HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Tree Permit 2840-2842 Shipping AvenueTREE PERiMIT Timeline 2840-2842 Shipping Av SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMpzii ONi-c'q January 2005 Property is purchased by: Serp & Serp lfvestments LLC 12/14/2005 Tree removal :application submitted to City Building Department. Applicant requests removal of two (2) trees: • 1 Gumbo limbo @ 15"DBH; and • 1 Ficus tree@ 66" DBH. Total DBH Removed: 81" DBH 1/24/2006 Tree remova' permit #06-0001078 is issued by the Building Department. 8/03/2007 08/06/2007 08/08/2007 08/13/2007 08/13/2007 08/17/2007 09/24/2007 10/1/200'7 Tree removal application is submitted to Public Works Department Applicant requests to remove one existing tree: • 1 Live Oak tree 21.6" DBH. Public Works Field Inspection is completed. Public Works Director requests a hold on the application pending further review. Appeal filed by TreeWatch Committee Tree Removal Permit #07-152 rejected by the Public Works Asst. Director, Francis Mitchell, P.E. Tree Removal Posting notice removed from the tree by City Staff. Tree Removal Permit #07-152 Appeal by applicant. Tree Removal Permit #07-152 Appeal by applicant reviewed and rejected by the Public Works Director, Stephanie N Grinder', P.E. 11/06/2007 City of Miami Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Denies the Tree Removal Permit Appeal. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 444 S.W. 2`° Avenue ; Miami, Florida 33130 / (305) 416-1200 / Fax: (305) 416-1278 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 07- o/,g$!' I'7cZ- SQbrni 'CL/ - Irae re•-r i, L y4 ZS'' 2 Shipping Pve 1UQ JSCtE0 THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 444 S.W. 2ND Avenue, 8h floor Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone: (305) 416-1200 TREE PERMIT APPLICATION s/M 107 Application is hereby made to the City of Miami for a permit pursuant to Chapter 17 of the Miami City Code, as per city Ordinance 12636, adopted 12/9/2004 authorizing the following planting, alterations or removal of trees, shrubs or other planting with the City of Miami. Date: t" V- '-, �"' i ' r Applicant: Y f I cep n-ei 'S Mai -ling Address: k ^- 1. 6 (041 '-e i .fit :+-e , r. ¢ Telephone No.: 5 fl Z `�� Fax No.: - ¥ ? Tree Location: loA1Cif P421 -g ?...,clti L L. .w ,1,1- . ,� .1_, Type of Tree 0444 f How many Trees? 1 Reason: line ke I� rcL4..:15 ,1rr,,re' s1egre •tt, -fi-e cjo... ra- 2 0 • -Noe L .' 4 U.-,,-'- (ZJ ie') , 1\161- 1\J/E Coco 6voNAL • Plant ❑ Replacement - Relocation Root Pruning ❑ Permit Posted on: Removal 0 Trimming p� � r((for removal, relocation & trimming only — Min. 10 calendar days) ot5if1' dri APPROVED BY: DATE: Revised July 20, 2007 SUBMTTED NTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLTC WO EM �Z i1 ONo1-29—o 444 S.W. 2' Avenue / Miami, Florida 33130/ (305) 416-12 4j6-li8 1 V Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 LL OPEN AT % Byi O"-rors it EXISTNG FICUS DEDr ; 13" Water supp y tt it Dy others UIRED RCA( SIDEWA K SIDEWAL 8' PARKW SHIPPING AVE AM U .vv -- , NISI — ENSE No.:— ne and Grade permk' 'd°4 ew Sidewalk Permit N N� idewalk Repair Perm(mot Nc '-. riveway Approach P er: For P.W. Inspi () 4 RELCGATED OAK FULL OPEN VALVE AT CO ter supply L_EGAH 1-11,-SC LOT 23, ACCORDIN:; E THE MAXIMUM W IWN ELE PROPOSED (,/,-:+",+.,f_ FL PR❑POSED f,�';;U) D FL Sca, ]',=,-2. mebt City record 6 sie . aik elevations)_ Ova propertye NOTE: RAINWATER MUST BE RETAINED WITHIN PROPERTY LINES Submitted into the public recordnin connection with item YZ 11 on 01-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 124.60'(R) 123.89'(M) Submitted into the public record in connection with item t , on O1-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk SKETCH OF BOUNDARY SURVEY SCA' 1"=20' SHIPPING AVENUE 1_0 1 7.40 17.74 95.00'(R) F.N. F.N. 21,>.SPI-I4'L (n Q (a1 i 14' P4RKWA" r=2 0.13' 6.55' 0=2' 5.51 O. - cc. 36.0'GIs �1 Y i8.1 5.51 6.55' \_CONC. STEP 28.7' 25' a 3 0 d J 0 a 4 cc w 0) MON CITY OF MIAMI RAPPED STREET E NE 0=1' =1.25' 1 STORY C.B.S RESIDENCE v; 2.3' 10' (1 N 28.7' , —BRICK C ONEPC. - ST 0=5.5' 124.58'(R) 125.04 0 N o' 0=1 6.56' 19.L' --',.,OPEt,/ -- 0r1.2' . K•1 ' ,,, 1O ROOFS E.2' ,.:a =1'=1.5 $� 0.25' 0.00' -�,y. 4 . - 3 _,. r . '"."r't."""16 50.00'(R1 o r- 50.55'(SO) ❑ v 0=3' 0.10 2840 SHIPPING AVE. F.FL.EL. 18.99 1 STORY C.B.S. RESIDENCE 2842 SHSPPING AVE. F.FL.EL. 18.99 LEGEND U co SHIPP,ING AVENUE 10 I so' 1 50'I_ 2 3 7 4 6 5 DAY AVENUE LOCATION SKETCH SCALE N.T.S. P.L.S. PROFESSI0001, LAND SURVEYOR P.R.M. PER -:T REFERENCE NL" WEf 7 S/F.N.&D. SET 0R FC100 1".. & DISC S/F,I-P. SET OR " "'D ' '2 '-JN PIPE F.F'.EL. F1511 0,7'0 EY Sr -3 ELEVATIL:-: ':L \ CE":" R LINE Do —:— CFA1N LINK FENCE —,. — WOOD FENCE CBS W(zLL (R & M) RECORD & MEASURE C.B.S. CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO C.S. CONCRETE SLAB CONC. CONCR0E OAl O UNKNOWN FICUS OAK NOTES NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON 5.G.V.D. CITY OF MIAMI 8M. EL. 11.17-0.26=10.91 (N.G.V.D.) U.S. 1 & S.W. 27 AVE.) FLOOD ZONE "X" C.P.N. 120650-0189 J (07-17-95). LEGAL DESORIPTION THE WEST 50 FE0' OF THE E>Sf 150 FEET OF LOT 10 BLOCK 8 OF "SU841Vi0i0NS OF EO+.aA0 PENT HO`•''72,TESD" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT--=REO9, AS P,ECOROED !N PLAT BOOK 'A" AT PAGE 45 OF THE PL9L1C 060000S OF CERTIFY TO WTERR-P' PIE F CP !, Y.S.B. ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS FID •;, L TOLE 7SU,R4NCS COMPANY OF NEW YORK ZERPOp-DS 50 ZERP 1`'r,Al'."0 S, LLC. WE HEREBY CFPTIP': -- HIS "BOO .:.:.RY SURVE1' CF E ABOVE DESCRIBED Ao 0P'Y rrtE iv'H112LiiA "-ECf G:_ - ,,.,,JS ADOPED BY THE FLOt..U-. 51,7E BOARD OF LR`7 St. ErO:RS PIf'S1J J" TO SECT=ON 472-027 FL N'T'. STATUTES. .....8 No 04—i0d No. 281 -67 :DATE: 10-21-04 ALJ TQ yX�7 LUAGES '�� PLS � 3' TAvE DF FLORIDA 923 S.W.`` 12 E1'UE 19AMI, FL. 33i94 RHONE: 3(5 2 6h67 F X 305-226-6403 Page 1 of 3 Hagger, Regina Frc.-- Kiss, Katalin Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:02 PM To: Nagger, Regina Cc: Estevez, Elyrosa; Mitchell, Francis Subject: RE: #07-152 Tree Removal Posting 2840 Shipping Av - Posted Regina, Please be advised that i posted for removal Live Oak tree at 2840 Shipping Ave. Please see pictures with measurement f took at the location and see me if you have any questions. B. R. Katalin SUBMTTED INTO THE PUBLIC REGORD FOF ITEM _ON o� zv ac. 01/24/2008 Page 2 of 3 #07-152 — 2840 Shipping Ave — Posting for removal — Visited on 8/06/07 Live Oak tree Posted for removal Perimeter68" / DBH: 21.6" From: Nagger, Regina Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 9:31 AM To: Kiss, Katalin 3 SUBMITTED INTO TE PUBLIC RECORD Ft ITEM?z n ONaiza-gs. 01/24/2008 Page 3 of 3 Cc: Estevez, Elyrosa; Mitchell, Francis Subject: #07-152 Tree Removal Posting 2840 Shipping Av Katelin, Can you please post a ficus tree for removal at 2840 Shipping Av? Regina L. Hagger GIS Developer City of Miami Public Works Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue Eighth Floor Miami, FL 33130 Phone: (305) 416- L, 9 Fax: (305) 416-177 s E-mail: SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR iTEMp2q ONai-zv-as. 01/24/2008 Submitted into the public record in connection with item on 01-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk City of Miami PAi_ b._i c Works 2003 E1acls 8z White Aerial Department of Public Works Dale' Jan .:.:, : 24. 2008 Legend Edge of Pavement City Parcels PW Tree Permits Submitted into the public record in connection with item 1' - i 1 on 01-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 0 5 10 20 30 1 inch equals 20 feet Pixel Resolution. 3 Inches +/- Feet 40 of iami Public % Torks 2005 dolor Aerial 2840-2842 Shipping Ave Department of Public Works Dare: January 24. 2008 Legend Edge of Pavement City Parcels PIN Tree Permits 11111 Submitted into the public record in connection with item ) 7 1 on 01-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 0 5 10 20 30 1 inch equals 20 feet Pixel Resolution: 1 Fool +/- ■ Feet 40 City of Miami Put> is Works 2006 Color Aerial 2840-2842 Shipping Ave Suomitted into the public record in connection with item on 01-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Department of Public Works D. In:. ,::airy 24. 2.. 9 Legend Edge of Pavement City Parcels PW Tree Permits 0 5 10 20 30 1 inch equals 20 feet Pixel Resolution. 6 Ineh +1- Feet 40 C:lf:y of Miami Public Works Spring 2007 Color Aerial Submitted into the public recor -:1 in connection with item on 01-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Department of Public Works Date: .Sat ry 24. 201.3 Legend Edge of Pavement City Parcels PW Tree Permits 0 5 10 20 30 1 inch equals 20 feet Pixel Resolution. 6 Inches *7- Feet 40 Pollutant AMEPJCANFORESTS a merlc0nforost0.org Analysis Report Single Family Duplex 1tsverooru Surfaces: Buildings)stry ter es 17145 ■ lntmertaous Surfaces. Paved 4.4% Open Space - GrasaiScatiered Trees 15.3% ■ trees 63.1% Total: I00.0% Air Quality Results Pounds Removed per Year Single Family Duplex Carbon Monoxide: 0 0 Nitrogen Dioxide: I 0 Ozone: 5 2 Particulate Matter: 4 1 Sullfer Dioxide: 0 0 Total; I I 4 By absorbing and filtering out nilieoan dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (S02), ozone (03), carbon monoxide (Cn), and particulate matter l .,c than 10 microns (P.VI10) in their leaves, urban tree., perform a vital air eleaniu_, service that directly affects the well-being of urban dwellers. This model, 1. FORE, developed the the US Forest Service. estitnatex the ,wnual air pollution removal rate of trees within a defined study area fur the pollutants listed below. To calculate the dollar value of the=.c pollutants, economists use "externality" costs. or indirect costs borne by society such i.. rising health care expenditures and reduced tout ism revenue fhc actual externality costs used in the model is set by the each state, Public Services Commission. Stormwater Results Stormwater Volume Change Summary 2-yr, 24-hr Rainfall: 7.50 in. *Curve Number reflecting single fancily parcel: *Curve Number reflecting conditions of duplex parcel: Change in stormwater volume due to [andcover change: Construction cost, per cu. fi.of slorrmvater, to build retention facility : Cost ofstormwater best mingagenient practices resulting from [andcover change: 73 85 768 cu. ft. $7.00 $5,375 CITY • reen finiten-tou Surfaces Buildings/ structures 405% a lmpervtou.. Surfaraa Paved 19.00% Open Space- Grass•Scattcrcd Trees IS 3% ■ Treex 21.1 % Total 100 0% Benefits Summary Landcover Change (acres) Landcover Single Family Duplex Change Tree Canopy: 0.10 0.03 -67% Air Pollution Benefits Pollutants Removed 11 $28 4 -7 $ Amount: $ -$19 Carbon Stored (tons): 4 9 -3 Carbon Sequestered (lbs). 0 0 0 Water Quality (Contaminant Loading) Percent Change in Contaminant Loadings from single family to duplex Biological Oxygen Demand 71s2 Cadmium Copper, 1.71 Lead Nitrogen Phosphone,: 75 52 qv' 80 Suspended Solids 70.63 Zinc 17.77 25 40 80 Notes: *The stormwater calculations are based oa curve number which is an index developed by the NRCS, to represent the potential for storm water runoff within a drainage area. Curve numbers f ange from 30 ro 100_ fhe higher the curve number the more runoff will occur. The change in curve number reflects the increasedeerease in the volume of,tormwater runoff. 80. >: Submitted into the public record in connection with item L. _ , on 01-24-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk