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Miami Times
—.- Miami Daily Business Review
City o1 mom' • Depcmnon' c1
PUBLIC NO 1 ` - Revision
oxta or City Commisslott Aleoting
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 al 10:30 e.m.
Federal regulations governing 6i3i an0 other HUD programs require that 6 perticipaung JwisdiUlon
provide ddIens with reasonable notice of end en opPortUnity to Comment on arty amendments to funding
of HUD programs In addition, the publlc i advised thin me date of tho Clty Commieston Meeting
previously advertised in ad number 1G5S4 was lncorrec0y posted la :+eptemtor 13. 2007 and is
scheduled 1Or the date Paler
The time and location et the Cary Commisainn Meeting Is as —follows:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 10:30 a.m,
CJly of Mleml Commlaalon Chamber
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
lnlcrCOlCd inCimat Jl ore onC»uragod to attend this Public Hoofing. The mooting situ is act: *4101e to thrl
handicapped. Requotlty for spacial a c.cI-mnlort1rldns miy be directed to the Deportment of Community
Development at (305) 418-2080 no buss lhon three 13) business Clays prior to the P1DIIC Heanng dote.
(Ad 1116550)
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