HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation-SubS. 1401 File Number: 07-01070 City of Miami SUBMITTEPeT7HE PUBLIC R Legislation Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 2, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, TO THE "DESIGN/BUILD AGREEMENT" DATED JUNE 13, 2005, WITH RECREATIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. ("RDC"), FOR THE PROVISION OF DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES FOR PHASE I OF GRAPELAND HEIGHTS PARK, TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION WORK FOR PHASE III, INVOLVING THE RECREATION COMMUNITY BUILDING, AS CONTEMPLATED IN THE AGREEMENT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,065,735, PLUS AN ADDITIONAL $434,265, OWNER CONTINGENCY, FOR A TOTAL AUTHORIZED SUM OF $1,500,000; FURTHER EXTENDING THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF PHASE II SERVICES TO RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH PHASE III SERVICES; ALLOCATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,500,000, FROM PROJECT B-30105; FURTHER AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 06-0617, ADOPTED OCTOBER 12, 2006, TO CORRECT AN ERROR AND CLARIFY THAT THE WORK AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO SAID RESOLUTION, AND THE AMENDMENT EXECUTED PURSUANT THERETO, DID NOT INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RECREATION COMMUNITY BUILDING, WHICH IS THE PROJECT COMPONENT DESCRIBED IN PHASE III AND SOUGHT TO BE IMPLEMENTED PURSUANT TO THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") has established a capital improvement project to desig construct a recreational complex at Grapeland Heights Park ("Project"), located at 1550 Northw Avenue, Miami, Florida; and WHEREAS, said Project has been incorporated into the City's Capital Improvement Program Multi -Year Plan, as Project No. B-60496, entitled "Grapeland Heights Park Site Development" (" I") and Project No. B-35828, entitled "Grapeland Heights Park Aquatic Facility" ("Phase II"); and •;L. t 37 ase0 COI WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 04-0786, adopted December 9, 2004, the City determined that the best method of implementing the Project is using a design/build process and contracted the services of Recreational Design & Construction, Inc. ("RDC"), as the lead contractor, for this purpose; and WHEREAS, to facilitate construction of the Project, it was deemed advisable to structure the project as two (2) phases: Phase I consisted of design work for the entire project and the construction of a baseball complex, a concessions building, including restroom facilities and related parking, and Phase II consisting of a water park and recreational community building; and WHEREAS it was subsequently decided that the Recreation Community Building is a significant component and should be implemented as its own phase, Project No. B-30105, entitled "Grapeland Heights Park Community Recreation Facility and Palking Lot" ("Phase III"); and City of Miami - Page 1 of 3 Printed On: 9/10/2007 File Number: 07-01070 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 05-0137, adopted March 10, 2005, the City and RDC entered into a Design/Build Agreement for the design of the entire Project and the construction of Phase I, dated June 13, 2005 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Agreement contemplates the addition of construction services for other phases of the project, as may be authorized by amendment to the Agreement or separate agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 06-0617, adopted October 12, 2006, the City and RDC entered into Amendment No. 1 for the construction of Phase II, in an amount not to exceed $18,304,082, plus $500,000 as an owners contingency and the work under Phase II is ongoing; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 06-0617, and Amendment No. 1, executed pursuant thereto, erroneously described Phase II to include the Recreation Community Building, although neither the Scope of Services, nor the Proposal which formed the basis for compensation payable under Phase II, included the Recreation Community Building; and WHEREAS, the City and RDC have negotiated an agreement for the construction of Phase III, in an amount not to exceed $1,065,735, and deem it in the best interest of the City to proceed with construction of Phase III notwithstanding that the work under Phase II is ongoing; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement, to authorize the construction of Phase III of the Project and extend the time in which to complete the work under Phase II to run concurrently with the work under Phase III, thereby expediting the delivery of the Project; and WHEREAS, it is also requested that the City allocate an additional $434,265, as an owner contingency for the completion of the Project; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 2 will increase the total contract amount of the entire Project by $1,500,000, from $33,383,145 to an amount not to exceed $34,883,145; and WHEREAS, funding in the amount of 1,500,000, is allocated from Project B-30105; WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend Resolution No. 06-0617 to correct and error and clarify that the work authorized thereunder did not include the construction of the Recreation Community Building; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized{1} to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement, in substantially the attached form, to authorize the construction work for Phase III of the Grapeland Heights Park Project and the payment of an amount not to exceed $1,065,735, for said services plus $434,265, as an owner's contingency contract authority, and to extend the date for completion of Phase II services to run concurrently with Phase III services, thereby establishing the maximum amount for construction of the Project (Phase I, Phase II and Phase III) to an amount not to exceed City THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORiGNIN.. , CAN EN AT END OF r I rgOCUMENT Prrnte : 9/10/2007 File Number: 07-01070 $34,883,145. Section 3. Funding in the amount of $1,500,000, for payment of Phase III services is allocated from Capital Improvement Project No. B-30105. Section 4. Resolution No. 06-0617, adopted October 12, 2006, is hereby amended to correct an error and clarify that the work authorized thereunder did not include construction of the Recreation Community Building. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.{2} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JORG CITY A' TO' NEY Footnotes: {1} The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. {2} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. �j`� pv.y 'yi yMV gj Q$� aP'•y 5y FJ Il9 } tl �,.:y t �✓ e, n� fEfE�ri r�ww 7y .•�� •'la A Y�r "A4 �l n ) `Ync•' City of Miami Page 3 of 3 Primed On: 9/10/2007 City of Miami Legislation Resolution City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Immeni www.miamigov.com Number: D7-01070 Final Action Date: A ' . OLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTH''!ZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 2, IN SUBSTA !ALLY THE ATTACHEC FORM, 10 THE "DESIGN/BUILD AGREEME"DATED JUNE 13, 2005, WITH RECREATIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT , INC. ("RDC"), FOR THE PROVISION OF DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES FOR ` ASE I OF GRAPELAND HEIGHTS PARK, TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCT N WORK FOR PHASE III, INVOLVING THE RECREATION BUILDING. AS CON PLATED IN THE AGREEMENT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,065,735. P S AN ADDITIONAL $434,2650WNER CONTINGENCY, FOR A TOTAL AUTHOR!" . SUM OF $1,500,000; FURTHER EXTENDING THE TIME FOR COMPLETION 0 HASE II SERVICES TO RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH PHASE I!I SERVICES; A OCATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,500,000 FROM PRO CT 3-30105. .. F1231554 fer1 WHEREAS. the City of Miami ("City") has eta shed a capital improvement project to design and construct a recreational complex at Grapeland Heig . Park ("Project"), located at 1550 Northwest 37 Avenue, Miami, Florida; and WHEREAS, said project has been incorporated into the ity's Capital Improvement Program and Multi -Year Plan, as Project No. B-60496, entitled "Grapeland -fights Park Site Development" ("Phase I") and Project No. E-35828, entitled "Grapeland Heights Park Aatic Facility" ("Phase II"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 04-0786, adopted Dece •er 9, 2004, the City determined that the best method of implementing the Project is using a design/bui • •rocess and contracted the services of Recreational Design & Construction„ Inc. ("RDC"), as the lea • ontractor, for this purpose; and WHEREAS, to facilitate construction of the Project, it was deemed advisab - to structure the project as two (2) phases: Phase 1 consisted of design work for the entire projec -nd the construction of a baseball complex, a concessions building, including restroom facilities and re - ed parking, and Phase 11 consisting of a water park and recreational community building; and WHEREAS it was subsequenth/ decided that the recreation community building is a ;nificant component and should be implemented as its own phase, Project No. 8-30105, entitled "peland Heights Park Community Recreation Facility and Parking Lot" ("Phase III") WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 05-017, adopted March 10, 2005, the City and RD entered into a Design Build Agreement for the design of the entire Project and the construction of Phase i, dated June13, 2005 (the 'Agreement"); and WHE! EAS. co.-I,-:mpiates the, ad;:,ition of construction services for other phases of the project, as may be .iuti",orizr-,a t. he Agreement or separate agreement; and City nl IIAii.mi :6•:4,2 (9,r3 Printer( On: 8/24/2007 File Number: 07-01070 WHEREAS, pu.suarit to Resolution No. 06-0617, adopted October 12, 2006, the City and RDC ent- d into Amendment No. 1 for the construction-: of Phase II, in an amount not to exceed $18,362 plus e500,000 as an owners contingency and the work under Phase I! is ongoing; and WHERE.' the City and ROC negotiated an agreement for the construction of Phase HI, in an amount not to e . -ed $1,065,735, and deem it in the best interest of the City to proceed with construction of Pha, - !i! notwithstanding that the work under Phase II is ongoing; and WHEREAS, it is in t best interest of the City to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Design/Build Agreement, to authorize thconstfuction of Phase II! of the Project and extend the time in which to complete the work under Ph. II to run concurrently with the work under Phase III, thereby expediting the delivery of the Project; and WHEREAS, ;t is also requesteu at the City allocate an additional $434,265, as an owner contingency for the completion of the eject; and WHEREAS, Am.;n6vent No. 2 4+wa! inc .:sa the total contract amount of the entire Project by $1,500,000, from $ ,3,383,145 to an amount •t to exceed $34,883,145; and WHEREAS funding in the amount of 1,500' '�, is allocated from Project B-30105; NOVI, THEREFOF?I, BE IT RESOLVED BY THr- OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Tree recitals and find ngs contained in the Pr- mble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and ,nccrperated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is authori=ed{1} to execute Ame .ment No. 2 to the Agreement, in substantially the attached form, to authorize the construction work Phase III of the Grapeland Heights Park Project and the payment of an amount not to exceed $ ,165,735, for said services plus $434,265 as an owner'i c.ontingen4 contract authority, and to extend t date for completion of Phase I! services to run concur-en+.Iy Phase 111 services, thereby est- ,fishing the maximum amount for const:'uctior, of tree Project (Phase I, Phase II and Phase III) to - ' amount not to exceed $34,883,145. Seclior: 3. Funding in the amount of S1,500,000, for payment of Phase III se es is allocated from Capital Impr3varneri Project No. B-30105. Section T I-, shall tIcome effective immediately upon its adoption an, signature of the Mayor:;2} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JORGE'[ Ft~RNit\Dk2• i CITY A,; O?NNli (4)'of:11imn! ;,�•2 7f .1 Printed On: 8/24/2007 umber. C7-01370 Footn es: {1} The,'Oerei uthorization is further subject to compliance with ail requirements that may be imposed by the City Attar 'v, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. {2} If the Mayor does sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was pas., . and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override he veto by the City Commission. Ci:r "1 A!ir,mi i'D:; e 3 U%.3 Printer! On: 8/24/2007