HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Legal DescriptionSKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION WATER EASEMENT -PHASE II u a a1 CD ru cri E v d a, L 0i 0 4 V- LO 4 L 0 0 ✓ a 0 1 \Proj\56424 N.W. 1 7th STREET NO1'54'21"W 388.53' O N88'05'38"E 398.67' N PT 'C" N88'05'38"E 1,- w Z 0 cn P08 •- ��P00 POT s OD \-PDT 0 0 0 v `- 0 ABBREVIATIONS: S88'09'52'W 679.25' NW 1 4th ST. 153 152 W 150 -� Z 127 —i 1zb 125 —! Q • 12a 16th TERR r ll r_.111222023 JI 12 — 1_97 i 96 4r N L 94 � — —N.W. 16th ST. r 93II _I 91 90 67 66 65 7.'.` L C4 — — N.W. 1 5th ST. 63 � -- Is1 60 37 L 34 1 N. W. 1 4th TERR- 33 .:[ 30 _ • rj4 _I",: 3 P0C Southeast Corner NE 1/4 Sec 32-53-41 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR JTEM\1 ON . POO Point of Comencement POB Point of Beginning POT Point of Termination PT Point NOTES: Revised Date: 03/12/08 Bearings are based an assumed meridian whereby the DW-2006-217 centerline of NW 14th Street bears South 89°09'52" West. THIS 1S NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY Prepared ByAfr/2-)Pler/'c�t GRAPELAND PARK Draw By: ALR Cate: 1 1 /02/07 E.R. BROWNELL & ASSOC., INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 3152 Cora& Way Miami, Florida, 33145 305.446.3511 305.444.2034 Job #: 56424 Scale: 1 "=200' Sketch No.: SM-2127E 1.� EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION PHASE II EXHIBIT "A" Revised Date: March 12, 2008 May 2, 2007 Several strips of land 12 feet in with lying in a portion of NE % of Section 32 Township 53 South Range 41 West, a 6.0 feet each side of as measured at right angles to and parallel with the following described centerline: Commence at Southeast comer of NE ''A of Section 32-53-41 the same being the intersection of centerline of Douglas Road (NW 37th Avenue) and NW 14th Street according to the plat "AMENDED PLAT OF PLAT OF PORTIONS OF NW 37th AVE, NW 38th AVE, NW 11th ST, NW 14th ST, NW 17th ST, NW 20th ST, NW 21st ST, and NW 26th ST" as recorded in Plat Book 28 at Page 26 of the Public Records of Miami Dade County, Horida, thence South 88°09'52" West, along the South Line of NE %4 of Section 32-53-41, for a distance of 679.25 feet to a point; thence run North 01°54'21" West for a distance of 45.00 feet to a point of intersection wit!. 1,te North Right of Way Line of NW 14th Street; thence continue North 01°54'21" West tor a distance of 388.53 feet to a point; thence run North 88°05'38" East for a distance of 398.67 feet to a Point "C'"; thence continue North 88°05'38" East for a distance of 173.31 feet to point; thence run South 01 °54' 18" East for a distance of 6.00 feet to a Point of Beginning of the centerline of a 12 foot easement; thence continue South 01°54' 18" East for a distance of 28.69 feet to a Point of Termination; AND Begin at aforementioned Point "C"; thence run South 01°54'21" East for a distance of 6.00 feet to a Point of Beginning of the centerline 12 foot easement; thence )ntinue South 01'54'21" East for a distance of 36.11 feet tt .. oint of Termination. The easement Right of Way lines of each side of said centerline are to be extended or shortened as necessary to maintain a continuous 12 foot easement along the routes described. The intent of the centerline of the easement described above is approximately coincident with the layout based on set of Plans prepared by C3TS for Grapeland Park dated on May 25, 2006, supported by the field location of visible utility appurtenances prepared by E.R. Brownell & Associates, Inc DW-2006-2 ] 7 . E.R. Brownell & Associates, Inc. Thu Description and the accompanying Sketch are not valid without the signature and raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper This Description and the accompanying Sketch arc not valid one ssathout the other