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19BO APR -7 PH 12153:
ed (STAIUT0 ffAM-$Et ON b89.
8''r )3772
Thii instrument was prepared by:
2222 Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Address_ Suite 302
Coral Gables, Florida. 33134
Sa1�pTvsrsP rnrrinRn- ,,.,• •----
day of April 1980 , Ertufrrn
LUCIUS C. WILLIAMS end ANTHONY CUIDO, as equal tenants in common and not
as joint tenants with rights of survivorship
of the County of Dade
, State of
CITY OF MIAMI, a Florida Municipal Corporation
whose post office address is
of the County of Dade
Florida , .granters, and
, Stole of Florida . granges!
llinrurtij, Thal said pronto►, for and in consideration of the sum of •Ten Dollars and 00/100
($10.00) .. • Dollar.,
and other good and valuable considerations to soid grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged hos granted, bargained and sold to the raid grantee, and gran fe s heirs and assigns forever, the following
described land. tisuat., lying and being in Dade County, Hondo, Io-wit:
See legal description on attached Exhibit "A".
(1) Taxes for the year 1980 and subsequent•years.
(2) Conditions, restrictions, limitations and
easements of record;
(3) Applicable zoning ordinances.
and sold grantor does hereby fully
persons whomsoever.
t t • "Grantor"
3n Minton Ilihrrrnt,
Signed, seal erj' and delivered in our
rTi. or.REVENUE -' q
0, — Apil•T'DO L
z 8 O. O D
warrant the title to said land, and will defend the some agofnst Ike lawful claims of olt
and "grantee" ore used for singular or plural, os context requires,
Grantor has hereunto set grantors hand and seal the doy and year first above written.
1 HERESY CERTIFY that on this day before me, on officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared
to me known to be the p.rson9
t he y !storms'
•. ftk of teal id the County and Stole last aforesaid ,hit
described in and who executed the foregoing Instrument and ocknowledged before me shot
day of April
Notary Public
Attachment B
Page i 0116 Pages
SSLL No. 1300_ �360b
REC J UI_ I.1. rG 1,11 y
rrow.w a awaq ia111■114 �►►.
p Will omen why
mu. Kamp
That ports.^^ of a 5trlrl of Tana lying hetwer^. Northwest
North Rive. brive in he City of Miamt ai. )the Miami.
River, the northwesterly boundary line of which is the •
northwesterly boundary line of Lot 13 of Block 109
NORTH, CITY OF J'dI MI, according to the Plat thereof
as recorded in Plat Took "B" at page 41 of the Public
Records of Dade County,' Florida, extended southwester-- I
ly. to the Miami River and the southeasterly boundary line
of tvhich is the southeasterly boundary line of Lot 14 in
said Block 109 NORTH CITY OF MIAD/1I, extended south=
westerly to the Miami River, together with alt riparian .
rights and submerged lands appurtenant to the. above des— ,
cribed property and lying between the above described
tract and the channel of the 1vitarni River; another descrip..'
tion of the said tract of land being that strip of land and
riparian rights in fro�n't1ilof Lots 13 and 14, Block 109 • ..
NORTH, CITY OF MtAMI, according to the Plat thereof
as recorded in Plat Book "B" at page 41 of the Public •
Records of Dade County, Florida; and •
The North 75 feet• (rneesured1" et right angles to the north' line)
• . of the following described tract of land: - Of that tract of land
1shich 11es between Nortlwleat North River Drive (formerly North
River Street) and the waters of the Miami River which would be
bounded upon the Northwest by an extension of the North boundory
line of *Northwest Second Street (formerly Tenth Street) to the.
• i:Tiami River, and on the Southeast by an extension of the South .
boundary line or Lot. Its of Block 109 North, CITY OF MIAMI, to
the Miami River, as per• plat recorded In Plat Book "B", at,paga
�11 or the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; also ail ri-•
pariah rights and submerged lands appurtenant .to above described
property and lying between the above conveyed tract and the
channel of the ?iiuri River; together with the buildings situate-
thereon, and also together with all furniture, furnishings, fix—
tures and equipment located ,`therein as of the date hereof; and
• tleglnning 2.t a point on the Southwesteriybounderx of Northwest
y'orth River Drive which point is 75 feet -Southeasterly from the
intersection of said Southwesterly boundary on Northwest North
'River Drive with the extension of the Northwesterly boundary or
•)Northwest Second Street;
•.Thence cont• inuing along the said Southvresterly boundary of North-
erest North Rivet Drive a distance or(88.)5 feet to its intersec-
tion vti.th• the extension of the Southeasterly boundary of Lot 12,
▪ of Block I09 North, CITY OF MIA I, according to Plat Book "B",
at Page 41, of. the Public Records of Dade County, Finride,
Whence running Southwesterly along the sold Southeinsteriy
boundary of Lot .2 extended, a distance of 50.110 sect vnore or
Jess to the Ulan' River;
Thence meandering the shore line or said Mihri •River in a North—
westerly direction a distance of 94.23 feet more or loss to a
point which is 7, feet Southca•steriy et right angles, from the •
said I:orthwesterly line of ;:orthwest. See:.nd• Street extended;
?hence running '•:orthesst riy parallel -.with the said iJorthwenterly
bound zry of Northwest Second Street a distance of 66-39 feet
afore or 1esIs to the Point of Beginning.
f, o •211 rip•erizn rights in the submerged lend ly►nil adiecent
to and beL•,'een the above described tract and the channel of
ihF i=5ianli River; Attachment
Page 12 of 16 Pages
(Ire C4674444140,)
lex Form It. II, 04.
rtu!t44 aa4 for
inbelittire ,"'-q-d-4 daii of .
.190__EIBETWERX_ e-ta
'-' of this County ot
partIll-1U/ the firm part, and__Ma__01..tyrz.o1.2.111aratt...ALMIkr.agikig.!________,4s-agrporcitiort
argent zed and
existing under the laws of eh State tecprizoipal place of
;business in the county State
party of the second part, %mancincit, that the raid ,art..-1--of the flirt pare; for and in con-
sideration of MC 011/3b of Twen ty.7-rive huni'red ( 42500 .00 ) -
filind-prilicthe reed -fit z;lie-reof ls herebyaelcnowSagir7aVflL.bjatncd, sold
and tramiferred, and by these presents da...:__.bargain, and, transfer unto the wail party
of the ormnil part and ita enenessar8 and guldens forever, all that certain parcel of land lying
bring in the manly of_ _11)1.10.0 and Stale of,_" Y.LOrida ,
mare partienlarly'rleYonribed a foUniuLot ri,_Thirtrirm Ano rf_L'oTtee n 11; & 14 )
of 111 no k Ninety three ( ) North, in-t,her11.1..ty_..of_111Eu111._,_ao-oording
the -,offloe"of the -Clerk of .. --the- Circittt Court An, and _for
-A *un-!, y•-.-
Also beginning a t the intnrenatl on of thn Northerly
• Northerly along ea ld Weatnrly line to he interanotl on cir trm
R.1001( Ninety three ( AS ,
North, produced W et
naino.mthArly,._.11npi nr0 'to_ t.flin 101i ra ter line of 1.11 aril River;
thenen Enutherly a long ea
tbe err therly line of 10th. 'Area t produced with the low water lin
Viwai River; thencA irons RiTd—ffeittlikfIr-IIII4-proruct
Is1141291..at, _ of hez1ru4ng.,, - — - • _ _
To gather.. wall the autynerged land
thev,_ hove me ntio ne et
..A71* rev t
. ao
lioactber with all the tenements, hereditament, and appurtenance., wit04 every privilege, right, title,
intense and estate, dower and right of dowel. reverelon, remainder and easement thereto belonging
or in anyini4e appertaining: tIo biVt ant) to boll) the same in fee simple forever.
the said part,lAn..of the first part dn_..._.novenant with, the said party of the second port
:cited of the laid premises; that they are free of all ineumbrance, and
11110Y---IlaYiLgood right and iawful authimity to roll the same; and tV hey_
warrant anal defend the ram., against the lawful claims of all persons.
• in pottnceo Iclbcrcot, the said partia.rvf the first part haV_!!_...h6reanio
hand Band aeal Bike da abut year above ivvillem
Stencil, mat
Attachment B
Page 13 of 16. Pages
SSLL No 1.3.992380.6
livered in our prese
County ot de .
1 lbgttbr OrrllfV. :That ...jig), of MaY
J. D. 190-2 before me personally appcarod_11., —A _Ta.tuni_and—L eta }L-34 Tatat:14-14a
illit. to me known to be the person dosoribed in and who
r.rrouted llsn roPriablir rantreyanoc
,Ind savoraily acknowledged the e-woution thereof to b_trielrfres old and deed for the una and
?nerposee therein Mentioned; and the said Le talll Ta Una__
tho wife- fl the said • . ' • Ti tun • on a separate
and iWilfal0 examination taken nrul made by awl before merand separately and apak from her
wild hoeho7m7, fke.rncsito !wavy a.pattjacelg_ffs.4.11tod olSont?enos. for the .
purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and convoying an herr rifht, title and interest, whether of
dower or of impetrate property,•statutory, or equitable, in and! to The lands !heroin deeeribod, and that
she c.meate.41 said dud free!, and volurdorily and without any constraint, fear, apprehension or
onm.pulaion of or from her said husband.
=Miss my ritnaturs and offiaal moat ni Mate;
En the County of Men and Skate of 111.0rieli
Me day and yaw. kaat afuruald. •
'1' •
Page 14 of 16 Pages
SSLL No. 130023806
%‘',;t4r. . • ..otr.•••••10416..."."..:'br.:.4 111 '
ISuutber of Deed..a9.a Fortis A.
'CLhis i itent1ire, made this tw9nt1t..eighth..doy of._.Apri1 lathe year
A. U. nineteen hundred manilla_ between the MODEL LAND COMPANY, a corporation
established and existing tinder the laws of le Siete of Florida, party, of the first part, end.
noerit '. Qf . UAr'ot 'tft'e unioipal_:norpor.atiou..orgauiaed..nnil_sxiat.iug...
-.€+Its-Qe s t-.fret••, anti. Stole of..8'lorida.. party..of the second part,
'Wlittteeseff, that the said 'party of the first part, fur and In consideration of the aunt of
_Devon tbalmand fiy.e..:71tlndred.._....... ...Dollar.,
to it In hand paid by the said part..y __ of the secojnt part, at and before the sealing and delivery of these
presents, the receipt whereof is hereby ack-non•Iedged, halls granted,. bargained, sold, released, conveyed
'rud'cuufiruicd, unit by these presents dotit grant, hargoitr, sell, release, convey and confirm unto the said
part4._..of the second part it. fire
and assigns, AL,I, those ., trnct..U, lut.VJ., or parcel.A. of land, situate, lying and being In the County of
Abdo....... . _ . . ..and Slate of Florida, known and described as follows:.=.
d11 of Blook Ninet;r four (94) North and Lots One to Twelve. (1 to 12)
inclusive and .Lots Fifteen and Sixteen (16 lc 16) of Blook Ninety •,
three (93) North. in the City oft Miami a000rding to the plat of said
City made by tt.L.Xnowlton, C.E. and filers in the Office of the Clerk'
of the Cirouit Court in and for Dade County.
Also beginning at a point on the+Northerly side of the Mtaxnt River
whore the oenter'line of Ninth street produced Southwesterly inter-.
deem the low water line of the River. theme Southeasterly meander-.
ing the low water 'line of. the River to n point where the Northerly
line of Lot Thirteen (13) :Of fliogk ninety three (945) North produced
southwesterly intersects -.said loci water line, thenoe Northonnterly
to the Southwesterly. line-ofNorth River street, thence Northwesterly
along the Southwesterly line of North River street to.a point directly
Northeast of the ?dace of beginning and thence Southwesterly to plane
of beginning, oleo the submerged and lying between the lend lest
described And the channel of the Miami River, Alpo an per above
mentioned reoorded plat.. ...a
Together with all and singular, the rights, Members, hereditantents and eppnrteneneea to the said
premises belonging, or in anywise appertaining.
110 bate fiuib IO beta all and singular the 'premises and appurtenances,. and -every -part thereof,
the said party --.of the second part..ltfi..fi320:a99eIIril and assigns, forever.
And the said party of the first part, and• its snceessors, the said premises and every part thereof,
unto the said part_y-__of the second part__..te.. aUQoeABarB and assigns,
against it, the said party of the first part, and its suceessors, and ell and every o_tber person or persons,
"claitnlirg under of througli it, n•iil iarrant and forever defend -ill these precuts.
In Witness '0>zlbereof, the said party of the first part has caused these presents
to he sealed with its corporate seal and signed by its President and attested
by its Secretary as the act and deed of the corporation, the day and year first
above written.
Sigued, sealed and delivered in presence of...
Attachment B
Page 15 of 16 Pages
SSLL No. 130023806
State of Poriba,
troulitp of %t. 3obito,
DI, IT RILWITABERE,T), Tilt on this._..281.th.cluy • A. D.
before me, a Notary Public in uod for the State of Florida at large, personalty appeared •
suM. Sidnag_Harrinon
respectively, President and Secreta;y of the MODEL. LAND COMPANY, each to roe persoually-known,
and known to me -to be such Presidebt and Secretary respectively. who being by me duly severally -sworn,
each for himself, did depose and say' that the said J. R. Ptattorr reticles in the City of Jacksonville,-inci •
the said Sunray HAARISON resides i the City of Sr. Augustine, State of Florida; that he was and fi. the •
particular officer of said Company herein • above specified; that be knows the corporate seal of said•Cern.. •
pany; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is such corporate seal. and that it was affized end
his name signed thereto under dueauthority from said Company. And 'said several officers 1111
each further acknowledged to me that be executed the said iustrument as his free and voluntary set and
deed, and as the free and voluntary apt and deed of the said Compady„ for the uses and purpostes therein
Given under my hand and officIal seal the day turd:jear last above written, in the County and State
dorystiid, • •
My commission expires_— ...
Attachment B
Page 16 ol 16 Pages
SSLL No. 130023006