orleans. (1974-1975) Self-employed graphic designer, production of silk-screen art posters, New Orleans. (1973 & 1978) Construction apprentice at Arcosanti, Arizona PAOLO SOLERI, Architect/ Builder. (1971-1973) Proprietor/ 50% Owner - San Bernardo Tropical Fruit Ice Cream Cafe, New Orleans. AFFILIATIC AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, member 1979-PRESENT. UP,:IVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, part-time Professor & _ecturer, 1985 — 2003. MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS BISCAYNE NATURE CENTER, 1988-2005, President 1993 — 95. MEMBER, METRO-DADE CO. ENVIRONMENTALLY ENDANGERED LANDS COMMITTEE, 1990 MEMBER, CITY OF MIAMI BAYFRONT PARK TRUST, 1993-1995 MEMBER, METRO-DADE COUNTY SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD, 1995-2006. MEMBER, CITY OF MIAMI URBAN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, 1998-99. MEMBER, CITY OF MIAMI HISTORIC & ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD, 2006-2008 Resume, Thorn Grafton, AIA, LEED APTM, continued VARIOUS HISTORIC and ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS, Morn Graftont 1979 — 2008 Hollywood Beach -'otel Master Plan & Phase 1 rehabilitation, Hollywood, Florida 21st Street Con >.:unity Center Historic Rehabilitation, Miami Beach 1986 Award for Excellence in Architecture from Florida A.I.A Hurt Building Restoration, Opa-locka - Florida Trust for Historic Preservation Merit Award Opa-Iocka Boulevard Main Street Improvement project Shores Performing Arts Theater rehabilitation, Miami Shores Master Plan for Seacamp, Inc., Big Pine Key Feasibility Analysis for 1929 Sears Building, Miami Preservation Advocacy Award from Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL) Feature article on Architects Thorn & Ward Grafton in July 1991 issue of Historic Preservation magazine Keynote .&_dcr-;ss, Florida Trust for Historic Preservation Annual Meeting Post -Hurricane Andrew New South Dade Planning "Charrette" team leader for regional transportation issues Wm. Anderson's General Merchandise Store at Anderson's Corner historic rehabilitation design Junior League of Miami, Inc. Coral Gables Headquarters Building & Inn Transition Housing Shelbourne House, 24 apartments for people with AIDS, Miami Beach Community Development Corp. Florida Trust for Historic Preservation Outstanding Achievement Award & MDPL Capitman Award Fr, awood & Aimee Apartments rehabilitation, Miami Beach, for MBCDC Eco-Experience Eco-Lodge Master Plan & design, Osceola County 193 Royal Palm & 1940 Shorecrest Hotels - Royal Palm Crowne Plaza Resort, Miami Beach Bethel louse Bahamian -African -American Museum, Perrine )ops at Ocean C.; rt, 4 historic buildings & tenant spaces, Ocean Drive Park One CoILrs Ave. Parking Garage / Retail, Miami Beach historic district Strap 0-an House Museum, F Lauderdale, incl. urban design consultation on interface w/ Riverwalk Plaza !N:yional Preserve':., Technology and Training Center — Summer program, Nachitoches, La. Restoration of Dr. r ►avid Fairchild's Study, Kampong estate 2005 Richard Koch Preservation Lecture, Tulane University Graduate Preservation Program, New Orleans IV-ango Lod <>' — 8,000 sq.ft. private residence w/ sustainable design principles (w/ Zyscovich Architects, 2005-present) Miami Senior High School historic rehabilitation and additions New Orleans Neighborhood Rebuilding Plan (Post -Katrina plan - 5 historic neighborhoods) (Zyscovich Architects) E ementary School 03Y & Pine Jog Environs .:ntal Education Center, Palm Beach County (Zyscovich Architects) Coconut Grove f3ranch Library addition and rehabilitation William E. Hopper, jr. RECE! VED 2088 FEB —7 FM 1: 59 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ?RESERVATION BOARD Lid r CITY OF MIAMI. FL FIRST NAME LAST NAMES) 527 NE 56th Street, Miami, FL 33137-2622 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Professor casadeco@comcastnet OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Florida Memorial University BUSINESS / EMPLOYER (305) 758-1954 (305) 626-3701 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(1ES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS 527 NE 56th Street, Miami, FL 33137 CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI7 THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the pmfessional positrons who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check Citizen.' Nam inees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member.' • ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA U LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ILIk DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING • DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CFTIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE Q OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE 11 ABOVE CATEGORIES REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS X RESUME. WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS 2898 FEB 7 ply 00 LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. Li (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) CJ 7 # Cfi L N R 'SONby, FL L_ NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATf: PAMELA BURNS PlanningfrtF/NEP Board Appiicaiion 012008 Biographical Sketch: Dr. William E. Hopper, Jr. A. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Florida Memorial University Miami, Florida January 4, 1984 to present Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science (current) Faculty Senate President (three terms) Chair, Tenure and Promotions Committee (current) Director, Center for Urban Environmental Studies (current) Director, Environmental Justice Institute of Florida Director of Institutional Research Dean of the Faculty Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Research, Planning, Assessment, and Self -Study Chair, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics University of Miami School of Medicine Research Associate Miami, Florida Department of Oncology Division of Cell Kinetics May 16, 1982 -December 31, 1983 Department of Medicine Research .Assistant Professor Division of Genetic Medicine August 15, 1980 - May 15, 1982 University of South Carolina Department of Chemistry Columbia, SC July 1980 - August 1980 September 1974 -July 1990 EDUCATION Teaching Associate Graduate Assistant (teaching and research) Florida International University, Miami, FL MS in Environmental Science, 2001 University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC PhD in Chemistry, with emphasis in Biochemistry,1980 MS in Chemistry, with emphasis in Biochemistry, 1977 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK BS with Honors in Chemistry, 1974 FUNDED GRANTS: �sr c - cits;.‘co CCU oirrk `a '7 e o United Negro College Fund, 2005 ($40,000) - Grant to increase minority participation in ecology (SEEDS) United Negro College Fund/The Ecological Society of America, 2004 ($3500) - Faculty Development grant to develop course materials for Ecology of South Florida South Florida Water Management District, 2000 ($300,000); Contract for establishing Center for Urban Environmental Studies, community outreach, and environmental research N1OSi1- Deep South Center ($16,500); Subcontract for establishing program for estimating exposure of farm workers in southern Miami -Dade County to pesticides United Negro College Fund/The Ecological Society of America,1997l1998f199912000f2G01/200212003 ($ l 1,000/$12,500/$12,500/$12,504/$14,0o0/$11,000/$3,000) - Development of an Ecology curriculum and formation of an Ecology Club US Environmental Protection Agency ($4400), Subcontract from the University of South Florida - Development of community education programs dealing with household toxic wastes US Army Corps of Engineers, 1996 ($35,000), Subcontract from the University of Miami - Geographic Information System (GIS) model of tonic threats to sea grass communities in Biscayne Bay United Negro College Fund, 1995 ($96,000) - Establishment of an Institute for Environmental Justice Education and Research and Environmental Studies Curriculum (FLIER) US Department of Energy, 1995 ($•1000), Subcontract frorn the University of South Florida - Planning grant to deterrnine possible exposure of minority communities to electromagnetic radiation United Negro College Fund 1992 (S65,000) - Establishment of an Institutional Effectiveness Center at Florida Memorial College (LOD) US Department of Education, 1985 ($243,000) - improvements to the Science Program at Florida Memorial College American Cancer Society, 1983 ($4000) - Studies on the Anti -tumor Properties ofAuromomycin B. HISTORIC PRESERVATION EFFORTS Moming_side Civic Association. Treasurer, 1997, 1998 Secretary, 2001, 2007, 2003 President, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Historian and Archivist, 2000 to present Home Tour volunteer, 1985 to present House on Home Tour three times Co-authored neighborhood history (with Gail Neighborhoods, edited by Becky Roper Matkov Created "Doors of Morningside" poster Currently working on second edition of The Historic Homes of Morningside Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Restoration Committee Chair, 1992 - 2000 Authored Virtual Tour Meadows) for ytctmi s Historic Architectural History Established web site on the life and works of Richard Kiehnel, "Father of Miami's Distinctive Architecture" and founder of the South Florida Chapter of the AIA Working on web site and DVD slide show of vintage Miami area postcards Volunteer at the City of Miami Preservation Office scanning tax assessor's photographs from 1934-1955, establishing addresses, saving to CD, and mapping to GIS. C. OTHER SERVICE Miami -Dade County* Environmental Quality Control Board member: 1997 to present City of Opa-locka. Brownfields Task Force, Chairman: 1996 - 2000 City of Miami Police Department survey analyst 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008 rrr' Fr,. 2008 JAN 23 PM 3: 26 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL 'RESERVATI**BOARD CITY L,F-;,,r.11, FL Todd Jonas FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 1717 North Bayshore Drive, Suite 2551, Miami, FI 33132 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Architect tjja@tjja-architects.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS TJJA Architects BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-377-4808 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CM( OF MIAMI LIMITS 1717 North Bayshore Drive, Suite 2551, Miami, FI 33132 1717 North Bayshore Drive, Suite 1251, Miami, FI 33132 CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MuNICIPALITYTHEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND iENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." • ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ❑ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ❑X DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING • DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL.RATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. 0 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITF? DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN Ti s = HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ❑X OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES V ./` L r, DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN IiESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, AND MmL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERKS OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATI. PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 T 0 DD J A Y J 0 N AS ARCHITECTS, 1717 North Bayshore Drive, Suite 2551, Miami, Florida 33132 Telephone (305) 377-4808 Telefax (305) 377-4559 Florida Licensed Architects AA0002550 Florida Licensed Interior Designers ID0002373 NCARB certification (National) 22317 Todd Jay Jonas, AIA, NCARB Biography Todd Jay Jonas is TJJA Architects' founder and principal architect with over 30 years of experience and an impressive portfolio of high - profile commercial, residential, academic, hotel and civic projects concentrated in South Florida. Mr Jonas's ability to balance history organization and creativity has yielded exceptional results on very challenging projects. He is expert at leading a team through the construction phase with strict adherence to the project's design, budget and scheduling goals. Mr. Jonas's more recent accomplishments are in residential and multi -family housing construction, particularly in the areas of condominium conversion and historical preservation. His hand can be seen throughout Miami Beach's redevelopment where he has received consistent recognition and awards for his restoration and new building projects. He is the consecutive three-year award recipient of the Miami beach Design and Historic Preservation League's prestigious Preservation, Restoration and Design award and a significant contributor to Miami Beach's arcliilecture. Mr. Jonas has an extensive portfolio in aviation and aviation related projects. Since 1987, Mr, has been continually involved with the reconstruction and renovation of Miami International Airport. He is responsible for the expansion of the main airport terminal, tlic construction contract administration for MIA's Main Terminal Emergency Command Center ($2.4m), the building of new restaurants and general interior design standards and construction administration. In 1992, his firm was awarded a multi -year contract (PSA) for replacement of hurricane damaged buildings at Miami -Dade County's Tamiarni and Homestead General Aviation Airports. At both facilities, Mr. Jonas is responsible for creating new shade and `T' hangars, two new maintenance and repair hangars, private FBO terminals, conducting handicap accessibility studies and other responsibilities totaling approximately $10 million in construction costs. Additionally, Mr. Jonas completed renovations and additions to the Hazmat and Aviation Fire Station ($2.6m) and the Reserve Firefighters Facility ($1.7m) at Homestead Air Reserve Station . Mr Jonas served as University Architect for the University of Miami from 1978 through 1982. He was responsible for all planning, design and contract administration for the ten campus university with annual construction expenditures of S20 to $30 million. Mr. is also credited with the creation of the first fabric tension structure in Miami -Dade County with the building of the University's Main Campus outdoor stage. Mr. Jonas s expertise includes the design and integration of complex building programs within academic, urban and commercial environments. He is masterful at accommodating his process with a client's requirements for continual operations. His extensive experience in construction enables the seamless actualization of his innovative designs. Mr. Jonas operates from a philosophy of `dynamic change', whereby a structure's history adaptability and evolution are inherent in its design and its materials, thus ensuring sustainability. Mr. Jonas received a bachelor's degree in architecture from Boston Architectural Center in 1977 and has been recognized by professional and civic organizations with awards and honors. He has served as board memeber in the Coral Gables Board of Architect, Dade County Capital Improvcnts Board and the Dade heritage Trust. MIMO AWARD FOR RESTORATION TORATION U1STORI( PRESERVATION AWARD This Certificate Is Bestowed Upon In recognition of your significant contribution to preserving our architectural heritage. Awarded at the Annual Meeting of the Miami Design Preservation league. Date if /11ay?007 Chairman n,.ipti MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE UISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARD This Certificate lsBestowed Upon //i/ rif / 7/ In recognition of your significant contribution to preserving our architectural heritage. Awarded at the Annual Meeting of the Miami Design Preservation League. Date Ic , 1 id/, ( ( chairman 1 MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARD This Certificate Is Bestowed Upon Todd kk.a5 The Midt-Lti.5 In recognition of your significant contribution to preserving our architectural heritage. Awarded at the Annual Meeting of the Miami Design Preservation Teague. Date 3-Z2oS (hairman friviteirj' MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVRTION LEAGUE 7. Brier resume of key persons a. Name and Title : l'anuart 1, 20118 Todd Jay Jonas , Architect b. Project assignment Principal Architect Design, Coordination, Administration c. Name of firm which associated : UJUARCH!TCTS d. Years experience with this fi 29 years with other firms : 5 years e. Education : Fxperti Se in: (Housing (Transportation: (Educational Facilities: (See adjacent information: Education) Apartments, Condominium Conversion) Aviation: Terminals, Hangars, FIB©) Elementary to University Level) f. Active registration, year first registered r discipline. (See adjacent injrnn nation: Registrations J g. Other experience and qualifications relevant to the proposed project : Recently, Mr Jonas has been Unpaved with the redevelopment of Miami and Miami Beach. building and con- verting buildings to condominiums and mtddi-arse facilities. Projects totals have included nearly 5000 condo- Ratt u in rtruits, s#rottgh-oui Florida. Most Notable protects are the redesign of the Hotel Ocean, the Empire, Aviator hotel, The Evelyn, Fontana, Atalatis, Vanderbuilt, and numerous residential multi -family projects. Mr Jonas has been actively involved in the renovations to Miami International Airport since 1988, work included main iermina[ expansion, new restaurants and interior design standards and constriction administra- tion, In 1992 his firm was awarded a 3 year contract (PSA) for Replacements Hurricane damaged buildings at Miami -Dade County's Tamiami and Homestead General Aviation airports, The work included Shade Hangars, Handicap Accessibility Studies, '7" Hangars, 2 Maintenance and Repair Hangars. and Private FB0 Terminals totaling approximately 10 million in construction cost, Mr Jonas recently completed Construction Contract Administration for Miami International Main Terminal Emergency Command Center ($ 2.4m), State of Florida Regional Service Center (S 8.1 m) and new Classroom additions to Leonard High School in West Palm Beach ($ 2.1m) Additions and Renovations to the Ramat and Aviation Fire Station f S 2.6m) and the Reserve Firefighters Facility (32.7m) at HomaesteadAir Reserve Station. Mr Jonas served as University Architect for the University of Miami. 1978-1982 He was responsible far ail planning, design and romroct administration for the len campus urban university with annual construction expenditures of $20 1o$30 million. His responsibilities Included design and contract administration, pay request review, sae inspections, survey and documentation of existing conditions. He inter- preted. created and implemented University design standards and contract limits. Registered Architect since 1976, in Imitate practice susce 1982. and active in the building industry since 1969. PROF1S51Oiv A 1 Florida Honda Honda North Carolina. National (USA) leg e PJ (11STR ATION Registered Licensed Registered liugretemi Corti fication Bachelor of Architecture Certificate in Architecture Bachelor of Arta Associate of Arts conC+ouiny 12 Energy Efficient !)crrign. Non -Toxic Interior Design Amoican Interior Design Computers in Architecture Construction Management Construction Management Cunatroction Administration Modem Architecture Design Life Safety Fire Issues ANTI LI NSURF Architect No. AR0007863 Real Estate .Agent No_ SE0205457 interior Designer No. 11373 Architect No 7128 NCA B No. 22,317 Architecture A rchi tecture,Co ns true Linn Political Science Urban Planning 1995 1995 19)6 199.6 1997 t998 1998 1999 1999 1978 1975 190 1995 1979 Boston Artdtitca:tural Center [977 Boston Architectural Center 1976 Florida international University 1973 Miami Dade JuniorCollege 1972 Construction Administration Fire Safety Carpeting, f.ocl:s, Paint Construction Law Florida Building Codes Florida Building Cates Basics of Paint Florida Building Codes Architectural Practice FROp-ii;s ,J NALAiaC.PCIATfQNS Member A.I.A. American institute of Architects Member C.S.1. Constructions Specifications Institute Member S.A.R.A. Society of Registered Architects Member 4.'f.II.1'. National 'frost for Historic Preservation Member DZ..t°l.T. Dade 11a -itnge Toast Member R.A.I.C. Royal Architectural institute of Canada Arbitrator A.A,.st. American ArhitraLion Association cOMlt+it_vrry 1-IONPRS. Boston 200 mayors Award Architectural Review Board Solar Energy Award Design Award Visiting critic Architectural Consultant Cultural Affairs Panel Preforming Arts Trust Composers Alliance Omni Impact Committee Design Preservation Lague F RL3C' tiilONS .va.:1. 1'rogremive hchitctlure Desteaer Quarterly Hospitality hlagarine Boston Magazine Airport News i1 A].DS & AiCTIVITIFYL Boston. Massachusetts Boston, Ivkassachusetts Coral CJables, Honda Starr of F1onda (anal Gables. Florida 1.lnivcrsity of Miami University of Miami Dade County. Florida Dade County, Florida Miami, Honda City of Miami ladiatni Beach, Flonda 1982- 19133 19in 19in 1976 l99(r 2001 2ff041-7105 Procedures 2000 Construction 2000 Interiors 2000 Claims and Delays 2001 ADA, Fla Bldg. Code 2001 Fire Safety 2002 Fire Protection Sys. 21Jt13 Revisions 2004 Government Projects, 200 M Miami)London Miami Honda Miami 1979 1983 1991 1988 Miami -Dade County 1990 Canada 1994 Florida 1'9F0 Design Award Design Award City Building Department Design Award Design Award School of Architecture School of Music Cnpilal Grunts Program Existing fisting Ere -Anita Board Of Directors Olnni Area Commitlec Historic Preservation Award Architectural Record but -rim magazine Sarah Florida eusinee Journal Hostile 200 Miami 1frrraid 4'i+ual Nrcrchandising sun punt. Wired, Honda Prat extra 1976 1975 1981 1982 1.982 1978-00 l978-li4 1995-9f•3 1936-#10 1999-02 1999-02 2005-0 7 t982. 0 910 190- 7 t97€ 1975 03 1995-99 2t100 -06 C:014% APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD RAYNIOND JUNGLES FIRST NAME 242 SW 5 STREET MIAMI, FL 33130 LAST NAME(S) rV ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT rayrnondOram ondjungles.com OCCUPATION RAYMOND JUNGLES, INC. E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS 1 EMPLOYER 305.858.6777 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonsiroted knowledge and requirement should also check ''citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternaterriernber-" (] ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ❑ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORTAN HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN . _= ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION 'AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE. OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS Ei RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLiSHED WORK OR PROJECTS REL. MT() HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECC'.'.` El.. 7ATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMI' L COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRE) ATTACI-1MLr IS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAM:.A Bl R tS ;int Form Plano! EP Board Apptication 01/2008 RAYMOND JUNGLES, FASLA EDUCATION 1981 / Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Honors / University of Florida 1978 / Associate in Arts/ Miami -Dade Community College EXPERIENCE 2000 / Fellow / ASLA 1981-1982 / Raymond Jungles Design Build / Principal 1982- 20081 Raymond Jungles, Inc. / Founding Prncipal REGISTRATION State of Florida / Landscape Architect / #856 / October 1982 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1983 - 2006 / Member / ASLA 1981- 1983/Associate/ .ASLA 197E -1981 I Student / ASLA 20051 Presenter / ASLA National Meeting 20051 Tour Guide / ASLA National Meeting 2005 / Practitioner`s Panel - "Getting the Details Right' / ASLA National Meeting HONORS, AWARDS, and RECOGNITION 2007 Award of Honor / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Cornfeld Garden 2005 Horror Award / National ASLA Professional Awards Program / Island Modern Frederic 13. Stresau Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Island Modern Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Island Modem Award of Honor / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Casa Morada 2004 Award of Excellence / FondalChapter, ASLA / Hyatt Windward Point Resort Award of Merit / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Bergeron Garden 2003 "Landscape Architect of the Yeah' / Miami Chapter, American Institute of Architects 2002 Award of Merit/Florida Chapter, ASLA / Spanish Tropical Garden Award of Merit / Florida Chapter, A, / Montitore Garden 2001 Frederic 8 Stresau Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Dunn Garden Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Duna Garden Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Swerdlow Garden Award of Recognition 1 Florida Chapter, ASLA / Lectures 2000 University of Florida Distinguished Alumnus 199B Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Sarinero Garden of Merit / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Marquessa Hotel 1997 Frr:d r:c 8 Stresau Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA I Hyatt Sunset Harbor Resort A.° 1 of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA r" Hyatt Sunset Harbor Resort of Merit / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Paradise Inn 499E Award of Excellence /Florida Chapter, AS_A / Sims Garden 1995 Honor Award / ASLA Professional Awards Program / Neukomm Residence Honor Award / ASLA Professional Awards Program I Worrell Enterprises Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA (Landes Garden Award of Excellence / Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association / ORCA Environmental Improvement Grand Award / American Landscape Contractor's Association / ORCA 1992 Gold Award / American Resort Development Association / Coconut Bead Resort Hotel 1991 Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA 1 Jungles -Yates Garden 1987 Community Design Award / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Eagle Creek Country Club 4iaymoonFASLA 'UBLIC=;ERVICE Lectures ASLA Annual Conference / Various Locations FLASLA As=nual Conference i Various Locations Columbia University / New York 'Iv APLD Annual Conference / Ira: '. na, CA Mounts Botanical Garden / West Palm Bead: FL Naples Botanical Garden / Naples, FL Architectural Digest / Miami, FL Florida A & M University / Tallahassee, FL The Wolfsonian Museum / Miami Beach, FL The Kampong / Miami FL The Carden Conservancy / NY, NY den and Landscape Designers Association 1 Dublin, IR Fr'As of F. ;_.iild Tropical Garden / Miami, FL Department of Landsc-rpe Architecture, University of Florida / Gainesvis c. FL Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture, Florida International University / Miami, FL Pro bono West Botanical Garden / Key West, FL Fairchild Tropical Garden 1 Miami, FL i iset Elementary School / South Miami, FL Fairchild Tropical Garden Design Review Committee 1 Miami, FL MEMBERSHIP IN ALLIED ORGANIZATIONS Member / Florida Native Plant Sc .. y Member / Flowet ing Tree Society Member / Fairchild Tropical Garden Member / Key West Tropical Forest and Botanical Garden Member / Board of Directors / Arango Design Foundation Member / Museum of Modern Art PUBLICATIONS Articles 2007 DWELL / "Jones F ?sidence ::,,y West, Florida Designed by Raymond Jungi ' :'eptember 2007 HORTICULTURE MAGAZI'. / °Designer Raymond Jungles" / April 2007 13WUE PRINT DIRECTORY From the Ground Up" / March -April 2007 l'?\TERFRONT HON.'. & DESIGN / "Lush Lite" / Summer 2007 F °lOMS MAGAZINE / lature a :s Finest' / Febn: / 2007 2006 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE : Greenhouse Effect" / January 2006 2005 OCEAN DRIVE / "Las mansions Salvajes de Raymond Jungles' / July -August 2005 LLXURY LIVING / "Savoring Paradise" / Spring 2005, pp 88-94 2004 HO''3E BEAUTIFUL/'Tropical Paradise / December2004, pp 112-07 GARDEN DESIGf! , "Call of the Wild' 1 September -October 2004, pp 52-9 WOHN! DESIGN / "Die Garten des Mister Jungles" / March 2004 2003 VOGUE LIVING /'Tropicana° / December 2003 tADITIONAL HOME / `Florida Fandango"! September 2003, pp 161-67 G: -?DEN DESIGN (Cover) ! July 2003 GARDEN DESIGN . Jungle Fever" / February 2003 SOOTHE: ACCENTS / "Cali of the Wild" / January 2003 2001 METROPOLITAN HOME ('Victoria's Secret Garden"/ March 2001 2000 VILLA GIARDINI -onalista Paesagg1stico / October 2000 OCEAN DRIVE /'Magic Gardens" / May 2000 VILLA GIARDINI /'Modemrizto Paesaggistco" / 2000 1999 SC 'THERN ACCENTS /'Tropical Talent'1 March 1999 r Jungles,, FASLA 1998 VILLA GIARDINI / "Giardino Marxiano" / November 1.: VILLA GIARDINI !"Florida Extravaganza' I May 1998 ANDSCAPE NURSERY 1 "Rare Reputation" / January 1998 1997 HOUSE BEAUTIFUL / "Artfully Tropical" February 1997 1995 CASA VOGL c / "Very Miami Style" / June 1995 1993 GARDEN DESIGN / "Jun, a Beat' / May 1993 GOLD COAST MAGZINE / t`.',well Enterprises / May 1993 1992 L ;iJDSCAPE ARCHITECT '2E, touch of Butte Marx" / October 1992 1991 FLOR .'.RCHITECTURE, : EDITION 1'Tropical Serendipity" / 1991 1990 FLOR '7.'. HOME and GARIPEN / "By The Waterus Edge" 1 December NEW MIAMI / 'The Pros an . Cons of Miami Style" / July 1990 1989 FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN / "C_n'or Celebration' I April 1989 METROPOLITN HOME / ` :..) Artists Paint Paradse" / March ' 89 1988 SOUTH FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN / "Fakahatchee Kid / February 1988 1987 SOUTH FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN / The Trellis" / August 1987 NEWSWEEK / "Buying Your LVa!, . ,to Eden" / July 1987 1986 SOUTH FLORIDA HOME and GARDE' r "Cheap Thrills' / September 1986 SOUH FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN 'Pretty,0r Pink" 'July 1986 GARDEN DESIGN /'Miami Nice" 1 l99t Fs 1985 FLORIDA ARCHITECTURE, 52Nc' EDITION / 'Joie de vivre in the Keys' / 1985 Books, Chapters and Featured Work 2003 Architecture in the Garden / James von Sweden / Random House Forty Landscape / James Trulove / Thunder Bay Press 2002 Grounds For Pleasure 1 Denise Otis / Harry N. Abram's. Inc. Dream Pools / Plannels & Sulliver /Atrium Publisher Group 2001 The New American Swimming Pool / James Trulove l Watson-Guptili :?ublishers 2000 Key West Gardens and Their Stories / Janis Frawley -Holler / Pineapple Press Gardens for the Future / Co per & Taylor / Conran Octopus Publishr rq Pocket Gardens: Big Ideas rc Small Spa s / James Trulove / Morrow & C .parry The Garden Book / Phaidon Editors ' Phaidon Press 1999 R., ':md Jungles: Ten Landscapes / Trulove / ieinc: / Rockport P :.. hers 1998 Gardens / House Beautiful The New American Garden / James Trulove / er Press Designed Landscape Forum / Crandeil & Landecker / E acen: ' er Pr A Child's Garden / Molly Dannenmaier / Archetype Press 1997 Florida Gardeners / Taylor Publishing 1990 Miami Hot and Cool / Cerwinske & Brooke 1 Clark N. Potter, I MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS & OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Island Modern / Key West, FL Role: Principal -in -Charge, r' .ject Designer This project exer the I .. dscape ar:, ;itect's role in scraping the built envirorn, . ` nd enhanrs g lifestyle, while seeking to fo=`.:.. through the landscape a deeper appreciation of art 2 nature within the oanteextof the garden. The plant palette reflects an abiding sensitivity for sound water m <::;ement: indigenous plant materiats were utilized for their durability and minimal maintenance rec, sments, and their scale, texture, and form :id in the developmentof a privacy buffer that also offers habitat for terresf'icl and avian species common to the region. The signifaance of this project lies in the creati::•: and functional relart o ship between interior and exterior space within a sub -tropical setting, for a relatively small garden space. Ward Garden / Coral eabtes, FL Role: Principal -in -Charge, Project Designer Located an a three acre parcel, the Ward Garden Is bounded by eight adjacent reside and fronts a historic highway. The created Landscape retie is the character of an undisturbed natural landscape found Raymond Jungles, I-ASLA within adjacent k'atheson Hammock, a Miami -Dade Cuu , I Park p : .ed and designed by noted landscape architect William Lyman Phillips. Two acres of existing lawn were rei )ved and grade aiations and excavations undertaken to expose the oolitic substrate, creating distressed rock outcrops ranging from a feet to twenty feet in height, and solution holes of varying size and form within the landscape. The pone, and water cou,.: + :: at were created were enhanced with littoral zone mergent zone plantings of n . ire species, creating a series of microclimates and habitats. The sf `. _ _rice of this project may be observed in the extraordinary manipulation of the land to create a naturalized habitat pas: the inherent values of traditional, natural sub -tropical landscapes of The Everglades and E Cypress. Five Acre Garden! Miami, FL Role: Principal -in -Charge, Project Designer Neglected and in decline as the result of a series of storms, the Fivt- re Garden manifest overgrown and unmanaged plantings dominated by lawn areas and extensive asphalt pavement. The development clan crc .d by the landscape architect proposed a children's play ar : itertainrnent area that is integrated r.-th a tennis cowl: a otan'cai garden with a diverse yet cohesive -:t palette including various palm L s; a native Miccosukee "chickee"; an extensive pedestrian circu ., . - system; and a renovated su:,->+iming pool. The significance of the F .. ?. Garden is most of ,lively understood within the context of the extraordinary damage delivered to th i Florida L. ;ape by a series of hurricanes that started with Andrew 11992 and most recently was manifest in 2005 in Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. As well, the capacity of the natural landscape to endure and restore is of special note. Hyatt Sunset Harbor Resort I Key West, FL Role: Principal -in -Charge, Project Designer The gar(; setbrig for this popular Key West resort reflects an axial g :wtry that is cm ^patible with and npliments the traditional Key West style of architecture. A major ch_ :• -ige was to provide a visual 1 aural buffer between the ;lose pu: nity of a public promenade and vehicular rights -of -way and the desired privacy and intimacy of the garden's various spaces. Raymond' Jungles, FASLA Burns, Pamela E From: Kauffman, KathleE Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2008 11:12 AM To: Burns, Pamela E Subject: FW: Raymond Jungles - Application Form Attachments: APPLICATION.pdf Importance: sigh Kathleen Slesnick Kauffman Preservation Officer City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33130 (305) 41 B-1423 APlease consider the environment before printing this message. From: Zaida Alfaro [mailto:Zaida@raymondjungles.com] Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:13 AM To: Kauffman, Kathleen Subject: Raymond Jungles - Application Form Importance: High Dear Kathleen, Please find the attached application for Raymond. Thanks! With kind regards, Zaida Alfaro Raymond Jungles, Inc. 242 SW 5 Street Miami. FI 33130 za idatalraymondj ung les, com i • i111111 xcj 4111 j/ 11`lL~i RECE!\ED 20,19FEB --14 AM11:B3 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD CI..i 's` 01- rilM-i1. FL c% G e 1) FIRST NAME � LAST ME(S)(./.- Ft �� � � � � � � � �y S (oc / ,1 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ) ) 1.4-.0,,i- Coi,t 51-(44 (-IT ,.4-1-i--00- /6)7w de -Y,06 r 5 _ alt-fl OCCUPATION C E-MAIL ADDRESS r i BU -75 ESS / EMPLOYED T EPHONE (HOME) 0-0 TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS tif 1 ea, 37- - LL-.) CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONME: "AL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." U ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE n OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS n RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) 7 NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN: AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS T CTY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 R.`T• PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 (305) 442-0060 office H. Baird Lobree baird.lobree@auxis.com Summary RECEIVED 2093 FEB -4 (313'a) 421 59 fax >r'5ON Y CLERK CITY OF MIA II. FL Executive Management and Information Technology Consultant with twenty one years experience in providing professional services to organizations. Create business strategy, plan/select/integrate information technology, implement management reporting and business controls. Proven ability to assess multi -national business needs, develop operational action plans, achieve management consensus, develop strategic solutions and build technology infrastructure in numerous industries. Known for troubled company and project turnaround success. Professional speaker and facilitator, able to work within international organizations to examine issues, create strategy, identify problems and implement solutions. See attached summary of representative industries & project experience. Professional Experience Auxis, Inc., South Florida April 1997 - present President and Chief Executive Officer Auxis is a strategic management and technology solutions company dedicated to helping businesses prosper. Auxis specializes in business strategy, process improvement, package software selection and implementation, project management, troubled company restructuring and the application of emerging technologies. Cap Gemini Ernst Young, South Florida November 1995 - April 1997 Principal Produced significant new business development and delivery management for worldwide management and technology consulting firm (formerly Cap Gemini). Developed new relationships with target executive management. Sourced appropriate internal and external vendor's resources for clients' changing business needs. Managed complex projects from initial meetings through proposal development, contract negotiations, project planning, execution, Board of Directors reporting and appropriate follow-up. Accenture/Arthur Andersen LLP, Miami, Florida 1994 - November 1995 Liaison Manager Produced significant business development for Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) and Arthur Andersen through advanced practice development skills, senior executive relationship management and troubleshooting. keported and directly accountable to the two Managing Partners for Accenture and Arthur Andersen in Florida. Arthur Andersen LLP 1991-1994 Florida Computer Risk Management Manager Established Florida and Caribbean information technology audit and control practice. Grew new practice to over $1.5M business. Developed and led firmwide telecom information technology team by designing, executing and teaching numerous new services for the industry. Responsible for practice planning, intellectual property development, staffing, training, financial management and reporting. Arthur Andersen LLP, Miami, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia 1987-1991 Financial Audit Manager Began as staff and progressed to manager on a wide variety of financial audit clients in many industries. Member of Computer Audit Specialty Team. Performed all facets of financial auditing from fieldwork to financial statement preparation and Securities and Exchange Commission reporting. RECEIVED zone FEB — P^4 I ! = 03 1983-1986 Florida State University, FL Bachelor of Science, Accounting - Graduate study of accounting & information systems , 5 ON 1981-1983 Tulane University, LA A. B. Freeman College of Businns-,Underfraluatte1study of business and liberal arts _`) Education Representative Industry and Project Experience Extensive industry experience and knowledge of transportation, distribution, financial services, telecom, high- tech manufacturing, consumer products, entertainment, health-care, retail, travel, utilities, real estate, agriculture, gaming and government. Baird has worked in over 350 businesses & IT shops throughout his career. Project examples include; Strategic Business & Technology Planning/ Business Infrastructure Design • rJ^signed the strategic retail business infrastructure for a $1B fashion retailer. Systems included demand chain, merchandising, replenishment, allocation, inventory and point -of -sale processes and technologies. • Designed the future 'To -Be' Enterprise Application Architecture for an international fast-food conglomerate. Architecture included restaurant point -of -sale and back -of -house systems to regional marketing systems, SAP financials, groupware, Intranet, workflow & data warehousing technologies. • Prepared Latin B2C Internet gift retailer's business and technology plans. Specified logistics strategy and supply chain infrastructure for operations throughout South and Central America • Re -designed and implemented point -of -sale systems, value-added network polling, Iockbox, credit card settlement and sales reconciliation processes for an international retailer. Project yielded 40% personnel reduction and compressed period -end close by 15 days. ■ Prepared a future information technology blueprint for an international pharmaceutical conglomerate. • Led B2B Internet nursery/landscaping company business infrastructure design and implementation project targeting $80B+ industry. Moved company from concept to Iaunch in eight months. • Specified the technology platform, communications systems, call detail reporting, security and controls for a leading in -bound telemarketing firm. • Designed and managed the development of a store opening and daily operations procedures manual for an international video retailer. Procedures were implemented at over 3,000 stores worldwide. Revenue Enhancements / Operational Improvements • Performed a mobile telephone switch revenue recognition project at a major cellular communications company. Developed revenue assurance procedures that yielded $8M+ additional annual revenue. • Re -engineered the business processes for the South and Central American division of an international food and beverage conglomerate. Developed detailed process and technology "to -be" plans for a shared services center to handle customer orders, distribution and financial processes. • Re -built the order, billing, collections and customer service systems for a large catalog retailer. New revenues and retention of previously lost customers yielded $10M+ additional annual revenue. Project "Bailouts"/ Troubleshooting/Due Diligence • Resurrected a catastrophic $18M financial systems project for a $3B food distribution company. • Acted as a 8 month interim Chief Information Officer for a private bank. Took charge of over 25 person MIS department after serious management fraud and Fed seizure. Ran daily operations, immediately developed problem reporting, backup/security procedures and stabilized operations. • Led B2B marine Internet company due diligence effort including business strategy and technology infrastructure. Due diligence and re -design yielded $40M equity capital infusion. Risk Analysis/Technology Control/ Due Diligence • Identified and negotiated $5M purchase price reduction in systems due -diligence work in the acquisition of a large financial institution. • Evaluated power management and billing controls at an international electric utility conglomerate. • Designed and delivered training for the Federal Financial Institutions Information Systems Examination Council on automated teller machine network operations, processes, security & controls. • Prepared $2B food and beverage distribution concept for spinoff from parent. Developed business plan and operating model for standalone operations. Associations and Memberships Baird is a member of George W. Bush's Technology Leadership Council. Baird was a three term President of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, South Florida Chapter. Baird is a member of the Council of Logistics Management, Telecommunications Industry Association, the International Bankers Association and the Institute of Management Accountants. Baird was a former Certified Information Systems Auditor. Professional Papers and Presentations Baird has addressed various federal regulatory agencies in the Washington, D.C. area, innumerable Iarge corporate audiences, the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Information Systems Audit & Control Association and numerous academic organizations. Baird has often presented to corporate management as a representative of the MIS Institute. Representative papers, methods, presentations, practice aids and training sessions include; 1. A Senior Executive's Guide to Using the Power of the Internet - May 2000. 2. Business & Career Opportunity In the Internet Era - April 2000. 3. Internet Business Infrastructure Development - March 2000. 4. Business Technology Ground Rules for Success - November 1999. 5. Emerging Technologies Beyond 2000 - October 1999. 6. Enterprise Application Architecture Guidelines - Emerging Technologies practice aid - November 1996. 7. Inventing Your Future: The Effects of Trends & Changes in Information Technology on Business, The Accounting Profession and You - February 1995. 8. Designing Client/Server Applications and Processes (joint publications and presentation with the MIS Institute and Frank Lyons, President, Entellus Technology, Inc.) - February 1994. 9. Chargeout and Allocation Systems: Managing Your Information Capital - September 1993. 10. Mobile Telephone Information Systems (Firmwide telecom industry competence document) - April 1993. 11. Cellular Telephone Industry Information Systems Risks and Controls (Firmwide telecom industry competence document) - Apri11992. 12. Application Program Change Control (Firmwide Computer Risk Management software practice aid) - February 1992. 13. Automated Teller Machine Network Operations, Processes, Control and Security, Federal Financial Institutions Information Systems Examination Council, Washington, DC - October 1991. ��{{ V k 3 i 3 i 11 7 l4OScIW: '10 *I- 833 $5� G3A 3038 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD ENID LORENZO FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 9321 S.W, 100 AVE. MIAMI, FLA, 33176 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE INSURANCE BROKER ELORENS @YAHOO.COM OCCUPATION SELF E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS/ EMPLOYER 305 275-4510 TELEPHONE (HOME) 305 968-2046 TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) r u'i rn i ^l BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED '. ), ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS I3ELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE; - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." n ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA n LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING n DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING n DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE n EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE n OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES D E 9321 S.W. 100T`{ Avenue Road. Miami, FL 33176 • Horne (305) 275-4510 • Cell (305) 968-2046 ENID A. LOQ [ZO Objective To continue vehemently representing the City of Miami's Historic and Environmental Preservation Board in its pursuit to preserve and protect Miami's history and heritage. Experience 2005-Present City of Miami Historic and Environmental Miami, FL Preservation Board Board Member ■ In conjunction with other board members: The evaluation of information and decision making in matters concerning preserving the integrity of designated properties and districts, thus helping to retain and protect the character of the city's architectural, historical and archaeological heritage. Educational Workshops • October 26 2007 — Florida Trust for Historic Preservation Workshop Professional Development Series • January 16, 2007 — Becoming Better Preservation Commission Employment History I992-Present Licensed Insurance Broker Miami, FL • Specializing in Marketing Consulting and Sales of i lealth Insurance Products • Consistently ranked in the TOP 3 in Performance and Sales 1976-1991 Eastern Airlines Incorporated Miami, FL Miami international A€port Sales and Marketing Representative ■ Promoting Eastern Airlines Services on a local and nationwide level • Consistently garnishing awards for Top Performance Community Interest Dr. Lucia Lorenzo Foundation Miami, FL President • Non-profit Organization created in memory of Dr. Lucia Lorenzo who provided free medical care for needy children • Fundraising activities to provide benefits for under privileged children Education 1978-1981 Florida International University Miami, FL ■ Continuing education courses in Business and Languages 1976-1978 Home (305) 275-4510 • Cell (305) 968-2046 ENID A. LORE ZO University of Miami Bachelors in Business Administration & Management 1974-1976 Miami Dade College Associate in Arts in Political Science 1992 Registered Florida Insurance License Languages • Fluent in English, Spanish, and French Miami, FL Miami, FL Professional Associations & Organizations • Florida Trust for Historic Preservation ▪ National Trust for Historic Preservation • Dade Association of Health Insurance Underwriters • Dr. Lucia Lorenzo Foundation MARIA L. NICKLAUS 261 Costanera Road Coral Gables, Florida 33143 305)986-4883 February 1, 2008 Re: Enid Lorenzo To Whom It May Concern: I have known Enid Lorenzo for approximately nine years both personally and on a business level. She is an intelligent, honest, and hard working individual that is very passionate about her work, family, and community. She keeps up-to-date on world affairs and particularly events affecting our community. I consider Enid one of my best friends as she has demonstrated to be loyal and trustworthy throughout the years that I have known her. Very truly yours, IVYARIA NICKLAUS k Irk Miami Dade ST IF College Wolfson Campus February 4, 2008 TO: Whom It May Concern FROM: Sahir Imam SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION I feel honored in being asked to write this letter for Ms. Enid Lorenzo towards her nomination to the board of Historic and Environmental Preservation. I have known Enid since 1992. With a Bachelor's of Science degree from the University of Miami and her vast experience in varied business environments, she is an excellent business and academic resource. Enid has successfully represented and carried out several important assignments for the community on various occasions. She is an individual with a lot of drive and initiative, and has shown outstanding professional skills and potential. Enid has an impeccable character and outstanding leadership qualities and can be trusted to meet her goals, and other responsibilities, with poise and efficacy. She is a tireless worker who has distinguished herself in the community with style and simple hard work. I have had the honor and privilege of working with her on various community events and have benefited from her invaluable advice and sound judgment. She is highly regarded within the community and respected and admired by her friends. With her above mentioned qualifications, I have no hesitation in recommending Enid for being considered for the said nomination which I am sure she highly deserves. Sincerely Yours Ci Cat,' 6' .. Sahir Imam Director, Academic and Administrative Network Wolfson Campus iY:1,r'ILll to LlL ZOOS FEB -7 All I I: 05 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD iT 1I. FL Gerald Marston RECEIVED FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 3856 Main Highway, Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Landscape Architect gmarston@wrtdesign.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Wallace Roberts &Todd, LLC., 191 Giralda Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33134 BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-461-2002 305-448-0788 cell 786-493-2126 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." [x1 ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECdFURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. Ix' EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND F►NANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS xI RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DR";'_ MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form LaJ rn co - ri Mao - — ~ L/7 t 0 d Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 Gerald C. Marston, FASLA Principal Mr. Marston is a landscape architect with over 35 years of experience as a practicing professional and educator. He currently leads the landscape architectural practice in the WRT Coral Gables office. Mr. Marston's professional background includes senior design and project management with three of the most prestigious planning and design firms in the United States. He has extensive and wide ranging experience in landscape planning and design of civic spaces, plazas and parks. EDUCATION Master of Landscape Architecture Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 1972 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture Michigan State University (with honors), 1969 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Principal, Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC Coral Gables, FL 2001-present Partner, Wallace Roberts & Todd Cora/ Gables, FL 1996-2000 Senior Associate, Wallace Roberts & Todd Vice President, WRT, Inc. Coral Gables, FL 1991-1996 Senior Associate/ Sasaki Associates, Inc. Coral Gables, FL 1985-1991 Vice President/ Edward D. Stone, Jr. and Associates Ft. Lauderdale, FL 1981-1985 Principal / Walquist/Marston Columbus, OH 1976-1881 Landscape Architect / Labrenz, Reimer, Inc. Columbus, OH 1974-1975 Project Manager Sasaki, Dawson, DeMay Associates, Inc. Watertown, MA 1972- 1973 Landscape Architect Richard A. Gardiner & Associates, Inc. Cambridge, MA 1969-1972 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture The Ohio State University 1973-1981 Lecturer / Design Critic Harvard Graduate School of Design The Catholic University University of Kentucky Texas A & M Kansas State University University of Florida University of Miami Florida International University PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Registered Landscape Architect in the States of Florida, Ohio and Missouri PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Landscape Architects PUBLICATIONS 1 LECTURES Creating Neighborhood Character, ASLA National Convention, 1996 Art & Architecture - Miami Symposium, 1995, Center of Contemporary Arts, North Miami, FL "Thirty-five Years of Design on the Land," a Sasaki Associates Retrospective, University of Florida; 1990 HONORS AND AWARDS The American Society of Landscape Architects Merit Award, Overtown Pedestrian Mall, 1999 National Endowment for the Arts / U.S. Department of Transportation Merit Award, Overtown Pedestrian Mall, 1996 Florida Chapter, The American Society of Landscape Architects Merit Award, Overtown Pedestrian Mall, 1996 International Downtown Association Merit Award, Overtown Pedestrian Mall, 1995 Ohio Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects Merit Award, Land Reborn, 1975 The American Society of Landscape Architects -1 Certificate of Merit Excellence in the Study of Landscape Architectuu— Michigan State University, 1969 REPRESENTATIVE CIVIC PROJECTS c:s ni CCI Flagler Corridor Streetscape, Miami, Florida' -rri Principal in Charge WRT was selected to epar=streefscape redevelopment plans for Miami's Main Street vthe %gler Corridor, from the Miami River to Biscayne Bay. T pre ared detailed schematic and design development documents for Downtown Development Authority. WRT is currently under contract to develop construction documents for the Flagler Corridor. Miami Beach Historic Convention Village - Civic Improvements, Miami Beach, Florida Project Director/Designer The Miami Beach Historic Convention Village Civic Improvements focused on the development of schematic plans and design guidelines and schematic designs for a new City Hall plaza, botanical garden and riverwalk. Ocean City Boardwalk Renovation, Ocean City, MD Mr. Marston was Principal -in -Charge for the $2 million restoration of the oceanfront boardwalk and associated facilities. WRT prepared recommendations for the design and detailing that would convert an existing, deteriorated concrete promenade to its historic wooden form. In addition WRT prepared recommendations and designs for Entry Gateway Features, beachfront graphics logo and icons, specially themed pavement areas, and thematic site furnishings. Georgia International Maritiaand Trade Center, Savannah, GA WRT was retained as master planners, landscape architects and site planning consultants to design a 500,000 square foot conference and exhibition facility on Savannah's Hutchinson Island. As principal -in -charge, Mr. Marston was involved in master planning and urban design on the facvility as well as detailed design and construction documentation for the Trade Center plazas and 'Esplanade' riverfront spaces which Gerald C. Marston, FASLA Page 1 of 3 incorporated the ability to expand exhibition, dining, and performance functions. Estero IslandStreetscape, Fort Myers, Florida Project Director/Designer Following the adoption of a WRT prepared redevelopment plan for this nine mile long barrier island on Florida's west coast, WRT is prepared detailed design and construction documents for New Island entry signage, over one mile of urban roadway streetscape improvements and the creation of a pedestrian mall as the focus of the traditional resort entertainment district. Beach Street U.55.A, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Marston was Principoal-in-Charge in collaboration with local consultants to develop unique families of elements that would provide the district with a distinct identity. Families of elements including gateway features, performance venues, lighting, and paving with a distinctively lively feel and recalling indigenous community features. Overtown Pedestrian Mall, Miami Florida Project Director/Designer: The Concept of the Overtown Pedestrian Mall was formulated in the SE Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan by Wallace Roberts & Todd. The Spine of the Redevelopment Concept is the establishment of a broad pedestrian mall from 1-95 to Biscayne Bay. The Overtown Pedestrian Mall eliminates vehicular traffic on NW 9th Street and establishes a broad pedestrian mall in its place. Constructed of rustic terrazzo in vibrant oranges, yellows, blues and greens, the plaza is punctuated with clusters of seating drums and commemorative bronze medallions documenting historic events within the Overtown Community. Dayton Plaza of Flight Dayton, Ohio, Principal in Charge: WRT has been retained as landscape architects and site planning consultants to design an urban plaza in downtown Dayton that commemorates and celebrates the City as the birthplace of flight and home of the Wright Brothers. Orlando Centroplex, Orlando Florida Project Director/Designer while with Sasaki Associates Inc., Coral Gables, Florida. The Centroplex site identified by WRT in Orlando's Downtown Plan as an area that could generate opportunities for additional convention related activities. The fifty -acre project consists of the existing Bob Carr Performing Arts Center, Existing Expo Center, 15,000 seat Civic Arena and a four hundred -room hotel. The final site Master Plan created a unique entertainment district in downtown Orlando with signature paving, courtyards and plazas with contextual fountains, and lush landscaping forming this pedestrian oasis within the downtown core. Sunrise Civic Center, Sunrise, Florida. Project Director / Designer: WRT provided Master Planning services for the City of Sunrise Civic Complex which included integration with the existing City Hall and Fire Station and an adjacent office building to be converted to police and fire rescue use. The new 37-acre Civic Complex includes a Broward County Library, a Senior Citizens Center and the 72,000 SF Civic Center. The plan required siting of the new facilities, Design of vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems and the development of a lake for storm water management. WRT also completed landscape design for wetland restoration within the existing lake, a new main entrance from Oakland Park Boulevard and landscape and irrigation design and construction administration services for the Senior Center and Civic Center Facilities REPRESENTATIVE INSTITUTIONAL. PROJECTS Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL Mr. Marston served as project director for the landscape architectural aspects of the firm's Master Plan for the Florida Gulf Coast University. The concept builds on the qualities of the Gerald C. Marston, FASLA Page 2 of 3 existing vegetation through a tiered approach. The FGCU site contains organized to minimize impacts and retain, preserve and restore existing areas of high quality wetland vegetation. University of Central Florida Landscape Master Plan, Orlando, FL Mr. Marston served as project director for the preparation of the Landscape Design Guidelines for the University of Central Florida. The element required a detailed inventory and analysis of the existing character and quality of landscape treatments for all campus spaces. Based on the evaluation WRT prepared a conceptual framework for enhancement of the existing campus and all future developments identified in the Master Plan. University of Miami Landscape Master Plan, Coral Gables, FL Mr. Marston served as project director for the preparation of the Landscape Master Plan for the University of Miami after the destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in August 1992. The plan included detailed inventory and analysis of the existing landscape development and focused on the creation of a framework for improvement of existing landscaped spaces and creation of themed elements related to future expansion. The framework identified three district zones: Academic Core, New Campus/Main Entrance and Athletics/Student Housing Zones and established clear design concepts for each. A major feature of the plan was the identification of the Academic Core "Great Spaces" and the development of alternative concepts creating memorable institutional spaces. University of Georgia Visual and Performing Arts Center, Athens, GA Mr. Marston recently completed an assignment as a planner / landscape architect with a design team which won a national design competition for the new Visual and Performing Arts Center at the University of Georgia in Athens. The plan envisioned a group of buildings clustered around a courtyard, much like the historic quadrangle that forms the center of the original campus. WRT provided master planning, urban design and landscape architectural services through construction administration. REPRESENTATIVE PARK PLANNING AND DESIGN PROJECTS Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center, Coral Gables, FL. Partner in Charge / Lead Designer: WRT prepared a Master Plan for the renovation and expansion of the Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center. Working with a recreational needs program prepared by the Metropolitan Dade County Parks and Recreation Department, WRT combined its architectural and landscape architectural expertise to provide an integrated solution for the Youth Center's future needs. New expanded outdoor facilities included three baseball fields, two soccer/football fields, combined basketball /rollerhocky court and tot -lot. The architectural solution included a new gym, auditorium, locker rooms, and multipurpose craft and meeting rooms. The Master Plan also recognized the "Civic" aspects of the expanded facility and relocated the main entrance on University Drive During the two part design and construction phases of the project, WRT served as landscape architects preparing detailed design documents and providing construction administration services for over $600,000. in site improvements inclasiing' athletic facilities, landscaping and irrigation �. Haulover Park Master Plan, Miami -Dade County, F,k.' WRT was retained by Miami -Dade County to preuasirre a ivtas Plan for Haulover Park, one of the County's Est impo regional parks. Haulover has served for decades % "'prime beach attraction for residents and visitors, as well asfering c variety of recreation including golf, tennis, boating and fishing In recent years the park has suffered from deterioration of some facilities and a decline in popularity. In developing the Master Plan, WRT examined a number of options for the golf program (including both traditional course and teaching facilities), beach revitalization and other park elements. WRT worked closely with County staff, municipal representatives and other stakeholders, as well as special consultants the National Golf Foundation, in developing and evaluating concepts. The Master Plan concept includes a re- located and expanded, special waterfront par 3 golf course; an enhanced and diversified beach experience; improved parking and circulation; an extensive waterfront promenade; an expanded marina and concession area; a conservation education facility; and a"great lawn" civic space for community events. Virginia Key Beach Park, Miami, FL Wallace Roberts & Todd's was selected by the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust to develop a General Plan for this urban beach park. A National Register of Historic Places site, the park is located on a barrier island that encompasses the last undeveloped ocean front property within the city limits. Virginia Key Beach Park was Dade County's only beach open to African Americans during the era of segregation and its establishment in response to a direct action protest by African American activists in 1945 was a significant and early victory in the Civil Rights movement. The Virginia Key Beach Park Trust formed to guide the city of Miami's plans for the development of this historically and ecologically significant site. Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, FL Partner In Charge: WRT prepared a Master Plan for Fairchild Tropical Garden, the Miami region's 83-acre public botanical garden and a world-renowned collection of palms, cycads, and other tropical plant families. The Master Plan, completed in 1995, was the Garden's first comprehensive evaluation of its physical plan and facility growth needs in over 30 years. The Master Plan identified key strategies for meeting the growing demands of the Garden's programs and operations through cooperative projects with adjacent Dade County park facilities, as well as strategic upgrades and expansions of existing Garden facilities. The Master Plan also carefully preserved and restored significant features and concepts of the original 1938 Garden plans, prepared by the pioneering Florida landscape architect and Olmsted associate William Lyman Phillips. In conjunction with the Master Plan, WRT also designed specific "early action" improvements to help re -invigorate the Garden in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. These included a renovation of the Garden's front parking area and entrance, a restoration of the "Phillips Gate" and original entrance Allee, and a restoration plan for the Flowering Tree Section. Volunteer Park & Equestrian Center, Plantation, FL Principal in Charge: WRT has been retained by the City of Plantation to prepare design and construction documents for the $6 million development and expansion of Volunteer Park. This unique project will combine a multi -use, open -space community park — adjacent to an existing Community Center -- with extensive restored wetlands, trails and boardwalks and a nature- themed playground. In addition, the City's popular but aging Horse Arena, also adjacent to the park, will be completely renovated and expanded as part of the project, providing a venue for Class "A" Horse Shows as well as a wide variety of special equestrian uses. Boynton Intracoastal Waterway Park, Boynton Beach, Florida. Project Director / Designer: WRT prepared a Master Plan for the last undeveloped parcel of land on the Intracoastal Waterway in Boynton Beach. The primary objectives of the plan were scenic enhancement, environmental restoration of the site, and educational interpretation. Master Plan facilities include a two-story picnic facility, an educational and performance pavilion, a Veterans Memorial garden and shelter, picnic shelters and restrooms and associated parking. REPRESENTATIVE TOURISM PROJECTS Ritz Carlton Grenada, Grenada, West Indies Principal In Charge: WRT is currently preparing landscape plans for a hotel and golf resort in Grenada that includes a championship golf course, two marinas, residential villas and townhouses, and a five-star hotel. The project is being developed according to the latest technologies and principles of sustainable design, and is intended to complement and protect the adjacent habitat sanctuary of the endangered Grenada Dove Lake Nona Mixed Use Resort Community, Orlando, Florida Project Director/Designer while with E.D.S.A., Fort Lauderdale, Florida Lake Nona is a 6700-acre mixed -use development with an emphasis on golf resort communities. The project was a development pioneer in the southeast quadrant of Orlando and is immediately adjacent to the expanding Orlando International Airport. The site abounds with natural features including more than 900 acres of pristine freshwater lakes. The first phase, Lake Nona Golf Club and Estates, includes an 18-hole Tom Fazio championship golf course and more than 100 luxury homesites. The club is recognized as one of Florida's best and is quickly establishing a quality image for future development. Antigua Resort Community, Antigua, British West Indies Project Director/Planner while with Sasaki Associates, Inc., Coral Gables, Florida The Antigua Resort Community was conceived as an adaptive re- use of an existing petroleum off loading and storage facility of approximately 80 acres. In order to compete with other waterfront oriented resorts on the island and in the Caribbean region, the concept included obtaining an additional 2000 acres of coastal property to serve as community beach front and marina amenities and a 200 acre expansion of upland facilities to include the development of a championship golf course and related housing. The core of the community which is to be developed on the existing site include a tourist resort commercial town center, a cricket academy and a meeting facility lodge associated with the golf club house. Disney Contemporary Resort Meeting Facility, Orlando, Florida Director/Project Landscape Architect while with Sasaki Associates, Inc., Coral Gables, Florida Master Planning and urban landscape architectural services were performed for the addition of a 120,000 S.F. meeting facility adjacent to the existing Contemporary Hotel at Walt Disney World. The entry plaza unites the porte-cocheres of both the hotel and meeting facility and provides a lively graphic textured urban piazza for mixed vehicular and pedestrian use. The central park is defined by allees of historic "dixie cup" oaks and features the cultural icon; a floral Mickey Mouse watch r;7 rn czr + co Gerald C. Marston, FASLA Page 3 of 3 'it'll, 1111111 1d 11 li rrr..t�` 7,1:T Ji_Iis 2 3 i', w'} APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATIONBOARD SAVORn FIRST NAM Ego] 54 62 Am e`OURT ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE OCCUPATION I-F ci LA NAMES 01 M i-LItR 33r /4-4 e'60 6447 E-MAILFADDRESS BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 3c6- 6.6/- c2Lf ' 5-4Mc TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOIJ AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? /‘,S THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check citizen.' - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ❑ ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. 7---16114( El EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE i OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACf1VTf1ES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS UST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01 /?OO8 Sandra Riley 6501 SW 62 Court Miami, FL 33143 (305) 661-8217 rilcvhail(r gnial.com 2008 JAtd ?3 P 1 'r#dSCI L Cr CIT'Yr:;r ad 3: 34 1 IN F RESUME Professional Training • M.A. Theatre (1963) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI B.A. Theatre (1960) Barry University, Miami, FL Current Positions Held Founder/Artistic Director - Crystal Parrot Players Assistant Archivist and member of the Board of Directors Woman's Club of Coconut Grove Historian - Albert Lowe Museum Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas Historic . Plays Written and Produced : (selected list) Paradise Now Premiered at The Miami Light Project / Light Box Studio, Miami, FL - April. 2005 *Mariah Brown Vizcaya April 2007 (Coconut Grove Celebrates Community —Preservation Awareness) Coconut. Grove Playhouse Encore Room -. May 2004 (Fundraiser Mariah Brown House) Woman's Club of Coconut Grove - Feb. 2004 (Fundraiser Mariah Brown House) Ransom Everglades Pagoda, Coconut Grove, FL - June 2003 (Preview) Matt Lose &Miss Irby The Miami Light Project / Light Box Studio, Miami, FL, Jan. 2003 The San Carlos Theater, Key West - Cuban American Heritage Festival, June 2002 The Gallery Stage, Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas, May 2002 The San Carlos Theater, Key West, FL - Pirates In Paradise Festival, Nov. 2001 Professional Experience as Historical Researcher : 1980-present 2000 1997 1991 1988 Albert I ,owe Museum - Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas Archaeological Dig - Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas Archaeological Dig - Miami Circle, Downtown Miami, FL 47th International Congress of Americanists - Panelist, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA Bahamas Postal Service 500 year anniversary of Columbus" Arrival in the Bahamas Commemorative Stamp Issue 1987' Bahamas National Monument - Memorial. Sculpture Garden - Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas 1984 Archaeological Dig - Carlton Site, Treasure Cay, Abaco, Bahamas 1973-74 Columbus Landings Company - San Salvador, Bahamas Books Published t (selected list) The L ucacrns Macmillan Caribbean 1991 Homeward BoundA History of the Bahama Islands to 1850 with a Ayinitim Study of Aiwa, in the American Loyalist Plantation Period Fourth Printing 2000, 1983 Honor The City of Miami & The Black Archives, History and Research Foundation of South Florida to The Crystal Parrot Players for their production of Marian Brown 2003 *Since 2003, the Crystal Parrot Players has remained committed to restoration efforts and the continued support of the Mariah Brown House Interactive Museum Project. RECEIVED ma FEB -6 PM 2: 54 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATI f B ARD w i i s.i tlit.H1. FL LEo&3RRA --EN) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE SC C-N o -leoc e+ t i STILY) i r1 ' t , ttd C.( OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Fug rUA "- "la J4l1-IowAL L 1JrVGR. StTy FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 309 [ Ira r b Av.I1IFMi FL , l BUSINESS / EMPLOYER TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL. THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND VTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE F THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ,TERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE LLB ABOVE CATEGORIES REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTf ITtE.S% v E D 209 FER - 5 KPH 2: 54 LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL.HI.STO Y. a�J (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) "" ' "r f I+ MI, FL NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 L.J. Scinto, Ph.D. Page 1 of 3 LEONARD J. SCINTO, Ph.D. RECEIVED Office Home FEB000 �' �'� 5 Southeast Environmental Research Center 3091 Bird Ave Florida International University Coconut Grove, FL University Park 33133 FL Miami, FL 33199 (305) 461-0074 (305) 348-1965 fax: (305) 348-4096 Email: scintol@fiu.edu Freshwater Biogeochemistry Laboratory — www.fiu.edu/—fwbechem/ Objective: Education: 1990 - 1997 To investigate biogeochemical cycles affecting the ecology of aquatic and wetland ecosystems. To understand how the physical and chemical environment influences biota and how biotic activities alter ecosystems. To apply this information to natural and created systems for reuse of chemical elements to: allow ecologically -efficient land use, to improve surface water quality, and to minimize anthropogenic environmental impacts. To disseminate knowledge of ecological system processes and the role these processes have in affecting environmental health to foment informed management decisions especially regarding aquatic systems. Ph.D. Soil and Water Science, University of Florida. Wetland Biogeochemistry, K.R. Reddy, Ph.D. advisor. Dissertation: Phosphorus Cycling in a Periphyton-Dominated Freshwater Wetland. Minor: Environmental Engineering Science - Graduate Wetlands Certification. Award for Graduate Student Excellence in Soil and Water Science for 1997. 1987 — 1990 M.S. Soil Science, University of Florida. K.R. Reddy, Ph.D. advisor. Thesis: Seasonal Variation in Soil Phosphorus Distributions in Two Wetlands of South Florida. Minor: Environmental Engineering Science 1983 — 1985 B.S. Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University. Minors: Environmental Studies and Chemistry 1981 — 1982 Moraine Valley Community College. Palos Hills, IL. L.J. Scinto, Ph.D. Page 2 of 3 Professional Experience: RECEIVED 208 FEB -5 pm 2001 - Present Assistant Research Scientist. Southeast Environmental Researc Florida International University, Miami, FL. 7.7 ti 1997 — 2001 Visiting Research Scientist. Southeast Environmental Research Program, Florida International University, Miami, FL. 1994 - 1997.Pre-Doctoral Fellow. Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 1987 — 1994 Graduate Research Assistant. Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 1986 - 1987 Lecturer in Biological Sciences. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 1984 - 1985 Undergraduate Research Technician. Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, EL. Personnal and Professional Highlights: Born September 6, 1960 in Chicago, Illinois. Married to Rocio Goni February 16, 2007. Active member of several community organizations and currently on the Board of Directors of Treemendous Miami (www.treemendousmiaammi.org) and the Village of Center Grove Neighborhood Association (www.vocg.org). Active participant in the Mango Strut and other community activities. Manage the Freshwater Biogeochemistry Laboratory and Research Program at the Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida International University (www.fiu.edul—fwbechem). Career grant funding currently at approximately $1.3 million as Principal Investigator and an additional $8.8 million as Co -PI. Author or co-author of over 20 peer -reviewed and technical papers and reports. Member of the American Society of Agronomy — Soil Science Society of America and Gamma Sigma Delta. Collaborator in the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-term Ecological Research Program of the National Science Foundation. South Florida Water Management District Expert Advisor. References: (Alphabetical) William T. (Bill) Anderson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Earth Sciences and Southeast Environmental Research Center Florida International University Miami FL 33199 (305) 348-2693 andersow@fiu.edu L.J. Scinto, Ph.D. Page 3 of 3 Sue McConnell 3090 Virginia Miami FL 33133 (305) 442-9235 mcconne1128@msn.com RECEIVED 20GB FEB -6 PM 2: 54 _ 11:3IiPSON CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAHl, FL RECEIVED Ma JAM 3 [ PH 3: 03 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESENVATU,ON BOARD U I ULERK CITY OF 1 P1I. FL MIGUEL SECO FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 700 NE 72ND STREET, MIAMI, FL 33138 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS MANAGER mseco@northmiamifl.gov OCCUPATION CITY OF NORTH MIAMI E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305.757.2542 305.895.9898 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS NOT APPLICABLE. CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONiiENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet- any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." lx1 ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. lx1 lx1 PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES l .bcto`e SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS U RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. U (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) U NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL CONTLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 RECEIVED fa „3UEL A. SECO 03 700 NORTHEAST 72ND STREET'�Ai ��` MIAi',M, FL 33138 (305) 757-2542 t;r` CLERK CITY OF MIAMI. FL EXP =RIENCE :C TY OF NORTH MIAMII, ;'4orth Miami, FL Grants Administrator, 1998 - 2006 Governmental Affairs Manager, 2006 - present Responsible for researching and administering Departmental implementation of Li.:,:-y grants including law enforcement, public works, parks and recreation, social e9rvices, art and culture, and emergency preparedness programs. Responsibilities also include preparing legislative appropriations agendas. Serves as liaise to all Federal, State, County, national and international agencies. PHO' OGROUP CENTER, Coral Gables, FL Executive Director and Curator, 1990 -1998 Responsible for initiating, coordinating and supervising all programs pertaining to a major 20th century visual arts institution including exhibitions manager. lent, development, marketing and publications. NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT IN THE ARTS, Miami, FL Discipline Coordinator, 1994 - 2004 Responsible for coordinating and facilitating all activities pertaining to NFAA's ArtsWeek, a national gathering of outstanding high school seniors in various arts disciplin s for a week of workshops, master classes, portfolio reviews and other educational activities leading to the selection of White House Presidential Scholars in the Arts. BAF RY UNIVERSITY, ,:arth Miami, FL Instructor, Photograph;.- Department, 1997 Responsible for a special visual studies seminar focusing on photography and its influe� , �e on modern art and culture. LINCOLN ROAD DEVELOPME\T CORPORATION, Miami Beach, FL Assistant Director, 1988 - 1989 Responsible for economic revitalization projects in a H.U.D. designated target area. Position involved providing capital improvement, architectural restoration and adaptive rehabilitation technical assistance, preparing grant compliance reports to city and federal agencies and coordinating the publication of the first area commercial and architectural guide. M:GJEL SECO Page Tv -- RECEIVED RECEIVED 2088 JAN 31 PM 3: 03 turf`IPSON CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAN1. FL SO.. H FLORIDA ART CE\TER, Miami Beach, FL Assistant Director, 1987 - 1988 Responsible for planning, scheduling and coordinating rotating contemporary visual arts exhibitions and initiating an arts tour progran Other duties included developrner : grant writing, fundraising and special events, individual and corporate donations, and promotional publications. M AN' DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE, Miami Beach, FL Executive Director, 1986 - 1987 Responsible for the management of a historic preservation organization focusing or :iie country's only 20th century historic district. CONSULTANT, Washington, DC Private and public sectors, 1985 - 1986 Cultural, economic and strategic development. Projects included analyzing cultural policies in developing countries and socioeconomic shifts in Caribbean basin nations. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART, Washington, DC Intern, 1985 P::searched and evaluated proposals for the expansion of the Museum, assisted with the completion of the American Association of Museums Re- accreditc; on Questionnaire. N E.S.C.O., Paris, France Project Editor, June 1984 Responsible for editing the English version of the International Council of Museums Guidelines for the Return and Restitution of Cultural Property. EDUCATION Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, DC Museum and cultural policies development in the Third World, 1984 -1985 Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center, Bologna, Italy International cultural development, return/restitution of cultural property, 1983-1984 Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg, Austria Fellow in museum management and development, 1984 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL B.A. with Honors in Art History, 1982 A:.:cademia dei Lincei, Rome, Italy ET chter . ^ernational Scholar in Art History, 1980-1981 MIGUEL A. SECO Page Three RECE!' ED 2G8JH31 PM3:33 C1T Y 'CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FL FOREIGN LANGUAGES :aliy bilingual in English and Spanish; fluent in :'.alian; proficient in French; reading comprehension in Portuguese and German. PROFESSIONAL L AND COMMUNITY AFFILIATIONS Oracle, member. City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board, member Bayside Residents Association Board of Directors, past president and member Bayside Historic District Committee, past chairman and member. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Lourdes FIRST NAME 13620 SW 102nd Court, Miami, Florida, 33176 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Architect Solera LAST NAME(S) Isolera@mcharry.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS M.C. Harry & Associates - 2780 SW 37th Avenue # 302 - Miami, Florida 33133 BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-232-8493 305-445-3765 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member," ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA U LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING U DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND I FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE J OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE t j5lafS REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/2008 LOURDES SOLERA 13620 SW 102nd Court Miami, Florida 33176 EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS PROFESSION)' .._ EXPERIEN :E Jan. 2001 -present July 1999 - present Oct. 1997-June r, r- , .- , 2028 JM4 i 6 FM 3: 38 Master of Architectural History - University of Virginia, 1991 Bachelor of Architecture - Mississippi State University 1987 Florida Architectural Registration, 1993 SON FL Florida International University - Miami, FL. Adjunct Professor - History of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. MCHARRY ASSOCIATES - Miami, FL -Vice-President - Educational Facilities group. Provide schematic, design development drawings, construction documents and construction administration. Prepare company's marketing awards program and project presentations. Major Projects: Miami -Dade Public Schools- Prototype Elementary Schools -4 new campus for 1200 student(1 15,000 SF ea); Horida Gulf Coast University, Library Annex (108,00 SF addition) Criminal Justice and Environmental Science Center, Miami -Dade Community College (New educational facility for North Campus); Miami Beach Collins Park Campus Project (restoration of Collins Park / Rotunda and new streetscape); Northeast High School Master Plan and new cafeteria, Broward County (building addition0; Dade County Courthouse, Miami, FL (continuing historic restoration for floors 1-6); Lake Forest Elementary, Broward County (school expansion); Whiddon Educational Center, Broward County (classroom addition); Boulevard Heights Elementary, Broward County (multi -purpose bldg. addition); Cooper City Elementary, Broward County (multi- purpose bldg addition); Concourse "F", Miami International Airport (Code compliance project). 1999 WOLFBERG, ALVAREZ AND PARTNERS - Miami, FL. Project Architect/ Project Manager for multiple commercial projects. Provide design development drawings, construction documents and construction administration. Research and prepare programming for museum, corporate offices and manufacturing plant. Major Projects: Kristi House- Lee Orlowitz Child Center, Miami FL (Non-profit child advocacy center and Office of State Attorney); Science Center of the Americas, Miami, FL (Phase I Programming for the Miami Museum of Science); Coral Springs Charter School, Coral Springs, FL (Retail mall conversion); Ryder Elementary Charter School, Miami, FL; Sweet Donna's Country Store, South Miami, FL (restaurant); Ocean Reef Cultural Center, Key Largo, FL (auditorium, library and museum); Sasso & Gribble Poolhouses, North Miami, FL (poolhouse renovations); City of North Miami Main Street Revitalization, North Miami, FL; Cypress Lake Town Center, North Lauderdale, FL (shopping center renovation); Cordis Corp., Miami Lakes, FL (renovations and additions medical complex). June 1996- Oct 1997 Dec 1993-May 1996 Apr 1993-Nov 1993 LSM STUDIO -Miami, FL. Project Manager/ Facility Admistration responsible for development of South American corporate offices. Major Projects: Nortel CALA, Sunrise, FL (corporate offices of telecommunication company); NT Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela; NT du Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, NT Puerto Rico, San Juan, P.R. (sales offices for Nortel). KOLL FACILITIES SERVICES - Miami and Sunrise, FL. Project Manager/ Facility Planner responsible for all user interface, project development and management, coordinate all facility requests and implementation, determine re -stack criteria, occupancy status and budget tracking, liaison between user - client and project construction. FORBES ARCHITECTS - Coral Gables, FL. Project Manager. Major Projects: Bentley's Luggage and Gifts (Nationwide retail store build -outs); Graham Properties, Miami Lakes, FL (retail and commercial renovations); Spanish Trace, Miami, FL (renovation multi -family development). Jan 1993- Apr 1993 LOURDES SOLERA, ARCHITECT - Miami, FL. Design, site planning and development, construction documents. Major Projects: Mertz Residence, Miami, FL (addition and renovations); Emaus Retreat House, Miami, FL (addition and renovations religious center). Jun 1991-Jan 1993 Sep 1989-May 1991 Jun 1987-Aug 1989 RELATED EXPERIENCE ORGANIZATIONS HATCHER, ZEIGLER, GUNN & ASSOCIATES - South Miami, FL. Project Architect, design development and construction documents. Major Projects: Amelia Earhart Elementary / Hialeah Middle School, Hialeah, FL (addition and renovations); Opa-Locka Elementary, Opa-Locka, FL (addition and renovations); Rainbow Park Elementary, Miami, FL (addition and renovations). dB ASSOCIATES - Charlottesville, VA. Intern Architect FRASUER KNIGHT ASSOCIATES - Miami, FL . Intern Architect Board - Florida Board of Architecture & Interior Design - 2006 - 2007 Board - Dade Heritage Trust - 2006 - present AIA National, Long Range Advisory Planning Group, 2005-2007 AIA Florida 2005 - Anthony J Pullara Individual Award Nominating Committee - 2006-2007 Board of Directors, Miami Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 2001-2005 President - AIA Miami 2004 Secretary / Treasurer - AIA Miami 2002 Chair AIA Miami- Architecture Week, 2000 - 2002 AIA Miami 2010 Convention - Steering Committee 2006-2010 AIA Miami 2001 - Public Service Award Board - City of Miami Historic Preservation and Environmental Board, 1997 - present Board of Directors, Miami Design Preservation League, 1995 - 2006 Secretary - MDPL 2001-2004 Volunteer Tour Guide, Miami Design Preservation League, Jan. 1992 - 2004 Finalist - March of Dimes Building Our Communities Award, 2002 & 2003 American Institute of Architects 1988-90; 1997 - present Miami Design Preservation League 1991- present National Trust for Historic Preservation 1989 - present %S6=Z1 S©e : a6 Pd ;Idd-lD AlI3 : 0I 609TSL2S02 :wOJd Wd8b:b8 8©Ll2-22-83d APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Jorge FIRST NAME Zarrtanilto 16201 SW 67 Court, Village or Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 LAST NAMES) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Curator OCCUPATION Fllstarfal Mu5eurx1 of Southern Florida BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 395 301-5685 izamanIllo@hrn5f.org E-MAIL ADDRESS 305-375-1613 TELEPHONE (HOME) -BELO PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY0E TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) j TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION LARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: • Nominees for the profess/one positions who meet the demonstra red knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen. Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check 'alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING 1C DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING L., DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINES`.; AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN TFIE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OIZ CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, ALTERNATE MEMBERS WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES Sd Wd2S :170 8wc Z8 'cPd 609TSZ2S02: 'ON XtU Woad %S6=z1 1700:a6d ;IH313 AlID:CI 6091 a2SO2 : W o J d WdSb:bj 8O02-2_0-8d REQUIRED ATTACHMENT* EfRE.S;JMe WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. oP1ruoNAL. ATTACHMENTS LISTOF ANYPUBLISHEb WORK URC PFIQJECIS RELATEDTO HISTORK PRESERVATION ANI5/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. {IF NOT INCLUDED RV RESUME/CV) ❑ NO MORE THAN TWO IZ) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETEFORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WI`fH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: Cfl'( CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 A PAMELA BURNS PiInt Form I Planning/HP/MEP 8vnrd Application 01/2OQ8 bd WdbS:VO 800E Z0 'qad 609TSZ2S02: 'ON Xdd dSWH: WOdd %S6=?J S00:d6d )1dflD lID : QI 509TSZSSaS : LUO Jd Wd8b : b0 8002-0-89d JORGE Z..AMANIL.LO home (786) 573-0455 16201 SW 87 Court office (305) 375.1613 Miami, 11. 33157 Board Member of the City of Miami Historical and Environmental Preservation Board from May 2000-October 2003. -1:7:xperience includes reviewing applications for major use spacial permits fc,r archaeological projects within the City of Miami including the One Miami development. Professional Experience Historical %Luse= of Southern -Florida November 2000-present Curator of Object Collections: Responsible for the acquisition, care and handling of all 3-dimensional objects, along with exhibition responsibilities with other curators. Involved in design, research, and construction of exhibits. Responsible for archaeological collections. acbaeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc, February 1988-October 2000 Archaeologist: Field director in charge: of archaeological excavations, surveys, mapping, photography, and supervision of field crew , Projects included: Excavations and research at the Miami Circle site in downtown Miami and over 30 archaeological surveys within the City of Miami Researcher/Whiter: Responsible for researching and documenting information concerning archaeological sites and Florida history,, and writing and editing reports, grants, and proposals. Project Manager: lti charge of directing projects from inception to completion. Tasks included directing staff, coordinating and attending relevant project meetings and review of all projects for sufficiency and compliance. Education 1?ionida State University,'1'allahassee, Fl. BA Anthropology/minor in History, 1991 1'vliaini-Dade Community College, Miami, El. AA General Studies/Music, 1989 Miami Senior High School, Miami, Fl, High School Diploma, 1987 Foreigner languages: Fluent in Spanish Affiliations: Florida Anthropological Society, Archaeological Society of Southern Florida, American Anthropological Association Sd Wdt7S:VO 800E LO 'anal 609ZSL2S02: 'ON XUJd dSWH: WOJd %S6=6 200:.96 d `,�JG1D ,11Ii:OI 609ISL2SOE :WOJd Wd8t7:170 80 a-LO-edd February 6, 2008 City Clerk's Office City of Miami, City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Re; Historic and Env ;rnrnental Preservation Board To whom it may con c ern: Eire lased is my application form and resume for your consideration in the appointment of a board member for the City of Miami's Historic and Environmental Preservation Board, l formerly served on the board from 2000-2003 and would like to be considered for reappointment, thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 1 e---) ,a Jorge Zamanil to Ed Wd2S:t%L 800E LO 'cPd 609TSL2S02: '0N X)i. dSWH: NOdd