HomeMy WebLinkAboutInvitation to Bid 2MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA
Bid Number: 7392-3/08-OTR
Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on AUGUST 27, 2003
At the:
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 18t Street
176 Floor, Suite 202
Miami, Florida 33128-1983
Bids will be publicly opened. The County provides equal access and does not discriminate on the basis of
disability in its programs or services. It is our policy to make all communication available to the public,
including those who may be visually or hearing impaired. If you require information in a non-traditional
format please call 305-375-5278.
Instructions: Each Bid submitted to the Department of Procurement Management shall have the
following information clearly marked on the face of the envelope: the Bidders name, return
address, Bid number, opening date of the Bid and the title of the Bid. Included in the envelope shall
be an original and three copies of the Bid proposal, plus attachments if applicable. Failure to
comply with this requirement may result in your Bid not being considered for award.
All Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope or container and will be opened promptly at the time
indicated. Any Bid received after the first Bid has been opened will be returned to the Bidder unopened. The
County does not accept responsibility for delays, natural or otherwise.
Miami -Dade County Bid No.:7392-3/08-OTR
Bid — shall refer to any offer(s) submitted in response to this
Bidder — shall refer to anyone submitting a Bid in response to this
Bid Solicitation — shall mean this solicitation documentation,
including any and all addenda.
Bid Pi oposal Form — defines the requirement of items to be
purchased, and must be completed and submitted with Bid, The
Bidder should indicate its name in the appropriate space on each
County — shall refer to Miami -Dade County, Florida
DPM — shall refer to Miami -Dade County's Department of
Procurement Management, Bids and Contracts Division.
Enrolled Vendor — EFFECTIVE JULY 8, 2002, shall refer to a
firm that has completed the necessary documentation in order to
receive Bid notifications from the County, but has not yet
Registered Vendor — shall refer to a Finn that has completed the
Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application and
has satisfied all requirements to enter in to business agreements
with the County.
For additional information about on-line vendor enrollment or
vendor registration contact the Vendor Information Center at
111 N.W. 1" Street, Suite 112, Miami, FL 33128, Phone 305-
375-5773. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2002, vendors will be able to
enroll and register online by visiting our web site at
httpa/mlamidade.¢ov and click on "Business".
A. Bidder Qualification
It is the policy of the County to encourage full and open
competition among all available qualified vendors. All vendors
regularly engaged in the type of work specified in the Bid
Solicitation are encouraged to submit Bids. Vendors may enroll
with the County to be included on a mailing list for selected
categories of goods and services. To be eligible for Jr♦ard of a
contract (including small purchase orders), Bidders must complete
a "Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application".
Only Registered Vendors can be awarded County contracts.
Vendors are encouraged to register with the County anytime by
contacting the Vendor Information Center at 305-375-5287. The
County endeavors to obtain the participation of all qualified
minority and disadvantaged business enterprises. For infonnation
and to apply for certification, contact the Department of Business
Development, at 175 N.W. I" Avenue, 28i1' Floor, Miami, FL
33123-1844, or telephone at 305-349-5960. County employees
wishing to do business with the County are referred to Section 2-
11.1(d) of the Miami -Dade County Code.
B. Vendor Registration
To be recommended for award the County require that vendors
complete a Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration
Application with all required disclosure affidavits. The Miami -
Dade County Business Entity Registration Application must be
returned to the Department of Procurement Management (DPM),
Bids and Contracts Division within Fourteen (14) days of
notification of the intent to recommend for award. In the event the
Miami -Dade County Business Entity Registration Application is
not properly completed and returned within the specified time, the
County may award to next lowest responsive Bidder. The Bidder is
responsible for obtaining the Miami -Dade County Business Entity
Registration Application and all affidavits by downloading from
DPM's website at Jntp://mianvdade.gov and click on "Business" or
from the Vendor Information Center, located in the lobby of the
Stephen P. Clarke Center at 111 N.W. 1" Street, Miami, FL. In
becoming a Registered Vendor with Miami -Dade County, the
vendor confirms its knowledge of and commitment to comply with
the following:
1. Disclosure of Employment — pursuant to Section 2-8.1(d) of
the County Code.
2. Disclosure of Ownership Affidavit — pursuant to Section 2-
8. I (d) of the County Code.
3. Drug -Free Affidavit — pursuant to Section 2-8.I.2(b) of the
County Code.
4. W-9 and 8109 Fonns — The vendor must furnish these forms
as required by the Internal Revenue Service.
5. Social Security Number — The vendor must provide a copy of
the primary owner's social security card if the social security
number is being used in lieu of the Federal Identification
Number (F,E.1.N.).
6. Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) Affidavit — It is the
policy of the County to comply with all requirements of
County Resolution RI82-00 and the A.D.A.
7. Collection of Fees, Taxes and Parking Tickets Affidavit —
pursuant to Section 2-8.1 (c) of the County Code,
8. Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics — pursuant to Sections
2-8.I(i) and 2-11.1(b) (I) through (6) and (9) of the County
Code and County Ordinance No, 00-1 amending Section 2-
11,1(c) of the County Code.
9. Code of Business Ethics — pursuant to Section 2-8.I(i) of the
County Code.
I0. Debarment Disclosure Affidavit — pursuant to County Code
11. Office of the Inspector General Pursuant to Section 2-1076 of
the County Code.
12. Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The
County endeavors to obtain the participation of all minority
and disadvantaged business enterprises pursuant to Sections
2-8.2, and 2-8.2,4 of the County Code and Title 49 of
the Code of Federal Regulations.
13. Individuals and Entities Doing Business with the County not
current in their obligations to the County — pursuant to
Sections 2-8, 1 (h) and 2-11.1(b)(8) of the County Code.
Nondiscrimination pursuant to Section 2-8.1.5 of the County
14 Nondiscrimination pursuant to Section 2-8.1.5 of the County
15 Family Leave - Pursuant to Section 11A-30 of the County
16 Living Wage — Pursuant to Section 2-8.9 of the County Code.
17 Domestic Leave — Pursuant to Section 11 A-60 of the County
18 Antitrust Laws — By acceptance of any contract, the vendor
agrees to comply with all antitrust laws of the United States
and the State of Florida.
To be eligible for award ofa contract, firms wishing to do business
with the County must comply with the following:
Pursuant to Section 287.133(2)(a) of the Florida Statutes, a person
or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list
following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a
Bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public
entity, may not submit a Bid on a contract with a public entity for
the construction or repair ofa public building or public work, may
not submit Bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may
not be awarded or perfonn work as a contractor, supplier,
subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public
entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in
excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 of the
Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months
from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.
Miami -Dade County Bid No.:7392-3/08-OTR
D. Request for Additional Information
1. Pursuant to Section 2-I1.1(t) of the County Code, all Bid
Solicitations, once advertised and until an award
recommendation has been forwarded to the appropriate
authority are under the "Cone of Silence". Any
communication or inquiries, except for clarification of
process or procedure already contained in the solicitation, are
to be made in writing to the attention of the Procurement
Agent identified on the front page of the solicitation. Such
inquiries or request for information shall be submitted to the
procurement agent in writing and shall contain the
requester's name, address, and telephone number. If
Transmitted by facsimile, the request should also include a
cover sheet with Bidder's facsimile nurnber. The requestor
must also file a copy of this written request with the Clerk of
the Board, ! I I NW i" Street, 17ih Floor, suite 202, Miami,
Florida 33128-1983 or email clerkbccAmiamidade gov.
2. The Department of Procurement Management may issue an
addendum in response to any inquiry received, prior to Bid
opening, which changes, adds to or clarifies the terms,
provisions or requirements of the solicitation. The Bidder
should not rely on any representation, statement or
explanation whether written or verbal, other than those made
in this Bid Solicitation document or in any addenda issued.
Where there appears to be a conflict between this Bid
Solicitation and any addenda, the last addendum issued shall
3. It is the Bidder's responsibility to ensure receipt of all
addenda, and any accompanying documentation, The Bidder
is required to submit with its Bid a signed "Acknowledgment
of Addenda" form, when any addenda have been issued.
E. Contents of Bid Solicitation and Bidders' Responsibilities
1. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to become thoroughly
familiar with the Bid requirements, terms and conditions of
this solicitation. Pleas of ignorance by the Bidder of
conditions that exist or that may exist will not be accepted as
a basis for varying the requirements of the County, or the
compensation to be paid to the Bidder.
2. This solicitation is subject to all legal requirements contained
in the applicable County Ordinances, Administrative Orders,
and Resolutions, as well as all applicable State and Federal
Statutes. Where conflict exists between this Bid Solicitation
and these legal requirements, the authority shall prevail in the
following order: Federal, State and local.
3. It is the responsibility of the Bidder/Proposer, prior to
conducting any lobbying carding this solicitation to file
the appropriate form with the Clerk of the Board stating that
p particular lobbyist Is authorized to represent the
Bidder/Proposer, The Bidder/Proposer shall also file a fore
with the Clerk of the Board at the point in time at which a
lobbyist is no longer authorized to represent said Bidder/
Proposer. Failure of a Bidder/Proposer to file the appropriate
form required, in relation to each solicitation, may be
considered as evidence that the Bidder/Proposer is not a
responsible contractor.
F. Change or Withdrawal of Bids
1. Changes to Bid - Prior to the scheduled Bid opening a Bidder
may change its Bid by submitting a new Bid, (as indicated on
the cover page) with a letter in writing on the firms
letterhead, signed by an authorized agent stating that the new
submittal replaces the original submittal. The new submittal
shall contain the letter and all information as required for
submitting the original Bid. No changes to a Bid will be
accepted after the Bid has been opened.
2. Withdrawal of Bid — A Bid shall bc irrevocable unless the
Bid is withdrawn as provided herein. Only written a letter
received by the DPM Bids and Contracts Division prior to
the Bid opening date may withdraw a bid. A bid may also be
withdrawn ninety (90) days after the Bid has been opened
and prior to award, by submitting a letter to the contact
person identified on the front cover of this Bid Solicitation.
The withdrawal letter must be on company letterhead and
signed by an authorized agent of the Bidder.
G. Conflicts Within The Bid Solicitation
Where there appears to be a conflict between the General
Terms and Conditions, Special Conditions, the Technical
Specifications, the Bid Proposal Section, or any addendum
issued, the order of precedence shall be: the last addendum
issued, the Bid Proposal Section, the Technical
Specifications, the Specie! Conditions, and then the General
Teens and Conditions.
H. Prompt Payment Terms
1. It is the policy of Miami -Dade County that payment for all
purchases by County agencies and the Public Health Trust
shall be made in a timely manner and that interest payments
be made on late payments. In accordance with Florida
Statutes, Section 218.74 and Section 2-8.1.4 of the Miami -
Dade County Code, the time at which payment shall be due
froin the County or the Public Health Trust shall be forty-five
(45) days from receipt of a proper invoice. The time at which
payment shall be due to small businesses and minority and
wornen business enterprises shall be thirty (30) days from
receipt of a proper invoice. All payments due from the
County or the Public Health Trust, and not made within the
time specified by this section, shall bear interest from thirty
(30) days after the due date at the rate of one percent (I%)
per month on the unpaid balance. Further, proceedings to
resolve disputes for payment of obligations shall be
concluded by final written decision of the County Manager,
or his or her designee(s), not later than sixty (60) days after
the date on which the proper invoice was received by the
County or the Public Health Trust.
2. The Bidder may offer cash discounts for prompt payments;
however, such discounts will not be considered in
determining the lowest price during bid evaluation. Bidders
are requested to provide prompt payment terms in the space
provided on the Bid proposal signature page of the
A. The Bid proposal form defines requirements of items to be
purchased, and must be completed and submitted with the
Bid. Use of any other form will result in the rejection of the
Bidder's offer.
B. The Bid proposal form must be legible. Bidders shall use
typewriter, computer or ink. All changes must be crossed out
and initialed in ink. Failure to comply with these
requirements may cause the Bid to be rejected.
C. An authorized agent of the Bidder's firm must sign the Bid
proposal form. FAILURE TO SIGN THE BID
D. The Bidder may be considered non -responsive if bids are
conditioned to modifications, changes, or revisions to the
teens and conditions of this solicitation.
E. The Bidder may submit alternate Bid(s) for the same
solicitation provided that such offer is allowable under the
terms and conditions. The alternate Bid must meet or exceed
the minimum requirements and be submitted on a separate
Bid proposal marked "Alternate Bid".
F. When there is a discrepancy between the unit prices and any
extended prices, the unit prices will prevail.
Miami -Dade County reserves the right to cancel, in whole or in
part, any Invitation to Bid when it is in the best interest of the
A. This Bid may bc awarded to the responsible Bidder meeting
all requirements as set forth in the solicitation. The County
Miami -Dade County Bid No.:7392-3/08-OTR
reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive
irregularities or technicalities and 10 re -advertise for all or
any part of this Bid Solicitation as deemed in its best interest.
The County shall be the sole judge of its best interest.
B. When there are multiple line items in a solicitation, the
County reserves the right to award on an individual item
basis, any combination of items, total low Bid or in
whichever manner deetned in the best interest of the County.
C. The County reserves the right to reject any and all Bids if it is
determined that prices are excessive, best offers are
determined to be unreasonable, or it is otherwise determined
to be in the County's best interest to do so.
D. The County reserves the right to negotiate prices with the low
bidder, provided that the scope of work of this solicitation
remain the same.
E. Award of this Bid Solicitation will only be made to tarns that
have completed the Miami -Dade County Business Entity
Registration Application and that satisfy all necessary legal
requirements to do business with Miami -Dade County. Firms
domiciled in Miami -Dade County must present a copy of
their Miami -Dade County issued Occupational License.
F. Pursuant to County Code Section 2-8.1(g), the Bidder's
performance as a prime contractor or subcontractor on
previous County contracts shall be taken into account in
evaluating the Bid received for this Bid Solicitation.
G. To obtain a copy of the Bid tabulation, Bidder(s) shall
enclose an appropriately sized self-addressed stamped
envelope. Bid results will not be given by telephone or
facsimile. Please allow ten (10) calendar days after Bid
opening for mailing.
H. The Bid Solicitation, any addenda and/or properly executed
modifications, the purchase order, and any change order(s)
shall constitute the contract.
I. In accordance with Resolution R-1574-88 the Director of
Bids and Contracts Division will decide all tie Bids.
J. Award of this Bid may be predicated on compliance with and
submittal of all required documents as stipulated in the Bid
A. The County reserves the right to exercise its option to extend
a contract for up to ninety (90) calendar days beyond the
current contract period. In such event, the County will notify
the successful Bidder(s) in writing of such extensions.
B. This contract may be extended beyond the initial ninety (90)
day extension upon mutual agreement between the County
and the successful Bidder(s).
All warranties, express and implied, shall be made available to the
County for goods and services covered by this Bid Solicitation.
All goods furnished shall be fully guaranteed by the successful
Bidder against factory defects and workmanship. At no expense to
the County, the successful Bidder shall correct any and all apparent
and latent defects that may occur within the manufacturer's
standard wananty. The Special Conditions of the Bid Solicitation
may supersede the manufacturer's standard warranty.
Estimated quantities or dollars are for Bidder's guidance only. No
guarantee is expressed or implied as to quantities or dollars that
will be used during the contract period. The County is not
obligated to place any order for a given amount subsequent to the
award of this Bid Solicitation. Estimates are based on the County's
actual needs and/or usage during a previous contract period. The
County may use these estimates to detennine the low Bidder.
It is the intent of the County to enter into an agreement with the
successful Bidder that will satisfy its needs as describe herein.
However, the County reserves the right as deemed in its best
interest to perfonn, or cause to be perfonned, the work and
services, or any portion thereof, herein described in any manner it
sees fit, including but not limited 1o: award of other contracts, use
of any contractor, or perform the work with its own employees.
"Local Preference may be accorded to bidders (proposers)
responding to this solicitation who qualify as a local business in
accordance with Section 2-8.5 of the Miami -Dade County Code
and Resolution No. R-514-02."
A. Purchases under the contract to be awarded may be made by
other public, not -for -profit agencies or political
subdivisions within the State of Florida. Such entities
purchases shall be governed by the same terms and
conditions stated herein and subject to a 2% user surcharge
B. Each governmental, . not -for -profit or quasi -governmental
entity that uses this contract shall provide to the DPM a
report of purchases made under this contract on a quarterly
basis as outlined in the attached "Quarterly Agency Report"
Any work that commences prior to and will extend beyond the
expiration date of the current contract period shall, unless
terminated by mutual written agreement between the County and
the successful Bidder, continue until completion at the same prices,
terms and conditions.
A. A recommendation for contract award or rejection of award
may be protested by a Bidder in accordance with the
procedures contained in Sections 2-8.3 and 2-8.4 of the
County Code, as amended, and as established in
Administrative Order No.3-21.
B. To initiate a Bid protest, the protester shall present to the
Clerk of the Board a non-refundable filing fee, payable to
the Clerk of the Board, in accordance with the schedule
provided below:
Award Amount Filing Fee
S25,0004100,000 S500
S 100,001 -$500,000 $ 1,000
S500,001-S5 million S3,000
Over $5 rnillion $5,000
In the event a Bidder wishes to protest any part of the
General Conditions, Special Conditions and/or Technical
Specifications contained in the Bid Solicitation it must file a
notice of protest in writing with the issuing department no
later than 48 hours prior to the Bid opening date and hour
specified in the solicitation. Failure to file a timely notice
of protest will constitute a waiver of proceedings.
C. For award recommendations greater than $100,000 the
following shall apply:
When a letter of intent to award a Bid Solicitation has been
communicated (mail, faxed or emailed) to each competing
Bidder and filed with the Clerk of the Board, a Bidder
wishing to protest said award recommendation shall file a
protest with the clerk of the Board within ten (10) working
days of the date of award recommendation letter. Within
two (2) days of that filing, the protester shall provide the
County Attorney and each Bidder with a copy of each
document that was filed with the protest. Failure to timely
file the written protest shall constitute a waiver of the right
to protest the award recornmendation.
D. For award recommendations from $25,000 to $ 100,000 the
following shall apply:
Each Monday, in the lobby of the Stephen P. Clark Center,
located at 111 N.W. 1" Street, award recommendations are
posted. Participants may also call the Awards Line at 305-
375-4724, or 800-510-4724, or the contact person as
identified on the cover page of the Bid Solicitation. Any
Miami -Dade County Bid No.:7392-3/08-OTR
Bidder wishing to protest such recommendations shall file a
protest with the Clerk of the Board within five (5) working
days of the posting and submit a S500 non-refundable filing
The successful Bidder shall comply with all taws and regulations
applicable to provide the goods and/or services specified in this
Bid Solicitation. The Bidder shall be familiar with all federal, slate
and local laws that may in affect the goods and/or services offered.
Unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions or Technical
Specifications, all containers shall be suitable for shipment and/or
storage and comply with Resolution No. 738-92.
Unless otherwise specified in this Bid Solicitation, the successful
Bidder shall not subcontract any portion of the work without the
prior written consent of the County. The ability to subcontract
may be further limited by the Special Conditions. Subcontracting
without the prior consent of the County may result in termination
of the contract for default. When Subcontracting is allowed the
Bidder shall comply with County Resolution No. 1634-93, Section
10-34 of the County Code and County Ordinance No. 97-35.
The successful Bidder shall not assign, transfer, hypothecate, or
otherwise dispose of this contract, including any rights, tide or
interest therein, or its power to execute such contract to any
person, company or corporation without the prior written consent
of the County.
Unless otherwise specified in the Bid Solicitation,
prices quoted Unless otherwise specified in the Bid
Solicitation, prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Destination. Freight
shall be included in the proposed price.
The employee(s) of the successful Bidder shall be considered to be
at all times its employee(s), and not an employee(s) or agent(s) of
the County or any of its departments. The successful Bidder shall
provide competent and physically employee(s) capable of
performing the work as required. The County may require the
successful Bidder to remove any employee it deerns unacceptable.
All employees of the successful Bidder shall wear proper
The successful Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the
County and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities
from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorney's
fees and costs of defense, which the County or its officers,
employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of
claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any
kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the
performance of the agreement by the successful Bidder or its
employees, agents, servants, partners, principals or subcontractors.
The successful Bidder shall pay all claims and losses in connection
therewith, and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or
actions of any kind or nature in the name of the County, where
applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs,
judgments, and attorney's fees which may be incurred thereon.
The successful Bidder expressly understands and agrees that any
insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise
provided by the successful Bidder shall in no way limit the
responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the
County or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as
herein provided.
- IV -
Where two (2) or more related parties, as defined herein, each
submit a Bid or proposal for any contract, such Bids shall be
presumed to be collusive. The foregoing presumption may be
rebutted by the presentation of evidence as to the extent of
ownership, control and management of such related parties in
preparation and submittal of such Bids. Related parties shall mean
Bidder or the principals thereof which have a direct or indirect
ownership interest in another Bidder for the same contract or in
which a parent company or the principals thereof of one (1) Bidder
have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another Bidder for
the same contract. Furthermore, any prior understanding,
agreement, or connection between two or more corporations, firms,
or persons submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies,
services, or equipment shall also be presumed 10 be collusive.
Bids found to be collusive shall be rejected. Bidders who have
been found to have engaged in collusion may be considered non -
responsible, and may be suspended or debarred, and any contract
resulting from collusive Bidding may be terminated for default.
The contract may be modified by mutual consent, in writing
through the issuance of a modification to the contract, purchase
order, change order or award sheet, as appropriate.
The County, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate
this contract without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice.
Upon receipt of such notice, the successful Bidder shall not incur
any additional costs under this contract. The County shall be liable
only for reasonable costs incurred by the successful Bidder prior to
notice of termination. The County shall be the sole judge of
"reasonable costs."
The County reserves the right to terminate this contract, in part or
in whole, or place the vendor on probation in the event the
successful Bidder fails to perform in accordance with the terms and
conditions stated herein. The County further reserves the right to
suspend or debar the successful Bidder in accordance with the
appropriate County ordinances, resolutions and/or administrative
orders. The vendor wilt be notified by letter of the County's intent
to terminate. In the event of termination for default, the County
may procure the required goods and/or services from any source
and use any method deemed in its best interest. All re -
procurement cost shall be borne by the successful Bidder.
Pursuant to Section 2-8.1.4 of the Miami -Dade County Code, any
individual, corporation or other entity that attempts to meet its
contractual obligations with the County through fraud,
misrepresentation or material misstatement, may be debarred for
up to five (5) years. The County as a further sanction may
terminate or cancel any other contracts with such individual,
corporation or entity. Such individual or entity shall be
responsible for all direct or indirect costs associated with
termination or cancellation, including attorney's fees.
The County reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit
to an audit by Audit and Management Services or other auror of
the County's choosing at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor
shall provide access to all of its records, which relate directly or
indirectly to this Agreement at its place of business during regular
business hours. The Contractor shall retain all records pertaining
to this Agreement and upon request make them available to the
County for three years following expiration of the Agreement. The
Contractor agrees to provide such assistance as may be necessary
to facilitate the review or audit by the County to ensure compliance
with applicable accounting and financial standards.
Miami -Dade County Bid No.:7392-3/08-OTR
Miami -Dade County has established the Office of the Inspector
General, which is authorized and empowered to review past,
present, and proposed County and Public Health Trust programs,
contracts, transactions, accounts, records and programs. The
Inspector General (16) has the power to subpoena witnesses,
administer oaths, require the production of records and monitor
existing projects and programs. The Inspector General may, on a
random basis, perform audits on all County contracts. The cost of
random audits shall be incorporated into the contract price of all
contracts and shall be one quarter (1/4) of one (1) percent of the
contract price, except as otherwise provided in Section 2-
1076(c)(8) of the County Code.
The County may conduct a pre -award inspection of the bidder's
site or hold a pre -award qualification hearing to determine if the
bidder is capable of performing the requirements of this bid
Bidders are hereby notified that all information submitted as part
of, or in support of proposals will be available for public inspection
after opening of proposals in compliance with Chapter 119 of the
Florida Statutes; popularly know as the "Public Record Law."
The bidder shall not submit any infonnation in response to this
invitation, which the bidder considers to be a trade secret,
proprietary or confidential. The submission of any information to
the County in connection with this invitation shall be deemed
conclusively to be a waiver of any trade secret or other protection,
which would otherwise be available to the bidder. In the event that
the bidder submits information to the County in violation of this
restriction, either inadvertently or intentionally, and clearly
identifies that information in the bid as protected or confidential,
the County shall endeavor to redact and return that infonnation to
the bidder as quickly as possible, and if appropriate, evaluate the
balance of the bid. The redaction or return of information pursuant
to this clause may render a bid non -responsive.
Any person or entity that performs or assists Miami -Dade County
with a function or activity involving the use or disclosure of
"individually identifiable health information (IIHI) and/or
Protected Health Information (PHI) shall comply with the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and
the Miami -Dade County Privacy Standards Administrative Order.
HIPAA mandates for privacy, security and electronic transfer
standards, that include but are not limited to:
1. Use of information only for performing services
required by the contract or as required by law;
2. Use of appropriate safeguards to prevent non -
permitted disclosures;
3. Reporting to Miami -Dade County of any non -
permitted use or disclosure;
4. Assurances that any agents and subcontractors agree to
the same restrictions and conditions that apply to the
Bidder/Proposer and reasonable assurances that
IIHI/PHI will be held confidential;
5. Making Protected Health Information (PHI) available
to the customer;
6. Making PHI available to the customer for review and
amendment; and incorporating any amendments
requested by the customer,
7. Making PHI available to Miami -Dade County for an
accounting of disclosures; and
8. Making internal practices, books and records related to
PHI available to Miami -Dade County for compliance