HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2008-09-25 AdvertisementNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGA;"5 regarding RATIFICATION OF 'EMERGENCY FINDINGS FOR WAIVER OF BIDS FOR THE PROVISION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: THROUGH ACTION "COMMUNITY CENTER INC., PROJECT NO. B-71201 City Hall — 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida The Miami City Commission will hold a Public Hearing on September 25, 2008 beginning at 9:00 a.m. to consider whether it is in the public's best interest that the City Commission ratify, approve and confirm the Emergency Findings of the City Manager justifying the waiver of competitive bids and the award of an agreement for Transportation Services for Miami residents and visitors, especially the transit dependent, elderly and the disabled to destinations such as hospitals; supermarkets, senior care centers and connections to the Miami -Dade public transit system, to Action Community Center, Inc: The Public Hearing will be held in conjunction with the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting of September 25, 2008 at: MIAMI CITY HALL 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida All interested persons may appear at the meeting and, may be heard with respect to the proposed issue. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which anyappeal may be based. ;- In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities. Act of 1990 persons needing special accommodations tb participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the, City. Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding'or at (305)f250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CIVIC #003160 City Clerk CIUDAD DE 1VIIAMI,. FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA P I LICA . Cualquier persona que reciba compensation, remuneration por gastos para conducir las actividades de apoyo a una causa, se requiere,registrarse como un:"LOBBYIEST" con el Secretario de, la Ciudad, antes de conducir estas • actividades con el personal de la Ciudad, Comites o la Comision dela Ciu- dad._Una copia de la ordenanza aplicable, .esta disponible en las oficinas -del Secretario de la Ciudad (City Hall of Miami), localizado en el 3500 Pan American Drives Miami Florida 33133. La reunion programada de la Comision de la Ciudad de Miami, se llevara a , cabo el 25 de septiembre del 2008 a las 9:00 AM en el City. Hall de Miami, localizado en el ,3500 Pan American Drive, la Comision va a considerar los siguientes temas relacionados con la agenda regular: Una resolution de la Comision de, Miami:, aceptando el (plat) plano de urbanization titulado CANNER: A replat de la ciudad de Miami, sujeto .a , todaslas condiciones.del comite de plat y calles y las.provisiones contenidas en la section -del Codigo de la Ciudad 55-8, aceptando las dedications que ensefian dicho plat autorizando y dirigiendolo al Secretario y Gerente de la Ciudad para llevar a cabo dicho plat y proveer la grabacion en los archivos de los records publicos de Miami Dade, Florida. , Copias de, la resolution propuesta, estan disponibles para revision en el Departamento de Obras Publicas, Division de Construction Section. de Archivos y Encuestas de Tierra,,localizado en el 444 S.W. 2nd Avenida,,4 piso durante horas laborables, telefono 305-416-1232. La Comision de' la Ciudad de Miami; 'les pide a todas aquellas personas interesadas, estar.presentes o representados en esta reunion y estan tados a expresar su°punto de vista. Si alguna persona -desea apelar cualquier decision de la Comision de la Ciudad conrespecto a cualquier.materia, considerada en esta reunion, esa persona debe asegurarse que palabra por palabra de_estos procedimientos, -. sean grabados incluyendo.todo,.evidencia ytestimonio,,sobre los cuales-se pueda tener bases para una apelacion (F.S.286-0105). De acuerdo al acto de 1990, americanos con inhabilidades, las personas que ner- siten comodidades especiales para participar en estos pr-ocedimientos,, pueden ponerse en contacto con la oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad' al (305) 250=5360 (voz), a mas tardar dos dias laborables antes de los procedimientos 6 al (305) 250- 5472 (WY) a ma's Vardar 3 dias laborables antes de los procedimientos previos. (#003161 Priscila A. Thompson City Clerk. Li -bed -AA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA en relacion con RATIFICACION DE DESCUBRIMIENTOS ,DE EMERGENCIA PARA DESESTIMAR LA NECESIDAD DE LICITACIONES PARA LA PRESTACION DE SERVICIOS DE TRANSPORTE PUBLICO A TRAVES DE ACTION .COMMUNITY CENTER, INC. PROYECTO NO. B-71201 City Hall - 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida La Junta de Comisionados =de la Ciudad de Miami cele- brara una audiencia publica el 25 de septiembre del 2008, comenzando a- las 9:00 a.m., para considerar si es en el mejor interes del publico que Ia Junta de Comisiona- dos ratifique, apruebe y confirme los Descubrirnientos de Ernergencia justificando que se desestime la,necesidad de celebrar licitaciones competitivas y otorgar el contrato para Servicio de Transporte a los residentes de Miami y visitantes, especialmente los que dependen del transito, las personas'. mayores y los incapacitados a destinos tales como hospitales, supermercados, centros de atencion a personas mayores y conexiones al sistema de transito publico de Miami -Dade, a Action Community Center, Inc. La audiencia publica se celebrara conjuntamente con la re- union ordinaria de la Junta de Comisionados programada para el 25 de septiembre del 2008 en: i MIAMI CITY HALL 3500 Pan American Drive Miami,' Florida La Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad solicita que todas las partes interesadas ester) presentes en esta reunion y estan invitadas.a expresar sus puntos de vista. Si al- guna persona deseara apelar cualquierdecision de la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad en relacion con cualquier asunto considerado en esta reunion, dicha persona debera asegurarse de que se produzca una trans- cripcion literal de las actuaciones,,incluyendo todos los tes- timonios y evidencias que pudieran servir de fundamento a dicha apelacion. De acuerdo.con las disposiciones de la ley "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990", las personas que necesiten aco- modaciones especiales para participar en estas actuacio- nes, pueden ponerse en contaato con la Oficina de la Se- cretaria Municipal al (305) 250-5360 (Voice) con no me - nos de dos (2) dias habiles previos a las actuaciones o al (305) 250-5472 (TTY) con no menos ,de tres (3) dias habiles previos a la reunion. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC_. Secretaria Municipal (#003160) ac'➢ Q Las ktrvz c •% c.p . MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared VERONICA PEREZ, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO # 003161 CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING FOR 9/25/2008 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 09/15/2008 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation • any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. .�ite�uca ‘.."---CED Sworn to and subscribed before me this (SEAL) VERONICA PEREZ per :kYri''. MARIA I. MESA -- x 4!�"Stl. MY COMMISSIONvo�# DD 750170 ntocQ RES:March4,2012 ql 1, Donned 7hru Notary Public Underwriters CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION,. OR EXPENSES- FOR CONDUCTING . LOBBYING ACTIVITIES IS REQUIRED TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OR THE CITY COMMISSION. Ai COPY OF THE APPLICABLE ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY. HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. AT THE SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO BE. HELD ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2008, AT 9:00 A.M., . IN ITS CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEM RELATED TO THE REGULAR AGENDA: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED CANNER, A REPLAT IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, SUBJECT TO -ALL OF THE. CONDITIONS OF THE PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE AND THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN- CITY ' CODE SECTION 55-8, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON. SAID PLAT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING _THE CITY MANAGER AND CITYCLERK TO EXECUTE SAID PLAT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Copies of the proposed Resolution are available for review at the Public Works Department, Survey and Land Records Section of the Construction Division, located;at 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor, during regular working hours. Phone 305-416-1232. The Miami City Commission requests all interested parties be present or represented at this meeting and are invited to express their views. , Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). - In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may+ Contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (#003161) 9/15 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk ' 08-3-262/1085422M NOTICIA: DE AUDIENCIA PU LICA ' RATIFICACION DE LOS RESULTADOS LA EMERGENCIA PARA LA RENUNCIA DE.: OFERTAS, DE-LOS SERVICIOS DE TRANSPORTE PUBLICO A. TRAVES DE ACTION COMMUNITY CENTER INC NOe DEL-PROYECTO E-71201.. City Hall -3500 Pan'Athericaaa Drive Miami, Florida La Comision de la Ciudad de Miami, llevara a cabo una audiencia publica que comienza el 25 de septiembre del 2008, a las 9:00 A.M. Para considerar si esta en el mejor interes del publico, que la Comision de la Ciudad ratifi que, apruebe y confirme los resultados de la emergencia del Gerente de la Ciudadque justifique la renuncia de deltas cornpetitivas y la concesioride'" un acuerdo para los servicios de transporte publicopara los residentes y los visitantes, especialmente el dependiente del Transito de Miami, los ancia- nos y los incapacitados a los destinos tales como: hospitales, supermerca- :dos, centros de cuidados depersonasmayores y concesiones al sistema de Transito Publico de Miami. Dade y Action Community Center Inc. La audiencia publica se llevara a cabo conjuntamente.con la reunion regu- lar programada de la Comision de. la Ciudad del 25 de septiembre, 2008 en:, MIAMI CITY HALL 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida: _ Todas las personas interesadas pueden asistir a la reunion y pueden ser escuchadas con respecto al tema propuesto. Si alguna persona desea, apelar cualquier decision de la, Comisiondela Ciudad con respecto a to considerado en esta reunion, debe asegurarse que palabra por palabra de estos procedimientos sea grabada, incluyendo toda evidencia y testi- mono para tener bases para una apelacion. De acuerdo al acto de 1990, (Americanos Incapacitados), las personas que necesiten comodidades especiales para participar en estos procedi- mientos pueden contactar la oficina dela ciudad por: 305 - 250-5360 no menos de dos dias laborabies antes de la reuniono al: 305 - 250-5472 no mas de 3 dias laborables- antes de la reunion. _ (#003160)_ l L..; .C' CITY OF NAM, FL RIDA NOTICE F PU = SIC HE I,, G ANY PERSON NVHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES IS REQUIRED TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OR THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF THE APPLICABLE ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, 'MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. AT THE SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2008, AT 9:00 A.M., IN ITS CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEM RELATED TO THE REGULAR AGENDA: A RESOLUTION OF THE ' MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, ACCEPTING THE PLAT -ENTITLED CANNER, A REPLAT IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE AND THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN CITY CODE SECTION 55-8, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID PLAT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION. OF SAID. PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA.' Copies of the proposed Resolution are available for review at the Public Works Department, Survey and Land Records Section of the Construction Division, located at 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 4'h Floor, during regular working hours. Phone 305-416-1232. The Miami City Commission requests all interested parties be present or represented at this meeting and are invited to express their views. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting; that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which -any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). } , i In accordance with'the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 persons, needing special accommodations UJu 'to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City ;Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no , - later than two'(2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business'days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMG City Clerk (#003161).. DA RE9 FL! MI A DE A PU L C CUALQUIER PERSONA QUE RECIBACOMPENSACION, REMUNERACION 0 GASTOS PARA REALIZARACTIVI- DADES DE CABILDEO ESTAOBLIGADAA INSCRIBIRSE COMO CABILDERO EN EL REGISTRO DE LA SECRE- TARIA MUNICIPAL, CON ANTERIORIDAD A INVOLU- . CRARSE EN ACTIVIDADES DE CABILDEO ANTE EL PERSONAL DE LA CIUDAD, LAS JUNTAS Y COMITES O LA JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS. UNA COPIA DE LA ORDENANZA CORRESPONDIENTE ESTA DISPONIBLE EN LA OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL (MIAMI CITY HALL), SITUADA EN EL 3500 DE PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133. EN LA REAUNION PROGRAMADA DE LA JUNTA DE -COMISIONADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA QUE HABRA DE CELEBRARSE EL 25 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2008, A LAS 9:00 A.M. EN SUS PROPIOS SALONES DEL AYUNTAMIENTO, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, LA JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, CONSIDERARA EL SIGUIENTE ASUNTO RELACIONA DO CQN. LA AGENDA UNA RESOLUCION DE LA JUNTA DE COMI- SIONADOS DE LA CIUDADDE MIAMI, CON ADJUNTO(S), ACEPTANDO EL PLANO TITU- LADO "CANNER", UNA SUBDIVISION EN LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, SUJETA TODAS ' LAS CONDICIONES DEL COMITE DEL PLANO Y CALLE Y LAS PROVISIONES CONTENIDAS EN , LA SECCION 55-8 DEL CODIGO DE LA CIUDAD SEGUN FUE EN- MENDADO, Y ACEPTANDO LAS DEDI- CACIONES CONTENIDAS EN EL PLA NO; AUTORIZANDO E INSTRUYENDO AL 'ADMINISTRADOR DE LA CIUDAD Y A LA SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL A EJECUTAR EL PLANO; Y PROVEYENDO PARA LA IN- SCRIPCION DEL PLANO EN LOS REGIS- TROS PUBLICOS DEL CONDADO MIAMI- DADE, FLORIDA. Copias de Ia Resolucion propuesta estan disponibles. para su revision en el Departamento de Obras Publicas, Sur- vey and Land Records Section of the Construction Divi- sion, situado en 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 4to Piso, durante el horario regular de oficinas. Telefono (305) 416-1232. La Junta de Comisionados de Ia Ciudad solicita que todas las partes interesadas 'ester' presentes o se hagan repre- sentar en esta reunion y estan invitadas a expresar sus pantos de vista: Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision de la Junta de Comisionados de Ia Ciudad en re- lacion con cualquier asunto considerado en esta reunion, dicha persona debera asegurarse de que se produzca una transcripcion literal de las actuaciones, incluyendo todos los testimonios y evidencias que,pudieran servir de funda- mento a dicha apelacion (F.S.286.0105). De acuerdo con las disposiciones de laley "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990", las personas que necesiten aco- modaciones especiales para participar en estas actuacio- nes, pueden ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de Ia Se- cretaria Municipal al (305) 250-5360 (Voice) con no me- nos de dos (2) dias habiles previos a las actuaciones o MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared V. PEREZ, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO # 003160 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING FOR 9/25/08 PROJECT NO. B-71201 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 09/12/2008 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisemeor publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before 12 (SEAL) V. PEREZ personally known to me this ) 2008 MARIA I, MESA MY COMMISSION # DD 750170 EXPIRES; March 4, 2012 tNAN fitefb *WI Pubic Underwriters NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING RATIFICATION OF EMERGENCY FINDINGS FOR WAIVER OF BIDS FOR THE PROVISION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES THROUGH ACTION COMMUNITY CENTER INC., PROJECT NO. B-71201 CITY NALL - 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FLORIDA The Miami City Commission will hold a Public Hearing on September 25, 12008 beginning at 9:00 a.m. to consider whether it is in the public's best interest that the City Commission ratify, approve and confirm the 'Emergency Findings of the City Manager justifying the waiver of (competitive bids and the award of ,an agreement for Transportation !Services for Miami residents and visitors, especially the transit dependent, elderly and the disabled to destinations such as hospitals, supermarkets, senior care centers and connections to the Miami -Dade public transit system, to Action Community Center, Inc. !The Public Hearing will be held in •conjunction •with the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting of September 25, 2008 at:. MIAMI CITY HALL 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida All interested persons may appear at the meeting and may be heard with respect to the proposed issue. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. - #003160 9/12 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk 08-3-92/1083721 M ] MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared VERONICA PEREZ, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO # 003162 CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES in the XXXX • Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 09/15/2008 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15 :.y of S3�*:.� A� 2008 (SEAL) VERONICA PEREZ iY'ry MARIA I. MESA n ftngwQtyION # DO 750170 '1 h + , EXPIRES' March 4, 2012 ,•7',gp �!`4 B§ndna flint Nbtbiy Publio Undormitars CITY OF -MIAMI! FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on 'second -and final reading on September 25.2008, commencing at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRITORIAL- LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE PURPOSE OF TAXATION; FIXING THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES IN THE CITYOF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR. BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2008. AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' - ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), RELATED TO TAXATION, DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE -TERRITORIAL. LIMITS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; FIXING THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES IN SAID DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2008 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER.30, 2009, AT FIVE TENTHS (.5) MILLS ON THE DOLLAR OF NONEXEMPT ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IN SAID. DIS- TRICT; PROVIDING THAT SAID MILLAGE AND THE LE YING OF TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") AS • REFLECTED " IN THE CITY'S MILLAGE LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE AFORESAID FISCAL YEAR WHICH IS RE- QUIRED BY CITY CHARTER SECTION 27; PROVIDING THAT THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES HEREIN SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED AS REPEALING, OR. AMENDING ANY OTHER ORDINANCE FIXING MILLAGE OR LEVYING TAXES, BUT SHALL BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION THERETO; CONTAINING . A • REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said proposed ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or at- htto://www.miamigov.com/Agendas/pubmeet.asp, five days before the date of the Commission Meeting. All interested persons may appear at the meeting and may be heard with respect to the proposed. ordinance. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be 1. considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal maybe based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC. City Clerk 08-4-263/1085431 M