HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit13•I • ASS OCIATES t N C. We. + MIA- oo4 • 9955 N.W. 118th Way. Suite 1 Miami, Horida 33178 www.atc. enviro.corn 305.882.8200 Fax 305.882.1200 CLIENT: H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. TEST: P-1 800 Douglas Entrance, Annex Bldg., Suite 250 • Coral Gables, FL 33134 PROJECT: City of Miami Drainage Improvements CREW: B.J./J.H. West End Storm Sewers Phase II NW 69 Ave. & Tamiami Canal Rd. NUMBER: 31.00138.0023 On May 21, 2002, ATC Associates Inc. obtained the following data for the test located at the project address above. Effective Pumping Rate: Actual Hole (Casing) Diameter: Initial Hole Depth: Final Hole Depth: Height of Stabilized Flow: Depth to Water: 0.0037 cfs 0.17 ft 15.0 ft 15.0 ft 5.1 ft above groundwater level 5.1 ft The effective pumping rate raised the water level in the cased hole to the ground surface. This level was maintained for ten minutes. SOIL LOG: COVER: Grass 0.0'•0.5' Topsoil 0.5'•4.0' Tan SAND and limestone fragments 4.0'•15.0' Tan SAND with shell GJGeotech/Peres/HJRoss/City of Miami.XLS Re 1er;ct-fuli ue itted AT ' Asso Late., ' c. teven E. Blac , P. / FL. Registration No. 39810 • A$ S 0 C R A T E S I N c. 9955 N.W. 118th Way. Suite 1 Miami. Ronde 33178 www.a10. enviro.com 305.882_8200 Fax 305.882.1200 CLI ENT: PROJECT: NUMBER: H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. 800 Douglas Entrance, Annex Bldg., Suite 250 Coral Gables, FL 33134 City of Miami Drainage Improvements West End Storm Sewers Phase 11 NW 64 Ct.& Tamiami Canal Rd. 31.00138.0023 TEST: P-2 CREW: B.J./J.H. On May 21, 2002, ATC Associates Inc. obtained the following data for the test located at the project address above. Effective Pumping Rate: Actual Hole (Casing) Diameter: Initial Hole Depth: Final Hole Depth: Height of Stabilized Flow: Depth to Water: 0.0021 cfs 0.17 ft 15.0 ft 15.0 ft 2.7 ft above groundwater level 2.7 ft The effective pumping rate raised the water level in the cased hole to the ground surface. This level was maintained for ten minutes. SOIL LOG: COVER: Grass 0.0'-0.5' Topsoil 0.5'.15.0' Tan SAND and limestone fragments GJGeatech/Pens/HJRoss/City of Miami.XLS Res A i/ �• Steven E. Black, P.E. FL. Registration No. 39810 ctfully sub sso'tes ted • v31TC r Asa O CIATfS INC. 9955 N.W. 116th Way. Suite 1 Miami, Rorida 33178 wwwatc-enviro.00m 305.882.8200 Fax 305.882.1200 CLIENT: PROJECT: NUMBER: H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. 800 Douglas Entrance, Annex Bldg., Suite 250 Coral Gables, FL 33134 City of Miami Drainage Improvements West End Storm Sewers Phase 11 NW 62 Ave. & Tamiami Canal Rd. 31.00138.0023 TEST: CREW: On May 21, 2002, ATC Associates Inc. obtained the following data for the test located at the project address above. Effective Pumping Rate: Actual Hole (Casing) Diameter: Initial Hole Depth: Final Hole Depth: Height of Stabilized Flow: Depth to Water: 0.0021 cfs 0.17 ft 15.0 ft 15.0 ft 2.7 ft above groundwater level 2.7 ft The effective pumping rate raised the water level in the cased hole to the ground surface. This level was maintained for ten minutes. SOIL LOG: COVER: Grass 0.0'-0.5' Topsoil 0.5'-2.0' Light gray SAND and limestone fragments 2.0'-15.0' Tan SAND and limestone fragments G:/Geotech/Peres/NJRoss/City of Miami.XLS Re /: ectfully subty}I,jted AT.i '.ssocrates Steven E. Black, P.E. FL. Registration No..39810 P-3 B.J./J.H. • I • CYATC ASSOCIATES INC. 9955 N.W. 118th Way. Suite 1 Miami. Rorida 33178 Www.atc-enviro.com 305.882.8200 Fax 305.8821200 CLIENT: PROJECT: NUMBER: H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. 800 Douglas Entrance, Annex Bldg., Suite 250 Coral Gables, FL 33134 City of Miami Drainage Improvements West End Storm Sewers Phase II NW 62 Ave. &W. Flagler Street 31.00138.0023 TEST: CREW: On May 21, 2002, ATC Associates Inc. obtained the following data for the test located at the project address above. Effective Pumping Rate: Actual Hole (Casing) Diameter: Initial Hole Depth: Final Hole Depth: Height of Stabilized Flow: Depth to Water: 0.0048 cfs 0.17 ft 15.0 ft 15.0 ft 4.0 ft above groundwater level 4.0 ft The effective pumping rate raised the water level in the cased hole to the ground surface. This level was maintained for ten minutes. SOIL LOG: COVER: Grass 0.0'-2.0' Topsoil and muck 2.0'-4.0' Dark tan SAND and limerock fragments 4.0'-15.0' Tan SAND and limestone fragments G:/Geotech/Peres/HJRoss/City of Miami.XLS Res ectfuily submitted sso 'ate s c. teven E BIac , P. FL. Registration No. 39810 P-4 B.J./J.H. • K!.TC ASSOCIATES INC. 9955 N.W. 116th way, Site 1 Miami. Florida 33178 wvwv.ataernriro.00m 305.882-8200 Fax 305.882.1200 CLIENT: H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. TEST: P-5 800 Douglas Entrance, Annex Bldg., Suite 250 Coral Gables, FL 33134 PROJECT: City of Miami Drainage Improvements CREW: B.J./J.H. West End Storm Sewers Phase II NW 63 Ct. & W. Flagler Street NUMBER: 31.00138.0023 0n May 21, 2002, ATC Associates Inc. obtained the following data for the test located at the project address above. Effective Pumping Rate: Actual Hole (Casing) Diameter: Initial Hole Depth: Final Hole Depth: Height of Stabilized Flow: Depth to Water: 0.0048 cfs 0.17 ft 15.0 ft 15.0 ft 7.3 ft above groundwater level 7.3 ft The effective pumping rate raised the water level in the cased hole to the ground surface. This level was maintained for ten minutes. SOIL LOG: COVER: Grass 0.0'•0.5' Topsoil and muck 0.5%15.0' Tan SAND and limestone fragments GJGeotech/Peas/NJRoss/City of Miami.XLS Res ectfully b AT br ssoci �e t- yen E. Black, E. FL. Registration No. 39810