HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter. FECHHEIi1ER BROTHERS Fax: Apr 12 2007 04:13pm P002/002 FECHHEIMER BROTHERS COMPANY ' " 4'545 Witchery Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 Phone: 513-783- ao Fax: •51.3-793-7819 April 11.,. 2007 Ctly.ot rtfahrri 444 S,W. 2AI Ave. Bin Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Gear Mr, 8ryrjes, 1. am. pxegised ta•anr ee th : recent. egg ulsitlon,af Jules Bros,Un1forma, by The Fachheimeri3roo Company., (dbar Ha orison llnifor...al~.Mi . The Fechhalrner Bros Co,, assteblished over "150' years ago, hes pro u.diy posltlon l Reef 'OS me industry leader in. public safety and professional apparel. Our multiple manufacturing facilities, 614" retail stores and our experienced staff enable us. to offer a vast line of gtiality products end superior customer service, in order to pfpwide,Uninterruptand:service to:#oe.0 :e>f Mismiewe:are respecti e1y requesting the a'salonrnent of those: contregts• with, Jules Sroe :co. to 'Harrison. 1.141Orms'ref ,MiemisWith the 'essignMent of them confracta..Marrson:Uniforms agrees to honor'all terms and conaltiOns oaf Oath respective •Contract along with the.ossociated•:priclrig, • ' .1 appi'ebiate your cooperation in formalizing a letter of agreement, authorizing the eesignmora.of each contract to Harrison Uniforms. You•can:sendyour letters of confirmation, to: Michael Schoone . Fechheirner:&o$co. 4541.Malsbary Rd. Cinrinnail; Ohl r45242' If yob rraug, any quest`tOnt, please feel free• tO direct''lhaM tp niy: attention. Iran ea reached at 513-7.708.0224. Thar you for aliouving. Harrison..Unlforrais theopOOkfunity of serVioing your ur4fprm needs, • . Sincerely, eh'"? Micheal Sdhoonet Operations Manager •Feohheimer Brothers Company FtNT! CROSS ex F[<HHBI.MET