HomeMy WebLinkAboutcertification officialCITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM : iettat Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: February 12, 2008 FILE : Certification of the "Official" Results of the Jan 29, 2008 Special Municipal Election Enclosed please find the certification and declaration of the official results of the city of Miami January 29, 2008 special municipal election for the charter amendment question to establish in the Miami Charter, a Citizens' Bill of Rights. The Charter amendment was approved by the electorate. c : Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney CERTIFICATION AND DECLARATION OF THE OFFICIAL RESULTS ON THE CITY OF MIAMI SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON JANUARY 29, 2008 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE ) CITY OF MIAMI ) I, Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, and as the Canvassing Board for the City of Miami do hereby certify that all necessary legal steps were taken in connection with the conduct of a City of Miami Special Municipal Election held on January 29, 2008, including, though not limited to, the following Logic and Accuracy Tests. I. On Wednesday, January 9, 2008: A. Commencing at approximately 10:00 a.m., the Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections had the tabulating equipment located in the Elections Department at 2700 NW 87th Ave., tested to ascertain that the equipment would correctly tabulate the precinct and absentee ballot votes cast for the City of Miami Charter Amendment ballot question. B. Pursuant to Florida Statutes 101.5612 entitled, "Testing of Tabulation Equipment," the test was conducted by processing a pre -audited group of ballots so produced as to record a predetermined number of valid votes for the question and included one or more ballots which had votes in excess of the number allowed by law in order to test the ability of the automatic tabulation equipment to reject such votes. C. Test results were compared with the predetermined totals for the question (pursuant to requirements established in Section 101.5612, Florida Statutes). The Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections witnessed and observed the performance and results of all required tests and verified the correctness of the program, precinct header cards and test ballots, as well as any replacement of said materials required by and subject to said tests. D. At the completion of the pre -election test of the automatic tabulation equipment, the program disk and test ballots with precinct header cards were placed in the custody of the Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections and 1 authorization was given to the Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections to proceed with the opening of valid absentee ballots the following days. II. On Friday January 25, 2008 through Monday January 28, 2008: A. On Friday, January 25, 2008 the Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections set the time to begin the opening of the valid absentee ballots and the duplication of ballots (as needed) at 7:00 a.m. and commencing at 8 a.m. on Monday, January 28, 2008 and resumed the opening of the absentee ballots. III.On Tuesday, January 29, 2008 (Election Day) A, At approximately 4:00 p.m., the Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections began the pre -count logic and accuracy test of the optical scan system used for paper ballots, located at the Elections Department at 2700 NW 87th Ave., to ascertain that the equipment had not been tampered with, and that it would correctly count the precinct and absentee ballot votes cast for City of Miami's Charter Amendment ballot item. B. At the completion of the precinct and absentee ballot count, the pre -election test of the automatic tabulating equipment was again tested at approximately 7:30 p.m., before the official count of ballots to ascertain that the equipment correctly counted the precinct and absentee votes cast for the City of Miami's Charter Amendment ballot item. C. At the completion of the tabulation of election results, the Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections prepared the unofficial certification of elections tabulation. We received the unofficial results the following day, January 30, 2008. Per Florida Statute 101.048(1) persons casting provisional ballots have the right to present written evidence supporting his or her eligibility to vote to the supervisor of elections by not later than 5 p.m. on the third day following the election, February 1, 2008. We received the certified official tabulation of election results on February 6, 2008, IV. I further certify that all documents concerning the above Logic and Accuracy Tests showed the tabulating equipment to be functioning correctly and that said documents are presently in the possession of the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County, in containers which were sealed under seal number 72532 and signed off by the Supervisor of Elections. V. I further certify and declare that the results of the City of Miami Special Municipal Election which was held on January 29, 2008, are as follows: 2 CITY OF MIAMI SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION RESULTS January 29, 2008 Precincts Counted 127 Registered Voters 149,957 Total Ballots Cast 53,776 Voter Turnout 35.86% CHARTER AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH IN THE MIAMI CHARTER A CITIZENS' BILL OF RIGHTS "Shall the Miami Charter be amended to establish a Citizens' Bi]I of Rights to guarantee rights related to religion and conscience, speech, assembly and press, unreasonable searches and seizures, nondiscrimination, environmental protection, natural resources and scenic beauty and providing for remedies and construction?" YES 36,906 79.69% NO 9,406 20.31% Over Votes 25 Under Votes 7,392 VI. 1 further certify and declare that the "Charter Amendment to Establish in the Miami Charter, a Citizens' Bill of Rights" was approved by the electorate, WITNESS my hand and the official Seal of the City of Miami, Florida, this 11`t' day of February, 2008. Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 lth day of February, 2008, by Priscilla A. Thompson, who is personally known to me and did take an oath. Pamela E. Bufns, Notary Public Pit Notary Public State al Florida Pamela Bums My CQmmissian DD531a398 Expires 04/11/2010 3 2 r LI, 7 ** Official ** CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD STATE OF FLORIDA Miami -Dade County We, the undersigned, County Court Judge SHELLEY J. KRAVITZ, Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners, JOSE "PEPE" DIAZ, Member, and Supervisor of Elections LESTER SOLA, Member, constituting the Board of County Canvassers in and for said County, do hereby certify that we met on the 1st day of February, A.D., 2008, and proceeded to publicly canvass the votes given for the charter amendment question herein specified at the Miami Special Municipal Election held on the 29th day of January, A.D., 2008, as shown by the returns on file in the office of the Supervisor of Elections. We do hereby certify from said returns as follows: Charter Amendment to establish in the Miami Charter a Citizens' Bill of Rights Shall the Miami Charter be amended to establish a Citizens' Bill of Rights to guarantee rights related to religion and conscience, speech, assembly and press, unreasonable searches and seizures, nondiscrimination, environmental protection, natural resources and scenic beauty and providing for remedies and construction? Yes (For the Measure) 36,906 votes No (For the Measure) 9,406 votes ** Official MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD: County Court Judge SHELLEY VITZ Chairperso Co B issioner JOSE "PEPE" D rd of County Commissiope ember sor s ElectL STER SOLA, Member Date Certified: 2/1/ 2008 Run Date:01/31N8 06'0 PH Presidential PreferencePrimary Miami -Dade. Florida January 29.2008 STATISTICS OFFICIAL RESULTS Report EL45A Page 001 TOTAL VOTES % IVOTH8WICS ABSENTEE EARLY VOTING PROVISIONAL P PROVISIONAL l PRECINCTS COUNTED (8F 127) 127 10.00 REGISTERED VOTERS ' TOTAL 149.067 REGISTERED VOTERS REPUBLICAN 91.731 34.50 REGISTERED VOTERS DEMOCRATIC . 64.094 42.74 REGISTERED Y0TFR8 ' NONPARTISAN 34.132 22.70 BALLOTS CAST TOTAL 63.776 35.426 10.613 7.722 is O BALLOTS CAST ' REPUBLICAN 23'052 42.87 14.368 6.816 2.872 O O BALLOTS CAST DEMOCRATIC 23.330 43.38 16.064 3.488 3.781 7 O BALLOTS CAST NONPARTISAN 7.394 13.75 5.014 1.309 1.060 2 U VOTER TURNOUT TOTAL 35.86 VOTER TURNOUT ' REPUBLICAN 44.58 VOTER TURNOUT ' DEMOCRATIC 30.40 VOTER TURNOUT NONPARTISAN 21.66 MIAMI Run Date:01/31/08 06:01 PM Presidential PreferencePrimary Miami -Dade, Florida January 29, 2008 REPUBLICAN OFFICIAL RESULTS Report EL45A Page 002 TOTAL VOTES X IVOTRONICS ABSENTEE EARLY VOTING PROVISIONAL P PROVISIONAL I PRESIDENT (Vote for ) 1 Rudy Giuliani . . . . . . . . 6,348 28.72 2,865 2,515 967 1 0 Mike Huckabee 954 4.32 640 198 116 0 0 Duncan Hunter 60 .27 45 9 6 0 0 Alan Keyes 78 .35 56 12 10 0 0 John McCain 11.196 50.65 7,568 2,380 1,244 4 0 Ron Paul 352 1.59 230 61 60 1 0 Mitt Romney 2,926 13.24 2,135 445 346 0 0 Tom Tancredo 51 .23 37 7 7 0 0 Fred Thompson 138 .62 68 47 23 0 0 Over Votes . . . . . . 43 0 43 0 D 0 Under Votes 906 714 99 93 0 0 to 0 c'- VU.V1 rm DEMOCRATIC Report EL45A Page 003 TOTAL VOTES X IVOTRONICS ABSENTEE EARLY VOTING PROVISIONAL P PROVISIONAL I PRESIDENT (Vote for ) 1 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. 185 .81 127 33 25 0 0 Hillary Clinton 11.800 51.65 7,742 1,899 2,155 4 0 Christopher 3. Dodd 58 .25 35 9 14 0 0 John Edwards 1.153 5.05 682 242 229 0 0 Mike Gravel 51 .22 36 7 8 0 0 Dennis J. Kucinich 80 .35 52 11 17 0 0 Barack Obama 9,370 41.01 6.937 1,173 1,258 2 0 William "Bill" Richardson III. 151 .66 91 38 22 0 0 Over Votes 23 0 23 0 0 0 Under Votes 459 352 53 53 1 0 to 0 t> -a a__ Or Lal u u MIAMI Run Date:01/31/08 06:01 PM Presidential PreferencePrimary Miami -Dade. Florida January 29, 2008 OFFICIAL RESULTS Report EL45A Page 004 TOTAL VOTES X IVOTRONICS ABSENTEE EARLY DOTING PROVISIONAL P PROVISIONAL I PROPERTY TAX (Vote for ) 1 YES/SI/WI 30 34,790 70.65 22,871 6,861 5,049 9 0 NO/NO/NON 31 . . . . . . . 14,454 29,35 10,000 2,107 2,343 4 0 Over Votes 47 0 47 0 0 0 Under Votes 4,485 2.555 1,598 330 2 0 County Question No. 1 (Vote for ) 1 YES/SI/WI 40 . , , . . . . . 33,552 73.99 21,169 7,090 5,289 4 0 NO/NO/NON 41 11,794 26.01 7,829 2,468 1,495 2 0 Over Votes 26 0 26 0 0 0 Under Votes 8,357 6,428 986 938 5 0 County Question No. 2 (Vote for ) 1 YES/SI/WI 43 36,712 77.05 23,251 8.089 5,367 5 0 NO/NO/NON 44 .. . . . . . 10,934 22.95 7,507 1,779 1,646 2 0 Over Votes 33 0 33 0 0 0 Under Votes 6,050 4.668 669 709 4 0 County Question No. 3 (Vote for ) 1 YES/SI/WI 46 32,806 64,39 20,768 7,284 4,748 6 0 NO/NO/NON 47 18,139 35.61 12,596 2,906 2,635 2 0 Over Votes 57 0 57 0 0 0 Under Votes 2,727 2,062 323 339 3 0 :harter Amendment to establish in the Miami Charter a ;,itizens' Bill of Rights CITY:MIAMI ;Vote for ) 1 YES (FOR THE MEASURE) 60 . . . . 36.906 79.69 24.161 7,080 5,660 5 0 NO (AGAINST THE MEASURE) 61 . , . 9.406 20.31 6,404 1,674 1,328 0 0 Over Votes 25 0 25 0 0 0 Under Votes 7.392 4.861 1,791 734 6 0 26118 FEB -6 Pti 4 35 0 u_ 0