A parcel of submerged land Located in Section 37. Township 54 South, Range 41 East,
Miakni-Dade County, Miami River containing 39,000 square feet; as described on the
attached sketch labeled as Exhibit A and dated November 20,1997, located immediately
waterward of that upland property with the following legal description:
1}4. of Block Ninety four (941 Borth .end Lots One to Twelve (1 to 12)
inallaslvo and Lots Fifteen and Sixteen.(15 & 16) of.111ook ninety •
throe 1 3) North, in. the City of tRiatoi according to the plat of said
Cfbg souls by A.L.Anov/lton, C.B., )ini1 filers in tho office of the Clerk
of -eft irouit Court in and for Dodo County.
Aloe-hojfinning at a point an the Northerly side of the Miami River
whore the center line of Ninth street produced Southwesterly inter
eectn the low water line of the River.,.thence Southeasterly raeander-
ing the low crater line of • the River to n point n'hero the Northerly •
. line of Lot Thirteen (13) :Of Block Ninety three C93) Borth produoed .
Southweoterly intersects 'Field low 'water line,.thence Northeasterly
to tho 3ouy.
thwenterlline•of Borth. River street, thence Northwesterly
along the Southwesterly line: of.North River street to a point directly
Bortheaet of• the plane of heglnnilg and thanes 3outhweeterly to plaaq
1111 more lair/irulnrll/ ilranribrrl as follawe:_ __Lotti_T.hir.titen: Arlo 'ntirtOft nL liS & lei )
of ;fleck Ninety three (97) North, in•-the-r,.ity..-of .M1amL,—aacllrriThg
—•to—LtlR=-nla•t-ter .;ai..ci_aj._t;r._.rana' _hy._A:._.L..._KnQ.1v�.t2zl... Q.._..�._an fi�fi_lAA
in the -office-of the --Clerk. et. -the . circuit- Court -in and ,for "
Also beginning at the intern °tiny' of the fortherly J net oi' lis£i'1 .:
_-•Sher produowd-- i-th_thr:._w.noter.ly_line_of._Ndrt L tiXArSt•recsti thence
Northerly along paid. Westerly line o the intersection of sic+•
_11.o011nr1Y__.l •119_of Lot Thirterf_ 1 i of R1ocK Ninety three Alf
North, producee! West w1th3atd 7Teeterly lino; thialwae iiente'rI$�`"tiling
._slag..ct.2A9211wITly. 11flcs_.nroduoed to thin lour water line of ltlarai River;
thence Southerly along said }nlr WiT er line tq Ti ntrsic it;'0"t7on at
site wr_therly_,_line ofloth, Street produced with the low meter sin.
of i.tia;ni River; thence. Enrlterty aeon Rair3—NiiiCtiTin1~C+'►_Strit! IlroQ[i'C`ed
-the _pointr,f boginntn,. - - . - •,._ ., •
That ports^^ of a stri 11i'i Tying betwer Northwest
North Rive.. ))rive in the •City of Miami ai. )tee lure .
River, the northwesterly boundary line of which is the
northwesterly boundary line of Lot 13 of,Black 109 •
NORTH, CITY OF 1blIAMI, according to the Plat thereof
as recorded in Flat Bookj"B" at page 41 of the Public
Records of Dade County, Florida, extended southwester—
ly; to the Pfiami River and the southeasterly boundary line
of which is the southeasterly boundary line of Lot 14 in
said Block 109 NORTH, CITY OF MLA,IMT, extended south-
westerly to the Miami River, together \vith all riparian .
rights and submerged Iands appurtenant to the above des—
cribed property and 1yir..g between the above described
tract and the channel of the Miami River; another descrip-
tion of the said tract of land being that strip of land and
riparian rights in front of Lots 13 and 14, Block 109
NORTII, CITY OF MIAtMI, according to the Plat thereof
as recorded in Plat Book "B" at page 41 of the Public •
Records of Dade County, Florida; and • •
Attachment A
Page 8 or 16 Pages
SSLL No. 130023806
The,North 75 _fee ..measuz'ed at right ang1, to the north' lino
▪ ot• the following aescribed •tract of land: • 0L that. tract of land
which lies between •Nor thr)est North RIver Drive (formerly Norith
River .Street). and the waters of the Miami River which would. be
bounded upon the Northwest by an extension of the North boundary.
▪ line of •Northwest Second Street (formerly Tenth Street) to -the.
etiarti River, and on the Sputheast by an 'extension or theSoutil•.
boundary line of .Lot 14 of Block 109 North, CXTY OF MIAMI,. to
the Miami !liver, as per, plat recorded in plat Doak "B", at.page
: 1 or• the Public Records of Dade 'County, Florida; also all .r3..
pariah •rights and submerged lands appurtenant to above described
property and lying between the above conveyed tract and the
channel of the Miami Riven; together with the buildings situate.
thereon, and also together! with all furniture, furnishings, .
tures and equipment located therein as of the date hereof; and
• beginning at a point on the Sout westerk/ bou.-zdar3i•of Nortiieiest.
. . North River Drive which point is 75 feet Southeasterly. from. the
intersection_ of. said Southwesterly boundary on.Northwest
_ . ;.River *River Drive -with the extension o1 the Northwesterly' boundary of,
•i Norti:vrest Second Street;
Thence Continuing along the! .slid Soutlicresterly boundary. of•leor:.h,
west North Rivet Drive a distance oflBS_35 feet to its intersec--.`
tion ni.tn• the extension of the southeasterly boundary of Lot 12,:...
oT Bioc}t 109 No: th, CITY Oi'Ix;llu�I, according to Plat Hook 1:871�
at Page ti.l, ql the Public R�cards of bade County,-Flprida,'
thence running Southwesterly) along the said Southeasterly.
boundary of. Lot 12 extent'cd, a distance of 50.I;0• feet more or
less to the iii. ii River;
Thence meandering the shore line of said i.tib:ii' River .in a -North—
westerly direction a distance or 94.-23 feet more or less to a
point which is (5 feet Southkesteriy at. right angles, from the
said i•'ort/v-4esterly - Jine o. Northwest' Secc,nr' Street extended; .
iilcjlce sunning 'orthcast riy,paral!' 1 with the said rortJlvie t. rIy
boundary of Nort!riest Second Street a distance of 66..39 feet
more or Tes•sa to the Point of-Begin:iris.
Also all riparian rights in the .subrnergec land lying ad3acen t
to and ' ire t'rieen the above d esdriaed tract and the channel of :
the Miami River;
Attachment A
Page $ 01 16 Pages
SSLL No. 130023808
CD MP 0171111.07C0i
• AM, RC