HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit9CIVIL ENGINEERS 41) CONSULTING ENGINEERS ATLANTIS ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.: 1899 374 N.E. 56TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 Sheet 1/2 Mr.Jose L.Lago ,P.E. City of Miami Capital Improvements Department 444 SW 2 Ave. 8th Floor Miami , Fl. 33130 PHONE (305) 756-6230 FAX (305) 756-6248 TESTING LABORATORIES INSPECTION SERVICES ORDER NO. 118.98 March 9 , 2004 RE : Flagami Report-Flagami Storm Sewer Project , Phase II , B-5673-C2 Proposed Storm Water Pump Stations at SW 63 Ct.& SW 6 Str. + SW 63 Ct. & SW 2 Str.,Miami,F1. Dear Mr.Lago As per your request and authorization we reviewed the results of the test borings that we performed today and past Saturday (March 6 ) at the above referenced project locations , and as such , we are afferirg below our analyses and recommendations to your consultants , for their use , in the design and site preparation procedures for the construction of above said storm water pump stations . Our investigation consisted of drilling 30 feet in each of the above two locations . The test borings were done as per ASTM D-1586 , "Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils" . At each location , standard penetration values (the "N" values , the foot blow -counts , a significant parameter in the evaluation of the resistance of soils) were taken and soil descriptions were recorded for the total depth of the boring . The information revealed by both test borings was similar . Namely , a deep (15 feet) limerock with silica sand deposits formation followed by another deep (15 feet),silica sand layer . The water table was encountered at some 6 feet from the top . Judging from the foot blow -count numbers,the limerock formation was found to be of variable resistance,based on the amount of sand deposits contained , however,the ensuing silica sand layer was found to be in a very dense formation Based on the above revealed profiles and on the fact that the proposed storm water pump stations will be set some 23-24 feet from the surface , our re- commendation for maximum soil bearing capacity at this level is : 2500 psf . (Continued Next Sheet) • CIVIL ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS • • ATLANTIS ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.: 1899 374 N.E. 56TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 Sheet 2/2 ORDER NO. 118.98 March 9 , 2004 PHONE (305) 756-6230 FAX (305) 756-6248 TESTING LABORATORIES INSPECTION SERVICES Mr. Jose L.Lago,P.E. City of Miami RE : Flagami Report-Flagami Storm Sewer Project , Phase II , J-5673-C2 The installation of the pump stations at such depths will require the use of sheet piling . As such therefore,our recommendations for soil parameters to be used are as follows : Location SW 63 Ct. W/SW 6 Str. Unit Weight of Soil Above Water Unit Weight of Soil Below Water Immersed Silica Friction Angle Location SW 63 Ct. W/SW 2 Str. (0-6 ft.) (6-15 ft.)(Immersed 118- 62.4=55.6 SAY 56) Sand Unit Weight (15-30 ft.)= 110-62.4=47.6 SAY 48 lb/ft3 q5 Table : 118 lb/ft3 Table : 56 lb/ft3 0-6 ft. = 36' 6-25 ft. = 32° 15-30 ft. = 33e Unit Weight of Soil Above Water Table : 105 lb/ft3 (0-6 ft.) Unit Weight of Soil Below Water Table : 53 lb/ft3 (6-15 ft.)(Immersed 115- 62.4=52.6 SAY 53) Immersed Silica Sand Unit Weight (15-30 ft.)= 110-62.4=47.6 SAY 48 lb/ft3 Friction Angle `1" 0-6 ft. = 26° 6-15 ft. = 32° 15-30 ft. = 33' Please note that all above soil parameters are derived from a very limited investigation , basically a single boring in each location . Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions on the above . Yours P.E.#16227 F1. CIVIL ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS CLIENT PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION ARCHITECT ENGINEER REPORTED TO COPIES SENT TO Dear Mr.Lago , ATLANTIS ENGINEEERING & TESTING, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.: 1899 374 N.E. 56TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 PHONE (305) 756-6230 FAX (305) 756.6248 TESTING LABORATORIES INSPECTION SERVICES SHEET 1 OF 5 • City of Miami -Capital Improvements DepartmentOrder No. : 118.98 444 SW 2 Ave.,8th Floor1Miami,F1. 33130 • Flagami Report-Flaaami Sprm Sexer.Pr_oiect, ReportNo.• 1 Phase II , B-5673-C2 TotaiNo. • SW 63 Ct. & SW 6 Str. Miami , Fl. : Not Given . • H.J.Ross & Associates 4- SW 63 Ct. & SW 2 Str. Hiles Mr.Jose L.Lago , P.E./City of Miami • City of Miami (4) 2 Date 3 419-04 Lab No As per your request and authorization we conducted soil borings at the above referenced project sites . The field work was done with an ACKER make drill rig . Disturbed samples of the sub -soil strata were obtained using a two foot split - spoon sampler having a two inch outside diameter . The sampler was advanced with a 140 lb hammer at a drop of 30 inches and blows were recorded at six inch intervals (ASTM D-1586) . This report presents the factual information obtained from the sub- surface at the locations and depths of the borings with no recommen- dations of any kind . See separate report for that . Respectfully Su • stied FIUP GUT • . . I!# 16227 the a.d. • • . all reports is reserved pending our women approval. Form No, 2 (Rv. 11/02) Z,!)q,. This Form Conforms to ASTM-0 /586. 02113 - B-1444 JLS a mutual praeclion to the O.vners arW ourselves. the Engineer in of strumun s. Sartpisa are retained for a maximum period or 2 of Chants. and authorization for pubhoetion of statements. condo Lions a behall R check V* a further to Clients, a ',tracts from or regarding ov to ' . Lychees of property, or desgrdnp as the confidential property • • WATER LEVEL: 6+ IL BELOW SURFACE AT CIVIL ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT: HOLE NO.: ATLANTIS ENGINEEERING & TESTING, INC, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.: 1899 374 N.E. 56TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 TEST BORING REPORT PHONE (305) 756-6230 FAX (305) 756-6248 TESTING LABORATORIES INSPECTION SERVICES SHEET 2 OF 5 ORDER NO: 118.98 LAB NO: B -1 4 4 4 FLAGAMI REPORT-FLAGAMI STORM SEWER PROJECT, PHASE II,B-5673-C2 @SW63CT/6STR. 1 HOLELOCATION•NE side Intersection SW 63 Court W/sit 6 Str.,Miami ,F1. GIVRJNDELEVATION. EX1Stinq , Not Gwen. DRILLING STARTED: 9: O0am, 3-09-2004 COMPLETED: 11 : 00am, 3-09-04 DRILLING CREW M. Bennett W. Bennett WEATHER: S Ll n n REMARKS: SUPERVISED BY: M.Bennett blow below Ground E t.ve4ronrR on spoon pon.v. pw a el. -it' vetrre p.ma. sae DESORPTION OF dATERALS Lag �. n Number&O1iO" Kammer Cwtn1 .5 1.0 .5 2.0 .5 3.0 .5 4.0 .5 5.0 .5 6.0 .5 7.0 .5 8.0 .5 9.0 .5 10.0 .5 11.0 .5 12.0 .5 13.0 .5 14.0 .5 15.0 4 Grass 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 11 31 40 32 18 20 30 35 24 45 65 52 12 14 26 Pale Yellow'Limerock 12 20 22 22 44 24 _ I SAME 4 .. 5 6 11 6 _ Pale Yellow Limerock W/Silica Sand 6 5 , 6 11 SAME 6 - 12 10 10 20 11 SAME 9 41112 22 MI 14 `I23 3 0 �� 16 , 16 I31 SAME tr SAME ice I, . CASING: 3.0 in 0.D. 27R in I.D. CASING DEPTH: 25 f t . SAMPLER: 2.0 in 0.D. 1.5 in I.D.TYPE:SP1it-Spoon HAMMER WEIGHT: CASING 140 Ibs. SPOON 14 0 HAMMER DROP: CASING 30 in SPOON 30 11:00 am DATE 3-09-2004 CASING TYPE B-X-F-W RIG TYPE ACKER lbs. in. As mutual protection to the Owners end ourselves, the Engineer in the Owner's behalf shell check this report with the samples submitted prior to the purchase of properly. or designing d strucwres. Samples are retained to a maximum period of 2 monirts. As further prolec1 on to Clients. the Public and our selves, a1 reports are submitted as the cOnfdendal property or Cient . and authorization for pubbcalion of statements, conclusions a extracts trom or regarding Our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Form No..2 (Rv. 11/02) This Form Conforms to ASTM-D1 586. 02113 CIVIL ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT: HOLE NO.: ATLANTIS ENGINEEERING & TESTING, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.: 1899 374 N.E. 56TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 TEST BORING REPORT PHONE (305) 756-6230 FAX (305) 756-6248 TESTING LABORATORIES INSPECTION SERVICES SHEET 3 OF 5 ORDER NO: 11'8.98 LAB NO: B-1444 FLAGAMI REPORT-FLAGAMI STORM SEWER PROJECT,PHASE SW63CT/6STR. 1 HOLE LOCATION: NE side Intersection SW 63 Court WISW 6 Str. 1Mi ami , Fa. . GtPuND ELEVATION: Existing , Not Given DRILLING STARTED:9 O0am,3-09-2004 COMPLETED:11:00am,3-09-04 SUPERVISED BY: M.Bennett DRILLING CREW: M Bennett W.Eennett WEATHER: Sunny REMARKS: o.pm elow. Wm on eemo Grand per 6 h Ebv..orrl. p.ne.: blow Porter. -I1-vUW Seafki Lee DESCRPT*ON OF MATERIALS Semple Number Harmer Blows on Gino 15.5 16.0 .5 17.0 .5 18.0 .5 19.0 .5 20.0 .5 21.0 .5 22.0 .5 23.0 .5 24.0 .5 25.0 .5 26.0 .5 27.0 .5 28.0 . 5 29.0 . 5 30.0 18 17 15 10 10 12 17 22 17 20 22 23 27 29 30 32 35 42 32 I Pale Yellow , Fine Silica Sand 29 I SAME SAME 42 SAME 59 I SAME END OF BORING 7 8 9 9 40 44 38 27 20 22 29 30 35 45 CASING: 3.0 in Q.D. 278 in 1.D. CASING DEPTH: 25 f t . CASING TYPE B-X-F-W SAMPLER 2.0 in O.D. 1.5 in I.D. TypE: Split- Spoon RIG TYPE ACKER HAMMER WEIGHT: CASING 140 lbs. SPOON 140 Ibs. HAMMER DROP: CASING 30 in SPOON 30 in. WATER LEVEL: 6+ fl. BELOW SURFACE AT 11:00 -am DATE 3-09-2004 As mutual protedbn to the (Testers and ourselves, the Engineer in the Owners behalf shall clred this report with the sanpPles skLmatled prior to tie purchase of property. or designing of structures. Samples ere retained fore maximum period of 2 months. As a furtmr proteCtion to Clients, the Public end our selves, el reports we subnined as the confidential property of Ciientc. and luthonxalionlor pub&cafion of statements. conclusions or extracts from Or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approvet. Form No. 2 (Rv. 11/02) This Form Conforms to ASTM-01586, 02113 • CIVIL ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT: ATLANTIS ENGINEEERING & TESTING, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.: 1899 374 N.E. 56TH STREET TESTING LABORATORIES MIAMI, FLORIDA INSPECTION SERVICES 33137 SHEET 4 _OF 5 ORDER NO: 11 8.98 PHONE (305) 756-6230 FAX (305) 756-6248 TEST BORING REPORT LABNO: B-1444 FLAGAMI REPORT-FLAGAMI STORM SEWER PROJECT, PHASE II,B-5673-C2@SW6 3 CT./2STR. HOLENO.: 2 HOLELOCATION: NE side Intersection SW 63 Court -WSW 2 Str..Mi alali,FI. GOQUNDELEVATION: Existing , Not Given . DRILLING STARTED:11 : 00am, 3-06-2004COMPLETEO: 1 : 00pm , 3-06-04 SUPERVISED BY: M. Bennett DRILLING CREW: M. Bennett W_ Bennett WEATHER. Sunny . REMARKS: Dever below Chord firvaeoNe. Wove on spoon pr6t . .5 1.0 .5 2.0 .5 3.0 .5 4.0 .5 5.0 .5 6.0 .5 7.0 .5 8.0 .5 9.0 .5 10.0 .5 11.0 .5 12.0 .5 13.0 .5 14.0 .5 15.0 5 11 10 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 10 12 12 CASING: 3. 0 SAMPLER 2.0 HAMMER WEIGHT: HAMMER DROP: WATER LEVEL: 6+ Poor*I $mops DESCRPTION OF MATERIALS Tr." vdse Log Sample Number Hamner Wows on Casing - Grass 21 t Brown , Fine Silica Sand •c• i !N 2 z 7 SAME 3 . SAME 12 4 22 1' Pale Yellow Limerock W/Brown,Fine Silica Sand SAME SAME SAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 14 4 1 1 6 16 21 15 13 23 44 85 90 90 in 0.D. 278 in I.D. CASING DEPTH: 25 ft. CASING TYPE B-X-F-W in 0.0. 1.5 in I.D. TYPE: Split -Spoon RIG TYPE ACKER CASING 140 tbs. SPOON 140 lbs. CASING 30 in SPOON 3 0 in. ft. BELOW SURFACE AT 1 : 00 pm DATE 3-06-2004 As mutual protection 10 the Owners end ourselves, me Engineer in the Owners behad shall check this report will) the samples subrrieted prior to the purchase of properly, or designing of arhx:r res. Samples are rebind for a maximum period of 7 months. As a further protection to Clients. the Pubec and our selves. e6 reports are suMvtted or the conl dential property of Gent, ono authorization for publication of statements. conclusions or extracts from or regarding elm reports is reserved pending our wriaen approval. Form No. 2 (Rv. 11/02) Thls Form Conforms to ASTM-D1566, 02113 • 0 CIVIL ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS ATLANTIS ENGINEEERING & TESTING, INC. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.: 1894 374 N.E. 56TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 PHONE (305) 756-6230 • FAX (305) 756-6248 TESTING LABORATORIES INSPECTION SERVICES SHEET 5 OF 5 ORDER NO: 118.98 TEST BORING REPORT LAB NO: 8-1444 PROJECT: FLAGAMI REPORT-FLAGAMI STORM SEWER PROJECT, PHASE II ,13-5673-C2@SW63CT. /2STR. HOLENO.: 2 HOLE LOCATION: NE side Intersection ' 63 u Cort WLSW 2 Strs1_Miami.F7.. GOICUND ELEVATION- EX i St 1 Mt , NQt Given _V DRILLING STARTED:1 1 : 00a m 2004 COMPLE7ED:1:00p0113-06•-04 SUPERVISED BY: M.Bennett DRILLING CREW:_ M. Bennett W.Bennett WEATHER: Sunny REMARKS: Depth o Ground Etennioni. �+vaw per a in. p0.0. Pon*. P • ee value Semple UV . DESCRPTION OF MATERIALS tthe M arrtntsr Stowe Coalman w 15.5 16 - � 16.0 16 - 87 .5 20 36 71' Pale Yellow , Fine Silica Sand 7 . 17.0 21 • - .' c; ' 86 18.0 't 0..; 70 .5 :-.�- SAME 19.0 `•.-' •'� 69 .5 '•' - r 20.0 •' :; :. 54 .5 17 'e`• ,f.. . 21.0 20 57 .5 28 48 • -•• SAME 8 22.0 31 - 'r t 44 .5 `y' 23.0 •, :-r,r. •.5 40 -- �1•- SAME 24.0 '-a 38 .5 +.'••. , 25.0 `f ,.',i 48 .5 26.0 30 30 '•- ' 1 ir- it ''- • _• .5 35 65 y• SAME 9 27.0 35 ^_ • .5 28.0 .5 36 30 27 57 h� ^ ,-• r� r/�-, ''%, SAME M E 9 2 9.0 19 - , - 'r .5 19 ;Al r; 30.0 15 •''"-r, END OF BORING CASING. 3.0 in O.D. SAMPLER_ 2._0 in 0.D. HAMMER WEIGHT: CASING HAMMER DROP: CASING 278 1.5 140 30 in WATER LEVEL: 6 ft. BELOW SURFACE AT in I.D. CASING DEPTH. 25 . f t . in I.D. TYPE: Sp 1 i t-Soon Ibs. SPOON 19 0 Its. SPOON 30 1:00 pm In. CASING TYPE B-X-F-W RIG TYPE ACKER DATE 3-06-2004 0.s a mutual protection to the Owners and ouseNes. the Engineer in the Owners behalf shall check this report with the samples submitted prior to the purchase of property. or designing of structures. Samples are retained fora maximum period or 2 months. As a further protection to Cannes, the Public and our selves. ell reports are submitted se die confidential property or Clients, ono authorization for publication of statements. conclusions or extracts horn or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Form No. 2 (Rv. 11/02) This Form Conforms toASTM-D1586, D2113