App ox.imately 2721 AND 2735 COCONUT AVENUE
CASE NO: 07-00O47xc
Pursuant to Article 6, Section 61.2 of Ordinance 1 l 000, as amended. the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Miami, .Florida, the subject proposal for :Berries's
Restaurant" has been reviewed to allow the following Special Exception:
▪ Special Exception as per Article 6, Section 612. SD-12 Special .Buffer Overlay. -
Districts: to allow for surface parking in the SD-12 to serve an abutting
commercial district.
** Subject to Unity of {Title for parking on lots separate principle use.
** City Commission Approval required.
The following findings have been made:
• It is found that the proposed surface parking lot will be developed on R-3
"Multifamily Medium -Density Residential" with SD-19 "Overlay :District with
.Designated F.A.R. of .4" with an SD-12 "Special Buffer Overlay" district adjacent
to existing SD-13 "S. W. 27th Avenue Gateway District" with an NCD-3 "Coconut
Grove Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District" lots, to the east, in order to
provide parking for the existing commercial building.
• It is found that the commercial building parcel provides 15 parking spaces, which
is deficient number for the required spaces for the building.
• It is found that the parking lot will be beneficial to the area by providing 26
parking spaces paved and striped, which provides the adjacent commercial
building an excess of approximately 19 parking spaces.
• It is found the proposal includes a substantial landscape buffer and it also found
that alt of the proposed vehicular ingress and egress would be provided through
Southwest 27th Avenue.
• It is found that the proposed use is in scale and character with the surrounding area.
® It is found that the proposed layout provides adequate parking and circulation.
Based on these findings, the Planning Department is recommending approval of
the application as presented with the following condition:
A complete landscape plan, with specifications, depicting irrigation and
illumination for the parking area must be submitted for review and approval
by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of any building permits.
SECT:tON :1305,2 Criteria Matrix
*Compliance is subject to conditions
Application Type: Special Exceptiot (file No. 07•-M047xc)
Project name: Berries Restaurant
Project Address: 2721 & 2735 Coconut Avenue
c. Pursuant to Section 1305.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific site plan aspects of the
PROJECT that have been found by the City Commission (based upon facts and reports prepared or submitted by
staff or others) to adhere to the following Design Review Criteria subject to the any applicable conditions in the
Development Order herein:
I) Site and Urban :Planning:
Design Review Criteria Applicability
(.l) Respond to the physical Y
contextual environment taking
into consideration urban form
and natural features;
(2) Siting should minimize the
impact of automobile parking
and driveways on the pedestrian
environment and adjacent
(3) Buildings on corner lots _N/A
should be oriented to the corner
and public street fronts.
Design Review Criteria
II) Architecture and Landscape Architecture:
(1) A project shall be designed
to comply with all applicable
landscape ordinances;
(2) Respond to the neighborhood
(3) Create a transition in bulk
and scale;
(4) Use architectural styles
and details (such as roof lines
and fenestration), colors and
materials derivative from
surrounding area;
(5) Articulate the building facade
vertically and horizontally in
intervals that conform to the
existing structures in the vicinity.
:!)txiciger vert 51.. SER5 '.RiversideiPLr4N 1iVG ZON ING- Shared1':uRREvr. LANNINT '=Cw]RE T 1.,lASNINGZ:3`2733-24-0 O7-OOG47 2721 and 235 Coconut
Ave'(riteriaMatrix -2721 & 2735 Coconw Ave.doc
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SECTION 1305,2 Criteria Matrix
*Comptza ice is subject to conditions
detrian Oriented .Development:
Design Review Criteria Applicability Compliance
(1) Promote pedestrian * y
(2) Design facades that NiA *
respond primarily to the
human scale;
(3) Provide active, not blank N/A_
facades. Where blank walls
are unavoidable, they should
receive design treatment.
IV) Streetscape and Open Space:
Design Review Criteria Applicability
(l) Provide usable open space N/A
that allows for convenient and
visible pedestrian access from
the public sidewalk;
(2) Landscaping, including plant Y
material, trellises, special
pavements. screen walls, planters
and similar features should be
appropriately incorporated to
enhance the project.
Design Review Criteria
(1) Design for pedestrian and
vehicular safety to minimize
conflict points;
(2) Minimize the number and
width of driveways and curb
(3) Parking adjacent to a street
front should be minimized and
where possible should be
located behind the building;
(4) Use surface parking areas
as district buffer.
V) Vehicular Access and Parking:
Applicability Compliance
Y.Dataserver 5 U EJ5V Ziversidefl 9'rNING ZOIININCT. Shared.L.URRI;N:r' PLANNI UTIVRRENTPLAN1'ING ZBiZB 9-24-f. 11'-OOO4?;c 2721 and 2735 Coconut
Ave:.Criteria Matrix -2721 & 2735 Coconut Ave.doc --
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CTION 13 5 2 Criteria Ma ria
*t;otnpti:nnc-c is subject to conditions
VI) Screening
Design .Review Criteria Applicability Co plianee
(1 ) Provide landscaping that
screen undesirable elements,
such as surface parking lots,
and that enhances space and
(2) Building sites should locate
service elements like trash
durnpster_ loading docks, and
mechanical equipment away
from street front where possible.
When elements such as
durnpsters, utility meters,
mechanical units and service
areas cannot be located away
from the street front they should
be situated and screened from
view to street an.d adjacent
(3) Screen parking garage
structures with program uses.
Where program uses are not
feasible soften the garage
structure with trellises,
landscaping, and/or other
suitable design element.
Vl<lf) Signage and Lighting:
Design Review Criteria Applicability
(1) Design signage appropriate _N/A
for the scale and character of
the project and immediate
(2) Provide lighting as a design N/A
feature to the building .facade.
on and around landscape
areas. special building or
site features, and/or signage;
(3) Orient outside lighting to
minimize glare to adjacent
(4) Provide visible signage N/A
identifying building addresses
at the entrance(s) as a
functional and aesthetic
FJaraser r7 5-1 SERS=Riti_rside Fill..VIN{: & ZOIL-5%LNG: Share&C. URR NT PLANNING'.CURRENT PLAN ING ZB` B >-21-0 r}._FlOO471-c 2721 and 2735 Coco»ur
A`Criteria Matrix -2721 dr 2735 Coconut Ave Woe
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S CTION .1 05.2 Criteria Ma rix
*Copnpli.ance is subject w conditions
Design Review Criteria
(1) Preserve ex istt mg vegetation
and/or geological features
whenever possible.
Design Review Criteria
'ation of Na ral Features:
Applicability Compliance
IX) Modification of Nonconi`ormities:
(1) For modifications of N/A
nonconforming structures,
no increase in the degree of
nonconformity shall be
(2) Modifications that conform N/A
to current regulations shall be
designed to conform to the scale
and context of the nonconforming
i)atascrverl 5 C.S!RSl2iversicle l'LANtiING & Z!)NNINC: SharecdC:'URRE1T[ PLAh'NINa':LC,'RRENT?LAN .ING'ZB,iZB 9 2- -O7 O7-OOO47zc 2721 a d2735 Croconna
4ve'40-1rerw Matrix -2721 & 2735 Coconut Ave_dac