HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendumCITY OF MIAMI
September 11, 2007
Request for Letters of Interest (RFL1)
RFL] No. 44014
The f h3 �.� clarifications, anddeletions �.; t os Documents n:
following C nci:;�, additions, c;rll:,..,�Jl'�v, 'l amend the F�rOp�.a:J1 I<UI� 'ri;v-. ,S of the
above captioned RFLI. and shall become tenrat F f the Contract Documents. Please note the
l (Jc:CCI:,l., an ii1i:,,U,c,� "i�^ �U: �. `-t
contents herein and affix same to the documents you have on hand.
I. Questions received at the Voluntary Site Conference!Prior to deadline for receipt of questions
and corresponding answers:
01. What are the confines of the Amphitheater?
A 1. See enclosed Exhibit "A" the amphitheater fence line identified in black.
02, Is the marquee separate or included in the =',inphitheat er Site?
A2. The marquee is not a part of the Amphitheater and use by the proposer would require a
separate agreement. This subject could be discussed further during the negotiation
the Trust construct any improvements re: l.iested r U juired by tie successful operator of the
Amphi heater?
A4. All construction will be the operator's responsibility with the approval of the Bayfront
Park Management Trust and the City of Miami.
04. Please provide any ticket surcharge information.
A4. See enclosed Exhibit "B", Section 53-1 of the City of Miami Code.
05. Please provide any scheduled block -out require the
bl„ ;�-out dates the Trust will _� ,e the use of t:!_,
Arne initne_e ter.
A5. The Bayfront Park Management Trust traditionally produces free public events on New
Year's Eve and July 4`r'. Any additional dates, or the treatment of the aforementioned
dates, will be discussed and agreed to during negotiations with the successful proposer.
O". Does the Trust currently have er e acIfi there• e issue
�� � y a liquor license. :� facility? not, ,'o4�r D., ary SOU
with obtaining a license?
A6. The Trust does not have a liquor license for the facility and it would be the successful
contractor's responsibility to ascertain whether a license can be obtained.
\_lid it be possible tC� use the Trust's Si':f f p l0ude SCi� ioes Irelhe f _c Ity, gfiun d�s
I .ain enance etc.?
47. The Trust has successfully maintained the facility for the past two decades and there is
much to be said for institutional memory. But the exact nature of Trust staff involvement
with regards to the facility maintenance would be subject to negotiations with the
successful proposer.
RFLI No. 44014
Addendum ,vo. 1
C: ✓. ,r;5 the Trust currently fl ve any s oonsctshi'o :grei for the ,ac l:t•y?
AS. There are no existing sponsorship agreements with the facility. The RFD does state that
the successful proposer shall, ''explore. solicit ,end facilitate naming rights and
sponsorship programs for the facility. The Trust would expect to receive revenue from
all such agreements.
QC" I h r c c:.s not a;:,,pear to be a box office., will the Trust pio• ic'e a box office'?
A9. No, the successful contractor will be responsible for providing a box office(s).
010. There does not seeern to be sufficient resnr oorn facilities for a large event such as evenly the
Trust has held in the past. How is this to be addressed?
AlO. The Trust has provided portable toilets for such events. It will be the successful
contractor's responsibility to provide sufficient restroom facilities either through
portable facilities or through the construction of permanent facilities at their expense.
011. We understand there is n0 commissary on -site. is there any requirement that we use any park
facility or restaurant?
Al . No, the contractor may use or construct their own facility.
012. Our understanding is that the electronic sign at the entrance to the amphitheater has historically
been used to promote attractions cf tioi at the amphitheater,F'lt r;tj e
C.''E', 4 lS t L Will the new operator continue r}:.'0 to have
the right. 'without charge, to use the electronic sign at the entrance to amphitheater to promote
attractions? If so, for how many days in advance of each show will that sign be available?
Al 3. See response to Question 2 above.
013. Wi:i rent e set aside or abated during construction 5hCUid new operator iah to P cf,e pl sial
improvements that would require closing of amphitheater during construction?
A13. All discussion of rent and potential abatement will be subject to negotiations with the
successful proposer.
014. In conjunction :^ dh amphitheater everits: (a) \mid the operator have the unrestricted use of
roadway from B aca file Blvd. leading to rear of ar. phithea:vr for load -in and toad -out of shows
and (b) will the operator have as access to, and use of, the roadway and parking area running
paral e! to bay for parking of show trailers and trucks? Note that this assumes the paved area
immediately behind amphitheater is included in amphitheater property. If that assumption is
incorrect, please advise in your response.
A14. a) The referenced road is NE 3rd Street, which is a public road and the successful
proposer would have the use of it.
b) The referenced roadway is the Baywalk and the successful proposer would be able to
use it for access to the amphitheater, but would riot be able to park show trailers or
trucks there except during the load -in process.
c) The map included in this packet includes a depiction of the back of house parking lot
as a part of the amphitheater property.
II. Information provided to prospective respondent at the Voluntary Site Conference.
t sheets �'X�; Qlt � :.', `_=l1Qbv^,';la'.^,rTl2rl etS from past events.
L'„vl G. Exhibit'F.)", sign -in sheet iir,. .�_., C�'l:ary 51i@ CJ(., -for
RFLI No. 44014
Addendum No. 1
Al! other tern.... and con ti„. 3 Of the Re:I i s; for L eI`:: rs !ir 1nt rest Ieme n the same.
Michael A. Rath, CPPO, CPPB
Assistant Purchasing Director
1: r-'/ i
7 r.
R.FLI No. 44014
Addendum No. 1