HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFLIMIAMI HEAT AS PROPOSED FOR BAYFRONT PARK BY ADSystems PORT OF MIAMI RFLI No. 04-05-098 CITY OF MIAMI MARQUEE SIGN FOR BAYFRONT PARK by: ADSystems RFLI Information Form Sections A-K Addendum No 1 and Addendum No 2 Photographs (Reference Section C) 5 (•iIv(If AIiuuri, Flori,Gi ,I luryure 6.1. fl LI Information Form Issue Date: RFLI No.: Aii nst 2, 20115 Buyer: Pamela Burns, CPP13 MI-05-098 I?ruail: phnrns ir'ri.ntiauti.fl.ux Responses must be received by: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 2:00 PM at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33131-5504 Commodity Codes: 557-6); 557-63; 559-7(); 801-66; 301-K5; 915-0.I; 918-07; 936-7,I; 9X5-73 't'EItf\'I CONTRACT MARQUEE SIGN FOR BAY FRONT PARK RI+'l,l NO. 04-05-093 I certify that any and all information contained in this Proposal is true; and f further certify that this Proposal is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connections with any corporation, lirm or person submitting a Proposal for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or services and is in all respects lair and xvilhout collusion or fraud. 1 agree to abide by all terns and conditions of the Rf�LI, and certify that l ani authorized to sign for the Proposer. Please print the following and sign your name: I ii in s ,uuc:A_D *S' 4_,A5„ ✓1 C.-,Telephone: 2 3ci - 9 39- lit/ Yb I'rincipal Business 0030 AMbtrWo�d F4-. tAleps, Ft_ 33413 23q-439-399/___ 1.-mail ad(11 ess: 7thb f)S.S �t+)C3� GMl-er5.cok1 Naine-...•1 t M.ThgM.�... Mailing Address: Tide: f e e3tdelt Scottie Aulhori/ed tiil;nnturcr - c) ('ilea/dli(rni, Florida rt Ion/rrcrr .1'ign fin• li,9:run! furl' R/q.l 0./-0 i-09,' (.2 CERTIFICATE OIL AUTIIORTI'Y (IE CORI'ORA•II0NM STATI i OI Fl err )41.q, ) SS: COUNTY OF Lee ) I Ifl{Itl{Ii.Y CERTIFY that a meeting ()I' the Iivatil ufl)inceluis ul•Ilte AD Sxts-Vems a corporation existing under the laws oldie Slate of i` I veld a , hell on 51EptepikeY , 2(105 , the following resolution was duly passed and adopted: "I:I•:SOI,VI(I ), that, as President of the Corporation, he ;Ind is hereby authorized to execute the Proposal dated, Z__, 2OSj � , to the City of Nlianni and this corporation and that their execution thereof, attested by Ilse Secret:Hy of Ilse Colporatiun, and with the ('nrputalc Seal affixed, shall he Ilse official act and deed of this C:orporalion." ( further certify that said resolution is now in full foce and effect. IN WITNIiSS W111:IJ{Ol', f have hereunto set my hand and al'Iixtd the official seal of Ilse corporation this $ day of Scptcnnbe/ , 20 o ff. Secretary: (Sl•:At.) IAlLURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR RESPONSE. It) i i City of ,l /iu ni. l lurh/u STATE ()I ) 1 f ur/,Iec Sign far 1; u r f end 1'rrrl CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (II' I'AR'INI(RSH III') ) SS: CUIJNIYOI' 11 II?ICI{13Y CI•:It i l I Y that a meeting oldie Partners of the l(P7,1 O1-0 5-098 NUA . organized .and eNisling under. the l:nvs ul". the State ul , 20 , the lollowing resolution was duly passel and adopted: • "IZIiSOI.VEI), that, , as authorized to execute the Proposal dated, 2(1 and that their execution thereof, attested by the — ---, shall be the official act and deed of this Partnership." I further certify Shut said resolution is now in full force and effect. IN' 't l (4(SS WI II',R1•:0I:, I have hereunto set. my hand this: , day of 20 Secretary: (Slim,) held on of (he Partnership, he and is hereby to Ilse City of tvliani and this partnership FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN TIIIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR RESPONSE. s• " STATI:. COUNTY OF illarqtrue Sign ji)r• Mirk fir1.1 0.1-05-(198 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY ) SS: (I I...101NT VF.NTUIZE) I I 11',IZI.:13Y CI:.RTIFY that a meeting of the Principals of the N/A organized and existing., tinder the lams or ihe Stale or licit] on , 20 . , the rollowinr sesolittion was duly passed and adopted: "I:I.:SOLVED, that, . of the Joint Venture he iiid is hereby authorized to CNCCIlle &Rid, 20___ (t) Ille City or Miami official ziet aod clued of this Joint Venture." 1.11Vtilet CCItily 01;11.sdFt.'"St)111lit'm is 110\V nil' to, ce „„(1 IN WITNI.:SS WI 11•Rh:O1:, I have heictinto set my hand , day ul , Secretory: (SKAL) FAILURE To COMPLF.TE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR RESPONSE. ( u/',lliru�ii, I'7urirlrr It lru',lucc Sign fin. /;(m/irud I'urI /(h7./ 0-/-Il S-llrJ1 I i I I I I SIAI•I;OI ) SS: COUNTY OF) CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (if individual) 11 IIilZ1.d3Y CI7,R-I-1I Y that as an individual, 1 N/A (Name of Individual) ant] as a d/b/a (doing business as) exist under the laws of IIie Slate of Florida. (if applicable) "IZF,S01.VIsl), that, as an individual and/or d/b/a (if applicable), be and is hereby anlhorized to execute the Proposal dated, 20 , to the City of Miami as an individual and/ur (I/b/a (if applicable) and that my execution thereof, attested by a Notary Public of the Stale, shall be the official act and deed of This attestation." I further certify that said resolution is now in full force and effect. IN WI fNI',SS WI IIiJZ1i0I , 1 have lteteunto set my hand tital affixed the official seal of Notary Public this , day of , 20 . NOI•AIZY I'11I31,IC: Commission No.: I personally know the individual/do not (:now the individual (Please Circle) (river's License 11 (SI';nl.) I:AHI.1)M, f0 CC)MPI,i'; it , SIGN, AND RI'I IJIZN -11IIS I'ORtvl MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR. IZI:SPONSN. (j rr/:llirrnrilYrnirlrr rl(urtlrICCJi�rrfill' lie ri/i•rnr!l'Ilk lc17.1 01-05-00S 6.3 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS- MARQUEE SIGN FOR RAYFRONT PARK Commercial General Liability A. Limits of Liability Bodily Injury and Properly Damage Liability Each Occurrence General Aggregate Limit Personal and Adv. Injury Products/Completed Operations B. Endorsements Required $ 1,000,000 $ 2,o00,uou $ I,000,000 $ 1,000,000 City of Miami included as an Additional Insured Employees included as insured Contractual Liability - Explosion, Collapse & Underground Independent Contractors Coverage Waiver of Subrogation 11. Business Automobile Liability l.incits of liability Bodily Injury and Properly I)anlagc Liability Combined Single Limit Any Auto Including I lived, Borrowed or Non -Owned Autos Any One.Accident' 13. Endorsements Required City of Nliami included as an Additional Insured Employees included as insured III. Worker's Compensation Limits of Liability Statutory -Slate of Florida Waiver of Subrogation IV. Employer's Liability L. '�� •3 - 1) L • $ L000,000 A. Limits of Liability $'100,000 for bodily injury caused by an accident; each accident $100,000 for bodily injure caused by disease, each employee $500.000 for bodily injury caused by disease. policy limit City a/',lliru,ri. I• Iurii r1 /urr/rrc<c I'urh' R.F1.1 0 J-0.5-0'J3 The above policies shall provide the City ul' ]Vlianli With written notice of cancellation or Material change from the insurer nut less than (30) days prior to any such rulccllation or material change. Companies authorized to do business in the Slate of Florida. wills the following qualifications, shall issue all insurance policies required above: The company must be rated no Tess than "A" as to management, and no Icss than "Class V" as to Financial Strength, by the latest edition of I3cst's Insurance Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent All policies and /or certificates of insurance are subject to review and 'crilicalion by Risk Management prior to insurance approval. "Hie undersigned Proposer acknowledges that (s)he has read the above information and agrees to comply with all the above City requirements. Proposer: AD (Company name) Date: q/C/05. SI i111!ui Print Name( J J M /'')oMQS FAI1.11RE '1'O C.OMI'l,G'1'E, SIGN, ,\NI) RI(I't1RN 'I'IIIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR RESPONSE. 15 Fluriiht Ahulluc,' Sign fur/i i ',- nl furl; RI'7,1 (1.1-(15-O9' 6.zI. Debarment and Suspension CITY OPt'ILlMI COI)E.VEC.'- (a) Authority anti requirement to debar and suspend: Alter reasonable notice to an aqua' or prospective contractual party, and alter reasonable op] ortimity to such panty Io he heart', Ilse ('ily b./Tanager, alter consultation will' the (:Ii el- I'rocine meal ()nicer and Ilse Cily /Uloricy, shill have the ;nIlho)ily Io dchn a contractual pally fo) the causes listed hclow front consideration for ;nvard (deity eo l(lIets. The debarment shall he for ;) pciiod of uol Bawer than [Mee (1) years. 'I•lie (:ily tvfanagtu' shall also have the authority Io suspend a contractor from consideration fear award of city conlraets if there is probable cause for debarment. Pending the debarment determination, the authority to debar zinc' Snspettl eunlraeluts Shall he esereisctl in accord;nrce with tt:l;i)lations which shall be issued by the Chief 1>rocure)nent Officer after approval by the City Manager, the City Allonney, anti the (ally Commission. (I)) (:_loses for debarment orsusjeisiuninclude I'ic following, I. Conviction for commission of criinii)al offense incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public or private contract or subcontract, or i widen( to the performance of such contract or subcontract; Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsilicatiun or destruction of records, receiving stolen propel ty, or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty; Conviction under slate or federal antitrust statutes :wising out of the submission of bids or proposals; Violation of contract provisions, which is rel;:ndctl by the Chief I'rocureincnl ()tticcr to he indicative of non -responsibility. Sueln violation may include I•:tilme without good cause to perform in accordance with the Icnus and conditions ofa contract or to pefornl vvitIi t the lime limits provided in a contract, provided that failure to perli)rn caused by acts beyond the control of a party shall not he considered a basis for debarment or suspension; Debarment or suspension of the contractual pally by any federal, slate or other governmental entity; False certification pursuant h> paragraph (e) below; or 7. Any other cause judged by the City Manager Io be so serious and compelling as to affect the responsibility of the contractual party performing city contracts. (c) Certification: All contracts for goods and services, sales, and leases 1)), tl>c Oily shall c(n)lain a certification that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owner or personnel have been convicted ol•any of the violations set forth above or debarred or suspended as set Birth in paragraph (1) (5). The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set 'unit about:, ur debarred or suspended as set forth in paragraph (b) (5). ('on)pany name: tii� naluic: Dale: A•5±rMS , [C. /05 FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, (ND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR RESPONSE. I () (i!t• r)/'d licrnri, I'7u0/u A 1nrrlrnre .Sign,/;rr 1> u> /i uir! I'rrrh fi l" l.1 ll.l-Ui-V 6.5. STATEMENT OF CONIPIr1ANCE \VITII ORDINANCE NO. 10032 Proposer certifies that (s)lie has read and understood the provisions ol'(_ity o(fvfinnti Ordinance No. IO(132 (Section I\-11)) untie City Code) ))etlainint, to the implementation old ' First Source Hiring Agreement.„ Proposer will complete and submit the following; questions as part of the I:I I,I Proposal. Vinlctlions of Ibis Otdin:ntce nety he considered cause for :uunthneul or n ('onlracl helwccn the 1'tnposcr and the City of fvliami. A. 17o you expect to create new positions in your company in the event your cA)mpnny waS awarded :t Contract by the Lily'? Yes No Ii. In the event your answer to Oueslion "i\" is yes, how many new positions \s•oold you create to petlornt this wort'? C. Please list below the title, rate of pay, summary of duties, number of positions, and expected length or duration of all new 110S111011ti which might he created as a result of Ihis awaid ofa Contract. f XPF (2'l1 ]) RAP', ()F PAY N11M131:IZ OF I,I•:N(; fI I ()I: POS l•IONmTV. _. IlrnglylWr�hly I)1.1I jl?ti. 1`(:)ti�lLl(1Nti l)l llna._ION I) 2) 3) 4) 7) ti) (I Ise ac!lltliunul shcels it nccessa>y) I'ROI'OSI ;I: NAIvIl?: SIGN,\•I 1i1<1 / 111'I.1{: FAILURE TO COMf'LE'I E, SIGN, AND RETURN TIUS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR RESPONSE. 17