Revised Date: February 28, 2008
December 21, 200 i
Several strips of land 12 feet in with lying in a portion of NE ''A of Section 32 Township
53 South Range 41 West, a 6.0 feet each side of as measured at right angles to and
parallel with the following described centerline:
Commence at Southeast corner of NE ''/ of Section 32-53-41 the same being the
intersection of centerline of Douglas Road (NW 37u` Avenue) and NW 1e Street
according to the plat "AMENDED PLAT OF PLAT OF PORTIONS OF NW 37u' AVE,
NW 38't' AVE, NW 11's ST, NW 14th ST, NW 17'1' ST, NW 20`h ST, NW 21' ST, and
NW 26'h ST" as recorded in Plat Book 28 at Page 26 of the Public Records of Miami
Dade Ctnunty, Florida, thence South 88°09'52" West, along the South Line of NE'/. of
Section 32-5-41, tor a distance of 679.25 feet to a point; thence run North 01'54'21"
West for a distance of 45.00 feet to a point of intersection with the North Right of Way
Line of NW 14'h Street; thence continue North 01°54'21" West for a distance of 388.53
feet to a point; thence run North 88°05'38" East for a distance of 56.67 feet to a Point of
Beginning of the centerline of a 12 foot easement; thence run North 01 °54'21 " West for a
distance of 8.19 feet to a Point "A"; thence continue North 01 °54'21" West for a distance
of 21.20 feet to a Point of Termination; AND
Begin at aforementioned Point "A", the point of the Beginning of the centerline of a 12
foot easement hereinafter described; thence run South 88°37'38" West for a distance of
2.37 feet to a point; thence run North 01°15'22" West for a distance of 21.18 feet to a
Point of Termination.
The easement Right of Way lines of each side of said centerline are to be extended or
shortened as necessary to maintain a continuous 12 foot easement along the routes
The intent of the centerline of the easement described above is approximately coincident
with the layout based on set of Plans prepared by C3TS for Grapeland Park dated on May
25, 2006, supported by the field location of visible utility appurtenances prepared by
E.R. Brownell & Associates, Inc DW-2006-217 .
E.R. Brownell & Associates, Inc.
This Description and the accompanying Sketch are not valid without the signature and raised sal ors Florida Licensed Surveyor and
Mappa. This Description end the accompanying Sketch are not valid one without the other.