The Testing Provider will upon request by the City:
I. Annually train City staff not exceeding 15 seats, in test construction and validation methods, and sound
implementation strategies for competitive selection processes in accordance with the Uniform Guidelines on
Employee Selection Procedures, and other professionally accepted standards and practices within the field of
Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Included shall be no less than 4 total training days provided to City staff
designated by the Director of Employee Relations each year at mutually agreeable times. Training shall not be in
increments of less than one 7-hour day. Securing training facilities shall be the responsibility of the City. Special
equipment requirements shall be made known to Director of Employee Relations or designee as far in advance as
possible, but no less than 2 weeks in advance.
II. Work with and provide technical guidance to City staff on the development of testing exercises and testing issues.
III. Determine the level of adverse impact to protected classes as defined by the Uniform Guidelines on Employee
Selection procedures for each examination administration, and for each step and/or hurdle within the selection
process. In cases where adverse impact exists, the Provider shall propose viable, alternative, job -related selection
methods with projected timetables and resources needed to realistically implement same.
IV. Written recommendation of cutoff scores and methodology on each examination process, and the corresponding
rationale for use of same.
V. Review descriptive statistics, raw data, or data analysis output files provided by City staff, such as but not limited
to means and standardized scores for each component of the selection process. Provider shall analyze the scores
from each examination process to determine if group means differ, on ethnic groups and/or gender, and to what
extent, providing all data analyses files and conclusions in written form.
VI. On an ongoing basis, review and provide feedback on the work of City staff as it concerns the development,
administration and analysis of the Police Officer and Police Lieutenant examinations. Subsequently provide
written sign -off to the Director of Employee Relations with copies to appropriate designated City staff. Sign -off
should minimally occur at the following stages: Test plan, job analysis survey, analyses of job analytic data,
exam design, candidate preparation manuals, examination instructions, examination content based upon a current
job analysis, percentage of job domain measured by the exam materials, assessor training, validation strategy,
examination scores, review of results, final report and other related elements as identified by the City.
VII. Work with "interested party" experts in the development and validation of examinations (e.g., Department of
Justice personnel, testing consultants, other testing experts and other parties designated by the City of Miami
Director of Employee Relations, or designee.)
VIII. Prepare a content validity report for the Police Officer position after the administration of each police officer
entry-level examination. Report is to include, but is not limited, the following sections: scoring formula, analyses
of demographic variables .(e.g., gender, ethnicity), internal consistency of each exam section, intercorrelations
among sections and with total score, t-tests of means on requested demographic variables (e.g., gender, ethnicity)
for each exam section, a consideration of adverse impact and adverse impact analyses, recommendation (e.g., use
of test battery, cut -score), etc. Review the content validity report for each Police Lieutenant examination based
upon the job analysis for each classification and other considerations that are standard testing practice.
Additionally, in any instance when a new examination is developed for the aforestated classifications, the
examination development process and content validity report shall be reviewed and a report completed a 30-day
period. In the summary report, the Expert Consultant is to provide written feedback on reaction to the exam
development process and job analysis as well as to provide written recommendations on how to improve the
process in the future. Minimally, content validity report should include, but is not limited to: a job analysis
overview; test development component descriptions — highlighting any changes in the previous exam components
should any changes exist; a copy of the test preparation manual(s); a copy of all scripts; weighting of the
examination components; exam component correlations; the number of items per exam component with the
minimum and maximum scores that can be earned under each component; item analysis — including but not
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limited to internal consistency, reliability and item -total correlations; description of methodology used to
standardize scores; adverse impact analysis; final register, and any supplemental analysis that would be deemed
useful for purposes of assisting the City in achieving its goal of being released from federal oversight.
IX. Provide annual status report of the City's progress with recommendations for improving the City's selection
processes with reference to progress toward compliance of the federal order and release from DOJ oversight.
X. Serve as an expert witness on the City of Miami's behalf in response to complaints, grievances or challenges in
state, federal circuit court, or other forums. For complaints, grievances or challenges, etc. related to the entry-
level Police Officer and Police Lieutenant promotional examinations, the Provider agrees to appear for a total
time of three (3) days, not including travel time, without any additional financial costs to the City. After the
three (3) working days have been utilized, the Provider shall be allowed to charge the City his or her reasonable
daily rate at time of Contract for the services relating to litigation and/or appearing as an expert witness; said
appearance and resulting costs have to be approved at a moderate per diem rate as determined by the
Runzheimer's Travel Network by the City in advance of travel. Reasonable travel expenses, a rental car
allowance, hotel accommodations, and a meal allowance for appearances arising from litigation shall be paid to
the Provider by the City from the funds appropriated for this contract. The City will not pay for alcoholic
beverages or personal entertainment.
XI. Guide, assist in, review and provide feedback on the design, implementation, data collection process, analyses,
and final report of the criterion -related validation study for the classification of probationary Police Officer
documenting the relationship between the entry-level examination and successful job performance.
XII. Assist the City in its goal to be released from Federal oversight and maintain compliance even after the release
from the Federal Order.
XIII. Contract renewal is contingent on the performance of Expert Consultant and mutual agreement.
I. CITY and Provider estimate that the amount of compensation for the services outlined in Attachment A — Scope
of Services herein together with all costs associated herewith as described in Attachment A shall not exceed
S 100,000 per year.
II. Payments to the Provider will be made based on completion of project services and activities as reflected in the
itemized invoice submitted by the Provider and confirmed by the Director of Employee Relations at a rate not to
exceed $300 per hour.
III. City shall have the right to review and audit the time records and related records of the Provider pertaining to any
payments made by the City.
IV. Total training costs shall not exceed 20% of the total contract awarded including but not limited to: preparation,
printing, distribution or purchase of materials or supplies; consultation regarding syllabus and/or training
delivery, actual delivery of content, travel that is solely associated with training/staff development; and
associated training -specific costs.
V. Provider shall provide, in detail, by classification all costs and fees associated with the completion of this
project. All costs must be itemized on a per activity basis (e.g., information gathering, development of
examination measures, scoring review, report development, travel and accommodations, postage, telephone
costs, daily rate of compensation for appearances, etc.) that is specific to the scope of work outlined herein.