HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum1ADDENDUM NO. 1
VIA: Electronic Notification
RFQ #03-04-028 July 6, 2004
Please refer to the attachment for the Questions from prospective Proposers and the City's
Answers to those Questions received before the stipulated due date.
Master Plan Virginia Key RFQ #03-04-028
RFQ #03-04-028
Please be advised the following general questions were received pursuant to the Mandatory Pre -
Proposal meeting conducted on June 25, 2004 and those received before the deadline for receipt
of all questions.
Q1: 1 would like to know if the City has a web -site showing the companies that have the
Commodity Code mentioned in the RFQ?
Al: Please be advised the use of a number of commodity codes was an attempt by the City to
notify as many firms as possible via the commodity code vehicle. However, there is no
mandate by the City to use City -registered firms, or only firms who have utilized these
commodity codes for the provision of services.
Q2: We plan to submit as a prime proposer, however, can you confirm for me whether
or not our consultants are also required to fill out the Respondent Forms in Section
7? Also, are the sub -consultants required to submit a 254 or just a 255 form? The
last paragraph of page 32 states: "Proposer must clearly reflect in its Proposal any
Sub -Consultants proposed to be utilized, and provide for the Sub -Consultant the
same information required of the Consultant." Please clarify — does this include
M/WBE certification, occupational license requirement, and forms such as the local
office location affidavit?
A2: Forms 254 and 255 are to be completed by both the primary Proposer and all sub -
consultants. As to Respondent Forms listed in Section 7, they should be completed only
by the actual "Proposer," which is the primary Proposer. Occupational licenses, if
applicable and available, should also be provided along with any other pertinent
Q3: Will you make available copies of the Sign -In Sheets of the Mandatory Pre -Proposal
A3: Yes. The Sign -In Sheets for those who attended the Mandatory Pre -Proposal Conference
held June 25, 2004 are attached as part of this Addendum.
Q4: Did the "prime" consultant who will lead the team have to attend the pre -proposal
meeting if one of the Prime's key consultants / team members did attend the
meeting? Or did the Prime consultant necessarily have to attend the pre -proposal
meeting in order to be considered for this project?
A4: The prime consultant (Proposer) must have attended the Mandatory Pre -Proposal
Addendum Master Plan Virginia Key RFQ #03-04-028
Q5: The instructions state that the RFQ submittal should include resumes of team
members and examples of previous related experience, and also Forms 254 and 255.
Resumes and project examples are part of the SF 255, so I was uncertain as to how
you would prefer these be included: as a separate section or as part of the SF 255.
Could you perhaps provide me with a sample "Table of Contents" showing how you
would like the submittal organized?
A5: Yes. The RFQ is seeking qualhncatic___ experience of the Proposer, each of the Project
Team members, and the Project Manager. i tie °'-•'-1ation may be similar or it may be
different, depending upon the project and the composition ,,`!!tat project's team per past
project(s). Proposers should not only complete the Forms, but ais '.tress its related
experience, and all other requested information, within the body of the Proposal specific to
that which is being asked.
Q6: What is the anticipated budget for this master planning exercise? Is there an
environmental research component that should be included, as there are
considerable environmental issues to be evaluated, including sewage, landfill, etc.?
What percentage should be allotted for their work in the budget.
A6: There is no anticipated overall budget, as fees will be negotiated with the highest ranking
Team. In its Proposal, however, each Proposer must consider these environmental and all
other components when establishing a Project Team as the Successful Proposer must look
at the affected area as a whole and deal with all related issues.
Q7: The RFQ does not specifically state what categories of sub -consultants are needed
other than what can be derived from the Scope of Services. What sub -consultants
are required?
A7: It will be the prime consultant's responsibility to select and assemble the Project Team of
consultants as necessary pursuant to the scope of services.
Q8: If the Proposer's lead firm is not an M/WBE, is there a threshold of M/WBE
participation by an eligible sub -consultant that will permit the Proposer to earn the
2.5 points available for satisfying the " M/WBE " clause?
A8: No. For Proposers seeking M/WBE consideration in the evaluation process, the Prime
Consultant (Proposer) must be certified and submit proof of certification by the City of
Miami, State of Florida, Miami -Dade County School Board or Miami -Dade County as an
M/WBE with the Proposal submission.
Q9: If the Proposer's lead firm is not local, is there a threshold of local participation by
an eligible sub -consultant that will permit the Proposer to earn the 2.5 points
available for satisfying the "local preference" clause?
A9: No. For Proposers seeking local consideration in the evaluation process, the Prime
Consultant (Proposer) must maintain a business location within the corporate limits of
Addendum Master Plan Virginia Key RFQ #03-04-028
the City of Miami and shall submit as proof a City of Miami Occupational License and the
Local Office Location Affidavit Form 7.4.
Q10: I am writing to find out whether the report published at this website:
http://www.sgh.cornitechnicalpapers/tnmari.htm is the same which was mentioned
during the pre -proposal conference on Friday, June 25, regarding the Miami
Marine Stadium.
A10: Yes.
Q11: In the Contents of the Qualification Statement, Previous Similar Projects, we are
instructed to supply at least one sample Master Plan previously completed by the
Proposer. As they are sometimes large and cumbersome, can we submit these on
CD? Or, can we submit one hard copy with the original response and CD's
containing the appropriate file(s) with the copies?
All: Yes. The City would request that at least one Sample Master Plan be provided in hard
copy format with the original Response, with CDs submitted with each of the copies.
Q12: The City's RFQ requests at least one (1) Sample Master Plan previously completed
by the Proposer which is similar in scope. Please clarify more specifically what is
envisioned by this request? Is it the City's expectation to receive a complete copy of
a similar Master Plan prepared for another client? There may be legal implications
related to this request in that Master Plan information is often very confidential in
nature. Both public and private clients alike may not want the master plans that
they paid for to be made public without their expressed written permission.
Obtaining written permission from such clients may not be feasible in the time
available. "If" such copies of similar master plans can be provided, can we assume
that they will not be copied and immediately returned to us after the initial review
of the submittals to the City?
Al2: The City, via the submission of a sample Master Plan, is seeking to determine whether a
Proposer has not only completed a Master Plan, but determine the type, scope and
composition of same. All information submitted to the City with a Response is public
Q13: The City's RFQ states that the Table of Contents should outline in sequential order
the major areas of the submittal, including enclosures. All pages should be
"consecutively numbered" and correspond to the Table of Contents. As part of this
submittal, the City has requested several governmental forms such as the SF 254/255
forms which vary significantly in length among firms. Numerically indexing forms
such as the SF 254/255 is extremely cumbersome. Would it be possible for you to
amend the requirement for consecutive numbering all pages and limit it to "text
pages only" thereby eliminating the need to manually number governmental forrns
required for this submittal?
Addendum Master Plan Virginia Key RFQ #03-04-028
A13: That will be ok, so long as the Response adheres to the overall general format for
Q14: The consulting needs for this project apparently should involve certain specialists in
areas such as Economics, Historical Research and other areas which are non -typical
to A/E submittals. These types of consultants rarely submit on planning and design
related projects and therefore do not maintain governmental forms such as the SF
254 and SF 255. If these specialized consultants do not have 254/255 forms, would it
be sufficient for them to submit a Firm Profile / Description of Services, an
indication of their Relevant Experience and the requisite Resumes related to this
A14: Yes. Proposers should provide with its Response as much detail as possible as to the
qualifications and experience of its specialized consultants, should they not have 254/255
Q15: Can you provide us with a better map of the area to be considered under the
requirements of the Master Plan?
A15: Yes. Another map of Virginia Key is included with this Addendum.
Q16: What does the City plan to do with its landfill?
A16: The City hopes to clean up the landfill with help from Mami Dade County. Monies are in
the process of being identified to move this process forward. The master plan will not
address the clean up of the site, but will address possible uses after the site is cleaned up.
Q17: What is the status and future of the sewage treatment plant?
A17: Last year, the City was advised by the Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department that
they anticipate it to have a fifty (50) year lifespan.
Q18: What is the City's long-term plan after the presentation of the Master Plan? Will
there be development, and what are the long term goals?
A18. There may be recommendations for zoning changes, and there may be recommendations
to issue RFP's for some areas, while some areas may be addressed sooner than others,
including the Marine Stadium.
Q19: Is there a moratorium on land use, zoning or development until a Master Plan is
A19: The Master Plan will serve as a guiding tool for potential future development.
Q20: Is there a Master Plan already in place for the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust?
What specific area does that Master Plan cover?
Addendum Master Plan Virginia Key RFQ #03-04-028
A20: The Trust covers 82.5 acres on the south end of Virginia Key and is under construction by
the Trust (near the historic Beach area). The Master Plan authorized by the Trust will be
provided to the Successful Proposer.
Q21: Wasn't there a Study conducted by the Urban Land Institute regarding Marine
Stadium approximately 3-4 years ago. If so, can you provide us with that Study?
Our understanding is that it discussed deed restrictions and contained
A21: We are unable to provide you with the Study at this time.
Q22: What is the Project Schedule, or the Schedule desired by the City from contract
execution until completion and presentation of the Master Plan by the Successful
A22: It is anticipated the Master Plan should be completed and presented to the City in a period
not to exceed approximately 15 months.
Q23: As an Evaluation Committee will be created, who will be represented on that
Committee? This information is helpful in the preparation of a Proposal so as to
determine the background of the individuals who will review same.
A23: At this time, and tentative only, it is anticipated the Committee will be comprised of
representatives from the Village of Key Biscayne, Miami Dade County, NOAA, Virginia
Key Park Trust, and various City representatives. This composition is subject to change by
the City at any time.
Q24: Should the Master Plan include the sewage treatment plant and recommend
improvements to the sewage treatment plant?
A24: Yes. The Master Plan should study and recommend solutions regarding odor control and
visual blight.
Q25: Is the Study of the structural condition of Marine Stadium available?
A25: Yes. See attached inspection report by Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. dated December
2, 2002.
Q26: Is there a requirement for the prime to be qualified in any specialty area or.
discipline? What about the Subs or Project Manager?
A26: Per Section 3.12 Minimum Qualification Requirements, please see all requirements.
Specifically, the Proposer must be an established firm for a minimum of two (2) years from
submission date; and, the individual proposed as the Project Manager must have a
minimum of five (5) years experience in architectural, urban design, engineering and/or
landscape architectural services, and have served as project manager/construction manager
on similar projects on a minimum of three (3) previous occasions.
Addendum Master Plan Virginia Key RFQ #03-04-028
Q27: Are there any existing leases for the tenants on the area to be covered on Virginia
Key under a Master Plan? A listing of current leases and terms for each lease and
renewal terms would be very beneficial.
A27: See attached spreadsheet on existing leases.
Q28: Should a Proposer include an economic component within its Proposal to address
the requirements of the RFQ?
A28: Proposers should include any and all components to best address the components and
challenges of the Master Plan for Virginia Key.
A29: Will you make available the study regarding the environment and endangered land
and islands?
A29: No. Should this information become available, it will be provided to the Successful
Q30: Regarding Form 7.1 - RFQ Information Form - In addition to our firm as prime
proposer, should this form also be completed by all subconsultant team members?
A30: No. The primary Proposer should complete this form.
Q31: Regarding Form 7.2 - Certificate of Authority - In addition to our firm as prime
proposer, should this form also be completed by all subconsultant team members?
A31: No. The primary Proposer should complete this form.
Q32: Regarding Form 7.3 - Indemnification and Insurance: In addition to our firm as
prime proposer, should this form also be completed by all subconsultant team
A32: No. The primary Proposer should complete this form.
Q33: Regarding Form 7.4 - Local Office Location Affidavit: This form is not applicable
to us as prime because we are not located in corporate limits of City of Miami, but if
any of our subconsultant team members are located within City of Miami corporate
limits, should we have said firms complete this form?
A33: No. Please refer to Q9.
Q34: Regarding Form 7.5 - Debarment and Suspension - In addition to our firm as prime
proposer, should this form also be completed by all subconsultant team members?
A34: No. The primary Proposer should complete this form.
Addendum Master Plan Virginia Key RFQ #03-04-028
Q35: Regarding Form 7.6 - Statement of Compliance with Ordinance No. 10032 - In
addition to our firm as prime, should this form also be completed by all
subconsultant team members?
A35: No. The primary Proposer should complete this form.
Q36: Are the above -referenced forms available in electronic format (such as Word or
Excel)? If so could you please send them to us via e-mail?
A36: We will include as separate link in Word format.