HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal Guide by Tamme FloodJrnvdtlAruAac! A. into [:nts ea sun, mbb nr,f ,re Moth: rn+aFrra,s}ispP0f;rrtr,re, A;h f isjn:risii$, r ninfa3rfurst h s>•' hr sas7Jnax /n;cfjiaC.JaI.AFm, fndnnettrx ettajr, jd;S+ elapgxrbtfit oilttlLr • 40,'etc,Frs7 �ytv goog'z 'tar,. mho mho”1/4,-SuJeIF af,hfntyva +s/FJohj Fsfismrl snr,n p"•K,llg Fttrt�fo,7 Gsvass iRt't'eFSrr� ,�rrtru'Cmdr,:C>+trllrodnFrvr Ti.hpOrabtre l xrlan frrrotrlfs:lraesfi? /dara,'pr:4;urtrrl:rnr,ctx+arrj/9� arlJ ffj daAratrtnefllaaa^,rlYnmv+Frr, nstsihxsf Ifrsso: wflrrm;r: Tw :/ nrjsnmm, Adim., salfar/tffi;tlrawstrhiceasv?:rroViih sy Y am,A Jt1rmrtJA (ems, yslt ksre,wn.:,e,e9d ,T eY mF+'/r,rfobv t<yl7nibi /rt bytbmtzt(41 *mireOtt mm;rrvista, er.:srrn. tSAiiiaclitrxa;A+ry mdm:rr. Jd itsfsn*ite SITE #I ALLIGATOR JOE ALLIGATOR FARM I b d r i d 1ics uarc .p tng,far,he, d up, an1 the3 .eek Engl sh ownd ,..he land on rh., srde of o lu F e gl de„ He had coo ar .h ..�urilater repladed with one ow red try Wr!1 Creek Ccwurie, or Florida ar:mvoot sold ua Dade :v. Starr): was :made it hied a s.yren cot a.0 :n sick and appearai Frhe„III on the Baca. roars could be brou»<I idiom l and the p:cucssed a,crrrn,.wt ale-.., mold Eton tourists aonaurg to Min - the wintumne. H r' Eberle, had opened the luxurious Royal Palm -Hotel ac the rnouthor the Miami Riven He also had Golf Links wnatruuo4lust osd, of hate at the site of the present Civic Center complex. Entrepreneurs hkc con Frazee. a.ka igatoroJoe"took, a of die net influx oftouns,s anranion here where the \tie, ade a name for!Muted oirh ch. Fraacc nnuld airernare hi 911 article:n'Flat Nliarni 1{eral r single n4 prrfan, rr n Florida cart a'glea m• ' Spi'iug Gard, tr 011 atuacclon eadtd sro r " Sao Etn,ci le to exh'b S t widen Point pk, I Gadeo 'arde Park youh Spains eloped suod,v 1. aid ei pdbyJl is eho d `K da a1 IC t , h Ord bill f h 'En 975 „ae 6S7 NdXt 7th Aaeer Road. d. tot down, but the ckhomen cmd, O the,heback hot[nap. 11 rands. On the anginal Fla, tare Sp nnp Gardens lord d by he trtiaz SG h b on D 0 t9W h tonic ) / o she - d C,., h Avenue o she east. 'he Cou. ', h ofLI m i000 wash" of toeyd ( Ethc . west to River aad math foot it I c ca t weattoNlV ih 192•1.uIt i asa0,0 • Sprung Garden mrrp 1 k - h>aryl Spring(ring mentioned I, d- ! co th<spt[ng.n For b S at. n rfo h e e; but .et f named after gSpring Street be recognition ,v old uoo for Sr., NW North Rd, Dr. and NW'ti Street Rd people char their at p., thorn ^.e pm. In the t:iang;e reared: 1?odaon's sour. toward .a largeoak 2, Await here .n the ,nddler,f'Viti%2thStrc i.d NW NMI) 1LerC 7 i. t. rg the road 1 . t n .gl a ?. bopp, tree and i.111, 4 -s ad t dos, and clear she road, the 1whiting dor. II, 5,I.1erred c g al the ty to con,fl-tally g- u 2_` B G d \l .v d \1arc,a Mull.I dnt.. hit. r,,,11.d,S or itarc,ap o.;drd a1 . g "ph of the .. h \ Riser DriveVC orh Avenue E h k 1nr St rr<d.h 9l 11 id 1 p.. t'a'mchnrf job hold C . ;7 years F.e as d for , honesty and u,tegr,ry, Frank Stoneman daegh Everglades proponent Marjory Stoneman U l l 1 :den ran i- o d o site rechrnd • r it a.nn from Eur p t h he stood in the rime., Red Cross duringAA'\LP.Inher anrobiography, she wrote of the house... "It s airy and romfartabfe and plearant with the live oaks. From ray corner coma I could look out and see the boatsgomg down the Miami Hirer. Sometimes, l'drev a rnanaree.'d .Marcia Molloy redo son, .=ho g,c�v up across the rtreet from the Stoneman house and lived many oc Spring Garden,recalls healing air "typing her story for the next days Herald deadline." SITE #3 Se"bold butt lira ^fiunspbuek"badge in 7J18mlink thin as'. into do 1,.,' HUMPBACK poii. t, early prospective buyers, aswiling BRIDGE miter m early pins inthe , 0 ,x, one had er subdivisions nthea cross the onehad n opens :m, an the Etonbackthen, Flageacrossthe badges. Creek. ,,aeofrho andthedosese bridge was aeRagae gee 0 holy pictureofahoh hick hk brdyy+edhows h40, accd,t geometrically deigned cops, owner urr<.added after t for 0 years. m Chick ad Saytoday,, homeowner r on apunni g vim for 6horn y rs As i, Rise, ts er t Slav, ebe arcdg ever n d v horn rho Mimi youup today, is racy Set bold Canal, And undin { on the bridge, You see ,dam drnal.ttrwof 94garohJoes Morin All how dose dowetownlliauo is to Spring garden. description oF ' I'kly that it S b d ( l y,recalledhying ' Spring I Bach, who, - d h Gad dchild,"g d g' h . She said an alhg dal, told throttling manatees aced tow h b k and 'Ana,. Ire wen tors co h is 1h really in the country, slid gb lye it d 7 tffiorn the sr in 1915 He had gone to enure/rouse.Ire bad barn, two old retired bakery wagon bones, b d : -od'I . there.{died HMUand Da.'sy,my(anther's huge alligator, and vegetable and uimave pm now ealied Spring flowrr gardens.'" Residel. today,seeing the assonme F Idl f b pariahs gh b pk gl overhead, d d h9 holesinghe rn rockers a . the Cou yClub addition,nay soil feel that theyrem an ar ban namre sanctuary Things Id have been very different here rf the MIT,.• triburmi in 1924had hr.!, adopredby the city.NWitth n w become a 20' wide st thoroughfare pad. tanning over the Miami Itriver. The pcited esoltifion thatd l d he g aI f�Ha ( 5 L Soling tbridge the Soto/. al he hnuary s.haracter,v,othreatened. g(,own nhthe 19Q NW !„Avenue bridge) became bustling busirdo Cirsi ,p G Ap 820 ! b id 11 . id, th b ,Id, ,g name on theFacade). Farther tooth, 9 he 1 9 7. I unted Economy Clear.,(9 8:. SP gG d n C E "d34 H Highland Park Pharmacy V361 Empire Cleat., and Dyets U4 I er Coo, Market poetry store 2116 9 S f F , II dren rtf early residents walked veer hire bridge. k o9h to rite HighlandPaid E School tor marl.. 9.9 Nl,5' ,,1 Resident Kay Carter ,emenbes crowns he Huippbmk l3idge and r "king along Avenue to the IITE #2 ARCHERY RANGE AND EARLY HOUSES k down peemne soot>,northing,d Highland Park rite riinc of( hoc mop., Shp mac-. hen shed SpCardenong 010,. te to al garden in Springtime"gthat fS.',gGarden f the Seetwld Canal nitelf in Mtanaiaso her ot bakery orrarnams dnrenovatad(and is not part of this calking tour) r. He was bet n:n 18112 in Gornto, Washington, and Palm Beach pair in 96. Goin 1911 to 1913, he putt hated the Spring Garden and did several things is subdivision. He widened Wagner t Ir,rk cot Riser north co NNE' 11 da Sueet. anal, and hu Ir his booze on called Setbold Drve. He had curbed and dri daring Gd,Drive, -d 1 opened tha dubhs:sun o 5, 1919. . hones I is Iv where the S., snf guld 1,d tie190 OSITE #4 otd.River DP, la one of ring butes tit Sprig 91arden.SEVEN OAKS Sor ,Dr. LItherF Hod., wk. had or practice 1 I dhouses as as wa1 a natnrac, fondly and in ceitir •a er. lfe built the house over it. Ile had gobrn in there somehow and be toed nice of landbordc..1. Nl9'th schemer Here whc bends 1, in Spin b' by d incorporatad by Strybor Ivory. fl ARC AT cadet 9,s0 not th port, and a .runt mWolkontkv family ha.e rb Greenfield ungsrer, when "Gene was nothing on +be canal.. there ton. no 5oprake boast, like there mr nova "`X hen she and her h'asband ranted ,o toting Garden in 195A, they darned the house "Seven Oaks"for the hva oak pees or Wagner Crec!, k"olluted tn., w np water quality ,o tr k i C the k the action done C 0 d.hardau mchn ge,h,..g Richard,. a,dmn lived o ides H.idu Templer. -h'-5926 he r omplRnedal seccago.;he caul .d ris by which it was ar being eed. Seems the nny had a eiU3cu andlingwwa was, disposal for the large cumberr 21 new houses and butrnmses scalding north., al' Spring Garden, d d b "1 1 , k rid' - ly cars.into sta ,P b Baa,-o-um d on, dray placed a coral ufdi n,ot:a„t over the storm sewer manhole at I lth Street and S,h Strom Road. Rhrch ap0admiy killed :Sand.hose away the al:rga:or, at the ring basin or the canal 1 hu outraged R:chardsom oho stated in a Heald agicle tint"if Ihad do e abythht; like this the r,ry wouldpatone oa,l bun l can't put the ccityJ,bthoughMMe but<law agarns,n t p dthefederal haw against killiug offish by narbug after.. witb the r hare been viol, 2 The oty and NW North nded by r rthW . b man, to hph Stating buildGordan .. s A2onghe caul ate sec teal toronui, ridistinctive, looking, that ware built dung the second "buildiogboom"va Opting Garden after 9169,W11. Snme are b,,dt with ,reel frames because or the.hooag of budding materials Some of the reside,. feed deices co the maaaees that a.•cteen ocuuanal'y in the canal, SITE #511e ,wem.xodn7,fta'nsyd\hG c EARLY Road was built n 17 h For Cc1 aa. SPRING 'Fayloh Jr.Accod g long 'i. F GARDEN Ba„ the F. wastuil, for la,{orsde agh,at HOUSES Rudd who had t Ire 7 . Taylor sr. ain at -eroding ti AND THE engineer ousts vas originally one Ronq but she:. Bain,.e PUEBLO I926 hurricane blew the roof off, a second .cep, VILLAGE was added. On 9th Avenue you will see se, oral houses char were built. Rhea the Spring Garden Rib -division First started, including social ofthe Pueblo redical nyit built around 1921These hoes,:,, each with a nryue character, Eon 'Turbid Village", nth e. ch hating d,.,u guishing Eeanuev Notable feature f there sniearrthe utopia, 'aced sinew with recessed windows, Slat roofs, rounded corners Touts swyspers)which an he scan -lira lie vrotnui Tfrom ,I TT. Her e >y of live oaks Baty, gran d cloudless sulfur Wtre R i' isccky L.o has caralogued h 'wrier at h t thed scan near the RR, during the I lived hero Mc br tan be d d d :ran threel categoRati mcapod tropical birds, Everglade, birds. i hack -too) birds. ,Inumg Ire commonbl l l mots and dcanal. seagulls, pigeons,k 1 tite Irish green,. in Spring Garden I birds Ip, oe maally wen in1„Everglade), including ' al tpecies ofl Great hit, Great White, and Green tgied, ibis, wpm, and young bald eaglet.Add ks of turquoiseand green (• descandant, olcagol pc be ill and) holing- t ri and pcprod. hallowed,hallowed,our poll, O fd S Garden I d on d under along h . r bank. Cralas in Weir ubiqdrout holes can be seen along the roadsides1 d neennim p ill l red fox and escapedllg. l -1i. Becky FF d barracuda wir,ning the. war, . quite an acropmant uf.c lei .re -o aro, to Jackson Haired and rho Orange Bona. SITE 46 SvS 91 d',vY . d ll e h I CI . zl A TENNISPRO 101l0 F. built ; t � b \7 AND 'toy s {ti'e1 f is 1 A MACHINIST UC mtor to a vC morn t spit nth, -. d Miami Lumber Company pinch had a mill'. i d ripovidcdt,,l. tor cedara( f Mearlyh Thit1 1wilt ris 1919 of Dade Conn. pinc cuoirtd witht' At that t brick h Miatnt Room, son (Carinar Mull amembe, that .het ricks ree made the construct tire, and it sdin..• dee icon the Eta:glades pds used to make the cennns <n.,re. He ren,eS6er) when he eraRed playing tennis on that tour "Dad used to bare hft buddies roma every 5u,,.1 y», and when onenfdmn got rirrdor dednnvhow or hid make me play. I war eight or nine years old, sus they didn't like it GA -awe [wasn't too good But when I has eleven lust better than they we and l didn't ph th,na y, G d e ridplating pta,edprofc n soap, and coon unbind , ha iti5s rat 3 the ord. parson marm the doubles chant marl p] ass highlight to a tong illuttrimo career. Mt known haute Ha the aPta belonged to George Fre. ,nachrnitt Rhod toA1. from Pholadelphia anprodnnarely 1906. He I. ochrsfory haute at the im ncr. to the Molloy )91 NW Noph Ries,U' rate donolitherhd"ghschen 9a had his nearby. Goring the Depreasida ly Iihts l " dhsrumes on the site Pere eupol odemors . o may have usedte,nai, house as a bordello. the Frees Family is alto rcp,eserte'i by two ocher houses in Suring Garden . the sro-story orison I2e.aval house ac 678NW N Rarer Drive and a I ,eblo .cute house at 84$ NW 9th Cr r vg iiv one room,tnrheo bother us. I didn't GareACi,. and now, n ea with the1C,r9 het our th it's pat naturally tool I drink the with d the water, andhe just rid d ,a SorI C,.. t. Club Add.uon. ook WALKING along NW 9th Cot, Opt 9TH COURT lc was a divided nnct contractor, and built wverial homes i and 1950). Aunts the at 947 2, F.galew pyle house bolt by Frank A. 11 relative of (Range Freas named Haan Brand!, pho 6 another Puch10 soled house bat for Mpg:net FRE fife I he (P.R. ran the lip -Fry Gacfry ;rote. .11.11 plorPared clinging the oak tr, ciwr ,ti.I Rands in :he fro, yard dur rtihr the 1926 hors., He visited 2. houte recently, and described its prat., pc nen I he area 2 In re 22 hont do, is itch, located didn't mot, to, Ird the garage right. 1 he now :he windmw was rho /row door. managing editor of the Miami of Masonry Vernaccrlar architect,. terth its Thick. poured co nant walls and hip niof l'he house aunts the street at 101, was originally hcceral of die r.al palm 1,(....nt gm -aced Spthng Gorden Dr. in .19 can wit be wen htioc on NW thit Coo. ,9nd at the TTITICTTOIT an ,n,..1CipIllar on Qin tide of it and a black, the nth, ode, It is nor known the otiginal design rtS the porance, but a him,. taken 'cord on the other tide of the stsser. and the broken ortiod them hat might have been alit in Spring Garden if ihns Far ring Garden &spitted, it s clear May turns it uor " be the a,ea in whirl, Ihey gaffed building in re, then the Deprerrion really hit Deprerriou, rhir would hare, be SITE #8 THE nat. red b TEMPLE opna tx Nit Shp, En rttively titled "Fite Lucky 11th S.., nI)Ra a Hind, temple sat was built. On the day of mtlorihers to park on the canal c mit, along NW 7,h Soca, Rd. and 'he ground, be would be pleased to bare you driver/n..0 the s of Spring Garden and rim the building eft", nt on the Lagoon and Miami River.. Iheopening Arbrial rertion will take plate in the near and the Ing a, If dab, hada to have a permanent the I lindu Ripple sm. and is noted for his oxnership o having the tirtr "air prnditionad' tip shoed around ice ,to,-,d tri the baxinent o hear rip W. dse audience). Hough made in an eel, 91e o like the Rage sm. tins hot. has always been :a ned to tie. Menwers of the Richardson and Bowing, lanailim de until 1089, ording . Sooner none,' Gyp, Boning, there smacit t as much r air conditionmg the well -dapped Hindu hmple. • living in it: "i liked the hl I 'ling, We rely bad was cool marsh. ed to bast lharni, eal ',ado rind yea TE EARLY COUNTRY CLUB ADDITION HOUSES Rot, pdlan tr. hich mar Addhion. idly alai Italian Renaissance thyle house timtlar co dm Both homer, woe buil, awhe tan, trine, probably having been built as a pc:Pitons, As it Purled our, this- house was not occupied turd after the Dep,,,n. btrng owned the interim hy the deoctaper and by 1,aliors. !hare. three houses on this block that aye arc:Rect.. We'll concentrate harm at 980 NW lOth Atenrue, on this a nicely restored home built her 1.crn ownpri by Inn EON), It shat bait for Pe Medicine. He lacer mused south arid ruh2rhe L. Pearson, Ir., who was an nbcrati•dian and @rod vcial ycws. l'calson was resident of the SITE #10 GOLF LINKS, andattendin PUMPING Center comp c STATION 336, Ihert had AND rhe oar, 1900s COURT HOUSES his Royal halm flood. At that tu Creak ran through it trhe creek is n .ks you tee on an aerial photograph of the neighbo rakan the earlv 1930d NW 12th Avant, ended at NW II St e of the. Golf Links on thk Miami Riven 'The Country Club was ..e of sos gad, rings wall into the It)40s. The gulf course rfiTnifled for a woe opt atier NW 2thAventra anc through it in the 1,00 to Fining Garden co bind ant, buYbe The land just north has long been a she could be found. (Penniman Sprtn or Wagner's Spn was located near neu NW well was dug tehich became th Ration, which pro, idoci fresh Miami Water awl Sower Derpartri On NW IV Coutt, you see a rd Addition pillar lialSway rinthn Cub Addition. rho Mimi. Rm.] hor for Clifford J. Dills, who is ihred as but it is potsible that Drift bought the house hurricane. It remained vacant for seseral y and has since had many owners, esting things it. Mott noriceable is an or thin of Nfiami the. tight dating back to 1924. Near trar crops you can cac Florida (the dark grit, tenni-circular rnound of Sem-like foliage) ;hat wart gruand into tta.h by the early clumps of tategrap blumgrecn amigo) that gems, wild all through this arca In the cW11, ACC to tbs.: plaand at each Country Club Addition lot. rt.- of the. MOFFETT'S Travelodge tics at NW 1 It h. die early 1910s. During the budding boom of the 1920s, he to and sold the cuffico at Moffat. affection, at 1144 NW Ilth He lived near his business in a house that pre -dated Countly Club ad say "robe baby o e house in those dap. ou Moilica's wife a high tb alkin! down the grey, lk, brbghbore fame nut SITE #12, As PS.art'aa'aa P;e'19'50s. reaade;ts Paarnarai a aehihboehoud g Ca-da a has a huau huhu, of chaic havolvetpuut GAEENFIEL° hnpaueaunent yroup far auayal -pad inymahaaraapyisuu GARDEN.: ahe !aat dccadc, ahe Spruag Garden ( H.aic akaaudation ha, AND 'nalluenced Pac lopatiou munichpal Facilipus auek pa a paae PRESENT AND fora:oak hoanaal, ki.hai of the propoaed Mcaraaanal, aughanal FlulT,„URE„'P,,„RIN6 :ads, and IpOpaise duaidopmena. Sp, hag Garden, Chautioa/ haelf lc all, cent, pia from}, ruinded poPlical lavon maaae thau uvu unalhou people. has aheava had ao hake qaalaut aud ,imaappes apadunt aahon . naamtpu ith hua Pay ha :he Miami me,aapoEs. luajor nuicatone saas cei PPP aahen the neighborhaaapi became Niaaup eau:Impala, au be deahaanaaad hiaeo-P- Uptnet - aPer Naunahagahau. Bayaule and Bucua Elsa The hiporie &alp, uon coma hied h ith a gaapa hag, recogruPon of :by unpot tame al I la= Papp Raver apyi :he naughlaapPueds around It. 'Thar aacar Pgialatears patablashed a Miami kap, aToUPpLaaien to goide ahe Lure a7,4ur aupuna: feat:hal - R;verday - TIC," held aneaaily. atuj ,hyuca a g :Pt:Yemen,. tay the Niaaana River ,Caanamiaahan and the nalioual conataavalion organpalion I he Pras, lor Public Land to inerease puaalie appee, au the MiaLep kaai, I he Spahag <Papa, a Chee Aaeociation uphie air, attp paareuac pub!, acecas 1,L Rayur aahau the coruervancy opuned. Creenfleid Garatura, resanha park baaah over a auunty ease:Puna anal !cased to the aassoulaapan for a &Oar a year RCSIdell, Oanaed royal palms, nau, aulnapP17 ,aae. aahl a gull -dap -limbo and °pun. afau a a hard< n abe uubliu in 1 Ma anal :hulled it Par 7', g 447 Ehippaaily ,ecualeid Garden *al he hacurporated ill!, a Ntianai :¢Mb, Lp_ien ,IArna;d M. Greenfield. Careeni-aay continuo.. landscapaid bicycle and pedusaraan trait dam wall aunnea eaew and cx,hagpaaks, papa, Paa ta6aia, hasaoncal aatua, and baaahatuata - alung ahe :Pules Peryna the mouth of the iver at the Nitianai Chick ail the way au Nhapp Ipayinaaiohal Apia, rhu laaYer Canananakan anal the rod for Puhhu Lanai aeu -reatheaphy,a tha pauaeac. huautauld ahaealaya. haukirag upPuiur hat NW Aapupe 13tidge, you wail ate in. the eaaaboand 44, ',der nuav Aucuue bthau, .aayaual au be eue,u;uaa, ua .2.00I. the ne, will allay,' 1Ca, to Sppyg Garde, faahn the avast. ppuer ahp hridse and alorg na, upaenway au tauptaPleki Garden. Fayip harea,wnalead Gaahen. paau inahud Paak aloug ylayuayi auanc ur the Suakag Gataitu avhhah folk, a rebuilt NW Nor, River Dna, wuh a narrower atreet a:ad wider new shiusualka, aiad pudeaphan - Pahal kghting aal the u ay baek au uhr y.iiyhaa, ,uppaa at ahu Vhsaaor jous aat,, *hag da.a lhayur Ppak, he Pop, Park s auw,at iakhha uaak en the k Pau, Rauch h pyruhasud aauh ataap and county run, ha :he Faust :Pr Publac Land, adad urtsanted alau Pa, .11 I'M WO,R,J ft",!I for mu Years a° faahaiaate hha uphui.ha Pp7hp: isy, ( -Jan ai,darats .1.1d the EU, fur Pahuha I pad y ',hug ahnda pa hely hip hay .12,2 ,7 h2 uark. r;1741, ay epaadalangua, re, rOrse'd 12;i, eumebeipkyaaaaa the ncr2 RIve, eUernuay :bat wrZi s211,,,ugh Yparug laPaaden. c.,4._evena I - ALLIGATOR JOE'S ALLIGATOR FARM 2 - ARCHERY RANGE AND EARLY HOUSES • HUMPBACK BRIDGE 4 • 'EVEN OAKI 2 • EARLY /PRING GARDEN HOUSES AND THE PUEBLO VILLAGE 6 - A TENNIS PRO AND A MACHINIIT 7 • WALKING ALONG 9TH COURT 8 • THE HINDU TEMPLE 9 - EARLY COUNTRY CLUB ADDITION HOUSES 10 • GOLF LINKI: PUMPING ITATION AND NW 10TH COURT HOUSES II - MOFFETT'S COFFEE HOUIE 12 • GREENFIELD GARDEN • AND THE PREIENT AND FUTURE SPRING GARDEN Iwo 11W 9i4 72ea 7/777 Caro 4 771177' tA P20 8:1a, 901 11177121..14 71 33-1 /1177' WA rd. j a Cite I to_S) C 77 7,2 MC 7z4 _ 1.7, C,11,