TO :
Pedro G. Hernandez
City Manager
Ana M. Gelabert-Sanchez, Director
Planning Director
February 13, 2008
Emergency Finding for
Virginia Key Master
Plan Additional Services
This memorandum seeks your approval and adoption of the below described Emergency
Finding justifying the waiver of competitive procurement procedures and the selection of
the consultant identified herein to provide the requested additional planning services and
viability study for the Virginia Key Master Plan.
• The City Commission by Resolution No. 05-0038, adopted on January 13, 2005,
accepted the recommendations of the City Manager regarding RFQ No. 03-04-
028 offering the top three ranked firms, which included Edward D. Stone, Jr. and
Associates, Inc. d/b/a EDSA, to present proposal and authorized the City Manager
to negotiate a PSA with one of the three ranked firms.
• Resolution No. 05-0373 adopted on June 9, 2005, pledged that the Virginia Key
Master Plan will be completed in a timely manner and maintained at a high level
to meet the demands of growing urban areas and will be ongoing to keep pace
with grown and related issues by a regional approach.
• Resolution No. 05-0606, adopted on November 3, 2005, recognized that the scope
of services for a concise and comprehensive Plan will include a significant
amount of field work and public outreach in order to assess the physical condition
of existing facilities and to identify the programmatic needs of constituents and
visitors and authorized the City Manager to negotiate a Professional Services
Agreement with EDSA, in an amount not to exceed $775,000.00.
• Additional Services have been requested to include the preparation for additional
public meetings, planning and design services for the overall Virginia Key Master
• Additional Services have also been requested for planning services and a viability
study for the Virginia Key Beach Park land and proposed Museum. The scope of
services include developing up to three preliminary land use alternatives with the
goal of increasing the economic viability of the proposed Museum and a Funding
Feasibility Assessment to be provided in a Final Report and Presentation.
February 13, 2008
Pedro Hernandez, City Manager
Emergency Finding for Virginia Key Master Plan
Additional Services
Page 2
1. The Department and City Administration has determined that the most
expeditious method of providing the requested additional services is to engage the
existing Provider EDSA, in an effort to effectively incorporate the proposed
additional work products and findings into the overall Virginia Key Master Plan
Final Report.
The ab • f ings and recommendations are approved and adopted as those of the City
Manag, h'ef Administrative Officer of the City of Miami.
Pedro G. Hem • City Manager Date
Cc: Glenn Marcos, Director, Purchasing Department
Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney
Bill Anido, Assistant City Manager
Carmen Sanchez, Assistant Director, Planning Department
Enrique Nunez, Chief of Urban Design, Planning Department
Virginia Key Master Plan
Due to recent changes in direction from the City of Miami to integrate increased public
participation the planning process will be expanded to include up to two (2) more
meetings/presentations, pre -meetings with staff and government officials as well as
extended planning and design services. More specifically, the proposed scope of services
for additional services will involve the following:
Task 1: Preparation for Additional Meetings
o Compile and summarize Public Feedback gathered through the Project Website
and other sources (i.e. e-mails, faxes, letters, etc)
o Manage and produce any presentation materials (i.e. Image Boards, Power Point,
o Manage discussion of the additional meetings/presentations, including the
meeting agenda/format and coordinate any additional conference calls
o Coordinate and attend up to four (4) additional pre-meetings/briefings with the
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Key Biscayne, and other staff, prior to the
last public meeting and the meetings/presentations of the Final Master Plan to the
Planning Advisory Board and City Commission. Please note that EDSA will rely
upon City of Miami staff to schedule the meetings and to coordinate meeting
outreach and venue.
o Coordinate and facilitate presentation of project updates and schedule
o Coordinate with team members attendance and preparation for each additional
Update the Virginia Key Website with meeting announcements and other pertinent
Task 2: Additional Meetings
o Coordinate with the City of Miami and the Project Team to attend and facilitate
up to two (2) additional meetings/presentations. These meetings will be to the
Planning Advisory Board and the City Commission. Please note, we have
included the following consultants for the additional meetings, EDSA (2 staff
members), ERA (one staff member), BRV (one staff member) and ATM (one
staff member).
Task 3: Additional Planning and Design
o Refine Image Boards and Conceptual Land Use Plan per the extended public
feedback process
o Identify and refine project Preliminary Master Plan Alternatives/Concepts
o Produce any additional supporting diagrams and graphics demonstrating the
alternatives, process, land use, etc.
o Coordinate and schedule up to six (6) additional internal design reviews/web-ex
meetings, and reviews with City Staff
o Coordinate and manage planning effort and project team
The City of Miami entered into a Professional Services Agreement with EDSA for
services to develop a master plan for Virginia Key pursuant to resolution 05-0606 on
January 13, 2005 for an amount not to exceed $775,000. The proposed First Amendment
for additional services increase the authorized amount by $145,000 to an amount not to
exceed $920,000. See attached Scope of Services for additional detail.
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
Specific Area Plan
We understand that the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust would like to examine planning
alternatives to develop a "critical mass" of potential park development to increase the
viability of success for the proposed Museum in the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
lands. Working in conjunction with ERA, EDSA will examine and develop up to three
(3) preliminary land use alternatives for areas associated with the Virginia Key Beach
Park Trust (as indicated in Exhibit A) which will then be refined to one (1) Final Master
Plan Concept. More specifically EDSA will:
• Coordinate with the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust (including City Planning and
Parks and Recreation staff) on potential program ideas and concepts. (Initial
meeting (1) to coordinate EDSA / ERA in Miami)
• Coordinate with ERA on the economic viability of the proposed Museum
(Internal EDSA / ERA)
• Develop up to three (3) preliminary land use alternatives with the goal of
increasing the economic viability of the proposed Museum. Preliminary design
review meeting with City Staff prior to presentation to VKBPT (City / EDSA /
ERA) ERA can be conferenced in. (1) meeting.)
• Facilitate and attend a design review meeting with Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
(including City Planning and Parks and Recreation staff) on the proposed
preliminary land use alternatives (meeting (1) EDSA / ERA in Miami)
• Refine the three (3) preliminary concepts into one (1) Final Master Plan Concept
for the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust lands (as indicated in the attached Exhibit
A) and incorporate into the Virginia Key Final Master Plan (Internal EDSA /
ERA) (Please note, the timing associated with the incorporation into the Final
Master Plan will for scheduling reasons happen independently of the Virginia
Key Master Planning Process)
• Facilitate and attend a design review meeting with Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
(including City Planning and Parks and Recreation staff), to present the refined
Master Plan alternative (meeting (1) EDSA in Miami, ERA can be conferenced
• Presentation of Refined Master Plan alternative to Planning Advisory Board and
Miami City Commission (2 meetings in Miami)
Final Master Plan Concept to be incorporated into the Virginia Key Final Master
Please note that the project includes the facilitation and coordination of meetings with
the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust staff, Parks and Recreation Staff and City
Planning staff of up to six (6) meetings as described above. Additionally, please note,
the above Scope of Services does not propose a complete re-examination or Master
Planning process of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Master Plan, merely an
examination of a portion of the previously prepared plan that currently indicates an
open field area. Please see Exhibit A that indicates the area of study.
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Museum
Viability Study
Project Understanding & Scope of Services
Economics Research Associates understands that the City of Miami, Florida wishes to establish a
unique museum experience that inform and enlighten the public on African American culture and
history in the United States as part of the development of Virginia Key in Biscayne Bay. Due to
the quality and level of experience envisioned for this cultural attraction it is unlikely that all of
the operating costs of this destination attraction would be covered by earned revenues generated
by the potential visitor market size available to this museum. Therefore, the City of Miami
wishes to understand what level of funding would be required to sustain the gap in operating
expense requirements for the museum and to identify where and how these funds could be
generated from other activities recommended for Virginia Key by Economics Research
Associates in there prior "best and highest" use assessment.
To achieve this gap funding analysis, ERA would recommend creating a benchmark model for a
potential museum concept including potential visitation, space and staffing requirements and
sources and amounts of potential earned revenue. From this benchmarking concept ERA would
develop a pro forma operating budget for the museum concept, project the potential gap in
operating funds and match these funding needs to potential revenue levels provided by the
alternative recreational uses identified for Virginia Key in ERA's prior study.
To address these study needs, ERA has developed the following proposed scope of services.
Task 1. Orientation
At the beginning of the project, ERA will meet with the client to discuss the study objectives,
review the scope of work and schedule, identify key contacts, identify client responsibilities for
the provision of data, and to discuss other aspects of the project that will help guide the consultant
team to complete a thorough analysis.
At that time, ERA will also review all past assessments, petitions and efforts (as available) for the
development of a museum or cultural attraction within the City of Miami and Dade County. ERA
will document the past studies chronologically and match the assessments to concurrent
population and cultural conditions that existed at the time of the studies. We will then identify
factors for consideration that would impact or direct the development of an African American
experience museum on Virginia key based on the current market conditions.
Task 2. Analysis of Local Museum Experiences
ERA will assess and document all selected relevant museum destinations within the City of
Miami and Dade County to gain an understanding of the market demand and performance of
these cultural destinations. Data point will include the type of museum experience, the level of
attendance, earned revenue, staffing, operating budgets and facility size. This information will
provide the basis for determining potential demand available in the Miami and Dade County
market for a new museum on Virginia Key.
Task 3. Comparable African American Focused Museums Assessment
ERA, in consultation with the client, will identify up to five (5) comparable African American
Museums experiences currently operating in the United States. As possible, ERA will identify
museums in communities with similar populations sizes, demographics profiles and cultural
requirements and offerings. We will interview these institutions and their managing authorities to
gain insight into their: sources of operating funds; facility and venues size, market strengths and
weaknesses staffing and operating costs, to contribute to the establishment of a benchmark
museum concept to use in the assessment of a museum to be offered on Virginia Key, Florida.
ERA will identify conditions and situations among the surveyed museums that are similar or
different to the conditions that will affect Virginia Keys potential museum concept.
Task 4. Creation of Museum Benchmark Model for Virginia Key
Based on the findings from Tasks 2 and 3, ERA will compile this research to create a
benchmark museum concept including venue size and potential attendance that, in turn,
will be used to create a hypothetical pro forma operating budget. The pro forma budget
model for the Virginia Key museum concept will reflect stabilized operating conditions
for the concept museum including:
• Estimated annual revenues to be generated from earned revenue sources. This will
include ticket revenues, and depending upon the program recommendations, also may
include food service, memberships, and event space rentals; museum store; special
exhibits and "second gate" visitor experiences.
• Annual costs necessary to operate and market the center.
• Total estimated annual operating gap funds required from public and/or private sources.
The funding gap (or surplus) identified will provide the basis for assessing the viability of other
revenue generating activities identified for Virginia Key to assist the sustainability of the museum
Task 5. Museum Funding Feasibility Assessment
Utilizing the pro forma operating budget created in Task 4, ERA will review the
alternative "best and highest" use alternatives recommended by ERA in its prior Virginia
Key assessment report to identify those revenues activities which:
1. Can sustain their own operations and maintenance of facilities; and if possible;
2. Can completely or partially contribute to the annual operating shortfall identified for the
Virginia Key museum concept
Should none of the alternatives completely cover the operating funds gap for the Virginia
Key museum concept, then ERA will quantify the remaining annual funding gap and what it
would require to cover through public or private funding including an endowment alternative
based on current market rates of return.
Task 6. Final Report and Presentation (Deliverables)
ERA will compile the findings and analyses from the prior tasks and provide the client with a
written report that will summarize findings, recommendations, and budget requirements in a draft
written report for review by the client. The report will include all back up analysis and the best
practices identified for the Virginia Key museum concept based on the comparables assessment.
Upon receipt of a consolidated set of comments on the draft report, ERA will make any necessary
revisions and submit one digital and ten hard bound copies of the final report.
ERA will also present a summary of its findings and answer questions in Miami to city officials
and other interested parties designated by the city at a time and place designated by City.
Schedule and Staffing
During the course of the work, ERA would expect to meet with the client as described above.
Meetings in Miami will include ERA Project Manager and Sandy Bellamy, Principal,
International Heritage Resources: at the beginning of the project, at Preliminary Design
Alternatives presentation and for a presentation of the Final Report to PAB and Miami City
Commission, for a total of 4 meetings in Miami. As described in the EDSA scope, ERA will
participate in phone conferences during: Preliminary design review meeting and presentation of
the refined Master Plan alternative. ERA will coordinate with EDSA as needed to accomplish
project goals.
Any additional meetings requested by the client would be billed on a time and materials basis at
standard hourly rates based on approval of a "Work Authorization Letter" by the City.
Based on the anticipated detail and analysis involved with this study, ERA would expect this
project to take 90 days from acceptance of the proposal to the delivery of a draft report for review
and comment by the City of Miami.
Invoices will be processed monthly based on percentage of completion of specific tasks identified
in the aforementioned Scopes of Services.
Additional Services First Amendment
Virginia Key Master Plan
Task 1. Preparation for Additional Meetings 20% $ 36,000.00
Task 2. Additional Meetings 10% $ 18,000.00
Task 3. Additional Planning and Design 20% $ 36,000.00
Sub Total 50% $ 90,000.00
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
Specific Area Plan
Planning Services
Viability Study
Sub Total
Total First Amendment
$ 45,000.00
$ 45,000.00
$ 90,000.00
$ 180,000.00
Authorized and available under Original Contract
Available From Planning FY'08
Additional Scope of Services
Original Authorized Amount
Proposed Authorization for First Amendment, including
$130,612.00 and a contingency of $14,388.00 for a total
(Authorization amount being sought.)
Proposed New Authorized Amount not to exceed
$ 49,388.00
$ 130,612.00
$ 180,000.00
$ 775,000.00
$ 145,000.00
$ 920,000.00