TO: Honorable Mayor and.
City sioners
FROM: Pedro G.
City Manager
DATE: December 6, 2007 FILE: B-30153F
SUBJECT: Emergency Finding:
Orange Bowl Demolition -
General Contracting Services
ndez, P.E. REFERENCES: 12/13/07 Commission Agenda
ENCLOSURES: Committee Findings
The City of Miami (City) and the University of Miami (UM) entered into a Use Agreement for the
use of the Orange Bowl Stadium (Stadium) on June 22, 1990. In 2002, the City and UM agreed
to secure a feasibility analysis for the redevelopment of the Stadium, as a means to increase
stadium usage and associated revenues for both parties. A study was conducted and it was
determined that the Stadium should undergo a substantial renovation. In 2006 the City hired
Jones Lang LaSalle, Americas Inc., and HNTB Architecture, Inc. to assess the feasibility of
various stadium renovation options and propose redevelopment options to UM.
The City was not able to successfully negotiate with LIM for the continued use of the Stadium
and LIM announced that they will leave the facility after the 2007 season. A decision was made
to demolish the stadium as soon as possible in order to prepare the site for redevelopment and
limit potential liability resulting from the stadium not having a primary tenant. A vacant stadium is
detrimental to the safety and welfare of the community and the need to quickly procure a
demolition contractor is a valid public emergency.
The Administration finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the City to waive
competitive sealed bidding procedures and utilize competitive negotiations in order to secure
the services of Decommissioning & Environmental Management Company, Inc. (DEMCO), to
demolish the Orange Bowl Stadium and adjacent areas within the interior perimeter fencing.
A competitive negotiation process was utilized to solicit qualified firms and to negotiate an
agreement. The Department of Capital Improvements ("CIP") issued a Request for Letters of
Interest (RFLI) for the purpose of developing a short-list of firms to participate in the competitive
negotiations. Fifteen (15) firms responded to the RFLI. An Evaluation Committee met and
selected the three (3) most qualified firms. The three (3) firms were invited to participate in the
competitive negotiation process. A Request for Information (RFI) was issued to the firms to
submit their plans for the demolition of the Orange Bowl, which were utilized as the basis for
negotiations. All three firms responded to the RFI. Subsequently negotiations were held with
the firms during the week of December 3, 2007. The negotiation team determined that DEMCO
offered the City the most advantageous agreement based on a combination of experience,
management plan, scheduling flexibility, technical approach and price. If DEMCO does not
execute the negotiated agreement within seven (7) days, the team recommends entering into an
agreement with Brandenburg Industrial Service Company.
C: Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney
Gail Dotson, Assistant City Attorney
Gary Fabrikant, Assistant Director, CIP